u.s.s.r. 21 million - pnhs.psd202.orgpnhs.psd202.org/documents/khill/1519139384.pdf · ... stalin...

Post on 18-Jul-2018






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U.S.S.R. 21 million

China 10 million

Poland 6 million

Yugoslavia 1.7 million

France 600,000

U.S. 500,000

Czechoslovakia 415,000

Britain 400,000

Germany 4.2 Million

Japan 2.4 Million

Romania 460,000

Italy 410,000

Over 48

Million soldiers

and civilians

between 1939

and 1945

Many of the

major cities of

Europe and

Asia were

devastated by

the WWII


Country 1945 Amount Today

U.S. $341 Billion $3.6 Trillion

Germany $272 Billion $2.8 Trillion

Soviet Union $192 Billion $2.0 Trillion

Britain $120 Billion $1.3 Trillion

Italy $92 Billion $987 Billion

Total Cost of WWII $1.075 Trillion

Valued Today at…. $11.3 Trillion

At Nuremberg, 22

Nazi leaders put on


3 acquitted, 7

imprisoned, and 12


24 more executed in

later trials

107 more given

prison sentences

25 Japanese leaders

put on trial

18 imprisoned

7 hanged

Oversaw over 28,000 deaths at Nazi camp in Poland during WWII

Fled Europe after the war, changed his identity, and came to the U.S.

Lived as an auto mechanic in Cleveland, OH until his arrest in April of 2009

Died in a German prison in 2012






The United Nations

formed the nation of

Israel as a territory for

exiled Jews around the

world after WWII

Israel was given land

formerly occupied by

Muslim Palestine

This has led to decades

of conflict between Israel

and Palestine

Chapter 18.1 Origins of the Cold War

1. Why was the U.S. suspicious of the Soviet Union during and after WWII?

• Even during the war, the two nations disagreed on many issues

• The U.S. was furious that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had been an ally of Hitler for a time (Nazi-Soviet Pact)

• Stalin was upset that the U.S. had kept its development of the atomic bomb a secret (Manhattan Project)


2. ID United Nations (U.N.)

• Included the 50 most important nations on the planet in a peacekeeping organization after WWII

• Eventually the U.S. and Soviet Union used the U.N. as a platform to exert their influence globally

3. Describe the promise Stalin made to FDR at the Yalta Conference.

• FDR, Churchill, and Stalin met at Yalta towards the end of WWII to plan the postwar world:

1. Stalin promised free elections in Soviet-controlled Poland

2. Declaration of a Liberated Europe (the right of all people to choose their own government)

3. Germany divided into 4 zones(American, British, French, and Soviet)


• At the end of the war, Germany was divided among the Allies into fourzones for the purpose of occupation

• The U.S, France, and Great Britain decided to combine their 3 zones into one zone – West Germany, or the federal Republic of Germany

• The U.S.S.R. controlled East Germany, or the German Democratic Republic

• Now the superpowers were occupying an area right next to each other – problems were bound to occur

4. What was decided regarding “reparations” (fines) at the Potsdam

Conference?• At Potsdam, it was

decided that each of the occupying nations would take “reparations” (fines) from their own zones as they saw fit

• Each nation had a different opinion on how to punish Germany for WWII

Argument between the U.S. and the Soviets over reparations (fines) towards

Germany• Stalin pushed for heavy

reparations (fines) against Germany to keep her weak

• FDR (before his death) pushed for reparations based on Germany’s ability to actually pay them back (much easier form of punishment)

5. Summarize American goals for Germany after WWII.

• Many Americans believed that economic depressionwas the main cause of WWII

• The United States believed that free trade and strong economies would help create a lasting peace in Europe and Asia

• *punish Germany but get her back on her feet economically to prevent another Hitler from taking power

6. Summarize Soviet goals for Germany after WWII.

• Soviets concerned mostly with securityafter WWII

• Their history is filled with German invasions

• Therefore there was a strong determination to keep a defeated Germany weak to prevent yet another invasion


• The Soviet Union suffered an estimated 21 million WWII deaths, half of whom were civilian

• As a result they felt “justified” in their claim to Eastern Europe

• Furthermore, they felt they needed Eastern Europe as a buffer against future German aggression

Stopped Here

7. ID satellite nations and list them

• Stalin installed “puppet” communist governments in the Eastern European countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia and East Germany

• This after promising “free elections” for Eastern Europe at the Yalta ConferenceIn a 1946 speech, Stalin said communism

and capitalism were incompatible – and another war was inevitable

So, this is the beginning of what history calls “the Cold

War” so let’s take a few minutes to understand what

this all means

The Cold War defined

• Period of conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991

• Competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in politics, economy, military, education, science, space, sports, etc.


