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TABLJ.1 01' OUSTOMS DU~IES, Ufllier the .llct 10 ~· 11 Vic. Cap. S 1 ~- 32, Jor Rtpealing and Con$9ltclating the.. .present Duties of Cwtoms in the Province of Canada , ond for other purposes t.h.t ••ti1& menlioued. 'l'o i'akt r.ffect on 5tl~ ArRI t., I 8-18 ~

l:;CH EOULE. "t,ABLE OF D t!Tlll::t OF CUSTO~·J'SW .\ntJS.

.flrtJdc$. Duty Currer1cy. AlfllfAL B, viz : 1 £ s. D .

Cows uod Heifer'!, euclr ''. · 1 2 · G Calves. 1:!1\Ch ' · 0 5 0 Gootf'l, each • 0 2 6 Uorses, l\lluef'!, Gelding!.', Colts,

fillao.s, F oul11, eucb KuJI', each Lnmhs, ench (Jxt>n, Uulls, Steen, each P•ll s.,.(e uckio~) ench ~ ., 10e aucl Ho~s, e 11cb ~heel', each

c ... .soLtil. Wu, the lb. ~l'crrn, \he lh. 'J ulluw, the lb. All o•her k i11di

CuocoL~oT& 1 tho lb. ( OCO.\. lhtl Ill. Corn:.:,GrHn , the lb.

H" ' sted, the lb. · (i rou I, 1he lh,

CoR .s HaoO}lS, the d< zen Fw1, ::'ulrct l or Dried, per 11 '2 lbs.

l'lcklef!, th11 bn:r~l ·· Lol:R, rhc barrel of 196 lht~. Jo' Rl'IT, V•Z:-Aimond,.,, llaC lb.

:\ j•rlo·,, the lmshd l l c\ D ri l!d, th~ bu::Jhel

Currr, n · :~11h~ IIJ. J'. j!:' . lh·· lh. i'" : t:~ ol btl kindP , rho lb . l't.>ud11 s, l l c LJushcl Pe••rs, 1he l111Shd PrunP~ , the lh. lt ii iiiC' ~ :o , t he bushP! 1\ n t:- llt>'- ~lll::t\:Oil" l, Hlo"rn n nd Bunc h , in hoX"'"• the lb. D11. ot ilerw ist1, t t•o lh.

GL \S~, \\' ,od •l\V 81trl cl)lfliiiOO Gcrrnnn ~h .. •: • < au~e. per box of ~0 feet

GRA:". v .; : \Vhent , tll t"'}U•rtcr H.,·ky, tho q·JUrtt'r .Buc.kwt.ctd, l.Se re an•! A ·g~, tho

qunr rer ~i nt7.'~ or J,,<iinn C nro, tbe fJU!I.r .

ter of 480 lhs. Oat@, the qunrte r l<y t> , Bt>nn:J ond PE>n~e M c11 l of rhe ohovt~ Griltn~>, nn I

ol Whe~t l ool hulled, the J£1 6 IbM.

Urnn or Shorts , the 112 Ills. l\or l>, the lb. Ho!'ET, rhe I h. lilH• R t.: nne a Boots and Shoes, the

pnir LtATina, viz :

tJ\lal tikin:~, l~tnnc.>d , tnweri, o r in any wuy tl rc:J~ed, lh t! tloz t! n

Lu1111J or Sht'ep ~ k •ns, tonrll'cl, Ia"' Pd, or io nny wu y drtH!std I the dozen

Call ~k•na, umned, tawett, or in nny wny drettS~d, the lb .

l<•p :Sk•11s, tlte lb . llar.nes:t Lenther, th e lb. Upp~r Leoth• r, the lb. S ule L eatber, the lb. Le~t tlln cut into sltn[lt'S, the lh. Pntent o r Glazed L l" atller,lbo lh. All Lenth~r ••ot nhove c..l e~n:r ii.Jed

lUTHER i\1.&!'10rJoC'JO&£!• V I;L ;

W ome11'd Boots aol.l Shoes, tbe dnzc n ,

G:rla' Boots ancl Shoes untl er 1even inchPs in le.u$[th, the doun, including ~11 kincls

Children's Boots au<t-·S hoeil over thr~ inches in leugtb, the do~eu ·

lnfan a' Sboes under three inches in length, the dozen

Men'• Bout.e, the pair &1en'tt Sh6e,., tbe pair

1 15 0 0 2 6 0 1 o-1 15 0 0 0 () 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 .. 2 0 0 Oh 0 0 q o o 'H 0 0 ·1 0 1 a

6 u 0 ,.

0 '2 0 5 0 s 0 0 0 () 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 l U I 0 0 0 1

0 0

0 0 0

0 u


6 0 I 1 I l)

0 q 0

s­o 0

0 5 0

0 3 0 0 :! ll 0 :J 0

0 '2 0 0 0 s 0 0 :-3

0 0

0 0

0 5 0

0 2 6

0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 I ~ o o 1 a 0 0 2 0 0 4 u 0


0 0


0 2





0 l 6 0 2 0 0 C) 7~

Boys' Boots under eight incbes in len~tl1, the pnir 0 1 0

8 oy6' Shoes noder eight inchea ., in length, the vair 0 0 I 4


nQ.I Spir1tuou1; viz: • ,...-" Ale and Beer in euk11, per ~alloo 0 0 4 Do. tlo. in boulee, ~r dozen 0 1 S Crder llDd Perry £he gallon 0 0 1 & Vioeaar, the ~fallon 0 0 S

MAcuao,.~a d V&alli~U.LT, the lb. 0 0 U .MoLuau ao Ta.a.ACL&, tbe ewt. 0 4 0 ()au; Oli•e -i e;"ke, 1 Ire fEeJion 0 0 6

Do. in jar or Hottlee, tbe calion 0 1 3 Lard, the plio!\ 0 0 5 L inseed Oil, lbe plloo 0 0 . 2' Sperm Oil, ,bcs (allan c:; 0 6 Otber Oils frocn .crMtures Ji~n, in ' .

..t , tbe •ea . 0 0 1 HP&a., Bte. ' ~or Wf•ppin~, tbo c"r. 0 2 9 Polino• the cwr. . I 0 i 0 WritinJ, the ewe.. f" , o. JO 0 · Dra'!ing; the ~b. ' . ' 0 0 1& l!uau:, t!le_lb• • 0 0 li llarbW ~ utaed, tb61b: J ": · o~ .. o U

'. ·. •• . r: .. . .

' ..


.llrticlu. Tissue, the lh.

Duty Currency.

0 0 1! 0 4 0 l'nsttbon rcl . and Carns, the cwt.

Bristol or Drnwiug Cu rds the lb. Milled or Trun!<makefs' Hoards

the CWI. • 1

PLATr~a C..tnos, t.lte .Pnck PoT A To£:., the husllel PRO\'IStO!"S, viz :

Butter, the cwr. Cheese, the cwt. •

~ Bacon an d llj).(ll3 the cwl. S{llrecl, tho c/.vr .

~h:J.TS. Pickled , ~~ cwt. Fre:,b, the cwl.

lt uM, for evt:ry ~81lou (of ~lu Wine meusu re roo y kes' H y·· uroJUer.er, all Spirt a ahove th nt alrenJ.!th to bo duceu 11'

ecruivo lcnt of Prcof. Sweeten,J or Mixed, pe; gnlll')o·

SAL'l', from l\lme.:t, knowu ·as Rvc k ::::nlr. anti Suh mni.le from Sea

0 0 Jj

0 3 ·~ 0 0 s '· 0 0 5

0 7. (i 0 5 0 0 G 0 0 G 0 0 G 0 0 .._ . 0

0 1 ·0 3

s 0

\Vnt~r, pe r tori. • 0 1 6 Conrse, mode from Sail Spr ings,

per bushel Fme or fl u:~!tet out! sfowPd 5 per

cent. od \'81oretll, aud ver t.u,.!Je l.

SPI CF.S , \ ' IZ :

l Cas~io, the-'lb .

1 Cinnamon , rlre Ill.

, Clove!!, the lb. f' utOJe#(~ , th t! lb. l'i tll ento, th e lb. Pepper, tho lit. Grnger nnd A llsp ice the lb. l\lac••, the I h.

S PIRITS, e~cup t l{ •nn, as of Proof the old \\' inc f!rdlou

Sweet•· ne d or !II iJrt~ rl, includiug Ui'ler~, per ~Rilon.

::koAn, rtetined or Cundy, per cwt.

I 1\luscovado, p e r rwt. C luyed 811 t!hr ( 10 per cent. ad va.­

loru111 ) and per c wl. Bastnn.l, jW I' c w1. ( •llld £10 for

evr.ry .!100 vnlue, In wh ich nn: preserves, per cwl.

:Succ.toF.s, including Conlecrioonry, -r- - 20""tier' cent. ull valorem, aod ·

on t he l h. i ..:r ~t crs, excPpt ~pir i t .:t , tbo gnllon, I T•: A. lht'J Ill. · Tt~ n , t·co, 1 12:

t; II II! OIItlf'ltt: IIHP.d, !he )l.J . :'ll atll lf ' crun·tl, rht: lu. ~nun·. ltrc lh. st'~ ll 'i, tlae lh.

\V.:\'i: , ( 1n Jl<ld11ion 10 10 per CP.nl. on' l l ·c \·ui••E' , incluu•ng Cask and Bntthrs)rr•c old \.Vine ~;nllon,

1 \'Voon, •a ve:.~, :::itamlltrd or Mca:~ure· w e11t, per m •lle,

Pun.::ltcon or W est Jndin, ~iz . \V h1tc Ullk, per stao tlurd mi lie, R· d O .. k, cJ o. do. do. A sh, do. d o. du. llarr e l, do. do. tlo. Ueult!, Pine, per Quebec, etand.

ard hundred Spruce tlo. ti n. do ll aodspikes, pe r dozen, Oars, per pair,


Planks, Uourds, nnd nll kinds of Sa weci L utnller not llerei n charged w ith d u•y, p81' th ou -8Hnd superficial fl:!et, inch thick, and 80 in rroporri•JO for any gre •Her thicknctts

P iue , \Vhlle ,auJ iu proportiou f ,>r auy sma ller qua11tity there· of, per one thousand cuuio feet

ReJ, per one thousand cubic feet Ouk, do. do. Birc h, do. c.Jo.

Ash, £1m, Tamwro~ or Hncmotnc, aud other wood!! not herein cltnr· gecl with druy , per one thou­san<.! cuhic fe e t


0 0

0 0

0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 !l1 0 0 5

I I 1

0 0 (j 0 0 0 0 0 • 0

0 3 0 I 7 6 0 15 J

{) 15 s

0 12 0 I 6 6

0 0 2 0 I 0 o o ~H

0 .0 0 u 0 0 0 s

0 1

1 5

0 10 0 7 0 4 0 4

Ji 2 6 0



G 6 0 0

0 J 3 0

0 i 6 0 3 0 3

0 0

0 7 6

J 5 0 l 15 0 2 15 2 10

0 0

5 0

The fo llotcin; Jlrlicles shall be liable to a duty of One pound on etJery One lwnc:lred pounds of th.: tJaliUl t/te,·eof: 4

As bcs , Anc-hors and Choin Uubles, Bark, • Bur Stones, unwroul!ht, Bt:rr~e .. , Nurs, Vegelablds aud Woods userJ indy~-

mg, Coal11 , Coke and Ctnders, Cotron Wool and Cotton Y" rn Vopper in Bnrs. Pig, Sheathing aud Sheer, Cocoa Nut Oil, D.·ugs UP.~d solely for dying li'lower Roots, Ftre Wood, ' Grease and Scrope, ' \. ... Hldet, . Hardwood for Furoirure, onmanuf~tcture~l, Hay, - / '\, lfemp,Fiax and Tow, uodreuod, ._ lmHJo,

f Bar Rod and Nail Boiler Plotee, .

Iron, { Pig, ·

l R rt U .road Bar•, . Scraps apd Old for ro~ohinr·.

' '

.· . r .. ; ' ..

·v / . ,~

Junk or Oakum, Lud. Lend in Pig, . Marble in hlock , unpolished, Ores of a ll Metuls, f 11lm Oil, ~sin, ~nw Log1, Straw, !;heel aud Hoop lrqn, S :eel jn I3nr, StouQ fur Hu lid ing Soda .\t>b, Tallow,

t n nd Dl ock , . rtrhd, Hulhti ond Roo ts ,

,at, in Block11 or P1gs, itch ,

T cnslea, Tin, Sh Treee, Type Tur an \Vool, ' \.Y oollt nrn, \ Yell ow t tHa i,


The Jollo1cing Article~ shall be· liable to ' a duly , uf 1'en J1ouudt 011 eye1'1) O!le IJundred pounds of the valut #her•cif : · , ·

Biscuit11 oucJ . Cn{ckers · Ba:.tanf S~nr, together with Ui. per cwr. and

L. layeo ~ugnr, with 15~. Sd. ptlr cwt. Cork oud Cork ,\lnn ufoctures £cgs Fn11t unonumernted l,eothcr .Mnr·ufac tured not dt>scribed i\1 acl! Ille s fur ogricu I! urn I purpo~es, except

TliruMbiog M ucbtncs and Funning rtl ills ~t ea ts prepnred o tbcrw ise thnn by :~alt or pickle .Mutskul-hlstuments of l\IC'tal

I ( r\n imnl, cxce'pi Lartl ~ • n 1 V ~getl}..ble , not otlrerwise enurueratet.l / ·

Orl ~ F:sse8~ial · . / tChomicalnnt.l Yolntllc / l Perfumed

Paper MunufocturP.a,not otherwise cbnrgedwitb duty P late aod P latcJ \\'are Poultry, nl!\'e or tl end St1U1:in:ze~ anti Puddings

1'hefollotoing .llrl icles shall be liable to a duty Seeds, Gnrd~n , Flowtr ·and Vegetable, of Five pounds on ever·y 011e: hundred poundd Soaps o f nil kincJs of Lht ilalue lltercof: Vegetobles, fresh,

Bur)kf", Printed, \Jub·•u .. d or in Rhects \.Y inc, in uJLbtion to l s. n gal!on, old \Vine measure Uru:,:~ ,,~in!! in a crude or uuprt-psred state, except ·,. , ,

I)) e 5wf18 TILJ: (ollc»ciug Jlrticles shall be liable to J- dtd!J Fur~, \Sit ~:~ uud Peltrics, drcssl:ld or undressed, of 1'rvelve pounds at&d ten shillings for every Uum:1, ~ 0 h d d d ,r .z l ' ll ic~t._ t

1 ne un ,·e ~un s orme va tie /J,treoJ;

' hi l'e~ \ .\ xes n nd S!!ythes ' -Tort()lee Sheff Ull linrd snd 1 Ba~otello llnl lli nf Wood nnd Ivory

