we don't hate web

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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We don’t hate the Web

Amar Nagaram


W h a t i s t h i s t a l k N O T a b o u t ?

Why would any one hate web?

Why would any one hate web?

Low entry barrier

Why would any one hate web?

Rapid Experimentation

Welove app development


“Moving to app slowed us down”

- facebook

Device Fragmentation

Device Fragmentation

Apps are disconnected

Traditional Discovery means

New means of discovery

App is your Brand

App is your Brand

Mobile brought a behavioral change

But web on the other hand…!

Its not just web, it’s the browser too..!

Browser compatibility

Touch Compatibility Orientation Compatibility

Ref: quirksmode.org

• Asynchronous Rendering

• Local cache Policies

• Access to native elements

• Client Optimizations

What would a browser need then?

Native and web dont access native components the same way..!

W h a t d i d F l i p k a r t d o t o a d d r e s s t h e s e ?

• Linchpin: Single page web app

• Richer and faster experience

• Support for Non-JS browsers

• SEO compatibility

• PhrontendJS : Client heavy web app to bridge the gap between web and native experience.

Web is always a catch-up game

“Accessibility should not be confused to experience.”

“Design is not about how it looks,

it is about how it


“Customer experience trumps!”

The Road Ahead

Bringing best of the two worlds together

Experience + Agility

(scripting native)


Thank you !!

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