• After being Allies during WWII, the U.S. and the Soviet Union soon viewed each other with increasing suspicion

• Their political differences created a climate of icy tension that plunged the two countries into an era of bitter rivalry known as the Cold WarThe Cold War would dominate global

affairs from 1945 until the breakup of the USSR in 1991


• At the heart of the tension was a fundamental difference in political systems

• America is a democracy that has a capitalist economic system, free elections and competing political parties

• In the U.S.S.R., the sole political party – the Communists – established a totalitarian regime with little or no rights for the citizens

Soviets viewed Marx, Engels and Lenin as founders of Communism

Communism vs. Democracy

Definition of Communism

An economic


characterized by

the collective

ownership of

property and by the

organization of

labor for the

common advantage

of all members

Fundamentals of Communism

Government controls

these things:



Free Speech


*the overall idea is

that the government

controls every aspect

of its peoples’ lives in

a communist state

Who were the major Communist

powers of the 20th century?

The Soviet Union


East Germany





North Korea

North Vietnam

Who is still Communist today?


North Korea


Democracy defined

Form of government, where a constitution guarantees basic personal and political rights, fair and free elections, and independent courts of law.

Fundamentals of Democracy

We elect our leaders to

speak on our behalf

We have the right to

voice opposition to our

leaders without fear of


If you don’t like

something, we have the

right to change it

If we want something

bad enough, we can

most certainly achieve it

Truman’s attitude towards Soviet demands.

• Truman was strongly anti-communist and refused to give in to Soviet demands

• “We must stand up to the Russians”

• Continued to push for German economic recovery

Truman possibly bullied Stalin into accepting the ideas discussed at Potsdam

(end of WWII)

• Truman mentioned that the U.S. had successfully tested an “atomic” bomb which Stalin believed was “bullying”

• Some believe Truman mentioned this to Stalin to pressure him into accepting American demands at Potsdam

8. ID containment

• Containment – keeping communism within its present territory through the use of diplomatic, economic, and military actions.

• Becomes American policy throughout the Cold War.

• *Communism could be beaten without going to war.

• See Joseph McCarthy (right)

9. Explain “iron curtain” and who coined the phrase?

• Europe was now divided into two political regions; a mostly democratic Western Europe and a communist Eastern Europe

• In a 1946 speech, British P.M Winston Churchill said, “An iron curtain has descended across the continent”

• The phrase “iron curtain” came to stand for the division of Europe between communism in the east and democracy in the west

10. Explain the Truman Doctrine.

• The American policy of “containment” soon expanded into a policy known as the Truman Doctrine”

• This doctrine, first used in Greece and Turkey in the late 1940s, vowed for the U.S. to provide aid (money & military supplies) to support “free peoples who are resisting outside pressures”\

• In other words, the U.S. would always support people resisting Communism worldwide

11. Summarize the Marshall Plan.

• Post-war Europe was devastated economically

• In June 1947, Secretary of State George Marshall proposed a U.S. financial aid package to European nations effected by WWII

• Western Europe accepted the help, while Communist Eastern Europe rejected the aid

• Over the next four years 16 European countries received $13 billion in U.S. aid

• By 1952 Western Europe’s economy was flourishing

The Marshall Plan helped Western Europe recover economically

Marshall Aid

cartoon, 1947

Formation of West Germany

• U.S. felt Soviets were deliberately undermining German economy

• U.S., Britain, and France merge German and Berlin zones

• New territory becomes “West Germany” with separate economy but no military

Soviet reaction to West Germany

• In response to the Allies forming West Germany, the Soviet Union blockaded the western portion of Berlin to prevent the Allies or supplies from entering the city

Berlin Blockade

• June 24th, 1948 to May 12, 1949

• No trains or automobiles could get in or out

• Soviets cut off all power and blockaded W. Berlin

• Soviets were hoping the Western Powers would pack up and leave Berlin to the Soviets.