Ualls w:~;o.l ~t Bowl:t or Nino P111s Wire, l roh . Bi lllurcl Ta ~·

T he followi' g Jlr!iclcs shall be liable tg...Q dull) of SeveJl po nd~ ten shillings uu ct-rnj One ltuu .. clretl p nds ()f the va lue thereof :

fio nk l' , IS uk, uountl , IIU IJouutl ur Ill elu:ct'f Burr Sto 1!' 1 wrought C hicory Chains Cotlon~ COfdage Canvn~s Camblets-und Canfuleteen9 Cone Work Co ke, eu"~Y C:utts· in· 't»IHster of Pdris o,. Composition, unlea,

their material is otherwi:~t: clrMged \\ ith u his h­er duty

Drawings, l·~ n~rnvill~£1, ;\-ln p!! , Globeg Extr.act~t nnt.l E~:~sences UEetl us ,\led1ciues F.arttler• nod Sto lrc ware \ Fur8 aod Sk in:~-mnll\lfnr.turea of [•'ius IH!J ~k 1 ns, tile producu o(,.cre::twrcs living in I

tho ~ea Feathe rs Flowers, nnificial, not Silk \ Goods, whol'e (ouudution is \\'no~ Glses .1\hnufuctureB, no\ o tll~rwie:~e ~·l Gunpowd e r G uns nnd F ire t\rms Goltl nurl Sih·er L 'laf llnir. mnnuf11cturl\8 o f Hornet, Horn Tip~ and piecr s Hnrd ware, Shull' GoodR and Cutlery Hnt~ H~mp, F lax 11r T ttw in nny w ny d ressed Ju1ce of J.icnes , L e mons ur Urnngtts. n ut

wi tb Spir i ts o r s weetonutl, so hd lO be l11k, !'rio ters ' Ivory , Bone nnu ll orn - maunfuct ures of Lead - fliRtlUfacltl rcs of LenJ for paiut not l!rou nd with Oil Lend ground in Oi I lo r pr1in t Linen Anti Linen Mauufuctures Mulee A nd As3es Mustan l 1\l ~dicines Mus·cal lostruments of WooJ Mer cury l\lari,J ,., pnlitJhAd or cu t 0 II u:- .?pi• ild of '1' uq>eDtioe O.t, Custor

. l l mt:tPt 1 t> yru p

Oil,nll not othenYiso enumera ted 011 Clot h Oyt~te rP,Lobsrers, Tonle"',"\1111 other Shell (:l'isb,fresh Puiot•, unr:roun1l Pn in ua, \V nt P. r Colours · Pnint Brushes . Quills Silk, rnw Silks, monllflictur~s of .. not ~1itl . nery made up, S.lks-nll Goods heing in whole or part Silk, uot

othe rwise spPcifitHI Silk S.:wing, Coril, and Tnssels Spermaceti, e xcept C&ndlee Sponge Starch ~trnw Doarda for Hook Binders Surphur T•lee and Roofing Toy a Turpentine

... .

Hngntcllc Tnble-s... ,-­Cnmpbine Oit Cnr~nd Vehicles Gorriogcs \and V elr icles, pa rts of Casting:t Clocks nncl \Vu rchrs Cluck~ nn t.J W atc h es, parts o f I> teo F)o \"er!'l, Artific ial, in pnrt or whole S ilk Fanning or Bark Mills J e \Ve lrv, ~e t or unse t J\1oct~nery of ull ktnriA nnd pnrts t4ereof Silk ~lillmcry rondo up S i I k V e I v,e t Thro\ hin,g Machines 11nd Fann~nd..flmic ·Mills


Tho following Articlos t~hnll he liu'ble to a cl.uty of FICltlc ll pounds on evdry Oue hundred pouud:s of tho value thereof :

Ex trac1s, Essences and prnvidod for

Fi:;l•, prese.ved in Oil Fruit, p reserved G 1nger, prescr\'etl Pick le~untl Snuces

Perfumery, not othenvi~o

The following articles shall bo lialJie to n duty of T wenty pounds on every One bu 1dred . pound:~ of tbe v~tlue thereof:

Rouleu e Toules 1 Succndcs und Goofectionory mad" of S uanr, oither

in whole or in pn rt, in ntlduion lo 2J. per lb. TAULE OF EXE j\lPTIONS.

A:-<JTO~fi C ,\J. Pn£PARATro:•s when imported ex 4

press ly for the u !le of any Cl)lle~o or School of Anatomy or Suqzery, incorporated byRoynl C ha r ter 1)r Act of Parltntnent, not i01ported for snle.

CoPtr.s of the llo LY ScRtPTURE!I printed in the United Kingdom of Great nod lreloud, nod not imported for sa le.

Hooi~t a nJ M.H:J aod Jllu,tratiYe Drawings, im· ported fo r the use of nny Librury to \~hich tl.c publ rc may hove free ullmission. us also for the Librar.es of ei ther IJrnncb of thd Legis, luture.

Cot N nod Bo LLtON.

D oN .,Ttoss of BooKs or Cr.o1'ntNG specially in'N poned fM tho ur;o of, or to lie 1liarributed {? rn­turtouely by any Churitahle Society iu tbis Prllvince.

FJSH, fre!'h, not described. llons Es and CARRIAGES of TnAVELLI\DB, anti

Ho rses, CaJtle nntl Cnrriages and olher Velli­ciP.s wlren em!Jloyed in carrying merch.tndize, together with the neces!t( ry Hnruess nod 'J'ac· kit>, so lor jl na tho enme ere bonafide in use for thAt ~urpofl"~. e xcep t the Hor-des, Cattle, Corrhgcs atul Vehicles nod Hnroettt,of pe reuns hu wkmg gn1)(!81 \•ares nod merchandizo through th ~ Provinco for the purpo!fe of retail, oud tile H orses C. rtia_gr-IJ and Ha~n~~s o ( any Circus or E•1 ue!Jfton Tr~p for e xbtlJatton, The Horses, Corrin8lls, CorA ans aud Haroesa of any Menagerie ~ ue free. Horst'Silnd Cattle llelonging to pert4ooa eomin' i.uto the Pro­viqce for tbe purpose ot ectuac;l aeltling th ore in. ~I

HtoEs, OFuL ""d TALLow of Cattle od S"ioe, ehwghtered iu hood. · · . ·

i\hrcuue ol alJ kinds •

'· .

Thread, Linen VAtChd!l V~troish W hal .. !Jon' • Wortted -c.n~tnn(eeturea ttf W ooll&n-mauufa.cLu rea of Wu Wnx-1ma~M~fu res or, except Canell~s Wooff, .,~.-.a'UIIIIctured artictoa at, having n o part

Waree, and Merchandize, not U8ett with duty, and not doclar­of duty.

MoDELS of MACftiNERT, llOII or otber iotentiODI aud improvemen•s in the Artl.

P.Acueu coot.einlng Dutiable Ar~· Ia. PuaLosu.rH&C~L A-rrARATos, Jnat meote, Uookl,

Map4"1 S tationery, Buata, and aate of ftlarble, Bronze, Alabaata.r or Pluter of Paris. Paint.· ingtt, Drawings, Engraving-,.EtchiDif, epeci· mens of ~cUIJttUret, Cal)ioe\1 of.Coin•,Medalt, Gems, C\Dd all o'ber eoUeetiooa of Aoc~uitiH, ( (lrOvic.Jec.l the same ~e ~•peeially i,nported iG good lai th (or the uee o( aoJ SueietJ iooorj)Oe rcttod or ~tablitbed for~blloeopbical or Lhot'j ... ' , . '

- L

··. ," .-



r: \

. . . .... ;



• '

- •

' I

' . it1 pureui~. or for the...encouraJement of Jt'in~ Arcs, or for .the use or by t he order offtny.Uni .. •ersity, College, ~cttdemy.t .School or ~e:ni­n~ry of 1:-earning witbi'\ liTis Provinoe.

PrtiLOSOPBrc.u A!"P•IlATos, &c. &c., iaoriorted for use by any \ f,u'l,Jic Lecturer lor lJte pur• pose of gain and· to be re,exJ,o• ted, 'khnll bo allowed co be enterJU) under Bond ' f two good and . suftjcient person.. for tuear tl:lpoHation within the &p.ec i fit~d time.- •

.Au1's or CLOTRJ~o \Vhjcb any Cd'ntractor or <Jon-.. tractors) Comrnissnry or Commissarie~, s hnll import into the Province 1"or tho U:4tl of lle r ~bje~ty's Army and Navy, or for {he use o the'lottian Nations io IQis flroviuce; l'rovided t be duty otllerwi~e payahle would Le dufrayed o r borne by· !he ' l'rel1::'ur, ·of the VuiLeu J<.rng· dom o r of thit:J Province.

·S~ECUIE.l{l of Natural lJistory, Miner3logy or Bo-tany . .

S&EDI oJ qll kinclP, Fnrming Utensi ls and Jenpl•,, meuts of H usbandry) ond Animnl~ fo r the Im­provement of Srock \\heu fiJICcioliy imported in good 1 fai~b by nny Society i cu·orporale~ o r ~abl~shed f~e ruicouragcmt.:ut o f Agracul .. ture.

\Vt .. RJNG APPAlt~L in ftctua l u.ce, anti otlrer Per· eonal Efti>cts no t me rchnndize, lrnpll'fllCOIS uud T~·ols of Trnde of handy · r rnfls-m e n, 111 tho oc­cupat ion or employ m ent of pcrf'ull~ co unug into ~he P rovioce for tlae purp~e o ( oclutd ly tettlin~ t·he rein .

[The Nati\·e P rotluce ant! mnnu fnr t u res o( n\1 or ar•y t:urh of tho ol b P. r Briti"h North American Colonies as shoJI ndmit tho Native l'roduce n11d 'mnnu factures o f Canada fn'o of dury, ehall be entitled to exemptiOn from clut ies uud t:lf this A c t, wi:h the eXCt!ption of ::Spirituous L iq uors.)

A r.HU , ..

SALT, Snhod or cured !\le a l!' , Flo ur, Ri!'eui •s, M o, J"ssef', Cordng~> , P it('h , Tar, Turpent rne, Lea:h · cr, Leethe r-w " r~. t<' it~ hermE'n 't! Cloda inq, nud JloSiiery, ~'isloing Craft, t : l<' ttsi l!t florl ln t~•ru. rnents importe d in to tho lJislr iot of l.Jnspo from the United 1\ n•gdurn or llae Ct.anuel l :oloncls or nei~hl•ouril'~ Colun ie~, for the uoc of 111u Fisheries corr •cd o n •herein, I'UI 'j •·c t to t111rh regu n1ioua na the Principnl Office r o l L'u:HOmll a t 1he l'~o rt o l Uuebi!C s lloll mnke , aud wb1cle be is hcrehy e mpQwered to Cll l& ·

,. t o li <:~ h for the purpoe;o of O&'=erlo intog 1hlit6uch art ie les " ' e bona ficle an tended lO lle cpplu:d lo tbe use of 11uch 1-' isherres.

Tire follow inl:: artie-los nre p n •h ilaitecl 10 he imrtorl · e tl , rmder n pc unlty of Fr lty pounds, tOJ!t'lt'lt'r w 111t lo lft: rrn re u( l br) P a• c .· I or P"c kngC! of Gu6d d 111 wt..ch I he 81\rre sb~tll ue fo unr!:

BooKs nod Orawiogs • ( nn iw111orn l or indf'con~ 'hnr~cter .

C<' l'~ , IS3£re or Coun cr rl ~> i t.

- ---=--.....

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'I,HE ·MoRNING ·qoURiH~R. . . . . . . '

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roa•l I 1 to-Si~nitl H i\1 ; an. passing the bridge ilion had ~ eu'i over the ·tigbt eye, and the wound ~~ far · a~ !h~ Ordnaa'ie Yard, tNben . l3~tber wns a t C\r'otty 'Cove he .met thre, persons deecen.lljng wae blc,din profuscl.r; he cnlletl om to me to rak~n 4'!"•Y b) the oth~rs ;· wimeu · t6en wenffor tbe hilt, ond " short time after tw~ oth~r'; n man ·hnste ae lhere were four or five men Lentioq' Dr. assrstnuc~; end, accom~Rnaed hy .. two c;onetablei of of rite name of t\ '1tnms wa" before b1m on I he rond ; Mttrtin ; he WRa tht:n 1yizl~ on · hie bnck when 1 ap- tl1.~ u~me of Hugh'~s apd ·~ljtehell ; ryunc! .. four"per ... the ~wo lnl'l j Ot<tiP.d bim, ~o then sei~eci Wil- r~ched him, a~rronntJed b-y four or five loen, but so.ns Ill B urber's .h~uee in Woll4eott•J lane, Chisel. l ~am nu~h<!I hy tlae 1:ollor o f t_h, ~oot~ ~~ tl,lc same (whilst I -.vos prose'' they did not strike birh or kick ton nQu Bogclen w~re of thot nu.mber; the nelt day t11nc~sk10g "'hh' 1h"y rnl'a nt hy JOSIII'lEt" fnm, and 1him, anti the same par~es 1 afterwards snw 8t the three of . al1em wt.re arresterl on· ,-nrrnnt~t, antlche (lt·cl rccl that he w.ou cl h 111il hit'\ until he fouaul (.) Ut Police rOffice; Dr. ~JartiR was then removed to Mr. Sun<lny morning follow io~ Hooper. \\1\.S ta"keu into who 10 wns; tlic.Y 1heu l)lnde..us)J of nb~.sive lnn.. Nu~eut's ho u su • witness nnis(ecl Mr. Dillo'n home; cusrody. · ..,. g-ubg,., nod the•tuit•• , whr\in he ltn,S t-in\!a1earned is · Barber wu ~iven inlo the custody of .Moist ti1e con.. Cro6!-rromint~ by _ltf(. Hoylu.-Did not see · Willi11m Ho• ber, o •.'e of the prisoner& at lhe har, elable • he \\ a8 ioto:xicnted a t the time; 1he ,..aiu- Hooper oil that n1ghf; John Bar()er was eodeavour-wrt.>ncbed ti1e fHick from Ia is ·lefr Uun·1 nud ~ooketl cler of the p:ucy wer" endeavouring to get bim in~ to ·gel hi~ bro•her ho rne. · ~ him clowu hy !1riking a violent blow on the 'crown· home. . ~ Timothy ,ftftlchtll, ~n,labtt.~l went with 'Dow. of the hen d, nntl wlulsl down ~oth 0~ them k:ckecl CroustznmiJied b.Y Mr. EmtrSO'n.-'J'here were 0 ney nacl MOj lft toerreat the priaonere; Whtnbtougbt him on the face ROll orm!l , nnd lJruticuln•lv UIJOII number of peri'OIIS IIUOIJt 1\tnrtin; we J.ud Barbe r into the stolion -hpu!!e a conversation took pl)ce b~ his cuotllh "lnd .. yo: brow~:~; he lhcn raistd l1;1tlself in cusco •y ·ou our W'lY J own, afcer leavil'lg Mr. uveeft them, in tho courc1e ot which . John llaroor a111l e et~lenvnure4:J to t-sea pe, but wes R_ID!in kuoc k- Nugt.all'lf; it \¥&,. o fiue nigh r, anti wos 1tot said tlult lu~ had struck a 011\Q upan irhe face· be e ll down, th-e i•er .. ons surrounJing ffim; ~hihH on rainmg o r snowin~ ; is ·certuin Willtrun thrber is "'cluJ not say who.it was,but said that lhe peraon'bad the gr •• u.nJ ho <lxclaimeel '' Do yo~ w~ t p ki ll tbe mun be rlrngJ:ed olf l\1 nrtin; C"unnot say whc.. bitt hrorber uuder him . ... m f!, tr; t 111e u1~ . •· the only rE>ply to wliec b 'N"s u tl •er ic \\OS l111: :t•Juer or dt'e tlrull l\eo mnu wlio j oll- lhlliam Co.ffa.-Keepa a house oj refrtehment k irk from n h envy boot , !!, rve n by William U11rber, tlutl wituess t.cf.Jrc th o nffi··•Y· near 1\Jn~otty Cove LridJlP, hut does not sel'l ~~iriu; A!l he l~ty upo n h i!! hn• k 1n 1he drnin with hifl hllnds l .~Jr . fValltr lJillon.-{)!1 any wny lo Mr. Nugent's on the ll1!£ hl of the 3lf't D ecembe r the.prisoneta at

