v1.5 core engage 365 presentation kmd

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Version 1.2

Capture, Communicate, Commercialise

Who Are We?Challenger Technologies are a Digital Marketing company.

We have our own marketing technology.

We market for 80 venues across the UK.

We use Smart Wi-Fi and Smart Marketing to offer;

Promotional Marketing Customer Engagement Marketing Targeted Marketing

We facilitate venues to directly communicate with their customersout of venue - brand in hand.

Version 1.2

Owner Market Background

We know you want to be everything to everybody

Venue Owner


Website Social Media Mailchimp Booking Systems TripAdvisor

Far too busy to market your venue

Want New Customers

Use Facebook so Marketing is happening

Don’t own a database and might have someone to help with marketing

Version 1.2

Email marketing is direct and straight into the hands of your customers Emails are trackable in terms of open rates, click through rates and

subscription rates Over 50% of respondents say they read most of their emails* Cost-effective solutions Time-effective services

We understand that businesses want to increase their customer base and revenue, and we know how

to do it!

E Mail Marketing-What Are The Benefits?

Version 1.2* Source: Hub-Spot

The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics

Email Marketing Pull customers into your venue

Customers have a choice when they spend time - you need to

constantly influence their choices.

Email CaptureEmail MarketingEmail Communicate

Front of mind marketing Reminder straight into

customers hands Promote to, influence and

inform your customers

Version 1.2

Current Customers Best target for increased spend

“The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new

prospect is just 5-20%”

“It costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one”

Version 1.2Source: Hub-Spot

The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics

HOT Current Customers

WARMCustomers’ Friends

COOLNew Customers

Customer DatabaseImportant for you to communicate

Previous customers are the most likely to spend again and be influenced to return

Building a customer database is critical for any form of communication

Promotions and incentives need to be directly communicated to customers

Utilise your customers to help promote your business

Emails are a direct form of communication

This is your digital word of mouth!

Version 1.2


What do venues want?

National EventsGeneral Offers

Venue Events

Mothers day, Valentines Day, Christmas

Menus, General Awareness, Offers

Live Bands, Beer Festivals, Wine Tasting, Food Pairings…

Version 1.2

What Do Your Customers Want?Put yourself in their shoes!

If we know what engages them, we can retain and influence them to a greater degree.

From extensive market research, we have found that customers want: A warm and personalised service To feel special and valued To be able to give feedback To receive relevant information Incentives Competitions

Version 1.2

Promotional Marketing Package

Actively promote your events and offers to a large and growing customer base

Version 1.2

We promote your venue’s FREE WiFi We capture your customers name and email address upon log in We communicate with your customers out of venue, to drive custom

and increase revenue

AUTOMATICALLYCapture customers data as they log

onto your FREE venue WiFi

AUTOMATICALLYBuild a unique, ever growing


WIFI- Build a large customer database

Version 1.2

…by email, wherever they are, keeping your venue at the front of their minds.









E mail Out of Venue Marketing

Actively promote your events, offers and facilities…

Version 1.2

How Will Your Emails Look?

Version 1.2

Soft Content Subtle language and non

aggressive techniques Familiarize an audience with a

brand, product or service Educate customers on why they

need your products or services

Who supplies your food or drinks? Engage with customers by

sharing a recipe Inform customers of your

background information

Promotional Soft & Hard Content

Hard Content Being more direct with

customers Results in more short term sales Telling customers what you want

them to hear

Advertise an upcoming event Promote your evening menu Let customers know of any

special offers

Version 1.2

Engage 365 Promotional PackagesPROMOTIONAL

EMAILSTwo Emails / month

to promote your offers and events


Two Advanced Marketing Modules

Facebook Boost

Quarterly TripAdvisor

PLUSTwo Advanced Marketing Modules

Version 1.2

Managed Service Your dedicated Marketing Manager will contact you at the

beginning of the month to discuss the marketing content of the emails, which will be sent out on your behalf

Guaranteed marketing for your venue, promoting specific events and promotions coinciding with national events, along with promoting our Advanced Marketing Modules; Facebook Share Customer Feedback TripAdvisor Venue Hire

Log in to your online portal to view your database, the success of each campaign and view feedback from your customers

Version 1.2

Customer Feedback/TripAdvisor Quarterly

Send a feedback related email to your captured customers, in order to gain positive feedback (4/5*) direct to your TripAdvisor account. Any ratings lower than this will only be displayed internally.

