unit 1 - · pdf file3 unit 1 1 teacher profesor my name is bill wilson. mi nombre es bill...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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    UNIT 1



    a Copiar el vocabulario (pgs. 12 y 13); solamente el


    b Memorizar el significado de cada palabra.

    c Cubrir las palabras en espaol. Mirando las palabras

    en ingls, intenta traducirlas.


    a Estudiar las reglas gramaticales (pgs. de 2 a 6).

    b Resolver los ejercicios de las pgs. 8 - 9 - 10 - 11.


    Traducir oralmente la pagina 1. Si no te acuerdas del

    significado de alguna palabra, consulta el vocabulario.


    Escuchar la grabacin de la unit mirando el libro.

    (un par de veces)


    Volver a escuchar la grabacin sin mirar el libro.

    Se tiene que escuchar tantas veces hasta que se

    entienda perfectamente.

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    UNIT 1 1

    Teacher Profesor My name is Bi l l Wilson. Mi nombre es Bi l l Wi lson. I am the teacher. Yo soy el profesor. You are the student. T eres el estudiante. I am Engl ish. Yo soy ingls. You are Spanish. T eres espaol . I am a patient teacher. Yo soy un profesor paciente. You are a clever student. T eres un estudiante l is to.

    Marco Marco My name is Marco. Mi nombre es Marco. Mr Wilson is my teacher. El seor Wi lson es mi profesor. I am Spanish. Yo soy espaol . He is Engl ish. l es ingls. I am a clever student. Yo soy un estudiante l is to. He is a patient teacher. l es un profesor paciente.

    Jack Jack My name is Jack. Mi nombre es Jack. I am a boy. Yo soy un muchacho. I am Engl ish. Yo soy ingls. I am an Engl ish boy. Yo soy un muchacho ingls. I l ive in London. Yo vivo en Londres. Jane is my sister. Jane es mi hermana. She is a pretty gir l . El la es una muchacha boni ta.

    Jane Jane

    My name is Jane. Mi nombre es Jane. I am a gir l . Yo soy una muchacha. I am Engl ish. Yo soy inglesa. I am an Engl ish gir l . Yo soy una muchacha inglesa. Jack is my brother. Jack es mi hermano. He is a nice boy. l es un muchacho simpt ico.

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    UNIT 1 2

    Jack and Jane Jack y Jane We are a boy and a gir l . Nosotros somos un muchacho y una muchacha. We are brother and sister. Nosotros somos hermano y hermana.

    Jack and Jane are Engl ish, and they l ive in London.

    Jack y Jane son ingleses, y (el los) v iven en Londres.

    ARTCULO DEFINIDO the = el , lo, la los, las El ar t culo def in ido ingls es the, y es invar iable. the boy = el muchacho the gir l = la muchacha the boys = los muchachos the gir ls = las muchachas

    ARTCULO INDEFINIDO a an = un, una

    El ar t culo indef inido ingls es a o an. a Se usa delante de una consonante. a boy = un muchacho a gir l = una muchacha an Se usa delante de una vocal . an apple = una manzana an orange = una naranja

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly. .

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    UNIT 1 3

    PRONOMBRES I = yo we = nosotros -as you = t - usted you = vosotros -as / ustedes he = l they = el los -as she = el la i t = l , e l la I Se escr ibe s iempre con mayscula. i t Se usa para cosas, animales y recin nacidos. they Es el plural de he - she - i t.

    I = yo I am a boy. I am a good boy. I am a student. I am a clever

    student. I am Engl ish. I l ive in London. England is my country. I love England.

    he = l

    Jack is an Engl ish boy. He is a good boy. He l ives in London.

    He is a student. He is a c lever student. He is European and he l ives in Europe.

    she = el la

    Jane is an Engl ish g ir l . She is a pret ty g ir l . She l ives in London.

    She is a student. She is a good student. She is European and she loves Europe.

    i t = l , e l la London is a c i ty. I t is a big c i ty. London is in England. I t is in England. England is in Europe. I t is in Europe.

    we = nosotros - nosotras

    W e (Jack and Jane) are Engl ish. W e l ive in London. W e are students. W e are good students.

    they = el los - e l las

    Jack and Jane are Engl ish. They l ive in London. They are

    students. They are good students. They are European and they love Europe.

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly.

