urban tribes character presentation revised

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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AuDITIONS Urban Tribes

A Flux Trends Presentation

The Futurist

This visionary 21st century character is part eco warrior, part creative capitalist. S/he

lives by a mantra of ‘sustainability’, with an attitude that’s a far cry away from the save-

the-whales brigade. They believe in the cradle-to-cradle design philosophy that

extends to their means of adornment: the fluidity and the transience of gold. This tribe

acts as change agents for our society’s mindset.


• Socially aware• Philanthropic• Recycle• Modern eccentric• Transient• Fluid• Forward thinking• Practical• Focus on the transmutation of gold

Attitude: Visionary

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

Extreme Street

This subversive character is not afraid of living his/her individuality according to

his/her own set of rules, no matter what people think. This street wise tribe is drawn to underground or fringe subcultures and is a mixture of trance and punk, tattoos and piercings, with a bit of skater or parkour

swagger thrown in.


• Alternative• Subversive• Underground• Tattooed• Street smart • Glam-grunge• Anti-establishment

• Individual• Free spirit • Dreadlocks• Body art / armour• Fringe• Pierced

Attitude: Hardcore

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

Hip-Hop Homeboy

This cool dude embraces his style and individuality in a colourful expression of urban life. It’s about connecting with his peers, impressing the girls and making a flamboyant statement that speaks of new

attitudes, trendy status symbols and social acceptance.


• Trendy• Pop culture• Fad• Savvy• Flamboyant• Colourful• Local• Homeboy • Street-style

• Show-off• Limelight• MTV base• Channel O• YouTube• Mouth couture• Larger than life• Expressive• Celebrity

Attitude: Trendy

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

Bond, Jabulani Bond

Influenced by extreme sports, this man wears his status on his sleeve. He has

moved way beyond BEE: he is suave and stylish, and only accepts the very best. He

has the status, now he wants the adrenaline to match and finds it in high tech gadgets,

fast cars and even faster women…preferably all at once.


• Old-school swanker• Man about town• Legend in his own

lunchtime• Flashy/showy• Sporty

• Sartorial elegance• Technology/gadgets• Bling• Secret agent• Accessories• Machines

Attitude: Flashy

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

Old Money Honey

Mum’s the word…She stays home, redesigning the bathroom and overseeing the catering for her session with the girls. She also occasionally accompanies her husband to one of his grand business functions, wearing the latest Valentino

creation...as long as it matches her favourite 24 karat neck piece. She lives the life of luxury, but thinks it's vulgar to show it off


• Jaded jetsetter• Greige brigade• Timeless• Sophisticated• Understated• Expensive• Refined• Modern heirlooms• Bold

Attitude: Neo-classic

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

The Pampered Princess

She is soft and delicate, the apple of daddy’s eye. She wants for nothing and is used to having things delivered to her on a solid gold platter. She pouts or sulks to get what she wants, but once she has it, her

saccharine charm returns.


• Pretty• Social butterfly• Bridal• Ceremony• Beauty queen• Fragile• Barbie doll

• Sugar Plum Fairy• Fairy tale• Ball gown• Tiara• Lace effect• Big hair

Attitude: Delicate

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

The Black Gold Prince

Bypassing the radar in their Lear jets, these Afro-Arabian princes have their wives

dripping in gold. They own some of the world’s finest hotels and real estate. Sipping on champagne and having the world cater to their every need; they search the globe for

the most priceless possessions - not because they want them, but because they

can afford to own them.


• Super wealthy• Steeped in culture• Haute couture• Opulence• Bespoke• One of a kind

• Over the top• Extravagant• Lavish• Museum/

exhibition pieces

Attitude: Opulent

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

The Gold Digger

She knows what she wants and knows that it is not achieved without the help of a

billionaire’s generosity. She’ll sacrifice true love for a Tiffany trinket and might even put up with another woman, or being the other

woman, as long as it boosts her bank balance and jewellery coffer. She believes that marrying a rich husband is just another

form of a retirement annuity.


• Opportunist• Precious• Precocious• Indulged• Expensive

• High maintenance• Decorative• Baubles• Extravagant gestures• Gifts

Attitude: Extravagant

Interior decor


Mode of transport

Leisure time

Flux Trends

The State we’re in

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