wcei membership brochure r090

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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inspiring women leaders


WCEI Membership

Women Chiefs of Enterprises International (WCEI) provides anenvironment for women to grow and develop in their business andprofessions. WCEI directly encourages women to support each other andaims to enhance the recognition of the professional achievements ofwomen.

Founded in Australia in 1985 as a non-profit organisation for womenentrepreneurs and business owners, WCEI is affiliated with the internationalnetwork known as Les Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales (FCEM). WCEI isalso affiliated with or holds membership in a number of international organisationswhich share similar goals to WCEI.

WCEI is committed to supporting sustainablebusiness and social development among womenin Australia. WCEI encourages every member torecognise her responsibility to create change fora better future.

Meeting on a regular basis to providesupport, establish business and personalcontacts and address common concerns.

Promoting the active exchange and sharingof experience between business owners andleaders and leading by positive example.

Taking leadership roles in business,government and the community.Participating in activities which enhancestrategic and practical management skills.

Taking leadership roles on issues relating towomen in business in local, national andinternational forums.

Inspiring women leaders



WCEI Encourages the development ofentrepreneurial skills and attributes through:

Runs her own business, or is a seniorexecutive in a corporate, government or notfor profit organisation;

ls professionally qualified and belongs to anumber of professional organisations;

ls a Director on a number of Boards;

Has contributed to policy-making by beingappointed to government taskforces andworking parties;

ls involved in her community through leadingor contributing to volunteer not for profits andcharitable organisations;

Has been recognised for the breadth anddepth of her talent, expertise and communityinvolvement through government or non-governmental awards and other forms ofrecognition

women understand that no-one succeeds alone


Economic Security 4 Women; one of sixNational Women's Alliances funded by thefederal Office for Women. EconomicSecurity 4 Women engages with Australianwomen to identify the issues they face andestablish those of primary importance inorder to contribute to national policy reform.

International Affiliations

WCEI’s international affiliations, partnerships andmembers alliances include:

Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales(FCEM)

National Association of Women BusinessOwners (NAWBO)

The International Alliance for Women(TIAW)

UN Women

United Succes

Network of Entrepreneurial WomenWorldwide (NEWWW)

; a pioneering association reunitingwomen chief executives internationally,founded in France in 1945, and now covering70 countries across five continents.

; the USA's pre-eminentwomen business owners' network, with over7000 members and 70 chapters across thecountry.

; which serves as the global umbrellaorganisation that unites, supports andpromotes professional women and theirnetworks to work together, share resourcesand leverage ideas. TIAW members includeboth individuals and associationsrepresenting more than 35,000 membersworldwide.

; the UN organisation dedicatedto gender equality and the empowerment ofwomen.

; Founded in South Africa,United Succes supports WomenEntrepreneurs, focusing on the networkingaspect of creating potential businessrelationships

; encompassesassociations of women entrepreneurs in fivecontinents. Pushes to open dialogue,exchange experiences and to sharesuccesses and difficulties.

National Affiliations

create, innovate, support and be supported

Member Benefits

Providing opportunities for meeting on aregular basis to establish business andpersonal contacts.

Encouraging its members to accept andapply for leadership roles in business,government and the community, thusproviding leadership on issues relating towomen in business at local, national andinternational levels.

Promoting the exchange of experience withother business owners and leadersparticularly in providing discounted accessto and delivering conferences, forums andevents.

Promoting members' participation inactivities which enhance strategic andpractical management skills.

Engaging with senior governmentpersonnel and politicians in order to informand garner support with regard to womenin business.

Inspiring women leaders5

What’s expected from you?

How can you join?

Membership is by invitation only – why not attendone of our events as a guest? For moreinformation about membership criteria, events inyour city, or our activities, please go towww.wcei.com.au

Attendance at and participation in relevantevents, activities and programs.

Give time, talent and enthusiasm to theorganisation.

Accept leadership roles if able/Identify and suggest prospective newmembers.

6associate with like minded women

Contact Us:

Women Chiefs of Enterprise InternationalPO Box 75Greenmount QLD 43

Email: donna@wcei.com.auTelephone: 0402 274 711Web: www.wcei.com.au

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