volume 31, issue 6 plumbers, steamfitters, & hvac service … … · december, 2016 volume 31,...

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3747 S. High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241

(317) 856-3771 fax (317) 856-7547 Toll-Free (800) 872-0155


December, 2016

Volume 31, Issue 6 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Mark Your Calendars:

December 26 Holiday as per

Contract, Offices Closed

December 27-30 Training Office


January 2 Holiday as per con-

tract, Offices Closed

January 23 4:30pm Officers &

Stewards Meeting

January 23 7:00pm Monthly

Union Meeting

Inside this issue:

Business Manager’s Report 2

Business Agents’ Reports 3-5

Training Director’s Report & 6

Current Events 7-9

Health & Wellness News 10

Announcements 11

Health & Welfare report 12

Activate Local 440 Family

Health Center

● 5550 S. East St., Suite B,


● (317) 879-5206

● Open Monday—Friday


Monday, Friday 6am—4pm

Tuesday, Thursday 9am—6pm

Friday 6am—12pm

● wwwactivatehealthcare.com/


● Serving participants of the

Plumbers & Steamfitters Local

440 Health & Welfare Plan

From the Officers and

Staff of Local 440

James M. (Bubba) Johnson, Business Manager

“...I want to thank

the membership for

allowing us to

represent you for

the next three


Page 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

James M. (Bubba) Johnson


On December 3rd the mem-

bership elected our Officers

and Committee Persons who

will begin their 3-year term

on January 1, 2017 (see

page 7). I look forward to

working with the new Offic-

ers and Committees and

want to congratulate each of

you on your election. Our

first Officers and Stewards

Meeting will take place on

January 23rd at 4:30pm.

Thank you in advance for

your commitment to serve.

On behalf of the current

leadership team, I want to

thank the membership for

allowing us to represent you

for the next three years. We

will work together, as a

team, to forward the princi-

ples of our organization and

ensure that each and every

member continues to re-

ceive a fair day’s pay for a

fair day’s work, health and

retirement benefits, and safe

working conditions. We will

continue to work with our

partnering contractors, com-

munity leaders, and custom-

ers to secure the work of our


Beginning January 1st we will

also have a new UA Interna-

tional Rep. for the State of

Indiana. Brother Dave Posey

has been assigned to Indi-

ana by General President

McManus. As most of you

know, Dave is a member of

Local 440 and served as our

Business Manager from

2002 through the 2011 UA

Convention where he was

first elected International

Rep. I want to welcome

Dave, and also congratulate

outgoing International Rep.

Curt Cade on his retirement.


The UA has made changes to

the 2017 membership

cards. First of all the cards

will now be replaced in three

-year cycles instead of two-

year cycles. Thus, the 2017

membership cards show a

date range of 2017-2019.

You will notice also that the

cards no longer have place-

holders for dues stamps on

the back of the card and that

they include a QR code.

The QR code will become

active sometime in mid-

2017 and will take the place

of your current Travel Card.

The QR code will contain

your member information

such as current address and

UA certifications. It will also

work with the UA E-Travel

system and allow the Local

to which you are traveling to

verify your clearance to trav-

el - granted by Local 440 in

accordance with the UA Con-

stitution. The destination

Local will then use the E-

Travel system to check you

into their Local. At that point

the system will not allow you

to travel to another Local

until released.

The provisions of the UA

Constitution governing Travel

Cards have not changed.

Once activated, the E-Travel

system will simply allow for a

more efficient manner in

which to apply the provi-

sions. Again, the system will

not be activated until mid-

2017 and until then your

current Travel Card will re-

main active and the QR code

will be inactive.


Local 440 has been

blessed with work opportu-

nities throughout 2016 and

the holiday season is a

great time to celebrate,

spend time with loved ones,

and be thankful for our

trade. It is also a time to

help those who are in need.

