
Post on 01-Dec-2015






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Bala jeerakadi kashayam: is a kashayam for svasa kasam. But this can be given to

reduce the vata prakopa by giving it frequently and intermittently. This is a kashayam for

lina avastha. This can be given by proper yukti in certain seizures also which has got

amasaya utbhava sthana.

Chira vilvadi is a vatanubandha kapha hara, arsoghna kashayam. This can be given in

atonic bladder. Bladder pathology comes under gulma spectrum. In kaphanubandha

gulma in neurological bladder chira vilvadi corrects apana.

Dasamula panchakoladi

Vata kapha haram, ushnam. given in jalodaram. But it is basically a kapha

vatahara agni dipana yogam.

Guducyadi kashayam

It is a tikta rasa, pitta samana, amapacana jvara hara kashayam. This is highly

useful in demyelination, migraine headache, diabetic sensory neuropathy, post viral

arthralgia, post viral neuralgia etc. whenever fever is associated with neurological deficit

guducyadi is the best choice for samanam.

Maha tiktakam is a pitta samana yogam. It contains all the drugs of tiktaka 50% is

amalaki, it is a pitta samana yoga. Highly useful in migraine headache, temporal lobe

epilepsy, post viral arthralgia, post herpetic burning sensation, all burning neuropathies.

The difference between guducyadi & Maha tiktakam. Guduchyadi is a kevala pitta

samanam. Where as maha tiktakam is a pitta samana + rasayanam

Rasna dasamuladi yogam

This yogam is taken from astanga hrdaya kasa prakarana. This is made us a ghee.

This contains mamsa rasa. It is given for sarvanga vata, motor neuron disease, stroke

recovery, vaginal diseases, cerebellar degeneration (cerebellar ataxia), siro kamba. This

can be made as a kashaya, ksira kashaya, nasya yoga and can be used for vasti. We

recommend this medicine highly.

Bhallataka ghrtam

Even though bhallataka ghrtam is told in astanga hrdaya gulma chikitsa. We buy

cherankottai nei prepared by skm Siddha Company. This contains bhallatakam alone.

This is a very good immuno suppressive medicine. It is a upa visha. In all kaphanubandha

(margavarodha) conditions it is given. After sodhana is over this ghrtam is selected for

pana.. Siddha people will give 3 to 5 ml only. But we can give up to 10 ml with proper

awareness in op practice. Whenever we are giving immuno suppressive are visha dravya.

Once in 40 days we should Hb, TC, DC, ESR, Serum creatinine, serum bilirubin, SGPT,

platelet, urine routine also. This will guide in the progression of treatment and to

understand drug toxicity.

Guggulu tiktakam is a ghrta yogam. It is a urdhvaja vishesha yogam. This is katu, tikta

rasa pradhanya yogam .

anupana is cold water, hot water is not selected for which contains bhallataka. This is

given for kapha diseases. This is – tumors, kapha headache and certain stages of

demyelination and motor neuropathy. In neurological practice of ayurveda.

Ashtadasa kushmanda ghrtam

It contain kushmandam. Yashtimadhu is a kalkam. Both are madhura rasa pradhanya and

are pitta vata samana. It is told in apasmara prakarna ashtanga hrdaya .This is used in

pitta condition like migraine headache, temporal lobe episodic hyper activity, vascular

headache, dementia, duodenal ulcer etc.

Vidaryadi is a vata pitta samana yoga .It is madura rasa .It is hrdya. It is a gana. grhtam

can be used in the brain diseases also. Whenever the vata pitta has increased and kapha

has decreased, Vidaryadi can be selected because madura rasa will reduce vata pitta and

increase the kapha. So it is given in tension headache, and wide range of neurological

problems were vata pitta has been increased

Chandra kala rasam

Useful in burning neuropathy. Basically pitta samana rasa yoga told in mutra

kiruchara. But can be given in diabetic neuropathy also.Diet:curd,buttermilk,moong

dal,parval,coconut water,sugarcane juice,cucumber,grapes.Avoid:Alcohol,smoking.

