us foreign policy in latin america us history: spiconardi

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1
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  • US Foreign Policy in Latin America US History: Spiconardi
  • Slide 3
  • The Monroe Doctrine (1823) Recalling 7 th grade U.S. History, what is the Monroe Doctrine? Do you remember what it states?
  • Slide 4
  • The Monroe Doctrine (1823) The Monroe Doctrine President Monroe states that interference in Latin America by European nations would not be permitted. Why do you think the U.S. issued this policy? Prevent European nations from encroaching upon U.S. land Allow U.S. to exploit Latin America rather than Europe
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  • The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
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  • Fast Forward to 1904 1823 1904
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  • The Roosevelt Corollary First, what the heck is a corollary? Corollary An extension of a previously held theory or statement The Roosevelt Corollary Latin America & the Caribbean was in massive international debt (they owed a lot of European nations money) How does one collect money from someone who doesnt pay back?
  • Slide 8
  • The Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt Corollary President Roosevelt added a chapter to the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the U.S. would use military force to stabilize Latin America and prevent European interference. Quotes Chronic wrong doing [would require] intervention by some civilized nation U.S. would assume to role of an international police power
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  • The Roosevelt Corollary Claims
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  • Roosevelt Corollary The Big Stick Policy The Roosevelt Corollary affectionately became known as the Big Stick Policy because of a speech with the a West African Proverb: Speak softly and carry a big stick What do you think that means? U.S. would use peaceful methods to protect its interests whenever possible, but that it would use military force if necessary. A copy of Teddy Roosevelts speech
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  • Dollar Diplomacy President Taft had a slightly different foreign policy Dollar Diplomacy Substitute dollars for bullets America would stabilize parts of the world through investment Use American funds and business interest to prevent unrest in economically weak countries Poverty = Rebellion Guarantee the loans of Latin American and Asian Countries Why would America do this? Prevent Europeans nations from collecting their loans
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  • Dollar Diplomacy
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  • Moral Diplomacy President Woodrow Wilson believed U.S. foreign policy should not be driven by money, but morality Moral Diplomacy U.S. should make foreign policy decisions based on matters of right and wrong Wilson believed imperialism was bad Keep stability in the world by promoting democracy and peace Wilson did not stay completely true to his policy. He did intervene in the Mexican Revolution to protect U.S. business investments
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  • You Decide Which form of diplomacy was the most effective and why? Do you think the U.S. was trying to be a helpful neighbor to Latin America or exploit them?

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