village of delta - township of rideau lakes, ontario, · pdf file5.0 village of delta...

Post on 07-Mar-2018






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The Township of Rideau Lakes

Village of Delta Community Improvement Plan (CIP)


Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Delta Past and Present ................................................................................................................ 3

1.3 Project Area ................................................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Community Engagement ............................................................................................................. 4

2.0 Legislative Context .................................................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Provincial Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Official Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Village Vision ........................................................................................................................................... 5

4.0 Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 5

5.0 Village of Delta Community Improvement Plan (CIP) ............................................................................. 6

6.0 Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 9

6.1 CIP Administration .......................................................................................................................... 9

6.2 CIP Grant Program Administration ................................................................................................. 9

6.3 Grant Program Application ............................................................................................................. 9

7.0 Implementation .................................................................................................................................... 10

7.1 Grant Implementation and Monitoring ........................................................................................ 10

7.2 Marketing and Promotion ............................................................................................................. 10

7.3 CIP Review and Amendment ......................................................................................................... 11

7.4 Dissolution of CIP .......................................................................................................................... 11

8.0 Schedules .............................................................................................................................................. 12

8.1 Schedule 1 - Community Improvement Plan Project Area ........................................................... 12


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose The purpose of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is to identify areas within the municipality that are underutilized and implement a plan to assist in redevelopment and community-building. CIPs are tools which the Municipality can use to help foster healthy and sustainable communities. The purpose of the Delta CIP is to support the short and medium term growth of the village of Delta and to facilitate a long term vision for this historic community within the Township of Rideau Lakes.

1.2 Delta Past and Present The Village of Delta was first settled in 1794 by Abel Stevens who was originally from Vermont. Stevens brought many family members and others from Vermont to Delta in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Throughout its history Delta was known by three different names. Originally it was referred to as “Stevenstown” after its founder, however in 1815 the name was changed to “Stone Mills” after the construction of the stone grist mill. In 1826 the name was again changed to “Beverley” after Chief Justice John Beverley Robinson. The village was officially named “Delta” in 1856. The final name change resulted from the discovery of another town called “Beverley”. “Delta” was chosen due to its geographic position along the creek flowing between the two lakes.

Over time Delta prospered as a farming and industrial village and grew to entail pioneer trades and crafts, general stores, smiths, hotels, a tannery, distillery, brickyard, foundry, cheese factory, carriage works, a newspaper and even a hospital.

Currently Delta has a limited mix of businesses. Some significant assets include the Delta Fair which dates back to 1830 and continues today, and the recently restored Old Stone Mill National Historic Site. The Mill continues to grind locally grown, heritage Red Fife wheat into flour, displays a variety of exhibits, conducts guided and self-guided tours, and has a small gift shop where the flour can be purchased. Lower Beverley Lake Park attracts thousands of visitors to the area offering accommodation, a beautiful beach, nature trail and other facilities and events. The area also boasts wonderful cycling routes through the scenic countryside and quality paddling on both Upper and Lower Beverley lakes


(Sources: My Own Four Walls: Heritage Buildings in Bastard and South Burgess Township by Diane Haskins, 1985; Delta Heritage Plaques compiled by the Township of Rideau Lakes; Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Township of Rideau Lakes, 2007).

1.3 Project Area The Village of Delta is located along County Road 42, also known as King Street within the village. Delta is flanked by Lower and Upper Beverley Lakes and is at the southernmost end of the Township. The community improvement project area is defined by the main street, King Street. This area generally includes the lands designated as the Delta Village and Hamlet in the Township’s Official Plan. The project area was developed through public consultation with a focus on a ‘gateway’ concept. An illustration of the community improvement project area can be found in Section 8.1.

1.4 Community Engagement The Delta CIP was community driven from the beginning. The Township commenced two community evaluation exercises to engage the local and broader community. These exercises consisted of a Visioning Workshop and an Open House. The events were conducted to support the community in identifying assets, strengths, priorities and vision. Along with members of the general public, the Delta Community Improvement Committee made up of group of concerned Delta residents took a primary role in shaping the long term vision for Delta. Township staff facilitated and guided the process. The Planning Advisory Committee provided direction throughout the process as well. The outcome of these exercises was a clear vision for the future of Delta as a vibrant and mixed community which uses its heritage and natural amenities to leverage local development opportunities that support Delta’s past, present and future. This vision is further outlined in Section 3.0.

2.0 Legislative Context 2.1 Provincial Legislation

The legislative context of CIPs is found in Section 28 of the Planning Act. The administration of CIP programs is outlined in Section 28 through Section 32.

