was henry vii a gangster?

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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 Starter: These pictures all show things to do with ‘gangsters’ (some real, some not). What do you think gangsters… …do to their enemies? …do for fun? …wear? …do to make money? …do to show they are part of a gang? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Starter: These pictures all show things to do with ‘gangsters’ (some real, some not). What do you think gangsters…1)…do to their enemies?2)…do for fun?3)…wear?4)…do to make money?5)…do to show they are part of a gang?

Extension: Which of these do you think is most important for a gangster’s status? (how important they seem)

Was Henry VII a Was Henry VII a gangster?gangster?

TBAT explain how H7 solved TBAT explain how H7 solved his problems and judge his problems and judge

whether he was a ‘gangster’whether he was a ‘gangster’

Learning objectives

Key words: gangster

Your taskYour task

Read p.12-13. What events in Henry Read p.12-13. What events in Henry VII’s life suggest he was a gangster?VII’s life suggest he was a gangster?

Study Sources C & D – why must Study Sources C & D – why must we be suspicious about using we be suspicious about using information like this?information like this?

Henry’s tomb at

Westminster Abbey

How much of a gangster was Henry VII?Task•Draw a line in the middle of a new page of your book like the one below and label it•Look at the information and sources on pages 12-13 of the textbook. For each piece of information/source, draw a point on the line according to how much of a gangster you think it makes him•Write above and below your line so that you have enough room. Write 20 words or less for each piece of information/source

0% gangster

100% gangster

Extension:•Why might we need to be careful with the information in the sources?

He married Elizabeth of

York to settle the argument between the

Houses of York and Lancaster

Your taskYour task

Watch the clip from Horrible Histories. What are the qualities of a good rap? How could we design a rap for Henry VII?

Your taskYour task

Create a gangster rap for Henry VII. Create a gangster rap for Henry VII. It must include:It must include:

References to at least 3 events in References to at least 3 events in Henry’s lifeHenry’s life

3 dates3 dates 3 adjectives to describe his character3 adjectives to describe his character Come up with some moves – as cool Come up with some moves – as cool

as Mr Higgins’ to go with your lyricsas Mr Higgins’ to go with your lyrics


Create a gangster rap for Henry VII. Create a gangster rap for Henry VII. It must include:It must include:

References to at least 3 events in References to at least 3 events in Henry’s lifeHenry’s life

3 dates3 dates 3 adjectives to describe his 3 adjectives to describe his

charactercharacter Record your rap for 5 fruitions!Record your rap for 5 fruitions!

Was Henry VII a Was Henry VII a gangster?gangster?

TBAT explain how H7 solved TBAT explain how H7 solved his problems and judge his problems and judge

whether he was a ‘gangster’whether he was a ‘gangster’

Learning objectives

Key words: gangster

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