vegetine - rockaway township free public library · 2015. 7. 14. · hags, paper, olbsookfitoos,...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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Fourth of July Observances,I people of. Irouiiv will celebrate'in aappropriate 'jpacaer, the exarches

aing at IX o'clock/ft!. The DeclarationicprudcnoQ vill be raid by Mr. Edw(udick, of Newark, and Mr.'WitgunA.«, of DovBrj will deliver Iho of tlio ehuruli will hold a fair andDID and ntrawbcrrj fe»UTul a&d balloon

B will take place in tlie afternoon

D O V E K I , Mudies of Ulljm will linlfl » fratbiL* J. JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1877. NO 28



O£Qos on Morris Btreat near Blaokwell,TEH3IS O F BDBBcnjrnom

O u e ' Y c w , - - - - - - - 8 2 . 0 0

B l i M o n t b f l , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 0

T t t r c a m o n t h s , - - - - - - - s o


DOVEE, N. J.orrtCl AT Hia BEllUKMCIi UK ctaciUUD »TIU£T.42-l> '

Jon* i". STICICLK,

Counsellor at LawAND


J. J. VREELAND,Carpenter.and Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.Bisect nn BLAOKWEI.I SI., n « t lo Ga«0.4

Halacj'a !uwbij|- mill.Conducts taken, and matirlal furnlilicil.


Cornir of Blickmlliml 8111.01 8|(.

DOVEB..N. J.. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Homo* and Carriage! to Loir


Offlco iu the National Union Sank- Building


C A. G1LLEN, .0*****1


. BIOKEIt OF DEEDS,"Allorder* promptly attended to*.

BtlOtWKLL &TBEET, Po rw, K. J .

Carriages and Sleighs,Of Every Deicrl|itloii,

Cor. Blacknell ami Donjon Ht», U O V B B , N. J .Par t icu lar attention paid to repairing and

fa in t ing . . . . . 2-ly


ja And Analyina of all Oegcriptlnna ofORES ANDMIJVKUALS

CAREFULLY MADU, •Aliat or chargea will bo fiirntahediHuppHcation.

Ii. 0 . DIEBWIBT1I,.• , j i ' : Tjotir MorrlnCwnHll. J,

p i l E J T K H 1IOU«E,

OHAft 8. ElTMONS/frdprietbr.• ' CHE8TBB,' HORBIQ CO., N. J. \Thla is onVif ihe'lnrgest hotcla iaUlo

counlj>iia th . great election of U10 Vil-laga of Chester above-tha BUrroundinRcountij hag nnde tt lamtrna Aft a ronort Tortnoie Booking a healthful Hammer reaidenac.

• Aeooiamodationa unplo.and iermB vary-nmaonable. - Excellent atablca in connectionvrllhllie Hoiae < - 17-8u

Allen Palmer.& Son;;Carpenters

• , • • • • • . . k u n i j .'• ' .

. : Builders .

Jobbing promptly attended to.S. J. PAIililBIl, AntaUsot.. -



DOVER, N. J;TbeplaeehaabecnenllroljrolllUain «neat

uainir. ' The TerJ Boat branda of

Foreignand Dbmestid Segars••:••--- ALWAYS OH HAMD. - • Sstt



' ana oxecnted, and matenal fnrnlanoa

T LAWS and SPECIFICATIONSr a ra l a B od .«nd contracts taken for all work.

" i ,aa lo c»p»eItj,lDThebna| ruftrracoaa , . , , branen of * .j ; l i n n teed. *

• A-Beemer, :'REAL,' ESTATE AGENT,

i a i t , MOT Suiiael, Dovijr, N. J.


Icr aaabrlplloia olTropdrljBnalxrilthffl "

' » t onr KiCE L I T T l i KEW STOKiS at the

• fornfe'r'nailoacVof0. B. 0 W E , ' B < 1 . on

•• •'..-• B L A C K W E L t , Si.\ '

next door to Alien* Monlnglon'» tin «toro.

"* Mr.andMrs.B.B.01iM8.Paver,-S.j.i April Cln.lBn.1 1H8»

Morrii' County7 Strogate's Offloo.. ' ' ; . • • . . . ' . Millennial, 1S77, . • • ,:In th.malloriof Oonr|;eO.Ejlatiil,.llia'EKO

ntorot OharKa Vannler.ceoM. HnrrngaloOnleitoLmiil Creditor,. _• ' .

/ S K aiiipUcallon or ' the aiwro-narooil• Exo\J utor it taflnterNl bvtheSiirrnpateIUcreditor* of tue eaUte of laid decedent lo brlrIn their uehla, iMnan.ta andolalma anlnal tnBime; onderoath, wltliln ulna nontha rrou tlidat..'b. netting up » «»PJ ft Uiia.ordar, vlttil»ontydajaher«aSter,inllT«of tan pout pnl*tin of Slorrla.for IwpBoatl>i.«naaUm.iil|liln tue B>la iwentr.Or• - - ' l inna la (Ua lWEna , i

io.|lli«'Biirro|ale|uil|ln<;>Ucr noHJo to be tnhDMiwary);: endcreditor »»all<it«lMt to nblblfhlwrUe

. nine • monlu>, pnblio tmtleo beloK .fil•foreaalil, anon crueller • ahall bednbamil cl bla or hur aellun tunrefore

A. trot copy from UJO ciloutea.

I t . A . UUNNE' I 'T , AI. i > ,


- (OpiMimto Dover Bulk,)

DOVER, N..T.,faoiBoi of Women and CLil.lren, and of t!

Ejonoi l Ear Hpu^inltiiH.>flko H o u n ; 1U 0 A . » . , 1 to S anil 7 to 8 P. M.

unD D, JiJlITII. I). O. UKtlEK,.™,



ip. 3".

L. w. T.HURB¥ RTmjfi:uiSTj!NDEK"r OF rui iuo MJUOOLB


over GKO. HICnAltDStCo.'a BTOKE,




DOVER, N. J.)Bkft orcr A. Wlatiton't) HISTC and."tin etoi17-ly Bhukwcll utroot.

RA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Oonlracle taken or all Undaof llaeon ^VorkidJobblng.

linUi.PLASTOl AMD CEMENT,* Furnialicd'at ahort uatlno.

)fnto nudor "The Iron Kra Ouleo," Dorer,». J. ' , IMS

Grandin House.oo YAUDS rnosi E. I . & w. DEPOT

T. P. GllAR'WN, Piop'r.

accnminoilatkmR fur irenHil U li l h

inlnt li

l lom Iteblo c

isnt 01omling

l k


Iron Owa and Mineral Property,

POWERVILLE, N. J.P. O. at B 0 0 M 0 N , N. J .




POET ORAM, N. J.Rall fho principal Unfa of ateamslillilrom Now S01I1 tti Liverpool at LOWEST



MBS. A. BEEMEBI i now road; willi all the nuw styles for •

SPRINC3-of 1877.Fashionable Millinery


Fancy Oood.3.THE

atest Styles & Newest DesignsNBABLY 0IT0BIT1E NATIONAL UNION BANK

BPOiDIHO, DOV£B, M. J.Tlie ]»r«ost anil tuont compluto itock of Mill!

orj- nuil Pnnoj Uomie U lie found l a Dover

UouuetH, Hntm Flowers, Peat-era, Itlbbous: Lace*—rearRIIII tin Mat iou-Neukdei)

and Bows, Collars.Lace aud Liineii-

lets. Crapes. IMnurnliiB UonnetiaudUolts .

k Hue sasortmctit of

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c.Al»o, s rery larpo rarlety o ' '


Ladles1 rufnislilng Goods.verything of thu best material anil miila up

iv llit muni competent asaiiUnls.

Hardware, iron and Steel,AILS,. BTJliDEllB' HAllDWABE,



Coa. WAauiNoniM Aiin D A V / BTOEBTB,


Vooflen Ware and -:: Housekeeping Goods,

PAINTSi OILS, GtJiASS,•Dd Uunftctarti i ' ArtlclH genermllj.

Limej Cement, Plaster,Boiifl


pcr rbMiitutd of Ume.'iud allother PerUllnin.



LT0 addilioml cliwg^for^xtrMting j.hoM

m baujUnlaelBof teethtat-V,-'W^.


2K 5 \


calls attention to the fact that ho has token the

HOTEL, on BLAdKWELL St,DOVTCRjN. J.', lately kept by Chns. Watsonand has completely renovated" and retur

Bi.h.1 iv» »>Js^;? i /«U L ' t r i r i l T " " • • • • • • • • • • — * w w w , * * » « • • • » W l l U " * " • ' A l l

BAH will be BiipplitdTith tho beitbrandi ofLTQUOEB and Biaaa. Board will bo, fur-nished by the dnj or weel, on reoaonalrtf

m a . . . M y . - . < ' • -. • •

Livery Stablewill ba conlinncd in connection with thlHome. An invitation ia ortehiM to oil myold frlenila and tho general pnblio to gi-

o call. «••*

M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS, 'J

and BUILDERS,S J i ' ' BL*CMBX8T. , " • • '

±>OVBB,N. J.planBBndSpeeiUcatlona'fiirbnllilinia,Oontracl

l i l iD anil malerlalafnrnSliiJ.

Jobbing in General.


McCaiiisville,urritea lh» »Bentlon; of .the Udiea to her

' • alook of


, . , r - • • MADE. ;







uvcrrwlieif) proveHinpLE. fcicuNouimedlelpe* mottle want, i

BC for twtnVfytan.l tbi)^XCalTberit'lnST

•icicneM ana •tiiTevinK.ipccine the well l 'ltd II

UlUHt HAPH,1KPF1CIKNTire junt wtaitlinn1, inoncv.Kvri-T HliiRlc

cacrlpllon ol

g ,orcWldroiiotAduiH, . . «3Qriplng, Illllotii Colic, . , Sn

i r b m , VooUlne, . . . . * .ld* DroDCbllii K, COUgbH, Cold*, DroDcbllli, . . . • . I

, N t u r a l R l a , Tootbiwlie. Faccacbe, , . 1t Drapepala, BIlluii. Bunnicb, . * . . ».SuppreiBCd,orPaln(nlj '«i irf i , . . . W'm vVoltrat too frofnia pcrludf1. • . . . S3, t > o u n . tough, DlffleaHBreithtiiiT, . , i s. Salt [IheHiii, Entipriu, Enijitloos. . IS. RbeunutlNni, Ithriinwile PHIDI, . . as. Fever and A m c Cbill Fever, Aguei,,' 60. Piles, blind nrhltrflns BO

. „ Optatbalmr. md Bore or Weak T.jet,. Wlft.Catnrrli.KnIa or Cbmnlclnnuenia, , M.

"I. WhooplnF-I^iKf l i , violent cuugUi, . 50. A » ( h m a , opjx^Ktl hrcatLing, . . , GO: E a r D U e l i a r t c e a . liujialrcd luarlmt, . soL McnKnla* enlDrgcd Rlmdii.BwclllDti*, . BO.Ccneral^bl l l i r .Ft ir i lca lWeskiuru, . COL n r o i t a y a n d u a n l T S e c K l i o n t , . . . . 60i. Htm-tilcUntM, BlckneMfromriUIng, . CO

"' ' T.DUe«M, Ornvel &TI D e b i l i t y , Vllal WttUini'm, 1 0 0

l t t l , Canfiia1, M, Weakneai.,wrttli>ntlMbedl CO

^fPerlndN,orwlil.B|>»iiM, . . 60,HB Of H e a r t , palp,tM..>n*, e t c . I 00

- —* &• "•- la*nance, , ! 00

Thoro arc t l ino k-stutiB I would write—DO worilBB« witli B Ijuruiujj poo,

[n Irftcinfiofctcrual lightii Uto.linrtMor uiuii.

FaVo 1ID|)«' TIIOIIRI. otouili omiroii now,Aad (jlttdncBD lililc* lur face In « o r n ,ut tbuu llio dliiilntv fiuiu iliy Itrow—To uiglit but lialh Its raoro.

!avo faith. Wlioro'or tliy barb ia Uriron—The calin'M dliporl, tlie Wmpoifa m l r l h -

ilionr t l i i i -Oud rule* tho lioal or bcivco,

F o r Hiill at J. 11. mii>.V.VH drug BtnrB, , .

lluokwll mid HUKHIX HU. mxl VuiiplilA KUI-ire, nuff curnur drug attire, Dover, H, J.

Tlius grovo Ihcao Icsicn on tlir tunl—Dope, FailU aud Love-and Ilioa ihalt find

Itreugth when Hto'» tftirm a ruduHt roll.Uglit «bon tbou crit wort blind.


• I WISH NO OTHER.April •Ttli, 1870. •

i S i V ' m b»(w about 8 yrnrs of age & liumur broke outinon mo, which my tnothur trjed to cure uy!vlng ine herlitciiB and all.other nuoh reme.

ali-B 03 olio knew of, but it continued lo growworm, ui>til flcnlly HIIO consulted a plyslcioBuid ha said I liod tlie salt rhoum, and i l* .tored me for tlint complaint Uo relievedmo some, but onld I could notba ponnnDcutlycured ns tha dJuenao originated in tbe blood.I remained a grervt sufferer for-aevornl years,intil I hcaid of nud cpnialtcd a pbystdan,yho mid I had ILo Bcrofulous hunior nnd ifTonLd allow b imto doctor mo he would

euro me.. I did so, and hs oommonoed heal,ing tip my Boras and succeeded in effectingan external cure, but in a nhort.tlnie the dig.eiua appeared again in a worse form thanever, as cahoerouB humor upon my lungi,throat and head, I Buffered the most torri-ble pain, and tbere-seemed lobe no remedy,ind tny friends thought I must soon dia;wLon my attcutlon was caUed, white readingi rowFcimcr, to a VKGETINF, tcstlmonidDf Mn. WittcrUoDse, Ho. 804 Athena street,South Boston, and I, formirly' rosiJinft. inSouth Boston and bo lug pcno,naUy acquaint-ed with her aud knowing her former peeblehealth. J cocolnded I would try tliB Vogg*

oo. After I had taken ft f«T bottles itaeemed to force the nores out of my ijrffcd.'I had raurilng my cars which for atime wcro vary painful, but I continued lotake the VcgeUno until I had t ^ n clout 2B

Itlcfl, tny Jivalth improving ,all- Jhe. timeira the commencement of the first bottle.

ai the Bonn to henl. I commenced taidngtho-Vegetice in 1872, nnd continued Its COD-1stunt use for six month),. At the presentlime my health is better than it ever Tinsbeenfiince I wart* child. The Vegetlneliwhat helped ino/aud imoBtcordlallyrccom-nond it to all finfforere, efipccloll; my friend*.

I bod been a lutTcrer for over HO yearn, anduntil I uwfl tlw VrgBtlne, I found no reraedyinow I UAO it u m j family mediolna, andwiub

o other. MB& B. 0. Coopis,No. 1 Joy fit, Provldenoe, B. L

YEGETINE.; Tfaa'rongDof dlHordera which riold to theinSueneeof this tdedlolne, and the numticrof defined diseases which It never'falia tocure, an greater than auy other tingle med-icine lifts hitherto been oven recommended

by anr other .than the. proprietorssome'quncJ. nostrum;. iTbeae dlBeaiea iSerofnfa andlalleroptivediaeaBeBijnd.5tnors, Rheumatiim, Gout, Neuralgia;, audSpinal, Complaint* and all inflammakiry---Tilcwnaf Ulelh., ill SypBiUtlb Ji«M.:B,™JCV and bladder diseases,- Dropny, the painful ttkorden which aogenerally afflict American women, and whichenrry annually thousanda of them to prema-ture graves: Dyspepsia, thitunlTenalcnnflof American -manhood,. Heartburn, Piles,Constipatiou, NervouHnesB. Inability to sleepand Impure llood. .

This ii aformidallB Iid'ol'.'bnman &ll-mcnU for any Biuglo nicdicine to lucoessf allyattack, and it-la not probable that any <roearticle before the nnblig has the power toeuro the quarto of :them except .YBgetflicIt laji the axe at the root of the tree of Us-coue bv first eliminating cverjimparlt* trmatha blood; promoting the secrctious, openingtho pores—the great ewape volvea jit.theirrefcm-fnvigoraUng tho liver toite fdU andnatural action, cleansing the atomnchandvtreoRthening digestion.' Thlsmnchaccom-wliahed, ltd speedy "and the penhaaent odM1

of not only the diseases we havo enumerated,but Hkuwfca tho,wbo!e train ot«hronlo andCDmUtutlonal dlurdcrs, (s certain to follow.Thli i> procUoty-wliftt Vegetine do*i, and itdoeB it £> qumkly, and » ewiiy, that it is anacGompiUhcd fact almost be fore tbo patientis aware of it himBelf. -

.-T.; , 1870/

l ltt . H. IL'SXEVBHB: wear HIT—»ucni*u ut,tato t* yon Urnt I was afflibW with" a break-' out of blotches nnd pimples on my face

neck for Boveral jears. I have tried—->medieR, but none cured the humormrmy.renieuie.vbtit.none curoa me nunior.

on my f«e and neck.- After-nmug two orUnwTbotUei of your-Tegetine the .hapotwas entirely ccred. Idocerialnlybeliaveltig the beat medicine fornU inipuritieH.of theblood that tuero ia:ia the land,' and ihouldhinhly recommend It to the aOTicted pabllo.

. r ; Uo TrtuVjounT?' -• '• -.'•.'.:.end tt to the aTroly-jourtf? -• • . ; .-

i - ' V.Faaiv**, Architect.'Mr. t well-known archiUiot ani l d V t U t U o F * U n ) I ; I U *

there u t . kt^BTica^ty for the last BSyeini.

\ VEOE™EBoston, Mai*.

wrow ia eoi*


• OKTDErEATIIor A. L, ff.

UOVT iiliull t hforTiaTiiij nfllfc,OfarwIiclliiL'd in iluopuut ijluoui;

While tlie [ond (urtnor uf my lifuLioa ibrof dtd in tbu tomb.

That Invcly form to n o no dear,Olil.niUiorlinat tboufliil,

Ah t uuinUrt J with tlie (load.

Ob I would llmt I too might hano diedAuil HiiiH'il lay Biftlit wllli thee,

Would I could iluinbor l»v IHy ,UoF i n n lull nud iorn>w del.

Aud wilb tiioe Join tbat hcsTenly throng,On Iho culi'minl plain*,

A»J with tlmiii Bint' Ilie Angelic lunjj

Iu oluar bat mouloiiii Hlraiaa,

JTt.1 bire on earth anlillo I ,t»y, .A tbarny pntli to I rend,

Until I'm Huminonod hcucq awaj,'Joiluoibur wllli tbodiad.

vo. Hot Idvo alone Tar one,an, RS man, thy brotlitre call,t tor, liba the circling BIIH.

E H A P B U T I O N S . * .

Adam miasod ono of tlio Iururios ofife. He couldn't taugli in his sleeve.'

Definition of a gentletnnn.—A gentle-man ia a- nu\a wbo 1mb no liusiacsa in thisworld.

yfhv ia cliloroforiD lilioMentJolflsobu ?Jeoauep it is ono af tbe great composers1 modern tines, ' • -

Tlio Dasbi-BnzouliH Hde with &..,..short Htirrnps, they can wipe thoir noBOaon tbeir kucos vitliout bcniliug uvor.

A follow iu New Orleans is said to havBBaton a boi of oastilo son» to get rid ofEreokietf,' He ulHl lins a few ou tiis fabe,

ut inBide bo IBU'L fi-coUotl n bit.Tbere is a Pbiladeiiiliinn who rojo

in tbe name of. UroyJopplo, He feelsitiite out up when Uo in aadreuaed as

In New Jersey tbooouutry girls whoseJOIUI nre comiDg'. piuclicd for kifsiug3y eatiDR young goosebsrrioa. Tbeyiuokor up bettor. . . ,- . - •

AD editor heiiled on artiolo '• Villionyin Foot," DUII ninety-BOVOU of bislriendssailed early next tnovaing to tind olit howLbe editor bad lost bis lionte. "' '

Tliey bavo fount! tbe arma of tboeuus of Milo. Tbey were wrapped

around u Koman poliremen's reck, UQ<1Mr. Milo id awful mad about it.

Not ono of tbe war maps BIIOWB ni rtrees for tbe officers' to crawl bobiud,and tliat xankea tbe anticiiiaUd bait I c-groundB look strange aau unnatural.Ask'auy old soldier'jfihii isn't 8o,

He* WIB iniarwl-ljy. beinp; run over.It isn't tbe accideiit," B&ld tie, " tbat I

tniutj ; tbut isn'ttbo thing—but tho ideaof being ruu over by, a ewill cert, that's

flat inabes me mad,"

"•Wliereifl tlie'filtyTHarsbal ?" snoutsin excited Kuiisai paper, givinff anlccouiit of a burglary;' In tbo nextIHBUO it answers its oprn ponumdrnm:" Run owoy trom town with the Iteoor-lar'n vita."' - • ;

Out ia Kansiui > recently tbo local ptjormonio society opened its coLcort wi" Hark, Apollo1 strikes the. lvre,V ]

ast bnve Lit bim a tri-monflons welt,_ we notice tbero was no issue, of the

locul papei1 tlie following weok,!!Lt- .. .iiecont - advertisemoDt for an A absent

wife. Jane, your alisenco will ruin all.'Tliink of tlie cuiklren, your parents,year bnBband. Beturo, pray j nil mayyet be well. At any rate inclose the keyof tbe cupboard wbcre tbe gin is,

Frenchman in Ke^v'York broughtmufja to tbo milkmen in plnpeof ono,

is usual; and on being naked tbe mean-ing of It, lepltet), " Din vor ts milk, audiis for te wnter; an'. I vtll mil thorn zn

to poote myself."

" You'd better knock tfaafiiioor, down I•Wbat do yop want ?"i My dear sir; don'tlot ine wakoany of youri-fnmily J I'mjuBt-ueiug your knocker to wake' tbepeople next door. - I'm locked oot, yousen; and they've no knocker," Eap 1rap I;'mp I", • . . . .

p0\yon'.drink1?" eaitl one of tlioladles of tbe. Women's CbriBtian" Tem-perance Union .to \Veber, tho book-binder, wbenrbe went to'.Uioladies todeliver Bomo of bis work, . "Veil. Idon't care opb I dakes a leetlo," eaid tliegood-natured German, taking the ques-tion for &D.invitation, t-'-- .• •: .

Amelia (to George, wbo was a Drip;dlor in oar. late nnpicasactucM)—•"Qe-orgo. dear, ploaso don't voluntcorlu behulf of thn Gzar.or tl.c Suttaa." ..

Qeorge~"Ho, love. You seo, notspeaking t'ther Itocuhiah., or' Turkish', Icoald scarcely comiuand {(bcr^rmy.1? -

i^Bir/myancostoro oameoverin tlieMayflower ¥li was the-rather baugbty,remark-of- orjQ; Beaton gentlomnn^toanbtber, dprlngArather heated conver?salioa) .1 recently/; "*?-Tbnt w|isJn»laraenongb," was tbeV' a.uick-: response'tbere was oo extradition law in -tboSi

The deteelives of-Cinoinnnti fcpeflunnBpioioiw"wboo tloy mnelt perfumery

^a most ofJtbo thieves tliey met, JITK'tbey knew wbat it meant wbeo tboylearned >that u-drug. store'bad becarobbed. 'Tbo scent waa BO- strongthat-It Jo'd tlio offlqers direct to tbebarglare. , . . • :

Orie'of the barber'B ___.dogvt ungainly aspect,, stttingopposilo,intently watcbing bim. £Wby.^doesthat dog look at me s6?"l "Why, sir,occasionally my band slips, nod I smB6 nnfortnnnte as tu snip off a bit ofear."! " E b l andwbatthen 1" "Wliy,then be eaU it.'-1- -" "When tho ;foronmn of n Clevelandpaper calliopes down Urn tin telephoneW "more oon/,1'tbe editor ealtnly otowstbe foam bock from the edge of a half-RHltantneasuraand replien in -unrnfflcdtones t Hammer ranother'Black Sea ontbe war map, and givo it to'em egaib.

, An American lady earning from .Canadaassured tbe coetomiJ oGBcer that Bba hadnotbicg but • woBring Bppojcl in hetronk; the bottom of tborticle &ud louud'a dosen'bottles ofbrandy stowed away;- "aTbdnm," de-manded bp,L sternly, *' do you call thesewearidemurband's

iring apparoll" '•Yes." the lady,luroly replied ; "they aret my busid's'ttigfilcapB.1"" ' . ;

P in t BOB ol Albion. \_" pi'm aurpriBcd"i t tbii DBwa'fromHame'riKi, butitahowsthe snperiority of'bcraf'GoTorniaent,"Second ton of A.—"Wnt'B hup nowhover thert ?"•" Fiist son of A. "Yty,ihey oant pay tbeir harciy. Did yonhever 'eat the Jiki I Xo speak of it as Bliarmy la haboord, yon know; but totbinkthe payof^sueb aiiinBiRniScantearjod should be in Inrrcursl. iyfhj,bTaBtmeJ ioyvw 'n t inboae^

WKE CRUSTY SNAKES.Fike Omutj, Fa., i i a foyorito resort

or Morris County banters, the winterand full, however, being tbe acceptedrteiifions for sport. Tlie following des-

-iptiou uf snake from an old SJboholainner will, wo tliink, be DO indnucment

Tor trout fisbcra to viuittbatlively flection>f old Pike: ''- .

I kin take yur to a filuco not moro'n:liree mile from li'vej," said old Jerry3rconiiig, "wbero JOF kin git all tbe

.ttlosoitUos yur want,'Old Jerry Greening ia tbe bead of Lbe

culebrutod lumily of tbatnuuo, hunters,iliui-a, and trappers. .Hisfarm adjoiiiE

Mailntno Poniiii'fi, in tbe garden spurt ofthoSuoboIa rcginn. I wan in uo pnrlio-itarnoed of any rattlesnakes just than,tnd was content to tako the old buotor'sard far what be said. ." Tbej's lots aa' lots of 'ero, but 'taintgood time to sea \;m now. They're

Rcnltered 'rouo' tbo country, layiu' lowfor fodder. Yur watit to come b'yer

jo day in October if yur waut toseofuu witb Baakes, They're lioled uptlien, but on BiinBy'aVyB tbey -comesout'n tbeir dons 'n Iaj8 on the rocks toget warm. An* they don'l lay by their-BCKB, one by oue, nutber. Tbey rollV-maolfs ap in big balls,1 two ,'n threemnd red euakea ID a ball, I've Been 'em

wnddod together tbat way tilt they'dmake- a pile.'s \ng '& a eoru basket.Soraetiinea all kiods o' snnkea '11 bomixed ia t'gotLer—rattlcBUakcs, bluck-anakos, pilots, garter euakes, milkBn&kes, an' I 'bey wed a1 hoop tnakoHOW'D tlen iu nome passela."

Wliy ifin't that a good 'time to killsnakes, Uncle Jerry ?"

"Agoudttmeto k l l l ' W ? Wall, Ileokou 'Us, 'N tuebbe we^don't take ad'vantage of it, nutber, You know snakelie 'a the bes' kind o1 liuiment forroomytiz 'in all kinds o' ailin'a liko tbnt.I allers carry a bottle o( it," and Jerryriroduccd a two-ounco vial coutainiog nrich looking oil of a dark yellow color."That's pure rattlesnake ile, > U Ilouidn't git no more o' Ibnt you kin betrpa cnuldn't buy it."

" Walli when the- snakes boles up wewatches for those' nioa duys in October,an'Inys oat It) git in oar anakea for ill',We takes flails 'n goes to their den I'mtellin' you of, up'long tho Itat'lesnako,Ili&r tbeso big ball o' sarpiuts lays in,theBUD. an' at 'ctn wo gooa, tbrasbiu' iuto'cm ez if tlipj was bundles o* rye, Tbootbo fun oommenGes. Tue snakei 'aititgot much vim in 'cm, bnt tbey kin rattle'n hiss, 'n.Bqnirm, nn' if they don't makemuBie I 'aiut a tellirt* ye.' Now 'n tbeu

•to soobdolyjer.of a ratter 'II try togit bissolf in shape to strike. Tlie .1

wilHu" but tbe spirit's dura weak,be gives it up. We don't cure 'boutanything but the rattlers, but ne bitspromiscuous, and wlion ire 'm throughwe eorU' tbo black ,sual;cB and otberwutliless varmints out, au'buildm'nflro,tries tbe grease out'on the rattles, 'atakesitbum.

I dunno where all tbe snakes comesfrom. I'vo been bit inorc'n unoe by rat-

' ;OB, butlaiaVdead-yet.1 I've outchunks 'a big's yer band-out'n my legs,wliere soakes bad bit tie, Mebbo youwon't b'Hev3 that, bu> it's n.fact.- Iuficd to be rijckle&B on (he dovet when Iwere younger, Wonst:! Wexe ruonin' abog tnedder'on my farm, in my barefeet My olo wotnaii came down *n fotchmy boots, 'n act, 'Jerry, for tbe Lod'Bsake put these on. "Yo'il git bit by arattler, sure. Jes' tben I eoca tbitba durudest rattleauutea I ever sue, alayin' on a bog not far ahead o' me.Tliey war gittin* ready,to tune up. Tlieole woman didn't ace *|m, an', thinks I,I'll Bkeer her. So I mows along, an'

were bat five feet away the rat-tlera suog out. Lord.'you ortor beerd'era, an ypu ortar h. oenj my ole 1

'Iiook obt, Jerry j ' she lioljers. Lookoat, er yer a goner.' I diti't say nptb,in'but I gin a leap an1 come down kerflopright on tar them snakes with rnybdrefeet I Whether I tuk.'em by u'prieo, orwlctbor I struck 'em';so tboy : couldn'tgit.thoir Bolves in siiapo.tro strike, Iduduo, but l t l idn ' tgi tabi tp . The olewoman were darn near crazy, 'a I comesout 'n puts on, my booti ' A little yallordag I had were-in'tbe field, an' lietackled' the snakes, 'Fore he gotthrough with 'em lo were swelled uplite a bladder; be were so iullo'pizoj.X thought, 'ocourso, he vere. as good'sdead. But ho stuck to'cm till tbey warall tbreo killod. Tbeu be struck line Enfor n' swamp 'ible -eloBe^bj, vbere tbemud wore' black" ai tai, ' Eo buriedhissclf in that, all but bis head. Tbintses I that won't, save you, old chap, 'nlott him tbero.' Tbat night be cameborne pa woH ai ever, - He gut bit- manya time offer tbat, on' every, time he'd go"for. tbttt'swamp holo'n bury bisself, andcome otrt. «ll rigbti He were a durasmart dog, butcme day bo tbungbt becould'git away with a h'ar 't be como'cross 'a tbo woods with young Jerry, 'ntlie b'ar gin liim ona swout, 'n put himwharjblack mud wVn't no service to him.

