vol. 10 (1990), no. 10

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter










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DATE: Friday, November 2,1990 TIME: 7:00 PM

PLACE: 335 Borlaug Hall

PROORAM: Kids and Herps SPEAKER: Jeff LeClere

St Paul Campus University of Minnesota

Jeff LeClere has been interested in herps since he was five years old. He has been a member of MHS for four years. Many people who are herp enthusiasts got their start as kids. We all know that kids are very open minded about most things. Fear and disdain of herps and other H creepy, crawly" things are often a behavior learned from adults. Sadly, some kids never learn that their parents opinions of herps are biased and these kids don't get a chance to learn about an of the fascinating creatures in the world. Some kids ignore their parents objections and become interested in herps anyway. Jeff LeClere will talk about why he thinks herps make good pets for kids and will give some hints about how kids can talk their.parents into allowing them to keep herps.He will also describe his herp set-up. This should be an interesting program for kids and for adults. Kids, be sure to bring your parents along.

CRIITER OF THE MONTH: Neonates Bring your babies of the year, whether you were successful in breeding them yourself or obtained them from some other breeder. If you bred them yourself, be prepared to briefly describe how you achieved your success.


December: HelpS From the Wholesaler's Perspective - Eric Thiss January: Aquatic Salamanders - Steve Roman



November 24 Third Annual Toadally Awesome Extravaganza, Picton, Ontario, Canada Contact Tom Mason (416) 392-5972 (days) or (416) 839-6764 (nights).

December 8 MHS Holiday Banquet (details in this newsletter) February 16 - 18 Northern California Herpetological Society's Fifth Conference on Captive

Propagation and Husbandry, Davis, CA, Contact Rick Staub (707) 553-9739 or Gerald Merker (916) 644-6253.

~ ~ II The purpose of the Minnesota Herpetological Society :is: to further the education of the II II membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of reptiles and amphi- II II mans; to educate the membership and the general public in the ecological role of reptiles II II and amphibians; and to promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. II


III1I PRESIDENT John Moriarty (612) 647-1334 II VICE-PRESIDENT John Meltzer (612) 263-7880 II

II SECRETARY Dennis Daly (612) 633-8370 II

'II TREASURER Marilyn Brooks (612) 533-7723 II NEWSLEITER EDlJOR Jo Anne Wetheren-MnM~ri\T (612) 647-1334 II

II MEMBER-AT-LARGE Fred Bosman ",UU.HJ (612) 476-0306 I'


1,1 MEMBER-AT-LARGE Fred Bozvay (612) 224"4167 IIII

MEMBER-AT-LARGE Bruce Delles (612) 420-2603

IIII MEMBER-AT-LARGE Vence Jimerson (612) 869-8547 \111

IMMEDIATE PAST PRES. Ann Porwoll (612) 489-7853


© Copyright Minnesota Herpetological Society. The contents of this newsletter may be reproduced for inclusion in the newsletters of other herpetological societies provided that the material :is reproduced without change and proper credits are given to the MHS Newsletter citing volume number and date.

MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 2


The meeting was held on October 6 at the home of Fred and Liz Bosman. The meeting was called to order by John Moriarty at 7:24 PM. In attendance were Gloria Anton, Fred Bosman, Liz Bosman, Fred Bozvay, Marilyn Brooks, Dennis Daly, Bruce Delles, Del Jones, John Meltzer, John Moriarty, Bill Moss, Ann POlWOll, Mary Ann Waldorf and Jo Anne Wetherell. Vence Jimerson was absent

The secretary's minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer's Report The treasury had a net gain of approximately $200. Membership is at 335 members and 207 paid memberships. Newsletter printing will need to be increased to 300 per issue.

President's Report Midwest Herp Conference - John reported on the registrations and exhibits for the conference.

Vice President's Report John Meltzer has speakers lined up for November, December, and January.

Old Business The new Tenth Anniversary T-shirt is ready and Ann had samples to show. It will premiere at the Midwest Herp Conference and be on sale until the end of the tenth year celebration.

New Business SSAR is putting together a new directory which will include regional herp societies. SSAR will also have a special on book orders. The details will be run in the newsletter.

Round Table Gloria told the group that Renaissance Festival was a big success thanks to a lot of MRS members. Some days there were more MRS people volunteering than Como Zoo docents. Marilyn reminded us that the MHS brochure needs to be revised Jo Anne will work on it. Other volunteers will be needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:06 PM and ref~shments were selVed.