TripAdvisor is based off not only good 4/5 star reviews, but also the volume of reviews.

Customer feedback in general is good for any business, even if they do not have a TripAdvisor account.

Being asked to leave feedback is a form of soft marketing, showing that the venue cares.

J F March A M June J A September O N December

Version 1.2

Encourage your customers’ to “share” your venue through rewards and vouchers

Offer an exclusive reward in order to engage your customers and increase the “likes” on your Facebook page

The automated system randomly selects a winner

Facebook Boost

Version 1.2

Facebook Customer ShareYour customers are advocates for your business, and will help extend your promotions to ‘new‘ customers. This is the digital equivalent to word of mouth.

Promote your events/Offers

Current customers Core Database

New customersExtended Facebook reach

10 Customer

30 customers

20 customers


N.B- Share numbers are dependant on core Database size

Promote your offers and events to NEW CUSTOMERS

Version 1.2

Advanced Marketing Packages

Automated 365 days per year marketing targeting Trip Advisor, infrequent Customers and Birthday celebrations.

Version 1.2

365 days per year promote your venue for customers Birthday celebrations.

Birthday Module 365 Capture your customers date of birth upon login Reward your customers 365 days a year, by offering an exclusive

birthday gift Bring your venue to the front of customers minds

Relevant to individual customer Timely to individual customer Engaging and even if they don’t take offer up, they will feel affinity that

you offered

Birthday 365

Version 1.2

Welcome TripAdvisor 365365 days per year Welcome your first time users and trigger them to leave you only good Trip Advisor ratings. Also get Customer Feedback generally privately to your own Console.

TripAdvisor is based off not only good 4/5 star reviews, but also the volume of reviews.

Customer feedback in general is good for any business even if they do not have a TripAdvisor account.

Being asked to leave feedback is soft marketing that the venue cares.

Version 1.2

Engage with your frequent, infrequent and lapsed customers all year around.

Encourage infrequent customers to visit your venue by offering an exclusive voucher, or simply send them a message, reinforcing your brand image.

Reward your frequent (loyal) customers with an exclusive voucher, or simply send them a message, again reinforcing your brand image.

We Miss You, Thank You 365

Version 1.2

Target Infrequent customers to return as Smart Wifi monitors customer visits.Also Thank your requlars as they are also important.

Venue Success - Reporting

Version 1.2

Monthly Insights

Version 1.2

Management Suite

Version 1.2

Will It Work?

Data Capture System - how else are you going to capture your customers’ information to create and develop your ever growing, unique database?

Facebook Boost Module - how else are you going to use your customers as advocates for your venue?

TripAdvisor Module - how else are you going to gain QUALITY feedback direct to TripAdvisor?

Target lapsed customers - how else are you going to promote your venue’s facilities?

Version 1.2

Marketing Spend Your venue, the food and your services are the main market

attraction. However, promoting offers, events, targeting and using 3rd party

sites are the main active marketing component. The recommended Marketing spend for a typical UK restaurant is

between 3 - 6% of turnover* At £60,000/month turnover, our solutions would be 0.0025%

IMAGINE - a party of six may spend between £120 - £180 for a party?

IMAGINE - a private Hire of 40 - 60? IMAGINE – one Christmas party of 30…

ROI - Restaurants

Version 1.2 * Source: Restaurant Resource Group

Any Questions?

Version 1.2

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