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    UNIT 1 4

    you = t; vosotros as / usted, ustedes

    En ingls para di r ig i rse a cualquier persona (un amigo, un desconocido, un super ior , un dependiente.. . ) se usa you.

    You, se usa tambin para di r ig i rse a var ias personas.

    1. you = t You, Jack, are Engl ish. You l ive in London. You are a student.

    You are a good student.

    2. you = usted You are a teacher. You are Engl ish. You l ive in London. You are a

    pat ient teacher.

    3. you = vosotros as / ustedes

    You, Jack and Jane, are students. You are clever students. You are Engl ish. You l ive in London.

    You are teachers. You are Engl ish. You l ive in London. You are pat ient teachers.


    El adjet ivo cal i f icat ivo es invar iable, y se coloca delante del sustant ivo.


    good = bueno, buena, buenos, buenas a good boy = un buen muchacho a good g ir l = una buena muchacha good boys = buenos muchachos good g ir ls = buenas muchachas

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly.

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    UNIT 1 5

    INFINITIVE = inf in i t ivo

    El verbo ingls t iene una sola conjugacin.

    El inf in i t ivo est s iempre precedido de to. to l ive = viv i r

    to love = amar

    PRESENT SIMPLE = presente s imple 1 I love = yo amo 2 you love = t amas 3 he love s = l ama she love s = el la ama etc. i t love s 1 we love 2 you love 3 they love

    El Present Simple se forma con la forma base: love, precedida del sujeto. A la tercera persona del s ingular se le aade una -s. I am Engl ish and I l ive in London. I love England. England is my

    country. You are Spanish and you l ive in Madr id. You love Spain. He is French and he l ives in Par is. He loves France. She is German and she l ives in Ber l in. She loves Germany. W e are I tal ian and we l ive in Rome. W e love I taly. They are European. They l ive in Europe. They love Europe.

    NOTA Los adjet ivos que indican nacional idad se escr iben siempre con mayscula. I am Engl ish. You are Spanish. He is American.

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly.

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    UNIT 1 6

    to be = ser; estar

    PRESENT SIMPLE = presente s imple

    1 I am = yo soy, estoy 2 you are = t eres, ests / usted es, est 3 he is = l es, est she is = el la es, est etc. i t is

    1 we are 2 you are 3 they are


    El plural de los sustant ivos se forma, generalmente, aadiendo una s al s ingular.


    boy = muchacho boy s = muchachos g i r l = muchacha g i r l s = muchachas brother = hermano brother s = hermanos s ister = hermana s ister s = hermanas teacher = profesor teacher s = profesores lesson = leccin lesson s = lecciones apple = manzana apple s = manzanas

    the Se pronuncia de dos formas:

    TE Cuando la palabra que sigue empieza por consonante

    the boy, the g ir l , the teacher

    Ti Cuando la palabra que sigue empieza por vocal the apple, the orange

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly.

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    UNIT 1 7

    READING = lectura

    1. Jack is a c lever boy. Jane is a pret ty g ir l .

    2. They are brother and sister .

    3. They are Engl ish. They l ive in London.

    4. Jack is good and clever.

    5. Jane is pret ty and romant ic.

    6. London is a big c i ty.

    7. London is in England.

    8. London is in Europe.

    9. I t is in Europe.

    10. I am French.

    11. France is my country.

    12. I l ive in Par is.

    13. Madrid is in Spain. I t is a Spanish ci ty.

    14. Berl in is in Germany. I t is a German ci ty.

    15. A clever boy. A pret ty g ir l . A beaut i ful old c i ty.

    16. A good teacher. An Engl ish lesson. A Spanish lesson.

    17. Jack and Peter are Engl ish. They are Engl ish boys.

    18. They are clever. They are clever boys.

    19. Jane and Dora are Engl ish. They are Engl ish.

    20. They are pret ty. They are pret ty g ir ls.

    Carmelo Mangano h t tp : / /www. inglesparaespanoles.com for pr ivate or academic use on ly.

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    UNIT 1 8

    TRANSLATION = t raduccin 1. Traduce oralmente. En la pgina siguiente est la clave de esta traduccin. 2. Copia toda la pgina.

    1. The teacher is Engl ish. The students are Spanish.

    2. The boy is c lever. The g ir l is pret ty. They are brother and sister .

    3. He is Engl ish. She is Engl ish. They

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