coverin~ lf'ls fac t", w lltch w t- J'e repen toclly k ir:kl'tl , , see ing fo ur or !1vc perRons nlln t· k i~ l>r. 1\Jnrtin, I 1h e lJI.lr were in h is bolHHl; William Ou her 8011 Wil lo:.un B~trhtir rnl!cd ou t "J{ill th~ ;'' I rried Olit " nre ) O U !!Oing to rll!"hlt: r the mniJ ?'• Uooper left about Bt ven o'clock in tire evening the from the i11.(ltics rect:ived ~on not recollec t 11nytbi n~ 1 ur•on \\ hu· b oue of tllf'm c>XI' Ininu·d ". \\ ho ore you, oth"r two romoined for lwo hours longer; ,~hen i110re, un.ld he louutl bi m~elf ie l\lr. N u~!'l1! 1 jj 1 ~h·•t is thtt t to you''' twd 1111rneuilllC~t!lruck ma-· C hisehon nutl J uhn 13arber were 1tnud111g in 100 house . The llt.> :<t dtt1 he found mnrktt and luuaaca 1 \\ 1th n ~tone upon the fo reircud; it 111U:. hnvc1hceu door wny, e hout to ~nve! th.ey ' •enr not11e upon upor• nlm••!' l PvtJ•~ pnrl of his b~d.v; can ouly idt> n· a t~lone or :tOJ IIU hnrd sul•&to nce; nbout e ven n tiu- the ron•! ; J ohn Burber crwd " y are killin17

trty Wi.t,Utllll-li~er , \1ut thu1ke t loe tint pcnson wlto utes of:e r. :\l artin was rarried into Mr . Nugeut'tl in flll,'' nnd he nnd Chise lcpn t rie up the hill~ ilru.cle l~ 11 n w us _1l1e Mhort per .. o u, II or-per ; fr~m a mos~ tJe pl• rnl ·le c~udit iou,. c ovcretl wuh blood, wi111f's& fo llowel{ tbH_na ubout ttf•aninur~ after; Iller~ 1herr g t·lt l,e chan\!s lh· ·y must hnvtt hec n drun;< ; nnd h •s ltuu cls c.lret~ d lu l l_v ln•:eratod; tied not kn ' •W ! w.,re a nurrll>er o t , pertJOntf gro~ped togf\li•Pr · the O:l:<uult IO<' k plnce about fh•e or d 1X }nrds fro m tho t{IR(l 1\hrtin hn •l n. huld o l, \\ h t:n I · ~ firs• I here wa~ 11 0 light lo r som e limP; duf IIOt kno"' or'. tbc Acaden•y fenrc; wna olllig .. cl It> Jl '' t:pnn tile cn nlc\lp \\t th him; oftcr w it ne~s r cce~\·eJ tl1t1 h:ow ~ltutin; heorrl a noi!! r , hot no cry thnt o11y one s ic k report fo r n · f, rtoichf, hu_t c11m~ dv wn nfte r on tho' forelrc:HI he we11 t nhout fu ur or fiv e yurdd ~vllskille,lorit'j~uctl ; nnpersonswere ~lruckwhal11t the lapse o f n Wn.•k to tbe Poltre Ofhce, 10 rr us ke t ow~trtls Mnl(o rty (.;ove hr i rl~e tlll d " ;:s llact• j n 111Pd w ilncss \\as present ; \V illinm Hsrhtr W h8 sodru 11k th e n•·ce,.rHtry d epo~itton~, 'J1 is (,lett llem~ ahen very l•y youn g !Hr. r\ ugcut and :\1r. J ohn Fling, "fio us- h~ co uiJ not l'tR"J·; there were a number of -mu c h d sfigurtd ; it \Vn& o Ptrul •ght !"~tlat _ wJ;cn h ~ 8J~ted \\ itne~s co tv. r . Nugt:nc's II (Just· ; h»u rd no pe rs '>ntf cougrej!a:cd; and he couiJ ,not U 111lingui:~h wns nee.•uhcd ; l."f\ 111101 r;ny wlrat Jlt: r~ocl ol l•me 1t. c nnmrs mentioned nt ony timl'' 't w a11 uut \Vif liant one from t he othe r . · trOtlS1\Ction OC\Upiecl, out was upnt IIIIi qunrters hy I:S.llller \\bu struck Wl tii P IIS j 'he llfterwurJ s ~ ~\\~ .L CrOSj tramined by A-!r. Emer.ton .. - Chischon ll tld eleven o"clot·k : •l id 11 o t h~nr Any n~ c!' PS collt·d out .' J ohu Hor hcr nt tlr t.> l~ol ir.o Office, wheu ~$it! tl•at tfogc.lru r~mn;ned iu I he Jlou11o ,afte r the other two

Cross-uamiTitd by Jlr . f..~mer!On.-·1 he occurre n ce rreuat l>e th e pnr:cou \Tho struck me; there w ere five for two hour!!; th11 P"rt.f Wltli soUitr with tl•e exc1·p· took p lnr.e auour !udf .. ~OI!t 111 11 e ; 1 h ~> r~ wns no ol them p rouncetl in tbe Police OtlicPj did t1ot ~o 11011 of \V illiarn Uurber, wbo wns lipKy; somP. uf rr• oop..- \\ohen l•e fir~t ~uw the meth tlwy \vere near o ut 011 tltc Jtis::ht of the 31st to nss!s t in t ht>ir op- th t:S m nre from cl•t> nort(l si'cle· <Jf Buni\ \' IS'o Bav; ~11i:-'l4 ho ••s~; thre •) fi ·s l J' "S~t'd him, "ho \\ Ore p hclltion; .J iJ nol see · nny ot~tr pNe~ous on cbe \V illt l" &'s, h ouset:l- tnuctr frr qtleAted hy people fr.:ru follow t·d hy two 111or.J cotnill!! down ch u laill; tl ttlnr• -tl1e four I.e has rp0k1.'n ()f; two who lioJtnvit.•a' lmy, as he ' '" "t: ranieJ on tr u ~me~ •h~re ctl otU of tho_ wny •o . n\·o id heing _jos tl•ft ; 6\'o.' e(HS IC o ut of a house m)Jwuy he t \veen tho bri 1ge uud l~ens~lf; lta~t t.bd 88 mauy as n l .uu.Jr ,.,f pen11 11S l~ n t the JURti iO!! W•.•:! Hllt-n• :o n••l i 11 the men ~ti re Nugcnt'.t nucl the two who wero e n~ng~d wi th 1~1 hl tt hout-e Rt" t1 1116 ; tho trl!ve rew rll hnc.l nndJJO~ uo t tlruuk they l ll l ltu~.acl d ru ~cnneas r .- u~a • k nb ly rt io ; 1ho hous~ WliS d is tnnl c.bou't forty ynrcl :~ t()-d__riuk lro m h11n ; lht:y ~ro t'rnnkin:z ; th··re 'lftl

w ell ; ~ .,J cJ Hnrb~ r , '~l l h llae n g ht hand , hu9mg t1 m th e p!uc~: of the ,.tfrr~y; urter receivw;.: !he plentY-of' liou3ed h 1gl.er 61• tire roacJ, where llfjllor J.!noJ ·s1:zed st wk 111 h 1:1 le t t, rors~•1 10 protect him· lo w was tt u st u pifi .. d lhfl t he c6iilt.l not ponicu lnr iz c Is" t o ld. twlf ; ehe s.t• ck Wfttt w renc h"rl from ldm; rnunol lY pcreorr; \'Hl'i cot•fiup,J to his house fr0 m' -4i This r.lot'ecl the c·n-=e for the pro11ecut inn. ll~Y '"hot lillie c ln p!l('d bct wePfl lhe fi rst oUilck upou t-ffcc ts of tbe iPj •ery fo r 11101e t !Jun a. week. :\J r. Em"rtoon r nd ~lr. lfoy lesst! vernlly ud.lre•e~>• l h1 meelf by th e men und •l!a n rr:vnl of tbe ot t:er Gros.5·txamiHcd by .Mr. l;mer.fon .-Afler henr · 1he j ury f!!r tl•e pr iso nt-rs1 und tlllule 11 cuo:~t uLfd thrf'e, was 1,ot rml · l~ :•· d cu ttC!I ~' lblc l.y t ho. 6 rel ;11,, I h e ny o l mu rll~r toll w Murti u holde ~tg one per- 11 r111 m;: e ui ous tlc tc nce. b!ol w ' 1

1'u 1 h_r •h

1 °1 ~0 ',\'


1h-! ~ 11•~·rw arda rcCP iv~d i I!O~, it ruu11l huve bet~ II the oi i;J•r wbo t<truck w it.. T ho Chi~( J 11:- tico th en ('hOrtfld th~ jury, who

w u.•n re ru1sc• iiiiiRt nn1 ..... , 1' On y on w nut to I 1 11.,, N r: 1 · h 1 lf b 1 L: ' ll . f , ,. . uc~,. ; r 11: p~o t • e tn 1ur. ll.j!e llt':~ huu~e knew nn. nrre r nn" J:(J:ncc u t n o ur ta nu nu r rclllnH·• 11

· e 1110k• J!.IV•~ rn1

c ,n u lr cha1 n,~e of1

ntY hf~, he wns thcng of th~ ,;,a ll• r u nt• l Wllll t' t:l:i wotH i••; 1" 1t111!, \'ertl ic t uf g uilty agnmttl \Vrl iinm Hnrh(•r, U!•On lhtl o~um OUI'rH't ~:own H n • 1\lckct llfl i'ln thfJ ~IIHHf8 N - c.1 1 I) •1 d r, 1 h lJ . , , .

1 1 fi young • ugtul, oui.l A .lum~ IUU~t ha vo l>cc o clu11e 11 · .crlll~l\1 ror lir e UHllt ll t up(lll r .~ nrLIIl, un ac-

nn .J uc~ ur• ~r tl c::cnmc •o~e 11 ~ 1~ 1 l' i •~e wltu t> . ave lly. ;J • . / • . quilting tho oll~er l b r et•. Upon I he:: ind ac•tnt'IIL 11':'" 1 1,.~ 1ll s.auJ•ul{ u,v,:r ~~11 i •deullfin,PI \l~d l ln•n .Ur . .... J vhn F ling . .;;.On tl•o niJ,Ihl of the ~ l s;} n s chnrl! ' " g n11 nli~nult uvoi\ Mr. Walter Dllluu, tlou )llr t f• r I H' OIO III~tlt '*' ;(ll\'Y !nan Ill th~< \ 1 ·ce or- I 1 () f\ .. D . I . 't I

li Jj ! ~ I II • ,• Y1. · 10 wna U$$1::1tl111( .\ r. 1flon hona .. ,,., l!lt W ·r, M•H· 0 1.1r prt::~one rt> ~cru !K{jUI lt.• .

··o; ur •er 11111 oo pfl r were the on~two th at • 1 · · 1 1 •· fi 1 • , ~ • • . ·

k I I h . . l • • 1 1

t to ytn~ 10 n 1rem· 1, surroun d ,,, uy ~ lc1ur Qf ve1 1 he Ch iAf J u~llce ,11 11011~ in"' I'Onteoce Mt•l-err w · me ; I I ~ 01 l (' r I reo Wllll i" S !te~ 16 \\ I V e ~- .:.::. • ... h . I I • - . r :. ~ .,

az £ _ tf' · tl 1 1 1 ,. · .1 perPOne. ; <::at•not ny w nt 'ley " ~r" 'omg; '' '' 'OW " P.-i~ooe:- you • e · t-ee n rriet.l und convtt:"ttitl l:f lr1Jt j>t!lO ~Ilitt!l ~0 U l•(t~. n ~11y; 19 111

tc: t\ '' 0 ~" 1 11 r11 111~ Q~uci'O~)'IJUllek tnterfcre b~caus~ he \Vc8 astti~ting lJ tllun l•o tMl; this usseuJ; 0 11 Or ~l onin hy n ju'1' \\ ho ho \·e givon _ --· . ...._,., 10 1111 rptua· t~.rs; \ 0 " 8 nol now w f: t ~ r..a. 0' 0111'(' whi!st in .Mr. Nugent.'ah••Uf~ Mnrriu wns b· ou~hl n mo:. t pH'i tmt ~nd Cl\~eful t•owtiderut ion tn tha

· " F Till'! D\\' 'I \' · , \~n1 11

1 ; • re ut1~1111~le ( .0 ' 00

1'i ?.,~ n uo t DS.!~ IB!).tanyf•Osh• llttn Mr. J.Nugeuton.l Mr . Ph .. h .o; lnfter w nrd:4 "bo leofthecviclcntf' wt.J' ch hu~ sh own lte •• nndtt ST. JOflYS, ,, , ,, t . I, . \ I'<, l~L . Hll c llJO 1\'e l O r It . lib two nae n 0""' .. nrl ., .. ,. r ·,~ a.r • ~ . • J

I ! · 1 'h · \ h ~ .~,.ro.-. • :. ........ It· t .I.TJ r. ;.,ug rr.t s 11se tn cO tn('Rny wjth i\11 . ~~~- douht that you hove tolllOJittca 11pl)n llle taersonof a::.=..: - ,··-.::::::- =.::-==7:: Ol lCr 'Wt•' IIJ •Ii l lll" 1m· IO .t 6 t C-.L tl h t:St\ IIOW~ fi · ,I t: tJ '

1 1 h !J '1 1 H I{•' 1, 8e lllor, tw-. we w ,our pert1o 11s sia n mg 1 . ~ar a fellow-cr,;I\IUrt: ntJ rold t.loooctl bruenl and wnn· \\'r. hnve ro p re.l to -d ny cha ne w lh r irT of ehe Pru- c• gl e t:Pvt:Br Iiiii"' t emf t op;:. i ooper wl 88 not 50 t ile fence .of th o Acu emy , out: of who lll a p poorc.l 1011 an oc;.~nult M bot! P.Ver l•ct•n ,:ert•etrn

11ed Yo•1

vinre ol C~tu a llo . ft •r wh •di w e '"" i .. .t. bt t'd (o v110 ·· ~t ns

13 ' IC~, un• cnnnoc SAy ot w cull•me 0 1 \0 he druh~ . nnJ ens were t ryi·•~ to g~L him !Jove b.·e·n tl .. feudecl w;eh /Zft!llt ubiluv un.l "'~fnu• ­

.M essr~ . R osr~rsn:-;, I~ ROOlt t:» lit & Co . \V~ w ould t' (:." rny 1 16 .01 /'~ 111~0 cng:~J"I'· ~Vb 'l 1

n~ny ;. could no t rtoc~.ize nuy of the part); M r. 1y hy your counsel · h ut. not "~ecor~d opinionl·nll re14 pectr'ulfy r ecnrtllllt:nt.l it to lht enrP.fu l ruusul.-ru· . kr04J - t Zo7tmu: !I . or., :.~:#"!.-fi d I &tl . o n t •~ ~ut;cut t'nrr ied n lit llt: rn, wuic h on e uf l he oxi!! L Ill t hP. miml: of tlto"ft wt.o lta\· e henrd tile tion of'" " 1-: ,.;erurl\' ~. of t lae ehFl'llUer (;f COIIIJOt.:rce 81~ k r :port ",·~s ~o t ·~ c·, ul~l (',on Oil~ tO 115 roona; )'8rty W811 ttd 10 fvr c ~l rt:tn llin. j Mr. Nugt lll r:tn de nce d t t ,ale tf lhitt d~y .in C(oU~I n!l to you b'!s no •l nf oil ou r reudc '3 •uterel"tcd •n rhc lrndc of this J' 'C r· to out Jill uer tn t ae ~ u tee m·~a · d ad n•lt .• • 1 . . 1 • 1 \. _ _. . . ' . .

