updated after cop 19

Post on 20-May-2015



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Updated after COP 19 Observer participation in UNFCCC process


Observer participation in UNFCCC process

Observer Organizations Liaison Officer, Conference Affairs Services Megumi Endo

Who are observers?

Categories of observer organizations:

1.United Nations organizations (UN); 45-50

2.Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs); ca. 100

3.Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). ca. 1,700

Categories of NGO constituencies:

1.Business and industry NGOs (BINGO);

2.Environmental NGOs (ENGO);


4.Indigenous peoples’ organizations (IPO);

5.Local governments and municipal authorities (LGMA);

6.Research and independent organizations (RINGO);

7.Trade unions (TUNGO);

8.Women and Gender;

9.Youth (YOUNGO).

Historical overview of participation in UNFCCC COP/CMP

Cumulative admissions of observer organizations

Breakdown of Participants by Region

In the lead up to COP 20/CMP 10


Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sessions ADP Bonn

SBs Bonn Ministerial

COP 20 / CMP 10

Lima, Peru

PreCOP Youth Caracas

Indigenous peoples


Sustainable living Caracas

PreCOP Caracas

SG Climate Summit

Summit in NY

Admission Deadline Provisional decision

COP decision

Registration Nominate Quota Confirm Access

Side events & Exhibits Application Confirmation Organizing

ADP? Bonn

Overview schedule


Wednesday Thursday Saturday03-Dec 04-Dec 06-Dec


COP OpeningCMP Opening

SBI Opening SBI ClosingSBSTA Opening SBSTA Closing

ADP OpeningSide events, exhibits, press briefings, etc

Bilateral meetingsConstituency meetings

Welcome reception NGO Party

Wednesday Thursday Saturday??10-Dec 11-Dec 13-Dec??

COP COP ClosingCMP CMP ClosingADP ADP Closing

Arrival of MinistersMonday pm - Tuesday am

Side events, exhibits, press briefings, etcBilateral meetings

Constituency meetings

COP and CMP Joint High-level segment







Online Registration System (ORS)

COP/CMP not open to the public – every single person must be registered

ORS procedure

• Eligible = Admitted organizations

• Notification by the secretariat

• Nomination by admitted organizations

• Quota by the secretariat

• Confirmation by admitted organizations

• Visa support letter downloaded by admitted organizations

• Badge pick up by admitted organizations

= Registration completed

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Inside the venue

Source: Secretariat

Side Events at COP 16/CMP 6

Source: Secretariat

Side Events at COP 19/CMP 9

Side Events at UNFCCC sessions

Side Events at UNFCCC sessions

Side Events at UNFCCC sessions

Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6

Source: Secretariat

Exhibits at UNFCCC sessions

Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6

Source: Secretariat

Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6

Source: Secretariat

Exhibits at COP 19/CMP 9

Exhibits at COP 19/CMP 9

Climate Change Studio

Source: Secretariat

Climate Change Studio

Source: Secretariat

Observer organizations activities at COP 16/CMP 6

Bloggers Loft

Source: Secretariat

Interventions in the formal process

Media stunts by NGOs

Source: http://www.greenpeace.org

Source: Secretariat

Code of Conduct

NGO & Executive Secretary

Source: http://www.iisd.ca/climate/

Source: Secretariat


Provision of services to constituencies

Provision of fully equipped office space at COPs for each constituency

Dedicated ENGO and BINGO meeting rooms at COPs

Facilitation of interventions during the official meetings

Facilitation of bilateral meetings with UNFCCC officials and Chairs of the Convention bodies

Invitations to workshops

UNFCCC and social media

UNFCCC and social media

UNFCCC Newsletter

Other services and modes of engagement

• Availability of draft negotiating texts

• High Level Segment – speaking slots for NGO Constituencies

• Briefings by Executive Secretary, Chairs and COP President, other dialogue events by Heads of Government

• Submissions: SBI conclusions; also from non-admitted organizations

• Workshop attendance/presentations

• Space for bilateral meetings

• Space for the general public that does not have access to the COP/CMP premiese (Climate Change Village at COP 16/CMP 6, Klimaforum09 in COP 15/CMP 5, Foro del Buen Ayre at COP 10, etc)

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