2.2 Official Plan

The Planning Act requires that CIPs be contemplated in the Municipal Official Plan. Section 2.7.1 of the Township’s Official Plan notes,


“It is Council’s goal to maintain, rehabilitate and upgrade the physical environment in order to enhance the Township as an attractive place in which to live, work and recreate in, as well as visit as a tourist or business traveler.”

Section 2.7.3 identifies the Township’s Villages and Hamlets as Community Improvement Policy Areas. Section 2.7.4 further outlines some of the broad aspects in which improvements are required including municipal services, availability and adequacy of parks and recreation, compatibility of land use, physical amenities such as streetscapes and buffering and the condition of existing building stock. Section 2.7.5 notes that Council recognizes that CIPs should be developed on a priority basis as opportunities arise. Section 2.7.6 outlines the manners in which Council intends to implement improvement initiatives.

3.0 Village Vision

“Delta is a vibrant community rich with heritage and natural

amenities. Delta will leverage its assets to foster a mixed community

that supports families, seniors, youth, and visitors through sustaining

and developing local services.”

Delta is ideally situated to become a vibrant, mixed use tourist oriented destination within the Township. Delta’s community and volunteer base within the historic village will continue to foster local events and traditions while rehabilitating the commercial core of the village. The promotion of businesses that support local service needs will be encouraged and immigration into the village will be supported. A mix of new and old commercial and residential development will assist in providing a clear village identity and pave the way for a vibrant future for the long-standing community.

4.0 Goals and Objectives The goals and objectives of the Plan are to support and implement the realization of the Delta Village vision. This will be achieved through the support of targeted community development and redevelopment and the active promotion of Delta as an important destination within the Township. CIP programs will actively support both the heritage and progress of Delta and make the village an attractive destination to a wide array of residents and visitors.


5.0 Village of Delta Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

Grants & Incentives The Delta CIP will implement and facilitate programs aimed at supporting development, as

well as the rehabilitation of existing residential properties and commercial businesses.

Commercial Facade and Sign Improvements The Township will encourage the rejuvenation and development of commercial facades which are reflective of, and sympathetic to, the village vernacular. A grant program to assist in the costs associated to facade or sign improvements will be developed wherein the Township will provide a grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $1,000. The Township’s Commercial Site Plan Design Guidelines shall be used as a guide in facade and sign improvements. Eligible Costs

Material costs such as construction materials, paint, hardware and associated freight and delivery

Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services

Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Built Heritage Improvement The Township will support the restoration and designation of Delta’s built heritage. The Township will provide staff expertise and advice in the development of conservation and/or restoration plans. The Township will also support the adaptive reuse of heritage structures that promote the development of commercial, institutional or mixed-use commercial/residential uses within the village. A grant program to assist in the costs associated to heritage restoration will be developed wherein the Township will provide a grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5,000. Eligible Costs

Material costs such as construction materials, paint, hardware and associated freight and delivery

Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services

Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council


Accessibility The Township wishes to promote a program of increasing physical accessibility. To do so, the Township will make available a grant program to assist in the costs associated to physical accessibility improvements for commercial and institutional uses or home based businesses. The Township will provide a grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $2,000. Accessibility will also be a guiding principle for development by the Township within the community improvement project area. Eligible Costs

Material costs such as construction materials, paint, hardware and associated freight and delivery

Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services

Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Planning & Development Application Fee Offsetting The Township wishes to support investment in the CIP area by providing a financial incentive in the form of a grant equivalent to a portion of the fees paid on planning and development applications and building permits in order to help offset the upfront costs of development within the CIP Area. To promote development and construction activity by rebating planning application fees and building permit fees for eligible properties within a CIP Area. Rebating such fees is desirable in order to reduce financial burdens on targeted private investment. All application and permit fees are required to be paid at the beginning of each project and at the completion of the project (after final inspection / occupancy / appeal period), an application can be made for a refund of the fees paid to the Township. The Township will provide a grant equivalent to up to 80% of the planning and development application and permit fees paid by an owner.

Eligible Costs

Planning and/or building application fees for projects within the CIP that promote the overall vision of Delta and support the overall goals within the Township’s Official Plan.

Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Residential Conversion Grant The Township wishes to promote residential conversions by providing grants to residents / business owners who choose to convert a portion of their home or the entire house to a commercial business to support the mixed use village core and local services aspect of the


Plan. All applications will be required to meet zoning requirements. The grants, equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5,000, will help to increase the commercial building stock in the CIP area.

Eligible Costs

Material costs such as construction materials, paint, hardware and associated freight and delivery

Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services

Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Promotions and Planning The Township will encourage specific promotions within the CIP area that support the overall

vision of the CIP and the Township’s Official Plan. The Township will seek to address planning

constraints, such as servicing, by promoting research and exploration into different options

regarding these constraints.

