use cases practice 4. task 1 the author of the article “author” send his paper...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Use cases

Practice 4

Task 1

The author of the article “Author” send his paper (“SendPaper”) to the editor of the magazine (“Edition”). The editor send the article to the reviewing (“Review”) to several reviewers (“Reviewer”). Then the editor send their comments to the author through the same use case “SendPaper”. Add the opportunity to the author and to the

corrector (“ProofReader”) to prepare the article to the publishing (“PrepareForPublishing”).

Task 1

Modify the model noting that the preparation for publication of the article is making only if it was approved by the editor in the use case “SendPaper”.

Task 2

The resolver of the text “OCRModule” asks the morphology module in order to be able to determine whether the word belong to the language, to use the function of bringing the word to some form, in particular, the restoration of the initial form. Also it needs a function of receipt of the grammatical meaning of the specific words. Build the system model.

Task 2

Add the function for the output of the words, similar to the entered word, if it is not in the dictionary. How is this feature of the system linked to the other functions?

Specify the model so that all of these functions imply performing a search word (or its base) in the dictionary.

Some languages may not be supported by the system. Before performing any function the morphology module must check, if this language is supported. Display it in the model.

Task 3

The responsible person (“ResponsiblePerson”) can attach issue (“AttachIssue”) to the question playing the role “author” and to the resolution (“AttachResolution”) playing the role “chairman”. Show in the model that attaching the document is

performed according to the general scenario “AttachDociment”, performed in the particular case of attachment to the question or to the resolution. The responsible person is involved in the scenario of the attachment in the role of the user, which unites the roles of the author and the chairman.

Task 3

Add the operator to the model (“Operator”), which is the responsible person with the ability to delete documents “DeleteDocument”.

Modify the model, specifying that when you attach the document the notification “SendAnnouncement” is sent. Several operators can act in the role of supervisors “controller”.

How can it be specified that the attachment of the document is possible only to the question or to the resolution? Explain the answer.

Task 4

The user “User” configures the plug-ins of the audio player “AudioPlayer” within the use case “ConfigurePlugins”. Add to the use case “ConfigurePlugins” the ability

to choose the definite plug-in for configuring “SelectPlugin” and the ability to configure the concrete plug-in “ChangeSettings”.

Add to the nodel the ability to update plug-ins “UpdatePlugins” from the external plug-ins server “PluginsServer”.

Task 4

In addition to the usual user there is also a privileged user “SuperUser” in the system, which has rights for changing the configuration of the system. At the system of audio player such user can update plug-ins “UpdatePluginsList”. The update includes deleting “DeletePlugins”, installing “InstallPlugins” and viewing the list of the avaliable plug-ins on the server “CheckPluginsList”.

Task 5

Let us look at the electronic library of scientific works. Explain, how does the electronic library used. List the actors

and the use cases. Specify that the analyst “Analyst” takes part in the process

of indexing of articles, which is done while they are uploaded by the business-partner “Content partner”.

Task 5

Provide an opportunity to the researcher “Researcher” to use the extended search “AdvancedSearch”, which allows to specify other parameters of searching in use case “Find papers”.

Specify that all use cases follows the goals of users of the system.

Task 6

“Client” perform operations on his accounts in the bank using cash machine “ATM” within the abstract use case “PerformOperation”, which contain the informing about the services in the use case “InformAboutServices”. In order to perform the operations ATM addresses to the payment system “Payment System”. List the main anв the additional actors of the

system ”ATM”. Which of them interact with the system in the use case “PerformOperation”?

Task 6

Show at the use case model that clients can only perform operations on getting cash at the same time as the bank clients “Bank Customers” can also the pay for services from the list provided by the bank “Bank”. In this scenario the service of payment and getting cash differs from each other, don’t lead the general scenario of performing operations.

Add the opportunity of getting cash both in the current of the account and in another current. In both cases the ATM asks the client the confirmation for writing-off money from the account at the rate of the bank.

Task 7

During the preparation of the data for the morphological module the actor “Linguist” interacts with the system of preparing data “MorphoDB” by maens of the abstract use case for modifying data “ModifyData”. Besides, to verify the integrity of the modified data linguists can compile the data “Compile”. The compilation also contains export of the data to the format which is understandable for the compiler “ExportData”. Each night the server of the building the application “BuildServer” compiles data through the use case “Compile”. Add to the system a programmer ”Programmer”, for which all

linguists’ possibilities are available. In addition he can export data “ExportData” for debugging the subsystem of the data compilation.

Task 7

Specify that for the re-use of the dictionary, which is kept on the data server, the semantic module “Semantics” can interact with the system of the preparation of data in the use case “ExportWordList”.

Add functions of the modifying data: add, delete, edit the word.

Add to the model the possibility to check integrity of the data while modifying data before saving.

Will the data integrity be checked while deleting the word? Explain the answer.

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