unit 15 we’re trying to save the manatees! the first period

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Unit 15 We’re trying to

save the manatees!

Unit 15 We’re trying to

save the manatees!

the first period

Let’s go to the zoo.

Have you ever been to the zoo?

Warming up

How many animals in the

picture ?

Where do they come from?

Can you describe them?

What’s this? And how to describe it?


What’s this? And how to describe it?


What’s this? And how to describe it?

What’s this? And how to describe it?


What’s this? And how to describe it?


What’s this? And how to describe it?



1b Listening

gentle furry enormous

playful noisy shy

aggressive gray fast spotted

I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water and I like to eat underwater plants.

You’re like an elephant.


Be like : 像…

You’re like a manatee.


Can you guess what animals they are?

1 They look like a cow, but they live in the water.

2 They are furry enough to keep out the cold. They are all white and only live in the North pole.

Guessing Game:

Can you guess what animals they are?

3. They are enormous, have long trunks. They live in Africa and Southeast Asia.

4. They only live in Australia and have pockets to keep their babies safe.

5. They look like monkeys but bigger than monkeys. They can imitate what people do.

6.They are spotted and aggressive. They run fast.

7.They live only in China and eat bamboo.

8 They are shy , have red eyes, like eating carrots and can run quickly.

10 They can learn to speak. They’re playful.

9 They are soft and have long bodies. They can “walk”quickly on the water without feet.

New words :

mangrove [] 红树

Swamp [] 沼泽地

Habitat [] 生长环境

aquatic [ ] 水生植物

Feed 饲料 underwater 在水下的

Vegetation [ ] 植物

Weigh [] 称重 Pound 磅

passive voice [] [] 被动语态

Polluted 被污染的

Present progressive [ ] 现在进行时

Present simple 一般现在时

infinitive [] 不定式

present perfect [ ] 现在完成时

1. Endangered

2.mangroves 红树 swamps 沼泽地

3.habitat 生长环境

4.aquatic feed 水生植物

a. the place where something lives

b. there aren’t very many of them

c. underwater plants and vegetation 植物

d. a place where trees grow in water

Kind of animal manatee



Reason why they are endangered


ListenListen and complete the chart.

2500 in the U.S.

the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.

*swamps being polluted.

* not enough food.

*10 feet long, large,

*1000 pounds heavy

Do you think they are happy?

Do you think zoos are good for animals?

3a Read the letter and underline the reason why the writer is opposed 反对的 to zoos.

1 Zoos are terrible places for animals to live.

2 The animals are kept in tiny cages and hardly move at all.

3 They are only given food once a day.

Suitable 合适的 tiny 极小的 cage 笼子 disgusted 厌恶的

3b Read this letter to the editor. What’s “Animal Friend”opinion about the zoo?

Educate 教育 care for 关怀 urge 强烈要求

He thinks that the zoo is an important place for the animals.

1. Zoos are like living textbooks for young people.

2. Zoos provide homes for endangered animals.

3. Zoos educate people about caring for them.

Firstly zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world.

Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. Thirdly, zoos protect the animals and keep them fr

om becoming extinct. 灭绝的 ,


Cons: Most animals are kept in small cages. Most cages are not clean, either.

The food in the zoos is not natural. In the forest they can find the food by themselves.


1.against 介词 , 反对 , 违反 , 与……相反 (=opposite) Be against doing sth. 反对做某事 , 反义词组是 be for doing sth, 赞成某事 2.be suitable for sb to do sth. 表示 “适合某人做某事” , 这里 suitable 是 suit 的形容词形式 , 表示 “合适的”。3 .to live in 在此处作 animals 的后置定语。英语中动词不定式短语做名词定语 , 放在后面。如 :There is nothing for us to worry about. 我们没有什么可以担心的。4.tiny=little 很小的 , 带有感情色彩 .5.be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶. in surprise 惊奇地To one’s surprise 使某人惊奇地 8 weigh 称重6.provide sb. with sth. Weight(n.) provide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物7.take care of / look after / care for “ 照顾、照料”

Review the five different verb tenses.

1.Present Progressive2.Present Simple3.“used to” + infinitive4.Passive Voice5.Present Perfect

Advantages for students’ mobile phone

Disadvantages for students’ mobile phone

* *

* *

* *

spend too much money

parents’ burden becomes heavy.

keep in touch with parents,friends conveniently and quickly.

get help in time when get in trouble


Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening!

A: 1________________________________?

B: I’ve just been to the natural museum.

A: 2___________________________________?

B: We saw a lot of endangered animals, like manatees, pandas,

chimpanzees and so on.

A: 4__________________?

B: Because people have done something bad to them and they’re

dying out.

A: That’s a really bad thing. But 5_____________________________?

B: Yes, I think we can do something to help. We can tell people

how important these animals are.

A: I agree with you.

Where have you been

What did you see


can we do something to help

Kind of animal



Reason why they are endangered


Pandas are from China. They are gentle. They like eating bamboos. There are less than 1000 pandas in the world now….

1.I am like this animal because I am

strong and intelligent.

Be like=look like=be similar to

像,看起来像。如:He is like his father 。他像他的父亲。= He looks like his father.

= He is similar to his father.


这里的 like 作介词,意思为“像”, like 还可做动词用,表示“喜欢”, like ( doing )sth. 喜欢做某事。如:He likes his father very much.

他很喜欢他的父亲。Mary likes playing volleyball.


2.How big are manatees? 海牛有多大? How big... 询问体重。以 how 组合的疑问词组有很多,如: how old 询问年龄 how often 询问频率 how long 询问动作持续的长短 how much 询问质量或者价钱 how far 询问距离 how many 询问数量 how soon 询问过多久

3….they weigh about 1,000 pounds,

…… 他们大约重 1000 磅。 weigh 称……重量,测……重量。如: He weighed the stone in his hand.

他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。 The piece of meat weighs four pounds.


weight 名词,重量。 如: What is your weight ? 你的体重是多少?

4. We’re trying to save the manatees.

我们正在竭尽全力拯救海牛 .

Try to do =try one’s best to do

努力去做某事。如: Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university.



1.Review the new words

2. Write a report about the survey made in class.

1.Review the new words

2. Write a report about the survey made in class.

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