warm up 11/20/14 write out the amendment with the explanation next to it a. 13 th amendment b. 14 th...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Warm up 11/20/14 Write out the amendment with the explanation next to it

A. 13th AmendmentB. 14th AmendmentC.15th Amendment

Gave women the right to voteGave freedmen the right to voteAbolished slaveryEnded segregation in the SouthGuarantees equal protection under the law for all people.

African American Family Reunification: Frederick

Douglass’s children were all born in freedom, but he lost a brother to

slavery, Perry Downs (not pictured). The two were reunited in

1867 after forty years. Below: wife Anna Murray Douglass and

Frederick Douglass


Write this on the top of your notes

End of the Civil War

• April 9, 1865- Confederates surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse

• April 14, 1865- Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

• Andrew Johnson (Lincoln’s VP) became president

2 different plans for Reconstruction

• President Johnson and Lincoln wanted:– bring the Union back together quickly – Easy on the white southern leaders

• Radical Republicans in Congress wanted to:– Make the south pay– Take care of the freedmen

Reunion: ex-Confederates Welcomed Back

President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) of Tennessee was no friend to Freedpeople. When he took over Reconstruction after Lincoln was assassinated, he turned a blind

eye to white violence against African Americans

Freedmen’s School, Washington, D.C.

Freedom to Learn

Johnson vs Radical Republicans• Johnson– Let the southern states back in if they promised

loyalty–Allowed the South to create Black Codes–Disagreed with the “Reconstruction Amendments”

• Radical Republicans–Created Amendments for African Americans to be

equal–Reconstruction Act to provide for the freedmen

Impeachment of President Johnson-Congress was frustrated that Johnson wasn’t more supportive of their plans

• Secretary of War Edward Stanton & President Johnson disagree about Reconstruction– Stanton sided with the Radical Republicans– Johnson fired him• Johnson broke the Tenure of Office Act– Senate must vote if cabinet members are to be removed.

– House approved the charges against Johnson– Senate held the trial• Impeachment of Johnson missed by 1 vote. He was not

convicted and he was allowed to finish his term

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Former Confederates returned home to their neighbors, former slaves. Some, like Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877), right, of Tennessee, did not embrace emancipation. He had sold cotton and slaves before the war; after it, he joined

the Ku Klux Klan. So did many former white sons of the South.

Homework – that you start now, please

• Read p. 424 – 427• answer question #1 about the map p. 426• answer the following questions on p. 427– 1a, 1c– 2c– 3c– extra credit – question 4

– That makes 5 required questions in all

Warm up 11/21/14

• What do most people think “impeach” means? What does it actually mean? Name the 2 presidents that have been impeached.

Southern Resistance

• Black Codes/Jim Crow laws– Set up to keep the blacks and whites separate– Used to keep freedmen under the control of the


• KKK groups sprang up throughout the south

Jim Crow laws

• Lasted from 1876-1964• Segregation of schools, public places,

restaurants, even the military • “Separate, but equal” is the law in schools

until 1954


• Ku Klux Klan• Secret Vigilante Groups• Sought to restore “White Supremacy” – Threats of Violence–Murder of both African Americans as well as

White Republicans who helped the freedmen

Still around today

Northern states lost interest in Reconstruction

• Frustrated that the army was still in the south and costing a lot of $$

• Frustrated by the violence in the south• 5 year economic depression had hit and

they were focused more on the economy than what was happening to the freemen and poor whites in the south

Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction

• Rutherford B. Hayes (R) V. Samuel Tilden (D) 1876• Hayes won the presidency but democrats thought

Tilden was cheated• Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed

election– Republican Pres. Hayes must:• Remove Troops from South• Help South develop industries to get back on their feet

economically– Democrats (typically white southerners) would:• Respect Black Rights in the south• Accept Hayes as the president

warm up 11/24/14

•Was Reconstruction successful? Why or why not?

After the pre test…

• Do #19, p. 431

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