The October meeting was held jointly with the Midwest Herp Conference and included two speakers. The frrst was MHS President, John Moriarty, who spoke on the history of herpetology in Minnesota and the Minnesota Herp Society. This talk, illustrated with slides, began with iust records of serpents by Father Hennepin in the 1690's and ran through present research. The ten years of MRS was interesting and John had slides of various MRS activities.

The featured speaker was Joseph Collins, co-author of the soon-to-be published third edition of the Peterson Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Eastern and Central North America. This talk included some humorous anecdotes on things that happen when one is writing a field guide. Joe told the group about the importance of having specimens in a reputable collection for verification of records.

The group then adjourned to a social hour (or two) with food and beverages.

MHS Newsletter, Vol. _¥, No. 10 3


The Sixth Midwest Herp Conference was held October 12 - 14 at the Bell Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis, MN. The Minnesota Herpetological Society was hosting the conference for the second time. MHS began the Midwest Conference in 1985. This year's conference was considerably larger with 184 registrants.

The conference was a huge success with very few complaints. The list of speakers was well planned with a diversity of topics. The talks were all well presented and managed to stay fairly close to the schedule.

The exhibitors had a good diversity of products and animals. From the number of persons walking around with plastic containers and books it seems that many of the attendees agreed. There were some mumblings about the size of the exhibitor's room, but I was told that that's the way Wayne Hill had the Reptile Breeder's Expo set up and we didn't fool with,a successful technique. A small room also allows for the development of close friendships.

The Friday night social went well. There was plenty of food and drink. Attendees seemed to enjoy touring through the Museum and Touch and See room. The record corn snake was a big hit. The only complaint I had was, that after being reminded that we needed plenty of beer because this was a real party group, only one keg was consumed. We had to return a full keg on Monday.

The banquet was held a the Radisson University Hotel. The food was good and plentiful, though there were times when the staff had difficulty keeping up with the consumption rate. The auction provided a number of very good items. The only complaint I had was that too many people out bid me on books and art. I do have one real complaint in that several auction items did not make it to the hotel because out of 184 attendees there was one s1imeball who felt he/she could just take things from the Bell Museum. There seems to be one person at every event to act as a spoiler. Someday we'll get ya.

The hospitality room after the auction became a problem. The hotel did a poor job of assigning guest rooms adjacent to the hospitality room. There were several complaints about noise so we arranged to move back downstairs. This actually worked out pretty good because there was more room for sitting around and talking. I appreciate that most of the attendees gladly shifted rooms or at least didn't grumble too much. For those who mouthed off and didn't help with the situation, let me know when you are in charge of a similar event I will gladly return the favor.

Sunday morning's activities were a little confused. The turtle tours went well. The Zoo tour was delayed but did get underway okay. The snake tour got messed up. For the persons who were waiting,we apologize.

All and all I feel that the Minnesota Herp Society did an outstanding job. The quality of the Midwest Herp Conference is steadily increasing each year. I look fOlWard to the meetings in Indianapolis next year.

John Moriarty -Chairperson

MHS Newsletter, \lo1. X, No. 10 4


I would like to thank all the persons attending the Sixth Midwest Herp Conference for helping to make it a success. I would especially like to thank the committee members, some who have put in many hours of planning over the last year. They include: Fred Bosvay, Marilyn Brooks, Scott Cords, Joan Galli, Dan Keyler, Greg Kvanbek, Cliff Lindberg, Ann POlWoll, and Mary Ann Waldorf. There were a number of MHS members and other conference attendees who assisted in many ways to make sure everything ran smoothly. The entire committee would like to thank Chris Anton, Gary Ash, Ellin Beltz, Sally Brewer, Dennis Daly, Carol Dorff, Nancy Haig, Bruce Haig, Becky Helgeson, Vence Jimerson, Mark Kelly, John Meltzer, Bill Moss, Kate Slavens, Terry Scheiber, Soren Sorenson, Jo Anne Wetherell and anyone else I may have forgotten.

The speakers all presented very infonn3tive programs and I would like to thank them all again for sharing their knowledge. They include: Bart Bruno, Gary Casper, Jolm Coakley, Joe Collins, Nonn Haskell, Ron Humbert, Dan Keyler, Barney Oldfield, and Ernie Wagner.