It's funny, bnt tajn't often you run'cross many o' iben'snakes along fhocreek or in . the' woods.: Firo iu tbowoods destroys lota o'rattlcnnakes. Weused to have o regtilat1 BBhl a. keiober inthis eection.. Bis naina was Sum Helms.He knowed every don they.was - in Fikocounty ' more'fraicl^o go into 'em than you air to eat yoar diunor.He carried a forked -flUok''n n silkbankyebcr.' He'd press "lie stick oteitlio.neck of a snake, 'n then anap IbeIfanltyclier in its fice.- The snake Vkatob it in bia^teeth. .Bam '-J give aqnick jerk, 'n ottt como lbe pmtra fangs.Ibeu Bam 'd pick the snake up *n put iin a bag. Sometimes be'3 bring homeA, bushel o; rattlen, besides bav'in' jiispookets an' bootam full. -Haiodk 'omround-tbo country'ahowin,1 of 'em.: Y<know they allanr -say that a rattlosnokonever gila inore'n five feet Jong,, nor bedon' t -Bnt finm Heltna moda up litmind to slow somo exiraordinary Vgrattlen. Bo berigahimnpa blgb box,tjbd had a powerful strong magnvfjiu'elaafl. Ijont 8, pr^t. in the top foipeople to look through. This mada bhsuakes look like anycondces, 'an bt mndtconsid'ble money off *n his -.'great Callforny rattling. Casaowarya,' as bo called'em, .They was kotobod on ray farm, 'owas two: feet long. Sam's, dead BOW.Snakes got (a his boot 'n ltiUed.him."

"Uncle Jerry, you Bpcko of havingBeonboop-finokcB. Naturalists denytbatthoro ia auch a nnake." - .: , " Who's Nalur'liBs? He don't kiioiwhat lie's' Wkin* 'bout, or I guess be&PT1T t u uni tbli way. Ain't no hoop-

lakes ? Mebbc '1B 'J u seed UIB a tear-igdowii Rocky Hill once with one o'

.bcie sarpintH after tae with liiu tail iuiia mouth.*and rolltn' along like tbo dayi' judgmeut, only a darn sight fiutcr, 'u

id uouil mo git behind a big ouk tree,Lccrd limt annke come ag'n 't and set

liis stiuger iu 't so fur be couldn't git 't>3ut, giviu' mo a dunce tu kill Li in. I[UCKU Mr. Nutur'lisH 'dcbango bismiud,L?but true 's stundiu' yit, but tba pizenif tbut BODke killea it dendor 'u a nui].'but were a good nanny year ago, '» Iin't Heed but ona or two ftiucu. Thoy'rolifibty ficu'oe, 'ii its n dura good tlimg,irtbey 'ni tbo pisenfst Biiako they is.koerd tay father nay wuiist that be wereoiii' up tbut same Hocky Hill, an1 liadlong stick o' black birca iu MB baud

ar a cuue. He were 'bout bnlf way up(be bill, wlien bu see c hoop snnka com-in' down, liko a streak a' lightnin'. TlieAe mau badn't u chance tu git away,ind so bo squared liisself, andVbco tbesnake came near euougb, wbnokcd biinwilli tbo stick. Tbo snake woro comin'BO fust tbat nbcu tbo atiok bit bim hoHew iu & dozen, piucuB. The ptiugerhtrtick the stick. Tlio olo mnn tliFow itou tbe ground, nnd bo iaid in less 'n teumioutey it swelled up biggar'u biB arm 1Yoa see when a boop snabo goes fur itsKey it takes bold uf a born that sticksuut'a itnbudy uoar tbu tail, 'bout nu incb'n a half. Tbat makes it like a hoop,ind 'way it goes."

"Wlipt ia a pilot, Undo Jerry ?""A pilot is called a copperhead br

lotna people. It's es pizon 'a doatb. Ifiver yor goin' through a liayQold, ormvwbere'ii else, an' smell ii'Btrong smellif oowcumbers where you know they>iu't uo oowcuroboi-s, look out. That's

pilot, and tbo fust tbing you knowB11 have bis boots on you. I kin smellpilot if-he'ii on tbe fur side of a teii-

tore lot.'Tbey's a Bunke tbat I've killed a

many of in these parts tbey call tboilcwia' adder. 'Wbou you got near bim

he'll flatten liis bead out more'n doubleita until ml size, 'u mike a blowin' kindo* liise. He's n lazy sn^kc, but tkey's amighty bit o' fire iu bin toutb.

"Now^mebbe it'll Eccin queer, but I'dratbor tuoldo u dosca xutlloBUakes thanone blue racer any time. A bluo nicer

black Buakeno black tbnt he's blue,'n bus a white ring round his neck, Hisiilo ain't plzon, but lit? giU to bo ten an'

'loven feot losg, 'u is powerful almoa' asnuox. Ho'eginemlly fouud 'bout bushlots aa' berry patches, an' if bo gits afteryou once au' you run, lia'll cbaso youtwo mile, up hill au* down. Ho runswith bis bend raised a foot or two 'bavotbe grouud, and don't IQBQ Bight of you.[f ono 'tacks jou,.lio'll bnvo bis bulllength wound aruund you in lesa'n notimo, and you've got tn bo sudrteu if hedon't close iu on yerwizziu pipe. Lord 1I'll never forgib tbe time 't I bad tietusscl with ono o' these snakes on tbe

md tliougb the Farms. I were goin''long by tlio ford o' tbo Sloboly.Stretched 'crosi the road, quite a pieceahead, I see what I tbort were a bigitick, Wben I got to 't I see 'twero a)IicV. enuke, I tbort I were nigh |:

to emaab hie bead with a stone, an' Ipicks up a big one und tb rowed it. Itjist grazed tlie snake's head. He wereou his car in a minute, 'n the fue' tbicfeI knowed was twisted 'round me like arope, pionin' one arm closo to my side.I ketalied the earpint by tbe ncok witht'other bund, an' couldn't muoli moro 'nreach round 't. By obokm* bim he kind)' let up on-his coil, 'n I jerked my otherinn loose, 'ugr,t my knife out, Ida'sontlot go the Buako's neck, 'n be were atrvin'hU pootM tn git a hitch 'boutmy ueik. His toDgue wero runnin' out'bout two inches at a dart, but I wa' n't'fraid o' tbat. I opened my knife withmy teeth, 'n if I didn't hive to cut thatsuuka in two twice before I could getloose, I hope tho nox1 one I Bee '11 eatmo. He were nine feot and 'leven incheslong, Rfl' five jnoht* through, 'Wunst Icome 'cross ono o' tbeso su&kes a bang-ing between two raila in a fence. Hewero fast, 'u couldn't get either way. Ikilled him, an1 found a half-grown foxinside of him. .Tbat't tbe reason becouldn't get through tha fonoo.

'Gome up some October, 'n I'll showyou more snakes than yoa'U over see if

stay h'yer a year. Unless you gitto driukin' Pile County wliisky," addedJerry, facetiously, as he walked off to-ward his form.

Iliitv Franca Gets iltr BercnffC.TbeQermbntneTereduldbavQ wrought

out such a mode of .revenge,* so sure,effective and ao mortifying na tbe Frenchare wreaking on - tbo German natiau.Tbe whole country is flooded with no-tices, pamphlets and nddresscs from BonMaroho and aH'oihcr leodibg bousea inParis, contafning prices and socip.ea ofgoods, losbtons, models, etc.', tbat areso muob .better, cheaper and more taste-ful than German work and goods, Ibntscarce* a woman, even IF she have butone dress a year, does not order it fromParis. Tho Enrlin merchants have pro*tested, appealed to tbe, national pride,and used every eiertioo to break uptliis ruinous competition, but even withsubmissive. German woman-the ono worn-

ily weakness ifl too strong to yield.A pretty dress aud a'cheap dress aro ir-resistable. A Bociety is about to organ-iio nnd petition tbo Grown Princess tobo its mling head, wboee object ia to

iBb S'reucb goods nnd French mode*,and originate, (heir own fashions.

A. Vigorous Mtm."When the poet represeDted Cleopatra

tu invoking Anthony,••Come to mo •• tba tl|tr com**,"

he, no doubt, knew just how Cleopatrafait concerning sacli matters. But Mrs.Doyle, of the Heights, isn't one of thoOleopntra kind.' Her husband bos beencoming far ber as tlie.tiger comes, for ajood many, years brick, and at length,ia tbo language of tbe moderns, ibe"kicks" at it. Ho bos bitted ber, hasknocked bor teeth down bcr throat, bosscalded ber with boiling water*,- haschoked Lcr and torn bor flesh with hisnails, baa broken bouca iu her body bystamping upon tier with bis bcolfl, andlias taught her daughter, to oaruo undswoar at her, and UBB obscene langnapAnd now, after all be baa done for '_.she demands a divorce from bim.—Jer-itg dry. Argut.

The peonlioxites pf the weather ] • Eu-rope during tbo past nits .months haviled tho Cotutitutional of-Paris- to makisome rescarclios which go to provoweather, 8t. Simon thus describes snebn ono in 1701! "Tlicsru eeema nowadnyalo bo no spring, very little Autumn,and for.Bnmtner asoononable day.onlynow and again." Lord Chesterfield sumeH.:_»—i-i— i.i— —ii— i.. \.t. j O n fronl



We drove first to tbe residence of Mr.Chester, the editor of Hio Southeni Cat-iforniw. Mr. Obceter resides in upretty country bonne a milo froiu thevillngo, wberc lie bus a littlo farm ofseven hundred end fifty acres all iahigh etiito of cultivation. I n bin tuna!)Harden spot were ten acres of grapes.Ho does not trouble kiiDBclf to pick

, but nulls (hem ou tbo viuea to tbofruit dealers fur 81,000 per annum.Then, tbere is itu orchard of peaches,nnoti'or of cherries, trees bcariDg iuthree .years after planting tho pi ta Didlie expect us to* behove tbat ? Yot it wilot more wonderful than many othilungs. He did not care far bis garden>r IUH orchards, but be thought uo littloat bis wheat turning out forty bushels toLbe acre, and two crops nt tiiut, one oftboiu a volunteer, lint bis chief delightwas bis alfalfa,' ten tons to 'tbo acre,worth 818 per ton, and five annual crops Jfour hundred ncres were in uHalfu. Frommo lot of one hundred and twenty ucrea

bo realized last year 80,000. Ilesido binwheat and alfalfi. bo has ouo hundrednnd twenty acres in barley, yielding 60juihelu to tbe aore. Those nre tho pro-

IOUJ of a " smnil furin," nud I intaginotbe profits exceed those o[ tlie SouthernCalifornian, although it is au exceed-ingly well-eondnoted journul, edited byMr. Chester with tbo solo view of fur-thering tbe Agricultural interests of thacounty.

A VISIT TO A 1IAKCH.We drove on four railca to ono of tbe

ranches of Messrs. Huggiu k Carr. Thesegcntlemoii own 140,000 uorus in tlio BUDJoaqiiln Valley, 30,000 of wbicU tbo?bive already irrigated and nrepaied forcultivation. On tliis property tbey bavoexpended $050,000, having dug ono

mndred nud fifty miles of canals. I t isdivided into several ranches, ouo, of

rbich, containing six thonsaud acres,wowere now about to visjt. After liaviugdriven two miles from the residence ofMr. Obcator we entered tbe domain ofthe "Beltevue" ranoli. Tlint ie a uamemost frequently givcu to einiticiices.This estate lies on avtut pbdu, bnt tbeBellevuo exteuils to tbo biglt SierrosfroutJDg it on the enst.' Two thousandncres of tbe rsnob wcro taken in thisyear. At present, therefore, tbero areonly four thousand undo? full cultiva-tion, Tbe force employed consists ofone hundred and ilfty-flre whites andninety ObitiamQi>, wha receive on anavorugo oue dollar per diem and tbeirfood. Three hundred mules and horsesnre kept at work, eight thousand bendofcattloare on tbe place, tbo flock oftwenty-two thousand sbeep occupying

lip uncultivated range. Wo drovethrough altornate lots of wheat, barleyand alfalfa for ibreo.mites boforc rcacb-iag tho house, and when there surveyedbeyoud tho lino for one mile, and on tliesides four miles of breadth, all wavingwith alfalfa and grain. In tba absenceof tbo proprietors, Mr. Hunt received uscourteously -nud ' entertained us atluncheon. Alfalfa, too, was bis pride anddelight.* Every liviug creature on tliaruncb, excepting man, feeds on alfalfa.The hogs, as veil as the horses, muli-sand cattle, live on it when green andfatten on it when dry. I ts roots strikemore tlinn tbrce feet into the soil, andit never requires rcpluntins; unless tliogrouud is broken up, While every yearthere aro flvo crops of alfalfa there aretwo only of wheat nod barley I Tbe in*come of such iirddocts is of course verygrout, but as yet tho expanses arb enor-mous, for it is tbe intention to reclaimthe whole one hundred nnd fort; thou-sand acres, and tben the property willbe for sale " in small lota to suit pu rcbaBers," In tlio mean time the expensesexceed 81,000 per day ; EO that tbo bul-

ioe caa scarcely be in favor of profit.

bo almoat mire to meet Indians, Thenony-riilers as a genera! thing, wereairless men, but this proposition wasruugbt with so triucli danger, that theyvere loth to nndertjike it.

"Ef Slado wns only here I1 cried aiold man, "tber'd be no hesitation whilewiinmin aud cbildren were in danger,"

"I'll go I" said a bright eyed, feRrless-oking youug fellow stepping forth."Good 1" and tbe old UKU pressed

hia baud. "Old Jito Jobnioa aea solOld Jim Johnson t Yuu hear me. There'smure Bense in Essex's cnbcza, then tbebull lot ov you—Pick your boss, boy,anil ride for your life 1 ties, there's Nel-lie looking at you. Forbersake, Willie,if no one's else,- .Thirty-five holplefiswimminaud children, think of it I Bideyour best, and when you get to the sta-tion you nay get relief 1 Post 'em there,nnd when you gat to the Fort tell tbe

mmandant to send on some cavalry asi k ibl F l b tb l dcommandant t end on s m e

quick OB possiblo, Fclub tbe ftwe will solid tha reds to Califo

h '

• Secrets.Tbe moment'a girl lias aseoretfrom

bor mother, or ban re tched a letter alied&rn .lot lot her mother read, ^or hifriend of whom- her mother dues notknow, she is in certain danger, A secret

a dangerous tbing fora girl to Lave.The fewer eecrota that lie in tbo heartsol women at nay age, tbe better. I t isalmost a teBt of purity. Sbo who busnone of bcr ova is bast and happiest.In girlhood Mile nothing from yourmother ; do .nothing (bat, if discoveredby your fatber, would make you blush.

When you sic married norcr, neverconceal anything from your bnsband.Never allow yourself to write a letterthat he tnny not know all about, or toreceive one that you ate not quite will-ing that he sboald rend. Have no rojB-teries whatover. Toll those wbo oreabout you where you go and wbnt youdo. Tboso wlio bavo tbe right- to know,wo mean, of course. A little Beoretive-ness has s e | many a scandal afloat; andntueh as hfsaid about women wbo tel

much, tbey are mnob better off thannomon who tell too little.

A man may be reticent and lie underno Buapioion ; not so a woman. The giiiibo frankly sovs to her mother, " I havebeen there. I met so and BO. Such andsuch remarks were made, a n d ' this ortbat was done," will be certain of rccoiv-Inggoud advice and sympathy., I f a lvan rigbt no fault will bo found withher. If the mother knows ont of licrgreat experience tbat something vanimproper or-unsuitable, &bo will, if sheis a good mother, kindly advise R|its repetition. I t is only wheu mothersdiBCorcr that tbeir girls are bidingthings from tbem tliat tbey rebuke orscold. Innocent faults are always purdoncd by a kind parent. Yoa may nutknow, girin, just what it right, just wha

wrong, yet. You can't bo blamed foi_iakins little to [stales, but vou willnever doanytliingvery wrong if from tbeurstyouliavenoBOcretsfromyourmothdr.

Tbo Economist places the loin in mendaring tba various wars from 1852 to1

1877 at 1,018,000. of whom 750,000 diedduring that of tbo Crimea ; 4&,000 inthat ot Italy in 1859 ; Bckleswiff.Hbl-Bteio, 8,000 ; United States cirif war,800,000 : war of Prussia against Aastriaend Italy in I860, 413,000.: Meiicau,Cochin China, Morocco and Paragaayexpeditions, 05,000; France-PrussiaWar of 1870-71, 21D.O0O, of whom 160,-000 were French nDd 60,000 Germans ;and loss by massacres of Christians inBulgaria1 and Armenia during 1876-77,05,000. Tbo expense ot tha Crimeanvat is placed a t 11,700,000,000, Italy,$30O,0O0,D0O ; United States—NorthernEection, $1,700,000,000; Southern eec-lion, . $2,800,000,000, Schlravig-Sot-tcin. J35.M0.OO0; Prunsia, Austria,

and in 13G0, «830,0O0,0O0; Mexi-co, Cocbia Olitna, Morocco, end Para

•ay, 9200,000,000; Franco-Prussianar, $2,1500,000,WX>; toUl, 912,009,000-

000, •

Tlie I'uii) liidcr'j Utt tUszloD,Tbere was an excited crowd gathered

about tbe Pony Eipress Station at Mo-Puereou's. The western bound rideiImJ urriveJ witb u bnllet in his leg, andrejiorted that tliu PuwuetB were off theirrtyei-vation. aud wcra ndvauoiug on theBcttlument Ho bnxl met them betweoothe lout station nud McPbarson and given bim a cliase. McPbersoncould bouat of but s«?euty-Qve soulsut the time before the railroad w&sfinished, and there worelmt forty mencnjiaWe of defvndinp; the pout. Wlmtwas to Lo done, bod to bo done quickly.Fort Grattcu vas eighty miles north-went, and a nJer was dispatoliod inhnste. Fort Kearney was seven tv milftssoutheast, and vbo would summon Rid[rom there ? I t was a dangerons under-:okiDg. The route lay through the boa-. f 1 _ — . L !„._ . 1 • J 1 „«._, »_ *^n.a t . l11,, •nger would

Furui (Jtwsljt.Stable mBUure 1ms pronorti&i wbicli

guano does uot cuutoio, but tbe tnumixed together probnbly make tbe brntFertilizer tbut can be produced.

Horses will work much uiore ctuiiyaud lose lens of their effective furco.when placed abreast than when they aroplaced io siarfe 61B. This bus W nthoroughly proven by experiment again,mil, Dgtiin.

Every one wbo owns a rod of lantlshould sot a grape vino this Bpriog if"ifiy do not already huve 'a full supply.

No fruit Is eftttier of cultivation undnone is more delicious. The Concordand Delaware nre good nnd stnudard TH-rioties, and good vines may be ubtuiaudat very low prices.

The orchard should be inspected audBcioUB lot wbero they are needed to com-plete tbe top of tbe tree and make i twell adapted to fruit raising. On]'moderate amount of prunin

yetB, andia I Nel-

lie Johnson's your 'uas soon as you getback. Good-bve, boy ; and God speed

J U . "

There was a spring, a rush of hoofsand tlie ride to Kearney had begun.Riglit gallantly did the borss springaway at bin ridar's biddiup, and tbeblue oyea of bis sweat Nellie Johnsonworakept upon them' until horse andrider faded away from tbem upon theborrizon.

Love vr&s ono incentive for the pony-rider's mission, and the desire to savetbe neoploof McPheraon from a bloodydeath the other. Did man ever lisklifoin a better cause ? Onward Bwepttbo littla borso with her flying heel*throwing up a oloud of dust, tbat floatedin tbe air for a hundred yards behindber. T» the left ot thom glided tbeutill waters of theriatto,. ond on theright ouUlretched lay tbe boundlcesgreen on the prairie. The rider Butfirm as a rock, bis dauntless face lookingstright ahead, and wearing an air whichseemed to say, it was all for the sake ofNellie Johnson.

Omvprd swept tho brave little horse,nnd at last tbe station came in view. Aminute more, and horse and rider wereat tba door, No relay was tbere tontoct tbern, • Not a sign of life waa to1)0 seen ; but tbe hoof trucks ou tbearound in evorv direction showed tbattlio relief had fk'd, diviug tbe borse adrink tbe rider mounted, and again tbeyreru ou tbo way to Kearney. Further

_u tliey oamo upon a large object in t iecontro of tlie trail. It was tbe Westernbound stage, with borscs gone, the driv-er between ttio fore-wheels with a bulletin hia bend, tile passengers Ivioff abouttbo road, and tag conductor in the bootnnd wounded unto death. One horri-fied look, a1 pause, und faster fled tbeboruo. Ulilo after mile, is loft behind,station aftor station is passed and no re-lief. Will they everg-1 •- ""——- •

On tlie prairie to tl „... .__appear a host of mountnd men. Tbeyare tbe pets of tbe Peaoa Oommiuloa ontbeir annual maraad[nc>toar. Turningwitb a triumphant yell, tbey ipeed tobend tbe rider off,- Narrower grows theJliace between them, and the gallantborso redoubles bis exertions. In thevan of tbe eatagoa rides a tall chief,tnountod upon a powerful horse, hieplumes fclrcnminfg in tho wind, as heurges onward tlie noble animal be be-Btrtdes.- Toons Essex can escape if heturns back. But no, no 1 The divestfuca of Nellie Johnson—tbo shrinkingforma ol defenseless little -ones comeibefore his view and dashing the perspi-ration from his brow, tbe pursued dash-es onward. But a few miles more andsuccor is ot band.

Nearer came tbe pursuers, Now ride,young Essex, for it is threescore livesto one. Speed, brava littlo borse i Btrainmuscle, nerves and heart, for your workwill be well done. Bide, young Essex,for fiverytbing in atfitake. Onward, ou-wircl, rneued the borse, his boots beat-ing time to bis abort, quick breatb. Taegap closes I Twang 1 A sharp pain inbo bide, and tbe ridir reeled in the ud-

dlo, but for an instant only. Sendinglow in tbo Badule tho whfp*ja raised fortlie first time, and faster flies the borse.

And now the gstockaded walls ofin view. Tbe bcfiled iaud Bet out •;tho fi

. Only a._._ ^Bhoulu bti

done in auy one year.Sheep should receive grain and rooU

it this season to keen them iu good con-Jilion and to jtromote tho flow of milkin caw they bavo Iambs. Many lambsarc lost because the sheep is not fadwell enough to produce a good Sow ofmilk. • . - . , , . .

Tlie value of muck is greatly in*creased after thorough exposure to tlienir. I t absorbs ammonia from tbe airEn considerable quantities which reu-lors it a valuable stimulant of plaut;rowtli. Tie absorption of auinoninleatralizes tbe acid cuuditfou of tiieauck.

The clover seed crop in largely depen-Innt upon the agency of bees. I£t)ieblossoms aro not fertilized by bcospass-inir from one to another, the ei.od willfail to'furin. Darwin, daring one sum-ner, noticed a marked scarcity of bees,md that Boasoo tbe farmord cumplaiuod.that their clover did not yield much>ed.Horse manure is better adapted to

rising potatoes than cow manure bo-cause the lonnct* cout&iDis leiger quuuii-ties of potash. The potato crop requireslarge sunplioa of potash and some formsf potaah should be added to cow nia-lure find also to borso manure wheneed for the potato crop, UDIOSB tbo soili unusually rich in potash.White mustard in largely sown iu

France as a fodder plant. It is so wellrelished by thei milch cows tbat t i e pens-ants call it "tbe butter plant." - I t iaown in August on tho stubble if theloil is light, and burrowed in, and Bome-ime the land is plowed. , Tlie plant islaten green till froat cornea. •

rigbt of them

_jn ramparts ' andFort Kearney cameled savages tnrued

Bet out' rapidly np the trail, whilefaintiog rider oilecks tbB faltering

fltops of bis dying horse. One lu t lookat tho waving sea of grem, and tboy en-ter tun gate thrown open' to reoeivetbem.

In t ie oentro of the pamde stand* aroup of men about a Lone and rider,'bo hono is down now and from hi*

nostrils guBhos the life current, and be-side him lies tbe rider.. -

Young Essex raised bis bead from tbearm that supported it aud said: "Paw*necB off their reservation—McPherBon'iStation's cleaned out—oh, hoip—qaiokMy love lo—to—Nellie Johnson."

And grusping the reins with stiffeningclutch, the barbed Bhalt eating out MBsoul, ho sank upon bis ponv'i neck.

Tho brave heart Lad ceased to beat.

' ' Death from Tight Laclbg.Tbero lias juat died in Pimlioo, Mrs.

Kczia Wbcolor, nn old lady at tho agoof 77, on whom an inquest bos beenheld. Mrs, "Wheeler was found dead inhor bedroom on Sunday moruing last,dressed ior church, and with her Biblein her bund, having apparently.»] 'Buddon. Tbe surgeon mud tbatresulted from tbo bursting of anism, and the post mortem examinationrevealed terrible evidences of tight lao-iug on tbo port of tbe deceased, who nodbeen a very bountiful woman. In fact,one ot tlio old lady's ribs bad been press-ed ngnimt tho internal organa, and hadkept- tbem constantly atbalf action, asit wore, until apparently an exeurismwas produced, by the sudden rupture ofwhich uhe died. .Mrs. Wheeler mustliavo been an nncxecptionally healthywoman to bnve tbna lived in spite oftba corset which imprisoned p u t of beorgunstiiid interfered with then* naturedevelopment; bad she Dot looed, ahwould doubtless have been a centena-rian.

PHOM TWO POISTS « VIEW.—A "awei-Itttlo creature sat next to me at the firstrecital of Cbopin*»muBin given by Mm tEssipofl*. Daring tb« t l t i ' • M hF b " f th 4*

y to '•Mnrch



Educating Domes. •Horses can be educated to' tbe extent

jf tboir understandings as well as ob[l-Iren, and cau be aa easily damaged or 'uiued by bad uaungeiaeni. Tliegxeat

difference in horses us to vicious habits,cornea much more from different man-agement tbou from variance of natural 'disposition. Horses witb Uigti mettleare more easily educated than those ofdull spirits, and more sUBceptiblo to 111traiuiug. But horses with dull fipiritaare not by auy means*proof ogninst bid

innacement. for in tborn may often botuna tbe most provoking obstinacy, andicioos habits uf different character,

that render them almost, wortble&a.Could the coming generations of honedin thia country be kept, from their daysDfcolthoud to tlie ago of five years, inIio hands of. good, careful managers,

tbero would :bs seen a vast difference inthe general oharaotore ot the animals.If a colt is never allowed to get an ad-vantage, it will never know that itpoB-seoses a power tbat no. man can control,ind if made familiar with strange ob-eota, it will uot beekittisb and norrons.I ahorw is nwuBtomed from Jiis early

day* to have objects bit him ou tbiiheels, back and hipB, he will pay no at-tention to tbo giving out of harness, orof. a wagon running ngainRt. bim at anunexpected moment. I once saw an -aged lady drive a bigh spirited hono,attached to a carriage; down a steeptilli And with no hold back atrap upon '•

the barnesB, and slio assured me tbattbere waa no danger, for .her Bon accus-tomed his horses to all kinds of usagesind sights that commonly drive the an-imal into a frenzy of excitement;. A guncan be fired, fro in the back .of & bone,an qmbrella held over his bead, a bttfia-lo robe thrown upon bia neck, a railroad:engine pass close by,' hie heels bumpedwith nticka, and the animal take it all asa natural condition of things, if onlytdugbt by careful management that hewill not be injured thereby. There is a-great seed of improvement in manage-ment—less beating and moro education.

