vth pressures and their implications on the function and missions of the hospital

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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- PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Client Expectations for Veterinary Care in the FutureDr. Mary Ann Vande Linde

Meeting the Expectations of Referring VeterinariansDr. Colin Burrows

Developing a Caseload:  Balancing Veterinary Student and Residency Training

Dr. Deborah KochevarThe Future of Specialty PracticeDr. John Albers

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a Profit CenterDr. David Lee

Clinical Research in the Veterinary teaching HospitalDr. Amy Trettien

VTH Pressures and their Implications on the Function and Missions of the Hospital.

Client Expectations for Veterinary Care

in the Future

Mary Ann Vande Linde, DVM VMC, Inc.


Expectations of Veterinary Care in the Future

Complete medical services with preventative and well care as a priority.

A long term relationship with a practice that is supportive of their pet and who will be their advocate if treatment with a specialist necessary.

An office operation that is efficient and organized

Client Expectations of Veterinary Care in the Future

Want to be communicated to with respect, clarity, and consistency.

Explain things in terms the client can easily understand.

Exams to be conducted thoroughly and without a sense of rush.

Communications Model

Program to help define expectationsOutline to help define appropriate

methods of teaching communicationExamples of how communications

with our clients can be taught and structured.

Meeting the Expectations of

Referring Veterinarians

Colin BurrowsUniversity of Florida

Meeting Expectations………….

Why practitioners refer Why they do not What they expect What we expect Education and public relations Pitfalls and problems

What referring veterinarians expect

Knowledge about spectrum of services offered

Access - response to first phone call - referral liaison

No waiting Efficient communication from staff-return

phone call that day Protect the relationship 24 hour post discharge follow up with referral

letter Need to be kept in the loop – partnership

Additional Consideration

Model good referral process to students Educate Interns and Residents Build the PR base for the hospital Address communication problem areas Consider incentive plans Provide infrastructure in Staff and

technical support

Summary-referring veterinarians need:

Access Acknowledgement Respect Education Communication

Developing a Caseload: Balancing Veterinary Student, Intern and Resident Training

Deborah KochevarCummings School of Veterinary Medicine

Tufts University

Do students believe they must compete with others for learning experiences in the clinical year(s)?

Who is the competition?What factors affect the

competitive learning environment?

How can competition be managed?

What impedes effective management?

How can progress towards an improved clinical learning environment be measured?

Summary of Survey Findings

Competition of students with Int. and Res.

> with Interns High case load seems to moderate

competition Clinicians don’t identify competition Clinicians aren’t effective at

managing competition

Strategies to Address Competition

Management strategies – Define roles

Emphasize teaching to House officers Set benchmarks and objectives Provide alternative activities and


Time pressures on hospital personnel

Poor communication skillsCase management prioritization

relative to learning objectives

What impedes effective management of Competition?


JOHN W. ALBERS, DVMNovember 10, 2006

CURRENT STATE June 2006: ~700 “enterprises” Every specialty, every metropolitan area High level of medical and surgical care More convenient (and often better)

service Huge, multi-specialty facilities

– 25,000 – 58,000 sq. ft. Highly sophisticated technology

– MRI, Linear Accelerators, CT Scans

Current Trends in Finishing Specialist

Private Specialty practices will grow – Specialty colleges (Sm. Animal)

residents migrate to practice ACVO, ACVIM, ACVD, ACVECC > 50% finishing residents -> specialty


Private Specialty Practices Will Grow

Specialty practice represents highest level of care

Current student training encourages referral

Pet owners expect specialty care Specialist in practice do well

economically Lenders willing to support specialist Continued growth for next 5 – 10 yrs.

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a Profit

CenterDavid E. Lee, DVM, MBA

Hospital DirectorVeterinary Medical CenterUniversity of Minnesota

The Profitable VTH

Nets some profit after paying…– Supplies– Labor expenses including clinician

salaries– Equipment expenses– Reinvestments (5%)

From service revenue

Economic and Related Issues Impacting VTH

Focus on Service – Esp. RDVM Improve communications infrastructure Improve feedback mechanisms Compartmentalize 3 part mission Service based incentives – balance

score card

Conducting Clinical Trials

Amy Trettien, DVMManager, Pfizer Companion Animal US

Veterinary Operations


Overview of FDA CVM’s requirements on clinical study conduct

Use overview to understand a pharmaceutical company’s needs for investigators and study site selection

Focus will be on requirements of study site and not pharmaceutical company

Summarize with attributes defining an ideal study site

Clinical Efficacy Studies

CVM guidance in GCP– Is guidance and not law

Guidelines enacted for globalization of studies – US, EU, Japan

Detailed requirements on study conduct and data collection

Company SOP’s at a minimum reflect CVM guidance

Goal of GCP

Data collected to an international standard A study can be reconstructed after the fact

– Source data– Study personnel and their roles– Protocol deviations– Study drug reconciliation

Assure sponsor company does not influence data collection

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