1 l f 11 1 ltl h . • . \"O:i crmeu W ltt n 8~ ...__ -"C t leil l"'occt>iJcd rn~ rhe pcrpet r~·or nf !Ius utus t ntroc enus rrune. C" lony. Th~> re wPro three '-'BY~ H I \\ lllrh the inte r, ' ' 1:," • y ( loupcr, ll ut to . I e rua'!_llftr~ te lkl w~!l d 0 \\0 tl•e ha il with tlau HJc"?.;-and ~ •eyon•l l h e \\"h eu tlt6 other:~ httd knc.>cked •luwn your vicciw, colon.ul r rud~J of Urllieh North Ame ri cn r&uiJ b .. , ~ ~~ II r Cll t Je tw n s_ •or~ p n:~o.~te,re wuo fehtrucfi ffi"j IJ : itlge Ill ~ugolly Cuvu t b e v w.· n~ gi,·f. u in to •h~ wll• l!t b~ l r~y u pon t he grou nll )Oil pincer~' th l! lwrl DIUCh extended ; by Ill union of •he Pruvi uce!l, hy a I!)""' a C' v:co er exnnrtn dt.•• n ., .. u 11e ~e l o 111 : • re .. ~ 1 ll) 1 b· . h • . ~ . 11 . . . . . . 1-l . I ' , . · r ust"1•Y o ., u tl! t t •e cou~tu ·c; 110 u r ""' (l•, r t~olld 01 ( your boot upon h as f'Acu Rud C'ruet.e1 1a. '-VIII L111n~m.'~' unaon , n r hy ndnut 't i~ J! IIll O •h P. ProvutCC<i 11

" ct: rl >tJ il 00 i:e r 19 t le perrc"n who auflacucJ till~ jui uccl; cnnnot sw«>nr ll•al 1h.t:' pr itwn c:-rrt n t tl1 ll hnr to r lh tt lll l.'rc i!ul inter 1o.•i wn uf uu e ·~r .. watr.hfu l r eFI'CCitVely, .'tuey lrtle, lilt' ~ I\ liVe proJuce nnu !rid· ~ rdt hlo.w; J ·~e.V IOUS 10 tb o ~ttsou l~t ltnll wa lk ed down hre 'b*' . II U ;O p~nroua ·a:s wero g•v~::n illtU lilt: CUt!- Providea.ce who en\' ,' v; . .Martin·d lif~ '\ie miaful nulnccu r~s ul tlt o otlterR. I ~ 19 llllll t:C1'8·3 ry for us n l I from .. Orl J O Wl 8t"Od \\ ltb Go('lalll Cha m her ... ; to ·'y of •be c n .. , .... ,L. •• I t et . . I 'tel 1,, I "e

I · 1 · · f 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 d d u • '' "' u• Jv.. • to t<Ontentp nte 1 ttt pos1110n we !<,Jon A IB• present to en ter o n l•e con .. u '. rntton o l wiJ ·c h 0 · 18 ' 00. Y 0 11e G 1u'11 0 HOttty 80 WOier, 0 ' ' \\ fh Notbing mat.sri:~t;:as elicited in the cros:1· exa- been ,J,.retl in hncl o lleen fi und ui h of orr of· rh.ese would be the muet LPO• fi cea l; - h ~ r•· pr•·1wntn· 1111 he 1:1 no w ; they It'll! lw cm druuk, w,oult.l lrA\'e 1111·n c·1 .. 1 "' l' th 'ts .. 11.,_ .. I f ·' .11 , Y

1 u 0

1 g Y .1 lb.

· f · · 1 1 Jj 1 I! 1 1 · · 1 · · u v ' " .. ......... lt!t•ce o ·a uenu rcr c U'lrOcter. cnllllOl reJ!nru t:l tl fes 0 nenelezn-tweuue t •S nt ellll l''"" i' ,. "' rl l •o I II U \\ C• t tern lfl pu~!i unuottCel ; IJII I(fl ~IIIII tl.al 'ohn lf-1-t;'ne •"1. • .:.-l Et'q On 1116 n :..,, t or I' h ft' h ' II ' . 'l' ' " A · h · 1 ... 1 ·11 b 1 fi h • , "'' ,,~ .. ·• ~ JY"--· ' ·- 5 • lltt n rg t o tHtco-t ere as no JHt •ouou. loJ Ob·

men ca tn tngnlopte.,tt ; e•H, Il ~\ 1. 0 .11 cces- ••era • P.re vep: eee nt ; countt!d 1 0 ~r !11 '1"rstu the ttsfJ)cc . , · aslwai~t•lnlu~alhome,Mr. \Valter in to ·our brutalit thacthoae w ho havebeen enry . for 1 b e• L · ~ •s ln~u : c ,. f N "'wfoun tlln•.d • ·•• tt" .ne ·~ 1 f'C \\ hi\ I , c t.ttnc11 of escnpt~ 1 h Me wall i <~ " 11 ' l ny 0 illou 1!11'1\,gered juao dae room iu ,,. htch I Wll!', oud ~ ~odin J. m til at <Joe: · b · : u· have !Jeen s uhjec t l!leue_on , •o p .i~8 a c u.stome L'-rt () II •he Rnwc vrrnt·J· wh ..- LI•er ee the r ., f lh•! thr· · t~ \\ ho ra!n e up lo•tt l klckeu rest·ng t, itutst:lf aga ius t tho w·ainscotin1, ciclairn- to' mou~Js of inenreerari::~~ }You hnvf! be~n ask~t· l pi t>.' rn or~ t· r to r~~•n ur l'reeeu t tra t!e with t h e h •m; fro.•u lo~e o f blood 1111•l conllrliiiii\Cfl of ulows pJ "Gt..otl God, wtll \'••u at!ow l>r. ~lardu 10 b~ ~ 'd 1 1 I h v not llc.-n nc t.,bbcunnJr P•ov •nreP. I·Pc& me enae••!',ble; wrtiJCoJ"' :~ coee was ~tn neJ \' ith ' I . I . ' " I , D • or eve eure o c surat'tor, nne you e e

o '· I 1 . II I d d . llltt r c ~ rvJ Ill y our l uor ' d ttl IIOl see al.on n\Jlf! to ,.roduce a aengh• wirnet's to aone~k on yuur ::::z 5 u O th ; \Vt sweur 10 1 uot s lrr l..e n h l•> W tllo11gh .1 1 1 1 · , . Y • r _. ~., I I ' t\ I . I' . • I ~hru let: UJWih: u t 16 t oor ; w tun tny alte td iOn "'~ heh~tlf • I mus t cilerefore .beheve you to Lie " ll: u Wn•c" .. ;vo J ~-~~OJ' I.... .. l 'h·· "Cltnont' T '71'p ne 11111 t! ral"'" 11 n t re "11 10u t mr ! anu · de•l uot cu I · d 1 . · 1

... ... • ... , " •u ... - r , 0

. ~ • • I" .. ' I h ' ~ • . . dtr!Clc Lowarct~ IIIli h•s p urson Wt\8 C'Overc~d \\' llh wno IIUd the t!entcoce of tile court itt thnt '"" he eoon b., lon~ting 10 ~lr. Jodepl. ~l uckey, ll resvo.-tn· ou\ · rnun e r uu ·• fl ll .ougt.t It ' "as urne 10 uo hi l h. 1 d J h .n 1• 1 · . ,. ' · .1 1 b f I \ 1 1 . f

1 oot , \t 1c 1 rup~m• upuo t e uoor rum n lnll.ta er- imprisuflt!J for the epn<."e of eigi.Jt calenusr UJClR ' r~.

:c pf,llll e •· u lerrin,; Neck ' l t ft lhul hnrLour ('l u l''l ; ' • hil lS wus • ur.ty or ll r t)• }' 1\rcle " leal! ; r·anoot ch cef w lclr k , lte t.elu to t. it:t fuctl . I iuston ol se• z cd . • . . u • Tue~tday lhe 9t h cu r~nt, b ound Cn r rl,i ~ p ort \91th ti!<SI•• II 611 Y rt:asun lor rhe ll t'S•IU I I · never .:uve OliV I I II I • I _. 1 I I he £l"ISOUCH 'A' :li th ,.on he tUtl l •l (".tehlltO- .J'Ul Jumber ami 6reb, The uew cousi:J•ecl of Mr. S111c proY~••a•i1111 uf nuy kiml fur it ' - ~ r"tworc uu( Cll .81 fo ul lb m y lt~l ultllflautl lu: 311 to rn il.!la t na w~ll aJtf eigh~ m .o re to rt." -Wgtr of k i h

· . 10 o w me; cun11ul$ rv111 a we · tg ttoe tOillll 1ntu M Y l2 . Py, h li 1 r ee ecn~t, ."!lt.l three o•ltE'T I'Cr~onR: T r.c 'l'o the Cl.iif Julli,.~.-A bo ut n \fl'ftk nfror the the opeu a1r .I C'ould not scu clenrly fur s urnc tuo· --:-".:...--·~~~~~~~~=~===~~==~

v~uel ,was seen '10 1 hursd11y uft- rnnou ufi Bourlu ouen.,.:c be ton w ebe prisontlrtt •n the Pulice Oflice ; meute~, uul "'Y viJ'tOu IJ•: c~o~min~ .. .,,u, tlitttiiiCt nf- l$I1\TH .~);;-;t;;(51h iue,talll, 01 CII A\•n, th o la.ly Vlt! t't h ay ; loss SuturJny, tsho wo• hul\nJ, d by , \ I hey \\ tlr~ prese n rcd 1o lr1 u1 f•1r 1h6 purpose o f be- 1cr at wlul~, IU81Ated by the Jig lH of 1 la• •t~ rtt of the Hon.· BnYA:-. JtoorzrsoN, Q.C., uf 't. John ',, achooner from F. ogo, Wud uo b .. r h.ellm e n ds, h nd ! ru g td ent 1fic rl "!!the p trtfOlll!l ~barged "''i rll hnv in " "'hich J carnecJ , 1 ttt1 W liv" u~reeua at ,he di~IR IICC Lo L 1 k d l h 1 d ..a 1 " ,. Newf,unoln nrt, of a e~on.- Supplemrnt to lltt. n· u war san rru on t e s •nr lC.IH tslw~~uove 111 ,nn r \ u~t,..uu'tod Willie>~~; wos theu qu11e c•:rtlli~ ne to \Vii - of ,e,·ontec u .)urds from If•~ hnl!-dour o f th~ Aea-

1 .8 .

ahto sonle tunber& a lid I,'J., c: k"" lwock~d . an sbov~ l_t. c j li .JIII Unrl•e r , bu t doub1ecl of !he illl.l;r•it1 of the tl en1~· , et:wtlw~ lttt£\r tile ft!ncc; a ll e pJuHtreJ to don 'imc.r, pp/ B. . - .. -bends. One bQy \Vos f· •ltn: l .•lro w oerl m the C:l l•111 , · ''"~ ~ horte~ • men, 111111 refused 10 lfWe to ony but hB\'e lJ -!eu clraiiKmg .; o .. e .... lls more inebrtai~U tllllll MAKR n:o.- On Mon•loy even i115t hsM, tst Sr. aucl no trace .of th t> ott.e rs; n •s feare~ the c rew m11s • W e! lt nm Unrher; uow buwt·tc r 1 cnn fi.- Utton lfoOJ>· ~'::l re~ t.; 1 1ltnu iu:rd the ltullern UJ• to lllt-ir hu:f's Thorr10s•15 y hl!r•·h, t.y the Rev. C tuu )t'8 Hlnc·kmno,

.h :.Ye oll · pc~·•hetl, ns th~. boat WO:t clrseo•er~d tu.ll t: r ~ · l ! l •_ho Sellt., ~PI{rf'~ of cert~l 118 o .• rt.er i chat tllu bys~ndera 'nt ifrlll id r.llll(Y •tlicao; OlltJ of ,!. •• \f., ~tr. SAMUltL w.IITl:WAT, 10 M.uY, !llriCI'I of water wuhm two 1111·e8 of the •thoont>r: It HI ~ou . d not' tn the PohClltO!J.ke have pte 0~11 U11oper rbu pGrty ~eerneu to lh~ strug~ l iug to ge,l D. way, n•1tl duuKhter of tL" taus ~r. E•Jword CalltJbilu, of tluJ ~t.oughc tha.t llae ':(>ssel !nust. lut"e run llJtHl lle t nn fr11rrt th" numher ll f ar.ft ~rtr~rt!ut hul i•lunlt4 who u.e orhers .toc dtl~~~~ b tn• ; J curree.l the J~totdrll the tow n. Jeeb~rg durmg FruiaJ. nrgJtt, "'h 1c~ wa~t, l:'fJIInlly . ''"" heen Jlrtl'eo telt; M.r: Carter wn &lagi~.. yvhole t""IIY duwia sl1tt routl .u tttill point,etl out thoee Tne, wre~k hns IHte n to 'Y t!d 111to K111g" C uvE: . trare who tuok eny cl t: pOli iUoua. ,, bve~taou• , 0 ~.t.l. uev_eu, ~d t .e111 for 0 ; _g - J J/bmlurrn JlJ.mnj &worn and e -Reeiclea rnomeut , tfl&y tn•cf• •. e,p t.UOif'.l' • -TaaJtt

JLCl\U lnt f I U Jlt tltt. 011 d16 rood I~.Jtliujt to ::S•gun l H bove . Mr from ·me, ond one o'f thew raised a'itolt1do 'tb 1 .u :;::=============-=-'f.'=:;::.=-·==== C ruw•l''d h ouse, On the uight e 'fht be .. h, buc ~nt rueveut.•·d.a I b ttlhsve, by John liacbe r .;

CEi"S1'~4L CJRC UI r Zovnr. l' •fl•her lu i."'" ~·e " ~s returpiu,r to is l•oma ho oo gtv . nt~ tl•em up ~~ M oi~ll O:!IC«HI_ tf,hQ rt>quir~tJ -. Jl'\ • tfl: d Dr. 1\hrllll neor MaJ,:Otl.)' i rl(~ i ufu·r a.uy QIII!IISIOnc~,alit.l Olld .o~ lhat lie did fiO L 1 rtlllltD-

(From tltt O.fficiu. · lfUporltr OJ lht / .aw .c;ociti!J.) l"'t~errnf lauu l·e Ill• t tbrc t1 Jl~r81J IIS r uu ruworde t-tl to usy lrou::e, wher'' J fouud Or. Murt iD; tho !lim , ~ ho were rollowat.l Itt o ditJt•tt · tt:n ·yerdtt IJ;uou flowed so :>rofUdliJ' fcofu his wouucle~ that we

.B efort Ch.it./ J,atiee Ruor. s.:Qo&P.N .,,. Wru.rur P..ARBFR, J n H I'I i:JA ftCF. ft ,

'f MAS Cttl8t.t.TON, JoJUf BoGDEN, AND \ V e.t.l.h&1

tJ J' tta.-TJ.e intl•eteneu r c h11 rged 1h~ pr1t<o11~rtt w hd'iog eomnairu~· • nn "~~ravnted ta tt'4oult upo n pr. Jume~ Charle~t Martin, Atai&t~ul Snr t:t:On to tbe. Roy~tl N e,_.founlJiaud Comp11nies, on the night ~f.tbe 3ltl D~r.emher tnar.

