vedic astrology

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Vedic Astrology


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Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 3

The dasha results of a planet are vastlydependent upon its location in the natal

chart, besides other attendant factors. We havealready had an inkling of the results of the MDof Rahu and those of the various AD�s under theMD of Rahu. Before we discuss the results of ADof Rahu under the MD of various planets, it maybe worthwhile to understand the results con-ferred by Rahu when it occupies different housesof the horoscopic chart.

We shall consider here the views fromthree classics, viz., the Maanasaagari (MS), thePhaladeepika (PD) and the Sarvartha Chintamani(SC). It will be generally seen that Rahu iseminently beneficial when it occupies houses3, 6, 10 and 11. According to the SarvarthaChintamani, Rahu in the houses 6, 8 and 12gives various problems during its dasha periods.There is some overlap here. We shall have to seehow Rahu behaves when it occupies the sixthhouse.

Rahu in Lagna

MS: Rahu in the lagna renders the native everailing. Supporter of his family members, thenative is talkative, red-eyed, a sinner, everengaged in forbidden activities and adept incourageous deeds.

PD: Rahu in the lagna makes one short-lived,wealthy and strong. The native has a diseaseinvolving the upper part of his body.

SC: The dasha of Rahu located in the lagna leadsto loss of discrimination, danger from poison,fire and weapon, loss of dear ones, suffering ingeneral, and defeat in battle.

Comments: Rahu is a natural malefic, equivalentto Saturn in effect. Its occupation of the lagna isnot conducive to sound health or long life. Itconfers cruelty and ugly looks on the native. Itshould, however, be remembered that Rahu cangive beneficial results under certain situations.Thus Rahu in the lagna identical with Mesha(Aries), Karka (Cancer) and Simha (Leo) is

Dasha Periods of the Wayward RahuRahu in the Twelve House of the Chart

Dr K S Charak


capable of conferring on the native variedpleasures as well as affluence. It also yields goodresults when aspected by benefics, and whenwithout malefic aspect. An unafflicted maleficalone may not cause any problem. But whenmalefic influences act in combination, adverseresults are produced. We have already eluci-dated the effect of Rahu in the lagna in chart 2(vide the Vedic Astrology vol. 5 no. 6, November-December 2001 issue).

Rahu in 2H

MS: Rahu in the second house makes one a thief,ever haughty, given to intense suffering. Thenative has access to a lot of wine and flesh, andhe resides in the houses of the fallen ones.

PD: Rahu in the second makes one given todeceitful conversation, easily angered, sufferingfrom disease of the oral cavity, detestable,comfortable and wealthy due to help fromthe king.

SC: The dasha of Rahu occupying the secondhouse deprives one of status and wealth. Thenative obtains unwholesome food to eat, servesa fallen king and indulges in lies and anger.

Comments: The second house rules over speechas well as the oral cavity. Rahu in the secondconfers on one unclear speech, and speech withhidden meaning. The native has a quarrelsomenature and deals in animal skins and sale offish. If unafflicted, Rahu in the second ensuresmonetary gains.

Rahu in 3H

MS: The third house Rahu destroys the native�sbrother but blesses the native with comforts,wealth, wife, children and friends. If this Rahuis exalted, the native possesses elephants, horses(vehicles!) and servants.

PD: The native with Rahu in the third is proud,opposed to his brothers (and sisters), wealthy,long lived and of stable intellect.

An afflictedRahu in thelagna con-fers on thenative illhealth andugly looks,unless coun-tered bybenefics.

4 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

SC: The dasha of Rahu occupying the thirdhouse confers gains from children, wife andbrethren, general comforts, lordship over others,foreign travel, favours from the ruler, and con-finement (suffering!) from agricultural pursuits.

Comments: Rahu in the third house generallyconfers great benefits on the native. It makes onewealthy, valiant and long-lived. However, it isnot conducive to harmonious relationship withone�s siblings. Or the siblings tend to suffer invarious ways. The fourth is the house ofagriculture. A malefic, like Rahu, in the twelfthfrom fourth, i.e., in the third house, is not goodfor agricultural pursuits.

Rahu in 4H

MS: The native with Rahu in the fourth house,as the overlord of a village, resides on one side(in isolation!) in misery, bereft of wealth and nearones. Devoted to the mean, a backbiter and asinner, be begets one daughter and has a frail wife.

PD: With Rahu in the fourth, the native isfoolish, troublesome, short-lived but blessedwith friends, and occasionally also comfortable.

SC: The dasha of Rahu occupying the fourthhouse destroys the native as well as his mother;there occur losses in agriculture, ire of the ruler,trouble to wife, mental torment, danger fromfire and thieves, risk of imprisonment, physicalillness to wife and children, and detachmentfrom wife, children as well as the world.

Comments: The fourth is an adverse house foroccupation by Rahu. The health and longevity ofthe mother tend to suffer. The fourth housestands for comforts at home. Rahu here destroyspeace at home and generates conflict with wifeand children.

Rahu in 5H

MS: Rahu associated with the Moon in the fifthhouse causes harm (disease or death!) to theson and makes the native consistently angry. IfRahu associates with the Moon in any otherhouse, the native gets one son whose dress isoften ugly and shabby.

PD: The native with Rahu in the fifth house issonless, stone-hearted, with a diseased womb,and a nasal twang in voice.

SC: The dasha of Rahu located in the fifth housecauses loss of discrimination, lack of enjoymentfrom food, disturbance in studies, conflicts withothers and mental torment. Additionally, thereoccur harm to progeny and ire of the ruler.

Comments: The fifth house Rahu is not good for(male) progeny though a solitary unafflictedRahu here often does ensure the birth of one son.Rahu�s influence over the Moon or the fifthhouse or the fifth lord leads to phobias ofdifferent kinds and intensities. In the case offemale natives, Rahu in the fifth can causedisease of the uterus (womb).

Chart 5, born on January 2, 1946, belongs to amale native with Kumbha (Aquarius) lagna. Thismillionaire industrialist has Rahu and retrogradeSaturn, the latter being the lagna lord, in the fifthhouse in Mithuna (Gemini). Almost all theplanets, other than the debilitated and retrogradetenth lord Mars in the sixth, have somethingto do with the fifth or the ninth house. In fact,six of them actually fall in the 5/11 axis. Thisensures a very sound financial worth of thenative. The lagna gains strength from Jupiter�saspect and a vargottama lagna lord, through thelatter is afflicted to some extent.

Rahu dasha (May 29, 1994 to May 29, 2012)has, however, created some trouble. There havebeen problems of liquidity and the projectsundertaken are not being looked after satis-factorily. Pressure from creditors and persistentapprehension of legal action from them haverobbed him of sound sleep. Particularly theRahu-Saturn (July 5, 1999 to May 11, 2002)period has been quite taxing mentally as wellas financially. With an afflicted fifth house,though aspected by Jupiter, the native has nosons but only three daughters. Loans availedfrom one of the sons-in-law also gave him toughtime and he suffered severe mental depressionat one stage. Saturn in the fifth, afflicted byRahu, and the Moon also grossly afflicted,predispose one to mental depression. The situ-ation in the Dashmasha does not appear toobad, though here too Rahu occupies the fifthhouse justifying a lot of mental tension. Thereis also a lot of protection in the Dashmamshachart, with the lagna lord occupying the lagnaand Jupiter aspecting it.

Rahu in 6HMS: Rahu in the sixth makes one a destroyer ofhis opponents and blessed with sons, wealth andvaried comforts. If Rahu here is exalted, thenative rectifies several injustices, and is devotedto someone else�s wife.

PD: The native with Rahu in the sixth is wealthyand long-lived. He suffers from peri-anal ail-ments and is tormented by an enemy or a maleficgraha (suffers illness!).

AfflictedSaturn in

the fifthhouse, also

an afflictedMoon, can

lead tomental de-


Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 5

SC: The dasha of Rahu occupying the sixthhouse leads to fear from fire, thief or the king,loss of earnings and of one�s well-wishers,diabetes, tuberculosis, splenic disorders, skindisease, imbalance of Pitta in the body, andeven death.

Comments: The sixth house is generally consid-ered good for Rahu to occupy. Rahu here tendsto destroy one�s opponents and also illness.Malefics in the sixth generally ensure a soundhealth for the native. However, to overcomedisease there must be a disease in the first place.Or there must be enemies there if they have tobe destroyed. It will be seen that a native withRahu in the sixth would generally have a soundresistance against disease and would succeed inannihilating his enemies. Being in the house ofdisease and of enemies, Rahu creates them anddestroys them.

In Chart 6 (female native, born on October 27,1949; at 6:30 hours IST; at 30ºN26', 75ºE03'),Rahu occupies the sixth house, in Meena(Pisces). The native is a highly successfulpractising gynaecologist who developed mul-tiple joint pains and deformities. The problemstarted in 1983 with the commencement ofRahu dasha (December 27, 1982 to December27, 2000), and soon became severe enough tocripple her. All medical treatment, includingsteroids, chloroquine, and gold injections, failedto give her relief. Sometime in the middle of1995, during Rahu-Venus period (July 15, 1994to July 15, 1997), she underwent total, bilateralknee replacement. Rahu is in the sixth housewhile Venus (AD) is the eighth lord both fromthe lagna as well as from Rahu (MD). Both Rahuand Venus receive the aspect of Mars, the planetfor surgery. In the navamsha chart, Rahu isassociated with the Sun, and the sixty-fourthnavamsha lord Jupiter, while it receives theaspect of Mars. In the Drekkana, the RKAinvolves the twenty-second Drekkana whileVenus owns it.

This chart shows a very prominent Dhanayoga or combination for wealth. The lagna lordVenus occupies the second house, the secondlord Mars occupies the eleventh house, whilethe eleventh lord Sun occupies the lagna. Thus,the lagna, the second and the eleventh arevery favourably linked. In addition, the Mars-Saturn combination in the eleventh house initself is a Dhana-yoga. This is also confirmedin the navamsha where the lagna lord Jupitercombines with the ninth lord Sun in thesecond house.

112 8



4 6

Chart 5Birth Chart

January 2, 1946






811 5



1 3










14 10



6 8


3 11












Lagna 6°04' Mars (R) 4°45' Venus 10°49'Sun 18°06' Mercury 26°54' Saturn (R) 29°10'Moon 3°02' Jupiter 1°51' Rahu 6°54'




Mercury VenusSaturn

710 4



12 2

Chart 6Birth Chart

October 27, 1949

9 5







Lagna 7°35' Mars 6°51' Venus 25°40'Sun 10°08' Mercury 24°27' Saturn 22°49'Moon 19°53' Jupiter 1°28' Rahu 22°27'













Mercury MoonKetu



















6 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

Rahu in 7H

MS: Rahu in the seventh confers on the nativea prodigal wife and numerous enjoyments inthe company of wife. If malefics influence Rahuin the seventh house, the wife is wicked, illtempered and sinful.

PD: The native with Rahu in the seventh is ofindependent nature, of limited wisdom, losesmoney from association with women, a wid-ower, and of depleted fertility.

SC: The dasha of Rahu occupying the seventhhouse leads to loss of wife, foreign travel, andloss of wealth, progeny, agricultural produce aswell as of one�s name and fame. Fear fromserpent, or death may occur.