To Orercome Potato Hup .Many remedies are suggested by which

those troublesome pests, tbe potato bBe-tles, can be overcome*. Bom6 of these-remedies are good, but expensive andtroublesome, while others are not wortha trial. Paris green is probably the -most effectual thing tbat can be applied,butt tsnie ia attended with some dan-ger, and no little expense. • Pioking thebuga and their latvie or eggs off the y.plants is altogether too tedious and, nn-'satisfactory an. operation - and penarallyresults in tbe potato patch being given 'up in despair lo tbB devouring peat.The best, cheapest and simplest remedyfor tbe bugs bos been furnished us by .our good friond, Thomas H. Hagen--buch. Take a quantity of cornmeal andwet it to tbe consistency of- a sort oC :••mnsb. Tben go to ..the potato patch .with the mnsb and .scatter about onetobloapoopfnl on every thirtieth or for-tieth potato stalk or hill.. Now take alot of chickens or hens. Bay about a COE-en,not. forgetting to bnve at least twoor three roosters in the lot, and drivethem to tbe"iKJtato pntoh. They will-naturally enough eat the cprnmeal offthe potato stalks, and driving tbem over*tbe.whole field they will of course eatall tbe cornmeal fiom the stalks. Thooperation of sprinkling tlio' cotninealover tbo potatoes should be repentedabout six or seven mornings iuaucces*aion and the chickens driven throughthe patch. Caro ahonld bo taken thatnothing; bo fed tbe chickens exceptingwhat they cam pick up in tbe potatofield. TbiB williudaoe tho cbicknna tovisit tbe patch regularly and depend up-on it for sustenance. Finding no corn-meal, tbey will greedily devour the lugsand eggs and relish the food. Thochickens are not at all affected by tbe'"Up, and Mr. Hagcnbnch will pay a_ miit of a dollar lor every chicken that.dies from the effects of eating tba bugsor eggs. - . -

Sugar ft«m Ordinary Corn.Tbe manufacture of sugar oat of ordi-

nary com in a% industry_that noada nooncouragement to enable-it to becomeft aonrcool great national wealth. I tneeds- simply tlie removal of tax—thetax on alcohol. Wo have beon Bhown aspecimen of raw sugar, manufacturednear this city front corn. I t la whiteand very'sweet. To complete itsfncluro

p i g ^ lu t io MnrchoFunebro" from the 4*donata," Opus 85,her attentiop waa fixed, as il the musicbad entranced ber rery souL Her eyes-'lEtcned with emotion and her who!

o won 'expressive ol Bdmlration andexcitement. When tbe pianist bad fiti-iiibcd, the gejitleman wbo waa with thissweet little creature turned to her andaid: *• "How"To which BUO replied, "Yes, indeed ;

doesn't H fit her oxq.mfi.telj la the back?Hotv much do TOD suppose it cost ayard?" ^

A man, plavtcg caxda, and finding thopot deficient, oxolaiuied, " Hen's ft shil-ling short 1 Who put it in »"

It tales more energy and btviiieutaot to paw a Logai five cent xileca taut|t don to saru a d t

main tea sugar, al-to remove llie for-

eign mutter uoutoined ia tbe crude pro-duct, A bushel of corn yields thirtypoundi ol raw sugar, and this, whenpnrifkd by alcohol, girca tweaty-sovoniionnda of good Biigat, marbctublo attour cents a pound. - In oilier words, a*bushel of corn mads into sugar wouldbring 81.08. Our internal revenue sys-tem prohibits tbii development of thomnrkst for the farmer's corn. becntiBo,unlike-' tbat of moro cnligbtonad na-tions,'it tuxes nlooltol destined fornaain mannfacturers as heavily as thatwhich ia to bo exported.—Chicago Tri-

i i m e . . - . • • " "

Not long ago tbey had a Sunday BOQOOIpicnio dowa ot the. OiecadB, and tae twosenior deacons threw m couple of tenonsand a pint of (.Bgar In .the erect, andcharged strangers five oeata every Umathey took idrlmk, l

THE IRON ERA.11ENJ II. TOUT, Editor mid I'lupV

! The An),-n

of Sir. S.-.-iik, &

/rcn 7>l.tfs /» /£76.•lltula Of tLe llliliill.1 r t[Vtt

iry uf llie AmericanLiuii, tLi-EunitK-i-riiii'

Saturday, June 23d, I.S77.»SI"S?5ii rii«£*»— ~ ' UJD VuittJ SLitth tiuj

able on the tfolio*

Ten MoUy tfueiiires Hanged.Tei) members of tbo notoiioim urgaui-

ration of Moily MaR-iires iu Pi-nosy!-Tjima jiuid the penalty ol ibfir crime*•with their lirra on Thursday, four bcinp j . , • .,Imif-ed at Munch Chunk and six at •1'jtiaville. Tbe rescue wlrich many | •*'":'11

tliougltt would be attempted was not im- j t l V L l U 'dertukoD, anil there were no disturbances • vi-ry t rvl any kind. ! tbi- UJ!

At Maut-U Chunk all Ibe armoccmcuts i ^-rifil,fnr the cxccntiotis were completed n t j l r v i l , ,10 o'clock. The deputy Bticriffc. r.'jiorters niitl the Sheriff assembled at tlie jrallows, the Sheriff adjusted the ropes -irusummoned the condemned men. Campbell's cell door owutd and he .i|i|nMm1]r>I bv a priest Walbiuft quiokly to tli.gallons, lie took bi* position, the pi-iralreading the prayer* (or the dyitip. Hi.'tuee was turned upwards ami liis lip*inuved as if ia prnver. Doyle was nextbrought out, nud be walked up imas-siitcd. John Donalme walked b-.l.llvoiit and up tho steps to tho BCuflutd.Kelly canio lost, and seemed cjnitcstrong. They were all attended liy aprie-st. Indeed, none of tho four CVIUCPHniiich uervouacesa. After further prnrtT,Ihe meu were asked if Ihey wauled t<>:'"Bi.r uuytbluff. Campbell replied that he tia

forgave everybody, au.l added : " I h a - ' " !

net an enemy in the world at tlii

Thu l.^liug f.;iho

Mice tli^n. If t U chUilrua hire c1LS\ Sttudav liwl millioiiiiirctttrs tin1)' u


- orii:u.Ti

• tiili-i ght have beta more cxpvii&ivuli

'it^fU I'trhftpb, but tlicv could not L&T'librigiiti-r t y e s or mow iutfcUigi. ut faei-s

It mnv be a tin, you know, but we lire jus* frouduf ourSatidar School. SIu-En

G. <Ji.milr-.iut uuii J. Buckley, from Dover•LTV here aad Lure is what Mr. Buetlej•:uto mt tli- iii'Jt iL»y : "Vkv were no

worry that we weut to Port Morris. Tbtvu i-xi'rt*!. tin iiiKtlvi'B as btiuy mucli\»..d»-!th lh-irviB;t. 1'Jji-r iLiuk it Is ar>J iiliW-' for c&M Christiuuti to £0 find girt

'"-" Spiritual wiil'ly which n gaodChriitian' • ' " j (uit'lit to earn- witli huii nil the time.

'•TL»* iiall migbt have l>t-(

itu about h

H-n pcrf -d " I'

om I soughtng kidiu. anJ

r rilliiMltly" and

Bath i-ill !,,!;,• L-

utmost 1

vlx* ot

t i e coimill yiild

ll til

ment" Doyle and Kelly did not mwnk 1 cho uh.iL-1.nudiUy. At 10:51 the drop fell. Kelly, | (.j ,„ mtKDoyle'and Campbell died easily. Ponu-liue drew himself up nnd BtniRglfd fortwo minutes. Doyle's heart ceased t<>bt-at in 12 minutes, Campbell1» iu 14minutes, Dnoahuo'e in 6 minutes, andKellv'u ID 7( minutes. The bodies werecut down in 25 minutes. A cirenm-»...uee of this eiecution waa that a Mrs.Jones, tbe mother of one of the menthese fellows had njurdercd asked fortho privilege of pulling the rope, whieliwas refused. Her eon then nskt-d to beliermitted to do it, bat was also refused.

At PottsviKe, early in the morning. T.tkiu:the immediate relatives o[ the con clem 11 etl we h\took their last farewell. The scene was j - , , r ,,r,u U-ying one. The brother and two sia- j CS(.t(.jtera of Itoarity vore admitted at 6 j .o'clock, and soon niter tbe oped and ini-j ' ,jMivi-rishMl fntherof Muniry, TIIO linil ; i n j J

walked to the prison nil the way from tm-j itiGilbertop, a distance of thirteen miles. ovir-i>.Several of the relatives of the others, not, pr«.liuliavtDg applied at the appointed time.: Ulj-L.(.t j\rcre not adiuitted. To caeli of tlie f , l l l ]e !Udimiiml men hnd hfBa assiRcod n clcrpy* I .1D3U, wLo nttended bis cliarpc ID l i is | l u ' 'dviup ninmfnls. Tli^ ex»pution c£ Uoylo' r^'"^'nfiJ McGeehan took at 11:10 o'clock.,»" ili-'tTho two men exhibited the utmost cool-i i,ik- ].;ncos, though op|inretitly rcaliziog theirposition and showing full repenteneeReligions benefits were accorded thornto the last moment. Roartynnd Carrollwere hanged at 12:15. Both stoutlyprotested their innocence 01 the murdfrat which they were accused, and diedwithout maaifeating a tremor of four.Mcnley tnd Duffy, two Rnod-lookiuR1

Anyoung men, eame next. They Blood L ( |upon t ie trow witliout a tremor, rofus-.inp to say a word until they were swung. : l t

iato eternity. • ; m

Tbo Bamo day, at Wilkcsbarre, Pa., j1"-1 'Andrew Lanabaa vaa hanged for thcjtumurder ot Capt Jobs Rcilly. Bojj , renid he was was not afraid to meet death < ...and died with hardly a struggle.

A llnrrlcaneDf Flame.A terrible fixe occprred at St. John's,

New Brunswick, on Wednesday, whichawi'l»Lawav lorly blocks of bnildiups,including the wbole business part of theeitv and more 'bail half the residences.Thirty lives were lost, Iwenty milliondollars worth of property destroyed, andllftcen thousand people are left home-less, without a provision store stauilingUi tupply their needs, so that seriousapprehensions of BtarTiDg are feared. |Thft bnildiugs bum»d ctimprise everylending bnsinews house, the banks, thenewspaper offices, part of tlic churches.,ail tbo first and second-class hotels, and \Hie markets. The -city's facilities forextinguishir % firo were poor, and thefiremen soc A became demoralized. The jflames started in tho heart of tlio town, !tiud spread in every direction. Tinsnrnoces are about five millions. Mucsuffering is already reported, soin fact, that BeTerol neighboring towilast niglit sent rar loads of prepaifood. In proportion lo the city's siit was a more disastrous eonflacmtithan either that in Chicago or BostiAppeals for aid .bare been made to tlprincipal American cities. Almost tlifirst city to respond was Chicago, heresidents doubtieis rpmeiaberiuK tbSt. John's gilt to tbe Chicago unfferc;in 1371, was ten thonssnd dollars.

uf kutacr i'<-,m-.11,1.. f- .x,-.\ fro:u

...r;i .inn.:itv tit the iN).,3iim[H:eii71. H,. iuUis. -The elma-.'.-J couJiliotir ju.r.rf iU,' i^i-irua l.ruui-h «t 1!IL-ri,;v.i tmu indr i-. -.-Hi iiioiu iu the (.illic-a ili.-.u iu Hit- .1«T»MJ.L> iu pr«.tuc-'" Tiii- i-. qiiild- true, l.ui il iuu>t li-

furuisht-J by Mr. Smirk, in cr.ltr iu pn-wnt

l l j r l i t L „

h. lalST-itheprodu.Ihsiii ,';,{ifiO.iJG") litt ttuis, : report of the Awjciiil;


•• .My Turn Si-sl," lit Stiir.bope Lu.t aiouday

iiHt-p could Lot have tc-.-u Imttr ." I an:sorry tlii; |)foj!k' did not give thttil tuon111 eo u rag; in en t, though tlicy took in nboulthirlv.four <lnl!ars Jill lo'il. Some ptoplciiL"j<ri.Lt'iil t^ s"'-!^ IJCciins& ;i was (1 theatrical|)-.-rrornift!!ff, ilioiig'a tlii-re WHS unt a wordiu t-ii]:i-r I'Uy with wliicli the most fjiitid;iv/.ild titiil fault- Thty have- a pt-rfect right(o their urinioiifi though I can't help thint-in»th.-.t sonn? folks who fitrnin so fi-nrfullyat n will swallow a cnim-l without mak-mg.iwry fdce. Owing to the illnc^fi of J.M. ilatKTry and Miss Ella Btackliouee,Eugonc Tfcnrp and SlifK Mary

I '2,.*rtO.lt0O tuitho

ycirs to Girt. 71Jfully JMsliiud in

f ciixicity of thtry is ut Itj-t ti.f tiiiiiT of the I

and 711. -Mr.

w j u y l ^ t tht

to-alur, ne, iloubk'.l v»

ihv jTodu t *I

d to jilay two pans cadi, and they accoipljhhctl it v^n* Buccthnfully. Nccdlf-ssttll you tl!!.t IVill Iiihselt made tm oicdlcTanixiciiui Twitters; I.ud Clark's Tim R0I1was naturul ns life ; J. H. Bissel was IuU-ul Fannfr lMitoUon; Eutvno Tharp «-,ciiially f-uod its Tom Trap nnd I'oor Pilli-LCKI.1V, auJ J. A. Ulovtr made a first-chissC.ipt. O'Stiittle. Of coAirsc wlieu our Stau-linp« lail'cs uiiilt-ruke to do aaj-Iliiiig theydo il Lubt ftsid yon con take mv word for ittliat Hiss Ettu Wills muck- the bett Lydia,

t!,til I Mi-^.Elli. ybung the bett Cicely, lliss Maryicily I Stiti'khoii!>«f tin; best llrs. O'St'tittU1 and

riliicodly. an ! >Uss May nissell the beetSamh lilunt you cuti imagine.

You fujtf he was just a trifle proud of theIndies cf SUnihope. It is possible '• Ten

n.Hnntf nlon Couutv, B*JT. A. M. rahoer, Vt.

\Y. Jlnn-h. Esq. 'Monuioutli County, Bev. Thomas Carter," - .hotcu.

i 1-7'.'

y for

e.f low i»ri


i-1 In- :ir-t ri-.-'.ili "f;i «-.i:il.l lie ilit suiting olwhii'h c.n.U' •! be {irotititbly run

11.I whii'h uotilil rc-i

:i whkh fc.. Mr. S«uuk coaclndts, fre•i.:w uf ihu iii-Kl, that Ihe \>ill he ill lt-ust :is (jrcit It-, t in

uil itiuarkn llio dci-ide whi-thui'ti'iii nt prcatutcipultss to iiitempt

" umcuf; Prodhich th.-y will

it is for the [iruducir

it int pr

IM: to

1 pig :

Tbnt they havuuJii.gtmvJ to tb

.•try ckiirly puiuls

king jiroof uf ihis i>> ihe bteiuly inof lh'. itim ot tilUi iii-.u. Tbe

Ltur i-nliing mill* iu IHQ svus ue<is iu 1ST:; or 1S73. This beinguhii'b Ilii: l.irjjiT ]wrt of our. the; f.K'i M-c-iiii i»t flr^t gliaiy lli-it there aliotilJ be u fiirou ofneurly8CHi,0W) lou.s fi

Nights in Q ltar Itoom" may be rtpeatedGOuutinif.

Tlie following nntice in nosUd 00 Ihe watt-rtnuk: "ThOHe interested in forming a'ltagarauflin Club' to parade 011 July 41b orercqiKstul to liii-tft in >'i'fhaiiic'H Ilall. Stnn-hopt', 011 ?..lurJ:»y.'-i:iil iust., at 7 o'clock r. M.

Bv Ounrn or COMMITTEE."lit is a groat f.llow that Committee. If

some of my rich rtlallous don't die prettysoon, or my creditors " forgive me my debtsas I forgive my debtors," or BOineboJy don'ttake up a f>ubscription to buy me a new pairof overalls, l\Guh pretty i

ill have to join the RngniuufSiE. J.


The Paper Money.The total amount oF natiorat bai

notes ia circulation is 8302,700.000.has been a little lover ttun tbis Q^but has at DO time siucc the movcoicion tho part of the banks to COL Iratheir cirealatioo run down us low as tlold S300.000.000 limit, nt which it stooiiDtil the law was pessed IQ 1869 autboiizing na increase to meet the theu clannrons demands of the South and Weifor more money. The circ-ulatioD 1I»rc3tnt tnantfosts DO murked teodenetoward increase or decrease. I t rotnahnlmost stationary, tbe fluctuations beirajipareutly Blight. The fact that nni]n frw bauking law it has ran downnearly the old limit, wheo Ibe restritiona of Uie original legislation eatill)]isiug tbe national banking sTslem wereforce, fnrninhes a cnnclusive arpnnieugainst inflation theories. Tbe totivolume of tbe greenback circnlaliancow about 8360,000,000. The Trcaso]officials hope to Ret it back befaro Seicmber to $356,000,000, at which figniit Btood when Secretary Richardson toeit upon himself to inflate the enrrenc.,in de6ance of law, by patting out tinICRSI tenflera retired by Secretary MeCallocb. I t has tnkea four years fremedy the mischief Jlr. Richardson din it single da;.


The city of Londuu is pityEug Genera!Grant the highest honors taj Americancitizen ever receiTei

Tbe Eastern war nrogrcsMa slowly andthere are many amall skirmishes, but ageneral engagements.

An age<! pLyiicianof Jachsonville, IIIwas killed by his son recently, while oneor both -were Intoiicatcd.

At & general row among a lot of tramp!near Fairview, Pa., two of them werekilled and several wounded.

Two men are imprisoned in tbe Hat-Icigh coal mine near Hazelton, Pa., bycavo-in. They are probably dead.

The British Honse of Common H hnrejected a motion fnr tbo abolition tcapital ponishinent b j a Tote of 155 to 50.

• The first fart train from Chicago UNew Tork made tbe dUtanee in twentyfour hours and fifty-eight minute!.Average rate 381 miles per boar.

Fire tramps who were sleeping it _old deserted lime kiln, near Bndqepoit.Conn., wars crushed to death Tuesdaynight by tbe falling in of,tbe walls.

Describing tbe situation of .tbo BlackHills a Now Eagtander who is therewrites tbat there are as many wiso mengoinp r ' j t erory day as there nre foolscoming in.

J > . Chambers Lytl«, ol BrndfrfVLnnding. near Cineinnflti, waashot tlendby the brother of tha girl whom be hac1

fiediicad1. Tkn asaailnut wns only 23years of age and lua not been arrested.

Tbo Humnftty c r r w t ' a n d imiirisonment of a Gtnntu sabject in Boum-iniabecuQse of bis accidental acquaintancewith a spy, causes coDdiderabla excite-ment in diplomatic ciralej and at Berlin,

Accounts from Tripolib ea of a hun

l t

li nnd Barbnryndred miles liasstate that an aret

been dewted "by locasta. __.t_nre entirely destroyed and fammp iabelioved to,be imminunt, Severe utstiaas already proTnils.- ' *

OntliCDtghUofarondnynndTaesilny,, JJov 14tb, and lGtb, during fho big• s lum, it H itntaV ibat abont ten thon-iarid sheen rwriflbed-tweniv-tbrec tullesLortbweet of Toaemito Valley* at

r, and OQ tbo divide to Hoxel

•mount rolU-il. Wo (hiiik the chin to be fiuiutl iu the oiusun

•f i.U r.iils in the in^uuf.ictwre of henns nad b.ird, na will as r.iH*. 'i'he Ii

price of old r.iiU {ntit wtiuh (.bove tluitfoiimlty iron] h:is tuiiilo tliom iiv^ilubli; 1

>• purpose*. Wu Oo not (hiuk, hotrevIlicy liAi-y yet been used ia I Lin coiiuihe niiiiwfurtiire of steel, us thev ure


The Ui'i=cmer autl oilier ntecl iudastri'jirotiting by tbe tLenpntss of Ihtir raw a

nnd liy the progress iu tncchaniijiorfc-plioii Btliuvtil by Auicrican gcuius am

rgx, Liivo made wjiitl mUituccs duriiLitt throo yc.u& Mr. Swnuk gives t

product df Uts-si-mer iugutu ntiJ25,SUCuton« ia 1S7C, agutmt 975,517 tous iu 1STil»out four-fifths in each ciie having beeuanufactureJ iulo p.iils. Tho j . rod net877 will lie dill largor ; but lie wp.iei«y

the existing plant is hrg«r yet Tha piduct of Sie.u*ns-SIi,rlii. Btoel iucreivbt-d fit

ct ton^ in 1S73 lo SIMM in IffiThis ninniifaclnro may lie esi«cltd to in.

lereafli-r u~il)i still {•tfAtcr rujuditWe htnr of Kc7cr.1l prujwttrt wort-*, lluli. in tho opinion cf tbi* btst Authorities, nifcdj thai new lkMtmtr works will Ireeled for n cbusiilir.iMu timt: to come.From the eliituticj tul>ki. putliniieil v,

iltt! ft few lirief items, thovriiig ibe toitdi:on of the in.1ustrj- in 1972 nud 1S7C.Tlie pnaluctiou of pig iron in 1672804,558 tousr, in 1870 it rrne J.OO .'.'iC tous.

The produtliou of rolled iroa in 1872 wasI1.UU2 toud j iu 1S7C it wiw 1,021,730 toi1873 S*w Jcn>«y tad 1C funwees of all

;inds nud prcJcctd 102,311 tons of pig irqn ;1S7G thiro were 1<J furnncts, 4 of whicl

ily wuris iu Wiu.t, whica produced 35,311ns. Pt-uiitvliuiiia W12C2 liiruarWialf

nnd produced l,3»0.57S tons ; iu 187G thiwtre ^79 rurmiets-113 iu l l w t - o n d tbi

ivluction im* 1.0UO.C13 tons. The hJley, with 47 furnaces in bl,wt, in 1S7J

(irodnctd SbO,0fiD long; ia 1870 with ul Iii only in l.Lisl—tho pra.lncltcu «

2G1.214. The product of rolled iron iu tUnited States in 1873 U-AH 1,SGG,-U5 loigiUBSt l,OJ1.7301ourtin 1STC. Oftli i«\cwcrsty iwxluced 7?.CIS3 t^tw in 1S7:!,1,'Hl tonsin 1S7C; Peuasylvtinij 835,584)U in IS73 aud S21.GG0 tous in IS70.

titock of pig iron usuwlJ. iu thefciuiis of pro*dncera nnil their ngeuU. in 1B71 won 73J,7Si

; in 1S7G, it was G74.793 Ions.?j hnd 37,930 toiig unsold in 1874 nnd

,742 tons iu 16TG. Ftnosylvauin 21nnsold in lS7i uiul 271,093tons iiil87G-

Canal Items.From Ute monthly receipts of coal slipped

at Port D^lftwnre, furuinhcd oy Mr. tl. T.Spinnor, chipping agont, we glean tho fol-lowing particulars concerning the doing oftha Morris Quial for the pro eon I bontings;a-

n, which* is remarkably well; iu fact so>11 that it in not equaled by any Bhipmentcr trtaAe nt those tctutcs. During the011th of March there w<ro 2S boala loaded,,d Ifiiir, tons fthippal j in April, 40!l boatu

loaJcd, and 30,280 tons shipped, and duringDth of liny, CSS bonta, loaded and

41,073 tons eh-pped, bfing 4,000 tons morethan was evor chipped iu any one month

the opening of DID canal in 1631.Out of tha C39 boats loaded during May

)i" iru 111 there were 80 Lebjgli bolts, making a tof S.'.S of rcgulnr Horns Caual bonutgaged iu the traffic. Mr. James J, Duta, tliioutlemaDlj clerk iu Afr. Spinuer's 0IB1icnkcs oat of nil of tho pnpero for bondThyfltf conf.Lt of a bill of lading, receipt amtoll order, boKJdcB this lie tankes an entry ii

book kept for Uint purpow and fills outextra bills of lading, one of which gocitlie consignee and the other stands null amvoid. It is gratifying to tuow that the boatmen navigating the Morris Canal have plcntto do. Even if freights are low they etic&u tnaks fionio luoner*

Boat " J . H. nixoii," Captain JohnWelch, of Boonloa, ttnrtcd on the 14thApril from Port Washington and camePort Delaware, where it loaded on the Itil

fur Bloomfifli], siucj,which tioje to th1211i hut. it has made three Futereon, thre

Morris Cc <rty Bible So:iety-l1 w e but week, and tin

intji of the time uf receiving hiform&tion,'uul^d us fToni zu&kiuij note ot tlic tfClliivfrsary of the Soc it IT, held at I'lei

Viillty oa t ie 12th ICEL The annual

]>reachvd in the inoruicg tiy BCT. Mr.Codiruu of Mt-adliam. Mr. W.- V. Mareb.out of the Vice rresld^nts. filled Ihf choirin the ubsei:re of the President. Hon. JohnHill. ' After the rq>orU and other burincin,of t ie nftt-nioon Dr. G. H. V/hituey andBer. Tlins. McrmiKy, of HacketUtoirn, Be'Ur. Itooorr, of DOTLT, and others made

onsen. The utit-niiance of delegates vgood, tbt people of tht neighborhood turned

Urge HIIHIHTS, and110ved of grtal ij.t.-ri'tt to all present.iloasicg fonture was a bountifal collati* at uoon nodi-r the tree* of tbe church

yard. TUe auuuiJ tlfction for officers re-biilttd in the followiitfj n.

President, Tbto. Little, Esq.; Vice-PreB-IIL'UU, Jhwsrs. Saniud KddT, W. W. Mareli.I. W. Ih-ut. A. C. Suitii, A. M. TreadweU,nd John Hill; St.-rttarj. Albert Krdmau;

Trtftsurer, John I[. Runvon; Eiecutiveoniniittee. lier. Pr. S. Vau Benscboteu, G.. Hiyhter, Esq., HL-V. F. A. Jobtison, Jos.trong, D. D-. ord George KbejbcrJ Page,ipether u-ith th* ctEeers of tho Soolt'ty ss

The following were chosen Delegates loihtr CountT Bible Societies:To Sussex Coiictv, Hcv. Dr. 0. Crane,

Hillard, Etq.

Uttle. Eso.Wam-n Co

n . w. Hum.Ti^wiid Co

Alhtrt Erdni

t County, IUVP. It. S. feagles, 6.

Iiiuty, Rtv. >'. A. Johnson, Theo.

unty, Rev. B. C. Megie, D. D.,

E»I.unty, Hera. I. W. Cochran,

I'nioiCorwiu, Esq.

The following,as adopted:


inty, Ilev. G. IL Winam, S. F.

iffered by Theodore Little,

q pIIESOLTED, That hcreatUr the Churches

jutributingto this Society may draw ope-n!f of their contribution hi Bibles during»e succeeding ytar,The following, offered by ECT. Mr. Coch-

in, was nisei ado]>tod:'unnniB, Tbe copy of tbe Constitution andHv-Lftus of thin Society wm< lo>.t in theburning of the Boutl Street PresbyterianChurch. llorristowD; therefore,

That the Ext'cutive CommitteeCtie luHtnitted to prepare s Constitution aud

Ity-Lau-9 for thiu fioctety, and [ireeett theE&me at the iieit annual meeting.

The Prtiibjrtcrifln Church of PucmsuiinaTTtts st-lectod as the |>1 nee of the noit annual

r,g, Her. F. A. Joliiuon. t.f Us«:*r Congregfttlounl Church, m u chnsenDach the sermon. Reve. E. XI. fitod.

;Urd nnd G. H. Winans, with the Secretaryappointed a committee to nmke ar.

rangemeuU for the meet big.> hare iiot room for the Tr<

report entire this week It shoes rec*iall sources—including ball

$(£11.04 from lost year—of $1,010.9?. Tl;]iendUures were $GT0.74, leaving balnilhand of $^31.16. Tbe Depositary'smnt shows llibks received to the value

S*>91.74, dietribnted to tbe value of f 350-m baud to tbe valae of $241.04.

Vfhe Summit In&tftuie.Tlu oommtuei-niint ex/timieiot the Sum-

ni t Institute »«TO held in tbe PreibrtciwnOharcb. Summit, N. J.. on Wedn«*dfir ewn-ing, June SOlb, 1877. The- ehun-h wu filled

Hh 1 large nppreeintiTe, ns'wtll as criticalidiencu, Mid ono and all «f re t ighl / pUa**

ed wilh tbe eiercice, ifcoving as they didthe cam and }tains taken wilh the pupils ofdiLjliutilula inUitirniEntaltraiuint,'. Whereall did well, it is nlmost itupAvii.i.e tn pnrti-

individttal merit A f<rr plcuKiu^•y was JdiVem. \>v Miss Emma

dad trim diitinelly Lcurd in allparts of iho Urn* edifice T«i> excL-IIrntE.SB-I\-S were read by Hisses Cooky and Bnr-koT. bliowing likrary genius of n high order,

have Lta.rd Mi&i irrotrbtuith nnd Jli&sie Galit bing btfure, bet never have Uiey

done £0 nt-lt as on this ocuitjiuu. Wu cau-noi dut*iile lieirecu Uitm, atd they ore justly

itiUud tu t.iiiiAl Loaor. The iufirniturutiil]nrt of iLe programme was wtll rendcreii, noto bilch or n jur occurred, parilcul.irly *aa Ihe

jik-aacJ with the lustrauiumol Trio,by three little m^-bu lu who pili-jR-J throughtheir p*rt* with tli.- vim of old perfonuera.

Iu the dixlriUitiun of j , . - ^ by Ur. 1M-her, lie ViLe-Priui:i]ul, Mu*> Kuami Hich-irda was presented with tbo prize for ]«&•


Mr* Hftiglaud may well fM proud of herncce&s in Summit aud tlie result of thii. firat

uf the Summit lu»titute rill

:hool tor iovtruetiou, nuj it U to be re-il tbat tbe I^idv-princirval tr.u> 50 cir-•riWd by Trustees of tbo Church, AS to

th« I'hanictrr of her exwrcisea bv her pnpita,Iliey might have iuailu tLe entcrtuiument

still greater a success than il

BARNUM'S.Tucit ciT niiuiorEiirT-«iiE



IX Mnr V.'BK.Our P|Tinc tml Houiro.r tiy

mw cm) very i t tnciivo.FINE DI'.ESS AND

0vlnnti-, ilal i


«nnTMen. all

J. MAE SHALL & BALLSliow twice Die number of BUSINESS BUITB of any house in tbe citv

PRICE ^8 to $2O,

"ffe call jour epcciul attention to our elegant assortment of



*, EEADY-JIADE CLOTHECG.ITW larcctl u rn BIVH ninrb licul.To Ur t

l ltCl

c-ritcwjcrjfr. W'tipriiii IJ.-i

i id_ZdiLl» Wl?C,Bllii

I!B. litlnrn b'c t i Jiiv TrrNEIUUIiOL'Iti SMITH,

r talc <r.ciK.

d FurjMiJ Klis

ll to litl tc in



I'LliLIC VtNI^'l"'ai u,'*in SIoiri«(oitn, X. J., on

MONDAY, the 03dceit .A ; D. IS77. l.tlnecu

1 in theaturnoon of 'n i j ri

y cf JULY

greatly roilouud to its reputationhl I i

cenntvof Morri* and HUlc if J,

urttuiifii that *i* emieved liTaiFury Ly deed from l le 'LrbJch (

--. - -.-. ,,UErAKTJIEST

.-i. CuKiom UupftMun-ut L'Dn*tbn Hcawo. No loitc COQUbe tho rt'salt ol ncclii-ut.