With that being said, I want

to thank the membership

for once again stepping up

and allocating funds for our

annual Local 440 Christ-

mas Relief Fund. The mon-

ies allocated will go to as-

sist Local 440 members

and community organiza-

tions set up to help those

struggling to make ends

meet. If you are in need or

know of a Brother or Sister

who is, please contact the

Local 440 Indianapolis of-


As we continue through this

holiday season it is my

hope that you are able to

step back from all the

“racket” and share this glo-

rious time of year with fami-

ly and friends. I look for-

ward to a prosperous New

Year for all and thank you

for all you do to make Local

440 the great organization

it is!

Merry Christmas and Happy

New Year!

John P. Beaman, Jr., Business Representative West area

“It’s your hard work

and determination

that keep our Local

and the United

Association on top of

the Building Trades.”

Page 3 Volume 31, Issue 6

John P. Beaman, Jr.


Gary R. Beaman, Business Representative Columbus area

Gary R. Beaman



Only 6 Months Until The Pool’s

Open For Summer! As we flange up the year of

2016, I would like to stop and

give thanks for the many op-

portunities of employment our

membership has enjoyed this

year. It truly does not seem

like it was that long ago that

we were searching for our

road atlases or loading

MapQuest on our phones. I would like to wish all of

the members of the Local and

their families a Merry Christ-

mas and a Happy New Year.

May this be the very best holi-

day season for everyone. To

help the local economy, let’s

all spend like a fitter or plumb-

er working seven twelves with

spotty overtime. Work in the southern part

of the jurisdiction is steady

and should remain that way

until well into the new year.

Greiner Brothers and Sullivan

& Poore are finishing up at

Major Hospital in Shelbyville.

Johnson-Melloh is continuing

forward with Phase 2 at the

Masonic Home in Franklin.

Nading Mechanical has com-

pleted the underground work

at Batesville High School and

will start above-ground work in

spring. HFI has been awarded

three small projects; two

schools in Martinsville and

one job in Greenwood. The

Cummins work in Columbus

and the surrounding area re-

mains good at this time. As we prepare for 2017,

the opportunities for work are

very promising. Now is the

time to take advantage of our

excellent training center. A

great New Year’s resolution is

to add a certification to your

resume. It will make you more

marketable to current and

future employers. In closing, I have always

been honored and humbled to

be a member of UA Local 440.

This year has many examples

of acts of kindness from our

international union, our mem-

bers, and our contractors: The

UA continued the V.I.P. Pro-

gram under President Hite to

give our returning veterans a

place to gain employment af-

ter serving our country; Broth-

er Ralph “Boomer” Culver and

his wife Alice continue the Fill

the Foxhole project for active

service members away from

their families during the holi-

day season. The apprentices

of Local 440 were a huge help

again this year; A Big Thank

You goes to the members of

Local 440 and Circle R Me-

chanical for fixing two furnac-

es for the United Way of Bar-

tholomew County for two fami-

lies desperately in need - one

lady had been without heat in

her home for five years. Brothers and Sisters, the

generosity of your time and

skills makes me very humble.

Happy Holidays!

Work on the Westside has

slowed down a little with the

end of the year and holidays

right around the corner. Local

440 has been blessed with

work for the last couple of

years and 2017 looks promis-

ing also. Here are a few of

the jobs in my area and the

contractors that are working

on them: BMWC is fairly busy.

Along with work in both the

carbon steel and stainless

steel fab shops, they are still

busy with maintenance and

project work at Crystal Clean.

The Eli Lilly work at LTC and

Corporate Center also re-

mains steady. Their project at

Rolls Royce is moving right

along with fifty-one Local 440

members currently working

on the project and they also

have some work at Stout Pow-

er Plant. Bowen Engineering is still

hiring a few for their work at

Stout Power Plant. This in-

cludes some work inside the

steam plant and on the water

treatment plant. Bowen also

picked up a big WWTP project

at Plainfield which should

start by the end of this year

and take off next spring. Freitag-Weinhardt is busy

with maintenance and project

work at Ingredion and Bel-

mont WWTP. They also

picked up a project at Rolls

Royce and continue to ac-

quire work at Eli Lilly and

Stout. If you are on the out-of-

work list and are interested

and able to go to work, hit the

Jobline. We are still short-

handed when it comes to Cer-

tified Welders, HVACR Service

Techs, and Licensed Plumb-

ers. I realize that advice is

worth what you pay for it, but

here goes anyway. Like my

Dad used to say, we need to

“make hay while the sun is

shining”! Pay yourself first;