Berliners struggle…

• When the Soviets attempted to block the three Western powers from access to Berlin in 1948, the 2.1 million residents of West Berlin had only enough food for five weeks, resulting in a dire situation Like the whole of Germany, the city

of Berlin was divided into four zones

1948 Food rationed to 800 calories per day.

310 calories370 calories 250 calories

Total of 940 Calories

12. Understand the significance of the “Berlin Airlift”.

• Not wanting to invade and start a war with the Soviets, America and Britain started the Berlin airlift to fly supplies into West Berlin

• For 327 days, planes took off and landed every few minutes, around the clock

• In 277,000 flights, they brought in 2.3 million tons of food, fuel and medicine to the West Berliners

Berlin Airlift Daily Portions

• 646 tons of flour

• 125 tons of cereal

• 64 tons of fat

• 100 tons of meat/fish

• 180 tons of potatoes

• 10 tons of coffee

• 144 tons of vegetables

• 10 tons of milk

• 38 tons of salt

• 10 tons of cheese

• 1500 tons in total

• 3000 tons of coal/fuel

“The Candy Bomber”

• American pilot, Gail Halvorsen decides to drop candy with homemade parachutes to children of West Berlin.

• Becomes “Operation Little Vittles”

• Before it was over, 25 plane crews dropped 23 tons of candy, gum, and chocolate on Berlin for the little German kids.


• Realizing they were beaten and suffering a public relations nightmare, the Soviets lifted their blockade in May, 1949 On Christmas 1948, the plane

crews brought gifts to West Berlin

13. ID NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)• To oppose Soviet aggression in

Western Europe, a mutual defense alliance of democratic countries was formed (NATO)

• Included 12 countries (U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, and Iceland).

• Agreed to come to aid of each other if attacked

• Eventually, West Germany joined, forcing Soviets to create Warsaw Pact

Soviet Reaction to NATO:THE WARSAW PACT

• To counter the U.S. defense alliance (NATO), in 1955 the Soviets formed their own mutual defense alliance known as the Warsaw Pact




Chapter 18.2 The Cold War Heats Up

14. ID Chiang Kai-shek

• Leader of the nationalist government of China for two decades

• U.S. supported him in his fight against Communism

• Inefficient ruler who ran a very corrupt government

15. ID Mao Zedong

• After Japan left China at the end of WWII, Chinese Nationalists and Communists fought a bloody civil war

• Despite the U.S. sending $billions to the Nationalists, the Communists under Mao won the war and ruled China

• Chiang and the Nationalists fled China to neighboring Taiwan (Formosa)

• Mao established the Communist People’s Republic of China


16. Describe the American reaction to the Communist takeover in China

• The American public was shocked that China had fallen to the Communists

• This meant that the most populated country on the plane had become Communist

• Many believed containment had failed and communism was expanding

• American fear of communism and communist expansion was increasing

American policy toward Japan after WWII

• For fear of a communist takeover in post WWII Japan, U.S. policy changes

• New determination to build Japan up economically to best fight off Communism

• See Japan today (right)

17. KOREAN WAR (5 facts)• Japan had taken over

Korea in 1910 and ruled it until August 1945

• Fact 1: As WWII ended, Japanese troops north of the 38th parallel surrendered to the Soviets

• Japanese soldiers south of the 38th surrendered to the Americans

• As in Germany, two nations developed, one communist (North Korea) and one democratic (South Korea)

Soviet controlled

U.S. controlled


• Fact 2: On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces swept across the 38th parallel in a surprise attack on South Korea

• With only 500 U.S. troops in South Korea, the Soviets figured the Americans would not fight to save South Korea