Tbe Attoroey Ge:r·eral, M;r..t Robinson , Q .C., nnd . Mr. Hareotut Moon~yJ \ftre for 1l1e pro,.ecu1iuu • ' Mr. Emenou aoil ~Jr. HoyJea , lefeodtid llu.• p ri! HIM hi;

• 'l'he ~me ptniN Y~re 1}80 fp•lieced r~r Dn ftl• IJIUll on M·~· W..a~ter J?iiiC!!'' end buth in~i~,mea\11 were 111brmttel"to che JIUy •• lhJt ft•mJJ time.

The ;\U<~rn4'y Gent~••l ehor1l7 tra:eclll¥' (aete of the *• lnd.tll~ eall~ Or. ·M~r·in, w.JlO deroacd chat on lhe nr11ht of,cbe Slat of Dee-eruhc r Ja .. r he· .. e.~ t!Jci -ho.urt 'Jif ~i,nJ!LIIJ~ t~n" h-. wn•, r t;tur'uing ~ titt 'uarter~;. w~ae9 D!e at ~~~~ ~lolfj•ita11 011. th~t

uy \"'' O lllurd , 0116 of wi•OIIJ ap(>t!Ofl' t o b~ cf1 uuk j \\ Cfl' ohl igcu to llile bt;cKelll of Witter ill OUr t-tfOtlS

they "'' r lj cu rsi11g and s>A ee rtllg, no n•ll~l! t;6tl•l .lo ataun ch it J cu fuel, hi~:~ hductCL , fuce1 .. ul ht>ad »gn in.- t wi tnctis.; saw che m Rfrtit w11 tle lgliin•t ap penre cl lO be ontt rua~s of ltrui:tee, and tiiU!tl JJr. Munin, 111 ·ll hcurd wl•ut lee 11a th~t :u· op~ have lleen ehe reeu ll. o f rt'peo\~d hlowe; 1. nnver O( lht' ltl thtl ll l!f!i"ed hi1D 1 snd tJeo r Wr:ocJI~ .. lll\V a f.Jen!OO '"'V UJUC:h iujtued \Yhen ,d eath dad i•·g tl•e etic l\ from ll ie hruul, k t\u~ ··ro\'fQ. ot-ens ue i J tft"r"urus &CJ:'WJlpUDitd Dr. Ma&r&in .,,f, a hluw o l it ; • • be load a 1 Q hi• b•! IP, ·hoo ~"•"•"· · Irs tlrJSt ctea•o:~ileu '' nc hQute ancJ J urned ~;:'~ To tiN CourJ.-le ~..trtoio be haotled over five 10 ll r. Martiu'JS auislftuee; uu hitt retu miu\ .wt • "lll~ ~t.lltuLltt . ' l

J.! ti ll eugugetl w ide Or. )h ruck' oi&lt r P,.on-t~iJWl6!J Mr1 EmertOn.-The priaonere the1:1, "" ''o inuueditttely r e ),ill 1 ahcf ~e uo .tJurt ,o· ~~cepe ; theirobjaca aee•ued 10 w iure11s w t nt in purapit _of m. lte .e.-~ptu•lly iJe ~~ ~t.nsuiablng tlut lisbt so preve nt iode&uifi-" ff• ctecJ hi11 ei!.'!~tpe frorn witnc,.a l'ting into ·a .,:adOft, ·. 1 • 1 • · ,

IJIJUI'e nt cite foot c.f ' the ro&d a ·ing himHif • Wiilia., Mo€fL-1• a conttahle; fllur pe~ao.,, in ; a• h~ -.ee returuipg to Dr. c"ane up .,.,. genn tfltO cuetody bJ M.r • .Nugent l recogr~i-., wub Mr. W-Jter Dill'ln, wijo .l•qn•f u.W. M1• ••o U.rbere amovgat tbe111; Wcllt~tru Bar-his face '; knowa a hal Wil tbe ,,.,,. tMw wae•nv tipl!.)' ; Mr. Nutent bcld t:.e 1i.hr to eorl he Ide fiDJAged wi1b one of Jbeir Jacu ; tlue111 uot kuoyr ~ ciaruea of the other the u.en CJt~ .out '\\~iOirm and he two; they uU rame iuto bit bout e aft~r ,~;.,.y pete ftnawered (o lt; I roo\ a he ·cirne Mar· &iren Ia epar1e to witaus, wbu- then told Wlllfellf ~in uulil m! fetjl rn about ~'• ; li1r: Uat~r hOtlJHII;IJO to·&be JuU.·up; lh•J ... J'fO(\.Oejlo~

' . '

' .

·BHIPPIIiG INT~LLict.ENOll· r .. < == . ·, ~~~~·~ . . May 16.-0tbello, Young, Ot;ono, 18 clays. n~~ne,

Johnlfton & Co.-suh. t\beoua, ~•t:E'ur on, 'feiiuamouth, 38 dftyl, Warren Hror her~-aen• t~rBI cAtgo. Carteret•a, &tauerft~te, . Ovor%1 18 lta)'S. st Aieov ~ Co -•all. Hope, She leu, l.i,erpoul, 42,day•, ~riPJ Bruther•-fot ral

. caqo. ' kft1 ]7,-&rao, Sbe-ehafl, Sydney; Rohinson, Br~ 1~

6. Co.-to1ll. Oora, Wlth,comb, Fi,ue~ra, · dap,Mud" ._ Co.-,.alt. ~llrah1DJ-n iol\.~~1"iJ! 9 day.-,Ctirt, Wood & Co.-coal. ubn{ Ht • tt verpool, 38 ~u•, Htaine, Jo!•oetcin & p o.0

114 F' R irbard BfOWOt Lobbin, t:Jydney, 6 day•, "ac,j Hnwn-oo,.t • . R•(•hl, Ca•hberuon, Li~er~ ' 00 tla)"· W. E. 'l: aylor-Rttleral ._,,o. •;· .Dftb} OrqorJ, LiYert,ool,S9 aaya,J .& W• Sdt li -arr;-hh • • Merprel, S inrlalr, p; 11~ • . '*"•o t

dayt, J4. S&ewar' ~ Co.-oall aod o1•t~ ..

.. '

. ,_ CLi:.t.R~D· . , Moy ·J6.-Coledqnia, Bo'udroutq Pietou, R. A!sc1'p

& Co.-bcillost • . Velocity, A't_uler~nn 1 ll odifdx, .M. Stolll.-K &. Co.-H. M. matla. J<~,hn; Kuox, l\liromicbi1 J ; & .J. Keot....,ballaot.

l7 -J\lazep1••, Rod'gers, Hlllifax,:Robinaon, Rrook· iug & Co.-ballast. Hero,_ Cblstiolm, Plf!ladel• pbia E. Har•ey-fi•b. OllfG Hroooh, Thomaop, Pic~u, Job Brolhera.k Co.~hnllaat. Voronica, MountAin, Sydney; John ()•Mara-ballast. Scot· ti•h LIIM, Devereux; Sydney, W!l}iam Walait­t.allaat.


April 29.-Kingaloch, London, L. 9')lrlen S& Co. t;aooilla, Loudon, W : & _H. Thoma• .$- Co. May 1.-U•rkbill, Lontlon, Joh, Brothers &.'Co. 2.-Jes•i•, London, E. k N. Stabb. EIJph~nun. Greenoclt, BuinP., Jobnslon, + Co. 3.-::>t. ~- lilao , Greenock, Buntoro S,· Co.

-1 -William W•r,..,n, Boston·, J. II. Wnrr81l . Ji.-Runoymede, Greenock, McBride &. Kerr. J5_,::>ea Flowtr , Corli, llounsell &. Co.

r 17. -··Hope, \Vc;t Indies, Robin•on, Bru•>kiog & Co. ME.)IOR..A.NDJ..

The Limn , hen co tor 01-'orto, w~poke:1 to .. n ohe ~U!h ult., io lat . 42, long. 12.90, by tho Othello, arrived here. "

The G•zelle, from Oopeuh~y·, for N ewlountl· land, l'""oetl tbe Sou11d oo tHe '!lib ult.

'fhe Helen, bence for Hftrhndoes, wn• apoken to ou · t~e 24th !\lorcb', in lot. 26 N., long. 51 W.

Scilly, Jlpril 14.-Tloe Omegn, ot Liverpool, with Jo;:t of nuJUer. &c., en1l ahantloned, but w1th th~ httl l appnrcoth· in good conduiou,'wns pB!!Sl' d in Ia'. S7, long. 4·1, b1 the .lo'rnnklm, Swoth, nrrivod off tb/0 pill<~ '

The lnoex, ol ond from Sunderlnncl, to Qu•-b•c , w•• UJDk•n with on the lOth iust., io lat. 46. 20, toug.\JG. SIJ, hy the Argo arri•eJ here.

'fho Skylark, Mnllock, from the Onnnhe tu Wa• 1erford, \Yith ln•Jio~~n Corn , was 8pokeu with on the 25th ulto. iu l•t. 39. 30. long. t3;JO, on t 150 day• ;· lh t: crew huol lleen suluist ng o r. JnJ ia." Curn fbr 15 clay", w11~ 1\Ufi JJ iiftrl \V ith pr~v it~~ion~ by 1he Corn.

~UtUOn .S:nlt~.

THIS DAY, (Thuraday ) , At TE~ o 'clock ,


. STEWiHl'r & UO. fJ~ {·I E.-H> Prime Stall. ferl OX ~2N •)-) l 40 I had Primo Fnt SH l<.:J,:P ,\n li , lnuding ex LA.DY s .. u .. F.:, fr o m Anlit!oniMh ,

.'>0 lhrrel• Prime POitK . 60 du do UEI~ F ;,n Forkons Pr~ me BUTTE R ~ Un Lard, I do o, TO~GU!o:S.

~~. , tS .

TO:MORROW, Friday, at 0:-IE o 'd ock,


Cmnsnct·cial !!!ale Roo1u,

600 llllDS. Ll\'lmPOOL S1LT, AFLOA 1'.

ROBERT PROW SE, May 18. A uct1 o u f'e r .


lJ.l<ID~llif ll\Y~ ~£ili'..£l~

WILL BE SOLD D\' .H! CTIO~ . .\t ONE o'clock,

Si\.TURDAY, the 20tb AT THf!


mX C:BIAN«i't ~ ~UJIJL.JD liD'Gff1 ( If not pre• inualy di•po•od of hy private contr .. ct, of wh ich dote notic" will IJe given,)

TU & BtUO.a.NTI:'fE

''Ann Amelia," Of the burthen of 9.'J Tons, New, and 105

ToQM Old Measur.,ment, boilt at Antigo­niab, and is about lour years old.

-At.so,-TIR: BRIG4l'fTJJf&

" ·Normal," 01 tha Bunhen of 111 Tons New, and 149

Tons Old Measurement, built a\ Prince Edward leland, and is about 6vo years old. The above Veuels are admirably ca lculat-

td' f'lr the gP.pf'rnl purpose a of the 'tra:d~ ; and ~xtenaively found in every deacriplion of aeaJ. mg gear.-Ioventoriea cao be aeen, and all further particulare made known on applijion ~ R ,PERCHARU,

. nr W. V.- WHITEWA Y. lly order of the Admioiatratri1: to the ~

i:atate uf R : R. W J.J[EQ4M, de­caued.

~·yl ,l. ·l ,

To •.ail poliJioely 011 SIJlurday,

Tile F~t Sailin( Bria'anlin• ' ' . ' ~Jane -Isab'ella,"

• · • D. p:r.MPJI&LL, Mu·tr. .

-'Hu ~:reel~~~· act!om!Dodaoi~ns for PA~EN­'· . 'GERS, '·u~ room ·fuf"F're1gk App!y lo

( WARREN BROTHERS. :. • : {2i,) { .


... •:. .

. .. r .. . (

: ' • . r J, • • •

·, .... .Il l :~ """ .. : . .

''· ..

, ..


. . '. ·.' ·. • I .. . ... · . )




-. ·.

• '• ..

' . .. -.

0)n ~iJlt. r·---~ < v - ' =====F<'f='=:====:==?"=""S:==:'~===-·-

itt_. TIJJlD. VESSELS ~- . · .I

To load Coal ' at Pic lou, for B'oat~n. d NE VESSEL to load Co"l at s.YJile.y, 1utd

' return to. thio Port. (

( SAMUEL LAN~EY. Mayll. ••• ./ •

1. 1WO or Three VESSELS to proceed r'b Pietou, to load Coals (or I he Un ited S ntes.

April'l9. M. STEWART&Cp.

· · JDJ~r .• ;AID>Aim~ l.QlG>m~a"~~ WQUL:D respectfully inl*'il' ohe inhabitnnta o

1St. John's that he will,ul\til "'e departure o the p~itt packet,perfor'!l' operation' u,oon the T ee th at tloe Toll~wiog e:rccedtngly low pri~es :- ..

F illing with pure Gold . . .••. . . .. . . £0 5 0 , »p. do. Silver .... . :.. .... . .. . 0 2 6 Sett,.!ng lice loest Minflrall'eet h.... .. 0 10 0 E~tr&cting .•.••........•..... ~.. 0 2 (.i

By 'VLIFT, ,Voo:iJ' & 'to. Ex •.• RAPI0 1. !' from Liv~!p~ol, ,.