put some away for a rainy

day! Hats off to Troy Steineker

and the Election Committee -

they did a great job! Congrat-

ulations to all the Local 440

members who ran for office.

It’s your hard work and deter-

mination that keep our Local

and the United Association on

top of the Building Trades.

See ya at the meeting!

“I have always been

honored and humbled

to be a member of

Local 440.”

Jamie Fife, Business Representative Kokomo area

Jamie Fife


Page 4 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Jack E. Neal Jr., Business Representative Muncie area

“I would like to

thank Ralph

Culver and the

Apprentices for

their work on the

Fill the Foxhole


Jack Neal


“...the work picture

for 2017 looks

promising for 440’s

entire jurisdictional


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to start this

month’s article out by saying I

still have NO venison in my

freezer and the fish is getting a

little short also! With that be-

ing said I will be heading back

out to the woods soon and the

big crappies are still biting like

crazy right now! I hope every-

one had a great Thanksgiving

and was able to enjoy the com-

pany of their family and all the

good food that came with it.

Now, on to the work picture

in the North area: Work at the

Chrysler plants is going very

well with the majority taking

place at the KTP Plant. Chrys-

ler has been talking about

some major expansions, how-

ever I am not hearing any firm

dates at this time; QPH picked

up a really nice municipal pro-

ject in Tipton and they are con-

tinuing work at Grissom Air-

force Base; BMWC is holding

down all the maintenance work

and small projects at Dow Agro

in Zionsville. To sum things, the

work picture for 2017 looks

promising for 440’s entire juris-

dictional area!

I would like to take this time

to thank all of our 440 mem-

bers that came out and voted

on December 3rd and to con-

gratulate all the newly elected

Officers of Local 440. I look

forward to working with all of

you for the next three years!

Also in order is a “Great Big

Thank You” to all who helped

with the Fill the Foxhole pro-

ject! Boomer, Alice, Kerry, and

Colleen - you once again did an

awesome job putting this thing

together – congratulations on

another HUGE success!

Last but not least I want to

wish all of you a Merry Christ-

mas and a Happy New Year.

Safe travels to everyone this

Holiday season!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to congratulate

our newly elected Officers on

their successful election and

thank the past Officers for their

service. For someone to be

dedicated and willing to spend

their extra time for the better-

ment of their local union is say-

ing a lot for that person. To the

members who came out to vote

and support the candidates

and your local union, thank you

for taking an active role in the

direction of our Local.

Work in East Central Indi-

ana is still a little slow at this

time with some promising pro-

jects coming in 2017. Nestles

in Anderson has ongoing pro-

jects and has plans for more in

the near future. Rush County is

looking to build a new Sheriff’s

Office and Jail in Rushville, IN.

The bidding process will take

place sometime in late Decem-

ber. In Madison County there

are water treatment plant pro-

jects in the town of Ingalls,

Pendleton, and Anderson. They

are planned to start at the first

of the year.

Following is a list of some of

the other projects we are track-

ing: Richmond Pet Food Plant;

Elwood Automotive Parts and

Accessories Plant Expansion;

Rushville automotive Parts Fab-

rication Plant Expansion; Port-

land Ethanol Plant 10+Mw

Combined Heat & Power Unit

Addition; Alexandria Ethanol

Plant 10+Mw Combined Heat

& Power Unit Addition; and the

Lapel Glass Furnace #6 “A”

Major Rebuild.

As we celebrate the Holiday

Season, let’s not forget that we

still have young men and wom-

en serving our county overseas.

