visual influences 2

Post on 24-May-2015






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The Tempest Research Project

Visual Influences

Rachael Correya

Michael Sheen's Port Talbot Passion play 'crucifixion'

A play set in Port Talbot about the story of Jesus Christ and his Crucifixion.

The play was a 72 hour performance, over three days in the easter period. Michael Sheen starred in the performance with about 15 other main actors and roughly 1000 local residents also performing with an estimated 6000 gathering to watch on the first day.

The performance took place in many various locations throughout the town, including open space to the public like sea fronts, shopping centres, local streets and social clubs.

The play used the towns local history about a new motorway being built through the centre of their town to involve local residents and make a modern interpretation of the play.

Site Specific TheatreThe Wise Fools of Gotham

Set in the small village of Gotham, Nottingham, telling the legendary tales through performances done by locals.

In and Around Nottingham

Hucknall Bestwood Estate

Bestwood has approximately 3300 households. The area of the Bestwood Estate borders the junctions of Arnold Road/Hucknall Road & Arnold Road/Edwards Lane to the Junctions of Beckhampton Road/Eastglade Road and Southglade Road/Andover Road, also encompassing the area between the City Hospital and Arnold Road.

Scene after a murder on the Bestwood estate

'Gangsters ran our estate better than the police'

When the Mafia-style thugs who ran this estate were jailed, a strange thing happened...crime actually went UP! The depressing truth is they deterred crime more effectively than the police

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Colin Gunn

Colin Gunn is a prominent leader to the Bestwood estate gang in Nottingham, Bestwood Cartel and is now imprisoned for the double murder of John and Joan Stirland.

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