• Instead, America sent troops, planes and ships to South Korea

United Nations (UN) and the Korean Conflict

• United Nations set up to assist to keep the peace in the world after WWII

• Each of the world’s 39 nations would have one vote

• Security Council of 11 countries was used for international peace keeping

• Fact 3: U.N. intervened to aid South Korea from becoming Communist


• At first, North Korea seemed unstoppable

• However, General MacArthur launched a counterattack with tanks, heavy artillery, and troops

• Many North Koreans surrendered; others retreated across the 38th



• Fact 4: Just as it looked like the Americans were going to score a victory in the North, 300,000 Chinese soldiers joined the war on the side of the North Koreans

• The fight between North and South Korea had turned into a war in which the main opponents were Chinese Communists vs. America


• To halt the bloody stalemate, General MacArthur called for an extension of the war into China

• Fact 5: Furthermore, MacArthur called for the U.S. to drop atomic bombs on several Chinese cities

• President Truman rejected the General’s requests


• MacArthur continued to urge President Truman to attack China and tried to go behind his back – Truman was furious with his general

• On April 1, 1951, Truman made the shocking announcement that he had fired MacArthur

• Americans were surprised and many still supported their fallen general

Macarthur was given a ticker-tape


What do you think?

Do you agree with MacArthur’s willingness to drop the atomic

bomb on North Korea to swiftly end the Korean conflict or was

Truman correct in deciding to fight the war the old fashioned way?

What do you think part 2?

Should Douglas MacArthur have received a ticker-tape parade from New York City even though he was technically fired from his job?

Should Lance Armstrong continue to be celebrated as an American hero?• Won 7 straight Tour de France

championships after overcoming cancer

• Created the “Live Strong” Organization to raise money and awareness for Cancer patients

• Was recently removed as the spokesperson for Live Strong due to increased speculation of Performance Enhancing Drug use for over a decade which he later admitted to

• Had his 7 Tour de France titles taken away because of the PED use

20. Summarize the “stalemate” which concluded the Korean War.

• Negotiators began working on a settlement as early as the summer of 1951

• Finally, in July 1953, an agreement was signed that ended the war in a stalemate, or a tie (38th parallel)

• America’s cost: 54,000 lives and $67 billion

• War resulted in a stalemate (no ground lost or gained)

Korean War Memorial, Washington D.C.

Results of Korean Conflict (1950-1953)

• No peace treaty ever signed

• North & South Korea officially still at war today

• No territory was gained or lost

• Over 54,000 Americans lost their lives during this conflict

• Successful containment of Communism

38th Parallel

38th Parallel

38th Parallel

38th Parallel

38th Parallel

Chapter 18.3 The Cold War at Home


• At the height of WWII, about 80,000 Americans claimed membership in the Communist Party

• Some feared that the first loyalty of these American Communists was to the Soviet Union

• Overall, Americans feared communist ideology, a world revolution and Soviet expansion Anti-Soviet cartoon

21. ID HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

• The HUAC was a government body which first made headlines in 1947 when it began investigating communist influence in the movie industry

• The committee believed that Communists were sneaking propaganda into films

22. Explain the significance of the “Hollywood Ten”

• Ten witnesses who refused to cooperate with HUAC’s investigation because they believed the proceedings were unconstitutional – they were jailed

• Subsequently, the committee blacklisted 500 actors, directors, writers and producers whom they believed had communist connections

The “Blacklist Ten” (and two lawyers)

23. ID Alger Hiss

• Alger Hiss was accused of being a spy for the Soviets

• A young Republican congressman named Richard Nixon gained fame by tirelessly prosecuting Hiss

• Hiss was found guilty and jailed – less than four years later Nixon was VP

• He was elected President in 1968

Nixon examines microfilm in Hiss


24. ID Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

• New York couple who were members of the Communist party.

• Accused of heading a Soviet spy ring and passing atomic secrets to the Soviets.

• Tried and convicted of espionage, sentenced and executed by the electric chair in 1953.

• Many thought they were innocent and got caught up in anti-Communist wave.

• First American civilians executed for spying

25. ID Joseph McCarthy

• Joseph McCarthy – U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.

• During Senate campaign, accused opponent of being “Communistically inclined”

• Proclaimed that Communists were a danger home and abroad.