If you have a moment please

say a little prayer for our Armed

Forces to bring them home

soon and safe to their families.

With that said, I would to thank

Ralph Culver and the Apprentic-

es for their work on the Fill the

Foxhole program. With the

support of Local 440 members

they put together over 300

care packages. I am sure our

troops will appreciate the care

packages they receive while

they are away from home.

I would like to wish every-

one a Safe and Happy Holiday

from myself and my family to

you and your family.

Effective January 3, 2017, the new Hall Lobby Hours will be

**7:00am to 4:30pm Monday—Friday**

Work in the eastern Marion

County is starting to pick up.

Greiner is steadily working on the

McAllister Machinery job and has

started to hire additional manpower

for this project. Work on the new

Community East Hospital is in its

early stages and hiring should start

in January or February. With this

project and additional hospital work

getting ready to start we will soon

be in need of Certified Med Gas

Installers and Brazers. If you have

these certs, be sure to keep them

current, and if you don’t have them,

now is the time to get signed up for

the next class. Contact the Training

Office for class information.

Work at the Eagle Valley site is

still ongoing and we are now official-

ly in crunch time. The completion

date is April 30, 2017 and the big

push is on to meet it. We have

some fitter and welder calls to fill,

but I suspect the hiring on this pro-

ject is coming to an end. I would

like to thank our sister locals and

our brothers and sisters from the

surrounding states for their help in

keeping this project supplied with

manpower. We currently have 336

UA members on site. I expect this

number to top out at about 375 in


Well the elections are over and

again we as organized labor got

knocked around pretty hard in this

cycle. There was no prediction or

warning of the landslide effect the

Presidential race would have on the

down ticket side of the election.

Republicans won in races that were

forecast to be wins for labor-friendly

candidates to the surprise of all of

us. We are in the process of pulling

ourselves up from the canvass, just

like we have done in the past, and

going back to work to preserve our

way of life. We will work with our

newly-elected officials and do our

best to protect the working class

people in Local 440.

Congratulations to all those who

were elected at our Local elections

on Saturday, December 3rd. I would

like to take this time to thank all of

you who took the time to vote and

be involved in the process. I would

also like to thank all of those who

showed their support in me for the

office of Treasurer. It is very hum-

bling to me to have the opportunity

to represent all of you every day,

and I will continue to my very best

day in and day out to represent the

membership of Local 440. Thank


On the Health & Welfare front it

is the time of year again to fill out

your Health Care Information Form.

The 2017 form must be completed

and returned to Stewart C. Miller &

Co. for claims received after January

1 to be processed. I urge you to

return the forms as soon as possi-

ble so that there is no delay in the

payment of your claims.

New medical and dental identifi-

cation cards were also mailed re-

cently. The dental card is new this

year as we are now utilizing the

Anthem network to discount dental

claims. There is no change from

previous dental coverage; however,

dental claims will now be processed

through Anthem. Please present

your new card to your provider so

that the H&W Fund can receive

maximum allowable discounts.

Effective January 1, 2017 the

Fund is partnering with Anthem to

offer a new program called Li-

veHealth Online (see page 10). The

LiveHealth Online program gives

covered persons the capability to

speak with a certified physician

online (with a webcam) or through a

smartphone in order to get quick

access to certain prescriptions or

other advice regarding a medical

situation. This online doctor visit

benefit is available 24 hours a day,

7 days a week, and can be ac-

cessed at

www.livehealthonline.com or by

calling toll-free at (855) 603-7985.

This benefit is not meant for emer-

gency situations, but it can help in

deciding whether a medical situa-

tion is an emergency.

The participant cost of this new

program is $20 per visit. You will

need to pay the $20 fee using a

credit card when you initiate the

online visit or make the phone call.

If the online doctor directs you to go

to the emergency room or an urgent

care center, you will not be charged.

