verbe cauzative

Post on 14-Sep-2015






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verbe cauzative


Causative verbs Verbele cauzative exprim aciuni provocate. Cu alte cuvinte, cineva provoac aciunea, iar altcineva o face. Let, make, have i get sunt verbele cauzative ntlnite cel mai frecvent n limba englez.Folosim make (aceast construcie) pentru a fora pe cineva s fac ceva:[make + person + verb]My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?Folosim let pentru a permite cuiva s faca ceva:[let + person + verb]John let me drive his new car.Will your parents let you go to the party? Aceast a construcie face referire la "a convinge pe cineva s fac ceva", sau a pcli pe cineva s fac ceva. [get + person + to + verb]Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.How can parents get their children to read more?The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.[have + person + verb]Aceast construcie nseamn ,,a oferi cuiva responsabilitatea de a face ceva" Please have your secretary fax me the information.I had the mechanic check the brakes.Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.

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