^L. 3a w u TSO: isM l e a n »IW«TII l<] Ko,iA p n

uf or ll ! l

•un applicaitnn tnP. C. IlAMVI'Al & Co.,

•n Ji-iscy.rucdaud .id EdMrd ! !•„,


C i y , d aot tlie law] cl d f F

-luJcouteytd la<1N-»1 from Fort*. SiuwlBlli, IBM.»od Ibe [%n 1•ami Wide bv AtiJnr lint•take la ibe aiita liuu ol•lite being; a coruer tu ]i.ifourth comer in t deed fi

a line uf Id n'umlier 16 [*1]


.kmliSpxrtcdmp*DT brJ i l . a AL,ri!iorlskR.-d U

non'ii Lit fllora will•nt fur mm 'earorroore.

uhri, iuc]ulre ofJ . H. i G. PIERSON.

?4tli, 1S77. ai-tf

, inJiDS t\ alue whole Int. saidutiiul>cr lu,auj them »aid compius tnil Snreoibir '^th,

Ex-Gov. Scjmourond wife are makinga curriagetrip through Lewis county.They spent Suuday at Lowville. Notmnch of on announcement and nut at allimportant in itsolf, b'ut it is EUggtstireif cumfort. To those who have theior«ea and carriage, there is no morepleasant Summer tour than a carriagetrip, cruising around tliroiigh the coun-try aud staying over uiglit ut snngcountry taverns, stopping as long or asoften as may be pleasant, enjojiug tbe—^rery, picking up an occasioual frieoil

the rout* and then going on aditum. It is ft delightful v


.0 Star £should be re ved to

uly neat of Wan

Port Atom's.Last Suudr.y was observed na " Ciiildriar." Our School honsa was beautUullytcoratcil iviili Cowtra and crcrgrcens an\tmz lilliea iu profusion. The cliildn-emed to onjoj it rcrj-macb. Themomuigirlco opened nitb singing by tlio childrciicn followed j>rayer by Superil)tccclLi[dick, Bmfiug by tha school, cddrtES byDpcrinti-ndciit, »inginp' by, iufant class,riptural rfcitntlon by John Frashcr, Pott-

icol recitation!* by ETB Meliei, Ida Drake,A.nnie Hoffman awl Aumuda Laird. "IVhnt

thou glenntd to-iky ?" by KetUo andiio Trimmer excellently Bung;.,recita-

tionfl by Sadie IUcbftnLi, Mnudie Itldwrdsnnd Nelly Hoflman, clositl liy rns {if thow

trkling addresses by Mr. Tumblyn whichi children nud old follu seemed to nppre-te. In the aftcmoon there were address

by tbe pastor nnd J. S. Gibson, of DOTIrecitations by Nellio Messinger, Sadie Illeh-

r&a, Liziio Thomas, Albert Jloffman amCole, with ruriou* facts about tbi

iblo by John KicLards. Mr. BagtJunigM out what the children tnew o( tht

iblo and its priucipal cuaractcra by a lessoacatecLjism. J ttuppoee thero arc fi:irchca and more pretentious people

[orris County than onrs, but I Co 1Chtidren'd Day WAS npprecintcd t

icrcin theStntc save]] as it trasbere, An>t nnd listened to the exercises I

inking ciMbe day when the firat Sundayhool iraa organized in tbe machine sbop,

igh boirJ ccatA ADd nil tbo rough sur-rouudings;,tlm fontrstit TTBB a Tary strikingproof ' - * - " *• " •""*"' : "

BloomCdd nuil one Jersey City trip, besidesbringing ona back load or brick from JerseCity to Faterson and one of ore to SouthEaston. Up to Saturday evening last tbboat hod been running fifty five Onvhnd gone over 1,169 miles, averaging 21 3-5miles per titty, and clearing 571 1G-2O tons,wliiub IK mom than any other bent thatpassed through tbe Morris Canal. CaptainWefcn B ftw weeks ago left Port Delawa

ur o'clock in tho morning, nnd st tweaitea of nine in tbu evening passed oat

"Bird'u", lock, 32 miles from "where htttd in tbe tnonuug. Tills is conslongest drive ever ranUeou the *' Uorriu"bo same length of time and by eqins and loads. We are reliable Inform et]

tbit tbe load was Q9 11-20.—E&stca FreePress.

ihe Iron Business. uThe Iron BUUisUca for 1876 nre not fl-i

UR- The pig production for tbe year,"C93,0OO tons against 2,608,000 in 1873.

There were 178 furnaces ont of bLut nt Iheclose of lufit yenr, and 23Q in blast. Thiiron-prmlacing cnpueily of Ihe conctryuot bnlf teetci], Tho exjiorts of ironsteel niuiufaottiTCN wero about SI6,DOO,000

S2O,O00.ODO tbe preceding year, thtiUrin&tgo being somewhnt dnc to the fall inrices. There were 1,021,005 tons of relied

produced during the

productions showed i i of 11 pel'lit. Of Eewemer Rtetl mils 412,000 toniere niaunuiclureA—Uticn 1:

The reporti of the icspcclors of nitnea iiugLintl, for 187G, allow that the fatal ncc:ulii iluriug the year iu mines couiiug wilb-

iu the'scojy^cf the llincs BegulalionB33, nnd tha dcatbi onroMoucil tb«

^ncheil 033. The number c.r personaoj-e<l in and about the mioca was S11.E32id it is stilted that on the average t!•ring tho jenr ono futal accident nmong

ivcry C13 persons BO' employed, andsath W ncciilent among every S51 personsujiltf.'tiJ. FAT eaca latatns ofinioerjl-wereohtftiucd ftnd 150,05Bnu for each dentb by accident

Tlio Engineering nnd Mining Jonrml KITSlist wtek of American pig: The market iutenemlly iery qnict, nnd prices barely steady.Buyers only ptirvbane to supply tlielr innsprosing ntccMiWut, and there ia not a Bbade

fueliiig in tho Tnnle, TheTliontns Iron Company rtports Bales of 1,500

a of inm at uiir Uiglier quotatinus.tie No. 1, foundry, 31 a 50 ©19 ; No, 2,

oondry, $17.50© 18 ; nn<1 forge, SI0.E0(S)17.

Tlie Betblthem Times KIJB that on &atnr-renty wen wcro dLschargod from (he

Uctlileliem Iran Oompanj's works, and tluthe discharges *ill eontjuue up to SOD, tuar-

retained': ;. .

II is staled. Rapt tho Rislon Free after tha l*t of JoiyB mlactii

to 21 i"isr rent. I* lo bti tniulit iuthe lietblfhem Iron Company.

The iron fnrnncei nt Oleodon, tbe Eey-furnaco at Cbiila Dam uid Iho South

The young grass hoppers are doing grei.mage to the grain in Suswi county.The commencement exercises nt the llac

:tWo\rn Institute will begin to-hionow.The'people of Sussex county arebejjinnii

;o wondiT why thej nro BO mneh lu debtJ. O. Shipmna, of Bi-lvidero, in talked

in connection with the Republican nomlition for Govenor.

Bclvidcrc laments thft nou-appearancepan grinders. Well lend 'cm a few

tbey will come after them.John Roy, ft fnrmor of Dcritertown, ilii

of lot'k-jnw, which resulted from runulngnisty nail in his foot n fortnight previoni

Tbe Y.'arrea Freeholilers have & f>pecieoting tfwlny to consider the necessity

tepairing or rebuilding Ihe connty buildings.The Btnirstown Press boosts of n genim ol

that Bed ion making a Lirge hanl of fishti'eet of lime. Where ie the Fish Wardenthat county ?

A nmn by thn nnrae of Bigley, of BridRe.•ille, Wnrreu County, ban been ph<

Connly Jnil for incest with HaowndaagbtciHia Ron mode the chnrge.

The' Russoi Biblo Socictylvst week elect.Hon. John IlifT Prenidcut and appointedCommittee to din tribute tbe Bib to throughout the enanty. Tho receipts of the yeai

ere $151 EG.A PltillipsbiiTB ex-Conner wenl la seeelvidtnj editor, was brought homo a lana-

lie, nod Kent to tbe Asylum. We have beardif men being talked to death beforemt ncirer of oao being talked crazj.

The "profit" Eli, of tlio HnckettstownGazette, Is going back on his temperanceprinciples, baring recently refaseil to pub-lisli tbe natacs of those who signedlicense petitions. EUenys it would "habis business." Thus milli tbe ''profit"

Forty tramps, men, wmneu BDI! childreimnrcbcil to Elisibotb, vh tbo~Cenlml TU'iroad truck yesterday. All carried handles 0food, etc. At the head of the patty WHBpiper, who phj-ed merrj' ftirs, nnd this jol

id of tramps drew up in Hue and cbt-cre^h^tniin as it passed and then Terarned iti

march."W. W. Cox, who Wfti for ronnj yeai

Urge, dry-goods mercbant in Deckerlown,nnd who failed last January, is now said

ndefunltcr to that town for over £C,O00monies rocelvcd while town C

lie tiu not been seen in Deekertowa for thetwo weeks aud it is supposed he hoi nb-


A jtarly of gentlemen prosing near tbe"Butter-milt FnUs," jnst owr the felate liifrom SUSHX county, on Tbnisdoy of lml

ek, diseoTered n huge liawV flying abore'in with a Inrge live btnckansle in it*

ckws. They Iwitted nnd wriggled far free*dam hut the hawk held its grip and tonredout of tight.

Tho EeTeiiteeu-yenr locusts hn^o como•rief. The English, sparrow, which bus bc-:proo very num-rons ia this section, are. kUl-

by liondrcds A week ago tbewoo<!a ip the" vicinity of Ilio cemetery werefull of locusts ; now they arc a rarity, ns t ie

iwaseeii tn linxe colonized thera far t iexpreso parpoBo of killing the naUy insects.[he nse of tha birds now teems nprnreat.—HKsex llegitter. '

On Friday afternixin of but wctk aLim at Beltidere, which bad become wwhedmd weakened by the lute rain storma, snd-denly broke, and a fishing party on the pondil»ve, coubisUng of'lea persons, -went downt-ith tho rushing water, through & slaice-

j - . Mrs. Hetmers, ber dnighter, Jalis,raw MIES Crowle.v/nnd Thomaswere drowned. T le owner of tbe boatwhich tLe patty were, Murk Fiaheis aad

DM Onfelt were injured by (aliing into tbegrinder of a mill which, was tying below tba


Easton funiftua ore lutnlng out* iron of ex-cellent quality.

William VTIUiams, an old colored nan ofBelfidere, died on TVcdnrsOny evening of.Lit week. He wai iioru in ihe south, a

id riicnlog unny from his master,irih to Jlelridere. A Dumber of

rears after be was' foand, nnd was claimed>y bin former inns! or, when lio vaa purchaa-

«dfby'tfio citiieas of that jiLue and givtnif to* progress of civiliiatioa hire his freedom.

A Clergyman Doing Fire Daty>At the burning of the barn of Ux*. Henry

?aylor, ia UorriGtown, on TLnrsdaj of lastreck, thu fol]oning%p[fiode ocenmd: TheIre department at ones turned, out end

exy iemta on tho Etrcets was pressed intorvice .to, take the pecplo to the ipot-ilhcr Glrard, after giving the alarm, atso placed bis horee HD* baggy «t the

dlcpoiAl of Independent Hose Company tow them down to the ore, and it w u n eightbe remembered, to see tho reverend gen-

tem«n urging on hia ttetd, wbila attachedthe baggy behind was tin Hose car-je. The boys who ran arc nnonimoni in

staling that the reverend Father towed tliemthat firo as quick ms ever they wentore, and ;some UilaV'a little quicker.

owever, they got to-the £re HaL'tadtiui i* always wmethiog.—BepubUom. ' ^ *'

Silting Bull is now between WoodSIouutuinsBud Fort Walsh, in tbe Brit-ill Pow«>saioii9, with three buudred nnd

fifty lodges. lie aaya Ibat he iutends Iusettle quietly gn Canndian territory. Hosnows oiaiiy trophies, incluiling ormstvogonBand tbc complete ontfit n[ theCutter party. He justifies his warfareon the ground uf the violation of tbetreaty respecting tbe Black Hills.

There In • mau confined in the Uclvidercill for oot supporting hie wife. Ho

j lib wages when at work, in only 60 cents atiny, anil he can't do it on that pay.

Blackberries and raspberries will be plen-tiful. •

Letter! r emain ing unclaimedin the Post Office at Dover.N. J .

JCSE 22J, 1877.Bryant John, SI. F. Colbaugh,Simon II, Cole, Manning F. Doty,Thomrw Panda, . lira. Ilardiuge,Snmuel Lewis, James Ltoru,James i l . McCorty, Alfred Onbocie,Thomas HcHnhon, Sarah E. Dellart.iliss Armie O'Connell, Jason SiOmon,Dr. Debelacker C2) Barab A. Wftei.

• A. BEE5IEP., P. Sf.


Jnnn22d,lB77.Tillle Anderson, . Mr* Eroros Endeso,Ell C I William Fkldeu.

OeorRcQiwn,Adolpb KlollE (2)

I.lrlck Cotlen, Patrick Tinny,To obtiin an* or the aliovc letters a*y "ad-

>crtiiei]B and si to date of tli is list.


TilllEllcHEllcu COJIP.Hnj;li CODUID,llcury Collim,I ' l k C t l


21st, 1877, at the residence of tlie fariuVafather, by the Ret. A. Erdmon, Mr. J. ILDltmars, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss JesseF. Vance, daughter of A. A. Vance, EKI.,of Morriiilown.N.J..

BUCE-PAUI£R-at tbe reliance of tinb i d ' t S J h 1937ride'i nitcuti, Sucran

v Rev. 11.N. lteed, ••.i ,(^l b ?lnaUK, Ur. Frank M. Buck,mma J . l*a1iQer. „

ce of tinune 13th, 1937,b ? Rot. O. Hk d Jll

Ikv. UeurjrMrs. Annie

lAKE-WIQOlSH-At tbt U. Ii. „U*. iVeeuon., l l .y 27lb, 1977, b/ Ikv. U.Hice, Jessta L»ke. of Ctmtor, u * " "WiCgia8ofMt.FVccdom,


Wn'AL . . . .only book practical)/


Metnaid i

deed ;l

a dill llitrir

Qdrcd anil ten; tlicnco (3)

fortytirc mlnnitt V. *talifl ID

Vf.11" ' L o nri) north

d d. ri) north iTcnlr-five

huodrcd and ten feel to litefiut Mid lot or land i» mhh-ct

r i n l i

OR the tbird corner m "saiductiloog ijid centre Im; (2)a qoitltr ilcgri'ca rcc*t onefe*.-1 lo comer or lot pnmbprnunh fiftj-oinc tlecrees ami» west two bnadrvil auJ tnoIbe sixth line of tlie wh,Ae

; th* same by teirinji of Jouo' cu t one

BOATMEN AND FISHERMENsupplied with nrst-cloBs BOATS and FISH-


ISTTDD'IS ^i A TT Tl,north of tbe Sharp House, between bowling

alley and store, aud accomniodatlonE for

PICNICS AKD PARTIES.Alw tob.icco. ciR.ira, and roufectionery in

h b l SW.ico. ciR.ira, andthe boat liouw.

tbe rd htioa of miocf.orci mJ mioiralsiud thu richts

-"•' "•'•'- • tbercio, nod alw th« ri"bt ofcw iircot •• ptrticularlT iccilwiM folly and enlirjlr a« ii,c B i m oid eiccpted in »id deed Inm indatdE<]tt»rdFnrv.

•rnie premlne'a il Kcribcd In *Ti E4wardFurv an! wile to Clm,flair Mil., 1S7J, .u,l - -. QtBt. <h

1 i»ok Y a



E ' L U S G H > C ! I E S T d


C. K, PKITTF.NTOK T Slith lvc XcnYt284 w

' FANC1- CAHDS alt .trios with n a m c 1J«-n i* . Fust paid. J.S.Uc>TmUMFti.. C*., JT. S. 28-lw

Economy is Wealth!Practice the First and Secure tho Latter

by purchasing jour


• MORRISTOWN, J.Woasna PmTHfrom • - C5 cU. to $1.50ALL WO " " ©225 " 300ALL WOOLF G


C U. t©2,25

LIGHT.matins tbii nowt_ o .liowi how lo apply tha trcstra^nt, and tell,rmany snc(«s*fD! fare* mace br ibe uae oflit nondorfnl mediuin. Circular! and tM*«t

urica. Ind CalaiogLiogBLtreo. Del.

SHERIFF'S SALE.a Ckiocerr of ftm J«nej. Ft, f>, Tor tile ofmorlciseil premise!. Wberein 11 enrr Baiterand Msry lliilfy bit vile ire ca&inkinanli.and Mills lbiler, Tbe Trait ten or Botccrt'Collesa in Hew Jerwv. Henn Sire. Elin ILWilliams and £!lu Wear riecaiors of Tbos.Ww.r, dsceascd. ire delendautt. llctcnMu.elo Msj T«rm, A. D. 1BTT.


MONDAY, the 23d day of JULY•ext, A. D. 1877, between Ihe boor* ol 12 Mand 5 ojclock r. M^ tbat is to say at 2 o'clock

t iRcrnaDn or u t d IUT, all tbat Uact ot(1 or land and jiremiiei hereinafter panic-j dficnued, iltnite, IJIDR anil bung in

ie tomtbip uf F*naie, In lb« cooatT or Mar-

n ihe rcud leidinctrom saiilBlilbi BaHtf IWRMto Ne* V*rnen a eoruer of Itndt of ibe'Unrriilqaedact Compinj (formerly Mian I*rnden):

icDcefl) io a vesleilr direction aboat tenJUMHI tq a. loi of said Mi III Bailcy.^nowQ asilioLonRfield lot; thence (I) in a sontberlrlirccUon to a corner of uid Lmg Qeiu lot oriIJ Mill. Bailey trnl alsu * comer or tlio Mor-s Anni-dact Connsny; (betico (3) in i-1; direclion twenty cbaiiii to anuthercomer• tho Lopff field lot; t]ira;cc(<) in a naribcrl?

direction li-n (balm to another corner or tbuMid Long deli lot; thence (5) in an ctsUrlrJirectioa twenly cbslnaito mother corner of

iid Long field lot; tbvncc (C) in a northerljiractioD to a comer or lands of said MillSiilcy ana -tormerlj or CuiiJea Ammtmiib

- > ' - - j «utcrty dircclioDmaliue u:ais B»iUt iotl Cbarlei Arrow-—"- 1IWD« (8) along uid foaii

£rom« 4.00

Cnxcx 7.00Aix WOOL " " " 8.00GOOD BOBTXIBB B a m " 13.00FlNB ClIKCIS JU1D SrHIPZS

SnrrsoPiLi.aoLaB«from 18.00


Forx DUOONAZ. C a m JLfrom - - - - .

FIXE I IUCK Surra from" Youxas" "

- $10.00 to SIB 00' 15.00" 20.00

a.fiO" 12.00£°*»' " " 8.00 *' 10.00Krrp " " 2.SO" COO

utr re tu in rEL Snrrs from 12.00 " lfi.00l u r n a specialty 2 . 0 0 " 8.00

tar | $12 BUSINESS' SUITS. | -et


ALL WOOL PANTS from $2 to $6.

In this immenso stock you will fiud all tho LATEST STYLES ol



No pniiiH having been Bpnfed to make these fully equal to the he»tcustom mtido work. In COTTON" MirruitEs we have pants for $l*per pair,

OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENTis tlie largest in the State, occiipjing ouo iiutirs separate store, i

CHILDREN'S SUITS from - - $2 to $10BOYS' . " • « ' . . - $ 4 t o $ l S

"\Va purchase our goods entirely for emh, and aa tho tendency ofprices ure downward, wo ure jirepured to yive you corresponding prices.

MAKE IT A POINT to como aud seo us and oxamiiw ODEI1QIEXSE STOCK before you lay. . - •



807, 809, 811, BROAD St , NEWARK, N. J.




M-| BOYS' SUITS $3.5O |-«L. D. BABBITT has full charge of the Custom Deportment.We make special efforts to plenso tho most fastidious. Don't foil to

come and see us when iu our town.

Clothier and Mercliant Tailor.My slock of clothing embraces suits from a cliiia to a man, wliioli I knro «itu

great pains mnnaged to secure no loir <u to SELL VERY ADVANTAGEOHSLlfin these hard limes Mr PBICE AIg p i n s mnaged o loir <uin these hard limes. Mr PBICES AIIE AS m:CAS3IMEHE 8TJITS, fromU1AGOSAL COATS nod VESTS, from - .CASSIMEBE PANTB lionCniNCHUliA OVERCOATS. ••D1AOONAL OVERCOATS, " . . ' •VODTHS-SUITS, (romBOY'SSDITS, »CHILDKEN'S SOUS, from . . . . .


«7 to WiOlo 1821(1 58lo 17Bio Ueto IE4 to 13

FOREIGN AND DOMESTip PIECE GOODS.f .11 gmle. urn! materiali Btricl atotion is paid to m r Custom..Dep.rtn.ent,

^ : ' l i r . ™ ° i s : . g i S » ? . o f f i S lD v *ai iery cjmi""iiio11 t b r o D B l i o n t «"


- - 4 SDover, Mnj Uth, 1877.





they havo jnst received for Srarso nnd SCHJIER, comprisiug OTervthinnnew and desirable for ladica wear. A complete new stock ofA Compl



Retailing at Wholesale Prices.PHICES MAEKED m PLAIN HQUBES.

• SO- O N E P R I C E . O. O. D.-®aVie Bell Clothing at LOWER PRICES

and give KOBE m o i for tho moneyUltra any retail concern in New york,as we SAKOPAOTDBE ALL otm qoora, nndyou havo tlio Advaotara of buviug tliumat MANUEACrUUBKS' PHIOES.

. - Oar OOODS ASE THE BEST and our pricespositively the LOWEST nf THE c m .

:- :P1«WB tnke noliM that orr. GOODS aw NEW,FASniONAnLYCiri'.-WELLUADE and cnnnlEu ever; rciipeat to Custom Work, aud uiado upeilitra«]) for KVw York C i t j U c t i l T j l


I r a n •> fi!




left (7) in »J cutcrty dirccliot)Isorwid Mi"- " " • -

sontberlj direetloa to theeetloa lo the pUwoibont tblm terci.OK A FBEE1UN, S

SHERIFFS SA'LE!Cbaeiirr ol N«w Jertev. Tl. fi. for ula or•oi lentd vrrioiiM...wLcrciB lleorv W.Ford and Millen Ford, trnit«i nudrr tbe hatwill aad teitiroent sf Henry A. Ford, dec d,were compliiniuti, and Clauda M. GIDDOOX

odiBti. E.lormbJ. to «ay l> r» , A. D.on. JACOB TAXUTi, haft.

BT virtu; . f lbjibov. .Ulcd writ of Barl. . facial ID mj biadi, I abili axpoM for aala

****}* Teniiaj al \U UalWdBtateaHotel,oriiiloKn, JJ. J., on '

IONDAY, the 23d day of JULYl A p 181 b tlie L O D » or.U JI.

» lo u j t J ' d lill, A. p . 1817. belw

be «rt»raooa ot raid &. , kU ib*t Inct o*l «r Uuduid pteraliu. iltuitt, Irwit uI In at town or Hotriituni, i o n t ! .c

,UU«Jort»id,b«riniiins»tKi Iron pin drirj Us DorHiuilcrri »i!« H r Mldhd A

. belwMn-tlie LOD»h lb»lT» lo u j >tot raid &. , kU ib*td pteraliu i l tu t t Ir

Us , r ini i ins»tKi Iron pin drirtnilcrri »i!« HUB or Mldhod An.,ha noil u r l b t f l i




.Before buying olseiyhere bo sure andgive us a'colL I t -will certainty pay you.Remember, wo are DP STAIHS, entrance

on Broadway, North-west Cornerof Grand SL,' nnd Broadway.'


COBNEB 0HANB STREET. UP STAI11S.Large TvTiite Maiblo Building formorly ocrapicd by LOID * TAYLOS.



(Botncen Vtorhits 8ros. HardwaVo SioreandMationil Iron Bank.)


Elegant in stjlo, and finish. \7e p_ny CASH for our GOODS and sell forSmall Profit Our store expenses are much less than any of our oain'petitorn, therefore customers -will find it a great Baring hy looking for the


Spring Overcoats, Diagonal and Gissiraore, » • - • - . . *8 10 id ISMen's Business Sails, Now Style Plaid nnd Stripe '

, | 7B0 .9 ,10 , J2 ,15 ,18 ,Cassimoro, -


mmntn eut, two baadrta tod ninobMbto aniroDpiDdnfrnaaaliBbaak of the

—jppanj riTtr; tbenre (3) .long tha bank ofb a u a i jrft»t*>t» feet and »iitT^« ban-

iron pin; thencenth tin >f lot n

loolbhl mionlci wen two baCD tod roar-Bltbi feet to pn driTentlie loatbKHt corner. f tal nambu tbLm.i ID tba ncrtiieiil tide tine or Uidlaod

lcbt decrew and lorty-two baodrcd «n3 thirtr-feet to *n Iran pin dri

f tal nad ti

n . r ib . old I T I I U but » t ^ , ,ie cam of Hid vtcuw, bat in m'ltralc,o lonJrrf ,qj Us Ictl J | l

rthiItao ,

l t


oo n i pI.H,»

i ot fc .lo! nnml

I IaU at Ilio Lceiled, ted irliErh nid mip n fiieii ia ~th*B

k'i Office ot Mnrrii CUODI.T. B^IIIK IbeoUDd>nd 'rcmlie* cnoTtved lo Ibe u id

tckflrFinvlnbTMl••. «piEiisoiiA.dXvuitinr-



Blao Flannel Suits, Doable and Single Brcaaied Suckaand Walking Coats, - - . . - - S 1 3 1 4

Black Cheyiot Suits, with Cutaway and Sacks, an Extra * 'Fine Suit. - - - » - » - . - ' • . » _ _ ; .

Jress Suits, in EInei Cloth! Diagonal and Plaid Worsted S18*1M K ' SO'Ynrrm'a Rnrra /IS in Ol\ w . K 1 _ _ _ _ «„'-.«'„•__'

s, i Elaci Cloth, DiagonalrooTn'a8uirs,(15to20Tcan,) - -Bora' Suris, (10 to 14 years) liiicd

B l d d Bb T r i tOassimero, Plaidj


J5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,Blade nnd Bbo Tricot, - - - - - - . ' .TtDBra's Vssr Sons, (i lo 9 years) . . . . . j » / c f . y

AH tbo New Btvles Giasimero Pants from . . . ' . - * V ' '«• h „•500 Pair'Worlqiig Pimis; hea»y and strong. -• - - fl.25 per pair'


(a««i)mtoBan«ia.»jieo!jB-.) 815 BROAD.ST., NEWARK, N. J,

h a t b " maila amuigcments to remainto teoliis Morris Cotmly friends


C H E M I C A L S ,


Pharmaceutical Preparations.



rre»cnptlont cansrall/preptrcd.' NDDC bnlk£ s s ra i tutd ot tbe bmt qanlity and pre>

pared ictotillD^ la tbe united SUlei Pharai .pnix.or the inott approved formnla.AmtUiiorlneolof."


itl'oierjlhuit un«llj found In > dnij itorc.

C H. DALRYMPLE. JUoliittm, «, j . , Joj, m , 1877, ' J ' !



baa a complete stock of


Builders' i



is, nsirrHo TACKIE; he «c.


TB0YISI0N STOHE.The mbecribcr irenM most reipeetfollr

inlonn tbe citiusa of Doter md'Tidnil/that he hos opened a GROCERY AND PH0-HSION STOIIE00 - I.,.,,.. .. r; '


, nun-I1LACKWKLI., DOYD, K . J . ' ;


All goods warranted and pmriuiteoil to b*M represenlei -• . .

JOHN ABNBT.IXmr, N.y., April6th, 1877. * 17*m"



•retlmof UfcB

diitn nuke Iir A a i


«.f b

Sltiu.lclU Utof Ut* u d <

f M J Is But *vn^ - -i

|5ATtltl>AY, JUKE 23d,18?7



1 Inch.2 "a "

it no, 4 GO

c no

8 filli 015 CO

Sunimtr undershirts nncl draweri in km.[uantittcs at rieraon'H.

Gel oim u/ tkom Cherry Pillars tor mloS. II. Borrj'sHurd.anij!,,,^ Ibo bc.l Hungtut

Tho "Smith Association" hold an™v

Brand family re-union on tho flrrt TVeduesdu'in September.



Tlirougb Haft, 0.23 A. M. t Onwogo Express,.C5A.M.; Eft«tou E»prLtn, 1.63P.M j Enai

H. 5.S0 K . i O*WPgo Exp>OM, 0.87 I1.xpnGH. 5.S0 P- K. i O*WPg ExpOM, 0.87 I .U ; Hiuketlntonn EiprcsB, 7.20 P. M.; flarrii-, i rB special, lo .osr .M.


IturrixburK Sperfnl, 4.11 A. I t . : Dover Ei>rcn 7.00 A. M.: nacliuttiUmn Mall, 7.JI2 A.[ • ttntun n>pr<wa, fl.42 A. M.; Hinfd.atnptc.u

,i, 2.07 P. U. f .Ilironub BUI), 2.17 P. H. tiyraciuo Espies. S.03 P. H . ; Huston Accom-iodatinn, 8.27 V. ST.


