vsn - vishnu sahasranamam , divya namam (309-319)

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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309 ) Ishtah - One who is liked identically(in same way) by everyone

310 ) Avisishtah -1.One who does not have any one above him 2.One who is liked by all ,whom he carries in his belly during like a mother carry the infant in her womb

311 ) Sishteshtah- One who is dear to the eminent people, he is worshipped and respected by them

312 ) Shikandi 1. One who wears the feathers of peacock 2.One whose hairs are shining and glorious

313 ) Nahushah -One who binds all souls by his Maya

314 ) Vrishah -One who drenches his devotees with his nectarine radiance who are burnt by the heat of samsara

315 ) Krodhah - One who gave up his anger which caused the destruction of the kshatriya kings for twenty one generations

316 ) Krodha Krit - He who exhibited his anger earlier on to destroy Kshariya kings who were Unrighteous (Adharmam).

317 ) Karthah- One who killed Kartivirya the one who became the cause to provoke(Generate) his anger

318 )Visvabhahuh- One who has hands all over the universe (He who supports us every where)

319 ) Maheedharah -One who supported the earth(Bhumadevi) by saving her from the evil.

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