100 Boxell .and H.nlf BonA



a ·;~v~i~l;~~ iio~~;:

• 4i.

nnd nil other o'perntlona at propottionote low pric~• . "'"o 11e li!.et. L:t~iu attoulled at their re•iileoce \Yi thout extra '10- ohar~o.

=========;==''=:=====:::::::==;::=--~~Jto,,m !it M'r. R•"oEu.'•, opp•·site the ,..,.,.

Belnngi'lg to 1\b. l\lcC.t.UE, fro,oting on tho 1\J olttory R <>,nq, o nd ·having · an entrnoco from A vnlnn ·rer...aco; · Tho vhol<> are .oubject to n ground· rent of

Eight pnuiids C urrency per aunum, renewa. ule !!Very 40 years. a A comfort'nb lo DWELL I N"'G uce of tbtl lote It . R. Wuaui>t, &'J'.

HOUSE- near tho Wesleyan C ha. - y-4. . .

' pe l. AJ'ply to · ~®W~ (]5-J:Ill)l:IDll~~ · Mrs. COWAN. ' ' . - SJ9 Terms of puyrnel)t ond further particular•

can bo known by llf>plicntion to May I f.

Au OFi~~E to Let, One of tlie bt!st situl\tions ill' Water-street.

Apply to ' .JAMES B?RNE. ---May 6. -·

rJI,HE Subscriber begs leave _to acqnoint • her Frien<ls nnd the Pu bltc', thnl sht>

ha$ lntely lUi-MOVED to the New Hou•e next donr to 1\lr. D. Su u . l\·A:-r, at tho head of ~Valdugruvo Street, nnd op posite the pre· miscs of Messrs. R.:sNt£, STU ,\nT &. Co. , wl e ··e oho will thanklully rec e ive and punc· tually all<~ll<l t'u any orders given in the 1ino uf her busi ne•• as Dres• Mukur

1\fny 13. A. STACY.

(3ins . ) .. 7 'eJ&deJ·s £or Pt•le ~·eal Oil.

'f E.'l 0 I·: It S IV ill be re••eived unt il TB U RSD .\ Y, the 18th inst ,,m, na N onn, ro r th o Supply of

1800 G:lLLO~ S P,tLE Sru!L. OIL, nf the beot 'lllalicy, for tbu use of ol.tu Lighthouse~ •n thoe Colony.

Fo~>ttten hu3dred n.Unns to hQ in iro!tbouud C•sk• of furty j!lllluns each, or cberecbOuts; ond 1he remnm•lcr in Puucbcone.

!:& A ••porotn T c 11tlc r will he reer}vod for 80,0 Gallon• of doc a hove , delivt!rable at Harbour Grace. ,

~l u r 11. A wu~A,

Secretary .

& (0:£:,1]11])0 ~ I ' 'I'fH: SUIJSC'RI BE: RS l1eg loa v'u to an•

_ 11J)IIIJC< (O their fri entl• II nd ra0ppnrtor8,, t l<ll ' they have ru~~J(JVED In ~their NEW. SH O P, in :\cl.,luod u S• reel, leadi'ng irnmedi­ntoly North fro m I he IO:s tabl ishmelti nf J . H. W &R ll >: ~ . E"q . , whure th ey at·e ready to ex. ~cute oil orde o s in 1 heir line, ns usual, with neatness lliiU tle•pa,l c h

~fay II .

Beaton & .Robertson, 'l'.iliLOR~.


Independent f·:lt>ctoJ'!I of the Dis­ta·ict oC t'e•·ryland:


HnYing repreoen'nd ynu in t~o seeond House of General A .. PtniJly, nnd for (our years dcvuted nil my enPr{l iCO oo the di•chnrge of the arduous du •ies imposed' upon me, nrld as you bnve oboe rved doo manner in which I used my utmos t endeavours to fillfil them, I shnll (God willins: ) preaent to you an oppor­tunity or signifying, by your votes, who• her m.y op•nions and conduct haYe been approved of by you. If, then , Gcn·lomen, you are of opinion thnl I did toy duly faithfully, accord ing oo the trust repoaed in me, and never bartered your rights <hrough a hue .subser. vlllncy •o tlonoe in 11ower:-if yqu cnn ~id e r that 1 nevor loa• an oprortunity of 1•romoting tl.e improvPment·s dfectod generally Otrough­out ch'} Ioland, bu • more pnrticularly in our owo Disoric•, th~n )ou will, I am sure, sup· poro my humble claim• to yourrepresentatiol) .

In couclusion, Gdntlemen. I h11ve a single ob~rvation to make •o you, tha: I am pleased and pr()lld to obs~r\'e rna • in <he neighbouring Colonies, thnt. grut first principle of the Bri• ·ish Constltution,-lh• Ruponaibility of tfu Ereculit!t to I he Peopt. througl• 1 htio· Ropo·••en.; tnlitJu ,-bas been acceded to; i• ia almos t. un­necessat·y for me to IIIRUre you, that if chcoen 111your Repreaent~tiYe, I oball consider. i• ooy bounden du y, witt. e-rery energy that I am po .. e81od of, to claim the eame concession for Newfoundland. Ia a wprd, I shall ' Jl~y utmoar, 118 hitherto, .to ameliorate tbe . c di· tinn of the brue, the generous, and moat m · • ritorioua .Fiaherinen- be v .. rybono · n.d. ainew or\hti country.

. I lluo the honor to remain, · Gen•lemen, · .

Yo.ur 'fai~·bl\.\lt:i"vant,,. . • . · . PETER WINSER •.

Aquafort1 M 1\rch 28, I 848. • i,' •


RESPECTFULLY informs •he inhnb;in1 s May · Js. Not. Pub. o;f St. John's and the public in genernl, , ••

thRt he has cnmmcoeed Business oppflsite ''"' ~.By the SUb$Cl abcrs ., Premi•o:s of Messrs. McBRtDI!:. &. K£nR, in' l!:x " JAs\:," frum '!¥1timore, • /\ vVnter Strecl, wh ere ~·e hopes , from lois long '200 D.ARRELS Svpel'linc FLo%./ . rt!•odooco on St. Jobo "• lo ro:cetvo o. sbare of lF . 10() llarrd• 6no ·dit l'ul>lic p.ttronage. 70 Box es Mould CANPLES 6's, Ss,


GOLll \U ED DING RiNGS, April '25.

Wholttale and Retail.

0)n £:ale. Jt .. otice ! .'\·ouce ! !


( t f. )


Pt'r Au'&oNA, and fur Sale nt their .~ew Pre-misea,-late S. G . AncnlDALo's,

A FE\V Hogsh~ad• a n<l Hdll·bogabeads Do•onshio·e Sweet CIDER

Mnwns Cnhbago PLANT:> CORDAGU:-of all sizes.

l J.so , Cod Seines, Caplin ~cines, Coopers' Rushes A St~cond-hand Anchor nnd Chatn, &c., &c. N .B. -Room to bo bad in their Bond Store, M~y 18. (4i) .

Laltding Er "~largar<l," from P .. E bland, By lU. ST.i:Wi\.RT & Co.


20 M. SHIN_(;LES 20 M. LUMBER.

May 18.

· .. By P. D. VA.RTER & Vo. • • P INE ancl Spruce DEALS ·


Prime See(! OATS 10 Cbe~11 f'irat Quality· Congo TEA . •.

~ '·

~WAK't' k Vo. CLO'fH'ES .. ·

'-!••v•; qoY.eted HATS. / .

May 18 . • JAMES FOX &. Co.

('lw. 1



A.~ S 0 R TED f, U lfl'll E 8, Delictrofile at fl.. Poo·ts of Buctouch and S"c·

dia c N. B ,.-Coouisting of

PINE and Spruco, _?OARDS and D~ALS Pine ~nd Cedar Shingles

Hnrdwood (!'_lunk, Pine Declling Hao·dwood -<L:J MBER Put o and Spru'ce~antling .-Red PJNErand SPlWCE SPARS, &c . , &c .

-~r par .iculars apply to

Mny 18. L. O'BRIEN &. Co.

(5i .)

l>.! ®W &£~ liDlll!i! (ES.9 AND FOR SALE BY

(tl.~ ~~ m ~r'Wll' i) 90 \ Cf'ONS very superi~r Stevenyton COAL

'1 , ~5 M. Superior bt~ tld iog- BRICKS : (extra size.) . . .

IO' M. Firo BRICK::! . · .\fay I I.

Dy CI,IFT, \VOOD & Co.

150 Feather BEDS, Which are offered to the Trade oo aecommo­

dat ing terms. 1\Iay II . ( 4i)

OATS ~ UATS l ! flY

Wo lEo <ti£ill'l1lill~ ~ <rJ®o

A U.UlGO PRnm SEED Ol'rS, Er Z£nnori, fro on P . E. hland.

:llny 13.


CLI:E'TJ WOOD & CO. P.r " Eli:ab•th," fo·om Ne1o Yo1·k,


250 SUITS OIL CLOTHES ' · 180 P:~ir Oil Cloth TR.OWSERS

50 Long Uil Cloth COATS 20 Ooaen SOUTH \V ESTERS

ALSO Caplin SEINES Salmon and Herring NETS Sed and Squitl Ll N ES Sal:non, Salmon Trawl, T'rawl, Roping, Seal,

Snit, und Gangin~ TWIN!j:S CANVAS, C0RDAGE, and OAKUM Paints, Linseed Oi l, ond f utty London Mould And Dip CANDLES, Soap TEA, COFFE!o: · . , , Re6ne..t and Moist SUGARS Cavendish TOBACCO Water And Wine CRACKEUS, in bo:rea and

half-barrel§ /...-...~ Heef, Purk, l!'lou,r , lndfiiD Meal, BUTTER Split PEASE, in ke&• anll,half-barrela Wbito BEANS J · •

Dried APPLES ~" Wtstpbalia and Nova Scotia Ham(.C1io610,

&.c . , &.c . · May II. (4i)

The Cargo of ih• brig FAIRY ,from Neto Orl••n• . ·-CONSIITING 01'

1 100 'BARRELS SuJ>eJne- Ji'L()UR , :200 dQ. PORK: '

. 400 Do Corn Meal, : ~of ft very iuperior · quality) · · .

. ,200 Bag• India~ · GOR~ . . ( . 'If. k 'H, THOMAS k 'Co~ . '.

May 9. .(3w.) . " ~~ · .

. •


,· ... " '

... .· ..





I. / •

........_ J

,• 1

' '-;.-

~­... \ • ·-r

· .

.•• r

, .

.. .....


I ,'

------ - • I

THE Mf RNlNG.:COUiti.tm. .. /

• 1>: ,. t ' ••

TH&-fRAYE.R. OF HABAKKUK-. f,H·; and a btn.;nificenl c~hectio.n of plate l.e • 1 ' :-1 tbere a~~pl.1te_d, of. co.urse-bQl ivhic~, if)

It is · Aaid of Dr. Franklin, thnt, during his the ga8 ,Jight, jQ_oks as br•sz~l and ns costly ae loog- raJic1eoce in Paris, bein~ invited to u silver· son{tur~ens, and 'dish- cov~rs of an party of tbe 'i\Obility, Whtlre l)l08t of the court nntiqr:ated~pattern, hot· lo -holdet•s, 'tea Servi· nod courtiers '"'·ero present, he jfrhductid }1 ces, and eanple~tic~!t in rich profusion, stri ke great sens11tion by ont\ of his hol<lmovemer.to;, the f'ye of ~o poor passenger will.~~~inexh.nus· nod gained gr6Jlt appl«use for his ingenuitt,. tible idea of bound less w~alth; an ealtulver

According to the customs of thnt oge anJ. spoons are; h e re too , glisteoin~ in ~ow, a.nd co.untry, the nobles, after lhe usual ceremo- makinu tb"' henrts o.f ilousew1ves ~no wllh uies of lhe evening w.ere over, sal down to envy \~hen the v nrrJ.lr nt tca•Wme.lhe r soant-y a fr ee and promiscuous co.nversatio n .... Chria· stock of Britaru{in toetfll. Bu t l•ol< ol tb t s1.fe:lm ljani•y waa then the great topio. Tne Church of lade n wo.meB, who, shunning tho street­was alway,s ridiculed. and the BiuJe,was treat· entrance, nre groping their way rouud tbn ed with unsparing sev<:!rity. corner oft he alley. \V'hit.her are they beund ?

' \ \.._/

I JUST Publ ished, price five ahilliogs, ontl for

sole by Mr. T. McCol'f~ Al'f 1\and 1\lessre. A. MchE.f\.r"(f Co., a Sborl R evie w ol· tho HisTORY· GovE~NM£l'i1', vOl'fSTITU~OI'I', I•'unu:nr, .A NO Aonr, CI!LT\IIlE OF N~WJ'OUliDLA t:Dttin n Seriet~ of ~·~r· !tiM addressed tq the Rig ht _.lonournbl e I'.A nL

Gtu-:v1 Her !\lnj..-J lV1 :1 Principnl SecrP,tory of. f?tnt'e for the Coluniet~. Br l'..\TRICJ.: Monnu, Esq.


To bt Tnr.bli!hul in London , iu J vol. , J2mo ., prtce .5!. Growing warmer and warmer in their sar- whnt do they corry with so much furuve care

· k 1 d d d · Gl d JLLUdTJl.A ·r.:o WITIJ s1' &rcdR"vtNo~. cnsttc remar '• one great or r.ornman e , and circumspPclion? 1 ance your oye roun . for n moment, univerPal attentior\', by assert- the corner and ".OU will see . A doz~:npaea.s Utdacaltd by fumu!lou lo Hu E:rullrncy s,r JouN

ing in a sound .voice, th.tt the Bible waa not down that alley there 1s anot er, anrl '&. s ,' 1

• • 1

• ' ,

J• • h ·~~ f GA SJ>ARJ) Lt: ~lARCilAI'fT

wnly o piece or Jtrrant deception, bu~ totally cret en tran~o: dimiy fit by a sl(loder thr~llil TilE SIIHTl . liF NEW DRU~S\\l~K. LOG HUT 0~

'" \

. .


. I

• •

. '

British & l ''or.eign Blbl~ · ~cie..-. \ .. ' ' • ......~ ~.c

BlflLF.S ·t\~D r$~·r~MENTS ifeu!Srl ·~ey t1~e aiJo.ve Sootetyl 10 vortou!'(8iZ~8 an ct llindinge'

f\re for. sale ftt th~ shop of M r: McCONN .'\N (lat~ Mr .Mcl\lurdo,) Waterstr~et •

BIBLES nt prices vary in~ from ~Jt.l .. to 2~. ac­corcling to size and binding; TsT.aUENT8 from' 5d. upwar-ds.