I would like to thank all persons and groups who donated items to the auction. We were fortunate to have Joe Collins at the microphone getting attendees to be generous with their money.

Lastly, I would like to thank Jo Anne for putting up with me over the last few months.

John Moriarty -Chairperson

TH~ WtL..D SlOE... by t~ p. kiely


The Warnih5 Sfsns of An~ran Depression.

MIlS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 5


This years photo contest will be slightly different from recent years. This year there will be only prints and three categories, plus Peoples Choice Award.

The winner of this years contest may be selected as the photo to be used for the 1990-1991 contributing and sustaining member recognition. The only category eligible for selection is the Minnesota herp category. See rule 6 below.

Members with questions should contact Fred Bosvay at (612) 244-4167.


1. Deadline is the November Meeting ~ovember 1990). Photos can be mailed to the Bell Museum address as long as they are received by the November 2. Only members of MHS may enter.

2. Photos will be returned at the December meeting. Those wishing to have their photos returned by mail must include a self address stamped envelope with. adequate postage.

3. The three categories are Minnesota Herps, Rep1iles, and Amphibians. The herps can be in any kind of setting or with people.

4. The prints can be color or black and white. The must be 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 in size. They must be mounted or matted on mat board or stiff cardboard that is no larger than 11 x 14. No framed prints will be accepted.

5. Ribbons andlor prizes will be awarded to the flISt, second, and third places and the People's Choice Award.

6. Persons submitting photos to the Minnesota herp category are agreeing to the possible use of their photo as the 1990-1991 contribUting and sustaining member recognition. The photo selected for that use will become property of MHS and the owner the photo will receive $50.00.

SIDNEY'S SONG by Ellin Beltz

Sidney was perhaps the most individualistic snake I have ever owned. He had personality. Va, ya, you say - every bunny hugger claims that their animal has personality. Dh, well- pennit me a tiny touch of anthropomorphism ... One night, while driving late and long, my daughter Eloise became bored. So, in an effort to distract her, I started humming "Greens1eeves" - which she had been beating to death on our piano for weeks. Combined with Dr. Conant's book title, 'What Snake is This?, the song rapidly took fonn. By the time we got home and sang it into our answering machine tape (being the only tape recorder in the house) to transcribe the words, the song was complete. Someday I may try for another verse or two.

MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 6


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fylHS Newsletter. Vol . . Y. No. 10

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A total of 184 people attended the conference. Listed below are the distributions of people in attendance by state and by herpetological society affiliation.

Connecticut 2 Florida 3 Iowa 8 Illinois 30


Indiana 11 Kansas 2 Michigan 11 Minnesota 68

Missouri 9 North Dakota. 3 Ohio 2 South Dakota 4


Tennessee 1 Virginia 1 Washington 2 Wisconsin 26

Central Florida Herpetological Society 2 Central Illinois Herpetological Society 8 Chicago Herpetological Society 22 Great Lakes Herpetological Society 1 Hoosier Herpetological Society 8 Iowa Herpetological Society 6 Kansas Herpetological Society 2 Michigan Society of Herpetologists 6 Minnesota Herpetological Society 72 Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists 3 Northwest Herpetological Society 2 St. Louis Herpetological Society 6 Wisconsin Herpetological Society 19


As chairperson of the Auction Committee for the 1990 Midwest Herp Conference I would like to thank all of those people who donated items and/or helped to make the auction a success. Rather than thank individuals for their efforts and risk missing someone, I just want to say that the credit for this event goes to all those generous people who donated their time, talents, items, and money for the sale. We took in about $2,200, which helped to make the conference a fmancial success for MHS.

Being my first time to try and run something like this, I did miss one important point. I did not identify to our auctioneer, Joe Collins, who donated the items. Because of that he was unable to give proper credit during the auction to those responsible. I do apologize for that slip-up on my part. Over the next few weeks those people making larger contributions will get receipts for their items, detailing the amount paid. Anyone who does not get a receipt, but wants one, can request one through MHS.

Thanks again to all those who participated.