CheaterHorlonIroniaStu-ciminM C l i


over offered, at Pieiiou's," ontioEiiUthe Pobt Office,

Coll mid see tho flno line o! Bummer ahoeittVrighlttHeiul's for Uonta1, Ladies' MIBSCI

and Children.

Mian Thurber, formerly of thin pkoe, hwibeen elected Anaibtaiit Principal of tho Boou-ton publia Buhool.

A negro minstrel stiow for chariUblopuses will bo held in MorriBtowa, JulyBomo of ihe "best people" will put on tba"urut cork. ,

A tempernnco •meeting, oudreaHed by WpN. t'lnrk, of N y

held in tho countyhi

, in tho countyjatl Wtdamdny. 'feu of (hoprisononniigucdthe pledgethe pledge.

" Whntuong Gt J ge,;1 tho rcBidenco of tbo

H l


d!00 C.20


M . V E ! Juncl'n 7 JaPort Oram 7.16Dover • 7.90



New "


. « , T. it.

.80 8.30


.. 8.47.53 6.63,02 0.fiH

PliiJndnlplit*,Ilich Bridge,-*Catlfnn, . VMiddle VRIIBT,German Vatfey,Niucbrlffht.BuTtlot,Flinders, -Krnvll.Pott Oram, "

- 0.B0 0.6510.90 8.l'i

7.48 4.40' 7.9T 4.10




Into J. Boyd Headlcy, near Morristowu, haabeen rented by a Newark lndy and will bachanged into a Bummer resort.

It Is reported that tho brick church at Par-Bippnny, 1'rcHbjterian, wait struck by light,niug on Thursday evening and damaged totho citcut of about $D00.

A new ntock of Tulilo and Pocket Cutleryjust received nt tho Dover Hardware Storoaud selling at woy down prices. Dou't forgettho jilaco, sign on pndlock.

And now "potato worms "aro added totho pest whom our husbandmen havo tofight. Tlioy rescinblo cut worniB in generalstylo of '• get up," though much larger.

e of theroiu on Thursdayti sale of tho household

NO, Juuo I4th, 1877.BTATJosB raoit.

efeatfly , ,ester It. It. (Horton a, ComEu'auccMunna, Vamtta and Choi*or Junction BUIloni,)tOrimnbopoboviilserloo,

Total .

rovii. OWT. G17 08

G31 09618 13

. 110 DO

W 13

2,880 10

In eoaBtqmjvening tlio igoods of J. F. White, at Port Oram, waspostponed to this—Saturday—evening.

8. II. Breeso, the ncwsdenler, has receivedin unexampled stock of flrcworfcn, balloonsind other PQurtli of July paraphernalia, and

la prepared to till largo ur small orders,

The luOics of tha Frutibytcrian churchhavo passed a vato of thanks to Ur. Geo, A.Hlnnchnrd for vnlunblo services reiidort'd attho festival, nud to Jlr. B. II. Vogt for gru-tuitoua printing.

Amoug tlio announcement* of fellowshipsmade by Prunidcnt McOosh, of PrincetonCollege, on Thursday, wan Henry CooperPitney of Monlstown,. ltaudinot Fellow inModem Languages.

There nro 000 lawyers in Nevr Jersey orno to every 300 voters, nnd lawyers occupy

about one-third of tho offices In tho Stalo.Bomo of tho papers begin to think that thisit too much lawyer.

At tbo Chcutcr Depot House ibo Fourthwill be observed by daucitig in tho grove ad*Joining. Good' niuslo will be provided,good order enforced, and strawberries, Ice

:am, and all tha delicacies of (he seasonfurnished upon the ground,

l i ra N. Itobcrtson,, of Elackwoll street,next to M. IL Dickerson's, has Just receiveda full stock of millinery goods for Summer

•, lucludiug trimmed hats, shapes, flow-ers, etc., all In tlio very latest style, and tobo sold lower than over before.

During too Coroner's Inquest in the latetragedy nono of tho witncuscs could testifythat thoy saw Stewart rtriko tha fatal blow.It now transpires tltnt a eon of Mr. L. Bkel-lengcr, of Glicetct, WOH standing sear, Iook-ig at the engine, and saw Stewart inflict the


The locusla ore found in myriads In theneighborhood of Dover,' and tha air is con-stantly filled with their cries, while at Stan-hope- and other placet we learn they : arescarcely-neea or heard. In tho vicinity ofMine Hill many young trees are dying fromthe effuots of their stings. * ;.

Tli,A Garni Romance-

Intent dtvelopiueuU in a rnconjiitml infelicity, wna uncovered inJem-y City iiolice court, ouo day recently.A jolly young cuonaUiir nauied Thomas"'"'fftu, botltr tiwwu to hh. fellow craflmea as " Tommy Dodd," became attaduto a comely young woman near PhillipsburHhu liked to drjuk, aud'one diiy Gilh'(jiplied htr with liquor, nud on. the next mor.

ig khowed b«r a marriafa certificate riguedby a Kockawny Jmrtico ft thu Peace, whereinytheir marriage wosduly set forth.

b Ui about it," slie


Cherries are rlpo."HorristoTTO haa another bjcr saloon.

Iroir bnta 10 cent* each at Ficnon's.

Duy jonr tobacco and segan to-night.

Linen and Alpaca Dusters cheap nt Pier-


Truolfl, Valisei and LodieB* Satchels at

K letter from Port Oram will bo foundon tha fourth page. •

Ulne Hill bent "Irondala at base bill onturday last, U to 8, .arrangemeiih) ore being mado for a countyiperanoe mass meeting;About this time of the year trade your oldgoDs for dogs. Eh, Andrew ?Die Fourth of Jnly toy pistol I* now look.; for a youthful thumb to pinch,Soda water with a wink in it hi.the latestprovement Jn faebionablo drinks,Ihe Stanhope public school will soon holdexhibition for' tha benefit of its library,fhn recent tragedy In this place Is made a

bject of Illustration in the Police News thia' Mayors of the principal clUea, and. otherdignitaries, upon cards, two of each, and will

Copt. BeaV itorehouBe's mule read tho[do we puDliehcd about him laat week andI taken seriously ill. V - , 'Wright Jfc frelnl are prepared to furnishnther and Findings in'.every variety innil or large quantities,the Steamer Company desiro ua to returnIr thank* to Henry McFarlun, Esq., fori free use of bJs grove for their pio-nio.K chandelier -weighing over 600 pounds,

Q burners, has been plnced in tho* room of the Morrietown Library

riio locnBts have already commenced to, and before manyweeks will hove entirelyappeire'd. I t Is said that the loet will goout the second week in July.M the Cojntdencament eieroiscs^'t tiifay-a.ColcRO next woek Mr. A. C. Fairchild,i of the graduates, will read a review of

3 Dickereon Mine, on Mine Hill.Horria County Courts mo^ again ou Mon-

The hearing- of Win! Kanouie vs.nandfl Barmore, in ejoclmont, was con-med, uid One wlbaesa examlpod.The chicken cholera. !• pr*tailing withtol effect In the vicinity of Chester. Manytrla have died, Dr. Hedges alono losingrty, and enginoer Harry Daweon twenty.Mhny persona in this vicinity have usedtirnoj'aPest Pol son on Potato Bugs andimmtHVorrasand found it very effeotualdestroying them- Vought & Killgoro aro


Mnhlon H. Stage, of thia place, would likehave the address of each soldier from thiionly, who was held ia Southern prieonsiringlho lato war, with the natoe'of hismpany aad n g i n e a t /Another large lot of Ladies' Ready Madalits In Linen, Qress Cloth and Percales was>encd at M. H. Dickersoajs this week whichill bo reld at reduced prices, Sultnlu twid three pieces from $1.25 up.Do you want Paris Green, Kearney's Pent>Uon, Powdered White Holleboro, Wlialt

Botp, Carbolic Add or Soap, Insect>wden, Camphor ; Gum,; J tc , Vougbt Aillgoro's ore headquarters for them all.Is bnyiug goods Baker A Beemer take into|uidernUon tbe times and tho necesslUei1 tho people, and offer just'the goods yoi'ebi at very low figure*. ?Everyth)nj nei1 fuhionnbte ialadiei'diesB goods andlot nations.

[When the hut irepresonlAtive from this» woo taken down to j h o county jail

m" Holly, the koeper.'quletly approachedi, Inhaled the fiir through his nostrils and

"Dover again, ' by thunder.cod him doim Btaim*11 r ~ ~j • : * '

I The Philadelphia Lodger^which i« usuaHyFKtty good authority on'tnch" lubjocto, ex-rrc«a«i tho opinion that;th» price of COIIIB"wat i to lowest point for this year, and[hit th« coal tnute in all iU departments Is at"•BwuteBtdepresdon. ' . • -.Ch«ttr «ent"two reprpBealatives to.the

16nnty jail tha hitler part of lost week—Bar-"ibai B. Brabnch, for threatening an assaultjwn his «)n-in.Uw,lyniimH. Meeker; and« w « i Halpennjt fM steaiiiigairatcband

We cannot understand why editors go offa an excursion la tho very wanncBt part of

.tho Reason, ind tlio week before the Fourthof July, when their offices u e usuallycrowded with work,' unless it bo that therailroads over which they travel and theplaces thoy visit detdro puffs early In' the

" Andy " Dyrnm, of the' post office, hasscoured tho autographs of tho resident andhis Cabinet, tho Governors of the Stately

havo Uicm mounted nud framed. Ono copyho intends presenting to Protection Hookend Ladder Company.

"FcrwajB thot aro dark and tricks thatire vain," our town boyB are getting verypeculiar. Some of them on Wednesdayevening forged qutto a largo number of tencent tickets and passed them at the Presby-terian festival. They aro ahio. engaged inthe to them amusement of robbing gardensand fruit trees. This work, however, gen-erally bocomeB monotonous after awhile andsomebody geta punished. ,

County Board of Freeholdera,thinking the managers of tlia> Elnto InsaneAsylum at Hometown charge too much forkeeping cotinty patients, have resolved tosend tbo surplus from their Couuty Asylumwherever thoy can bo mninUined the cheap-est. It is* said that patients are received ntBcnniogton, Vt,, at.$1.2C per week. Itmust bo poor keeping'they get at that. . Butit would be a storage thing if, after buildingthat immenBO asylum at Morriitown, NewJersey lunatics should, after ail, bo"sent outor tho State for keeping.

We havo always found that a sensibleyoung lady will not givo her. affections to aslovenly dressed person, and offer this advicegratta to tho young mea of this flection, Inorder that they may go nt Dnca to ThoraoaWelsh, tho oiio-prico clothier, neit toBreeBe'B book store, and bo clad doeontly.Ho will equ'p yon-with a.Buit made to orderof the most fashionable goods at prices aslow as can bo obtained in tha city, or furnishyou with a ready-made suit that will notiiueeio your pocket-book Tcry bard, andwill make you a happy man on the Fourth

of July. __; ^ Y ^ .

Damage by Lightning at Boonton.Wo learned by telegraph from Boonton

yesterday that during tbo heavy shower inthut plape, on Thnrudny evcoiug, tho steepleof the U. B. Churcb wan Btruca by light-ning, fracturing tbo Inrge' hull in which thevauo !B set and othiiw'mu.damaged thu Kpiro.Tho loas isoHtiinatod;at from two to thteohimdiod. dollars. Fortunately tho churchdid not catch fire from tbo stroke,

During tUo.same evening some Bhedn and'stables attached lo tho Boonton Iron Workswere also rtrock by'tbo lightning, and tak-ing flro, were'enlirely consumed. Tho Josswe did not learn. As may bo Imaginedthese'two evoata, occurring so near eachother, created so le oieiteniont.

Oircadaa- ••* • .I t nppeari our Boventeen*year visitora are

ubtlusiwtaatall, but Cicadns or lnrgo flics.The air iB full of thorn and their Incessantnqualling hi monotoncos, The male of theftimily makes a noisy TUBB, wbila the fuiualepunctures tho limbs, toys her ogga and docsthe work. The BBUIO thing sometimes* hnp-pens In other families. ; Well, theyit Boon be'gano, and thenwill cut see the

millions of people whon ngaiu, if (hat Is nny conso-

lation.' Tlie Cicndo coniCaontof thegrouudclothed iu an eel akin dress: aa soon as herealizes how ludicrous it looks, lio gsta oatof i f

, of^fiusscx Btroet, Is, . . , - _np robins, the ngta ofwensre. W sjjiii ' jeBjB.^ One of thtm»• with U».7aoi]y.wfc0Q their boat was

I. * *™ lh?110 « » Lebigbf IB yearaago,every Una singers,

Succasunna,Iter. T. Tynck, of Berkshire, prenched lost

Subbfllh'inlhfPrcBbjttrlau Church of thinpiuce, a-vtryintercBtliigdiRCwnwe from the10th nnd Stllh tersea of .(he Glh chnptertfJOIDGH, and wourc. bnppy tp team ho ie topreach foruBnguin next Sabbath, ti\h inst

"I don1

»d;was drunk I confess, tut if you say soTommy, it is ail rigbt," They lived togttber-'our yearn, during which time two child re rftre bom, but ailligan's acts of

compelled her to seek advice and sympatb'' iere. In tho heart of Jacob Meyers,

canal boatmen, Mrs. GHUgan foundixtTe.chon], and she conceived a strongtucnt for Urn. Gillian noticed it,idj "A treat for aU lionds

Juke, nutl elie ia youre." He Jumped at tillpropoutloii, i n i after Kpemliiig $1.00 fordrinks Jucob chtimed Mrs. Gilligan as hisown. Ever i>!nce GiMgw seems to haverepented of bii bargain, and has inwlo ortires to regnio his wife, but failed. I

went to Meyer's boat to regain poaucapiont treasure, but was met by Moye

who kuocked Mm down and then laid hitKealp open to tho skull by tattooing his heiwith a tibarp pieco of coal. Thomas wenUJuittice Davis and mode complaint aiidMcy en

B atTCEtcd and Bcut to JnU for SO days.

D. L. A W. Tunnel,Chcra Hcmn to bo a fatality about thinul of the Delaware, LacknwanDa aii(•tXctn Itallroad. From the day the pro-

cct was bjgun, thteo years ago, scarcelyweek ban passed that tbe press has notironiclcd eitlier a loss of lifu or property.

On that dny, ilvo men, Dennis Cav&naugh,jL-orge Lawrence, Pctor Cuvouaugh, Fred.Ilillyer nnd Fntrkk Kcogan were at work

chine thu mot of the tunnel at Shaft No.near tlio comer of Oakland avenue andavurly street. There wure two platformstho ulinft, one forty feet below tbo other.

Flio upper ona born tbe weight of tho unortunaU) men, and about a ton of brick.

When tho workmen wanted mortar it voalowered down to tills pktfur ! in , hufi0

iron bucket by means of a windlass. OuSaturday afternoon, while tho bucket wasdescending into tbo ihnft, tho brako slippedand tha huuket full -with a crash on thoheads of the workinou, precipitating themto tlia ecalfold below.

Tbo uiuii wcro tmried boucalh thn wreck,ud It M'os Gouio Hmo botoro they could boL-ncucd by Ibo willing bauds which went (o

their auMHtnnco, At umt it was thought thutthey wcro all killed, aud wives Hud r<

nt tbo air with Lin ntallont Such, bpily wits not tbo cano, Though moro or lessInjured, tlivy will nil recover, their injurieslot being

y thared sufficiently serious to

j to "Ihe hoHjiltivL 1'Iioir escapUfwas miraculous, Hwl tho noioud pUtforni

giron away they would bavo been dashed topieces at the Lot tow of the tunnel, ninetyfeet below.

Fcurtli of July in Dover.Dover, we a n glad to announce, intends

to obsorvo tho coining Fourth of July witha genuine, first-class ctlobrulion, A prelim'limry meetiiig, at wblch Ur. Wiu,bert wan chtwcu to prtmlde, VOH huliTliursdny oveaiog. A Committee, composed>f MesHin, Win. H. Lambert, O. Gnrrubraiitmd S. II. Broeso, WHO nppoiuted to nolioitnbxuriptiouB and report to a meeting to bo

held hint evening. It is proposed to have agnmd parade in tbo inomiug of the FireDeportment, with their nwchinca, fantiiatlo-nla, artillery compantot,' Bocielies, etc.; toliuve tho debhariitlou read and au oration de-livered, by competent person yet to bo sol-ecled ; to bave tub nioea, eaolt rnccs, grcaaeilpolu cliuibing, pig CUOBCB, and ptber Hporlu

i the afternoon, and to have a grand displayof fireworks in the evening. In short, It isthi) intention to havo a grand gnla dny, icceding by fur anything of tbe kiud everseen before la Dover—something that williltlitjht tho pooplo of this section.

Wo never yet knew Dover to under Like,uuyllilng without making a grand success ofit, and for tula reason know that this \,iprove one. Let every one give'the projecthelping hnnd, and .the result will be thut wowill completely stitiute our patriotism withpageants, fireworks, fun oni] uoiuo, Fullparticulars will bo publish ad aoit we ok.

Piscatorial.The Governor of New York bos signed a

bill preventing bass flshi&g till tl.o 1st ofJuly. Thn lake byB par+Jy in New Ycrk'andpartly in New Jersey. In this State the lawprevented the Ulting of bass before the date

:ntloned | but tbe fishermen went over oiltho Now York side and coranienacd takingthe' black boss as early as the 20th of Mny,a very 'unwise thing, as they spawn In Mayand July. . '•'

Tho Belvldere Journal says It in reportedthat the blaek bass, which have.-within the

iBt eighteen months^ been placed in thetributaries of t ie Delaware, tivra Severly toBordentown, ore destroying the shad spawito a serious extent Many fishermen are ofopinion that within five or six years ubadwill bo almost driven from the Dclawoifrom'this cause,

It Is Buggtsted tbnt tbe fiuh epidemio mayhave been caused by so many taking thekannual Summer wash in the streams.

Deputy Sheriff Dick Shaffer, of Bclvldere,recently caught 2G0 trout in two days1 fish-

ig In Monroo County, Fa.

A Ealmon .weighing nine pounds wasrecently caught in tha Delaware river.

The frogs as Hell aa tho fishes are turningtor in name of tho ponds hereabouts.

The fish epidemic prevails in the etrcarnsin the,vicinity of Boonton. < . , .

Bass fishing commence!, legally, on the1st of July.

Misfortunes Never Gome Singly.During tho storm of Thursday evening the

wife of Jus, Johnson, residing on Prospoetstreet, received a scvera shock from light-ning, which caused insensibility for sometime. Bbe was Bitting near an open door inher houBe wbon a fliub occurred so near (batit U supposed ber person absorbed some oftho passing current of electricity, as no evi-dences of its striking near could be found.Upon tbe arrival of medical astlslatica showas breaihlng irregularly, as if dying, but

rcscuBcitated, unH after a time restoredto conseioniraees. Then If was discoveredth:it she was_ totally deni. Althongh flho hwisines recovered a littte of the hearing in onocar, it }s a serious question whether her hear-ing iB not'ponnanently dsilrojeiL " •.Yosterday nflernoon James Johnson, t ie

huuunnd, received an accidental blow from aslick of wood vhicb broke one of the boncnof the back of Us hand and will disable himfur uma weeks to come.

. ' Newspaper Conwfid&ti'oh.The editor of the Morris Republican an

ictinees in hit) paper thin week that tho fls-nblishment bas beta said to Vance and

Stiles, vai will be mergcil into tho Jersey-m»u, tho Itcpublicna to lie Isaacd till July13th, not t ; tta legal adverlluementfl nowbeing pnliliitheJ expiring at that Urns. Mr.Lnmly bus published a "live" ncwHpnpcrluring the five yean of Ha existence, but bonyH (hat "lb«o are cot Ihe most proRpctimes, and, we know fall well that lo keep apaper up to its pofdtlon as a valuable dispen-

ornews, requirci both great htborand nota little money, bat to get the money dae usfrom our subscribers and patrons; was so ar-

ia a uiBk that wo have felt discoumged."

The Banner is credibly infoimed thatWilliam Gibbon* of Chatham Townshipraised in tbe.past season, on his Georgiaplantations 40,000 bushels of "rough ric«"or before It i* hulled Rloe Is io day worth


Fourtti of July Observances.The pooplo- of Ironia will utdebnto hi a

very appropriate jnitniier, the exercisesbeginning at 12 o'clock, M. The Declarationof Independence will bp rpodhy Mr. Edward

lack, of HeWark, and Mr.' Wil^am A.Strykcr, of Dover} wiU deliver the oration.The latlieu of tho church will hold a fair andce cream aud fitrnwberry festival and ballooniccusiouB will take place in tha afternoond evening,

Tho ladies of Jliltou will hold a festival toruieo funds for tho completion of tub church,in thu grova of Air. J. It. lUggfl. A. G.Smith; Esq., of thin ploco, will delivc

ntiou and Mr. J. F. Ldgbton will read thDeclaration. Tho Milton Uruaa Band willba pretteut, and dinner, Ua and rcfrciihuieuUrill bo served.

The ladies of tho ltockaway M. E. Churchpropose holding a festival in tlie lecture-room of their church as the evening of July3d, to be continued on the 4tb. A grandcelebration is contemplated. See posters.

Boakhigridgo will celebrntein a becomingmanner, Tho oration wilt be delivered byHov. T. A. Frazer, A. SI., and thcro will boascensions, fireworks, eto. The' Indies ofthe 11. B. Church will also hold a festival.

Randolph-Lodgp.'of Odd F&llows, willhold a grand plo-ulo in oIcFarlnu'a grove

1th dancing and all the delicacies of tinseiaon. No intoxicating liquors will be soldupon tho grounds.

Tbe Ladies of St. Bernard'e Church, ofML Hope, will hold one of their era»d pic-nics with dancing, refreahments, and otheiappropriate enjoymenta.

Special trains will bo run over tbe HigliBridge brauoh of tha Ou'rul on the Fourth,nd there will be a grand oilekration at High

Bridge.Tho II. E. Babbath School of SUuhop

will bavo a pie-ntc, with spenkiug and other[erciaen and a brass band will be in attend-ice,A pic-nio in the grove, with dancing,

refreshments and other attractions wilt fur-ih s]K)rt for tho ycoylo of Ogden Mi

Tho proponed regatta at Greenwood Lake,n July 4th, has bocn postponed to tbo 14th,

at tbo request of soruo Newark clubs.

The ladiofl of the M. E. Church, of Suiisunnn, will .hold a fair and festivaliroughotit the day and

Wo aro prepared to do better hand billwork for Fourth of July observances thanny office in this eectiou.

The usual picnic of St. Clary's 'Churchvill be hold throughout the day, with all tinttractioDB of old.

The citizens of Btanhopo are makingarrangements for a regular old-fashionedelebration.

Tha Indies of tho Freshytcrian church ofrccn Village will hold a festival on the 4th

>f July.Tho ladies of the Newfoundland M. E.

Church will observe tho Fourth with a fes-val.Rev. W, B. Wigg, la(o of Boonton, will

lelfvcr the oration nt niairstown.llendhnm has determined to celebrate theDurth cf July.How ton will celebrate In the usual way.

Personal-Rev. A. C. HlKgins, editor of tbe Hack-

tUtowu Herald, will occupy thu pulpit ofi Blackwell street M. K. Church tlio first

Sunday in August Brq. Higglns, who 1Bsaid to bo a wry able preach or, was com-pelled by reason of ill health to relinquish

e ministry, and entered the field of jour-nalism. He brings into tho sanctum a well-stored mind,'and bos already proved bim-

lLan able and entertaining writer. Brainsive been needed for some time iu the news-

paper busineas in Ilnekctbtown, and we con-gratulate tbe people of that place upon hieocation with them.

A. A. Baker, Esq., a native of this town-lip and a, former resident of Dover, has

teen visiting hii friends here recently, anda gone to Kiinborling Springs,. Va., wherehas accepted the charge of the mechonloal

department for a company wbo have boughtlarge tract of Umber and are erecting a tawill for the purpose of manufacturing It fa

market. We bespeak for "Dolph". thatuccess in bis now enterprise which ha ioustly merits, and congratulate tho companyn securing the services of so worthy andimpotent a person.

The many friends of 'the Rev. II. N. Mer-itt, of tbie town, will regret to hear that he

pecuniary loss by tha great fire iiIt John, Now Brunswick. Kir. Merritt left

D on Monday to enjoy n vacation of threevceka ID 'Canada, but on receiving the news>f tha ftro it la thought that he will at onceirooeed" to. Now Brunswick. -The agedother of Mr. Merritt resided Iu the burnt

istrict and it Is thought at this time ofwriting, that bcr house wan consumed.—

orris Republican.

Miss Cnllio Fickclt tho organist of the'eanessoeane, who BO recently saug here


Rev. Father* Handlcy, of Foterson, hasbeen appointed the successor of FatherFleming, at Mount Hope.

Tho lcnaonB of the post quarter will boviewed la tiie M. E. Babbatb School* to-morrow.

Tho church at Oak Ridge was thoroughlyrenovated and whitewashed last week.

led June 4th ot her homo in Tennessee,i a daughter o f Rev. G. Fickett,

of the MurfreeBboro Districti was a young lady of rare promise, was

-eady to enter tho freshman clans but leftschool to asslBt in .arising funds for thecollege.

lUss Jessie F. Vance, youugeBt daughterA. A.Vanee, Esq., of lho Jcrscyman, was

married on Thursday, to Mr. Jacob B. DH-inarfl, of Brooklyn. Our bcarticEt congratu-lations aro extended, with thanks for a kindremembrance in tho way of wedding cake.

,Twenty-seven Smiths, btg ond little,loarded tho tm!n at Uorriitown and Dorer

olonday, and etarteJ for Jthoco, N. Y., toattend n big pio-nio ot the Smith family,

lioso wbo got en at Dover w«ro principally


ATroflton correspondent of'the NewarkLdvertber-Iiuunuatea that Hon. John Hill

I for tbe hist twn years been working hardsecure the Republican nomination for

lorernar. Which the Jereeyman strenu-,mily dooies. ••' *

Ur. Ad- "Wiggins, ot this place, has uc-ipted a position as machinist under Mr.

iVm.' H. 'Wortbcn, in Brooklyn, making five)over mechanics which Ur. Wortben hasirovided with good situatloiu In his ahopa.

George Anthony, of Booston, sailed forGlugow, Scotland, on Baturday, to take

srga of four nailing machines, for wblchis to receive $2fi p « •*" • : i a E°w-

Mr. R. J. Killgore, of this plaoe, will rep-esbnt .bis father's paper, tho Hunterdonlemoent, on th» editorial excursion nextcek....

Ur. M. H. Folcy, formerly of Dover, hasbecome tbe proprietor of one of tlie largehotels on the beach at Atlantic City, N. J. -

Among the latest names presented for tbeRepublican nomination for Governor is that~ Hon. Nathaniel Niles, of Madison.


K large mass meeting wns held at the ho-J J of'M. A. B. Ming on the evening of the13th inst, Tbe people commenced coming

nuuet nnd continued till 8 o'clock whenporch of tbe hotel and the grove In front

contained about 200 people, who wero thenndilresBGd by Peter 8. Bergen, Esq., of Bom-

rillo, wbo held tbe company spell-bound1 nn hour and a half. HIB snbject was

"EloqQflnco and Oratory of Great Men, ortho Bright and Shady Uidcn of Life." Thepeople rot as still an if in church. Mr. Ber-gon has peculiarities and qualities, seldomoand in any one man. All the best citizensere present and went uway dollghted.Oar new landlord, Mr. M. A. D. Ming,

lale of Chester, pofiecBafe nil 'the reqniiIDII of a geutleiBftu uud a boat, nnd hoi al-idy mode himself very popular here.

If yoa want afashlonabla while Test gotoiersonV, they havo a fine assortment »t lew

, Religious.The'-Guspel Teiupetauco Ueform C

if Uorristown " was organized at the Motfoxu Mission Cuapel on Monday evening,after which tlio member* proceeded to theFinit FreHbyterlan Church to a tempera

g wkicb vgs presided over by V. NChirk of Newark. Tbti principal addresswon inuda by WEI. Sontet, a reformed drunk-ard of' Newark, aud supplemental by shortaddresses by Uessn. QobbeU, DulyDcnaian of Morristown. 'The offlcen are:—President, L. 11. Billy | First Vice FraUdent, JobTn peauao ; Bao ind Vice Frcsident,Robert William*; Secretary, Aaron DoGroot;Treasurer, Wm. H. Easlie; Chaplain, JohnCobb«tt. llio Constitution and By-laws oftlio Club -wore nod, and kbout fifty personacigned the pledge.—-Jerseyiaan.

Bialiop Corrig&n, of Newark, who manyyears ago, while Vicor-Qenoral of the New-ark Diocese, wts appoinUd Frcnidont oSubon Hull College, in South Onngo, N. Bishop Bayley, thon of Newark, but nowArchbishop of Baltimore, bos resigned thePresidency of that institution, and hisbrothcitho Ruv, JaincB n. Corrisan, heretofore VicPresidcut of the collego, has been appointedPresident in 'his ploco. It is said thatBishop Corrigan will leave No work. Bishop

McQutule, of Itochestw, the for • presi-of tbe College, Is now at Bulon IlaU

on a brief visit.

The Convocation of Newark will meet inthe Church of tha Redeemer, Morristowu, onTuesday neit. An address will be made byRev. Dr. Gallaudct at the Communionservice, at E;!K> A. H., after which thcro willbo a business session, followed by a diueuB-fiiouof'Tho Influence of the Pulpit uponModern Thought and Life," Itov, Vr.

cdofiUm will preach in tho evening.

Tho contract for tlio carpenUr work oftho now South street church, Morristown,has been given to IVia. II. Kirk & Co., thelOKonry to Chas. Harsh, and tbo stoao out-

tiny to Geo. Brown A Co., all of Newark.The contract priocs aggregate $42,760, and^ hole cost Including furoiuhing will beabout $GO,0OO. The work la to be com-pletely by June lit, 1S78.

