unit 8 e commerce

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Why E-commerce?

Unit 8 e-commerce

Adam Lawson

Benefits of E-commerce

Global Marketplace


When there is a global presence a business can attract a

global audience, compare to a local audience which is

attracted by a traditional business.


•Not limited to who can buy items from a business.

•An example would be game because it can sell items

they have in store to other people and place around the


Benefits of E-commerce24/7 Trading


there isn’t a store that needs to be staffed, Trading can be

carried out at any time during the day or even at night.

Trading can be done during any time zones around the world.


•Store doesn’t have to close.

•Orders can be made at any point in the day/ night.

•24/7 trading has a big advantage over traditional trading

because a traditional store can only be opened during the

day, whereas 24/7 trading can be done anytime during the

day and during the night.

Benefits of E-commerceLow Start -up & Running Costs


With low start –up & running costs an E-commerce

business doesn’t need to spend lots of money to get up

and running, whereas a traditional shop has to pay for the

shop and all the shelves and counter to go in the shop.


•Don’t have to spend lots of money on getting the business

up and running.

•Don’t need to employ lots of people to set the business up.

•Costs that need to be considered when starting up a

website would be

Benefits of E-commerceSearch Facilities


most e-commerce sites now have a search

facility where it takes just seconds to find

the product you want. There are often

different criteria you can easily add to find

exact product you looking for.

Benefits of E-commerceFluid Pricing- Is when the price of a product is increased or decreased quickly depending on the situation. An example of this could be when selling airline tickets, when there are only a few tickets left to be sold, the ticket could become more expensive as the demands for the last few tickets increase. But on the other hand when selling holiday tickets the price could go down as the time draws closer the value of the tickets could go up to ensure as many of the places are filled.


Weaknesses of E-commerceConsumer Trust- consumers may worry about many different things when using an ecommerce site, some of these worries would be whether the company is legit, also worries about their personal information being leaked and security worries.


Weaknesses of E-commerce

Lack of Human Contact- many customers are put off from purchasing products online because they can not speak directly to a member of staff from the company, many people find this impersonal and tend to prefer to talk face to face.


Weaknesses of E-commerce

Product Description Problems- some consumers can worry whether the description on a ecommerce is actually describing the product properly. This is more of a worry with colour options as some computer may display the image in a slightly different colour. Also the quality of the image could be another problem for the consumers.


Weaknesses of E-commerce

Security issues- security is one of the main issues for people using ecommerce sites, this is because their financial details may not be safe, that the business may use them to do unauthorized things or the security of their information may not be sufficient enough.


The TechnologyA browser allows you to search through the internet. The user needs to tell the browser which page to open. One way this is done is via the browser’s address bar. Features of browsers: title bar, address bar, scroll bar, status bar. Examples of browsers: Firefox, safari, Google chrome, internet explorer.

Web Authoring Software allows people without the knowledge of web coding. The software generates the required HTML coding for the layout of the webpage. The user can change between the graphical design and the HTML to make changes to the webpage.Examples of the software: adobe Dreamweaver, FrontPage, online software is also available on sites such as wix.com


The TechnologyDatabase systems – an E-commerce site usually has a database attached, This holds a catalogue of products and customer records. example of an e-commerce site is that it allows users to sign in, this means it will have a database that holds all the customers details. The database should link seamlessly so that the user is unaware of it.

IP addresses are used to make sure the data reaches the correct location on a network, each computer is given a unique number, called an IP address. It is a set if four numbers each from 0 to 255. For example would address a specific computer on a network.


The TechnologyPorts & Protocols- a protocol is a set way of working, if computers don’t use the same protocols then they wouldn’t be able to understand the data being passed between them.Ports are used to connect protocols and ip addresses together every computer has several ports for data to pass through, these ports are virtual so they cannot be seen.

Browser & Platform Compatibility- a browser is a piece of software that allows you to go through the internet and access different websites.Platform compatibility


The TechnologyDomain Names- a domain name is used with a web address that allows you to identify a particular web page. It is important to have a easy to remember domain name so when someone accesses the internet the name will come to mind.

Multiple Domain Registration- allows a web page to have several domain names, so if a user type the name incorrectly they will be directed to the correct website.


SecurityHacking- is finding a weakness in a system and exploiting it, there are different reasons why someone would hack a computer, such as profit, protest or a challenge. When hacking into a computer you are breaking the computer misuse act.

Hacking Prevention- a way to prevent hacking would be to have a strong password which is change every 90 days, also install anti-virus software on the all computers. Another way would be to ensure the operating system that is installed is up to date. P3, M2

SecurityViruses- there are different types of viruses, that can spread throughout the computer system. Trojan horse is one of the viruses that you can get on your computer this is usually passed through a piece of software but doesn’t copy itself. Worms is passed through an email and copies itself

Virus Prevention- a way to prevent viruses would be have an up to date anti-virus software installed, also don’t open emails if you don’t know where they are from and don’t download anything that is not trusted.

P3, M2


ID Theft- is a form of fraud where someone uses another persons identity, people do this to gain access to resources or obtain credit or other benefits from that person.

ID Theft Protection-a way to prevent id theft

when online would be to make sure you have a secure webpage you can check this by looking at the bottom of your web browser for a locked icon or you could check your address bar to see if it says http: at the beginning this means that the webpage is secure and your information is encrypted

P3, M2


Strong Passwords- is a way of protecting your personal information and preventing this information is vital. Using a unique password that consists of letters and number is more secure than just letters or just numbers, changing your password every 90 days is a way of limiting a hackers’ ability to gain access to your details. When a employee leaves a company their username and password is immediately deleted, also the company policy should state the consequences faced when someone is found to be tampering with the network.


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