Home Based Businesses and Bed & Breakfasts Development The Township will help to promote Delta as an attractive location to start a bed and breakfast as well as home based businesses through developing and implementing an awareness campaign for residents. Throughout the public consultation process for the CIP a need for a range of accommodations and business opportunities was identified. It was determined that encouraging home based businesses and bed and breakfast developments would help to accommodate this need. The Township will review current policies in order to eliminate barriers to the development of such businesses. The geographic location of Delta, between the two bodies of water, and the heritage buildings give Delta the potential to become a desired tourist destination and makes the village ideal for such development. Additionally, the businesses will aid in developing the local economy through private investment and tourism.

Imageability and Hub Promotion The Township will seek to increase the imageability of the village by creating a stronger sense of place. This will be achieved through signage, boundary definition, marketing and promotion. Through coordination with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville the Township will seek to improve the streetscape along the main village gateway and corridor, King Street, through plantings, benches and lighting. This will assist with the promotion of the main street ‘district’ and the imageability of Delta.


Servicing Options

One of the main weaknesses identified through public consultation of the CIP were wastewater servicing options within Delta. The village is currently serviced via private on-site services. In order to acknowledge and address the difficulties of economic development in village and hamlets on private services the Township will investigate and undertake a comprehensive servicing options report. The anticipated study could lay the groundwork for an important component of long term diversification and growth within the Township.

6.0 Administration

6.1 CIP Administration The Delta CIP will be administered by Council. Council may by resolution delegate aspects of the CIP administration to a designated body or staff. Township staff will use the CIP as a tool to promote economic and community development in Delta.

6.2 CIP Grant Program Administration The CIP grant programs will be administered by Council or through designation by a designated body or staff. All grant programs will be conditional on available funding in each fiscal year. It is anticipated that the CIP grant programs will draw from a Community Improvement Plan fund to be included in the Township’s annual operating budget. Other financial supports related to the CIP will be made available as Council sees fit. The Township will pursue similar funding supports from the County of Leeds and Grenville. Final decisions on applications shall be made by the designated body or staff. The applicant(s) shall be afforded an opportunity to appeal a designated body or staff’s decision to Council.

6.3 Grant Program Application A property owner, assessed owners or tenants, persons who have been assigned the right to receive grants by an owner or tenant may make a grant application. CIP grant applications will be made available on the Township website and at the Township office. The application will require land owner information, property information and a detailed analysis of the proposed project, including an analysis of estimated costs and timeline for completion. Applications will be accepted at any time, however if the funding for the fiscal year has been used, applications will be deferred to the following fiscal year. Applications will be preliminarily reviewed by staff and a recommendation to approve, approve with amendments or deny will be provided. Final decisions will be made by Council or the designated body. Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:


Supports vision of CIP

Supports economic development

Demonstrates feasibility of project

Demonstrates community benefit

7.0 Implementation

7.1 Grant Implementation and Monitoring A person or corporation is eligible for one grant per CIP program per calendar year per registered property. All applicants shall be in good standing with regards to all municipal fees and property taxes liable on the property. Only eligible properties located within the community improvement project area, as defined in Section 1.3 of this Plan, are eligible for financial incentive programs offered under this CIP. Successful grant applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the Township regarding proposed works and timelines. Grant funds will only be distributed once the work is complete in accordance with the agreement and full documentation of associated costs is provided to Council or the designated body. Council or the designated body will only approve amendments to an agreement, including an extension of the project completion timeline, where it is demonstrated that significant progress has been made or the changes are being made to further support and enhance the goals of the Delta CIP.

7.2 Marketing and Promotion The Township will actively promote and market the Delta CIP to encourage existing community members to make investments and to also generate outside interest in the Plan and grant programs. The promotion will include, but will not be limited to, a webpage within the Township website dedicated to the CIP, an electronic and paper brochure outlining the CIP and programs and incentives available, and have consultations available and encouraged through Township staff regarding the opportunities within the CIP area. Furthermore, the Township will work to facilitate private sector investment in the community and also investigate public-private partnerships where Council deems it appropriate and in the interests of the Municipality. Additionally, the Township will actively seek public funding (such as Federal and Provincial grant programs) to support municipal interests in the community and facilitate private individuals, community groups and businesses in gaining similar funding.


7.3 CIP Review and Amendment The Delta CIP will be reviewed on an annual basis. Council or the designated body may make interpretations of the plan, which support the goals and objectives of the plan. These interpretations of the plan shall be documented and consistently applied. Amendments to the CIP plan, grant programs or community improvement project area will be made in accordance with Section 28 of the Planning Act, including public notice and consultation.

7.4 Dissolution of CIP When Council is satisfied that the community improvement plan has been carried out, the Council may, by by-law, dissolve the community improvement project area. (Section 28[13] Planning Act)


8.0 Schedules

8.1 CIP Project Area

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