The Trustees hope this new benefit

will help reduce the cost of non-

urgent ER visits for both you and the


I would like to wish each

and every one of you a very Merry

Christmas and a safe and prosper-

ous New Year. May all of you enjoy

time spent with the ones you love

during this Holiday Season.

Robert R. Stieneker, Business Representative East area

Page 5 Volume 31, Issue 6

Bob Stieneker


“I would like to

thank our sister

locals and our

brothers and sisters

from the

surrounding states

for their help…”

Local 440 Family Medical Center

5550 S. East Street, Building B, Suite B

Indianapolis, IN



Clinic Hours

Monday, Wednesday 6am—4pm

Tuesday, Thursday 9am—6pm

Friday 6am—12pm

Brothers and Sisters,

I certainly hope that everyone

had a great Thanksgiving - a prime

time to spend with family and

loved ones to eat, drink, and be

merry. Mine was full of all of the

above, and I can never forget to

thank the good Lord for a chance

to be a member of the United As-

sociation and Local 440. I also

want to take this time to wish each

and every member and their fami-

lies a very Merry Christmas and a

safe and prosperous 2017.

I want to congratulate all of the

newly-elected officers of Local

440. Every member who ran for

office and those who came out to

vote also need to be acknowl-

edged for their involvement and

dedication to the Local. I can’t

express in words the pride I feel to

be re-elected to the negotiating

committee. I have served this

membership in many different

capacities and it is my honor to

continue. I pledge to commit my-

self to represent every member to

the best of my ability in every facet

of my career.

The U.S. Department of Labor

declared November 14 – 18 as

National Apprenticeship Week. I

am proud to say that “Built to Suc-

ceed” (www.builttosucceed.org), a

joint venture of the sixteen Build-

ing Trades Apprenticeship Pro-

grams was recognized during the

week. This recruiting initiative,

administered by the Indiana Ca-

reers in Construction Association,

received proclamations from the

City-County Council, Mayor

Hogsett, and by Governor Pence as


Mayor Hogsett presented the

proclamation during halftime of

the Indiana Pacers game held on

November 16th and apprentices

were on hand to distribute infor-

mation in the Indiana Union Con-

struction Industry pavilion located

in the Southwest concourse of

Bankers Life Fieldhouse. A big

thank you goes out to the Building

Trades for including the permanent

Built to Succeed kiosk in their pa-


Built to Succeed also has an

agreement with the IHSAA for all

championship sporting events. We

were on display at the football

championships played at Lucas Oil

Stadium over the Thanksgiving

weekend. This social media point-

of-entry campaign is focused on

the recruitment of the best of the

best young men and women in our


In closing, I am asking every

member to take a look at the expi-

ration dates of your certifications.

Several certifications are set to

expire in 2017. Please be mindful

that these are your certifications.

The Training Department is work-

ing diligently to get notices out and

will schedule recertification ses-

sions and testing to keep everyone

current. If we happen to miss noti-

fying you, possibly due to not hav-

ing your current address, call in

and we’ll work together to make

sure your certifications don’t lapse.

Indeed it is our skills that set us

apart, and we need to do what it

takes to keep the associated certi-

fications that represent those

skills. UA PROUD ! ! !

I leave you with this quote:

“At its highest level, the pur-

pose of teaching is not to teach—it

is to inspire the desire for learning.

Once a student's mind is set on

fire, it will find a way to provide its

own fuel.”

― Sydney J. Harris

Don’t forget to buy American

at every opportunity ! ! !

Donald J. Bough, Director of Training

“The Training

Department is

working diligently to

get notices out and

will schedule

recertification sessions

and testing to keep

everyone current.”

Page 6 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Don Bough


Class Updates and Information—contact Training Office to register 317-856-6426

Med Gas continuity payments are $30.00. Update reminders for Med Gas and Weld certifications are mailed



Med Gas Installer Update Exams—The next available test to register for is Saturday, January 14, 2017. The

deadline to register is Friday, December 16th. If you need to update your certification, please contact the

Training Office to registerster or you can schedule your test at a PSI center.

