uw instedd class: experiences from the field: reporting and collecting data

Post on 25-May-2015






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BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Reporting Data

Eduardo Jezierski(Engineering)not a doctor!!edjez@instedd.org

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data


• Reporting and collecting data: – Collecting, balancing structured vs. un-structured

(and semi-structured), formats, level of detail, tools for collecting, storing and visualizing

• Learning Objectives:– Explain the difference between structured, semi-

structured and un-structured data– Design a simple structured data reporting format– Understand the options for collecting, parsing,

storing and analyzing and sharing structured data

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Getting information

Information is power

External data

Rapid Feedback

Aggregation, Sharing, Authorizing

AlertingEarly analytics

Relevance & Targeting

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Example Technologies• Desktop

– Epiinfo– Groove

• Mobile– Open Data Kit– Epicollect– Java ROSA– Pendragon– USSD– Digital Pen

• Web– Survey Monkey– Google Spreadsheets & Form– Fusion Tables

• SMS– Geochat– RapidSMS– Frontline SMS

• Analysis– SPSS– STATA– Etc.

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Emerging alternatives

USSDUnstructured Supplementary Service Data

Simple to useSimple to report structured informationRequires collaboration with all phone companies

Digital PenSimple to useSimple to report much informationOngoing cost of ‘paper’/formsRequires separate mobile

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Why is SMS popular

• Low cost• Needs little signal (1 bar enough)• Uses little power• Works on existing equipment• Scales from few users to nationwide

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Ways of sharing information

• UNSTRUCTURED– “Hello everyone we have meeting tomorrow”– “We are dealing with cholera outbreak will call you later”

• SEMI-STRUCTURED– “at Ratchaburi, we are seeing Cholera URGENT”– “H5N1 Birds:200 should we call PHD?”

• STRUCTURED– “H5N1, Birds:200, Lab: No, FollowUp: no” – E.g TURTLE standard

Simple, easy, flexible

Simple, requires FEATURE

EXTRACTION, some training

Complex for human entry,

hard to learn and to get right

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Feature ExtractionUnstructured Data Feature Extraction

Closed Captioning

Image Recognition

Face Recognition







Algorithms &




SMS Messages

Voice/Radio Calls

Pictures and videos

Structured Data

Data Records



Sensor Readings



BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

SMS Syntax

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Feature Extraction Example: Places

• “At Stung Treng, seeing Cholera”

1) FIND Feature

Google, Yahoo


Open Street Maps

Your own database e.g.


2) Associate Metadata

Stung Treng= Lat; Long

Lat; Long

OPEN DATABASES tend to be the richest sources of local data & provide a strong platform

Humans are excellent at extracting features! Unless you need real-time; large volume geocoding, crowd sourcing is an excellent option

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

1. A Haitian with a need sends an SMS to the 4636 shortcode

2. The SMS goes through Nuntium and then onto Emergency Information System

3. A Haitian volunteer or staff and translates, tags, geocodes

4. The organized information is then dispatched to response or added to reports

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

27 letters 8 buttons

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

50+ letters 8 buttons

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

syntaxSimplify your users’ experienceMachines adapt to the users

New Project…

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Tombodu (Sierra Leone) traditional registration

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Other Considerations

• Scalability• Logical vs Physical data paths• Cloud Computing• User Experience & Design

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Scaling & Reducing costs of SMS

Local Gateway- USB Modem- Phone via USB

Easy to get startedNo internet requiredSlow (1msg/6 second)Unreliable- Support

Virtual Operators- Skype- International #

Easy to get startedHigh ScaleSpotty coverageBlocked in some

countriesCost/ msg

Operator Collaboration- Per country- Per company

High ScaleLowest CostsLong negotiationsComplex connection


BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Logical vs Physical data paths

• Pattern: Digitize existing reporting protocols• Antipattern: implement in digital form the

physical path of paper– Complex-Expensive-Unreliable-Less Secure

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Cloud Computing

“Cloud Computing”- Cost effective- Secure- Scalable- Reliable

-Ownership?-Privacy?-External dependency?

Not “IF”,but “HOW to do cloud computing”

Standard data downloadCan delete on demand

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

User Experience Tips

“Interact with the world through a 160 character browser”

Context & GoalsWizard of OzStart Small, Start simpleLog all messages for retrospective, rinse, repeatSMS Challenges

Forgiving Empowering

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Appropriate design is best done by locals

Share your skills and get out of the way!

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data


• Data collection is only one link in the chain• Simplicity and usability are key• Unstructured and semi-structured data are a

good balance of data quality and usability

BIOPHICS- Reporting and Collecting Data

Thank You!

Eduardo Jezierski(Engineering)not a doctor!!edjez@instedd.org@edjez

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