uvod u f irstclass it alat europske poduzetničke mreže

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Uvod u F irstclass IT alat Europske poduzetničke mreže. Kristina Cappucci EEN Hrvatske. European Commission Enterprise and Industry. Uvod u FirstClass. Što je FirstClass ? Privatni dijelovi FirstClass -a Zajednički dijelovi FirstClass Kako kontaktirati IT podršku FAQ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Slide 1Uvod u Firstclass
European Commission
Uvod u FirstClass
Što je FirstClass ?
Privatni dijelovi FirstClass-a
Zajedniki dijelovi FirstClass
Što je Firstclass ?
-Firstclass permits you to send and receive emails,
-It gives you the opportunity to exchange many kind of informations through the conferences.
-It allows you to communicate with the network by emailing the appropriate conference.
-It gives you the possibility to chat online and invites several users of the network at the same time (msn messenger type).
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Tehnike informacije
klijent / server
-The Firstclass server is administrated by the EACI Unit R.
-The Firstclass client should be installed by each partner, an installation guide is sent when your Firstclass account is given, a user manual is available online in the public conference named ‘Firstclass’
-Each partner receive a Firstclass account according to their contract with the agency.
-Each partner is using a single shared account with the same credentials.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
-Here is the desktop starting page when login in Firstclass, you have also the possibility to use it in Outlook mode, which I find, more practical.
-To do so you just have to click on this little middle left area of your Firstclass desktop, this will extend the desktop.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
-here you could recognize the tree mode, looking like outlook.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Red Flags Indicators
-As quick way to know where to read new messages, you could refer to the red flags indicators.
-The red flags indicators show where you have new unread messages, when all messages have been read these flags disappear.
-The red flag on a conference inside a group is not taken back on the group icon.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Upotreba FirstClass-a
-Mailboxes : one private mailbox per account private messages only
-In order to send a message to a group of persons or to a whole country, instead of selecting them one by one (spaming) please use the appropriate conference.
-The mailing lists should be used only to contact external people (clients, …)
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
« Privatni » dijelovi FirstClass-a
Vaš mailbox
Vaši kontakti
Vaše “smee”
-You have a mailbox in order to receive/send messages that are readable by you only.
-You also have a contact directory which is used to create personnal mailing lists and private contacts.
-You have a trash can available, deleted messages are kept in this folder for 14 days, then they are automatically deleted.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Your Mailbox
-you could notice the fields order, it is NOT the same as conventional mailboxes
-to introduce an address we can use an address book, in FC,when you are on your desktop or in a new message window you could find the address book called « directory ».
-The directory contains all types of addresses that you can use in FC and you can discover their type from their icon.
The first type of icon, that we see here is a contact that you have created or a mailing list.
The second type, with the icon representing a table with 3 people around is a conference.
The last type, with the icon representing a person is a mailbox.
-When an email address is selected press ENTER to confirm.
-You could add BCC options by selecting it in the « View » menu
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
-On the firstclass desktop you could see many icons most of them representing conferences; which you will use the most.
- « Circular Notes » : it is a conference that will be used by the Agency and the European Commission to inform all partners. An automatic POPUP is installed to make everybody in the network read the messages.
-   « Network Forum » : it is a conference that should be used by any member of the network when they want to communicate an information that can be useful to everybody in the network, including thus the Agency and the Commission.
- Your country conference : it is a private conference in the way that only partners from your country can read the information in that conference but anybody can send messages to it. In fact, the country conferences are the addresses that you must use when you want to send a message to all partners of a country.
- Your consortium’s conference : it is a private conference. It is accessible only to the partners of your consortium and you should thus use it to exchange information, share files, … with the partners of your consortium. Only partners from your consortium can send messages to it and, of course, they are the only one able to access the information
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
FirstClass “Konferencije”
Zajedniki radni prostor
Moe imati ogranien pristup (ID Card)
- In a conference you could exchange different kind of informations amongst a defined group of users.
- a conference is common to a defined group of user
- these defined groups of users are ruled by the conference ID if you wish to create a new conference you will have to settled this ID card where we will retrieve all necessary informations in order to create it. To do so you will have to simply ask the agency’s IT helpdesk.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Add to desktop
-Firstclass desktop could be customized referring to your needs, you could add several conferences to your desktop in order to make them accessible faster.
-In order to do so you right-click on you’re the selected item you wish to add.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
-To you start an instant messaging session you just double click on INSTANT MESSAGING icon, then you should invite the people with whom you want to discuss.
-When you click on invite, you will only see the list of people who are connected to the system then you may accept them to chat or not.
-This can be useful for example to contact people from the helpdesk as they are almost always connected to the system.
-You can also use the instant messaging to exchange documents of many types.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
-When you exit FC this window appears, you could see different informations, to quit completely press exit, to relogin press login, if you just wish to quit the window but leave the Firstclass client running in the tasks bar press close.
-Different time informations are displayed on this screen which are not very important, what you could note is that you have access to Firstclass at any time you which.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Osnovna pravila
I’d like to make a few remarks on the conferences :
FirstClass is the official tool of communication in the network
you must connect to it every day
several staff members know how to use it
organisation closes for holidays inform the network about it by sending a message to « Network Forum ».
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Please note that requests for IT support should be sent exclusively to the FirstClass conference related to the concerned product (BBS, BCD, BEMT/Events, FirstClass, PES) or to the FirstClass "IT Support" conference for more general questions. Messages sent to private mailboxes are treated with low priority and we cannot guarantee any quality of service for requests received in personal mailboxes.
- as I have said previously you could use instant messaging to contact people from the helpdesk as they are almost always connected to the system.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Postoji li postavka automatskog prosljeivanja na osobni e-mail?
Mogu li personalizirati svoj desktop?
Mogu li vidjeti je li moja poruka proitana/odgovorena?
Kako mogu kreirati svoj folder?
- The Firstclass user manual is situated as PDF draft document in Firstclass conference which is a PUBLIC conference.
In order to change your signature you go to Edit\preferences\messaging\instant messaging or you contact EACI helpdesk.
Yes this option is available for your personnal maibox, however the option is disable on any of the conferences, for security matters.
The Firstclass user manual is situated as PDF draft document in Firstclass conference which is a PUBLIC conference.
You could personalize your desktop by adding conferences to your desktop, and reorganizing the whole disposition of icons as seen previously.
In order to see the status of a message you could use the history functionnality of Firstclass, this option is situated in ths top toolbar of any Firstclass window / or click right button on the email and select History option.
To create a new folder, you have to right click in the area where you would like the folder to be created, and select New Folder option, you will then have to follow the steps.
European Commission Enterprise and Industry
Pitanja i odgovori
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Contact EACI Helpdesk.
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