unit 2 vocabularies and phrase. impact (n, v) : the powerful effect that sth has on sb./ sth. eg:...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Unit 2

Vocabularies and phrase

Impact (n, v) : the powerful effect that sth has on sb./ sth.

eg: Her speech made a profound on everyone.

That new computer has made quite an impact on our office.

Venture ( n, v ) (n) a business project or acitcity, especially on th

at involves taking risks. (v) eg: They ventured nervously into the wate

r. I ventured to suggest that she might h

ave made a mistake. It was wrong to venture his financial s

ecurity on such a risky deal.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

不入虎穴 , 焉得虎子 Venture into/on sth. 冒险做…

Slumped: sitting with your body forward, for example ,because you are asleep


a sudden fall in sales, prices.

a period when economy is badly.

Unkempt: messy, having untidy clothes and hair.

an unkempt appearance


Constantly: all the time

eg: Fashion is constantly changing.

Take delight in: to get great pleasure from (doing sth.) 从做某事中获得巨大乐趣,以…为乐.

    eg: He takes (great) delight in (=enjoys) proving others wrong.

Broad: (adj) 1. wide, large in extent from side to side. 宽的,广阔的,广泛的。

a river 50 feet broad 宽50英尺的河面  broad application   广泛的用途  2.general,and not including a lot of detai

ls 概括的,粗略的. eg: Give me a broad idea of your plans.

3. showing clearly where the speaker comes from. 地方口音重的

   eg: She spoke broad Scots.

in broad daylight 在白天,在光天化日之下  as broad as it is long 长宽一样,没有区


Bold: (adj) 1. brave, confident, and willing to take risk.

a bold resolve 雄心壮志 2. clear and strong cused of the appeara

nce of sth. Very noticeable.

bold colours 显眼的颜色   write a bold hand 写字粗大醒目

boldface n. 黑体,粗体. boldfaced adj.  冒失的,黑体的.

sullen: (adj) 1.silently showing dislike and bad temper 闷闷不乐,微怒的.

sullen looks 不高兴的脸色 eg: She’s a rather sullen-looking woman. 2. dark and unpleasant 阴沉的   a sullen sky 阴沉的天空

review: 1. a study of sth. 检查,检讨,回顾

eg: The matter is open to review.

2. a magazine, newspaper or article going judgments on things like new books or plays. 新书或新戏的评论,评论性刊物.

   eg: The play was well reviewed in all the newspapers.

3. to consider sth. carefully, especially to decide whether changes are necessary.仔细考虑,尤其决定是否有必要做改变.检讨.

eg: The government is reviewing its education policy.

under review 在仔细考虑之中

put sth. off: to chang sth to a later time or date. 推迟,延迟

eg: He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

Collocation: put sb.off 取消(与某人的约会或安排;使 .. 反感,使 .. 疏远,使不信任;干扰,分神.

eg: Don’t be put off by how it looks-----it tastes delicious.

The sudden noise put her off her game.

put one over on sb. put sb. through it put sth. about put sb. out put sb. up

be in for: to be going to experience sth. soon ,especially sth. unpleasant. 即将经历,遭受(不愉快的事情.)

eg: I’m afraid we are in for a storm. Collocation: be in at sth. be/get in on sth be (well) in with sb.

Inquisitive: 1.asking too many people and try to find out about what other people are doing.

eg: Don’t be so inquisitive. It’s none of your business!

2.very interested in learning about many different things.

an inquisitive nature/mind. 勤学好问的天性/头脑 .


inquisitively (adv) inquisitiveness (n)

inquisitor 盘问者     inquisition 宗教法庭,盘问.

Joy: 1.a feeling of great happiness 喜悦,兴奋.

   2. a person or thing that causes you to feel very happy. 令人高兴的人/事.

full of the joys of spring. 快活极了,非常愉快.

Be hard on sb./sth. : 1.to treat or criticize sb.in a very severe or strict way

2. to be difficult for or unfair to sb. 3. to be likely to hurt or damage sth. eg: Looking at a computer screen all da

y can be very hard on the eyes.

take steps: to take action

to take messures to do what is necessary.

withdraw: 1.to move back or away from a place or situation.

eg :Government troops were forced to withdraw.

2. to stop giving or offering sth. to sb. eg: The drug was withdrawn from sale

after a number of people suffered serious side effects.

3. to become quieter and spend less time with other people

withdrawn: 沉默的,内向的.

tardy: slow to act people who are tardy in paying their bills. to be tardy for school. 上学迟到

focus on: to direct one’s attention to

to concentrate on 集中

Clumsily :(adv) clumsy (adj) 1. moving or doing things in a very awk

ward way 笨拙的,不灵巧的。  eg: His clumsy fingers couldn’t write t

he knot. 2. complicated to understand. 复杂难懂的

Stifle (v): to prevent from happening

to stifle a cry  忍住没哭出来  stifle a rebellion 平息叛乱 

(adj): stifling eg: It’s stifling in here.

(adv): stiflingly

exclaim (v): to cry out or speak suddenly and loudly

eg: He exclaimed that it was unture.

She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.

(n): exclamation

exclamation mark 感叹号 (adj): exclamatory 呼喊的,感叹的   eg: an exclamatory sentence.

dab: (v) to cover with light quick stroke dab at sth 轻轻摸某物(但不揉搓) dab sth on/off (sth) 轻而快地擦,涂,去

掉某物.   (n) 1. 比目鱼.黄盖鱼.    2. (be) a dab (hand) (at sth) 能手 dabble: dabble in/with sth  涉猎,涉及

used to: 曾经 1. 构成疑问句用 did     eg: Did she use to have long hair? 2. 否定句式常用 didn’t use to/used not to

quit: (v) 1. to stop

be quit of sb./sth. 摆脱某人 / 物 .

eg: You’re well quit of the responsibicity.

2. go away from

Vow: (n) solemn promise or undertaking 誓言,誓约(尤指宗教的)

keep/break a solemn vow.

take a vow of silence.

(v) make a vow about sth. 就…起誓.立誓  

   eg: She vowed never to speak to him again.


pay sb. off

pay your way

pay paid to sth.

pay sth. into sth.

pay off

elementary school = primary school

go by: time pass

eg: Two years went by before he got another letter from her.

assure 1. 使(某人)相信(放心);向某人保证.

to assure someone of sth.

to assure someone that…

2. 保证   to ~ someone of sth

to ~ someone sth

bachelor’s degree 学士学位 B.A. Bachelor of Arts

B.S.C. Bachelor of Science

M.D. Doctor of medicine

pew: 教堂的长条座椅    take a pew! 坐吧!

groom/bridegroom 新郎   bride 新娘

Reserve: (v) 1. keep sth. for a special purpose 保留,保存

   eg: These seats are ~ for old people. 2.to arrange for sth. To be kept y

our use 预定    eg: I need to reserve a seat on the pl


(n) 1.supply of sth. which is kept for possible future use. 储备物

   eg: our water ~s are low at the moment.

2. a nature reserve 自然保护区   3.含蓄,矜持    eg: the well-known ~ of the English.

in reserve :ready for use if needed.


bracelet 手镯rhinestone 莱因石

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