web design-ninja

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Real world techniques to build websites

PamiCloud Pami Pharaonic

Produced By : ElectroTeam

Senior Developer

Eng. Mohamed Saad

Managing Director

Mrs. Alaa El Garhy

9 July 2015

Static Web Design


1. HTML 5. Add web page elements

2. JavaScript (JQuery).

Add interactivity

3. CSS 3. Add style & animation

Tree Of Elements

HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used

for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web.


HTML 5 Contents

1. Basic Concepts. What Makes A Quality Website?

Website Design and Development Process.

2. HTML Coding.

Introduction to HTML coding.

How to create basic Web pages?

Web page elements: Lists, Links &Tables...etc.

W3C Validation validator.w3.org

3. Media.

4. APIs.

5. Graphics.

6. Forms.

HTML 5 Sessions

SE Subject Duration in Hours

1 Basic Concepts & HTML Coding 2

2 Media, API, Graphics & Forms 2

3 Validation Student Project & Final Exam 2

Total 6 Hours

Dynamic programming language

It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations

allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser,

communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is

displayed. JavaScript is also considered an "assembly language of the web"


JavaScript Contents

1. JavaScript syntax. • Statements.

• Variables.

• Operators.

• Numbers.

• Strings.

• Math.

• Date.

• Arrays.

2. Conditional Statements.

3. Loops.

4. Type Conversion.

5. Functions.

6. DOM.





7. JavaScript libraries.

8. Security.

9. Jquery.


jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to

simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery is the

most popular JavaScript library in use today.


1- DOM Elements -open source selector.

2- Events.

3- Effects and animations.

JavaScript Sessions

SE Subject Duration in Hours

1 JavaScript Syntax 1

2 Conditional Statements 0.5

3 Loops & Type Conversion 1

4 Functions 0.5

5 DOM 1

6 JavaScript libraries & Security 1

7 Student Project & Final Exam 1

8 JQuery 2

Total 8 Hours

Form Validation Project.

Clickable Tab Interface Project .

Google Maps API Project

Implementation Video

Cascading Style Sheets

Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology

used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user

interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many

mobile applications.


CSS Contents

1. Cascading Style Sheets, how to style Web pages?

2. External and internal style sheets.

3. Styling Web pages elements.

4. Inheritance and what the cascade is?

5. The use of selectors when styling Web pages

6. Responsive CSS with SASS .

7. UI Design Mockups

CSS Sessions

SE Subject Duration in Hours

1 External and internal style sheets 1

2 Styling Web pages elements. 1

3 Layout1 1

4 Layout2 1

5 layout3 1

6 Modify website templates 2

7 Responsive Web Design 2

8 UI Design Mockups 2

Total 11 Hours


1. Responsive Menu.

2. Responsive Mega Menu

3. Advanced Typographic.

4. Formatting Visual Data (FLV)

5. CSS Gradients.

6. Scroll-Based CSS Animations.

7. HTML5 Interactive Contents.


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