using simulation to explore distributed key-value stores for extreme-scale system services

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Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services. Ke Wang , Abhishek Kulkarni , Mi chael Lang, Dorian Arnold, Ioan Raicu USRC @ Los Alamos National Laboratory Datasys @ Illinois Institute of Technology CS @ Indiana University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services

Ke Wang, Abhishek Kulkarni, Michael Lang, Dorian Arnold, Ioan RaicuUSRC @ Los Alamos National LaboratoryDatasys @ Illinois Institute of Technology

CS @ Indiana UniversityCS @ University of New Mexico

November 20th, 2013 at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2013

Current HPC System Services

• Extreme scale• Lack of decomposition for insight• Many services have centralized designs• Impacts of service architectures

an open question

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 2

Long Term Goals

• Modular components design for composable services

• Explore the design space for HPC services

• Evaluate the impacts of different design choices

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 3


• A taxonomy for classifying HPC system services

• A simulation tool to explore Distributed Key-Value Stores (KVS) design choices for large-scale system services

• An evaluation of KVS design choices for extreme-scale systems using both synthetic and real workload traces

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• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

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• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

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Distributed System Services

• Job Launch, Resource Management Systems

• System Monitoring • I/O Forwarding, File Systems • Function Call Shipping • Key-Value Stores

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Key IssuesDistributed System Services

• Scalability• Dynamicity• Fault Tolerance• Consistency

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Key-Value Stores and HPC

• Large volume of data and state information• Distributed NoSQL data stores used as

building blocks • Examples:

Resource management (job, node status info)Monitoring (system active logs)File systems (metadata)SLURM++, MATRIX [1], FusionFS [2]

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 9

[1] K. Wang, I. Raicu. “Paving the Road to exascale through Many Task Computing”, Doctor Showcase, IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2012 (SC12) [2] D. Zhao, I. Raicu. “Distributed File Systems for Exascale Computing”, Doctor Showcase, IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2012 (SC12)


• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

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Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services

HPC KVS TaxonomyWhy?

• Decomposition• Categorization• Suggestion • Implication


Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services

HPC KVS TaxonomyComponent

• Service model: functionality• Data model: distribution and

management of data• Network model: dictates how the

components are connected• Recovery model: how to deal with

component failures• Consistency model: how rapidly data

modifications propagate12

Centralized Architectures

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Data model: centralizedNetwork model: aggregation treeRecovery model: fail-over Consistency model: strong

Distributed Architectures

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 14

Data Model: distributed with partitionNetwork Model: fully-connected partial knowledgeRecovery Model: consecutive replicasConsistency Model: strong, eventual

Voldemort Pastry ZHT

Data distributed distributed distributed

Network fully-connected



Recovery n-way replications

n-way replications

n-way replications

Consistency eventual strong eventual


• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 15

KVS Simulation Design

• Discrete Event Simulation PeerSimEvaluated others: OMNET++, OverSim, SimPy

• Configurable number of servers and clients • Different architectures• Two parallel queues in a server

Communication queue (send/receive requests)Processing queue (process request locally)

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Simulation Cost Model

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 17

The time to resolve a query locally (tLR), and the time to resolve a remote query (tRR) is given by:tLR = CS + SR + LP + SS + CRFor fully connected:

tRR = tLR + 2 × (SS + SR)For partially connected:

tRR = tLR + 2k × (SS + SR)where k is the number of hops to find the predecessor

Failure/Recovery Model

• Defines what to do when a node fails • How a node-state recovers when rejoining after


Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 18

















client EM

Xnotify failure

replicate s0 data

first replica down

second replica down

replicate my data

replicate my data

















client EM

Xnotify back

s0, s4, s5 data

remove s0 data

s0 is back

s0 is back

remove s5 data

Consistency Model

• Strong ConsistencyEvery replica observes every update in the same orderClient sends requests to a dedicated server (primary

replica)• Eventual Consistency

Requests are sent to randomly chosen replica (coordinator)

Three key parameters: N, R, W, satisfying R + W > NUse Dynamo [G. Decandia, 2007] version clock to track

different versions of data and detect conflicts

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 19


• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 20


• Evaluate the overheadsDifferent architectures, focus on distributed onesDifferent models

• Light-weight simulations:Largest experiments 25GB RAM, 40 min walltime

• WorkloadsSynthetic workload with 64-bit key spaceReal workload traces from 3 representative system

services: job launch, system monitoring, and I/O forwarding

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Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 22

• Validate against ZHT [1] (left) and Voldemort (right)• ZHT BG/P up to 8K nodes (32K cores)• Voldemort PROBE Kodiak Cluster up to 800 nodes

[1] T. Li, X. Zhou, K. Brandstatter, D. Zhao, K. Wang, A. Rajendran, Z. Zhang, I. Raicu. “ZHT: A Light-weight Reliable Persistent Dynamic Scalable Zero-hop Distributed Hash Table”, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2013

Fully-connected vs Partial-connected

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 23

• Partial connectivity higher latency due to the additional routing

• Fully-connected topology faster response (twice as fast at extreme scale)

Replication Overhead

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 24

• Adding replicas always involve overheads

• Replicas have larger impact on fully connected than on partially connected

Failure Effect

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 25

• Higher failure frequency introduces more overhead, but the dominating factor is the client request processing messages

Combined Overhead

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• Eventual consistency has more overhead than the strong consistency

Real Workloads

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Fully connected Partially connected

• For job launch and I/O forwarding• Eventual consistency performs worse almost

URD for both request type and the key• Monitoring

• Eventual consistency works better all requests are “put”

Simulation Real Services

• ZHT (distributed key/value storage)DKVS implementation

• MATRIX (runtime system)DKVS is used to keep task meta-data

• SLURM++ (job management system)DKVS is used to store task & resource

information• FusionFS (distributed file system)

DKVS is used to maintain file/directory meta-dataUsing Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 28


• Introduction & Motivation• Key-Value Store Taxonomy• Key-Value Store Simulation• Evaluation• Conclusions & Future Work

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 29


• Key-value Store is building block• Service taxonomy is important • Simulation framework to study services• Distributed architecture is demanded• Replication adds overhead• Fully-connected topology is good

As long as the request processing message dominates

• Consistency tradeoffsUsing Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 31









Eventual Consistency





Future Work

• Extend the simulator to cover more of the taxonomy

• Explore other recovery models log-based information dispersal algorithm

• Explore other consistency models• Explore using DKVS in the development of:

• General building block library• Distributed monitoring system service• Distributed message queue system

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 32


• DOE contract: DE-FC02-06ER25750• Part of NSF award: CNS-1042543 (PRObE)• Collaboration with FusionFS project under NSF

grant: NSF-1054974• BG/P resource from ANL• Thanks to Tonglin Li, Dongfang Zhao, Hakan


Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 33

• More information:–

• Contact:–

• Questions?

More Information

Using Simulation to Explore Distributed Key-Value Stores for Extreme-Scale System Services 34

Related Work

• Service SimulationPeer-to-peer networks simulationTelephony simulationsSimulation of consistencyProblem: not focus on HPC, or combine distributed

features• Taxonomy

Investigation of distributed hash tables, and an algorithm taxonomy

Grid computing workflows taxonomyProblems: none of them drive features in a simulation

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