Scott Cords

MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 8

S liday


DATE: Saturday, December 8 TIME: 6:30 - 10:30 PM PLACE: Terrace Cafe

University of Minnesota st. Paul Campus Student Center

COST: $5.00 per person (covers beverages and room rental) SPEAKER: Eric Thiss - The program will be a slide presentation on some of the unusual animals

he has encountered in the years he has worked with herps.

Social hour: 6:30 - 7:30 Potluck dinner: 7 :30

Speaker: follows dinner

MHS will provide coffee, wine, beer, and all tableware. People attending are asked to bring a food item and any serving utensil needed.

DEADLINE for reservations is November 26. Contact Marilyn Brooks if you have questions. Send this fonn and a check payable to Minnesota Herpetological Society to:

Minnesota Herpetological Society Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church St .. S.E. MPLS, MN 55455·0104


NAME: ____________________________________________________ _

PHONENlnMBER: _________________________ _

:::::dillg __ at $5.00 each Total amount enclosed $ I:::::.

I I plan to bring: (check one)


MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 9


The Hoosier Herp Society already has plans undelWay for the 1991 Midwest Herp Conference to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. The dates are October 11 .. 13, 1991. The tentative list of speakers includes Bob Qark, Don Hamper, Bob Applegate, Dave Barker, Scott Michaels, Shennan Minton, Jarrod Harvey, Carl Lerner, Phil Drajeske, Ron Billingsly, and Jeff Wines. The tentative schedule of events is listed below.

Friday. Oct 11 Registration, Ice Breaker, and Host Society Meeting

Saturday. Oct. 12 Donuts and Coffee, Speakers, Lunch, Speakers Banquet at the Whale and Dolphin Pavilion, Indianapolis Zoo TourofZoo,Auction

Sunday. Oct 13 Swap Meet .. Arrangements have been made for the Ohio Swap Meet to coincide with the Symposium. Animals, cages, and supplies will be allowed for sale with prior notice.

For further information on the 1991 Midwest Herp Conference, contact: Hoosier Herp Society, P.O. Box 40544, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Ron Billingsly, President (317) 899-0269.


Please add this infonnation to your MHS White Pages.

Candy Ashbach Rt.3, Box 200-D Buffalo, MN 55313 (612) 477-4212

A. H. Hedlund 15281 331st St. Avon, MN 56310 (612) 356-7981

Jane Odegard 6800 W. Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington, MN 55438 (612) 942-7096

Keith Weltman 15251 Dresden Way Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 423 .. 5807

MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10

Lynn David DeVries 1005 S. Lake st. Lake Mills, IA 50450 (515) 592-2247

Gary Munkholm 15657 Juniper Ridge Dr. Ramsey, MN 55303 (612) 427-8756

Charlotte Pettey 2227 Arcadia Place Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 228-8525

Rosalind M. Wirsing 619 S. Whitcomb Fort Collins, CO 80521 (303) 482-2296

Steve Healy 4408 82nd Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 (612) 560-1553

Patrick D. Nelson 17291 Jasmine Ct. Lakeville, MN 55044 (612) 435-6712

Erik Swanson 1930 Burns Ave. Apt. 305 st. Paul, MN 55119 (612) 731-0414



Get your new MHS T-shirt now on sale for $10. to celebrate our Tenth Anniversary. The new T­shirts have an illustration of Northern Minnesota Amphibians by Joe Matzke on the front and the MHS logo with a tenth year inscription on the sleeve. These T-shirts will only be available through 1991. The original MHS T-shirt will continue to be available. Shirts will be on sale at the meetings or use the convenient order fonn below.

-----~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~;~~~~;~~-------I MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY

NAMB(S) _______________________________________________________ __

ADDRESS ______________________________________________________ __

CITY ____________________ _ STATE __ _ ZIP COI?B _________ _

MHS 10TH ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRT - $10.00 includes postage

Indicate how many and color of each. Adults available in blue or green; kids in blue only.

Ad~t: smdl _____________________________ ___ large ____________ _

medium'---____________ _ :x-Iarge ____________________ _

Kids: 10-12 __________________ _

Please enclose payment. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Minnesota Herpetological Society. MAIL TO: Minnesota Herpetological Society, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104

A1HS Newsletter, Vol. .X, No. 10 11



With all of the garbage going on with the Governor's race who would not blame anyone for not voting. MRS is not a vehicle for partisan politics, but there is one item that people have to vote YES on in this years election. The Environmental Trust Fund was created by a consti1ntional amendment in the last election. The fund currently gets its money from 400/0 of the lottery proceeds. The legisla1nre originally said it would put in 500/0 of the proceeds for 10 years, but changed their mind the frrst year. This is why you need to vote yes on the Constitutional amendment that will force the state legislature to put 400/0 of the lottery proceeds into the trust fund for the next 10 years. Not voting for the amendment is counted as a no, so please vote for the Trust Fund and the heck with the Governor's race.