Comments: Rahu in the seventh house tendsto make one an adulteror and to lose moneythrough women. It also ensures foreign travel;seventh is the house for travel, and Rahuthe graha for Western direction as also fornonconformism. ¦

(To be continued)

912 6



2 4


11 7




Sun JupiterRahu

710 4



12 2














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Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 7

The eternal wheel of time hasmoved on and is perhaps offering

in its wake yet another opportunity toset right the folly thrust upon thepeople of the Indian subcontinent in1947. For those unfamiliar with thecourse of events, and to refresh in theminds of the rest, permit me to recol-lect the facts for the record. In which-ever way the events be viewed, one isbut forced to wonder at sheer mischiefon the part of our erstwhile Britishrulers on the one hand and the short-sighted immature approach of ourown leadership at the time of indepen-dence on the other hand. It is on theseaccounts that we, the people of theIndian subcontinent have been saddledwith the unfortunate legacy of parti-tion and the associated turmoil. Thisact was single-handedly responsiblefor sowing the seeds of communalhatred and tension amongst the peoplewho shared a common heritage butfollowed different religions. In 1947the world was in the early stages ofrecovery from the devastation of theSecond World War. The Allies withUSA and Britain at the core were inthe process of designing the post-warworld scenario to suit their vision andobjective. A strong India would defi-nitely not have fitted well in theirdesign. A pliable Pakistan at the door-step of USSR was possibly too good anopportunity to pass over. Perhaps these

may have been part of the manymotivations at that time. The fallacyof the decision manifested itselfimmediately, in the shape of the firstIndo-Pak war over Kashmir. Onceagain the leadership in India displayedimmaturity and a lack of farsighted-ness. Owing to a possible ego clashbetween Shri Jawaharlal Nehru andShri Hari Singh, the erstwhile rulerof Jammu & Kashmir, New Delhiresponded very late to the calls formilitary assistance in the face of Paki-stani aggression by the latter. Once thearmy was active and was pushing theenemy back, the leadership failed onthe diplomatic front giving in to inter-national pressure and accepted a cease-fire. This left a large part of Kashmir inthe hands of Pakistan resulting in asimmering dispute that has lasted wellover half a century, and has carriedover into the new millenium. Unfortu-nately the correct nature of the Kash-mir problem has not been projected bythe government of India to the worldat large, or for that matter even athome, for reasons best known to them.The recent release of classified docu-ments in Britain reveals that the thenUS secretary of state, George Marshall,was of the view that the accessionof Jammu & Kashmir to India wasfinal and unchallengeable. The rogueBritish minister of commonwealthrelations, Philip Noel Baker, who de-fied his own Prime Minister andcabinet to favour Pakistan, however,fudged the issue.

It may well be pertinent at this stageto get into the genesis on the groundlevel, and to pause, examine andunderstand the likely motivations andlarger objectives that Pakistan mayhave in mind. It is obvious thatPakistan has been banking on a com-bination of an attack across the LoCwith large scale violence in the valleyto capture Jammu and Kashmir. Paki-stanis have learnt the lessons of 1947-48, 1965 and 1971. They have sincebeen engaged in a structured, longterm politico-military operation. Thelatest misadventure in 1999 was anattempt to alter equation at the geo-strategic level with the purpose ofdominating Tartuk, Batalik, Drass,Kargil and Mushkoh axis. This wasaimed, first at neutralising our strate-gic position on the Siachen heights.Secondly to interdict our communica-tions with Ladakh. Thirdly to positionthemselves to have access to theKashmir valley. Lastly, and most im-portantly, to shift the alignment of theLoC further east into the Indian terri-tory. The political motivation was torefocus attention, particularly the at-tention of the major powers, on theKashmir issue. This became all themore imperative in the face of Indiawalking away with the initiative re-sulting out of the Indo-Pak discussionsas manifested in the Lahore declara-tion. Pakistan just could not let theKashmir issue fade away from interna-tional consciousness. The only waythey could revive it was by creatingsignificant violent development inthe area. However, the carefully laidplans of Pakistan to wage a lowintensity war and forcibly alter theLoC perceiving a weak, defeated gov-ernment in India, came unstuck inthe face of a determined militaryresponse and a sustained diplomaticinitiative. The astrological perspectiveon the above has been detailed inearlier papers by the author titled�Another War in the Offing?� publishedin Vedic Astrology journal volume 3numbers 4 & 5 of 1999.

Indo-Pak Conflict 2002An Astrological OverviewAnshu Sood

Mundane Astrology

The forthcoming conglomeration of several planets in Vrisha rashi during themonth of May 2002 is likely to affect the various countries variously. The authorhere attempts to analyse the likely impact of this planetary disposition closerhome, on the Indo-Pak relations. Sanity demands that astrological indicationsbe granted their due respect. �Editor

This article was received by us inJanuary 2002. –Editor

8 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

the problems. An exchange betweenMercury and the Moon as such is notconsidered to be comfortable. Thenavamsha ascendant is Libra, again amovable sign. The fact that the ascen-dants of both the natal as well as thenavamsha chart are movable may notportend well, considering that it isa matter pertaining to a nation. TheAtma Karaka and Amatya Karaka arethe Sun and Jupiter respectively. In thenavamsha, Venus having the eighthlordship is posited in the fourth housewith Saturn. The Moon, the fourthlord of the natal chart, goes to the sixthhouse of the navamsha. The AK andAmK are in the sixth and the eighthhouses of the navamsha, while in theDashamsha they are in the second andthe eighth house respectively. Thoughthe mutual Jaimini aspect exists theRaja-yoga is inferior and weak.

For Pakistan the VimshottariMahadasha of Ketu commenced on25th of December 2000 for a period ofseven years. Ketu is posited in thesign Scorpio in the eighth house andis unaspected. Ketu would, therefore,

Lagna 7°46' Mars 7°27' Venus 22°34'Sun 27°59' Mercury 13°40' Saturn 20°28'Moon 3°59' Jupiter 25°53' Rahu 5°45'


7 9

Chart 1India

August 15, 1947






25 11



MonMer SatVenSun





5 7


2 10





123 9




In order to view the present astro-logically let us start with the natalindependence charts for India andPakistan.

Indian Indepedence Chart

The chart used for India (chart 1) isthat of the Indian Independence Day:August 15,1947 at 00:00 hours, timezone +5:30, New Delhi, India, 28N39,077E13.

India has Venus Mahadasha(Vimshottari) operating, which com-menced in September 1989. Venus isthe lagna lord and the sixth lordposited in the third house. TheAntardasha of Jupiter commenced onthe 9th of November 1999 and contin-ues till the 10th of July 2002. Jupiteris the eighth and eleventh lord positedin the inimical sign Libra in thesixth house. Jupiter, therefore, be-comes a malefic on account of itslordship and is posited in the Ripubhava, although the eighth lordplaced in the sixth house does giverise to a Vipareeta Raja Yoga. For thisyoga to operate the situation needsto necessarily turn adverse to beginwith. Out of the adversity an improve-ment should be emerging as perthe definition of the yoga. In thenavamsha Jupiter is in Taurus, againan inimical sign, in the third house.The Jaimini Chara Dasha from 15thAugust 2001 is Cancer-Pisces for aperiod of one year. Cancer dasha isfor a period of twelve years starting15th August 1998. Pisces is theeleventh house of gains to thenation. From Pisces the multitude ofplanetary energies are posited in thefifth house Cancer, aspecting theseventh house Scorpio, the tenthhouse Aquarius and the lagna Taurus.The focus and energies of the govern-ment will remain diverted to therelationship with the neighboursconsidering that the first, third, sev-enth, tenth and eleventh houses arebeing activated. Perhaps the hangoverof the British rule may finally beburied, and the dogma of slavery overthe nation�s psyche disappear, albeitat a price.

Pakistan Independence Chart

The chart used for Pakistan (chart 2)is that of the Pakistani IndependenceDay: August 15,1947 at 00:00 hours,time zone +5:30, Karachi, Pakistan,24N51, 067E04. The lagna is chara ormovable indicating instability. Lagnalord is Mars, therefore imparting aninherent aggressiveness to the basiccharacter. The Moon and Mars formthe Chandra-Mangala yoga in thethird house making for ever activeattempts at attaining the goal, right orwrong, using means that may not befair or justified. The conglomerationof four planets in Cancer, fourthhouse, consists of the fifth lord Sun,third and sixth lord Mercury, secondand seventh lord Venus and thetenth and eleventh lord Saturn. Thepresence of four planets includingnatural/functional malefics, sharingamongst themselves adverse lordships,causes the significations of the houseto suffer indicating lack of peace,disharmony, etc. The fourth lord Moonis posited in the third, in the twelfthfrom its house, further compounding



Ven Sun









Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 9

behave as its dispositor Mars, havingthe lagna and eighth lordships. Thesituation is akin to the lagna lordbeing posited in the eighth house. Theantardasha is that of Venus runningfrom 24th of May 2001 till 24th of July2002. Venus is a poorna maraka forPakistan having the second and sev-enth lordships. It is worth a mentionthat in 1971 at the time of the creationof Bangladesh, which was akin to apartial death for Pakistan, the antar-dasha was that of Venus. So devastat-ing was the defeat that they have hadto refrain from any misadventure forover two and a half decades.

The exercise would not be completewithout considering the year 2002Chaitra Shukla Pratipada chart forIndia, Pakistan, USA and China. Thescribe has dealt with these at length inthe previous issue of Vedic Astrologyof January-February 2002 (volume 6number 1). Readers are referred to thesame for details. For the sake of brevityand in order to avoid repetition werestrict ourselves to the conclusiontherefrom. Suffice it to say that theperiod of reckoning will be at handwith the commencement of theChaitra Shukla Pratipada chart onthe 13th of April 2002, if not a fewweeks earlier. For Pakistan a change ingovernment is on the cards. The tran-sition may not be smooth and peace-ful. Keep in mind that the takeoverwill be from a military regime. Thenew regime may well be having amore fundamentalist outlook, some-thing like the Taliban possibly. Thismay well be the required trigger orthe proverbial last straw for the warto commence. In this backdrop yetanother notable astral event in theoffing is the conglomeration of sixplanets along with Rahu in Taurus,the lagna of India�s natal chart, onthe 15th of May 2002 at 02:40:02hours. With the exception of theeighth and eleventh lord Jupiter whowill be in Gemini and Ketu who hasto be opposite Rahu in Scorpio, theremaining planets including thetwo luminaries come together in Tau-rus. This could well correspond to

a possible peak intensity period inthe conflict.

All the astrological indications pointto a decisive result emerging as a resultof the war that takes place, possiblysolving the paradox that has beendogging the Indian subcontinent forwell over half a century, namely theKashmir problem. It is tempting tobuild a possible chain of events basedon the planetary play described abovethough it is not a part of astrology toestablish a corresponding relationship.Please bear in mind that in so doing acertain element of subjectivity is boundto creep in. The possibility of USAbecoming disillusioned with Pakistanis writ large and, therefore, cannot beignored. The most likely scenario foran immediate reversal of view couldwell be the confirmation of the pres-ence in Pakistan of Osama bin Ladenand Mullah Omar. In this backdropthe inability of the present regime inPakistan to deliver is one possibility.In the alternative President Musharrafalready having been replaced withanother regime having sympathies

Lagna 23°15' Mars 6°48' Venus 21°20'Sun 27°02' Mercury 11°54' Saturn 20°21'Moon 18°59' Jupiter 25°48' Rahu 5°52'


6 8

Chart 2Pakistan

August 14, 1947






14 10






12 2


9 5






710 4



SunMoon Jupiter

firmly grounded elsewhere is yet an-other option leading to a similarresult. In either case, the US may haveno alternative but to go after the WTCaccused. This is bound to make the UStask of cleaning the region of terrorismfar more difficult. The main adversar-ies that the US and the global allianceface are not only the remnants of Al-Qaida and Taliban, but also theirmentors and supporters in the Paki-stani ISI, the government as well asthe political parties. It also highlightsthe fact that the main battle groundagainst terrorism is Pakistan. A bittertruth that is bound to sink in, bringingUS closer than ever to India, makingthe cause common and appreciative ofthe need to, once and for all, solve theproblem. Let there be no misunder-standing whatsoever, for the ultimatesolution to be stable, the redrawngeopolitical map of the region needsdefinitely to meet with Uncle Sam�sprior approval. Whatever be the finalcontours, the period from April 2002onwards carries in its womb the pos-sible solution. ¦




Rahu MarsMoon








SunMoon Jupiter


10 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

The events of September 11, 2001,caused a crisis in the American

astrological community.  Western as-trologers trying to delineate the hor-rendous events of that day foundthemselves grappling with the embar-rassing fact that there is no agreementabout what horoscope to use forthe United States of America. Morethan a dozen different charts havebeen suggested over the years, eachwith its own passionate advocates.Perhaps the best known chart is forJuly 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsyl-vania, where the Declaration of Inde-pendence was signed by the U.S.founding fathers. (The American warof independence had actually begunon April 19, 1775 with the Battleof Lexington). It gives a tropical As-cendant of about 8 degrees Gemini.Many of the Indian astrologers whouse this chart are unaware that ithas no historical basis and has largelyfallen out of favor with Westernastrologers. It is timed for around2:15 in the morning, when thefounding fathers were still asleep inbed! This popular chart may nothave been invented till as late as the19th century, when astrologers think-ing they were rectifying the chartof a revolution, simply adjusted thechart for July 4 so that Uranus(the planet signifying revolutionarychanges in Western astrology) ap-peared on the Ascendant.

