we real cool

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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We Real Cool. By Gwendolyn Brooks. Background on the poet. Gwendolyn Brooks is a black American poet. Born in Kansas on 7 June 1917 and educated in Chicago, United States of America. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


WE REAL COOLBy Gwendolyn Brooks

BACKGROUND ON THE POET Gwendolyn Brooks is a black American

poet. Born in Kansas on 7 June 1917 and

educated in Chicago, United States of America.

Published first volume of verse in 1945, called A Street in Bronzeville which focuses on the Black urban poor.

Many of Brooks' works display a political element, especially from the 1960s and later, many reflects the civil rights activism of that period.

Died 3 December 2000.

WE REAL COOLThe Pool Players.Seven at the Golden Shovel.

We real cool. WeLeft school. We Lurk late. WeStrike straight. We Sing sin. WeThin gin. We Jazz June. WeDie soon.

STRUCTURE Subtitle and four couplets. Internal rhyme - words sink in, emphasis

on words in middle (also alliteration). Pause after each rhyme word (full-stop). Each word only one syllable. Enjambment – uncontrollable

recklessness of boys. Repetition of “We” at end of every line

except last = “We”, reinforces idea that they have no sense of themselves (no individuality)

SUBTITLE“The Pool Players.

Seven at the Golden Shovel.”

Golden Shovel is a pool hall in the South Side of Chicago late 1950’s

Irony – name of hall contrasts with aimless lives of boys *OXYMORON*

Seven: seven boys, lucky number (Seventh day of Rest after Creation – boys do not complete work)

Golden: symbolizes summer and youth HOWEVER, Shovel: relates to death

STANZA 1“We real cool. WeLeft school. We” We real cool – think it’s

cool to not care about their lives, happy-go-lucky lifestyle.

Left school – not attend or dropped out, don’t care about education.

STANZA 2“Lurk late. WeStrike straight. We” Lurk late – boys stay out late on the

streets and probably commit petty crimes.

Strike straight – habit of getting into fights.

STANZA 3“Sing sin. WeThin gin. We” Sing sin – wild life, actions

not associated with the norm or they curse a lot.

Thin gin – drink, abuse alcohol.

STANZA 4“Jazz June. WeDie soon.” June – month represents polite society

and authority figures. Jazz – boys rebel against June. THUS they rather listen to music, they

mock rules. Die soon – because of their reckless

lifestyle they will possibly die.

DICTION Diction is the words used by the poet. Reads like lyrics of a jazz tune, relaxed

atmosphere. Black lingo of 50’s used, breaks rules of

proper English (SLANG).

TONE NOT harsh and judgemental. Curious of boys’ thoughts. Thoughtful and sympathetic.

POET’S INTENT Why did the poet write this poem? The poet tries to imagine what boys

think of their own lives. Sympathizes and relates to them.

Youth is exposed to such lifestyles and choices

POET’S MESSAGE The poem explores

troubled teenagers. By continuing a

reckless and rebellious lifestyle you will eventually suffer the consequences.

If you look for trouble you will find it.

THEME Society excludes certain people -

Alienation Death

Group identity - there is a bond between these boys.

They want to be noticed, but also want to seem as if they don’t care – they are


CLASS/HOMEWORK ACTIVITYAfter you have pasted in the poem, turn

to thenext blank page. Draw a graphic depiction (pictures) of the activitiesthe players take part in.

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