unit 2 review: civil liberties and civil rights meredith orr kaitlyn tharp period 6

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Unit 2 Review: Civil Liberties and

Civil Rights

Meredith OrrKaitlyn Tharp

Period 6

Civil Liberties Personal liberties and freedoms that

people are born with and the government cannot restrict.

Civil liberties are protected by the United State’s Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Civil Rights Civil Rights are Civil Liberties that are

ensured through legislation. Civil Rights are provided by the United

State’s Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights First 10 amendments to the US Constitution Intended to limit the federal government, not state


1. Freedom of speech, religion, press, protest 2. Right to bear arms 3. No quartering of soldiers in ones home 4. No unreasonable search and seizure 5. Provides due process under the law 6. Right to a jury trial for criminal cases 7. Right to a jury in federal civil cases 8. Forbids excessive bail 9. Not all rights of the people are listed in the Bill of Rights 10. Rights not given to the federal government or prohibited for the

states are given to the states

Other Important Amendments 14th Amendment- Says that people born in the US are citizens, all citizens have equal rights, all citizens are given “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” under “due process” of the law, and all people have equal protection under the law

- Due Process Clause: One of the most highly contested and litigated pieces of test, the Due Process Clause caused the incorporation of the Bill of Rights to the states. Up until the ratification of the 14th, the states could decide to not enforce the liberties given in the Bill of Rights. Was the center idea of many Supreme Court cases including, Roe V. Wade, Bush V. Gore, and the Slaughterhouse Cases.

Other Important Amendments (Cont.)

15th Amendment- Provided the right to vote to male US

citizens, regardless of race.

19th Amendment- Provided the right for women to vote in US elections.

Civil Rights in Practice The Struggle for Racial Equality- Civil Liberties played an important role in the

movement towards racial equality in the US. - Cases such as Dred Scott V. Sandford, Brown

V. Board of Education, or the Civil Rights act of 1964 would not have been as influential or even been able to reach the Supreme Court without the civil liberties provided through the amendments to the US Constitution.

Civil Rights in Practice (Cont.) The American Suffrage- The voting rights provided in the amendments

of the United States Constitution were so influential in bridging the gap in racial and gender equality because they gave equal political power, a power traditionally reserved for white males.

- The 15th Amendment, the 19th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 provided the legislation to ensure the civil liberties were being protected for everyone.

Now Quiz yourself Over

American Court Cases

Which court case was this?Barron was an owner of a whart in Baltimore harbor, as the city expanded, sand accumulated in the harbor and deprived Barron of the deep waters essential to his business. So Barron Demanded Compensation from the State!

Barron VS Baltimore Result: Supreme court does not have

jurisdiction, because the 5th amendment only covers national government, not state’s eminent domain.

Which court case was this? Reynolds challenged the anti-bigamy

law by taking another wife in Utah and was convicted.

Reynolds VS United States Ante-bigamy statue does not violate the

1st amendment (freedom of religion) because statue may punish with out regard to their religion.

Which court case was this? Trains were segregated between whites

and blacks, and a 1/8 black man, Plessy sat in the white train car and was arrested.

Plessy VS Ferguson “Separate but equal” clause.

Which court case was this? Schenk sent out notices encouraging

men to peacefully protest the draft. Scheck was convicted for violating Espionage Act.

Schenk VS United States Schenk's actions are not protect under

the 1st Amendment (Freedom of speech). His actions represented danger and fight against America.

Which court case was this? Gitlow publishes a manifesto advocating


Gitlow VS New YorkSupreme court ruled arresting him is a violation of free speech but if it leads to dangerous actions, then legislative branch can decide.

Which court case was this? Black kids were denied admittance to an

all white public school

Brown VS Board of Education “Separate but equal” in public education

maintained inequality. This overturned Plessy VS Ferguson Public Schools must get rid of Segregation

Which court case was this? Porn was obtained illegally from Mapp’s

home, police then tried to use it in a criminal possessing.

Mapp VS Ohio Supreme Court ruled that any evidence

illegally obtained may not be used in a state court.

Exclusionary rule- Incorporation of 4th Amendment.

Which court case was this? Non-denominational prayer was

authorized to be said the start of the day at public schools.

Engel VS Vitale Violated 1st Amendment Prayer was taken out of public Schools

Which court case was this? Gideon was charged with breaking and

entering in Florida. Gideon could not afford an attorney, and the state said they could only appoint attorneys for capital offenses.

Gideon VS Wain Wright Supreme Court ruled Gideon had the

right to an attorney through bills of rights.

Lawyers were necessities to 6th amendment

Due process 14th and 15th amendment

Which court case was this? Mrs. Griswold gave birth control to

marries couples that wanted it.

Griswold VS Connecticut Marital couples have the right to privacy

implies by the Bill of Rights. 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 14th amendment.

Which court case was this? Miranda raped a woman, confessed to it

after not being informed the right to self incriminate.

Miranda VS Arizona Court can not use any statements

obtained with out giving Miranda Rights 5th and 6th Amendments

Which court case was this? Kids wore arm bands to school to

protest against the Vietnam war and suspended for refusing to remove the arm bands.

Tinker VS Des Moines Symbolic speech was protected under

1st amendment.

Which court case was this? 2 state states gave funds to private


Lemon VS Kurtzman Violated 1st Amendment, freedom of


Which court case was this? Roe wanted the right for abortions in the

state of Texas

Roe VS Wade Right to abortion is under right to

privacy in Bill of Rights.

Which court case was this? Johnson burned USA flag infront of city

hall to protest and was arrested.

Texas VS Johnson Protected under the 1st Amendment.

Which court case was this?

Which court case was this? Person applied to university of Michigan

Law School, and was not accepted because they wanted diversity and she was white.

Grutter VS Bollinger Race can not be a factor in determining


Which court case was this? In cases of libel or slander, public

figures must prove that the author had "knowledge of falsity and reckless disregard for the truth."

New York VS Sullivan Established the "actual malice" standard Protected under the 1st Amendment and

freedom of Press.

Which Court Case was this? Banned use of illegal drugs in religious


Oregon VS Smith Ruled government can act when

religious practices violate criminal laws.

Which Court Case was this? ruling that "obscenity is not within the

area of constitutionally protected speech or press."

Roth VS United States Obscenity is not covered at freedom of


Which Court Case was this? Exclusionary rule was established

because of this case. Evidence obtained in violation of 4th

amendment can not be used in trial of federal level.

Weeks VS United States



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