The oldest historically authenti-cated horoscope for the U.S. is theSibley chart, which was first pub-lished in 1787, eleven years afterthe signing of the Declaration ofIndependence. It was rectified byEbenezer Sibley, a British Freemason,for about 5:10 p.m. (July 4, 1776,Philadelphia) which gives about 12degrees Sagittarius rising in the tropi-cal zodiac. He probably based hisrectification on mundane consider-ations involving the Sun�s movementinto Cancer. (Note that on September11, 2001, Pluto, the planet whichsignifies traumatic transformation forWestern astrologers, was transiting 12degrees Sagittarius tropically.) One ofthe most widely used U.S. horoscopesis called �the Scorpionic chart� be-cause it places the U.S. Sun in tropicalScorpio. Its champion, David Solte,argues that July 4, 1776 is not anappropriate beginning date for the U.S.since the original thirteen Americancolonies technically declared indepen-dence as separate entities. Only withthe signing of the Articles of Confed-eration in York, Pennsylvania on No-vember 15, 1777 around 12:30 to 1:00p.m. did the citizens of the thirteenseparate states confirm their identityas �one people.� However, it is clearfrom quotations from founding fatherslike George Washington and ThomasJefferson that while the thirteen colo-nies originally retained some autonomy,the founders considered them �onecountry� in essence from as early asJuly 4, 1776. Other proposed U.S.charts are based on the timing of thefirst Constitutional Congress (Septem-ber 5, 1774), the declaration of waragainst England (July 6, 1775), the votefor independence from Britain (July 2,

1776), the ratification of the federalconstitution (September 17, 1787), andso on.

The Vedic View

Since September 11, 2001, a new charthas captured the attention of manyastrologers in the U.S.  This chart,proposed by American-born Vedicastrologer James Kelleher back in 1985,is based on the approximate time givenby founding father Thomas Jeffersonfor the signing of the Declaration ofIndependence. It caused a sensationat the November 2001 Symposiumconvened by the American College ofVedic Astrology, and is being featuredin the February 2002 issue of TheMountain Astrologer, the leadingAmerican astrology magazine.

In 1985 Kelleher was approached bya wealthy businessman who wanted tounderstand the U.S. financial cycles.He offered to pay Kelleher his usuallyhourly fee, for months if necessary,until Kelleher could determine anaccurate birth time for the U.S. Kelleherspent the summer at the University ofWashington reading U.S. history booksand interviewing professors of historyand economics. The popularly knowncharts failed completely; none seemedto give a dasha / bhukti sequence thatmatched actual historical events. ThenKelleher drew up the chart for a littlelater in the evening, 6:30 p.m. on July4, 1776 to be precise. This gave alagna of 8 degrees Sagittarius in thesidereal zodiac. To his astonishment,the whole of American history fellneatly into place. Later Kelleher founda letter by Thomas Jefferson confirm-ing that the Declaration of Indepen-dence had been signed in the earlyevening.

Here is an overview of the dashasKelleher discovered for the 20th cen-tury. Jupiter dasha started late Septem-ber 1913. In keeping with Jupiter�sexpansive nature, this was a period offinancial prosperity, good fortuneand celebration remembered as �theRoaring Twenties.� Jupiter is in

America�s Destiny:An Astrological ControversyLinda Johnsen

Linda Johnsen, M.S., is Vedic AstrologyEditor for The Mountain Astrologer,America�s most prominent astrologymagazine.  She has written four bookson the Hindu tradition, including theaward winning �Daughters of the God-dess: The Women Saints of India�.

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 11

Rahu�s nakshatra, giving the cycle acompulsive and self-indulgent edge.Saturn dasha started late September1929. In October 1928, the U.S. expe-rienced the most catastrophic stockmarket crash of its history, plungingthe country into a major depression.In keeping with Saturn�s dry, airynature, much of the American plains,the �bread basket� of the nation, weretransformed into a �dust bowl� duringAmerica�s worst drought. But Ameri-cans learned Saturn�s bitter lessons ofhard work, thrift, and perseverance,emerging from this dasha the strongestcountry in the world. Note that theattack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S.entry into World War II occurredduring the Moon antardasha. TheMoon is the 8th lord, and is above allthe planet of crisis in this U.S. chart.

Mercury dasha started late Septem-ber 1948. Mercury as karaka for com-munications and for business asserteditself strongly during this period. Tele-phones and televisions entered almostevery American home at this time,tying the country together as neverbefore, while American businessflourished. Mercury is in the 8th house,seeing the beginning of the Cold Warand numerous covert activities on thepart of the U.S. government in itsundeclared war on Communism.

Ketu dasha started late September1965. This was a remarkable periodin U.S. history in which Keturevealed both its best and its worsteffects. This dasha marked the heightof the Vietnam War, race riots, andyouthful experimentation with psy-chedelic drugs. There was also a tre-mendous surge of interest in yoga and

meditation as gurus began arrivingfrom India. Questions about the rightsof black Americans (at that timeAmerica�s outcastes) and women wereforcefully addressed by the public.

Venus dasha started late September1972. Venus is the planet of materialluxury. During its dasha America�sattention shifted from consciousnessexpansion to money management.Instead of driving the more economi-cal Volkswagons of the Ketu period,Americans turned to ostentatiousgas guzzlers like Mercedes andBMWs, Kelleher pointed out. Thepreoccupation of young people wasno longer mental and spiritualbalance but their bank balance.Self-indulgence was the order ofthe day.

Sun dasha started late September,1992. President Bill Clinton presidedover one of the most prosperousperiods in U.S. history while theU.S.A. emerged as the world�s singlesuper-power.  Note that the Sun isthe 9th lord involved in multipleraja yogas in the 7th house. TheMoon dasha started late September1998. For the first two years of thisdasha, the U.S. press was completelyobsessed with sex scandals. (Moon isthe 8th lord.) The economy destabi-lized and stocks began to swingwidely. Then in late 2001 U.S. com-placency was shattered when Muslimterrorists launched an attack on theWorld Trade Center and Pentagon.Note that on September 11, whenthis attack occurred, Mars and Ketuthe two planets of violence weretransitting directly over 8 degreesSagittarius, the degree of the U.S.

lagna! Nirriti, the dark goddess ofMula nakshatra, unleashed a torrent ofkarma that day.

Charting America’s Future

Kelleher is concerned that America�sproblems are far from over.  He notesthat the lunar eclipse of June 24, 2002will fall exactly on the U.S. lagna,spoiling the U.S. rising nakshatra forthe following six months. He seesserious health challenges for DickCheney, the U.S. Vice President, par-ticularly in 2004, and doubts thatGeorge Bush, Jr. will still be presidentin 2005. He believes economic condi-tions will begin to improve after 2005,but not till Mars dasha begins in lateSeptember 2008 will the economyreturn to its former robust condition.

It will be interesting to watch thischart for the next several years, to seeif the actual birth chart of the UnitedStates of America has finally beendiscovered. If so, its utility in predict-ing future events for America, and forthe world, could be invaluable. ¦


2 4

USAJuly 4, 177618:30 hours







912 6



RahuMercury (R)













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12 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

From Vasu, the daughter of Dakshathe Progenitor, lord Dharma begot

eight sons, also called as the Vasus.There are eight of them. They areAapa, Dhruva, Soma, Aha, Anila,Anala, Pratyusha and Prabhaasa. Theeight Vasus, along with Rudras,Adityas, etc., are the gods who mani-fest themselves repeatedly at intervalsof a thousand yugas.

Goddess Ganga Returns

�For what sin did the eight Vasus, thegods that virtually rule this universe,suffer to be born as earthlings? Andwhat justifies the survival of this childof yours in the world of mortals?�Stupefied by the turn of events thathad smitten him lately, the noble kingShantanu found it natural to enquirethis of the goddess Ganga who stoodbefore him. The goddess had come toreturn her eighth son that she hadborne to the king. The other sevensons she had given birth to, as the wifeof the king, were thrown in the riverGanga by the goddess herself.

The goddess Ganga then narratedthe story of the Vasus to her husband,the king Shantanu.

Nandini, the Celestial Cow

Once upon a time, the Vasus as wellas the other gods went out to enjoyin the company of their spouses. Theyhappened to reach the beautifulashrama of the sage Vasishtha on themountain Meru. In that most enchant-ing sylvan location, they enjoyed thebeauty of nature, the fragrance offlowers, the chirping of birds and theplay of deer and other wild animals.The sage would pursue his austeritiesin his ashrama here only.

Vasus: The Ruling Deity of theDhanishtha Nakshatra

Dr. K S Charak

From the scriptures



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While they were roaming around inthe jungle surrounding the ashrama,the wife of one of the Vasus happenedto spot Nandini, the celebrated cow ofthe sage Vasishtha, grazing there. Shewas a product of the sage Kashyapawith Surabhi, the daughter of Dakshathe Progenitor. It may be recalled thatsage Kashyapa is the forefather ofvirtually all the species on this earth,whether plant, animal, human or oth-erwise.

Entranced by the compelling beautyof this celestial creature, the Vasuwoman called her husband and pointedher out to him. The husband Vasu alsojoined his wife to appreciate the charmthat the cow emanated.

�This dark-eyed celestial cow be-longs to the sage Vasishtha,� he saidto his wife. �Emitting motherly be-nevolence, this healthful cow hasall her limbs absolutely perfect. O�look at her beautiful udder, andher perfect tail and hooves. SageVasishtha also owns this sacredjungle along with this ashrama. Ifa man were to drink the milk ofthis cow, he would remain alive andyouthful for no less than ten thousandyears.�

�Dear one,� said the wife, �weshould take away this cow. I long topossess her.�

Vasishtha’s Ire

The husband tried to dissuade her.�What use is this cow to us who are

already gods, not subject to death andold age like the earthlings?�

But the wife would not listen. �Ihave a dear friend in a princess on theearth,� she said. �I want this cow forher. You could please me with nothing

better than this. Pray do take this cowaway for me.�

Seeing that his wife would not giveup her desire, the husband Vasu calledhis other brothers and together theyabducted the cow along with its calf.Blinded by their unseemly urge, theVasus failed to foresee the misfortunethat awaited them.

The cow was essential for sageVasishtha�s Vedic rituals. In due course,he went out in the forest to search forthe cow and the calf but found themnowhere. Then he resorted to his yogicvision and discovered the mischief ofthe Vasus. Anger took over him andinstantaneously the ireful sage cursedthe Vasus thus:

�All Vasus, the abductors of mymatchless cow, would have to be bornas human beings on the earth.�

It was only a sage of Vasishtha�sstature, with tremendous spiritualmerit, who could curse Vasus, thegods. When the Vasus realised theirmistake, it was too late. They camerunning to the ashrama of sageVasishtha and begged his forgiveness.The curse, however, could not be takenback. It could be mollified, though.

�The curse must take effect,� in-sisted the sage. �However, the one ofyou who is the reason for this cursemust stay in the mortal worldfor a long time. The others would

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 13

Dhanishtha in AstrologyPhysical attributes: Four stars; re-

sembling a percussion instru-ment.

Order in the zodiac: Twenty-third.

Ruling deity: Vasus.

Planetary lord: Mars.

