usa alliance doctrine : clash of kings

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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Clash Of Kings : Kingdom #85 USA Alliance Doctrine Members of the Alliance must follow set guide. Thank you.


  • Doctrine for USA Alliance in Kingdom #85 Clash of Kings game USA Alliance Member Doctrine: We are here to play a game and have fun! This doctrine is based off what many members have been asking for. This will be how each & every member must perform & adhere to. If you want to be a part of USA alliance and stay in the alliance, follow these points. This may feel like a dictatorship & in many ways it is moving that way for our growth. But this will be how we force ourselves to get strong, smart & efficient to be a top alliance. This will be how we all tighten up this alliance & deal with inactive, low effort & dead beat members. Important, once this doctrine is sent out, EVERY member must reply to me. This includes farm accounts some of you have. I must hear a reply from every member by end of day June 27th. If you do not confirm this, you will be removed from the alliance. Period. #1 : Any new members that will be brought in must have 200k in power to join. Nothing lower. #2 : Any current members main accounts must get to 200k minimum. You will have 2 weeks to get your account up. If you do not, you will get a warning and possible demotion. Ask for tips or guidance on how to increase your power levels. There are many members that will help! #3 : Any Farm Accounts in the USA alliance must be 150k in power. You will have 2 weeks to get your account up. If you do not, you will get a warning. If not change in 2 days you will be removed from alliance. No question. #4 : Any member that is inactive for 7 days and has not notified a Noblemen of extended absence will be demoted. Member will be removed if now reply or not active after 2 weeks. No question. #5 : Loyalty to the alliance is a fundamental part of successful alliance. Any member that leaves the alliance on their own free will may do so. But if the member decides to come back must directly message the General. Asking to be accepted back in and explain the reason for return. General will speak with Noblemen about return and decide. If accepted, member will always remain in the Soldier Rank. Will have input on alliance decisions, but will have less weight on decisions. (Unless the Noblemen vote to increase rank.) If a member leaves a second time, there will be no exceptions for a second return. No questions. This does not apply to members removing farm accounts and bringing them back in. #6 : All active members must be constantly showing increasing power numbers. If you do not show an increase on a regular basis you will be asked about the situation. An explanation must be given. If no reply or increase after a weeks time. Member will be removed from alliance. No question. #7 : It is the alliance members responsibility to gather resources (RSS) for castle & building upgrades, research and all other improvements. It is not the alliance teams responsibility to help. Asking for help will not be tolerated. Members are allowed to choose to help other members by own free will or trading for RSS. But asking for or begging for on the chat is not acceptable. If you continue to do that you will be warned to stop or could be removed from alliance. #8 : Members can assist with RSS during or after attacks to help other members heal troops, but again it is each players responsibility to gather the RSS.

  • #9 : All members must be in tune to whats going on & acknowledge of mail sent by the General and/or Noblemen. So when mail is sent from General and/or the Noblemen & confirmation is requested. Every member must reply to confirm. If asked and you do not reply, you will get 2 chances. If member does not confirm the 3rd time that tells General or Noblemen, the member does not care. Member will be removed from alliance. No question. #10 : NO ATTACKING any other alliance unless given permission by the General or the appointed Noblemen Captain #11 :General & Noblemen will give all orders to members. If a confirmation is requested all members must do so. (See #8) Lords, Knights & Soldiers are not to be giving orders unless otherwise notified. Giving advice to other members is not a problem. #12 : Part 1 - Alliance Science Donations. All members including farm accounts must donate 100k a week. That means 100,000 or more Donation points. Not how much RSS you give, its the points. If you do not know, click Alliance button. Then click Manage button. Then click Donate Rankings. It will show tabs at the top to see Daily, Weekly and History of donations. You must have 100,000 or more every week minimum. #12 : Part2 If you do not meet the minimum and have not notified the General as to why, you will get 2 warnings. The 3rd time you are found to not have hit the weekly minimum Member will be removed. No question. If you do not understand what Alliance Science Donations are ask the General or the Noblemen. #13 : Alliance Science Research. General or Noblemen will notify where the focus on donations must go. If another science is being donated to and it is ready to be researched, it cant be touched (Purple research tab) until what the General has specified needs to be done first. Also Noblemen have to seek permission to research sciences from the General before activating the research. #14 : If Member is removed from alliance anytime , Member will be able to request to join again. But be aware, standards will be even higher for that re-applicant. Minimums will be higher and member will be watched closer. #15 : Member must participate in minimum of one Dark Knight event or other Alliance teamed event once a month if not more. We need active members in these events. If it is noticed there is no participation from a member, they will be demoted and possibly removed from alliance. No question. Recap. Alliance Power number and Alliance Rankings mean little if we are not strong and solid. We must have a great foundation. We have come a long way. But we are not anywhere close to what we can & should be. So we will see our ranking go up and down, but do not worry, when things settle down we will be climbing! Once you read this and understand all the steps, this requires a confirmation from every member. If you do not agree you are allowed to quit the alliance immediately and have fun playing. If you do not replay as described above, that will be taken as you do not agree or care and you will be removed. Must have a reply from EVERY MEMBER by end of day JUNE 30th. At that point the cleaning up of the alliance will begin. The USA Alliance Doctrine will go in to effect July 1stth 12:01 AM EST. Awaiting your confirmations Once you read this and accept, you must message General. Thank you El Cid

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