Kamadhooka rasam

Contains mothi is told in rasa roga sakaram, rakta pitta athikaram. It is a pitta

samana yoga. It can be given in dhatu gata pitta like burning sensation palms and soles

without mothi also it is available. Dose:360mg morning and evening with

honey.Diet:rice,wheat moongdal &karela.avoid:Alcohol,oil,chlles.

Vasantha malini rasam(Yogaratnakaram). Contains karparam and Maricha. Processed in

nimbu.svarasa . It is used in dhatugata jwara. It is useful in demyelination, MND first

phases. Dose:1-2 tabs in the morning&evening.Diet:milk,wheat,Barley&parval.Avoid:oil


Lakshmi vilasa rasam(Bhaisajya ratnavali-Rasayana athikaram)

Contains krsna Abrakam, gandakam, paratam, vangam, karpooram, jathipatram

etc. it is a tonic in nature. It is a rasayana it is told in respiratory diseases. This can be

given as a rasayana also.Diet:Light &easily digestable food.Dose:1/2-2 tabs to be taken in

the morning&evening with betal leaf juice.Avoid:Red chillies,jaggery&sour substances.

Maha vata vithamsa rasa (santhamsu vata roga athikaram)

It contains vatsamnaba, tamra etc. it is given to reduce spasticity in paralysis. It

can be used in perepharal neuritis also. 150 to 250 mg is the dosage with luke warm

water. Chilies and sour substances are avoided during this administration of medicines.

Diet:milk,cream,butter,light,&easily digestable foods.

Mrutyunjaya rasam

Contains vatsamnaba, maricham, gandakam, tankanam, hingulam etc. it is used for

ama avastha, jwara and respiratory pathology. 150 – 250 mg is the dosage. It can be

given in demyelination also.diet:milk,barley,mausambi,&orange.

Sameera pannaga rasam

Theekshna, ushna kapha vata nasakha, samana kalpa. It is given in swasa rogam ,

sannipata jwaram, pakshagatam etc. in majja gata vata it is given. 30- 60 mg two times a

day with honey or arthraka swarasam or nagaveli pathra swarasam is the dosage.

Siddha makaradhwajam: is a rasayana yoga. It can be given in psychiatric problems

also. It is various anupana we can give in various conditions. Milk and thambula swarasa

are the best anupana. Pitta varthaka akaras and alcohol should be avoided why taking

this medicine. It can be given with arjunarishtam as nervine.dose -1/8-1 tablet in morning

and evening after food

svarna malini vasanta rasam

It contains swarnam. It is given in purana jwara. Practically it is given in

demyelination along with tippali churnam. It contains thuttam also. Dose- 1-2 tablets 2

timesafterfood. anupanam- guduchi satvam,pippali


Sringara prabha rasam

It contains 64% krsna abrakam, gandakam, paratam, also. It is also given in MND

it is associated with dysponia. 2 tablets is the dosage. Tamarind, curd, chilly are avoided

while the administered this medicine.

Swara muktadi gulika

It contains lavangam, ruktraksham, and lot of herbal medicines contains

sangapushpi, swaram, muktam, rajatam, pavazham etc. given in sannipata jwara, murcha,

puthi manthya etc. highly useful in depression, psychiatric problems, vesa vagal ataxia,

cerebellar diseases in practice. Improves circulation is very well. Dose – 1-3 tablets 4

times with dasamularishtam, honey,milk.Jeeraka kashayam is very good Anupanam for

this. Bhaijasya ratnavali, jwara chikitsa.

Tarunarka rasam,

Gudam, tankanam, abrakam, krsna sarpa rasam etc. it contains thathura bijam also. It can be given in sanni pata jwaram, even in coma,

Tribhuvanakirti rasam

Suddha hingula,suddha vatsanabhi,trikatu,tankana bhasmam, pippali mulam, ardraka svarasam, tulasi svarasam,dattura svarasam. It can be given in vishama jwara, sannipata jwara. Dose 1-2 tablets with honey or ardraka svarasam.

Vatagajankusa-clinical practiceVatarakshasa rasam-neurology

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