Extent in the zodiac: Makara (Capri-corn) 23°20' to Kumbha(Aquarius) 6°40'.

Navamsha signs: Simha (Leo), Kanya(Virgo), Tula (Libra) andVrishchika (Scorpio).

Category: Chara (Chala; movable).

Prescribed deeds: The sacred threadceremony, ornaments, riding,medication, building a house orentry into a new one, sexual act,learning of scriptures, sculpt-ing, dance, artistic pursuits, allpursuits that are quickly accom-plished, travel in all directionsexcept the South.

Significations: Bereft of haughti-ness, the impotent ones, thosewith unstable friendship, t`headulterors, extremely wealthy,of charitable disposition, self-controlled.

Characteristics of the Dhanishthaborn: Of charitable disposition,wealthy, brave and courageous,fond of song and music, anddesirous of wealth.

get released from it, one by oneeach year.�

The sage further continued, �Thisone, living long on the earth, wouldnot procreate. Thoroughly versed in allscriptures, he would give up thepleasures of the bed in order to pleasehis father.�

It was this eighth Vasu, calledPrabhaasa, who was born as the son ofking Shantanu and the goddess Ganga.Devavrata by name, he came to beknown as the renowned Bhishmaafter his vow of celibacy and strictcontinence.

Earthly Events Sown in Heaven

There used to be in ancient times ahighly virtuous king known asMahabhisha. Having performed nu-merous yajnas and other noble deeds,the truthful and valorous king pleasedIndra, the king of the gods, immensely.This earned him a place in heaven, inthe court of Indra.

It once so happened that all the godshad assembled in the presence ofBrahma the Creator. King Mahabhishatoo was present there. In the mean-time, the goddess Ganga came tosee lord Brahma. As if by a cosmicdesign, a draught of wind displacedthe upper garment of the goddess,exposing her lovely body to view.As a matter of propriety, all thegods lowered their looks. However,king Mahabhisha continued to lookat her in appreciation and the goddesstoo didn�t seem to object to it.This infuriated lord Brahma whopronounced a curse upon the king,thus:

�May you go back to be born in theworld of men and return only afterearning sufficient merit. This Ganga,who has stolen your heart, would actcontrary to your wishes there. Onlywhen you are angry at her would theeffect of the curse vanish.�

King Mahabhisha thought of severalnoble kings on the earth. He finallycame to the conclusion that the re-splendent king Prateepa of the Kurudynasty alone deserved to be his fatheron the earth.

At the same time, the goddessGanga returned from Brahma�s pres-ence, the thoughts of the agitated kingMahabhisha tormenting her. As sheproceeded towards her abode, she sawthe Vasu-gods, highly disturbed andovertaken by grief, falling from heaven.She was very concerned.

�How have you all come to thisplight?� enquired goddess Ganga of theVasus. �Something seems disturbinglywrong with the world of the gods.�

The Vasus replied, �O� blessed river-goddess! We are all victims of a cursefrom sage Vasishtha in response to arather minor lapse on our part. Wehappened to trespass into the ashramaof the sage the other day. What is more,we abducted his dear cow and calf.Incensed at this folly of ours, he hascursed us to take human birth.�

The Vasus further continued: �Thecurse of the exalted sage cannot befalsified. We, therefore, have to takehuman birth. However, in order thatwe are not subjected to further humili-ation of being born to the earthlywomanfolk, we request you to takehuman form on the earth and be amother to us.�

Ganga Agrees to Mother the Vasus

The goddess Ganga agreed to be amother to the Vasus. But who coulddeserve to be her husband on theearth?

The Vasus themselves offered thesolution. �King Prateepa would begeta noble and renowned son calledShantanu. We desire that he happensto be our father.�

The goddess agreed, saying, �I am inagreement with you. In the process, Ishall be able to please king Shantanuand to fulfil your desire as well.�

The Vasus further said, �O� goddessGanga! When we take birth, one afterthe other, pray throw us in your ownwaters so that we are released from themortal world instantaneously.

�So be it,� said Ganga. �However, Ido wish that my association with theking does not prove totally fruitless.Therefore, the king must beget at leastone son from me who could live long.�

This suited the Vasus and was inaccordance with the curse pronouncedupon them by the sage Vasishtha. Theysaid to her, �We shall all contribute aneighth fraction of overselves to the lastson that you bear to the king. Valorousand virtuous, he would, however, haveno progeny while he lives in the worldof mortals.�

It was thus that the goddess Gangatook human birth to be a mother to thefallen Vasus and to release them fromthe curse of the sage Vasishtha. In theprocess, she was to fulfil a granddivine purpose for the earthlings. ¦

(To be continued)

14 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

Lagna 29°11' Mars (R) 20°59' Venus 6°54'Sun 23°13' Mercury 28°46' Saturn 20°48'Moon 22°58' Jupiter 23°04' Rahu 6°20'

Birth Chart10

1 74


3 5

12 8



Sun Ketu



Sun Ketu

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Mars (R)Rahu







Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 15


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16 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

Laghu JatakamEnglish Translation and Commentary by Dr. K S Charak


ikrkyfgcqdos'elq[kcU /kqlaKkÜprqFkZHkkoL; Auo&i×pes f=dks.ks uoe{k± f=f=dks.ka p AA16AAShloka 16 : The fourth house is called by thenames Paataala, Hibuka, Veshma, Sukha andBandhu (close relatives). The fifth and theninth houses are called as trikonas, while theninth is (also) called as tri-trikona.

Comments : Here are several synonyms for the fourthhouse. The word meanings indicate the significations ofthis house. Thus �Paataala� is the underworld. The fourthhouse is opposed to the tenth, which is the mid-heaven.�Hibuka� and �Veshma� indicate the home or place ofresidence. The fourth also stands for �Sukha� or comforts,and �Bandhu� or close relatives.

The term �trikona� or trine is used for the houses fiveand nine. In fact, the lagna, the fifth and the ninth areall mutually trinal and fall under the term �trikona�. Theninth is also called �tri-trikona�, a trine�s trine.

/kh% i×pea rrh;a nqfÜpD;a lIrea rq ;kfe=e~ A|wua |qua p r}fPNæe"Vea }kn'ka fj"Qe~ AA17AA

Shloka 17: The fifth house is called as Dhee,the third as Dushchikya, the seventh asYaamitra, Dyoona or Dyuna, the eighth asChhidra and the twelfth as Rishpha.

Comments : Here are the names for some other houses.The fifth indicates �Budhi� (Dhee) or intellect. The thirdindicates courage. The seventh house represents thesexual partner. �Chhidra�, or crevice, is the term for thegenerally secretive eighth house. Loss is indicated by thetwelfth house.

dsUæprq"V;d.VdyXuk·Lrn'keprqFkkZuke~ AlaKk ijr% i.kQjekiksDyhea p rRijr% AA18AAShloka 18: Kendra, Chatushtaya and Kantakaare the terms used for the houses one, four,seven and ten. The next four houses from theseare labelled as Panaphara, while the still nextfour are labelled as Aapokleema.

Comments : Kendras are the houses one, four, seven andten. These are the most important houses in the chart.

1- vFk jkf'kcyk/;k;%I. The Strength of Signs

Of these, the lagna is of prime importance. Together thesehouses are equivalent to the pillars of a horoscope. Theyare also known as Chatushtaya and Kantaka.

The four houses next to the kendras are called asPanaphara. These are thus houses 2, 5, 8 and 11. The lastgroup of four houses, i.e., houses 3, 6, 9 and 12, areknown as Aapokleema.

f="kMsdkn'kn'kekU;qip;HkoukU;rks·U;Fkk·U;kfu AoxksZÙkek uoka'kkÜpjkfn"kq çFkee/;kUR;k% AA19AAShloka 19: The houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are calledas Upachaya while the remaining ones arelabeled otherwise. In the rashis Chara, etc., thevargottama navamshas happen to be (repeat-edly) the first, the middle, and the last.

Comments : Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are labelled asUpachaya houses, or houses indicating expansion orimprovement. These houses are important for materialgains and progress. The remaining houses are called asthe Apachaya or Anupachaya houses. These latterindicate restriction and material loss or wastage, or evenloss of friends.

The term Vargottama is used for the lagna or a graha(planet) when it occupies the same rashi in the navamshachart as it does in the natal chart. In the Chara (movable)rashis, the first navamsha (i.e., the first 3º20') isvargottama. That is, a planet (or the lagna) fallingwithin the first 3º20' of a Chara rashi would fall in thesame rashi in the navamsha chart, and would beconsidered as vargottama. Rashis 1, 4, 7 and 10 areChara rashis.

In the Sthira (fixed) rashis, the middle navamsha (i.e.,the arc 13º20' to 16º40') is vargottama. That is, a planet(or the lagna) falling within 13º20' to 16º40' of a Sthirarashi would fall in the same rashi in the navamsha chart,and would be considered as vargottama. Rashis 2, 5, 8and 11 are Sthira rashis.

In the Dwiswabhava (dual) rashis, the last navamsha(i.e., the arc 26º40' to 30º00') is vargottama. That is, aplanet (or the lagna) falling within 26º40' to 30º00' of aDwiswabhava rashi would fall in the same rashi in thenavamsha chart, and would be considered as vargottama.Rashis 3, 6, 9 and 12 are Dwiswabhava rashis.

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 17

The state of being vargottama confers a lot of strengthon the lagna or the planet. However, being vargottama isonly one factor that confers strength. One has to judgeadditional attendant factors before assessing the resultsof a vargottama planet. Thus a vargottama planet wouldyield different results in different situations like exalta-tion, debilitation, combustion, adverse placement ormalefic/benefic association or aspect.

es"kk|kÜpRokj% l/kfUoedjk% {kikcyk% Ks;k% Ai"Bksn;k fofeFkquk% f'kjlkU;s áqHk;rks ehu% AA20AA

Shloka 20: Four rashis considered from Mesha,and Dhanu as well as Makara are strong duringthe night (the rest attain strength during theday). These, except Mithuna, rise by theirrear ends. The remaining ones rise by theirhead ends. Meena rises both by the head andthe rear.

Comments : The signs Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna, Karka,Dhanu and Makara are considered strong during the night(i.e, from sunset to sunrise). The remaining signs, i.e.,Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrishchika, Kumbha and Meena,attain strength during the day (i.e., from sunset tosunrise). The signs Mesha, Vrisha, Karka, Dhanu andMakara rise in the horizon by their rear ends facing us.The signs Mithuna, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrishchikaand Kumbha rise in the horizon with their head endsfacing us. The sign Meena rises both by the head and therear. This information is useful to understand thecircumstances of child birth. It is also useful in Prashnaor horary astrology.

vto"kexk³~xukdfdZehuofutka'kdsf"ouk|qPpk% An'kf'k[;"Vkfoa'kfrfrFkhfUæ;f=uofoa'ks"kq AA21AA

Shloka 21: Mesha 10º, Vrisha 3º, Mesha 28º,Kanya 15º, Karka 5º, Meena 27º and Tula 20ºrespectively are the points of exaltation for theseven grahas from the Sun onwards.

Comments : Here are given the points of exaltation for theseven planets. Thus, the Sun gets exalted at Mesha 10º,the Moon at Vrisha 3º, Mars at Makara 28º, Mercury atKanya 15º, Jupiter at Karka 5º, Venus at Meena 27º andSaturn at Tula 20º.

A planet in exaltation is considered extremely strong.

mPpkéhpa lIreedkZnhuka f=dks.klaKkfu Aflago`"kktçenk&dkeZqd Hk`ÙkkSfydqEHk/kjk% AA22AA

Shloka 22: The seventh from the point ofexaltation is the site of debilitation. TheTrikonas (Moola-trikonas) for the Sun, etc., are

Simha, Vrisha, Mesha, Kanya, Dhanu, Tulaand Kumbha.

