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Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Ancient Athens And United States

By: Alycia Travers and Irene Jones(Legislative Bodies)

Ancient Athens


Athens Growing power startles sparta.

The strategoi was elected.

Pericles was the leader of Athens for 30 years.

Compared to other Ancient Governments,Athens was Democratic.

Citizens had more rights in Greek Cities than any of the others.

Only children of citizens could be citizens themselves.

Slaves were normally captured prisoners of war.

Some slaves lived good lives with their owners others lived in terrible conditions.

The slaves were sold to people and whoever bought them owned them.

Unlike slaves in america, slaves in Greece got paid and if they saved their money they could buy freedom.

United States Government

The house of representatives is made up of 435 elected members.

The senate has the sole power to confirm those of the president's appointments.

The vice president of the united states serves as president of the senate.

Member of the house of representatives are elected.

The senate is composed of 100 senators for each state.

Until the ratification of the 17th amendment in 1913, senators were chosen by state legislatures.

The senators are up for reelection every two years.

Senators must be 30 years of age

A senator must be a u.s citizen for at least nine years,and residents of the state they represent.

the vice president of the united states made cast the decisive vote in the event of a senate.

Comparing the United States and Athens.

In Ancient Athens, Citizens were allowed to serve on juries. But in the united states there is the bill of rights that cannot be overturned by more popular opinion.

Womens can vote in the Athens but can in the U.S.A

Both have more than one legislative group rules.

They are both democracies.

Both vote for our political figures.

Citizens can vote for their rights.

Athenian democracy was a limited franchise.

Women were not eligible for citizenship.

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