" " HERP ASSISTANCE PEOPLE II II II 'I II , Do you ever have a question about one of your herps and wonder who might be able to provide an II II answer? Most people who keep pets of any kind have been in this situation at one time or another. II II A group of MHS members has volunteered to provide assistance. listed below are the people and II II their specialties. Please be reasonable about the time of day and how frequently you call.l II II \I II Large pythons and constrictors Other SnaKes II II Glen (Jake) Jacobsen 757-8268 DelJones 938-8555 II II Jack Walsh, Jr. (715) 822-8726 John Meltzer 263-7880 \I

II II \I II II Lizards Amphibians II II Nancy Haig 789-4637 John Meltzer 263-7880 II II Barney Oldfield 1-923-4856 Greg Kvanbek 533-7723 II II II II II II Terrestrial turtles and tortoises Aquatic Turtles II II John Moriarty 647-1334 Barney Oldfield 1-923-4856 II II Ann POlWoll 489-7853 Dennis Daly 633-8370 II II II II II II Minnesota Herps II II Greg Kvanbek 533-7723 II II Jo1m Moriarty 647-1334 II II II II II c ~

MHS NewsletterJ ·Vol. X, .1'10. 10 12


A Student Activities Fair was held on September 26 at The St. Paul Campus of the Univcr-sity of Minnesota. The MHS Student Chapter was represented by members Marilyn Brooks, Greg K vanbek, Drew Newman, and Jane Olin. The purpose of the fair is to acquant students with campus activities. Four new members were signed up.

1.0.0 = male; 0.1.0 = female; 0.0.1 = unknown

MHS DELI: Order frozen rats and rat pups no later than 7:00 PM the Monday before the meeting (or Saturday if Monday is a holiday). Call Bruce at (612) 593-0298 to place an order. Limit: 3 dozen pups or 6 adult rats.

Fresh frozen rats - $2.00 each Fresh frozen rat pups - $6.00 per dozen

FOR SALE: 0.1. o LampropeJtis zonata, California Mountain Kingsnake, 1.5 ft. long, $70. Call (612) 796-2816 after 6 PM.

WANTED: Contributions to Herp Forum. Hints, advice, questions, news, ideas, and far-out philosophies are all welcome. The best contribution wins a t-shirt. Just ask me about it. Greg Kvanbek, (612) 533-7723.



INSTRUCTIONS: Ads are run as a free service to paid members. Paid ads from non-members are not accepted. Ads for venomous species, illegal species, or sick animals will not be run. MHS takes no responsibility for legality or health of any animal advertised here. Ads may be run for three consecutive months at which time ads may be re-submitted. The editor reserves the right to omit ads when space is limited so as to allow all members a chance to advertise. Size of ads is limited to 4 typed lines or 1 standard size business card. ~~~!!.for all newsletter items is the of the month. all ne'Wsletter to: AITN: Newsletter Editor, Minnesota Herpetological Society, Ben Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. S.B., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104.

MHS Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 10 13







RECYCLED PAPER Conserving OUr Resources

CITY _____________________________ _ STArn __ _ ZIP CODB _____ _

PHONB _____________________ __ LIST IN MHS DIRBCTORY? YBS__ NO __

HBRP-RBLATBD INTBRBSTS ________________________________________________ _


__ SUSTAINING ..•.••.. $50.00 __ FAMILY .••••••. $12.50

__ CONTRIBUTING ..... $25.00 __ INDIVIDUAL .... $10.00

OFFICIAL (ORIGINAL) MHS T-SHIRT - $7.00 includes postage (indicate how many of each)

Adult: smaH __ medium__ large__ x-large __ Kids: 6-8__ 10-12 __

Please enclose payment. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO; Minnesota Herpetological Society. Membership is for 12 months from date of joining. A membership card will be sent by return mail. A receipt will be sent only on request. MAIL TO: Minnesota Herpetological Society, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104

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