Rev. Deunifl MoCarty, of Jersey City, hasinn Appointed liy DiBfaop Corrigan to bi

Chaplain or Bt. Elizabeth's Convent, Iladi-id attend tho Miasion at Whfppany, to1 Her. Jos. Brennac, who goes to

Cam den.

Itev.Tbos,'nuelInB will fill the pulpit of;tie McFarlan street M, E. Church to-niarrownoming and Rev, Thos. H. Smitl, Vt E., ii;ho ev suing, <

Mr. Worron Segur will conduct the prayermeeting of the Y, M. C. A. (o-morrow after-noon, In tbe lcotuto r ofthoPresbytcria

Summer Enjoyments,The Miners nnd Mechanics observe their

Stli Annual duy at Port Oram to-day. Iload-ed by iW.SIL Hone band they will march

tho cburclito listen toa sermon; then theywill proceed to tbe grovs to enjoy themBelvcs,throughout the duy and partake til dluuor.Intheeveulug Here will be ailJrcssea byRevs. T. Uawlinp, Fierce Rogers and otli-

Tho festival of the liulion ot tbo Presbyte-rian church, of this place, on Wednesdayvining last, wns largely, patronised and wanvery Qua auuir.. We me glad to learn that

they netted over $126.: ' .

The plo-nlo of Clinton lodje, A. F, and. M., held atBaiiingridgo en Thursday and

Friday of last week netted about $800. Tbebeautifully adorned with Masonic

designs hi (jreon.

Remember the strawberry and Ice-creamfestival of the ladles of ^L John's Churcb,next Tuesday ovening, the proceeds of whichare to bo devoted (o the Ladles Foiul.

Owing to the Btorm of Thursday eveningthe festival of tha Alillbrook M. E. Churchwas postponed to last evening, when,theDover Band was in ottoadonce.

HolwiUutandiugtbeteosonlias only jnstcommenced Mr. E. IL Vannfer's elegant newboarding house on Succasunna Plains is fill-ing up very fa6L' • i

'Squire Bntterworth wont down Uio canalin Wednesday morning with, his boat, onis. way to Coney's Island, Long Branch aud

und other morta. .1

The fair nud festival of tbo ladles of theChester Congregational Church, on Wednes-day was a grand success, and netted about$200. . ' • ' . ! •

We have largo typo and bettor facilitiesr getting up band bilk for fair aud fcttti-

vals than any office in this section.

The Indies of tho South Street

A young Traveler.After passing Denvillo on Wednesday tlie

conductor of tho evening mall discovered Blittlo boy about four years old, riding alonewho said hia father won In tho Bnioking car,A search of tho train, however, failed todiscover ihu paternal relative and the ladwas left at Dorer to await inquiries. Howns a very pretty .child, hardly oblo to talkplainly, and gave tha name of Richard Dau-crefl, on near ai it could bo undcrstoot). Hewas token in charge by telegraph operatorRaymond, who scut word to Denvillo ot oncuto ascertain his identity, anC tfUr a tinm

imcj that the child bolonged to it mannamod Vunderboof, living near that place.Meantime the little fellow bore himBclf

soldier, without a murmur of complaint,and complacently consumed fiorao food (hatbad been provided for him. On the arrivalof the Haekettstown Express, nt 7:20, tlioonxloui father got ofl at tho eUition, and bisface broadened with Btnilcs aa hi cxcUIuied,

1 QOHII I I wouldn't bave lout him for thororld. HO'B tha only ono I'vo got." It'as explained that a girl had taken him tio dupot," with instructions to put him ii!io smoking car of tho train going toioonton, in which Ills father was to i

him, but she nude t> mintako and put himon tho Eaisttm Eipreea.

A Big Log.A mammoth white oak log, which enmo

from tho wood job of l l r . Geo. PicrBon, &e-IOD Cheator and Ilartloyvillo, was sawed

up in llano1* Baw mill this week. Tho logmeasured 30 fent originally, but 10 feet ofthe butt bad been cut off, and at tho millthey cut off fl foct of tho top, leaving thimain log 20 feet in length, which mado four

i of timber of tho same- length, and 0>y 10 inches in. width. These were sent toFlibernla for tha new trestle. This centralpart of tho log was nearly 10 feet at itsgreatest cirounifcrenso, with n diameter of

Inches at ona end and as inches at tinother, and mad« 0U feet of lumber." Thi

itt pieco measured about 12 fact In circum-ference and made 497 J e e t of lumber. Thapiece at the top made 108 feet, makingtotal of l.COQ feet from tho whole, besideslarge amount of Blahs, Tho value of thelumber was at least $l>0. The log wasbrought to town on Mesurv, Force & 'COBS'targe truck nnd occupied the labor of a fhorsa leura two days. "Who can produce, white oak tree thai will beat it?

riau Churcb, of MorriBtown, netted #200 byfair nud fnatlvnl last week;The Heath House, 8choo|ey's Mountain,

opoued on Thursday of hut week with a goodprospect lorabusy'Boaeon. - • •• -

Tho ladies of UoMIUbrobk M. K Churcbildavcry Bucoeeaful festival on Thursday

afternoon and cvouiDg. _ . \

Buniraor vlslton are beginning to arriveat Sehooloys Mountain,* Budd's Lake ojxALake Uoputcuun. l'

TheBrooklyn Uissloa bare again estab-lished their Summer camp at Lake Hopat-

wg. ';Camp T&hor in fust filling Dp with cottages

'ho will rcniaTn till after camp meeting.Morriulown Sportsmen bold frequent mntch-

9B nt shooting elms bnli. . ; ; . . ; .

Ra/lroad Notes. , ''Whateverekd may ba"Baidof(tho D., I..

4 W. "road, to their credit;it. must be oaldthat they have always paid their employeespromptly at the end of each in on tli.

The ten per cent, rtduotlon of tbo wagesof engineers and others {on ihe*D., L. k \f.road, went into effect en Friday of last week,without opposition.. ,,'./ "^ ;,__-• '•• , . |

July Ed, wheij the scmr-anaual dlvideud ofthe Morris k Essex stock comes dae" will bemomentous day for D., L. £ W. stock.

Owing to the increue of business on theMidland a third viro for telegrspbhig la to

Thfprjeettoexietid %& Mantnl&ir rail,,road to Morristown is Wnfi talkedof Igoln.

The milk train on tho ilfdlandia carrying,600 cans of milk daily. • V:: . .

Burgl&rtt&t Work,:'The office i t Clia* P. Gaga^s lumber mill

was entered by burglars on Monday sight,by breaking/out a window. The thievessucceeded only"In getting a few pennies thatwei*e in tha drawer, and about 92 worth ofsmall articles lying about the desk. About

a weeks einod an unsuccessful attemptwas made to enter the same office. - ' -

On Tuesday night burglars attempted loenter tha residence ot Daniel. O.- .Wiggins,Esq., on BlackweU street.. 'Ur , \V. waiaway from home, but h!s wifo heard thornraise tho window, and by>ioreaUng an ahumfrightened them" nway. " " " " • •

Keep Cool, . . ' .

.by using ono of tho Florence KarosenB OilRtoves to do yonr cooking during tha hotwuthcr. They Will baVo Uocull in ten totwelve minutes,'and without heating tberoom in wtlch t iey ore used. Bread con bebaked in forty minutes, and at a cost of onecent per hour: We »ko havVtlie Sumraciand Fairy Qooen OU BtOTei from Beventy-flvecents up." Call and He them in operation.

- - " : - AILUTftMoiratoroH.Dover, Jmie lfith, IB77.. •

A New Invention.Kewrs, Williitiu II. Darling and D.

Wi!jrick, two young mechanicv of Newthave jubt received a ]mtuut lor an Automati<lturglar Alurm, which from oil appearance

likely to prove very useful. It in iu tendedto do the work now performed by privolwatchmen. Tho iuvoutoru insirtt that it wiperform till claimed for it v/itb u certatui

yet oijuiiled by nuy «iuiilur juutruiuoijTho ulinu box iUtulf u a Email nfliiir, beiu.not more thau threo by five inches. Thi

iteu counuctiug with thin RTQ no ornthat no windovr or Hoot on any buildiug us-ing tho instrument can bo opouod withoieandiug the ubirm through tho circuit coineolingwitb tho box. Tlioahirw iugivon ia coutml olBce whera the recotding instru-ment strikes the number of Uio particular

liliUug on which tbe attempt ia niaila.Hi>ociul offleorB nro to be conKlautly on duly

this coutml office, who will bo sornoe lo tho spot iudiiuitud by the ahirm box.It ojukcH no JifTtrtuico bow muiiy timta tliuLirm IIIUJ hoeu used it in always ready fafuture use, us 11 resets ilue]f imniediatcly af-

iinltiiB each uiguul. Tho intention o(he inventors in to form a stock company foithe manufacture of tlio instruments in thiiDily. Mr. Wihlriek, wbo was tbe originate!of tlie patent, was formerly au employe inDOT or inachiuo shop*, and fa a uou-iu-luw ofustice C. B. Qagc.

School CommencementM B . EDIIOB;—WO had tho jiltasun;

Tueiiday last of being prewnt at tlio ciuoncement cicrcisea of Miss Mcllvaiischool for young ladies in Park St., Newar]

JDO of your Dover young ladie* wamong thoso who graduated with highonors on that occasion, thus giving to thoaffair a local interest iu your vicinily,venture to scad you a brief nicotian of it.

Miss Mcllvaine's ficboul has loug hod aenviabls reputation of being ono ot tho bentnd mo&t thorough of iU kiud, aud tbo cx<:iica of T'icbdAy wcro of c characterustain that reputation, Tho programm

included music, essays and recitations inXUigb'sli and French, Tho csBays were excel-

aud tha recitations, both dnglo anconcert, gave proof or very careful anthorough elocutionary drill.

Miss Agfiio I. Gage of Dover, one of thigraduates, gave au cxcrciBo in scanning an

atiug from tho First Dook of VirgiThis was exceedingly well written, and renderail In a pleasing manner and with mark*Clf-pOBSCBHion an tho part of the writer.

Miss; O. also sustained a part in a fine concertxercise.Miu Slary James, also of Ibo graduating

class, read a French composition, and MilSmith gave tlie valedictory, the eubjeci

of which was "Difficulties." These and thiother exercises given reflected great credilipon the pupils and the school.Prizes were distributed to thoso who Lad

ttained a certain standard of cxcehWincluding ono to Mian Gngo for "uniformgood deportment, scholarship and puuctual-

Y"Tho eierciics cloned with a very npproprio address by Itov. Dr. Macauley or Wood

ide, who urged tho young ladles to cultivatehigh aspirations, to strive to reach a highdecree of excellence in ebnracter, and to aima bo useful in life. Ho com in ended thiicLool aa one where wo are olwayn suro toInd what 1B not to be found in overy school

n "culture." Ho did not refer to p yl, nor intellectual, uor moral culture alone,

mt to what is higher aud better than all ofcombined, Christian culture. S. H.

Another Mare's Neat.

When it is considered discreditable toitrike a fool, bow much more discreditable

is for any one poescwed of common s<i ask ono of theso unfortunates for an

explanation of a matter containing a fewfigures. Take the assertion, for instance, of

lose who "know a great deal mora thailey think they do," tho£ 98.25 was charged

by Mr, Jollcy, and the bill rendered to theCommon Council, for the ""dinner of thiElection Board11 at the hut Charter electionin this town. And then examine the bill for

facts, as follows t>H JDDOES AND CLZBK 0 7 XLICTION.

1870. To L B. JOUJET, DB.Fay 1st. (name) dinner, f 75

" . " • , 7 5" dinner&suppcr 1.C0

1877. • -—$3.75Hay 7th. ' $l.fifl

II II 7 6" " '< 1.B0 .11 " ; 75

• **.G0

Now Bmell of your " index" finger, eovcntlif you, and If you prefer to be filthy why boUthy "still."

Celling Tobacco on Sunday Prohibited,Marshnl Kellcy, acting undor instmctionH,

in Baturdny hist visited the various places inrhera tobacco and eegors are imtmlly

sold on Sunday and notifiei tbe propriatorsthat the Btimo must lo stopped on Unit day.As a roRult thoso who had not been fortu-nate enough to snpplylhcniBelves on Satur-day night wifh enough of tbe weed to Instover Sunday found it difficult, tognitify theirappetites iu this respect on that ilay.. Thotiowho bad just enough for their own wautscarefolly hnsbanded i(, and the chronic beg-gars wbo never buy nny tobairco were refas-fld oftenor than .ever before, for. tha nsunldemand, "OWe-us, a ohew,"was ia nearlyBFery instancDiii'otbyUioropIy, "Haven'tgothiirdly enough to last myself over Sunday."So there, was for onco n tobacco famineiinong the beggars, Hlflsnitl thntthis sbrin-mt measure. was enforced bocnuse teveralaeca In town have been in the habit ofitboring boys on ths Sabbath day and sell-ig tobacuo to thorn, and that one of themt least wiut a disorderly pluce.

Par/a Green for Cows,Ur. Stephen Schaffcr, of Lake Hopatcang,ilermlued to 'e I terminate tha. bugs .upon[• potato vines by one grand effort, mixed

\ half barrel of Puris green solutiun anilleft It in hbi yind with tho intention of ap-plying it tbo neit morning. Hut unluckilyor tbe success of hh pnijcct it operated in nr different mnnnei from whnt expected,ve COWH— oue belonging (o hlmsvlf, twoTbomnH Finnegnit, aud two to nthur pnr-

!cs in tho neighborhood—camo unto thoduring tlie night, and feeling

thirsty each took a draught at the barrel.Thoro being DO stomach stumps iu lho vi-

lily suitable for cows they paid tho ponat-ly of their nsh act with their lives, Mr.8chaffer bas since como to the conclusionthat while Paris green, "placed where itwill da Ibo tnont good," has a gratifying cf-ett upon potato bugs, is by no moons con-lacive (o tho supply of milk aud lho aa-.cumulation of Winter, bqtler and hia exper-ience shonid be beneficial to all who nse tho

uticle. _ _ _ _ - ^

Budd's Lake.

The people boast of life in the widrdofloath, - mthcr rcvorso of tba .. ohl proT.trb. A hargo class of females nro studyingical and instrumoutal music tinder the

of Prof. Eance, of HackeJtFtowb. IIo alsoother ulatuuB nt Uount Olive and Drotn, all of which ore making very good

ingress. BocaUBO^wo believe muwc is aitivl part of social happiness, and sines it:curs at thin Urns, it may well be said "life

in Ihe'mldstof death."Preparations are being made at the Foreitoaue for tho reception of bonidera »ho are

•ipected to flock in qnile early ; some arethoro now. We Icom that Ur. Wm, Dicker-sou, who. took chftrgeoftho boats near thsForest House, feu* oppotUloa already. Mot

:lnfi able t o - t r a m m with Ur. Dlckenoni tlis^nbject, UJj is all we know ebont it,

Irondale.'tl'hn Trondftlo Mining Doyu" met with a

•iwhlng derent hut Saturday at tho lianila ojle Hiuo Hillers. The pime was played oi!fuo Hill, the latter scoring 43 runs, and10 former 3. Tliit* is mther bad with3je, who won quite a reputation l.wt yid it wns confidently Ihought t i l t (hoIU, which bus now opened, would cloae,riving thorn without a rival in this sftnlion.ft, nre rather inclined to suupoct that there'.u soinothing wrong Boinowhcre. Evident-',-, however, iUelr imtngouiHts had Bomo nd-mtago over them. Ouo thing they weregeor, ycncrnlly, and more mimcuhur; tbeu

hey were evidently bellcr pracllccd. Thatsry reudily accouuted for since, in nddi-

ion to their wuckly gameti, thoy pliiy proltylenrly nil day Sundays. We hopo our boyiill yet redeem their good name before thooson ends.

Tho Miuo Uilkn aro rather temnrluitloor their Suuduy pasliines. Last Sunday:wo of their number canght a musk rat iu

[truing, aud during tho duy theythu neighborhood En search of dogs to

fight with it. In tho evening about fortypersona, it is Bald, congregated to witness

innocent aud ennobling spectacle of afight between two dogs and the rat. A fierce

tllo they hud, till finally after a tcnibliruggle, tho dogs mnnngod lo "turn up thu

;rottern"of their foe. Tlieu.Uio spectatonnpersed, going to their eevenil homes high'delighted with tbo "grand bit o' fun" thoy

11 witnessed.NotwilhBbiuding the very low condition to

rtilch mining has sank in this Dale, then nnd. whtukey busiuesa Booms to flourishlito well, and tho venders thereof revel iuio perfect immunity frum eiposuie or in-irruption in their illicit traffic. UudoubLlly thoy feel evot so grateful for Ibo oxiu-uco of a condition of things which enablesem to inanlfuut such a noble contempt forw and justice.

Operations are again suspended iu theutch UiU Uiue, by which nearly twenty

bands aro thrown oat of work. This bowev-r, does not exeito much surprise since it is

tut which OCCUIH pretty regularly twioimouth nt lea^L . CIJO.

ie hut. He fournl a well built young manof nineteen yean—but looking older by a

iplo or three yean—about fiva feet teninches high, sandy hair, light gray eyes andsharp, beardletiB face. He In a niiltl, inoffen-sive, looking chap, wbo would not bo sus-pected of temper enough to barm any one.Ele evidently feclu the seriousness of bU po-itlon, and after being warned by tbe re-torter not to say anything which might tendo hie own conviction, convened freely.Ho Enid he had nevci had a quarrel or ill.eling with Colo;, that he was intoxicatedhen ho committed the deed and didiinetnber tho circumstance! attending theitul occurrence, nor what be bod done with

ho knifo. He bad never worked on lho rail-road eioopt to broke threo days in another'sBlend, on tba Chatham accommodation.

When fourteen years old (in 1B73) he wastent to tho Itcform School for stealing f 03

his fatherj <"> offence to whloh hepleaded guilty in the Mortis County CourtMtar staying Bii months in the ItcformSchool, during which time, ho says, they

irly killed him, be ran away and wont toPhiladelphia, wherehestayedsixmonthe. He

sinco led a wandering life, working last>u the Pan llandlo railroad as brakeman,md returning from that position to Doverx weeks ago. Bolng asked if he hod anyiktives in Dover, thcro was a click in hisuroat as ho answered, "Two brothers, alifitor, father and mother."

he West Morns Teachers' Associationat Chester on Baturday last. In Bpito ofinclemency of tho weather thoro were

mny teachers present from a distance.lie meeting was called to order at 11:80,Ir. Remus Hobinaon presiding.

The opening exercises wcro conducted by[r. J. D. Itnynoldi.Miss Emma Cutler then favored the meet-

ing with an able and well rendered essay onomposition.Tho next subject was longitudifand timelich was handled by A. WilUrd Nicholas,d Mr. J. D. Reynolds, followed in a few

'cmarks in rcf erenco to the points of tbe

Bra ye Johnny Smith.Oxray Thurber, ngo 13, sou of Mr. -L. W.

'harbor, Co. Superintendent of Schools,bnthing withaDUtubenof his compuii-

IUB on Friday evening Innt. Not being ablei le boil ventured out till UJB, water

inched liiH neck, when a canal boat camo', and ihe suction current drow him uudur

An apology for a man upon tbe boottiled out that tbo boywas drowning and went

attending to his duties. Tho bsys iu themal all became frightened and ran out up-

[ho bank, enao one, llttla Jobuuy Sinitb,plucky lad ot eleven yeurs, son of Mr. ffm.with, of ML Hope Avenue, who went uu-

the boat for tho drowning boy, nnd camoip with him, at tho enin'o time shouting to

other boye to throw him a rail, which heimoinbcred he had placed along tho bankme time before. But the oilier lads werofrightened that they ran owoy, leavingin Iu the Water with young Thuruer,- whod caught him tightly about the neck. Af-

or goiitg up aad down several times Johnnysreed himself loose from (he drowning boy,

to tho bank, got tho rail, nnd bravelylunged in-lho water for another struggleis friend by this time wan about cxhaused,

mt tha little hero succeeded iu getting hisiriOB over the rail and towed him to theyank, on which he landed him in an uncon-scious aud nearly lifeless condition. Effort*were ntonce made to epvo him, which after

mo provod flUccewful, luitit was not til'r he was removed to his homo that con*tusness was restored.

Wo do no! think wo hnvd ever benrd ofgrander exhibition of pluck and good

litigemont in a yuuth pf tho years of Johnnyluiitb, and this duel shows that ho has ia

the making of a noble trmu. On Satnr-ty hut Mr. ThnrWr presented him with aiiiduoniB silver watch and a chain, nndic same time gave hU own boy a- slmilnrIft as a reminder of hU narrow escape andic bravo act that resulted in the saving of

life. " ^

Indian Friendship. •In tho Coloniul days Wm. Ilcndley, grand'

liithcr of Mr. Joseph Hcoillcy.'of Milton, nndlato Win. O. Ilcadloy, of Newark, removed

rain Morriu Coanly to the Wyoming Volloyjiylvanin, nnd lived there for same tini

n iricndly tor ins with a tribe of Iudianrlioae village was eppobito bin place, acroelitUo stream. Ills sou, William, who re-ited tho story to our informant, suid that he

iberad vrhau a little boy how the In.Unas would come to thoir'hanao, and sittingipau the floor in Indian fashion, would talkilh bis mother. In tho year 1778 tins no-zed that the red men had begun to paintemsclres, and asked them the meaning'of

I They told her It meant war against thowhiten.. Sho anted if (hey would kill them',and tho Indians replied that they wonld un-less they left tha plnce. She spoke to berbuaband about the matter and ho told hci

thought there was no danger, that as thoyrcre living on Bnch friendly terms with thendiann they would not disturb Uibtn. Bat

after fiouio of tho Iudlaus camo to tboimd told thcro in coiiflrfcnco that they ma

or thoy woold bo killed. Now thnr-ugbly alarned, Mr. Headloy hastened toell bii property, nnd as be was returningacme from tho unto wan attacked by a rob-iMr, who broko his nitu; but being a strongmnu he Bacceeded ia TanquiBhing his araail-ant. Ho then hastily gathered his effecUtogilher and removed back to Morris County

jd located nt the Big Swamp, above Milton,near whore his grandson now liven, and Hv-id In his wagon until he conld build a loglouse. ' Tho day nftor his rotnm bo learnei

of the terrible musuntt ot Wyoming, whichresulted in the indiscriminate butchery ofthe white Bottlers of the vclley. Mr. Hcndloydlodat MUton aged 68 yean, and hia ran,William, lived and died at tbe same place,teaching within a fsw moatia tb j j ean ofibfetbix.

Stewart in Jail.Various accounts reach us of thedapoi

ucnt of Stdwarl, tbe unfortunate youngrbo hut week took tho life of- I n Go]

According to the Republican, he avincas Igreatest unconcern regarding hia terrildeed, or hu probable end, and claimshavo no recollection of tbo act at aU, beeeined however to be sufficiently well poatedto Ull the uditor tbnt the ncw&papeiwhich hod houn puhhahed were iniHo told ubout his having been a Christianind when neked how ft was'that he, being

Chrialian, could commit a murder, be tcoolly remarked, "Oh, I haven't boeiChriutian for a year put , Tbu see tho crowwns too heavy for me, so I just dropped it."Tho knifo with which ho itabbid Colo besold wait a tmall pocket one,«the larger bladeof which hod boon broken off but which hehod ground down to a broad point. Themaller blade was broken out. It

knifo which he hod picked up and sharpeucito take with him when fishing.

But from parties who bave visited Stewartthe past week we learn that be soomipenitent, and spends much of bis time in

lying aud reading tho Bible. Wo ore toldy ona person that be said to him that h

would bo prepared to raoet the wont. TUIBweek ho scut a ictjueEttoilir. fl. B, Itooney,f tbii place, to come and see him. W

o not as yet heard of nny counsel beingengnged for him

A correspondent of the Newark Journal'isitcd Stewart In his cell on Friday of hutreck—one from which several persons haIroady been taken for the final swing in

rnity, Luslgnani the wife murderer, being

Oiatomaceou I Lartfi.The following, relating to this valuable,

earth found in this locality, is from ftscientific paper read by E. A. Eeiley, agraduate at Kutgcrt College, last week :

This substance, found in many lakebeds and flwsinps, is a tilica Io a very finestate of division. It is the skeletons ofmicroscopic organisms called diatoms Ttiolrscientific inUrctt ifl derived from their •universal occurrence, beauty of their pecu-liar forms, and the industrial UBCH of thafossil diatoms. The most important uso now

in tbe manufacture, of the explowvedynamite. ' This ia accomplished by Bimplymixing the ground and calcined earth withnitro-glyceriue. In the mixing process tbadiatoniaoeous earth absorbs 75 per cent, of

owu weight «if uitro-glyceriso. Thoearth 1B uhw used very largely for makingsillcato of soda, turn is a con-Btituont of artificial atone. It Is manufoc-

ired into soap, polishing powders and manyother things- ™ere bavo been attemptsinado to use it in porcehun and gh»»« mak-ing, but as y t without RUCUCES. CUtoma-

IOUS earth ia tho 'clay' of tho clay-cattra ofie South. Iu limes of scarcity it IB also •

ised in Laplau-1 to mix with tho scantympply of flour and baked into flour."

Several drawings wcro shown which rep-rrnented the nkeletous of diatoms largelymagnified. In tho natural size tho largest of

n are only 6-1000 of an inch hi diameter.Another drawing was a geological section,showing the pouition of tlie bed of dlatoma-

cotw aartb at DrakeTillc, H. J.

Dr. Bcbttck'a rulraonle Byrnp,. WEED TONIC, AKD MAMDBAHK PILLS .-Them

medicines bavo undoubtedly performed moraos of Consumption tban any otbor remedy>wn to tbe Amorlean public. They aro com-mded or Togetablo logrotlionti, and conUlu

ithfng wliicli can bo iDjuibus to tho human• lion.' Other remedies i(Ivortiled i s

irei for Coniuinptlon, probably contain opiumbica Is i lomownat daD0eroi)B drug In allties, and if taken Jrci'ly by consumptive

'atknts, it must do great injury; fur Its len-iency Is to conEno the morkld nutter In t to

item, nlifrh, of conrsc, mutt inako a car*ipoiilbio. BcUonck'itl'ulmooicByrupls war- '

1 not to contain a particle of opium : it, ipoeod ot powerful but haruilcBH borbi,ilch act on tlio luuyi, llvor, ulauiaclt, nndood, and thus correct all morbid secretions,id Hipo] all tlio disosiou maltar irom ttiu

body. Tiiono sro the ODJJ means by wblcUloomamjitiou can bo cured, and ta Sclieuck'a'Ulnmuio njrup, Boa Weed Tonic, and llau-

ike Tills aro lho ocly medfeinoa wliloti op-iteiu this way, it [i obriou* they aro tUfa)y genuine cire for Pulmonary Coniump-~ EacUbotlluoftiifB Idvaluablomediclno

impaulod by full direct lops. Dr.Bchonckprofessionally at bit iirinclnal efflco, cornerxth and Arch B [rests, Pliiladolphia, everyonday, wlioro all letters for ad?lea must Ladreised.

box of GLEKN'B SCLTUUU SOAP, whichibtainu three cakes and costs only Bixty

ents, is sufficient to supply material for nt:tut twenty Sulphur Batbu which wouldradicate a whole catalogue of rheumatic- and

cutaneous maladies. Bold by all Druggists.Hill's Ilair and Whisker Dyo, black or brown,

Mr. A. Beau-Clerk being called uponipondcd with one of bis readings, which

was accomplishedio bisusualBkillful mannerdoing euch things.Tho meeting then adjourned until l:B0M.' ,Afternoon MKtiDDt BincinBl led by MUw

Easton, wbo presided at tbe organ.Kir, J. D. Reynolds next explained bis

method of treating Compound Proportion,tlia manner of dealing with that branch com-monly called conjoined proportion waa' veryInteresting and It places the subject In tuoh

form that it can be euily grasped by tholind of ?ho pnplt:Miss F. J. While of Dover next entertainedioBe present with a recitation fintitled "The

andtfca Dear." Tho piece was res-red in good atyla and was duly appreciated

and applauded by those present,

Mr. Bcmus Hoblnson then treated tbeassociation to an IntcreBiing essay upon

Errors in Teaching and School Manage-lent." The errors of parents, teachers andpils wero clearly exposed, and the mis-

management of parents and teachers care-lly eritioiscd.Mr.' L. W. Thurber not being present totbo position assigned him, tbe vacancy

ran supplied by A. Bean-Clerk who read, fori amusement of the association, "Bomslleris Walentlna."

This being tbe last meeting of the season,ic association wan adjourned, aunt urx.

A. W I L U B D NICHOLAS, See, pro tern.

The Crime Rectfd.Tho usual quiet of the Sabbath,—for Dovera quiet place on the Sabbath—was inter-

upUd about 7 o'clock on Bnnday eveningist by a crowd following to jail Gershomf. Gillam, who had been arrested by officersltton and Wood, and crying out, " Hang

"Oivo him tor and feathers!" "Lynchlm," " Bring a rope I", eta. I t transpirediat Gillam had been arrested on complaint! Ames Hoycook, charged with fond eft U on

vith his daughter, a demented girl >of 14rears. He was kept in the lock-np over

jh t and brought before Justice Gage* andiuch was tbe public feeling agauuthim thatio was Unable to procure $100 bail for his1

ppearance at a hearing on Wednesday, and»oa committed to the county jail, where heiUll remains to awoit the action of the QnmdTury, having Bubie'ouontly waived en'exam-nation. OiUain Is a nan about 60 years ofigo, and at the time of bis arrest was Bexton

the McFarlon street M. E. Church. S oheld tha some position in the Slackwellstreet AI. E, Church over a year ago, but•withdrew on account of attempting thecrime with a little girl In tho Sabbath School

that church. Ho bas a fine wife, who,understand, has resolved never to

again. It Is hoped that this hut infamy [be tho neons of ridding the town of bis

oul presence. , ' ,-While this excitement'was at its hetghthcolored hostler named Lewis Jackson irmi

cportod to have attempted a similar erhnoritb a.littlB white girl whose name it is'inneceEsary to mention. On Sunday herndignuit father hunted him BO close vita a

'olvor* that be fled the town and aaved hiirthlcsa carcass from being the snbject of

Coroner's inquest.

