we pray that god be with each and every one of you as we … · 2013. 8. 6. · her little sister....

Post on 24-Jul-2021






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Ju and I had the opportunity to participate in a couple’s meeting in Novo

Hamburgo. We are so happy to see that this ministry is growing in this

congregation. They had twelve couples that attended and three of the couples

are for the first time having contact with the church and they are already

studying the Word of God. Maikon and Tati have been doing a great job with this

work in Novo Hamburgo. Maikon will be giving the message in our next couple’s

meeting at the end of this month as well. We stayed after the meeting Saturday,

and Sunday God gave me the opportunity to preach. Daniel and Luzia also

attended Sunday morning and he taught the Bible class. It is great to see that

the church is growing in Novo Hamburgo and this is all to the glory of God. Our

loving brother, Leonel Silva from Campo Grande, was with us also this past month

and he gave a three day seminar in Novo Hamburgo with the subject being

evangelism. We enjoyed the opportunity to visit with this dear brother and it is

great to know of the work the Lord has given him in Campo Grande. Continue

praying for him and his family in the work. We took the opportunity as well for

him to preach in Agronomia and teach class on Tuesday night.

Sunday Morning Worship

Couple’s Meeting

Leonel (Evangelism class)

Daniel (Bible class)

Maikon & Tati

We pray that God be with each and every one of you as we continue to strive to the goal which is Christ heavenward. We want to share this great hope with others and we thank you for the partnership to bring this hope through the gospel as we work here in the Southern part of Brazil. We thank you for your prayers, love, and support and pray that the Lord is honored in all. God is opening doors and the Word of God is being preached. May we all continue to grow in Christ and be imitators of Him as obedient children. Here is our report to inform you what the Lord is doing through your love, prayers, and support for the spreading of the gospel here. God bless and Keep fired up in the Lord!

God blessed us with the opportunity to participate in a conference in the state

of Parana in Curitiba, Brazil. I was invited by the congregation in Cajuru to be one

of the speakers. The theme of the conference was about family and how we can

grow in holiness. The theme I was given was “Attitudes to save a family”. We

were received very well with very much hospitality by the brethren. God also

opened the opportunity for me to preach Sunday morning at the congregation. We

also got to see some snow on the way to Curitiba for the conference. We drove to

Curitiba, which is about a nine hour drive from here, which gave us the opportunity

to see snowcapped mountains in Brazil. There are three states considered to be

the South of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana). They would

like to see this conference continue to grow in these Southern states. Continue

praying that the Lord gives opportunity for fellowship with other brothers and

sisters in Christ. The conference was very encouraging to all who attended and

pray that God will continue to bless these efforts. We stayed at the house of

Vanderson and he is very excited and encouraged about the work in Cajuru and

interested to know about couple’s meetings as well. He will be travelling here at

the end of this month to participate in our monthly meeting. We enjoyed the

conference, encouragement, and the opportunity to see the city of Curitiba with

the brethren.



God blessed us to travel as a family since it was the girl’s winter break from

school. It was great to participate together. Glory be to God!

The church in Agronomia was also very happy to have Andressa with us from

Natal. Her parents, Roberto and Marisa, are missionaries in the city of Natal.

Andressa grew up here and Juaneylla had invited her to teach at the women’s

meeting on health. Andressa graduated in this area and did a great job of

bringing the lesson. We are thankful that she always willing to server when she is

here. She has helped in translating in the past when Daingerfield is here. She is

also engaged to Raphael from Natal who made his first visit to the South and for

the first time in his life was able to experience cold weather. The church here

received him well and showed much hospitality. Ju and I had them over to eat

with us as well and enjoyed seeing them again. We had seen them in January when

we visited Natal. The church here also hosted a surprise wedding shower for


We are also thankful that the Lord is opening doors for new studies and with

many visitors at our church services. We have about twenty that are visiting

regularly and praying that they will obey the gospel. We have studies with most

of them, and with the most recent visitors marking to start new studies. The

church in Agronomia is reaching out more now as a congregation and so we are also

involved in preparing the brothers to give studies as well and grow in evangelism.

We are using the time after worship as well to get to know those who are visiting.

Sometimes we stay another hour our hour and half talking and enjoying fellowship.

Since arriving back from Curitiba, we have had the opportunity to meet the

Let’s Start Talking team that is here in Porto Alegre at the Lucas congregation.

They are Linda and Mary Lynn from West Memphis, Arkansas. They are doing a

great job and are very enthusiastic in meeting with the readers using the Bible to

teach English through the gospel of John. Delmar invited me to preach in English

and he would translate on Sunday. It went great and also the week before he

preached in Portuguese and Maikon from Novo Hamburgo translated. It has been

a blessing to have them. Continue praying for them and the work they are doing

and that the follow up with the contacts will continue. There are some from

Viamao studying that Lord willing I will have thel opportunity to study with soon.

We enjoyed showing them some of Porto Alegre as well.

Teresopolis continues to meet with Lucas until they are able to find another

locale. Continue praying for them that the Lord will open the door for them to

meet that will be in the Southern part of Porto Alegre, Lord willing. Please be

praying for our upcoming Couple’s retreat in November that the Lord will bless

this moment.

We are so happy that we had the opportunity also this month to celebrate

Barbara’s birthday. She will turn ten on the 21st of August. We used the time of

the winter break to take her to a theme park that is on the way to Curitiba. The

Lord blessed us and allowes us as well to see our brother in Christ, missionary

Alvara Melo and family in Florianapolis. Ju also taught a women’s class for the

congregation in Florianapolis at their monthly women’s meeting. The women had

invited her some time back to teach and she did a great job with the women. God

ble glorified! We are thankful that Barbara enjoyed her time at the park and

that we all had the opportunity to do it as a family together. Be praying for us as

well as we are looking to buy our tickets for furlough. We have been getting

quotes and Lord willing soon we will have the tickets purchased. We would like to

leave you with some pictures with our family time together with Barbara as we

celebrate the wonderful blessing she is in our life. Big sister Deborah is loving to


We want to thank you all for your prayers for our family. We pray that we

continue growing in our love for one another every day. We are thankful for the

partnership we have in the gospel and may the Lord be glorified in all that is being

done. (Epheshians 2:10, Colossians 3:16-17) Thank you for your love, prayers, and

support in so many ways. Lord willing, we will have the opportunity to see each

other at the end of the year. God bless your day!

Keep fired up in the Lord,

Your missionaries,

Mark, Juaneylla,

Deborah & Barbara White

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