Comments : The site of debilitation of a planet falls in theseventh house from the site of its exaltation. The exactpoint of debilitation of a planet is 180 degrees away fromits exact exaltation. Thus the Sun is debilitated at Tula10º, the Moon at Vrishchika 3º, Mars at Karka 28º,Mercury at Meena 15º, Jupiter at Makara 5º, Venus atKanya 27º and Saturn at Mesha 20º. A planet indebilitation is extremely weak and fails to produce thedesired results.

Another situation of strength for a planet is itsMoolatrikona sign. The Moolatrikona signs for the sevengrahas from the Sun to Saturn are Simha, Vrisha, Mesha,Kanya, Dhanu, Tula and Kumbha. The classics have givenfor each graha a range of degrees which represent itsMoolatrikona arc in a given sign.

Table 9 gives information about exaltation, debilitationand Moolatrikona of grahas.

Table 9: Exaltation, Debilitation andMoolatrikona of Grahas

Grahas Exaltation Debilitation Moolatrikona

1. Sun Mesha 10º Tula 10º Simha 00º-20º2. Moon Vrisha 03º Vrishchika 03º Vrisha 04º-20º3. Mars Makara 28º Karka 28º Mesha 00º-12º4. Mercury Kanya 15º Meena 15º Kanya 16º-20º5. Jupiter Karka 05º Makara 05º Dhanu 00º-10º6. Venus Meena 27º Kanya 27º Tula 00º-15º7. Saturn Tula 20º Mesha 20º Kumbha 00º-20º

x`ggksjkæs"dk.kk uoHkkxks }kn'kka'kdfL=a'k% AoxZ% çR;srO;ks xzgL; ;ks ;L; fufnZ"V% AA23AA

Shloka 23: Of whichever graha the Griha(Lagna), Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha, Dwadas-hamsha and Trimshamsha have been men-tioned, these (six) happen to be the vargas ofthat graha.

Comments : The six divisions described here are the Griha(Lagna), Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha, Dwadashamsha andTrimshamsha. These are called as the vargas. The strengthand disposition of each planet in the different vargasneeds to be assessed in order to make a correct prediction.Parashara makes a mention of a total of sixteen vargas.However, a very accurate recording of birth time isessential if all the sixteen vargas are to be taken intoconsideration. For general predictive purposes, the sixvargas (Shad-vargas) as described by Varahamihirashould suffice.

Sage Parashara also indicates the relative numericalsignificance of each of the six vargas (out of a total valueof 20 units) as follows:

(Continued on page 21)

18 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

AKaraaka planet is one which isresponsible for disbursing all the

good and desirable results to thenative. It is very important to deter-mine the Kaaraka planet in a givenhoroscope.

The terms Kaaraka and Yogakaarakaare often used interchangeably. �Yoga�means union, while �Kaaraka� meansthe executor or the doer. The termYoga-Kaaraka thus means a planet thatmanifests certain favourable results forthe native. The term Raja-yoga Kaarakatoo carries a similar meaning. Incontrast with a Kaaraka, which yieldsgood results, the term Maaraka indi-cates a planet which disburses adverseresults.

Kalyana Varma states in the Saravalithat no astrologer should proceedfurther before determining the Kaaraka.

dkjdHksnks cyoku~ ewya ;ksxs"kq dhfrZrks gfj.kk ArLekr~ QyfunsZ'k% dkjdHksnkfnfHkokZP;% AA

That is: The Kaaraka factor is the basis ofhoroscopy, since the Kaarakas are the rootcause of results emanating from planetarycombinations.

There are many of Parashara�s rulesto decide on the Kaaraka factor. Theseinclude the lagna lord, the lagnanakshatra lord (LNL), the navamshalagna lord, the kendra-trikona lords,etc. Here, however, we intend to pointto certain other useful factors whichare not highlighted in the classics andare, therefore, overlooked by the reader,although they have definite signifi-cance in chart analysis.

Planets in Specific NakshatrasCertain planets in specific nakshatrasproduce Kaaraka results.

� The Moon in any of Ashwini,Krittika, Punarvasu, U. Phalguni,

Some Unknown Dimensionsof KaarakaDr. Suresh Chandra Mishra

U. Ashadha, Vishakha and P.Bhadrapada, when placed in afavourable house, is undoubtedly apowerful Kaaraka. In such a situa-tion, the native becomes powerful,aggressive and dashing in his ac-tions. Such natives are able toovercome many adversities of des-tiny indicated otherwise in the chart.

� The Sun placed in a favourablehouse, like a kendra or a trikona oran Upachaya house, in any ofPushya, U. Phalguni, Moola andRevati, results in yoga during hisdasha.

Ch. Charan Singh (Chart 1), aformer Prime Minister of India, wasborn on December 23, 1902, soonafter sunrise, near Meerut, in Dhanu

(Sagittarius) lagna. The Sun at 8S7º48'is in the Moola nakshatra. The Sundasha (MD) was not supposed tooperate in his lifetime. However, hebecame the Chief Minister of U.P. in1968 when be was running MercuryMD and Sun AD.

� Venus in any of Ashwini, Krittika,Revati, Pushya and Swati in anyhouse yields unconditional yogaeffects.

The noted cine star Nargis (Chart 2)was born on June 1, 1929 at 4:20 hours(IST) at Calcutta. The lagna lord Venusoccupies the twelfth house at 0S5º34',in Ashwini nakshatra. It was in Saturndasha, Venus AD, that she manifestedherself as a capable star and waswidely recognised in her field of work.

� Mars in any of Ashwini, Anuradhaand Dhanishtha gives a strong impe-tus to any other existing good yogas.

Debilitated Planet in Varga Charts

In general, a neecha and combistplanet is considered adverse in Vedicastrology. The scriptures, however,


7 9

Chart 2June 1, 1929







Mer (R)Jupiter

25 11







2 4

Chart 1December 23, 1902








912 6


















Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 19

provide us with certain exceptionswhereby debilitated planets give riseto favourable, sometimes extremelyfavourable, results without there beinga Neecha-Bhanga yoga.

� A debilitated planet, when placedin an auspicious sign in theNavamsha or the Drekkana chart,becomes a powerful Kaaraka.

� When a neecha planet happens tobe in exaltation in the Saptamsha,the Trimshamsha or the Dwa-dashamsha, it produces veryfavourable results.

� A neecha planet, strong in Shadbala,though placed in houses 3, 6 or 8,becomes auspicious if a strong lagnalord aspects the lagna or occupies afavourable house.

The veteran cine actor Ashok Kumar(Chart 3), who just passed away at theage of 90, was born on October 13,1911 at Bhagalpur.

The debilitated lagna lord Saturn inthe third house has a good Shadbala.He earned great name and fame in hisfield of work during the dasha ofSaturn.

� Parashara says that a neecha planetaspecting the lagna yields goodresults. Here is the relevant shloka:

yXua i';fUr ;s [ksVkLrs losZ 'kqHknkf;u% Auhp[ksVksfi lEcU /kkr~ yXua i';sr~ HkosU u`i%AA

That is: A planet aspecting the lagna isauspicious even when it is debilitated. Adebilitated planet becomes a Kaaraka if itforms a relationship (of association oraspect) with the lagna.

The noted actor Amitabh Bachchan(Chart 4), born on October 13, 1942,has a debilitated Venus in the eighthhouse, exalted in the Dwadashamshaand in his own sign in the Navamsha.The lagna lord occupies the fourthhouse and fully aspects the lagnatherefrom. His achievements in hisreal/reel life hardly need any mention.

� When a neecha planet occupies thethird or the eleventh house, while atthe same time the lagna lord aspectsthe lagna or benefics occupy thekendras in the Navamsha chart, the

native becomes a king. This toaccording to the sage Parashara:

rrh;s ykHkxs uhps yXua i';fr yXui%AyXuka'kdsUæs"kq 'kqHks fuxzgkuqxzg{ke%AA

� When the lagna is supported byits lord and the navamsha rashiof the lagna also falls in a kendra,the neecha effect of a planet islost.

The current Chief Minister of thenorthernmost state of Jammu and Kash-mir, Dr. Farook Abdullah (Chart 5) wasborn on October 21, 1937. His lagna is8S18º28'. He has neecha Sun andVenus. However, the lagna lord Jupiteroccupies the lagna while the navamsha

lagna rashi, Kanya or Virgo, falls in akendra from the lagna.

� When a neecha planet is associatedwith or in full mutual aspect withits neecha (debilitation) lord or itsuchcha (exaltation) lord, the neechaeffect is completely lost.

In Chart 1, vide supra, belonging toCh. Charan Singh, Jupiter occupiesMakara, its debilitation rashi, in thesecond house, in association withSaturn, its debilitation lord. This actu-ally forms a Raja-yoga. He became thePrime Minister of India during the MDof Mercury, his tenth lord, and the ADof Saturn. During the same MD earlier,in the AD of Jupiter, he had joined the


4 6

Chart 4October 13, 1942

1 9



LagnaKetu 11

2 85


Sun MarsMer(R) Venus




4 6

Chart 3October 13, 1911

1 9




2 85











(R)Mars Moon





2 4

Chart 5October 21, 1937








912 6








(R)Moon Ketu









20 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

central cabinet as the Home Ministerof India.

Mr. Jyoti Basu (Chart 6), who re-mained the unchallenged Chief Minis-ter of West Bengal for several years,provides another example. Born onJuly 8, 1914, in Simha lagna, he hashis debilitated Jupiter associated withthe Moon, the exaltation lord of Jupi-ter, in the sixth house. His Raja-yogacontinued through Jupiter dasha andhe retired voluntarily in the dasha ofSaturn-Mercury.

Amavasya Birth: Another Exception

Amavasya occurs when the Sun andthe Moon are closely conjunct andthus the Moon is combust. However,the Sun-Moon conjunction in Mesha,or in the first half of Dhanu, removesthe adverse effects of the Amavasya.

The Saravali reveals:

es"ks lglzjf'e% lg 'kf'kuk lafLFkr%djksrh'ke~ A 35-119

Moon in Simha

The Moon in the Simha rashi, or in anyrashi but in Simha navamsha, other-wise well placed, yields very goodresults. This Moon should also have agood amount of Paksha Bala to beeffective. It gives a Raja-yoga if sup-ported by another favourable combi-nation.

Mr. Murali Manohar Joshi (Chart 7),Cabinet Minister in the Central Gov-ernment, born on January 5, 1934, hashis Moon in Simha in the seventhhouse. There is no other planet in theKendras. The lagna is vargottama.

Some special Rules for Kaarkatva

Here are some special rules from thePanchadhyayee, which states:

dqEHkL;k"VesHkkxs f=dks.k;krks fu'kkdjks Hkæ% ADofpnfi iapfoa'ks iapn'ksa·'ks fLFkr'pUæ% AA

dqEHks p iapn'kds lfo'ks"kksFk gjkS iapes lkSE;% AlIreHkkxs es"ks feFkqus p dqt ,dfoa'ksa·'ks AA

That is:

� The Moon in the fifth or the ninth,on the 8th degree in Kumbha rashi,becomes a powerful Kaaraka.

� In the same (Kumbha) rashi, theMoon on the 15th degree has a stillgreater potential beneficence.

� The Moon is also favourable on the15th or the 25th degree of any rashi.

� Mercury on the fifth degree ofSimha, and Mars on the 7th degreeof Mesha or 21st degree of Mithuna,acquire capacity to do good.

Mr. George Fernandes (Chart 8) wasborn on June 3, 1930. He has Mars inthe lagna at 6º59' in Mesha. Mars inMesha lagna is otherwise also a naturalRaja-yoga Kaaraka. The Moon in Simhaenhances the benefic effect. He waselected, and became a cabinet minis-ter, for the first time in 1977 when he

was running the Vimshottari dasha ofMars-Moon.

Combust Planets

� A combust planet does not lose anyof its effects pertaining to its houselordship or its aspect.

� A planet combust due to its closeproximity to the Sun loses some ofthe results of its house placement.

� A combust planet yields better re-sults pertaining to its house ofoccupation, during its MD/AD, ifassociated with several strongplanets.

� Mercury loses least of its benevo-lence when combust.


