video #1: 你不能不知道:面試成功的五大秘訣(english language...

Post on 12-Oct-2019






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Video #1: 你不能不知道:面試成功的五大秘訣(English Language Learning Tips - Job Interviews in English)

(I) Vocabulary單字: Write the Chinese meaning of the words below. 寫出單字的中文。 tips job interview practice impress common interviewer feedback response

(I) Vocabulary單字:

Write the Chinese meaning of the words below. 寫出單字的中文。 research apply initiative professional appearance eye contact job position


Fill in the Blank with the Vocabularies Above

(1) It is important to look _________ at a job interview.

(2) He gave a great _________ to the interviewer’s challenging question.

(3) When you speak to someone, be sure to make ___________. It is good manners to do so.


Fill in the Blank with the Vocabularies Above

(4) To leave a good first impression on your interviewer, you should do some _________ on the company that you are applying for.

(5) It is _________ to see university students walking around the school campus.

(III) Great Lines 很棒的台詞

寫出英文翻譯 (6)你只有幾分鐘的時間能吸引面試官的眼光/ (讓面試官留下好印象)。


(8)反複練習至到你滿意自己的回答為止。 (9)第一印象十分重要。讓自己看起來聰明(能幹)又專業是一件很重要的事。


(IV)台詞填空 (IV) Fill in the Blank 台詞填空 (A)online (B) questions (C) initiative (D) interested (E)


(11) Lastly, don’t forget to ask questions, too. This shows you’re genuinely __________ in the job position.

(12) Don’t forget to speak ________ and not too fast. (13) If you don’t know anyone, you can do some _________

research to find out what kind of company they are. (14) Research the latest developments in the relevant business

area. This sort of information will really impress the interviewers and show you have __________.

(15)Do ask ________ about professional development.

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