unit 3. the primary sector - ciencias...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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Unit 3. The primary sector - Economic activities devoted to obtaining resources directly from nature. Agrarian space - Agrarian space: land where agrarian activities are undertaken - Rural space: non – urban areas The majority of activities in the primary sector are agrarian and include agriculture (cultivation

of land to obtain food, feed for livestock and raw materials for industry), livestock farming and silviculture or forestry (is concerned with the use of woodland).


• What countries do these graphs belong to ?

-In 2013, agrarian activities provide work for 37% of the world´s population. However there are major contrast between countries:

- In the most underdeveloped countries more than 50% of the population is usually employed in this sector. - In most developed countries employ less than 10% of the population.

2. Factors of production

a) Physical factors - Climate: agriculture is impossible in regions with temperatures

below 0º C or in very arid regions. Furthermore, different crops adapt better to different climatic conditions.

-Relief of the land: farmers prefer to grow their crops on plains and in valleys. In contrast, livestock farming and silviculture are better suited to mountainous terrain.

-The soil has important effects on crops, as the minerals it contains provide nutrients needed by plants.

ACTIVITY: Choose a country and search: 1- How many people work on the primary sector 2- What climate does it have? Is it a negative or a positive factor? 3- What kind of relief? What kind of primary activity would it facilitate? $. Type of soil and vegetation

b) Human factors -Technological development: farming tools and natural fertilizers are basic in traditional societies while modern tools such as tractors, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, green houses, modern irrigated systems are used in advanced societies. -Demographic presure deforestation -Land ownership: private or public -Shape and size :

-Small holding – medium size – large farm -Enclosed fields – open fields -Agrarian policies (grants, taxes…)

Using the information in your book on page 27. Classify these images according to its production system

2. Agriculture in Spain and across the world 2.1 Types :

a) Traditional agriculture or subsistence farming: when most of the produce is intended to supply the farmer and their family. Not mechanised – many workers

b) Modern or commercial agriculture: when the crops are for sale in national or international market.

- Industrial agriculture: its aim is the mass-production of agricultural products: chemical products, machinery, genetically modified seeds.

- Organic farming. This has spread since the 1990s and aims to grow healthy products without harming the environment: organic fertilizers, local crops…

2.1 Traditional agrarian landscapes in the world. Traditional agriculture is typical of regions with low levels of development in Africa, South East Asia and Latin America. a) Slash and burn agriculture: agricultura de rozas - It is found in countries with an equatorial and humid tropical climate.

- Fields are created in woodland by slashing or cutting back the trees, then burning them to fertilize the fields. The soil is cultivated continuously and is exhausted in tow or three years. The farmer then repeats the process in other area creating a cycle system.

b) Sedentary dryland agriculture: Agricultura tradicional de secano. -It is found in the less humid tropical areas and in the African savannah. The fields are divided into three types of field in a rotation system: main crop, complementary crop and the last one is left fallow (livestock).

c) Irrigated monsoon (monzón) agriculture: It is found in the tropical monsoon climate of South East Asia. The typical agrarian landscape is rice fields.

2.2. Modern agrarian landscapes in the world -This type of agriculture is typical in America and Europe and in coastal areas of countries with a humid tropical climate (plantation agriculture) - In most of Europe and North America large fields belong to a highly skilled farmer or large multinational companies.

- Plantations are located in Asia, Central America and the Gulf of Guinea. Fields belong to multinational companies. The landscape is characterized by enormous fields in which one single tropical crop is grown.

3. Livestock farming. -Livestock farming includes a wide range of species: cows, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry… - The systems to rear livestock may be:

- Extensive: in open-air fields - Intensive livestock farming: livestock is housing in barns. It demands high levels of investment, breed selection…

-Types: -3.1) Traditional livestock farming is extensive:

- Nomadic livestock farming: livestock is continually moved in order to provide animals with fresh pastures. It is practiced by nomadic tribes. - Seasonal migration: livestock is moved between summer and winter pastures (“Trashumancia” in Spain)

3.2 Modern livestock farming - Industrial livestock farming. It can be extensive, specially in ranches in large countries like The USA or Argentina. It is intensive in most of the cases. Livestock is genetically selected and it uses mechanized systems to feed the animals. - Organic livestock farming: natural feeds, open-air fields, medication is limited to what is essential

4. Fishing in Spain and across the world • Read pg 34 and answer activities 28 and 31

• Complete worksheet

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