Tbe air Is also filled with rumors ef'sev-:ral other crimes of a similar nature, iodnd-ng one at Tort Oram. The peoplo ore justlyadiguant over the reproach cast upon us byuch scoundrel!, and it looks now u ifomebody would got lynched should anyaoro coses of the kind occur.

ty cents. epl-lw

The American People,o pooplo In tho world sutler as ranch withiponsia us Americans. Although years orerlence in mcdlcino had railed to accotn-

JU a certain and HUM remedy for this dlseasoid its effects, such an Sour btotntch, Heart,irn, Water-brash, Sick Headache. Oostive-IIS, palpi tullon of iholleori, Liver Complaint,uiiDfr up of tlio food, luir spirits, gouertl',billty, «tc, yut Bfnce, ttie Introduction orlours AEOUST PI^WEB WO bolleve there is nole of Dyiuopsii thrt cannot bo Immediatelyloved. 30,000 dozen sold last vi-ir without

r>porlcd. Go to your drug..Ctlfcurc, and pat a lamplairiail

. Vouftht & Ktllcurc,;tleforlOecniB»nd trv

Bgulr - ' -'o you,it.

7Ssite 7fi cia dotes will

«!*?• «re t)angcroua.-If tills axiom la .0 respecting lho ordinary affairs of life, ktiltro obviously so ts regards tha exigencies of•rescuing. 'dlseBBO. Unquestionably I Vet1 many neglect to practically recognizo thisIn truth when health Is in the balance. Ofmany premonitory symptoms of dlsosse m

ickingcoagb is the roost prophetic of peril.-regUt at Ilia outiot with Dr. Wlshirfs Pino

o Tor Cordlnl, and so avoid Consumption,nchitts, Inuimmatlon of the Lungi, COWB,

Joughs, and, Indeed, alt AOections of tbolesplratory Orgini are entirely enred by this

"•%n remedy, wlilcb also eradicates Dvi-- 1 , Qravel, Plies, Kervo nit Debility, Torpid- .of the Liver, Urinary Slftlcullles, Oon»t(pi-n, Palpitation of tho Ucart, Scrolulous

Affeotions, und (bo InBrmKIcs peculiar, to lhontlorsex. This Cordial derives UB virtuesQtn the vcRetablo kingdom, snd ii inBnitelybe prelerroU, both on account ot Iti superior

Bctcy and freedota from niusecns and lnfn-lona properties .to tbe official drugs so offcodmlntstored with no ether effect tban to offouj

piUtuanddisorderthestomacu, The Pinsa Tar Cordial can *lw»ji be »Ued on to do

'hat ts claimed for It. Bold by ill dmggliti,'tn«natd»potNo.016PUbDrt8t.Pli|lad()lphl*.

N m i M D«bUlt r.lUl wcakneii or dopreulon: a weak ei- 'ited fiellDg, Ho anergy or courage; thaJt or menial ever-work Indescrctlons or '

ceiic*, or tome drain upon the lyttom, IsrajB cured by Humphreys' Homeopathic»BIBO No. 39. It tones up and inrigoritt*sjitom, diepflli Ihe gloom and despondenoy,

parts Btiength knd energy—stops the drainid rojuvenatea tbo cntiru man. Boon used 30 :

•an with perfect BOCMCB by tfaoneandB. Solidealers. .Price t l per oIiiElc vial, orl5r.trkigo five vials and 12 vltl of by mall on rocoipt of price. Addrcia

[nrnphreyi* Homcopathto Medicine CompanyBroadway, N«w York. 37-ly


D 11 B E E 8 S E


Is exbibiling BO elegant slock of


' Md II great TOtiety of

Household Ornaments.

Confectionery,tlmjs pun anil fresh.

BOOKS,BLANK BOOKS,Stationery. &c.

The best braids of,




A Sad Case of Drowning,Two littlo boys of Mr. Hnthnnlel Lawrence,Millbrook, one aged four years, and thi

ther two, went oat to phty on Tuesday lastand wandered down by the mill race. After

time the elder returned to tho hotwe. ftbeing nuked byhia mother where his litUibrother was replied that ha did not know.The mother started out in quest of him, andafter •enrolling for a while to her horror dln-

>vered tho little form upturned in tbe millice. Tbo child was speedily bronglit out

and tvery effort mado to restore It lo life,but all were unavailing. The n d affiiir cre-ated quite tome commotion ID the place, andtbo sympathy of tbe neighbors wen freelytendered tho ftffllctod (oreol*


Waltham Watches from $12upwards, best quality P. 8.B71RTLEIT with ohronomotorlialanco in S oz. ease, reducedto $19.

Ladies' solid gold AmericanWatches from $30 up.

Oents' solid gold" AmericanWatches from $35 up.

AU UEADES and STYLES onhand to seleot from.



OPP. M. 4 E. B, R. DEPOT.


personalities and

H T . l

rulent3QS Of

rluiu tumijk'iiiju withIIL'U us u Sitrt of DEitKluiluil rci-oiil'so to nitlioui

od nitb tLtm on tbe "book'quostion,"iu UIP no very euviublt! ponitiuu of nt-:?iiipt:Ug to defeuil a. forgor. But lettno litre uguiu repent tlmt tbo twocases me ubso!ntuly distinct iu every ru-•peet. For wljorous, upon the fir&t, tbe• kvciety uusfliviiltfej, tlio uiijuritv. ua WOHIVI- si'on, fnvoriny the licensed, uponlielatli-r there was tl.e most perfect un-intDiitv, iii tlto iiirtinu ot tlioLp>J^e, with.vspuel tu. [In- aJiniMiut) of tliu fi-rBOr-it-s. -Mill il was UJIUII these tlmt liu iviwixpolldil from tiio Kiicict.v.

Mr. •'Moinboi in giioJstnudiiie," licitwinJa up u kiigbtv |ur.ii;i;iplt b.v cliarp-iti^ Uoranbia Mitb the iiurril.Ii! crimu of



1-. .toetui|.li.,li n dwiniil eud Un- failed,ilut il in hi'lilum, ur nevir the CUSP, tlmtlli.'v uro i w j «xct'ijt undur I lie ufitiio-jiiuitv. Of iliiB tvpa I ju.lgu "AN,-U.W.H OntMlBt.lMiiJlfe','1 wll.isoJllt-i-t . tl'-irl iipiiLMR-il ill the Jans JSlii of11.,-m.ll. Uil., to ha liko»-iB«lli«ticti.>ii • . . . . .„ _...„ . - - ,-HI Hbiu'i hi* ia llii'litcuiry chief. I think h ' o u.i.s charge itlus, I lind myself coni-ll ntflit .im, junpur to stiitf, jiist here at pullnl to l»U'ud "guiltv." Happily Low-tlic .ntsft, "A MfiulW in (J.»'.l|'l-v«-rrujMurlli.v aiitigonist supplii'S Hietstmi-Hiiij." instead <.f 1.,-iiif- uliut lie fiiiu j mulrt'st bv wliieb your milerd, .Mr. Ed-voiilil In- to be. viz: Ihe rc|ire- | iior, tu:ijr bu ublo tn j.iJga uf tho il.fA.r-M'litutivoiif uu uliuiu-iit wlio^u puliuv tin- j (l,i(:e beliveen a v».ii'liii£; uuil n fullyroivuS.teiutv in whosi' iiiUrwt (?) he c'uiiu-- wnto, oudnrsi.-s is in r.'nlil.v <<u\y tb« | With rcsprct to "f/riiulilignxt's/'in thehtontrj cliiiiitpiim of a FACT...* j * a j 1,L.>- yp.u!;a"f, I iluii't)i..!ti'>- tin- S'leiutv to-tl»y ri'j in .link's, j know much abmil it. l a m n . i t (jou.l atAmi it is owing to thu fact t butt bis view it, at nny ml*', I think. Bat lulkiiig of

(-fun insl'iuiue, to, uc |>oint, wliitll tr.iiis-in i-iienuHluiieirs i>;m | in this iiimjliljoiliuc.d about hvu

years ami a half ugu: wherein, itis.s.ii.1, an iiidiviilnul uliist uttymptintf tu

Ihi-citinetiuic, u.iK.giioiuiiimiii-ly tlifrom L.dli, mid bm I>OW.T fines L

j1. uinke our hto^k of Kl'ItINU OOOi| : tht- most ftttructivu of nuy in towu. C. -l<vk of

['Dress Goods,

|j Shawls, Skirts, Printa,

i| and Cambrics, &c, &i

1 U uii«fiir|.iiBsF'(l. An tJfgant line of

[I tt'u lutve tint liirgt'ht oasurtiui-nt of

ioli,ctiusi with (liunh:ii>i)ily, MIL-


tnuiblun through•k-ty linn bud toil l>y, nut only

ill,- imblie B.-nerallv, but utan member:*of the Suuii>ty whoso eur t ln.^J [jurtk'.sju^.u.umsciuHiytily to engross.

liui.i.ui i'xp<>iiL>ncu ubouuilH ..vilh in-

ii ho, taking ml viiutuKe of limesuf trmililej ii)°tni)cc's ID insMid cumin,.tioa, under the pretext ufll.r-.i-f Rhnco ut justh.'1-viiiy lliL'fii-iiorul good, have «se.l tlio| uliidi I ovrrl.-ulii-.l iniiiliantiiBL's tliiis iiflnnlfd to RIIIin onk-i- lo furtlier pe mnul mi

stniiylilen himself up..Member in O.iu-1 SUmd-mot or beard of similar

i furtlier pe iIt lJort Oriim h:i9 rut li

].i'iiod to lie tho fcaiie. on u 6mull sculnf SLI';1I nil instaiu'p it iici'i] uol liu nunwondered ut. Forgnirnal that all oiiiii.!4;<'8niry ili'uu-titB lo liiL'crmstilutPinCDllId 1)0 folllll], HI) ill(lH|)tJl]KllLill; Ol]tin.1 vuporinj; ninny, priiioipfliarnctoribtii! over in brnzen luipiidL-ui1

uniinr the inspinition of which ho rave;nnd "Stinted his empty noddle at liibrother.11 would ecrtuiuly not bo foil inivnuiiug.

That tho party we have in vinw lienucu ]H) 3ts>uJ power, ciitiuot bt; Oonieii lmrthey iicitmred tlmt power, or bo<tli.'V u.sodit, urii questions tlio disciof viiiuh is not ut'cebiinry to my pi1K-I«—siiflicu lo uny that in tile iltheir triumph tliuir luudoru—or ml .ornV—"dressed in a littlo brief nathorily" strutted nroiiml our streets will])uinj)osity nnd iinportuuce enough ftiipwly revised editions of the iinmortiWeUilcn un.l Uliusaa. But itlai 1 Hoh:ivu the mighty fallen 1 Instead of vin-dicating hy their action the wisdoni'hckcliu^ tlu'in for the peifoniiuiico(lit: duty-tbut wua asHigued Ihciu theh.ive Inilwl nii.sembly—iguobly failed ii(fvt'ry direction ; ami now tlit-y wonMidiitci throw tbe ouiis of tlinir iimoi;ju-Ltiicy ou other Kbonldcre un they InvHit' coi]KC(iuc!ieo<i; nud in onlur to do ithorn aro tew tli tugs, i( any, which theywould lieailato to stoop to. Hence tLecoucentration of nil their niiglitj bitt-tcriofl, churgutl to tbo muzzle, wiLU tlicnative nlime of their squalid umivs upmCWuubin. l ie btiH told the truth ; anthey know it, U»t that doesn't auithen.. Hu they would like to sucriileihim uuil BODIO others, BLI'J it looki

w to turh

ks l ik lat, in tho end, to

f th Hlie niiuthor hist unco of tba Huinnn—lilurdcL-ai stripe—Bee 7tli chno. uf thelmnlt of lather.• In briclly rcvieving VA. Member in

Good Slandiue'"" 1)L'' fonuance, I.uhullonly Diitico n few ot tlie moro nalieutmints of it. Rfiich of it, however, boarsit.4 oivn Contradiction uu the very faconf it. In tlio firat pluco IID Hays I usedn " litilo flattery." I do nut tliiult Idid. I atill udheru to tho u]>ini[in tlmttlio urtk'lo I nlludt'd to "an pnblishcclC!HOwhere," could not Ituve mudo it»nppe.uoiico in tho KUA. I was ucvertfMn] at Ilattory; for T never touched theailiirucy Btoiifi. I'uasibly Mr. "Memlnjrin Ouod Stautline" liu*

Ho next Hiiys Hint my slat ing tlmt OD

IIQ t'veuiug of tlio thai baforu tlio auoi-t<>ty, n (ilrong feeling wna tnuiiifuijted, infavor of tbo defendant, wua "falso"; yet,oa tbo very hecla of this dcninl of it, bognes on tu etatc how tli ft t fooling was

. duvclopcd. And just here I would like• lo linger a little.. How Tory prettily lie

rcasous aud shows how- it enmo to bothat the accused waa "exonerated" bytho Society ou tbut occasion 1 How veryciuDpliin.3ul.ury it is, too, to UiumtuUi-Kcucu of those who.took part iu tlictiiiil 1 Mil particularly so must U bo t»tliOBo who were present but remained

KEDTBAT.. TblS 18 llOW llB tnlltH. " FoiBimo d«yn previous to tbo night of theiriuV'sayalie " i t was circulated throngiiout (bo \>\Tit>o, nnd iu tba mintw iu theneighborhood, unif also reiterated in tlfobnll ou tho night of tho trii-I Unit if tboSociety couvictod and .cspallal tho n'c-cnseil lio would instantly institute legal

* jiroceoilingB ngninst it, and aa ruin thtwhole concura," and so fearing lost beshould keep his iirotuUe in .spite of tboirconvictions und consciences, they votedliiin muoceut. To nny BUOO and intel-ligent mind tho fnllncy and l.ollownessof sucli rt,if5ouiup mu3t npucnr on theToryfucoof it. Just loot ut it. Horonrb CO or 60 plain, hardworking, fflitor-nto men met togetlier to " try" ono of

their number upon cusuges of Jiavingildfrauded them whilst occupyingposition of trust nmoDgst them oflargo sum ot their hard-enmed dollnra.The evidences of bis guilt aa broughtout nnd proxented hy some of tlicm<Reives, nro so convincing aa to leave nodonbt on tbo minds of tho jury , yetthey vote him innocent. Simply becausethey nro afraid that if tlie case la rei.ll,cmriud into a court of justico where thwhole tbiue in all its W r i n g s trill bifiilly ventilated and raiiLwcIied from be

• R to ond, lawyers, junta oudil jndgn will foil to discover

tiiog looli rca-

essr.;..isBooonTinciiiglyappiirciJttotbem—theSociety, DOCB such a tilinguounlile ? Yot, in ordor to „ „.„ .Meuibtir in Good Standing nnd holp binout Df u "tigbt box," because, by thway, ha woa ono of tbo iioutralaiu thitriulj thin view of tho question tmistbtaken and tho mnjurtty (if tbe society eedown us a lot of atupid cowards liulHiiuli ia not tbe enso, when tho raattciis truthfully Btalod, aml«f this there i<nobody mcro perfectly avaro tlian thigcntlemiiQ I am horo replying to.

Tlio case, as it was presonte'd on thoevening uf tho "trial," stand inst in this

r Mlinpo. 1'be oeoused stotHl Wfore theBocioty churged with Iming, by fraud-uluot jmiclices, wronged it—tbe Sociiitv—during tho time ho was ilsFitmnoialS.'jrctory, tben, nearly two years beforenf a sum amnnuting m the ngcrcjrato toS78. Ho omphalicully iwsovcruted hiainnocence, taking his stand upon thotestimony of the Finance Committee wholind after Laving subjected tbo books toa most searching examination oa thevreceived them from tbo hands of theaccused, reported them correct. And BOmuch was there thought, ot tbo mannerin which they bad acquitted themselvesof their a.jty.-that.-upou.motion, u voteof tlifiDlis eus leifileroti to tub rctirincafTcretary^nfl i""mafk"of' the Sociely'a uplirvoliitioQ oj thonblo Rervicca (!) wuiculie J)Bd nnHeteA them in tbo capacity bowas then leaving. • That vote of tbauksia on record to-day. Disregarding all(Ilia, Iiowever, tbo prosecution nrgedwith much vebemenco that the evidencesof bin miilt were so unquestionable tbat

' ll,e °"B l1* t0 b c summarily expolled fromthe Society there and then. The tie-feiico maintained, on the contrary tbatthe obiu-eea ooaM not Iw righteouslyBustiuned, uulcsa tbo Finance Commit-leos testimony were firab nuccesaftillyimpeached and disposed of; nnd tbatin net anon the rpftfimmnmlnlions ofUiG prosecution, until that m.a doce.would bo fo invite, for tlio Societytho worst of nil the threatened con*sequoncea. Beoanse it was fully un-derstood that tho members of tbo Pi-nanoo Committee wore ready to maketuoir affidavits, in alteatation of tho no-cliraov of tbe boots, at tbe timein ques-tion, beforo aoy tribunnl (o which theymight .bo summoned. This "wi«. ihoground taken by "our most ffiftoaora-tor" etc. referred to in (ho effort underrivieV. ' And is a very dlfferait pisitioofrom tlint which "a member ID goodRtandlpg"i places him in. All thin, how-ever,1 it should bo remembered, truns-ptred fonr veeln beforo tbo first soundof tho-rorgery which had been done,was heard. Thh fact, our opponentn,very ulndioiMly eoaccal b»«ause it didnot suit tlieir trjnlicious purposes lo linvoit known. I t has been- Ilieir cuusluutendeavor to confound tlia "boolt" nnd"forgory" questioua. If (hoy could euu-c>od in .doing: that < effectually, Ibsy

I would then place every OD» who differ-


v i l l h i i v o a n . TliulJicii«lont ho KII.TH•'do.*-" not IIDW, nur ni'vor did iu his offi-einl p:ipiiciry" c rlifv ct-iiilkuto* Lullingfor sick ptiy. "Study the by luws Cor-uiihia" Kiys he. Doytui mciiii w thonritlcu, or the uinvrittcu p.nt uf them ?I havu tilton your mivinuwilli r ecen t totlu> former mid quote finni tlic-m thus :In section 1st of in tide 5 1 find it Htnteiltlmt thu Prwlilotit sludl "nitfii all ilmfU,curd* and wrtiflentcs," otu. PiH-liiipsHie adjective "nil" litre used ilocsa'tiucludo nick cerliflciitcs, COHNUUIA,

1>. s.—My motives for so long delay-ing llic apiicaniuco of the nbuvo ui-tiulenill he d>u obvious to the nicmbera of

itty, puuurully. to nee:! Npucity-



V(itcn,ADrtBanraFlonn.\ Curu for DiHOucAlunOyVniise,A Muslin i;iicni(BP,

j Him a Hall,A Tinnier of UJTB,A I)rlvL-r of Cjra .

.. Opilicnt Mirrinpu,I'lav, Concert Dr Ih l l ,KUla'tCH,Platen;

II tn (jay crcaturcioil da,


tnU,'utittlooTK, HntH,

ltoiploii<knt Cm vlullou nrDccf;•inancUl Bulltr,locla, ' .

ClutU, .

ady mader Trade,

a W

Utc, T m c D t ,Cnuli tu Iw I^nl,Cath ID lie Spuat,Hconl,Ttnl,ifomnn Cement,

1 tlio advtcoPar IO/OIKI pHcflWnilen boluM—





! ,V Bplcndicl uew lot of


Children's Carriages


I rar CLOVER -©a


Pluiveij Hone Dust, Sit


D O V V. II, H. 3

Ilot.r, K. J., April litli, 1S77.

$55 to $77 si0

P. 0.

1877. SPRING. 1877,













READY-MADE SUITSof my own inanufiicturo as CITI3AV tis U

CHEAPEST, and made in a BUPEBIOB

hTiLB. Call and seo them, ,,

I». II. HOFFBLAftrriBtonin, March ISth, 1877.

s or 12 M. and.'i o'douk in tin

u tractl l


pUinAQtfl, Jli.u 1.1,1 ft.1.lid Cilulluld, riiujliu UVail, John 0. IIHI, George I lbhar^ , ltlcl.urdQoorKO, JiimeB H. Biraumm, Lt.wh Hnlelicr,Jr., acorftfl Kutchor, VVilllam Mini til, Juser'HcdBM, John 11. Piper, Ira Tlwrii »tii) Main,II. Tiurp, AJiuinlstmtom or Tatlj C. Tlwrp,mvidHbarn, Dormlua 8., Norman

!«ca, John Van Kostrand, Tbo Dovitr Ii: "Fwuclf a. Frooman, Meees A. firooltaoldH.lwnnl W. iruliarrt.ilprooaaDta. UttnrnablotoMajTurin, A .D. 1H77.

A.B. HUBilELL, Sol'r.

BY rirtnoof tlio aboro Mated nrit of flcifaciM in mv Imnil*. I tiball OIIWMO fur > a I

• PUBUd VllNIIUE. a t 11M. Unilcd BtstciUl.insrarriBliJWn.!N.J.'.oii

MONDAY, tlit) wtii daj ol JUNE next,

mil fi.. V. 1B.7. botwoen tl<o hrniri or 12 M.•olork 1'^Sl., Ihnt It to u y , at 3 o'clockftcrnoon of said Ja-, »,] tb.t tract or i.nrcuif land and premlaes lie ruin* Her parilc'ilarli

bed, efluate, Ijin^ and boiiif, tn Hie totrn-T lUnuolim, in tbe Cotinly ot Morris and

owl treo MtandliiK on tlio lunk of Al.rsmuTty*n mill brook, it twins a corner of Jot No.; tlieueo Honlli «lily degrees omt thlrtv-tirial»a and fin? Imliii to a slnko anil Mono* liltd Ilrlant's linn ion th Iliirtj-uoo ilf.-firocii n oKlit chains anil el»ty links In a tilekury Rlump

lortii niily-Tour ilr(-roni woit forIV-I»D cllSIUi(1 Qttv hnkD t • tbb rahl.llo ora/orciiaicl brook;uiico tno ifTL'ril conriics tborcof ' ' 'tic, eonialninc tMrtj-roar ind an*d ii lot No; 5 of rtitiilon. Pcinp nl<<n Hionl Irnot *ml Iho nonHtoi-ly portion "

riBRSOK A. FJIEEMAN, ShorllT.led Ajiril 9!«tt 1877. [Pr. fa. 17.20

Morris Co. Surrogate's Office.

- r nf fiwit-jfo nharnhHrlnin, Adiatrator ot Jacob 1'ovlisoa, deccusod.rufinlo'i ot Jor to 1)relI crcdiron.

0\ ap|t1ica(inn nf thn ftboro-nntitttlor, It is ordered by ihc Snr

ld AlulnUtrntor giro P b U

cj Adraln-ocatcllistSotke todt

,ld Adnlnlrtrait.. B ,..icrortlloniDrtlio entato nr«aid Jox in their <lcM«, donmntli n.i-1 cTalranUnit tbo aam». un.lor oath, within nlnomlliB from tlil« dttc, br iolllnc HP hcoprol11 onto, -within UnntT <1«T» tannfUr,ia i,illio rrnwt ppblie [ilnrM in tho coimtjof Mor-

in lor two ninnth*. «nJ aliui wllhin th o wlil'y " 7,W»«""i"i«iR tbo RHtno )n tliotine or tiii* newrp^p«rri of llnB Slate,

ne ipace nftlmo (tho Snrrniraie jnJir-„ ,..rf ...rtlior nnM-c fo bo uuncccuMrTi'mTil

fao¥crTditcr»h»n nrfrloot to «b ib | t - u U orbcr duLL dumand ami cUlra wltliin ibo midperiod at nlno nontln. pnMlo notico bdnit

7ur united ofliisorlii>iajd AOmlniiint

Mliior itnlltyiaction llicrefortr

BOOK ootb i j . OnlyJl.60 capitalrcqalrnd titsttirt ranvaiiiiini;(or MARK TWAI-VH NEWKCItAP-ltOOK A l i b

SHERIFF'S SALE!u OlimicorjBrvani IB conijiliinant, an.l Tito Ironia LAIand Improvement Co uip inv, Anna L Jkiinoil, QporcB O. Ilnninill, Julia A. ftinQpliKiluuml Cnnflcld, rrmlcrick A. DuMotD.wia Ktrykor and Joliu M. U. lh.rtmB, ardufcnilnnu. Iktnrnalilo to May U'crm, AV. 1B7T.


BY vlrluc of ibo above stated writ of flrfuel-lit iii my Imntla, I «ha!l usposo for lal

i Public Vdtidiu', at tUo Uaitod BUtes Uotiiln MorrisUjwii, S. J., ou •

MONDAY, tlio 3d day or JULY n« t ,A. D, 1877, botwocn tlio liou:o'clock I', M., lLat ia to lay at '1 o't'kKftcrnonii of iiitl day, nil that ccrlilihud and premises, ultualo in tliBt"iwuftitaudolph, JMorrin Coutily, Hvvr Janof'tlo-icribed in a murlgafio given liylbclnmli Lammil Improvement Company to Tlio Hutna]BcncUtLifo Iuauraiicu (Xiiupany, da toil JitutWU, 18TU, and recorded lu bout X a uigo 10,kc. iknlnuiDR al s ntilnt in ttio middle of theruadliading Ironi Walnut Grove tu naadotutauoi-aorot Jobn Corwm'tt lino, naM polaroinjr tUo llo fourlli ooruffr of Ibo secondraci Jpucribrd in m ducd from Lovi Harrei>nd wifo ta Kiliuuml Cantluld, J ft ted Dccumboi01BI,1B70, and iunlifaK tboucu arcorOtiicfHum? tuado in tlio year 1U71, alone tlio midillol uald mad (1) uurtb Biilj dtcretnanil 11 fleen

' ulnswest lorty-iiluc cbaius ami seventy.JinbH lo n Blakn, tlio nccoud corner of ibo

ilmt tract doaerlbtd lo us id doe J from Karvoyto Cunfleld ; tU.tnco (3) ioatb twonty-Bvo de-ijroo* ant) forl J-UTO ra Inn ten wont flf.ocn clinld

' tblriy-ilirco lloki to « slake tbo nor.......t corner or lUo "ratty Iborpe Farm;

thence along Ibe nortLcrlylino of said farm (3'noutli sixty degrees anil flrtocn mltintui eigKiitj-tbroc cliafui anil 11 fly liuka to n staketbenne [i, sontb Tortj dtgi • - - -miautMWHtvii ' - • - -a wtoiio lioaji; tlflftetninlimUBL _ „ ....

Imop by Ibo brootc;tliotico (ft£ir(!R anil tlfloca lulnutcs can

ilmiiiu ond tKcnly-st'vcn link) to an takeIboncc (7) north jlxly rtojjrecs and antci~ " H west twenty-two chains and tvonlr

- Jlnkuj iliuncu (8) north twenty-tin liidc^rocs md. forlj'>fivo mi uu tea coat olnnn

1 ' ind Uilrty-sls linki to tlio middle u- tll>mli(tii from W«luut OrorctuFlandori; thunco along tbo mMillo of uid rontl (0

ntli ality ikfjreeB flflecu miuolcs cist lixitlDi uiid thirtvalx links to tlio third cdruocaloTc mentioned xccona lot cunvfjed by

• rvoy to CanIItkl; IIIOUDD (10) onrth clsb.•ii ilugi-ec• liUtcen rainnteg cant fifteen uhg-md «lity.f.iiir lint« tu a ntako in Qoorgoui£laa'j iinc; Ibenco nlont ~ * * '

a to nrty dtgrora anil forty flr

t elulnk and stitton linha t<oo (5) suulli *\ityt six diaimaiidmv

iukM u>orth B


icvt'u chnlm

- n Donglns'i lino... -.fii-ocs Qrtcun mluulcs wtitind tlulity liiika to cornur of Julio

Contln's land; thcncoalon^ Kaid Corwln'shnd(12) nontli tnviity-ulglit (lu^rccs anil rorir-flvoIrtintitei west Hfiecn cbams and ibirly-fournikd tu tlio placo of beginning, containing oneitinilipilind ten icrci ot land moro or less'.xecptinK Ihirioat B piceo or land tcro and 8->vetity-fi*o Imndrcdtlm or ai,eerc, uouvcyra to tho Clioiter Railroad Com-pany bjr J. P. Hnrrcy and wife, Jane 17tb, 18fiB.Ex^tptiuj* tlicrtfrom, Bowciri>r, fWe cor hin lola'land reform, tn OH fiitluwn ami particular!Tmcribeil ia add ilwils hero I Da Her mentions,femnco to nblcli Is ticrabr nado and all

Tor a particular <]racn,itlou;TUB FIJIBT LOT IS a lot of lircntj-eiRbt oneMildred Ihs of an ic?rc of IAQII and pftrticulml1

described in a deed from Ibo said Tlic Ironi:mil aod Improvomt-Dt Company to Lori H«i'ay, luTarinfftlate Slay aatli, 1875, and reeordn.i tlm Btorrla Oonaty Record of Deed* hi bookOnisoiso. *

Tns Stum KD LOT «0DlaluitwcQty-«tQhUcrp8riaml and wrat conTojod lo oaiil IMVI UB

by tb.D deed convcyiiifr tbo firsk lot.Tim TninD LOT COUUIDI L3-1D0 acres of laud

and i* (U-icribod In a do«l from Tho Ironia•stiil anil IniuroToroont Com pun; to Edmund

Caullcld, bearing (Lite January 4tb, 1H7J, andrecorJod In tho Morris Conntyllepordo(Detda

Iiufik u 9 paRU i33, &«.TUT. FotinTn LOT oontilm »evcn am! B5-VX)ronof !ond snd l» doneilbod in a tluoJ fromID Iron n Laud and Impt-orotnont CotnniJolin II. Stinaborroach, bearing date Ju^ ttli, 1B74, nnd rccorOcd-.ii thcBIorria Coantr

[tccord of Deeds In book A 9 piga 85, Ac.THE Firm LOT contain J alx icrci of landincluded in tho tioaniiarlM or anddoaerlp..^tbo deed lo MIJ Johu 0 . Btaniburtonjb

itated.PIEIW0N A

ttad April 2Iat, 1877.UAN.Rbnrifr.

tFr. f».-$10.15

Assignee's Notice.^TOTICE ia hereby given lo tlio "creditoraX of Fnncla N.OoTO.or Dorer, tfnrrU

County, Sew Jcney, that all claim J atralnst bliostato muKt U oihll.llod to tbo anbicrlber. hia

ingnci,, under oith or affirmation boforo tbolib day or Jnly next,-belns tbrto moaihnnm tbe datoof tbe nisignmcnt, or bo forcTcrtrrcd [mm comlun; in for k dividend of tbe

tntalo.-. Audaaid errd»ore are fnrlbernoUU«]PrancihS. Oavo vii be-Ated wltfflheHorrofiawit "thft

omity or .Morris Iwrore th0 ninlag October•rm of tit*.' Or]Mmb'« "Oonf t, wlmn itw^plionnlattio may be flha bjr any pcrnon fnlcrMted.