4 6

Chart 7January 5, 1934






2 85





10 12

Chart 6July 8, 1914






58 2






6 8

Chart 8June 3, 1930






14 10



Moon Ketu

MoonJupiter (R)

Mercury (R)Venus








Mars VenusSaturnRahu











Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 21

� A combust Moon causes illness,often serious or even fatal, when itfalls in Karka navamsha along withthe Sun.

� In general, a combust planet whichis well placed in divisional charts,yields favourable results pertainingto its own house or the houseaspected by it.

Kaarakatva: Special Rules ofParashara

Here are some important rules fromParashara :

� When the same planet, being strong,aspects the lagna, the Hora lagna,the Bhava lagna and the Ghati lagna,or any two of these lagnas, itbecomes a potential Kaaraka. This isaccording to the following shloka:

Hkkogksjk?kVhyXulaKkfu p çi';fr ALoksPpxzgks jkt;ksxks yXu};eFkkfi ok AA

� Any planet aspecting the lagna ofany two or three of the chartsLagna, Drekkana, Dwadashamsha,and the other prominent divisions(Amshas of the rashi), i.e., the

Saptamsha, the Trimshamsha, theShashtyamsha, etc., confers on thenative the best of yoga effects. Forthe text states:

jk'ks æs"dk.krksa·'kkPp jk'ksja'kknFkkfi ok A;n~ok jkf'kndk.kkH;ka yXun"Vk rq ;ksxn% AA

� It may also be relevant here, in thelight of the above9 dicta, to pointout that Parashara and other seershad a clear concept that Drishti(or aspect) is applicable to thedivisional charts as much as to theLagna chart. ¦

Varga Relative Value

1. Griha/Lagna 62. Hora 23. Drekkana 44. Navamsha 55. Dwadashamsha 26. Trimshamsha 1

Total 20 units

This means that predictions should not be made onthe basis of the Lagna chart alone. At least the above

six vargas must be considered, and each varga giventhe relative importance as indicated by sage Parashara.Certainly, no predictions should be made withoutat least considering the Navamsha along with theLagna chart.

bfr Jhojkgfefgjfojfprs y?kqtkrds jkf'kcyk/;k;% çFke%

Thus ends the first chapter of the Laghu Jatakam ofVarahamihira titled �The Strength of Signs�. ¦

(To be continued)

Laghu Jatakam (Continued from page 17)

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22 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

He carried night soil, he was im-mune from the foulest, most

nauseating of smells emanating fromrotting garbage dumps which he vis-ited several times a day with trolleyafter trolley of the litter, cow dung,horse dung, and much else painstak-ingly swept up from his stretch ofroad. Everybody agreed that thoughRatti Ram the sweeper literally handleddirt, he had a heart of gold. If he foundsome unfortunate beggar scroungingfor scraps amongst the garbage andrubbish dump, he would, withouthesitation, take credit from the chai(tea) shop owner and hand it over tothe overjoyed beggar. If he found aninjured or abandoned animal, he wouldpick it up and take it home or leave itat our home. He�d once taken home aneagle which had somehow damagedits wing, and looked after it till it couldfly again. If a woman in his biradari(community) was beaten up by adrunken husband, he would offer hershelter for the night.

A widower in his late fifties, RattiRam was the pradhan (headman) ofthe sweepers community down onKanwali Road. And once he changedout of his often ragged, none too cleansweeper�s clothes, what an impressivepradhan he made. His greying hair andbushy salt and pepper moustachecoupled with his dignified bearing andgentle smile commanded immediaterespect. In the evenings, while his twodaughters prepared dinner and his twosons fetched water and lit the kerosenelantern, he would sit on a cot outsidehis neat little mud house and holdcourt as he drew deeply on a hookah(hubble bubble).

And whenever theMunicipal Corpora-tion and the sweep-ers got into a con-frontation, Ratti Ramwould be at the fore-front. Playing therole of a statesmanto the hilt, he wouldprotect the rights anddemands of his fel-low sweepers evenas he held open thedoor for negotiations.He usually managedto guide the stale-mate to a finale inwhich both the Mu-nicipal officers andthe sweepers feltthey had won thebattle.

He was at theheight of his glorywhen tragedy struck Ratti Ram. Hewas knocked down by a speedingtruck while he was sweeping the roadon a cold, misty winter morning. Intime, Ratti Ram�s fractured legs healed,but not completely, and in his crippledstate, he could no longer carry out hisduties as a sweeper effectively. Walk-ing even a hundred yards brought onthe pain. The cot outside his muddwelling became his permanent refugeas his sons stepped into his shoes andtook over the stretch of road which hadbeen Ratti Ram�s domain for so long.But the sons couldn�t match the qualityof work which had been Ratti Ram�shallmark, and our staircase which hadbeen spick and span with the banistersshining brightly during Ratti Ram�s

The Sweeper�s Ghost

Stories from Veenu Sandal

From the Realm of spirits 12

tenure was now dusty more often thannot. We all missed Ratti Ram � hiswork as well as his personality � andevery morning, his sons, Satpal andMahinder, were greeted by what soonbecame a standard query : �How isRatti Ram?�

One morning, Satpal and Mahinderfailed to come on duty : they werebusy, we learnt later, with the funeralpreparations for Ratti Ram who haddied during the night. Many suspectedthat Ratti Ram died of a broken heartat his virtual immobility. Even as wemourned the passing away of a goodman, we began noticing changes. Longbefore Satpal and Mahinder arrivedwith their long brooms and the trun-dling trolley, the road would be swept

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 23

clean, our staircase would be spickand span, the banisters would beshining. And every time we wouldbegin to exclaim, �Surely, this is RattiRam�s handiwork�, we would biteback the words, because Ratti Ram wasdead. And despite the strange timingof the improvements around, we wouldreassure ourselves with an AgathaChristie-like line, �Dead men don�tsweep.� But it was almost as if RattiRam was determined to prove that hewas still a force to reckon with. Abouta fortnight after he died and the qualityof sweeping and cleaning improved

He was obnoxious. And he hadsome appalling ideas about hy-

giene. A waiter in an unpretentiouslittle eating house near the railwaystation in Dehra Dun, Biru had aremarkable sense of timing. He wouldstick his forefinger into his nose just ashe was about to place whatever youhad ordered on the table. He wouldscratch his crotch with a spoon andthen put it right back with the otherclean spoons. He would happily wipethe sweat and grime off his face witha napkin and then promptly use thesame napkin to wipe plates.

He was also lecherous. Whenever abuxom, well endowed lady enteredPeshawri Hotel, as the eating joint wascalled, he would stare unabashedly atcertain places and then, when puttingdown the plates, would pretend to beclumsy and give her a dig with hiselbow, never mind the presence of theunfortunate lady�s escort. Biru�s galland lust knew no bounds and he wassoon boasting that he would soon �lay�every servant girl in the vicinity andtheir mistresses too whenever he gota chance.

Embarrassed and fed up, the ownerof Peshawri Hotel sacked Biru, wholost no time in joining a gang of opiumsmugglers who obtained the drug in itsraw form from the poppy fields in

mountain villages beyond the beauti-ful hill station of Chakrata. In just acouple of months, Biru, the one timeunkempt waiter, transformed himselfinto a replica of a movie hero. Thesmall hotels near the railway stationcontinued to be his favourite haunts.But expensive clothes, expensiveshoes, expensive perfumes and expen-sive girls became his trademarks. Hewalked with a swagger and spoke withan insolent drawl and it was whisperedthat he never kept a girl with him formore than one week. Rumour also hadit that the girls, after several nights ofdebauchery, dissappeared mysteriously,but nobody could say whether theywere murdered or simply left whereverthey had been picked up originally.

One day, Biru himself dissappeared.Some thought he�d gone to Bombay,the glamour city of movies, whileothers thought he may be on the runfrom the police. Most people heaved asigh of relief at his departure and hewas quickly forgotten. About a fort-night after his absence was noticedby people in the area, Shyam Lal,our chowkidar�s fourteen year old son,came to me with a strange story. Biruhad been murdered, he said, stabbedrepeatedly in the stomach, and hisbody had been doubled up and dia-bolically shoved into a large plastic

Punishment for the Murderers

remarkably, we were surprised to finda puppy with a broken leg whiningoutside our door. The chowkidarswore nobody had come up thestairs. A few days later, we found abedraggled, half dead bat baby lefton a piece of paper outside the door.My father became suspicious, and wedecided to keep a vigil. At the crackof dawn, just after the chowkidar left,we heard footsteps coming up thestairs and then the unmistakable soundof a broom. It was Ratti Ram backat work, and we�ve heard the ghostlyfootsteps and the invisible broom

drum which contained liquid ammo-nia, and that�s why nobody had beenable to smell his dead body. My parentswere in Delhi at that time, and ShyamLal had been on duty almostcontinously at our flat, otherwise, de-spite his age, despite his obvious terror,I may well have suspected him ofhaving a hand in the alleged murder.Shyam Lal�s terror arose not so muchfrom the thought of the murder butfrom his encounter at night with thedead Biru who had instructed himclearly and explicitly to inform theArhat Bazaar police station. Unfortu-nately, Shyam Lal wasn�t told or couldn�tremember where the liquid ammoniadrum containing Biru could be found.The police fanned out and beganmaking enquiries. A day later, afterchecking several drums, the �hunted�drum was found, and Biru�s disfiguredbody was pulled out with great diffi-culty. It didn�t take long for the policeto track down Biru�s murderers andbust a gang, albiet minor, of drugtraffickers. Nobody came forward toclaim Biru�s body and his remainswere, after the post mortem, crematedby the police and a charitableorganisation. But the story doesn�tend here. Biru appeared before ShyamLal again and assured him of helpanytime after Shyam Lal too crossedover to the world of the dead. Death,obviously, is no barrier to taking re-venge or showing gratitude. ¦

ever since whenever we�ve been up atthe first light of dawn. Barely twoyears ago, on a day when the rain washammering incessantly on the roofand the rain waters on the road wereswirling as if the rain gods had forgot-ten to attend to the flood gates, a tinyblack kitten with a mangled ear meow-ing piteously was left at our door.And I now know one thing for sure :death doesn�t change the qualities ofyour heart. A salute to you, Ratti Ram:as you were in life, so you are afterdeath. Gentle. Conscientious. A soulwho still cares. ¦

24 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

Vedic astrology places great impor-tance on the groundbreaking for a

building. Though there was appar-ently no ceremony for such a ground-breaking of the World Trade Center,there is documentation for the start ofwork on actual groundbreaking. In theNew York Times dated August 6, 1966(p. 21, column 3), this small headlineappeared: �Jackhammers Bite Pave-ment to Start Trade Center Job.� Thelead sentence reads as follows: �Theearly morning quiet along the Hudsonriver waterfront was shattered yester-day as construction began on the $525million World Trade Center.�

Upon further investigation, I foundthat construction workers in New YorkCity usually begin work between 7 and8 AM at the latest, breaking for luncharound 11 AM, finishing up between3 and 4 PM. Given that this was thefirst day of construction, with the needto assign workers� tasks and lay outequipment � very likely workers ar-rived around 7 AM and began theactually groundbreaking within thenext 15 to 30 minutes maximum. Ihave rectified the chart to 7:17 AMEDT; August 5, 1966; NYC.

In establishing the birth chart of theWTC, I would hold that that momentwas more important astrologically thanthe other various dates that occurredlater. All of this was preceded bylegislation passed in February�March1962 by the states of NY and NJ,clearing the way for the building ofthe WTC. Other relevant dates have todo with the start of steel construction(August 1968), the first tenant occu-pancy at the North Tower (December1970), and the first tenant occupancyof the South Tower (January 1972). Aribbon cutting ceremony was held onApril 4, 1973, but this was well afterthe buildings started to be tenanted.

Furthermore, as there was consider-able controversy around many factorsto do with acquiring the land inManhattan, the building and thearchitecture of the WTC, no doubt anypublic celebration of the WTC wasgeared to minimize the initial opposi-tion to the project. (In the early yearsthere was even difficulty in findingtenants to fill the WTC. After severalyears, the New York State governmenttook over 40 floors.)