The weld shop is open Monday through Friday during the day. There is also open welding on Thursday nights

and Saturdays (registration required). Please contact Todd Hendrickson (317) 856-6426 x114 to register for

any weld sessions or weld tests.

The Training Office will be closed December 26th through January 2nd.

First Aid / CPR Saturday December 10, 2016 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

First Aid / CPR Saturday December 17, 2016 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

CFC Certification Saturdays January 7, 2017 – January 14, 2017 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Backflow Saturdays January 7, 2017 – February 4, 2017 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Page 7 Volume 31, Issue 6

Elected of Officers & Committeemen

The following members were elected on December

3rd and will take office on January 1, 2017 for a

three-year term.


Michael T. Hammond


Matthew T. Stieneker


Adam Stewart


James (Bubba) Johnson


Robert R. Stieneker


Jason Merchant


Luke Griffin

Josh Lewis

Jay Still


Kelly Hamilton

Todd A. Hendrickson

Joshua A. Reagan

Eric C. Posey


Calvin Beaman

Andy Gowan

Joe Gutzwiller


Justin Cade

Chad Condon

Don Garner

Gary Garrett

Willy Scott

Joshua Williams


Gary R. Beaman

Mark D. Bateman

Donald J. Bough

Ben Shook

Joe Sullivan


Greg Hankins

Nick Roseboom

Generations of Presidents & Vice-Presidents

Newly-elected President Mike Hammond (back

row, right), stands behind his father, past-

President Sam Hammond. He is seated next to

past-Vice President Phil Stieneker. Behind Phil

are his sons, past-Vice President Bob Stieneker

(back row, left) and current Vice President Matt

Stieneker (back row, center).

Page 8 Volume 31, Issue 6

Fill the Foxhole 2016


Page 9 Volume 31, Issue 6

Fill the Foxhole 2016

Immediately following the 2015

shipment of 150 boxes to military

personnel during the holidays,

Ralph ‘Boomer’ Culver and his

wife, Alice, began planning for the

next year. The new goal of 300

boxes was set, and the fundrais-

ing began. Thanks go out to Oak

Tree Golf Course (Plainfield) for

their donation of a 2017 mem-

bership, to the American Legion

Post 500 (Speedway) for hosting

two fundraisers, and to the many

donations of loose change by ap-

prentices, instructors, and whoev-

er else Boomer could hit up to

toss it into a water jug. On De-

cember 3rd, boxes were packed.

Int’l Rep (and Local 440 member)

Dave Posey, President Gary

Beaman, and apprentice Kaleb

Spruell participated in the open-

ing ceremony. Next year’s goal?

440 boxes. (That’s right-440-get


Fill the Foxhole 2016 Volunteers Ralph “Boomer” Culver

Alice Culver handing over box #1 to

the U.S. Postal Service

Local 440 apprentice and veteran Kaleb

Spruell packs the first box

Many school children

drew pictures and wrote

notes of thanks that

were included in the


Page 10 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Have a health question? Feeling under the weather? With LiveHealth Online, you don’t have to deal with scheduling an

appointment or long wait times

at the urgent care center. In fact, you don’t even have to leave your home

or office. Using LiveHealth Online, you can see a doctor who can answer questions, make a diagnosis, and even pre-

scribe basic medications, when needed.*

With LiveHealth Online, you get:

o Immediate doctor visits through live video.

o Your choice of board-certified doctors. o Help at a cost of only $20 per visit

o Private, secure and convenient online visits.

What are the qualifications of the doctors you see using

LiveHealth Online? o Board-certified.

o Average 15 years practicing medicine. o Mostly primary care physicians. o Specially trained for online visits.

When can you use LiveHealth Online? As always, you should call 911 with any emergency. Otherwise, you can use LiveHealth Online whenever you have a

health concern and your own doctor isn’t available. Doctors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days

a week, 365 days a year. Some of the most common uses include:

o Cold and flu symptoms such as a cough, fever and headaches

o Allergies o Sinus infections and more!