. • • . - • - COllSELlVBL-LErOBT,

Dated June 8tb, 1B77. ' .SWiw'*

y y s . BABBITT,




Dr«w Good-. Ciwlimflres, Hilk, Bourel^QimiH*?, IStrlp^H, J * fOC(a (I0H. L#D kl fi K, I O

K Ehpuiiclw. Diiinoimls,, VoiliiCf'niitiL', Kids, .tc. Xovtitle« uro addinn tiniQ ta tiitn> as tliuy a]>pi-ar in mnrliWIHTF. GOODS, ii vrry full linp, pnr

rtHfA nt im|inrters nud ut trirrmii, aud FOIIs i t K CHEA1'. Domestic!*, SliratiuK, Ticku,Hliirtinff, Stri|>cn, DHiinm, Pniitj., BntlWiini (iin^lioii'M, Ac Tlm recent iidvnnn donififilicB could not bo mmtiiincd. i:iiuU of RWHlKiini Hnnif wbnt l o w and BOIiru cleaper than ln<fori> HIP Atlvuuce. tlie h':st vriuts nrofii-lliiiB ut 7 cts. per ynrdid I witla 1H1ESB riMtiiur. new btjh- nut

,,!oA for « cU. Our LAltfiE CAUPE'BOOM in fully BUJCIKI with


Fall line HnrnHEw P.*nrFT, lipyiniiinsitl utit. ]>er ynnlt B°od nnsortment; of relln-

mnkfi1 Iu gaod htyltj for $1 . T^irgo linoIIIAINS lif^tiniug nt !><l cts. per ynrd

™jrtmcnt very lnrRf, ami priiwu lower tbniifor tinny yean. We keep tho befit RoocuiMle in 'it-is country. We men-surt' npnrt;nifliti, make nnd luy tftrjiets, cut und fit;lotli, liiioleiiiii. nmttinR, iiiuko anil nilihailen, i c , ami gunrautie a lit.

OiirnfisonmcntiiinlldfiiinriwioiilHiiiniiirKertliiiTi t-nii bo fnnnd outside tho large

ilicH, nml un ono undersells us. Kininir-ion of goodH und jirices requesteil.


MOREISTOWN, N. J.lorrifltemi, N. J. , April 7th, 1877.


largtfll and w ut r-uccc»ral dealer in

BOOTS and SHOESthat ever did business ID


i Ju»l flnlilicil stacking tin itore nitb


iblcb mniMiM anjtULnff ia lbs lion, in point <



D. O. BTJI8.rX"S


SHOES,urnntcd always lo lit, arc to bo found in

tills dtoro In tlio greatest profusion

of styles Mid moisumnonts, and


i mcacall bvlitrn jiurcluslng tlaavhi





Morris County Mutual






JAS, M.-.B0N8AXL, Sao'yi


X ilcera It jiutly dDB tU Sturria Coontj 5IuUMo and Firo IniDranco Company that tillsmbllo AclmoHledgmont bo made of tlio receipttorn them tbl» d i j of Uio foil amount ot tlimatinee ($I,BOO)OQ tlicHoulh SlroetCliureli

nitbual rebate of InUrcat, forlomiby tbe fireno tliu lOtb in*t.. and to niprotti our erateralipprtciktlou uf their Hlicrii ami prompt action.

I t 0, MARSH,_.nMnrcr Bnntli Bt. Prc.bylcrUn Church

[orristovn, S. J., Jaonary lOtb, 1877.



-S15, SI6, $17, 518, S19,»-

$20 and $25. -






loniatom' H. J., AjnU CUt, 1877. lT-Jm

ROOMS TO LBT!T P L I T O , ' - . • » ' ' . . "

';. M. 41 . SEARING.





>Ben LAtiira' Kuliii liolil WatoU* al 940orinlN. H-.lld Hiiirr U'altLai.l Wntfhi • alid ui<Kir<l«. WAT'lIKH o r ALLi'itlAULSn

LOWfi . . Cll KAI' lirfuFri. Ill'DUllfUl 4.Hlk'li» l.f


ol every JiRcrlpIion. AJHO

HAIR JEWELltY,ililiirj lii Wiltnflliittlcra bortr. mails to orJi




A SPECIALTY.h repairing warranted. E



MACHINE SHOPSAl. Iloaglaml, Proprietor,


llll and Dry Smid Itolls



Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL BIZEd OF




Hoisting Apparatusof all kind* (. tpocialitj, anil

F u r n i s h e d at Short eat Notic<

urned and Grooved to Order,





Preeman WoocFIH.B


it 4 eo.'i rroRK.)

«r. j .Rall; knthorizci] nKent of the follewIng firstdssi companies—tho belt ID the world:


. GLOBE, Capital 820,000,000


STATE FIBE .INSURANOE Co.,Capital, (300,000.


Cpital 810,000,000


Capital 86,000,000.

[OME, - , . " CO0.O00,

1TAH, J e n o j Oitj, •• 600,000

HUDSON COUNTS', Jersey City,


ITANDABD, Trenton, " 600,000.

EOPLE'S. Nowmk. " 300.000

HIBEBNIA, ."*' " 200,000.

UMBOLT, „ " " 200,000.



Choice Lots in Dover,

S O U R K S " T O ° ' L E T .

Freeman Wood,Ueo of .Iho resco'a&l Polltb M> l.lralc

Frank Cox's


, Ki«rrtlilnt of t l » twtt ufw*h. '•" " " .'

Ens.SVliB best in rnai

-' LI. OOWKll-• i»8for.

OEKLNT'T'S!pupoura..Alliind.ot .


rectlToatroBh «raj 4ij upon tWr a'trirallinuket.

LIVERY.LW «U«ohoa'.to _ ,

BUoUa Horn. BtoUet, aero™ l i t » I J , . «ant-clasa LIVEn; STABLE aoi'wlllkojpft] hand this Soranierafliia lot of driving

lla> . _ } : • • \1-ii-_




cating local ditetuet of tbe ikia, banislics de-fects of the complexiun, and imptuU to itErttifying clearness- and smoothness.

Sulphur Bailw arc celebrated for curingeruptions end other diieucs of the ikin, uwell nt Kheunatism ind Gout. Qlenn'tButphUf Soap prmluc-x the siune effecUat a most trifling exi«nsc. Thi; admirablepedfic also speedily heils sorts, twists, sealdt,

burns, sprains und cuts. It removes dandrnnand prevents tbe hair from tolling out andturning grey.

Clolhing and linen used In the stele roomit diilnfected, ind 'liseases communicable byonUd with the pen on, prevented by iU

The Medical Fraternlly uadiaa U« use.}rices—25 and SO Cents per Cake; per

Bex (9 Cokes), 60c. and 91.20.





1IA«D AND VKll$ UltlCK,LIMli, CliMENT,






Cone l>iiat, Uiinuo. I>oiidrctte1


WOOD sawed in stove lengths,


STOVE. . . . $ 4 . 2 5

EGO, - - - - 4 . 0 0

C H E S T N U T , - - 4 . 0 0TOBII ilulivcrr JO cla.j llino Hill 7J oln.OriliTi may be nrfdn-ised tliron^U tbe Foil

UQico Lock Bm 'itl, or loft at A. Beenmr'iofficeII UtackwuU St., near finaacx, oral llioyard,

ULXCKHIUTWH COALcopstaatly on b»ml.

i.rutun DXXUZH, i. a. FALMCB. n.B.rAi.KEB<

U I. tunTEJIOS, Pnp'r, 7 Siili IT., S.



Dealers ID




Glass Wan

Wood & W i l l o w W a r


Iron and Steel,

0ns Pipe and Fittings,



Powder, fuse and Mlnii

, Materials constantly oil


ior, Blaok'voll and Morris Slrec

SHERIFF'S SALE!New JctMj fiupr«me Court, Morn* Conn

Honry Engtemen t«, David U.\aa. Bi. Ta.Iwn. etler. In CIFO. Itcturuable toNotoibcrTtrm. A.D.1B7B.

NEIO1IB0UR \ SMITH, Mfji.JIorrlB Circbll Conrt. Francis s. Freoma i n,

Dnid K.HK md BaratKino. FJ. ra. da lion,(jttnr Ia CIBQ. JUturnoblo to January Jd,

877 .iUHTON, All1/.

[orris Circuit Conrt. Martin Tun'icrboof TI,David King iud 8»nh Kinff. ¥>, f». do bonctter. In ciio. IletaniBlJleto JinuirvTorA. D. 1B77.

AUG. W. BELT-, Alt'y.Morris Circuit Court. Tho "Notional Unlo

Bank itDofor *i. JJarid Kins ">d -WillinH. HcD»vit. Ft. ii. Aa txm. el ler. In CIBIBelurnible to Dwember 18th, A. D. 1670.

TB0UAB ANDERSON, Att'y.C " l i

(jttnr. Ia CIA.D. 1877.

md barali Klnc Pi. M, d* LDie. IleturnablutoJauairyTiTm

MDnidutter, i n iA.D. 18T7.

AU0.,W. BELL, Att'y.[orris Clrcnlt Court. DaVenport 0. Smith *Daiid King and Sanli KIDR. VI, fa. de baiot ter. In cue. Itetarnable (oJanmry ToiA. D. 1B77. . .

: AUG. W. BULL, Atfj.[orrii Circnli Ooart. TC? KalioDal UnloiBank al Dorcr TB. Eafld Kjng and UaralKinfr. Fi. U. dobon. ot lor. Iu caic.^ lio

" toM*yTornLj). 1877.•- 'E.D.HALSEY.AU'j,

Mow Jeriey fioprcrao Cootl, Morris Doonly,Henry Eagloman TM. Darld Klnff. Allitti.fn.dobon. it ur. Iu cute. Ikltmmb.o tuJUDO Terra A. D. 1877.

BtY Tlrln»'of thi aboTe'Btatod vrrlti of fleiI riclai in my h.n(!*,'I «ball tinoioforiaPUBLIC VgND0J5.»t Hie Uilltot) SUIci

•M, in MnrniiUivi., V, J,,

M0MDAYfthe9thdayof JULYacxl. A. D. 18T7, *bflt wen * tho tun re uf l4 JI.

id 5 o'clock I. 01., thit fa to BII* at 9 o'cloclthe mflerooca urssld day, all ikD»c tracti

.recrn of Utnlkni] |)nMnlsot aitaatv, I J I I I S IilDKio tlio town or Durur, it) tbo Couutj

[birla aail State ot Noif Jeney,THE' Tlu>x TRACT begina at a point In |U<—t Una o l Ptouannock-1 tree I, whei "

;lilioBo( lUrrle-w avoane iutcrnootuaanock ilraol.atidrani (1) wont aloi

.UllnBurPilnfiBwarcnuoonoliumlri.lily foet lo a comer .of a lot liuretuloro con-e>(Ml by u i d Geodalo aud wire to Lorn Btilccnbcuco (1) doiitb partllel wlih Pcqamnootrcet sad along tlie lino of u i d Bpicur lot oat,madica font; tbcace (3) ca«t in•air*iow avenue ono hundred and (IIQ *n»t litmo/ GiiqiMnaxxili t t rw i t....u^»,.orlliRleng Iliamit lino of Pcquunocii strcei

batnlrctl I,et lo tbo pbco or tiogiuuiti?,_;ilniag flftcon tUouwndnqmroftciof Urnid Is tlte snniB lands couvejod to suit] Daric]

ted/alyaoib, 1876; i.orrw Cotmlj ItacardiKe«5374e :Tut

M e d i, roMiitodf Dcudi, hook II

e. : .oHD Tiuor la nittuto in tbo town „

O , n tho watlorly «ido of McFarlin 8tid bogieuing .at a ttihoBtanalog an thlatliiBul corner of McFarlan and poqaacDOcr«eli; thence running (1) alone ibo southerlyduel iild MoF*rUnatrcetnortlclBlilMio»bn'green cu t ono hundred fee ; ibcnco (2mlh tliire dfgrwi ca*t oaa hundred Teutlonoo Ultonlli cl(ilfty^o«ti(IeBreeB-real onenndred hot lo ths out side of Pcqtiannnckireet; tbtoco(4) along tbe eait aide or Mid

ainnMk itroet our th three liccrveamo hoAdnd Itct to tbo-pl«co"or Stfilnning,tontiluinc tenthocnodnjoire teal, boinp; thV

j d omeyei) ta uid D*Tld King bydoodl | d l y d i f c d r / o l i !

,r laih^ l[fltl| aald d.'rf ia f w n b d InThc

.. , _ i t ,ho norlhweu.*"•* "imnwocl. itrcvli,

a tho to*D of Dow, and runs from tlience iuwnierlj connc alons tbe line ol- UcFitbntrcct flfly-iix root i thenco W In a nertherljiar« aadpanllol withPoqnatiDMh itrcet DDI•ndred hat i the nee (!) ID an n iUi l j eoun,rallelwllb VcFarlan >tnet artTHris.fcot k

««at lias oiPcqoanno^k street j Ihcnco (I]i> loullierlf eonrau »tomj tba wj»t line oi

ilreei tDd nlaca of btglaning, conlaiulnjjthonmnj ilx bnndred iqoare Tret of laid;

[ng the lame Uad aud pmrntita tbat JTamei-.Ooodilo »ua *lto.«un«TMl to tbo ™dndKin? brdoed beinagdalo September

to,A. v.iifty.y . • ••Ixa. all tlio ealatn, right, till* and iotertitlercndinU, DATIII Xing and Barab KKiti. In1 to all tba MloKinc doacribed tract or par-oflaoa, aitoata im the eait aido of reanin-k ilrmt, in tho VI]1BK« or Doter In tbawhip or Jbndplph, iu the CQQIIIT of MorrliHl»Te^of,Nn» JiHEjrt- IJonnded on Ibo

i; TIIOIEM A/Llnililoy, eaat EtTandtiiowtte of A.ptietu Eeeraer aod JUnilt or Uahtti

MttR,'ind oa the well by Peqtunoo«k8litiin* Ian tbotund ennitn feet or1—-1

lefr, iwlnRthn botacitcad lot

Stoves. Stoves;THE OLD STAND,

UNION HALL BUILDING,Dlacltttolimrcct, Uorer,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tlit) lltetil and nmat luiprovcd «tylcj, fnitviirming imbllo nnJ prlvntu bullilings, A larce

lUtwrtiiitiU*, or Stovca, clioap Tor cash.COOK, PARLOR, HEATING

STOVES, RANGES,Ac. Also a variety of



TIN & JAPAN WABE,1' imiT CANS, t c ,


r EADEllS, incl all binds or JobUng In my Urn,.l.,noli, |l,o Icitmaunn and «t W.aiiofteslDotlco. Illgbci t prices paid for old Iron.

Copper leal and powtor lakcu In oicbsncifor Goods. • ' '

ALEXANDEE WIGHTON.Dcceml»or24tli,187ll. 1-tvr


Capital, - $200,000.totiLnujliounfrnniD A.M. 10 4 I'.H. Pruhipl

Uoudf aud othor SnourilWH; tlit> m>IU-ot<nii olrurtlj;u «nddouiL'sticp»]M.T, tlmfts, cbctku, A c

COLUMBUS BliAOH, Pres't.JAY. S. TBEAT. Cashier..



The SlincrH' Savings

OP DOVEU, \ . J.;!i ,"ifn: or TBK NATIOMAI. Vmox

j'nteiv, i w m be rmtil au dciiosiu cudo on or1 before tho Orat <UVD ut MIHCJI, JUNE, tier-

TKHBER and DccumcB.VOitea Atilf tn'ia 9 o'clock A. u. to-

o'clock v. a,

M A M A G E K S :


IIEKHY McFAJl'.AK, rr«IUt.ot,EI'HHAIH USD8LEV, Vi«< Prnldenl.

JAYRTBE\T, TroaBurer.Dover, Fob. 17,1878. 13-tf


JEltUCT.l icensor In Sceur'a Bii.t,

i i i « " i ! i , i B ; ;

Capital,-$100,000,ATTEKTIOM GIVES TO THE m '

. l u k o f . i l Bond,.^,,,,„ „,.. " 'l t s , C h e f i n , A o A | P ( J A u i , I ' I ' t '


M. u. i v i m S k , ofofpiiipij118'ac-'f 61MON MIHBL.

Dover Savings Institution,


OFFlOEnSiJ o n N I U K C E . . . » ,lAjnwi i . u j i v i s - - . . , L ' " ' l o tWAUUKNBKitn . . . V l c e J ' " l * » l

I iriiurti

I R V S T K B U IHenry BakorM.U.DI.ker.c,,. .

i£«ssrJm. ltmfcnir,Uarid Jonldim,D i J U

i . I . KaudL-raoii w™™™, fc:


aro Duvr prepared to foratiib FAHMEilS sadotlion la car-load lod tn oitra quality ot

BROWN" LIMEioiii tliu Slowerli*lllo Quirrkn. Thh Llmo In

re cum mi-1]'led *i tlm it rouge at Iu inarkot, andwill be iold &t lower ntoa {ban CUT liulora on* lino or Iba SIOITIB & Essex sad Otieiter

roads. AIHO





Itopilrlog cheaply ilouo and wamntcd.


E.&G. H. R o s s i Breese,


Insurance Agents,.OrBcc, Old Ilun Bank UUIIUID;,

Morristown, N. J.:DHIK Boas, OEO.II. Bow, BmBiaBancn.

A. J COE, Golleotor,DOVER, N. J.

COMPANIES BEPRESESTED.American Untnal Ins. Oo.,' ef ITewaik.

IS.I., Asstttover 81,00.000

arobanls1 Untoal Ins. Oo.,- of Newark

K. J,,' Assets OTsr ^ .600,006

Ralston & Kirke's Bone Dust,

North Elver Barrel Limo.DELIVEHED Al DOVEU.

o iu carloads, per uudic!,(«0lbs.) 12jcta.' P l l t t I3.&T

R0Wbamiii PlioBitliatMruwt, 3.&Tlione Dust, porowt. 1.R0Norlb Illver Lomp Llmo. uer nbl. 1.80Norlli llirur FiniBhiog Ltnio, per bbl. 1.75

LIIIID iliillvnrod lo aii^.pulnl en ibeCboiterIUllrosd at 11} attt. for IIURIICI.

A fine qunlitv of WHITEWASH LIME oulinud and Hold Iu any quautitleo.Ordon *1]1 receive protupl Bttentioo. Adtlroi

I l E E l t J E R &. I ' A l . M K U ,Fttbdary Olb, 1877. DOVKIt, N. J.

, Ircsuni.

The New EmpireHot-Air, Gas & Daw-burn.

Ing Cooking Stove.





Firemen's Hutnal Ins. do', of Hewark,

K. J., Assets over . 600,000,

Qemnnli llntnal Im, Oo., of HowsrkK.I., Capital, 100,000-

tna Insnmnoj Oompaa, of Hartford,Conn, Aiseta, 5,000,000 -

Oontlnental Insnranoe Company, of ITewYork. Capital, 1,000,000

MnttmiBeneCtLife Ins, Co., ofKewark,N. J,, Aisetl, :.i, 0,000,000



















bolliporlnllesid brick eit. WE ALSO MAKE


A SFEOIALTT, anil employ only practical

rLUMERItS for tlia btanoh of the Itadn.

FUos and apcclflcationa glTep wbco reqnlroU.

R O O F I N G , O D T V E R S , l i e . ,

at Jowcat uiatlct r*lu«. , ' /

Wooi and Iron Pumps and Pipa.

» o^allkindii, '


TUB BEST DAKINO STOVE INTIIE WORLDASkto. a Largo Assortment of otlifr Stjki

of Cociking fltovoi. HanKO, l'arlor. Stoiei, Ac,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE,Also, acholco.lockor

. Hardware, Cutlery,Gloss, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Jajurn


Oil Clothi, Carpots, Lampa, Fatati and Oikbird Cages, Feather*. PniU'n Antr*l Oil (notuxploalvp.) Alao,


llooitng, Plumbing nml Joi)Work promptly Bttouaed to.


t f 'alrlbank.'(i S c a l e s a t Mauurac*turer'B p d

01.1 Iron, C DQrecnLaclci t«k«u Ib oKcbunno for epoJi.

J \ M E 8 H. DliUEil A To.,, M»ri;h 1.1673.

ron, Coppor, Drasi, ,Lead t IUgi i,L»ol(i tskou lb oKcbRnRC TOT KOOJI,

JAMES H. DliUEil A To.


The Old: Reliable Market In

T. 3R.i og romoved b l i ma tke i—the oliltit li

Dover—to b l i ,.<- • . - •


l u stand, mil bercaftcr furnis



tbo best In tho market. ' Wo wake i inttMliof killing all onr own maat, aud Ibcrtfore kao«that it ia or tin best.. All klnda of •

IEDPI OQ hauil As soon • • tlicy «p«ar ID Ihimarkuts, tnd mid at reawniblo pricn

Tlio hlgbcit mnrtot pHoet-paltl in caih, lorBeef Hides. VtiftlSkiiiMiitiiiSlioopSkinfl.boaglilnt Ibo taarliftv Customers .ttppliii, by «BU»on TnciJayi, TbundijB and Batardiji. -

» - l y . - • " . . . _ t ? . ' \ , ' , ". .

in good.'

br an klmli for DB1VEH WELIfl.

mablci ua to aiiert with confldence our abilityto do toy and all work ia tbli Imeof UaJo totbo ontliQ ntlur*etlon of tho em[/Iu;cr.

trders for Sawing and Planing

promptly exeootod.

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !:n Clianccry of NoirJenor. Fi. fa. for »le of

mortcnged premljei.; Whcrula John Snayza»a Jubn 0. Wolib nra roniplalnautB, .n<Theodore P Skcliong J d n D ETheod,.,ADDiH._._

'fe, Henry

J I M l ib wife, Tlie Dover Bank, J a c U tf.Dakirr, Clin"

P. Skcliongt'r, jolin DTEVana,'" - " - Oon; nlnmiin, Maria 0. blu

t. niMrdnian, D»rl>»r» Ani

la Kelloejr Bakot, blarlci«., KB*e*> William TaRgart.TKol B«nk or, Jacob O.fll Ho A B k O l d ]H1

o LIB wire. TUBonawr . Dtrla Kell

First Sjalional B«nk or M o r r l , acob O.Allen, tlonrjfllro Ho™. A. BronkOKld. ]H<1-I r a U. Conn.l Slcpton E. Oonnet, i a r l p .3oniiol, Worri.llliiDBliarVTl.a HatloDariron

Bank of STorrIBIOWD,ThoniB Julm. Atlo Pat .dm, Oeurfio U. Marklsaml WllllsuA. UIricr arc. (lp|«inujDtl. Bolunublo to UaT

Term, A D. 1877. '< a H T J T n K 8 r > r

BonlxhilMI IhoitnT.-nimrf par.. lleMiaajournctlloUkeplacGBttbo Unitail

I.I.I Hold, in HorrlBlown, N. J., on

MONDAY, Jung 25th,p . 1877, belwoen tlie houn»oM3 i i . anil.5

' p

Satlsraotory reference glien reqalnd.

83-lJQ. i . uomnatoK.

H. P. SANDERSiDN,• hai on hma»l»rgt iloekof 1' ; .* \ ,


WHEEL8,Ml«iroa«aCOporiwt. AlIIdndBof FINE C0LOH3 lor carmge w»d wngoapanting. Also OILS and VAUNISH, bothForajgaandDoraestio. TOBPKNTDTX, WmntLtu>, etc. Paint, Coloring uid VarnishBnuhea and BtriplDg PanoUg, a Jtill stock.

All of tho abovo gooda from tha bast tbnic.e n known bjr noJutfin. '•' • ' < . v '

Ttie VloToa bns nrored itself not oolr good,but best. It »ns rnraroM fint: piomlnra •*Ihn (nllomnn Pnire. during tboFallof 1»«;Palmer, Araherst, Barra, KortbtunpUiii,BtVohtrtown and Pittafeld,' Kni.', nud B^blLetter of CommondiUioli, st Mow. Yotk EIBUfUr,heldat£lnilra. , • •

In JS70, at-Oolomlili Oountj- Fair, Stho-harie County, and Union A(|riciiltnnlE«l;lJUllaynna. At«largo trial «t Oroton I *N. V., it ™ the Uglittat draft, luidonljon;that did not oloj in » welnlera f WjeJcl(nor. At Warehouao Folni, aratAt tbto'lrtel, o'iionr,! wel6hing todlln.,worked a fonr fect.ont for one boor, iaheavy gnsfl. At KindDrh6qk,.N. Y., it

l d W l J l i ltdaurriorthoasentAt the aboTO Fairs It'wsi In

i U H U l W U

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !Cliinecrr ofNow Jone.. V\. fs. For.alaor"•iMSitil 1>rcalS0B. A'knaln Tht Mmnal

Ufe InmranM Comp»ny,or New VorkmoomplalnirltB, abJI.nerI)ojlosna*nsonO.

.^HeRarvBrt aurcmUnta, ^ItotnrDable to»elruarjT«nn,A.I>.lB77,

p o m

X1B77, b-tween tba hours ni . ia U ' and fi

ted April 80th, 1B77..


Thvlnt hsd-a top;ninorienco In tho OirrlsjeItnstacM aosUwsiu. (obnacampotont jndgi;of snyarllde connected will, the M n e s i . andany persona rsvorins me with their ofilorB may"l/nponmjrnmlBbliif them with an artiolb•nriable to iuelr wants; and at aa reasonable» * • • - can boqbtaJned al any other olse..

O ' a o . r" bI , ' f"" r o r Carriage and Slclth Or-namonls will bo soltablj OIlSl by IUUBR forwbat pnrposo tliey aro wsnlod, and sendlnstndtioy .aunRh to. cover tue [anionnt. YODIpalronsie IB rtspeettnlly solicited. '

triumphant orer them olL I t l w u ^ lrMPOETiNx ADviNTAois over any other Merermaoug which are the following:It will mow triththaOutterBaratany Mfle,

u t h o KOIVGB alwajfl throw lo Uiectstriof l)«e Guard. , - , . ,

Tho KM ivr.B Rtart thn Ulnnt ito Ikehtm i>moved, therefore will not clog in an; Una

Iti'flS^nly.lIacLinQ tlint hM EBCM'HUT-mrrrmcinoN luTOBir, which'la noi«l^

-jinall itaoMrations,"^1 ThoBnrcanbe w™or loWoroa Trithoat throwing out of a*"-

No part of tha gssriqg n<iu when out of t"1:ThoPoloiooondjurted that tba hont* djnot': oven carrrita weight, while at work.:rho team drnwii this HncMpe by the tw»i

do not carry it on their necks.It h u .B "Wooden Fmnc,,a9 «]. llowerahfttii. '' ' "• • - ; : ' . .The tmderdde is not ohstmefed by geuofi

therefan will pass over Urg^ ntumptw

WlBlhe.ligiitflB^drariL'bVing'hjH* &**application of the. driving power.

A.trittTftnacompSon -with oUie»i« «Urt

' ftSk. • ': • . . . . •• . _ • . - • , . .

VO0RHEESBR03., nianwjuu.liwcBWrt.-' MOEJllBTOWHrK. J.; agent forMor

I VriBOounty.^AuaMBlueniuisUkltida* A ^ I 1» - t T. 1_M«.II

ljConntj. Alm/JslOT• of. Agrionlturali-lmplenieuU,

. Seeds, FerUltsers,&o.,i&ti.

A^jonrhei Sheriff's 3ale 1'In 0i|aneery.[ Mew'Jer,;,.' Vt. ft. for>aleor' S.. Sf"^,p rf° '"" ' ; . -*•«*> UonrvCroB-

kej and cbsrlos a. II ley are eoinplalnanlsand Ovrn, a. Porcu^Ir,'iid ilSbeS!Bn£!

TTT" ° , U i ' T l l r m

- •bnTO-Daroei] par^L-' *a^l tsi ujQtirnra' tn tAko nlafm at ilM

WEDHESDAr.'Jiuie 20fll,

i: ;•, „ ' PfEnsos i . HIKUIAIJ , Bheriir.Dated March lath, 1877. i : • [ris. j , . «.M

Stovei si ' Stor«i

. .!•

1 . ' shannon.• ! iranasBliiinasml >» '"• ' "(to crninliT, Ih. i h i l i u oslabllsliBJ " «"?,»7l III. * . r aemD. l .b rcen ta l lho<b° '* • ' ' ' ;

Tha atock d': gtoa» eoDilsilns.or ^ D " "md mo«t imprDTod; ; . 1 ; - . ' . '


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