The Vedic chart for 7:17 AM EDT onFriday, August 5, 1966 has an Ascen-dant of 4:07 Leo � the sign of majestyand magnificence. The Moon is at 4:10Pisces, almost exactly on the 8th housecusp � an ill omen to start � especiallytightly conjunct Saturn at 5:47 Pisces.Mars-Venus-Jupiter in Punarvasunakshatra in the sign of Gemini (11thhouse) would seem fine, except thatMars, the karaka (significator) of realestate is losing a planetary war withVenus. A planetary war occurs whentwo planets are within one degree ofconjunction in the same sign. (OnlyMars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, andSaturn qualify for a planetary war.)Venus wins the war in this case due toits greater brightness in the heavens, aswell as being of advanced degree oflongitude over Mars. And as the war-rior planet � it does not tend tosurrender gracefully. Notice the wartakes place in the sign of Gemini,where Mars battles over ideas andinformation. Mars in Gemini is in thesign of its planetary enemy Mercury.The current eclipse axis is Gemini-Sagittarius, from August 31, 2000through March 2, 2002. Note also thaton the day of the attack September 11,2001, Mars-Ketu in Sagittarius wastransiting opposite Moon-Rahu-Jupiterin Gemini. Mars-Ketu is explosive infiery Sagittarius, especially in Mula

nakshatra, and Rahu-Jupiter in Geminidesignates the religious fanatic, espe-cially in Ardra nakshatra.

Though the WTC Ascendant is in afixed sign, it is notable that no planetsare either in fixed signs or in earthsigns. This would lend greater stabilityand longevity to the building. To havelasted a little over 35 years from thetime of groundbreaking, I assign theWTC Navamsha Ascendant to thefixed sign of Taurus. In the Navamshachart, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter aresituated in Taurus, with Moon andSaturn in the 4th house in Leo. Thedashas that occurred up through lateMay 2001 were Saturn and Mercuryrespectively. Ketu dasha began May28, 2001, according to the 7:17 AMchart. Ketu is Ava Yogi planet, a planetthat can cause misfortune to the indi-vidual or entity with this birth chart.In the Bhava chart (i.e., equal housechart from the Ascendant degree),Ketu falls in the 4th house of real estate� an even worse omen for Ketu dashaand the well-being of the WTC. Theexact sub-period on September 11,2001 was Ketu-Ketu-Saturn, an un-stable sub-period in an unstable dasha.

There is an arresting resonancebetween this WTC chart and that ofthe Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.That chart is for September 27, 1996,Kabul, Afghanistan. The time is un-known, so I have used 12 noon localtime. There is � similarly � a closeMoon-Saturn conjunction in Piscesjust following a lunar eclipse at 10:28Pisces at 7:21 AM local Kabul time thesame day. In each case the Moon-Saturn combination falls in thenakshatra of Uttara Bhadra, known as�the warrior star� and associated withpeople who are fiercely protective inlooking after those close to them.

The Taliban takeover chart for Sep-tember 27, 1996 shows Moon-Saturn-Ketu in Pisces opposite Sun-Rahu inVirgo. Jupiter is the 5th planet in a dualsign, at 14:53 Sagittarius. The onlyplanet in a fixed sign is Mercury, at25:13 Leo. Currently, the USA is

World Trade Center ChartEdith Hathaway

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 25

completing its military attack on theTaliban regime of Afghanistan. TheBush administration believes theTaliban regime is indirectly respon-sible for the WTC attack � for itsharboring and protection of OsamaBin Laden in Afghanistan since 1996.Whatever the case, Moon-Saturn inPisces shows the suffering of thepeople. The new post-Taliban govern-ment was sworn on December 22,2001. A 12 noon chart gives anAscendant of 10:09 Pisces, Moon at00:32 Pisces, and seven planets indual signs � all except vargottamaMars in Aquarius and vargottamaSaturn in Taurus in mutual aspect.Mars and Saturn in fixed signs maynot be enough to promise longevityfor this new regime, though itdoes promise a mighty struggle forforeign dominance over the future ofAfghanistan � no doubt due to itsgeographical proximity to the phe-nomenally large oil reserves beneaththe Caspian Sea. ¦

Lagna 4°05' Mars 2330' Venus 24°23'Sun 1912' Mercury(R) 7°17' Saturn(R) 5°47'Moon 4°10' Jupiter 26°35' Rahu 27°58'



10 12

GroundbreakingAugust 5, 1966

7:17 hours EDTNew York

7 3




58 2



7 9


4 12






25 11



MoonSaturn (R)


















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26 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2


Astrology is an ancient and divinescience. It has survived and expandedover the entire existence of mankind.Why then is a debate needed overwhat is getting changed in astrology inthe 21st century?

Basically astrology is a study of theheavens and an attempt to relatecelestial phenomena with events onearth, both at an individual as wellas a global level.

Interpretations have been definedby our seers in the form of a numberof dicta expressed as shlokas andaphorisms.

These are valid for ALL time and donot get altered through our definitionsof the millenium.

However, the interpretation of thesame aphorisms has to be adapted tomodern times and changed livingconditions usually expressed as DESHA,KAALA, AND PAATRA.

We shall try to examine the changesin lifestyles and the human conditiondue to technology and other factorsinfluencing the demands for astrologi-cal counselling in the 21st century andhow we as a community need to gearourselves up for performing our rolesatisfactorily.

Changes Driven by Technology

We are living in the space age.Permanent stations have already

been set up at the poles. Astronautshave been orbiting the earth for ex-tended periods of time. In the not toodistant future space stations are likelyto be established on the moon andmaybe in deep space.

It is time for astrologers to startthinking about the lagna as well as the

interpretation of horoscopes in suchsituations.The Prasna chart is prob-ably of more urgent relevance.

There has been a revolution in thefield of communication.

In these days of instant everythingthe astrologer may also have to modifythe approach to the interpretationand evaluation of charts as less cluespertaining to omens (shakunas) may beavailable. This is because questionsare being increasingly posed over thetelephone, through e-mail and shortlypossibly via video-telephone.

As a consequence of better commu-nications faster responses are alsodemanded of the astrologer.

There is also likely to be a changein the type of questions asked of theastrologer. A few examples may be:

a. Can you select a muhurta for re-entry of a space vehicle?

b. Can you provide a suitable muhurtafor advanced biotechnology ex-periments?

Mundane AstrologySeveral parts of the world are devas-tated by earthquakes every year andseismological inputs do not appear tobe adequate both in terms of accu-rately predicting the time factor as wellas intensities to take precautionarymeasures. An addition of astrologicalinputs could probably significantlyimprove the situation. In order toincorporate these inputs there has tobe acceptance of the relevance ofastrological inputs which can happenonly with an attitudinal change at thegovernmental level. Significant impactof astrological parameters cannot beassessed by individual contributionsbut by a systematic and organised

approach with enormous institutionalsupport.

Weather prediction is also an areawhere astrological inputs could pro-vide good support to the meteorologi-cal department . Of late there hasbeen some improvement in weatherprediction in the short term throughsatellite pictures and analysis usinglarge data bases.

Nevertheless precise guidance isstill elusive. The direction of a stormand wind speeds are forecast whichfrequently fail to cross the coast at theappropriate place or the cycloneabruptly changes its mind and movesin an unexpected direction. Astrologi-cal inputs pertaining to those exactlocations may probably improve re-sults.

Also astrology could provide longterm forecasts say, over the next de-cade which satellite information cer-tainly cannot cover.

National leaders could make gooduse of mundane astrological inputsregarding the general helath of thenation and specific problem areaswhich may arise during a given periodof time.

Spiritual Rejuvenation

There appears to be an enhancedinterest worldwide in spiritual matterseven amongst the youth. The westappears to be getting disillusionedwith materialism and is turning to theeast for guidance in matters outsidethe �see and touch� world.

The question of human evolutionin a conscious manner by choice isbeing seriously studied. Till now evo-lution occurred in stages governedmainly by the demands of the environ-ment and the role selected for homo-sapiens.

In this area astrology has a majorrole in not only providing an insightinto the current level of spiritualevolution of an individual but alsoproviding guidance on the best path inthe current lifetime for rapid advance-ment in the spiritual dimension.

Astrology in the Twenty-FirstCenturyS N Tekur

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 27

Some interesting work has beendocumented by several astrologicalsavants looking at Rahu and Ketu asthe karmic control planets and asindicators of the current life learningand mission. The general dispositionof planets also gives important clues asto the directions that are suitable for asoul at its current state.

Extra Saturnine Planets

Our seers do not seem to be unawareof the extra-saturnine planets.

One conjecture is that the effects ofthe extra-saturnine planets have beenaccounted more effectively throughthe influences of Rahu and Ketu. Whenour seers could consider the effects ofthe upagrahas which are synonymouswith the moons around the majorplanets they certainly knew about Ura-nus, Neptune, Pluto and maybe severalyet undiscovered planets. Some re-searchers have tried to define thehouse lordships and Karakatvas of theseplanets. From western astrology it ap-pears as though these planets may beused only to more systematically elabo-rate the current situation exemplifiedby Desha, Kaala and Paatra stated inour literature.

Expectations from the NewGeneration Astrologer

In the not too distant past the demandsmade of the astrologer were nottoo stringent. With increased generalawareness the expectations haverisen very sharply.

Previously, an astrologer was con-sidered competent if he was able todraw up a decent looking chart andmake a few pronouncements withadequate seriousness. However, intoday�s world of computerised astrol-ogy detailed charts with all possiblediagnostic tools are available at thepress of a button. The astrologer isexpected to correlate all the informa-tion and integrate all the differenttechniques to provide a much moreauthentic review of the current prob-lems of his client and suggest bettercourses of action than was hithertopossible. The 21st century astrologer

needs to increase not only his profi-ciency in analysis but also his credibil-ity by providing value added services.A more detailed explanation is de-manded together with probably newerand more acceptable remedial mea-sures which provide better insightsinto the mechanisms involved in theirmethod of operation.

For instance, the rashi and navamshacharts together with the current dashaand bhukti was considered adequateto provide counselling.

Now, apart from the bhava charts,the divisional charts are consideredmore or less essential. The ashtakavargabindus, shadbala and bhava bala to-gether with annual charts are routinelyused. There appears to be considerableinterest in different dasha systemswhich could be adopted based on theconditions of birth as well as verifica-tion through past events.

Relationship of the auric levels withthe planetary strengths indicated bythe shadbalas and use of colour aswell as alternate healing techniquessuch as reiki, meditation, etc., need tobe examined.

Expert Systems and ArtificialIntelligence

The intuitive factor can never bereplaced in the astrological domain.However, just as the power of thecomputer is currently being effectivelyused to enhance the utility of astrologyby relieving the astrologer of routinecomputation and giving him moretime for analysis, it is possible toconsider using newer techniques suchas expert systems and artificial intelli-gence to enhance the quality of coun-selling . In expert systems, the meth-ods of integration and analysis usedby masters in the field are carefullystudied and mimicked using advancedsoftware. This requires close interac-tion between the software specialistsand astrologers with high standing andacknowledged as masters. This pro-cess is not far different from currentefforts to integrate Sanskrit studies andthe rich knowledge base of the Vedasthrough computers.

However, for any such efforts tobecome meaningful and effective it isnecessary for the scientific communityto accept and become more deeplyinvolved in astrology. The stigma at-tached to overt involvement in astrol-ogy by leaders of the scientific commu-nity should be overcome.


An attempt has been made to visualisethe trends towards basic changes aswell as applications of astrology in the21st century.

There cannot be any fundamentalchanges as this science has alreadytaken into account all possible correla-tions between mankind, other lifeformsand the eternal celestial drama. Popu-lar debate on the implications of the so-called 13th rashi are merely attemptsby vested interests to create confusionin the minds of the general populace.