Start a conversation now Beginning January 1, 2017, enroll for free at livehealthonline.com or on the app, and you’re ready to see a doctor.

Now you can get the health care you need without all the hassle

Sign up for LiveHealth Online

Starting on January

1st! It’s quick and easy to

sign up. Just go to


or download the mobile app.

LiveHealth Online

Easy, fast doctor visits. All from the comfort of

your own computer or mobile device.

Talk to a doctor today, tonight, anytime — 365 days a year. Just sign

up at livehealthonline.com or on the free

mobile app.

Page 11 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Member Obituaries

Recent Retirees________________________________________

Jason K. Jack-

son, 42, passed

away October 5,

2016. Initiated

on April 27,

2001, he was a

journeyman re-


Dale E. Handt,

80, passed

away October

12, 2016.

Initiated on

September 21,

1977, he was

a retired


Ronald G. Wil-

son, 73,

passed away

October 4,

2016. Initiated

on August 28,

1966, he was a

retired pipefit-


Teddy Stone June 1, 2016 Lawrence W. Johnson August 1, 2016

Richard Lee Moore August 1, 2016 James Bradfield Sept. 1, 2016

Gary G. Reed October 1, 2016

Michael W. Sibert,

73, passed away

October 24,

2016. Initiated

on October 10,

2000, he was a

retired pipefitter.

Greggory L. Chris-

topher, 54,

passed away No-

v e m b e r 1 2 ,

2016. Initiated

March 26, 2001,

he was a journey-

man pipefitter.

No Photo


Currently, 123,000 men, wom-

en, and children are waiting for

an organ transplant. In the

March 2016 UA Journal, 563

members received a burial

benefit. Thousands of people

could have been helped from

those members alone. What a

difference we could make in

our country if we put on a na-

tional campaign to register our

brotherhood and to challenge

other labor unions to do the

same! Please don't let another

day go by without making the

promise to be an organ donor.

Roy W. “Chuck”

Lanham, Jr., 82,

passed away

December 7,

2016. Initiated

September 25,

1953, he was a

retired steamfit-


"I live at my grandmother's old

house where there is a big old

walnut tree in the backyard.

When I was young we could

gather the nuts for the best

brownies and cookies around.

The old tree is dying now. I'm

going to have to cut her down,

but underneath it I noticed a

few new trees growing. It's

nature's way of giving new life!

We could learn from this!"

-Local 440 member

Organ Donation—Registering Could Save & Heal 75 Lives

Stewart C. Miller & Co., Inc.


Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

3747 South High School Road

Indianapolis, IN 46241

First Class


U.S. Postage


Indianapolis, IN

Permit No. 7159

Benefit Areas November '16 % Paid Dec. '15 - Nov. '16 12 Mo %

In-Patient Hospital $386,634.23 21.97% $5,921,803.82 25.20%

Outpatient Hospital $348,928.15 19.83% $4,825,323.89 20.54%

Diag, X-ray,Lab $119,915.15 6.81% $1,369,779.34 5.83%

Prescription Program $392,846.82 22.33% $4,379,544.56 18.64%

Surgical $95,017.55 5.40% $2,395,562.90 10.20%

Other $176,448.46 10.03% $1,780,766.73 7.58%

Physician $56,597.03 3.22% $547,752.53 2.33%

*Prescriptions $35,810.36 2.04% $388,684.72 1.65%

Psych/Sub Abuse $28,136.18 1.60% $293,143.29 1.25%

Dental $76,641.15 4.36% $929,793.54 3.96%

Vision $18,263.23 1.04% $207,601.66 0.88%

Disability $19,591.39 1.11% $261,058.26 1.11%

Life Benefits $0.00 0.00% $102,000.00 0.43%

Taxes $2,051.24 0.12% $61,365.18 0.26%

Healthy Rewards $2,700.00 0.15% $30,800.00 0.13%

TOTAL $1,759,580.94 100.00% $23,494,980.42 100.00%

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