• Began massive Communist witch hunt by accusing members of the state department (government)

26. Explain “McCarthyism”• McCarthyism – “tactic of

damaging reputations with vague and unfounded charges.”

• Began witch hunt by claiming he had a list of over 200 government employees who were members of the Communist party

• Claimed the Democratic Party was guilty of “20 years of treason” for allowing Communists to infiltrate the Government


• Finally, in 1954 McCarthy went too far

• He accused high ranking Army officers of being Communists

• In the televised proceedings McCarthy’s bullying of witnesses alienated the national audience

• Three years later he died of alcoholism at age 49 McCarthy’s attacking style and

utter lack of evidence led to his downfall

McCarthyism vs. Salem Witch Trials

Which groups in the country were the most active in hunting for Communists?

• Fundamentalist Religious groups

• Mainly Catholic Leaders

• Many Catholic women were actively accusing people of being Communist

Anti-Communist propaganda during the McCarthy era

Chapter 18.4 Two Nations Live on the Edge

• After World War II, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. competed in developing atomic and hydrogen bombs

• The Soviets tested their first atomic bomb in 1949

• The U.S. began work on a bomb hundreds of times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima – the hydrogen bomb

An H-bomb test conducted by America near Bikini Island in

Pacific Ocean, 1954

27. ID H-Bomb

• The hydrogen bomb was at least 67 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan

• First successful test in 1952, while the Soviets first tested theirs one year one year later in 1953

28. Describe brinkmanship

• Brinksmanship – the willingness to go to the brink of nuclear war to force the other side to back down.

• “Small attacks on small hills….will not end this war…” President Eisenhower threatens Chinese to use nuclear weapons to end Korean War as did the Russians.

• See Soviet missiles stashed in Cuba in 1962 (right)

Eisenhower’s attitude towards the spread of Soviet Communism

“We must be prepared to use atomic weapons in all forms”…President Eisenhower

29. Explain the role of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) during the Cold War

• As the Cold War heated up, the U.S. depended more and more on information compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

• The CIA used spies to gather information abroad to secretly attempt to weaken or overthrow governments unfriendly to the U.S.

30. Understand the significance of “covert operations”

• Eisenhower needed a way to avoid Communist revolutions other than brinkmanship.

• Enlisted CIA to stage covert (secret) operations to prevent Communist uprisings in other countries.

Fighting Communism Covertly

• Eisenhower used the CIA to conduct hidden or “covert” operations to prevent Communist uprisings.

• Covert operations were conducted mainly in “developing nations” with agricultural economies.

• Sending money, supplies, weapons, or actual military to aid weaker nations in their fight against Communism

31. List the nations included in the Warsaw Pact and what do they all have

in common?• 1955- Defense treaty

involving Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Soviet Union.

• Response to NATO defense treaty.

• Communist Alliance System

32. List the nations included in NATOand what do they all have in common?• To oppose Soviet aggression

in Western Europe, a mutual defense alliance of democratic countries was formed (NATO)

• Included 12 countries (U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, and Iceland).

• Agreed to come to aid of each other if attacked

33. Describe the space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the

Cold War.• Soviets beat U.S. to developing

“intercontinental ballistic missiles” (ICBMs)

• On October 4, 1957, they launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite

• Sputnik traveled around earth at 18,000 miles an hour, circling the globe every 96 minutes

• The Russians building ICBMs first and Sputnik proved America was falling behind in the space race

NASA created in response to Sputnik

• National Aeronautics and Space Administration

• Created in 1958 in response to the success of the Soviet Space Program

• Coordinating rocket science, research, and space exploration

Background: U-2s spy on the Soviets

• In the late 1950s, the CIA began secret high-altitude spy missions over Soviet territory

• The U-2’s infra-red cameras took detailed pictures of Soviet troop movements & missile sites

34. Summarize the U-S spy plane incident and how it increased

tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

• On May 1, 1960, Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet territory

• Powers parachuted into Soviet territory, was captured and sentenced to 10-years in prison

• Because of this incident, the 1960s began with tension between the two superpowers as great as ever

Powers was released in 1962 in exchange for convicted Soviet spy

Rudolph Abel

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