Twenty-first century astrology hasto adapt itself to changes in socialstructure, lifestyles, and new demandsfor guidance both at individual as wellas organisational and state levels. Therehas to be a higher level of integrationin all facets of life to which modernastrology has to cater.

Hopefully astrological inputs willalso be one of the parameters inanalysis and decision making at vari-ous levels of organisations and govern-ment when due recognition is forth-coming to this field in the newmillenium. ¦

Dr. Suresh Chandra MishraJyotish Acharya, M.A. Ph.D.,

a well knownholistic astrolo-ger, author andpalmist is avail-able for sincereand outstand-ing astrologicalguidance at :

Vedic Astro India4732 Dayanand Road21 Darya Ganj, New Delhi -110 002, India.

Phone : 91-11-325 4636, 327 8069E-mails : :

28 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2

Lessons in PalmistryVinay Aditya


The most important part ofCheiromancy is the study of lines

on the hands. We have, in the previouslessons, discussed Cheirognomy whichis the study of mounts on the palm. Notwo hands are alike, not even of thetwins. In fact no two hands are alikeeven if they belong to one and the sameperson. Most often, the left hand issignificantly different from the right. Asmentioned by Cheiro, there is an oldsaying on this point: 'The left is the handwe are born with; the right is the handwe make�. Therefore, the left hand is theinherited one showing the subconsciousmind and natural characteristics of theperson and the right hand shows thediscipline, training, learning, environ-ment, experience and the traits theperson has acquired since birth. Forthis reason, the right hand changes morefrequently and reflects the consciousand the operative mind.

Major lines do not change signifi-cantly but minor lines come and go.They represent the hopes and frustra-tions, the present circumstances, thefuture planning and coming events. Intraditional Indian palmistry, the lefthand was given more importance forwomen and the right hand for men.But in our experience, we have foundthat even for women, the right handshould be given more importance whilereading the hands, since the modernwoman is also an entity that is thinking,learning, evolving, managing and plan-ning all the time. And these changesare better reflected in the right hand.The fact that women�s left side of thebrain (intuitional side) is more devel-oped than the man�s, is not importanthere. After all most women are alsoright handed just as most men are. Forleft handed men and women, the lefthand may be seen more closely.

If the right hand is better marked thanthe left hand, it means that the personhas improved since birth and is living

upto his fuller potential. Events markedin both hands are surer to happen as thesub-conscious and the conscious mindare operating in tandem.

Major Lines in the Hand

There are five major lines and severalminor lines in the hand. Minor linesmay not be found in a great majorityof hands. It is not necessary that evenall the major lines are present inevery hand.

1. The Line of Life : Starting from underthe mount of Jupiter it encircles themount of lower Mars and the mountof Venus. Its exact course on the handgives vital clue about the health andvitality of the person. Though diseaseis seen from every part of the handbut it must have a correspondingmark on the life-line too. Astrologersrelate it akin to Lagna and Lagnesha.

For any line to indicate the bestresults, it should be long, narrow anddeep, pinkish in colour, withoutirregularities, breaks or crosses. A life-line like this promises long life, goodhealth and strong vitality.

If the life-line starts from the baseof the mount of Jupiter instead ofthe side of the palm, it means that theperson has been quite ambitious rightfrom the beginning.

2. The Line of Head: Its normal startingpoint is the same as that of life-linebut it travels across the palm anddivides the palm in two parts. Itnormally ends below the mount ofMercury or, if a little short, below themount of the Sun. Line of head primarilyindicates the mentality of the subject,intellectual strength or weakness, levelof concentration, and quality and direc-tion of thinking. It is extremely impor-tant to realise that the samehead-line will give vastly different indi-cations as per the type of hand. Lineof head, when straight, clear, unmarked,

indicates practical commonsense and alove of material things. If it is slopingtowards the end, it denotes imaginativemind as opposed to practical mind. Ifthe line is sloping right from its start,there is a leaning towards imaginativework in accordance with the type ofhand, like music, painting, literature ormechanical inventions. When the line istoo sloping (drooping towards the mountof the Moon, it denotes romance, ideal-ism divorced from pragmatism, andBohemianism. Ending in a fine forkwill mean literary talent of the imagina-tive kind. If rest of the hand alsoindicates so, too drooping a line endingon the mount of the Moon indicatessuicidal tendencies. When the life-lineand Head line are closely connected inthe beginning, the life is guided byreason, but the subject is extremelysensitive about one�s self. He is also verycautious in all enterprises related to self.

When the space between life-line andhead-line is medium (1 to 4 mm), thesubject feels free to carry out his plansas per his thinking and ideas. Thisspacing also denotes self-reliance, en-ergy, quick decisions and a strong go-ahead spirit.

But if the space between life-lineand head-line is too wide (5mmand more), it indicates all the abovequalities in excess: overconfidence, fool-hardiness, impulsiveness, jumping to

Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 29


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conclusions without paying attentionto reason. Such people specialise in�act first, think later�.

When the head-line is very high inthe hand so that the space between itand heart-line is too narrow, it meansthat the head will rule over heartcompletely if that line is the strongest,and vice versa.

3. The Line of Heart: It starts from themount of Jupiter (or in its vicinity) andtravels across the palm, under themounts, up to the percussion. This linereveals not only the muscular and vitalstrength and action of the heart itselfbut as a result of these conditions alsothe strength and character of love andaffection. The heart-line is a repositoryof our love affairs and emotional en-tanglements as also of our heart-breaks.When it runs clear and deep with goodpink colour (not red, not white), itindicates a well adjusted, emotionallysatisfied sympathetic, warm hearted in-dividual.

When the line rises from the middleof mount of Jupiter it denotes develop-ment of the sentimental and idealisticside of the affections. Such a man isfirm, strong and reliable in his affec-tions. He does not marry beneath hisstation and will rarely have extra-maritalrelationships. The idea of love is heavilytinged with sensualism and selfgratification in preference to mutual

satisfaction for a man whose heart-linestarts from the middle of mount ofSaturn. Such people place minimalvalue at fore-play in sexual practices. Ifthe line of heart rises from between thetwo fingers or mounts, it indicates�middle ground�� idealism in love withpractical and commonsensical attitude.

4. The Line of Fate: This line is variouslyknown as the line of destiny or Satur-nine line. It starts from the wrist andtraverses upto (or in the direction of)the mount of Saturn. This line indicates�material success� and some authors callit the 'satisfaction derived from materialpossessions'. All events related to pro-fessional rise and fall are best indicatedon this line. When fate-line rises fromthe wrist upwards and goes unhinderedupto the mount of Saturn, it indicatesextremely good fortune and success inall enterprise. If this line rises fromthe mount of the Moon, success willbe dependent on the help, fancy andcaprice of other people. In a woman�shand such a fate-line may mean mar-riage in a wealthy family or assistancefrom some one influential. If the fate-line rises from life-line it denotes suc-cess through hard work and personalmerit. If it is entwined with the life-linein the beginning, it means that the earlyperiod of one�s life has been sacrificedto the wishes of parents or relatives. Afate-line that terminates on the mount of

Jupiter is a sign of great success andachievement and realisation of one�sambitions.

5. The line of Sun: It runs from the wristto the mount of the Sun but only in arare hand does it appear full length.Often it is short and appears only abovethe heart-line. This line is also knownas the line of Apollo or line of Fame.According to Benham its most appropri-ate name should be line of capability(or possibility). Those who have thisline well marked have a certain talent,brilliance or facility to shine in �some�sphere of life. It is wrong to say thatthis line always denotes artistic pursuitand fame as many authors would likeus to believe. Which sphere of lifethe person is likely to be successful inwill be indicated by the type of handand whether he belongs to mental,practical or material world. This lineacts as a sister-line to the fate-lineand it augments the weaknesses of thefate-line. This line is not necessarilypresent in the hands of successfulpeople, but when it is present itsurely makes success easier to achievedue to the innate brilliance of thesubject.

The major lines undergo transforma-tions in their indications according toseveral modifiers. That will make thesubject matter of a separate lesson. ¦

(To be continued)

30 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2


Promise of Marriage: In the chartunder consideration, the seventh lordis in the sign of a benefic Jupiter.Two natural benefics, viz., Mercuryand Jupiter, tenant the seventh housefrom the lagna. Also the influenceof ninth lord Mercury and fifthlord Saturn on the seventh housecan be considered to be a positiveinfluence.

The sign falling in the seventhhouse of the navamsha chart is Tula(Libra), the sign of Venus, the naturalsignificator for marriage. Venus is wellplaced in the natal chart in its ownsign Vrisha (Taurus) in the seventhfrom the Moon. So no doubt, marriageseems to be promised to the subject.

Delay in marriage: The marriage isbound to be delayed due to thefollowing reasons:

1. The delaying planet Saturn isaspecting the seventh house fromthe ascendant.

Prize Winning Entry: Quiz No. 2

2. The seventh lord of the natal chartMars is in a mutual aspect withSaturn in the navamsha chart. Thisis one of the most important fea-tures of the horoscope in relation tothe marriage.

3. The seventh lord of the navamshachart is Venus. It occupies Aquariusthe Badhaka rashi (the sign ofobstruction) for the Aries ascen-dant. It may be noted that Saturn,the Badhakadhipati, is aspectingVenus in the navamsha chart.

Discord is bound to be there onaccount of following reasons:

1. The Moon is in fall in the secondhouse representing family. Classicsterm a debilitated planet as chhidra-graha which means that the planetis capable of causing quarrels, dis-sensions and strife.

2. The eighth house and discord: Theeight house in a chart merits specialattention since it has a say inbickerings and discords. The eighth

is simultaneously ruled and occu-pied by Venus, the significator ofmarriage and is aspected by thedebilitated Moon, clearly indicatingquarrels with the spouse.

3. In my personal studies, I have al-ways noted that the presence of theSun and Mars in the fifth from theascendant or the Moon sign is a sureindicator of ego clashes in marriedlife. In the case under review, theSun-Mars conjunction occurs in thefifth from the Moon sign.

4. Exchange of signs between the sixthlord Jupiter and the seventh lordMars is not a positive augury for aharmonious married life, since itlinks the house of strife and hostil-ity with the seventh house of mar-riage. The presence of Mercury inthe seventh house being the twelfthlord is also a negative factor.

5. The seventh lord of the natal chartis Mars. It obtains an inimical signVirgo in the navamsha chart. This isa pointer towards inimical termswith the spouse. Mars aspecting thenavamsha lagna from the sixth houseis also a bad situation.

6. The conjunction of the seventh lordMars with the eleventh lord Sun(the multiplier) in the dual signPisces indicates multiplicity in rela-tionships with or without marriage.

Considering all these factors, it can beconcluded that the horoscope prom-ises a delayed marriage tending to-wards denial.

The native was of the marriageableage in Mercury's dasha but due to suchstrong delaying factors it must nothave taken place. Ketu normally doesnot give marriage. It is rather known tosever the ties that already exist. Mar-riage is possible in the Venus mahadahabeginning in May 1998. If marriagedoes take place bickerings and discordare almost inevitable. ¦

Lagna 20°59'41" Mars 9°07' Venus 4°06'Sun 18°35' Mercury 6°03' Saturn 7°32'Moon 9°34' Jupiter 4°07' Rahu 12°23'

Birth Chart7

10 41


12 2





Sun Mars Venus










MercuryJupiter Venus Rahu

The following response to Quiz Contest no.2 published in the Vedic Astrology (Vol.5 No.52001 was found the most appropriate. We congratulate Ms Madhu N. Nair of Trivadrum( Subscription No. 1702) who wins the astrology software, Parashara Light Academic,as a prize.

Quiz: Analyse the Birth Chart, of the female native, given below and commentabout the promise, delay or denial of marriage, or marital discord if any. Bornon April 1, 1964; at 21:05 hrs. (IST); at Long.: 77°E13' Lat.: 28°N39'. Balance ofVimshottari dasha at birth: Saturn upto May 14, 1974.

The respondents to our quiz arerequested to use transits whereverthey are applicable.

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