' -ALSO-

A variety ofWorks i11sued by rh,.RtligioU8 Tracl Society, among whicb ore /

S,.ott ttnol llenry'~ Commentary Gurth's Geuerltl nnd C!'1urch H itstbry Crudt:n 's Coocor-dance · P icture ,atble anJ Testament Grego.rylai Lette rtt · J ou,ce's' ,(\ oxioue Enquirer

" . Young l\18n from Borne An.J nrfa!lsortment ofD,ooks ou Theology, SciencE>, N.H urnl nnJ Geoerttl Htatory, oud other tlllereHti llg sul•jects.

de-void of literary merit. Although the en ... of gns inside the open door-way. This is the NU t.\ SCOTI!, A~U TILT OF ~EWFO~~DL.UO. tire patty of Frenchmen nod,dod a hearty as- real business imet and through which rhn~e HY P. TOCQU..E. CONCEPTION BAY PACKETS. s~nt to tbe sentence, Franklin gave uo signs wom~n RO stealttlily ent~r. A Jon~ passage c. fT is not without rensoo that hi at".(. hns al- . ----- ------ ---of approval. Being at that ~ime a court f11- leads at ril!h ' pan~s from the door, aud faces woys lJct:n coosiderecl ns the li&:lt t of~•·e-, ll!e THE SUB~CHJUE~ retir~er.tfully onnounce!l II)

vorite, his companion eo'uld AOl boar n tn- two .. thirds of lh~ extenRiv..e shop. This lo n g rteposlta.ry of eventll, t.he-lnithful evidt!nce of trUrll, I ) th e putdl c thor. lrtB splen.drd new. Pnl ket EX~ cit reproof from a man of his weig ht ofintlu- pnssago is divided into I~ tie dt"ns, eacl1 w1 : h the aource of ~nulcnce one! gooo counsel, a~ rho J It~~. fitted ~11 Wllh:n llpnc1ous cohq~ 1 nnJ n :ry ence. The.y all appeRied to him for his opin- its wickot, n.nc.l about three feet -ide. The rule of conduct ou•l 11181lUers. Confined wi t ho~ t it I h-q~o::llltl ocoouemocln!ton ior r.n~<sengc> rs, s ow ioo. F'rnnklin, iu one of his peculiar woys, unh Rt)PY sun•tHtnrl-s- ,-or the paJvnbroker'~t. as• to the ~ou~~tls of tbe ngtl und <"OUIIlry wherein"'~ pit IIIJ: I~Jwe~n Hurl•ou r GrreC'O und Port ~I Covt>,

J' d b h dl }:-~ ~ li\·e aod shut up \\ i11&i11 the tlllrrow circle of t~uch 1 lt' B\' III~ the loru rer p lllCe every l\1un9 y, \V~dnrfl~ r~p te ' t at e wns hnr y prepnr~d to gl\'e si::tance nrp thu~ screjlncd from observntlon, hra~rhca of knowledKe ns an~ pe,·u'lw r Ill u~. uud ' day. uncJ f'riday, ut ~ o'.cloc·k, unci t!fe !ou~r nt ~~ 1ht!m a suitable answer, as his mind hnd been nud ('OObJP.d to mnke their pi Hul bnrgarns in the l i1Ull8 o( our own pri\' U1U refh:C IIC.IIS, we ('011- . o'clock 0 11 tilt! l ll tcrw.eJu\IC"IIay~. running on the merits of a honk ol rare ex-- desired pri vacy. Thi~:~ nicety of ftlelinl£, how· 1in ue in a kl\Jd of it,fuucy, whit<h lt:oveH us ~•rnn· 'I' EMIS.-Cnl•i n P.~s:-cu~~ rs 713. 6.1.; StP.era"e cell~cy . which he 'had ju§t lldppened to ever, only appl ie3 to tho uninitiated in pawo- rt:rs to the rc\ t uf the \VOl IJ, U'l d prolnuntl ly eg no- oillo 5~. D <Jut..lc Lull~rs, 1:~.; ~ingl~ UltlO lid. b

fall in with at one of lho bookpstorc~; und as l.>roking ; the pab1tues of the ~ocnle lonngtl with gnr~~ of all t~at Las r1receJ.:~tl, or even uow s urruuuJ ((/"" Leuers anri .Prtrccls tCI lee sent by thr:: con-Liley hud plea'sed to mJtktt a llu~ion to the lite ... th ei r olbows on tho counter, dn·pst their mop us. -Rollu.•. ,· .. yuuctj loft 111 rhu . Lxpres~ Pncket Office, ll orbour rnry chnracter of the Biult', pe rhaps it migbt py hend::t fc.rward, and laugh a nd chat with the Being a compor n1ive ,·ie w of tire ,\gric!JIIII'rnl, 1 Grace, Rnd at Me~sr .JAMEa Fox & Co.'~ , Agenl:;, inte rest them ro compuru wtth th ut old volurn~ Mhoprne n ~ 9 with o ld unci lol'l~ · tn c.l ucquain· Comn,ercinl, Eccleein"~tit·nl, und l'o!,,j,·~~ l ll•~ •nr) ::5t Joh11's, willbt: du :y fon,•arded. . · the mcrit::t of his new prize. If so he would tauce~ Bu• it is ntthe wiudow tha t you nr~ of New Brunswi ~.: k, Novu ~t:u,i:~1 ond Ncwlollflll' A~OHEW DRYSOALF..

d th h · , II -. I . lnncl,: in tor:.tJ•Crsed \llidt ~ketclrt:.s nllltlo from tll1l N B ' \ rorefir ll 0 lid 0 , '' ' " . . . .• rca em a s or t soct1011. ~ were eager gnzing-, resplendently Itt up with e~tornu till . , . · . -J .ren • ..c man •~ enon .. eu lo hnve the d ocler read •hem u portion of his sconces, frorn which drc light is r ,.. flected, anJ \Hiler t' 0 "n persona l observouon. o taltc rl&argc of the mntl, &c. • c::


a... 1 1 d · L isls for Suh~~riln! rS nrc ope ue :l at thP. Hook- -- ------- - -----------rnre .. oo \ n ll very gra v~ · an Sincere man. j ·J ined wi~~ numerous l.Jright j ets ... within, ~tore!! of ~l r·d~rs. 1\lrCrmr•ull, J\lrCo uhrf'y lhurltert~, l 'f i ll·: fi"e fnst suilin.e Pnc.ket. llu·at "~ ATI\' 1~ ner, he tool( ~ n old ~J,,ok from hrs '~uot pock· shf'd the l1ght ol .d:ty ou all arvu nd. Aud \l c: l ver t; .1., und U rnhnm, S1. J oh u 1e. u11d ull th•· l L:\SS ,'~ ....i ~:o.u:s 9'6Yu:, Corruunnder , hur h .. n t!t, nrfcJ Wllh n lJTOpriety of U ICrunce r<'ad lo whut nn extruorCII\IIry tn •ISCU IIl d Ol'S 11\e ~of tie~ 11tiaud. .l\lu1t'h c{. ~J lore~, ooppert·Ui ll lti copper·fn,..tt-lll!tf. 'J hu l u l o~ tiJe m a poem . window of tl&nt ~Htwnbroker rreset.t, from !'tie - --- - -· low;u:; c.ht~· ~ ofsrulin~ ltnve been Ut:lcrmint-d 011 :"'-

The poe m haJ its dTcct. The adrniring flat·i ro n ofthe drunlten laundrcHs, the rul-'~ed I ST. J Olli'\'ti From \f::_'ariJ01lt'nr,-Everr l\lunrlay, · Wt:rlnrsdnh )i:HenE>rs pronounced il the best they had ever hlanket of tho stnrved mcchanif!', to tho d 1 u- ~ L _b k onrl )"r~th}...!!l''r.!.Hill! JtrCI' Isely u;._nino n't·lock. henrd or rend, • •Thnt i::~ pre tty ," su1d one. mood t!U r - rrn"s or n•~cldace o f th e spE> ndthrdt 1 at•y and ltcading 00111 • From 1'-orl rifial Cove- On the naoruiu~r~ orTu•·s· •·T~.a t is su~lllmity," sa id an;: he r . "lt h~s lady. of fushi~ 1 ! E'l~l~ nnd evMy article h us 'l'liE ibrnry of tleis l usriuui"'ll I'Ootnins n c!Jo:ce tlay, T1iu r~iluy , a ud ~nriuduy at J2 o'clvck pre-n o t 1 J. su~enor 1r1 the wo rl d.. ••• .t,; 1 l1 o unnnr- 118 11cketed pnce. n nd 11 t>nd1 nrl lcle c o uld tell . s ction l)f t5 r ou•l~~rd wod\~ in Li terBture nod ~ ln0U3 Clplnlon. Th t~y all WISh ed l c• know th e irs pitiful •a In, what u serle; o f romantiC fiLCt s , Scren Un Ill ~ tuhle, uf the l{ en 1 ' in~ .. Hoorn llrt' I SIIC i!' cnmplt! !ely n• w, o.n.l of the lnr!lP.!H rh.ls!. n llffiU ol" the· \"Ork Utld \'' ltolllCI' t llut \V ,., n . I I II fi t " . plltce tile l .. n.trng Nt•\\' t'lllll•erll, lt. c \ICWI', nnd ' aud ltud t of •he lwst lltllll•rJnls, Olld Wllh llllt"ll 1111•

. f . "' . d f ud-.. rt ll!!ll lilt'~ ol lire duy, lllr lud•o:.: I he .\J,IIfiOII uues. I J'rO\' (' JII t"llt!lllS I\' III rontltriiC great "P' ed ~vllh<mu:ou· y , • .. .. "' stntn,er nnu s l'rncr 1n11 rver •· 1on unu"tll .. ll . . . 1 ')' Bp~·~•men? 11 8 conton ~. , . I I


cd, coultl lie gle~no ! A row 0 w~ 111~- rhe I. udun ~ ~ ''l')• iug (;nz.-t t~> , Frcenen 11 1 ~ Juurrtnl,


.. 1 rorur , n fur Pa~:-' ng• rp, wr rh f.!N·pitl~ Lc•t h~, auJ . ~llrldtnly, g~'ntlcmcn, Sr\ l( I 1 C. Doclor. nn~s hang;; r n one o f the small bros~ rt>d!t. &.c . t e· •• t he E.trut.nr;:le He:: \ leW\ 1\orrlt Brell·h l: e- t· o rll ln:• tld l·tl bv u IJJao o f dinrncter n n e! Pxp•·ru·LH' t·.

sm1llng ol hi~ tnu111ph, 1' 1ny hook H full of How Ol il ny domesti C tr:ageclics do these . worn view, Uuck wootl181\lngnzHe ... , FrJtw r', elruo, &,·. &c:

1 T he d ,l.,:ll::c r ( ol lht• Nu1 1vc La:-s fur speed '"'"

such p11ssu~cs . l.t ~~ no other \ ha n vour ~ood- 1\trd bnl tcrcd rin ••>~ d c notn! Ht?orl · broi<C'n The iltra ry is. open t>v~ry In'' lui ~~ny. Iro n• E len~u I , .. :lre ·y i.- n lr c•u''Y '' l'lf e!. l:t hhshed. ~hers •'C'I <.f'trut: ­fnrnotl11n~ Bible, nnd J have read to )'0\1 lhe wi<!ow~, famis hed ~vrvos, prnflig-nte 01 0 herd- I " clol·k A. ~·.Jh -,rw~lv., o~lu~~ uunrt ; Atntl fro rn l l·~d 1111 lh~ :->nfc~t priucrpl~~. bt~llll. d•vit.lt:"d. iu to.t<e­pra~· cr ot tbe pro phel Hubu kk uk. . . who would lie II •>r pnwn th ei r , ou ls for gin- 1 ~~ven lo N rne .o clc~k, t•. 111. 1 ht:o_ lt··u\14u~ Hn•·.m t pl\rat e r:llrlJ~artlnturs uy \~ o-lt' r :t1glet hul.\ let:n .!~ ,

LC't every rencerlcurnwi•dont !rom thisln- 1 brin here the first Sl\crcd , l tld•e of wcddf'd l t8':venfrunl llllle oclock,A . !It . fe uw th) Jar ~lr. l nllcl \'\o,),r.lc h .l .~ gtvPn such b«!'~~nry and coufirlc n•o cident and I. r l tho I · I g I l l. I . . r ' t d . · , . • , ,u 3 11H 1\lorC"h, 111!0 from fc:Vt'll 0 clocl<, A.''· durlllg j ro th~ pul.t .r. Her cnl.nus ar:tl l>Upt'r&Or to uuy Ill

• , . ca r to apprectntts unequa ove-t w t ovo w li C 1 IS e~111 r u~tn Ill l &e til~ reu<illi.Oer of rh~ )l'url ll!ld is k e pt o p e n uut d. t~P.Jstarc~ . • h d suuliulltlt~S of the Ud .. d e. grave' or cru"hPd out of life uy Cr11J16 or t.le- 1 lCII o'dock Ill uigl.t. I S t:lec t HoukP nn.J :\'c>w:JprcpPTS KCJ.Il Oil board f, ,r

--·- .llauchel y. A l itt lt~ tray contfilll:'l nrt~d~s of The An nual .'ll hscrif'l ion In the l.ihrn ry i~ l:; . . l l ftll U('l;flfliii iO tlntiun or 1'01\~t:ll gCrt'. VH.'L'IlY · LA~E. JCWellcrr. marked from .tnree .r.~ncl SIXp~nce I.Q lhe Jt ,..utllll ~ J(O(I IJl J!).:.,nntlln bcdlt 1 .. 111 11'" ~'5:1 Fer:<! C'!d! •n l'n:':-en~t'l't', 7 ... tll l - S.P•·ond c .l.iu

upward~: locket~ contttiiii OK lull.r-thc lifi1r of Tt e wlcolc of ll1e ~urplu!:! f~ud:<, nl •t>r t.l•llll)ll •g t ilt: Pa~i'e ugcr~, o:~-Siug l ll L · tt...r~, 6.1-Do ut.le Lt t· The polJicPs of old l>rury.lnnc nrc long n de .Jd lover n dend par~nt ;::g arnered nnd ' u~r~l'!:!ury t>xpentllwre, nr~ lll •l'rup•wr,.d l·y ''"' lcrfl , 1:~.

sincedt partetl ; it 1,; no l.ntger 1.1 favo urite s1te che"nshf' d '10 1

mauy t'n 1llng yf':trs, uutil grim ~·~•nndttt·e tut!.et• 11 • .c~lmRe AfhcHJ k~ !orttll· l.t,~ury . Lt!IIPrs nnd p nrr£'1s left n1 tl11• hnu.c:oof Mr. An· for the re ~ 1J enc c ~ uf the Eng lrtth nnhi l1ty, ur p Her tv anti starvation colfiiH:ilecl the he nr•p I St~bscuhcr:~ ore udmr: tf'd ~ ·~ 1{1'1 '11cutruu 10 tb~ Colli drt· w Q11 rk , " l'l ' ""'l•~ the prPIIPt!cs uf .i\1 t:s~rs. ll uu· lh f . .. . I • L • I l , . t tl .......,., d I I llllllue tllruu~lt the L lllrnrrull x tcrs ,\c. Co w' 1 b e l'll• ·ctutd ly n l lt·odcJ to e l)re1g11 B111ua s~nunr~,ns rt wn'l 111 lne rc1gns lro {en sUn' I \'Or o p9.wn 1e s ll'-rc rc JC . - .~ . . , · ·

of James II anti ul \V Jilt am II [ . Pnwnh1·o~ lJolmuu's .Mc.::;n:ine. Co~~iee(j~IJ the cotalogue rliOJA'~~ lr\n~! r.1·.~~~h\e . ~:.•11'-"\rn- - r-- 1· 1• J . ry .pnce l ·~· " ~ • • L • "{"H I:: Auu·cri lwr lwg:'4 to nunro~tnce to his 1rJt:O• s ~ers, gtrt · pllace:-, an proVtfitOr• shol>:t, laavc --.... ,. 1 1 1-'t·hru...ry 23. -... ·~rr.-rf rrry nnd t" P. J•ll hlir of ~~. J oll1r ':t nru Concep• lnng Sin e~ usurp ed th e ir place nnd i:ute; nncl N otittrJ. --- ··--'-- ·-· -- tion Bny, that I he \'I CTOIHA hn!i COIIllllf'IICCII j Is rmrned iato pu rlicu:~~nce la1d out in r'atr --- .-==-=--- ""= The Sugar-Coated PHJ!!!i • rru•tllug herw t:l• n lin• h(Jur Gr11~1) nt11l Portua11d CoYll

,"find stately garden:~ and tihndy wa:ks, wh e re m!J~~ J}>Jl~@®~ n n the fo lh n iiiU da) ~:-F"r ltu rlu•ur tirt~te on fuuntaintJ nli"tened in 1he noor,day sun, wht:re A N E W SA itS.-\P:\RI LL t\ PIU~ PA IL\TIO~ 1 ,\l ondu y, \\ l'tltu·t-dn)' 1111d Fri dny ; - for ll•e Cn\' fl

"" .\IILLI~llR, DIU~SS JlAKER, & STR.\ \V B~n~r :\LlKEP. b1rds warbled tbeir thrtlling melodicll , nnd th e T o cure disrast!, pwif.y the blood!.- 1'o l"void tltw1 · on Tut'sJoy, Tlwrsdny and ~a• urtlnJ.-Tt'rti• S t~S nmbient air was redolent of choice and ric h 'y - IN returning thanl..s (or pn 1 favour~ . hegw ' 0 kup it pure' 1 u~wd

announce to th e l.ada~s .. ( ~t. J ohn':l and · · n-;::..The Ruhsnib~ r will no t he occoun rnltlc for scented flowers, - th cse onr.u \)(•au iful euv1- rJ-,11 \T 1· · · 1 · l ) 1 \ t_t he Out p(lrts, that she has re !IIU\'PJ to Gowt~ r . prel et~posri !Oil \\ Ill' I exrMcR liP . 1Un101l li n) N ott: ' , ur Cl lher rtl fllltlUllCtl:<, W ltiJOUl l.Jc ll.g rons now fester 111 rank snualor nt~d fillh, 1hc 1 r 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 :-irr-eet , oppo3ito the pn:mi:~cs of ~Jr. Tlwm<U~ ru~t~e o tie Ill t'C' tOll nuc \' tru t· llrt! o c· v·· q IIIII• tl up Il l IS pn·:<cll t'e. abodes or crime and pollution, anrl peoplea wrth A lle n ~lf'II'~O I clt!'OI()e r•, p r.ornds d ert:clly llr llll! lrret ly Ll' l tt'r~ lll td :111 (\'1'1'1 left Ill the Bo•lk ~[ l)f(' • • r Jhe vilest of the vile. As you turn in o Dru- . . . lrumn morl.Jtti:J IUtoollht::~y:~t e UI caut-~.d by III<Jtllre 1 ·\I·Cut.: Rn~: r Uuo1'11£R'I, aud ~~~ •he e~ h cop "' \l r ~ . ryr... lane, t l)~ro a re severa l pnwubrukOI's r igh t Mr'\8 PICCO feP. I! nc;st.Jred tllut w·ne rol sat s~ ' blood. I F'o La..T, Qute ll 'd L~u\:h, ~ ill hn r ura:ut ly a lt(' rpftll and le(c. £ 11.ch banker of the P"Or l!eoerully fuctron wt lll.le g 1ve u . •o ho~tu LadJeH who may j Thc jlrPntpntronofloll nlsr y'sSugnrConr ed 1\l n~rc to . EO,\HJNO Plll~ L:\.\. -=ontrives to get fl locution a t the ('Orner ol a fuvour he r with th r tr rn: ronage. I Llf'C Pnl8 ltnve j!llillt:ol l"inre ll!t:y \H'I'O !lllld•: -- -court or all ey • or some quie t paHngo' where ~ r:::J- .\pprentices \V dilled knO\\ II to tlt t> pu hi re, is ono ofrllo stro"~"t!l pr ool« : 'l 'II E Sulli!cri l.JPr Tf'SJ.I et:t fu ly ue tirunles to rl.c lfl·

his customers may st~p in 1111

d out unpcr· \J ;y ·J· ol tlteir uw:ornmon needrciuul pOY\ert~. Tlw) nrc uo w : t.nhitnuls of Ctm<"•·p · i1111 ll..y 011 !1 tit. J , , fl r.'.o~ L ... coue&ch~red, \\heren ; r they are kuown, a:-~ n UIIIV<· r• 1h 1: 111e flr,c new pa<·kcc Fo\IHY l ' I •CdiOj!Uit~r l .' Itt'•

,::eiv<'d by tho pauert~-hy . I .er U:'l takt1 ns n 11al loalu •• -TII~y artl eagerly t<ou~ht ollur h· the rw cn•• U· ig us and Top~ni1lo11vinc rh " lo rtlter plu•·a epecim~ u yon densely~stored egtublr~hmcnt I 'fO l,"l~I-]11~ o l.~lE'.J..'T &lic~cernir~ liiiU \\ise port of tho CCJIHIJlUIIi l y. Tll(:ir COl i i\J o,• dov .. , \Vet.l n ··:o~dn)'Et, uruJ Suturllll}::. Ill ~~ whlcb has reli!!vod the oect>S!fllies , or udm tn• _r U l _.l.ti\ J.. "1 f:'t>AI work ~stih• furtl re tll 1 onot they thr i\'tHtloue lty u'«'loc: k , A . "at ., ond TopRnil, on th " drumore ,In ) ~ . j~tered to th~ vico~ nf lhe pour fqr so rn~ gt~ - tllctr trrrt mtri/3! autlraor h}' l!Jc,liJil h of t ht: Crt:- nt li o1cluck, nol)n. Fur('s-Cuhin :, . ., _ :;:,"qugo neratious past. From llasem•:nt to utt ic3 11 Tl&e .'.luterfcan .t1J•et and TtDine dulous. Let tleo!ie w t.o uro sufl't: riog wuh llisP.Ofle S;i .-Le11er~ and Parcels lelt at 1he .. hop of "' "~ sf'8. is pileq walh pledg.cs; each in its pigc~ on-hole, TRY theOJ but onu ! L6l them IJe trit!clprecidely r\ . 1\lr-lvt>r & Co., \'Vater Street St. Joh~o'!l , '" II

fttANUF ~cmURI'r 1 ·G UO!'IPANIT n··conJing to the dlrectiona wh ir.h acc·ompuny the Le duly fJrwurJeLI. , ticketed ~nd nurnbor-ep, and reacty fur de liv I 1l ll I · hux,a-ud lht'y will rPjoice nt the happy chun,;e ~ hr<'h JOt-IN ANTLI· .. ery · at n. momeot'd notice. 'fr, sn va lllno, No 00. Commtrcial Strut, Do!lon, will bfl mude in tla•ur constitulioul'. Let the uffii.:-there i:t a apel\~ing lrurnpet in tlw shop, whirb RESPECTFUL! . y cnll the aitention of tho re~ who tm~e m ade uMe o_f every other r~rnedy, ~ommunica(ef', by n zinc pipe lo tilt' VC).riou.:t .... f N r dl d d ' t i I Without hovrng eVHt lJeen utile to get ouy rell6f, try 111tore-r90m~; ~nd when ~ ploq;!e j~ nl>but t c1 . . ISH£1l~£N O ~W OUO no an IS ~ ... hUt one single box, a nd they will then he nlJJ~ lO pe redeemed, the word is panc<J up th.e pipe' <:lOl l Y , to th ol r Est a hltshrnent fo •· all dt!SCrlp· judge oftht1ir exuo.prdinnry powers! and the article is lslipped qown a tn!tho:.! ttr:y lion~ of N£ l'S, SEI!\F.S, T'NJNES, a rid l t~ enses of Vo8tivene@e, ludrgesrlon, Dy~rcpsia, well, whic~ gues thro11 gh ~very ~''or. 1-Juw Ll :'\ ES. . Jnunclicr, Fever ant.! Ague, Nervous Oobtltty, ftllt.l

pfttQ have J ga~ed at that CJJrinuil 11J,op, out! The lart!Pr p ·•t·t o f rbe Scm{'8 nnd N«-ts 111 all biliouif cotupluiurH, for wt-.ich . they are a stared at the rno ley contents which ar'f IJUug qseJ in the United State~ are made from soveroi~n r elltt!dy, Weoknees. J>1lee, Soli-rheum, ,aboul ittJ door P.endlll)l groUp!~ of .rhawls, C oTTON, ns il has, on a fair, tho rou:.th trinl, Ulcers, S~ro t ulou,; Cnmplai11tP1 J"~ver So~es,lmpuru

, proVtlU its<' If less l inhle to ru.t- rn01·e durnlJI,. Hl ootl, Bd?!,Loosenese, A11thmn ~ltls, Co!1gh1', In · ,and ~~~(J.f)lf, and blan~ets, tfud e v&t'f' de!icrip~ -lighiAr-eosicr to uaul, thau hemp,' und fluenzo, Crouy, .wonuP, Foul COIIIJ~IUIOII, B!tO lion of wearing oppnrel, l!nu<Jy .s ilk haudkt'r... I Hreutl&, )'ulp rtt• tWn ot fhe llt!nrr. l:'e\·ers, Cu llc, chiefs Qf the rc!ll bird•~t E>YO spot , and fuded c o:> td css · llea•I"'O<'Iae Gedtl10f"fl8, Nervou11 Aflc~tion~, Loa~ of -OWCUJ of every variety of llhoye. nQd col••.ur .• PtH·s"ns want ing any dosc•·iptinn of. N~ts AvJuHite, Pniutcrf'' Colic-', ttlltl nil ~eucral de1an:,:e· and m-;aiol. Suspicious old yiolins too ore or Seines, r.au huve lhero rnnde t o order , nnd 111entd uf henllh, tltefe Ptlle tnvarinbly vrove n cer­there, ,r h:h :arrest the hurried ste

1, of many d oltvered ot such times n~ the y mny be want• tnln and epeecJy remedy. They reP~o~ 10 vigo­

~ fi.ddli.O.g . g~:nius, .and cnusu hir_n to intrpe.ct ed . · Samples, aud all information co.n be had, roue lreahh the most exhausted Cl'll&~t\ullons. Jbeir shtlpe ·and varnish, in tho delusi~e hopo on npplir.ntion as above. · Th~ Sugar-coated l\1ogie l.ife Pills ttre the com·

.that one rony t·- n · out a veritable Creint)utl. 7'e l'fll12..Under~l00 CHH' over•'-~•urn 'm'eticemeutoflln~wnnd. imiJOrlont~rt'iomectiril~e, u• '~' . , 'iP t ' . ' . ·"J ft • ~!td tit" IJeaulifJJI mvenuon of coauug ,thE' m 'Wtth J:l~•ky oldJlutes ,-.re 1 bore iii nbu ndn nee; nod S •x. months crt>dat t rom da to of shtpme , ~r tan died ·sugar, gives·lhem. ntl<lltitiouul vah•e. inas· chil(f • coral•, ond ·warming·pnns , ,and fuhion~ sot1sfuc~ory Boston acceptance. n1uc.h 8 ; h does a~ay ahoge1her with thl' t offtnsive pble sto~kt with q. cntn·ract of iatlt) enriched - · WM ':l'~WJi1, . 1 ~rw' which is olwavs experinr~cl iu rukh•Jt o1ber

4 with.cl-'imaoh,.tripr's; anclmosdic gold choilu 8Qaton, I}et..e"!b.~r27, 184~. AqENt- . roedicin~. A. !fR. n~.~CI{\\'000. and ltUdf, and ahi~t·pit)• with little chaine • ·' H'air-Drell~ert, Agente for NeY~foundlnnd. ~od arr,otw,Hko- dey~r.ee; on.d·. a tempting old CCJ">Somplos o( the abc,ve L · pit painting it. s~re crb" ther.e, wi ·h G~or"e

1and Network can l>eseeo,aml any.

MM1ana ·rre.thly p'pnted io t~e co~ne.-, or aome 1

given .on applic~l~on at 'fhtl olij.ce Of ;..h~r celebrated ~d takiog nam_e, ,by whU:"b AnT &. Co! • , -~·1 ~o)lecto, ,. oflcp calten ~n and done J lt~ or 1· ..

~W~:rF~ilt9I!I(Q)~~lll lf®mm~ .J!lf.Q ~~~~~R B~(lzY.K;S,

r~r $aJe 'l tbo pm~e or, thi.l pl'l~r. ~


T H (·~ SulJ1'cribE>r, in return ill>( ~t.onks fur pn!ot frt .. vour!", " e i!d 10 announce that he hns cornrncu c·

~ri running th e packe t hoat LOTUS hll tween t'a r­lloqcor and Purtognl Co•'· Dftye of 8.llling- Fr••lll Por Ulllll Cove tQ Corl.onenr every 1\lon•l .. y, Wetf .• llf'Hday and Fr i lay. From C~trboii'ear to Por tugal Cov~ every Tuet-rl11y, Thursday, and Snrurdoy.­ft'nru, Cabin 1iasseogers, 7!1. 6\J.; secon~ calJin, 5s ; tiieerage, Ss.

. J AI\1ES R~V ELL!::.

. . / ~' ttRINI'I~ BAY. A II L11r1er , P~•ers eud nrcel8 for Trinity lJay

if prt!J'uid rttll l left nt the ehop of M•CousR£Y_, Bno­THt-:RS1 WJIJ be uttend~d 10 hy r- '


~BJ~ · ~IORNiNG· . COIJRIER, Printed nnd Puhliehed hy Jo&"FPH Wooos, at !'iks

Offic-e Jn Mestr8. R. o·n,,Yt£ & Co.'s Brrc Hu,tlding!J, Ueck'a .Cove, \~"ter Street, ~vtJrj Tu rsuA y, ·Touaao••• end·S.lTURD-" Y morD1°l!·

7 ·troti-·0Nc · Pou~to c:urrencv rttr 'annum.

BOOK AND JOB PBIJJTING NtalJy Erecui,d at the '0./fite of. th; ~Monru 0

C'ouRJ&R, uttlae' tkot·tut notice the rautMrc or the .work will tulmil of,

top related