unit 1 people. though his real name was george calvert, his is usually known in history by his...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Unit 1 People

Though his real name was George Calvert, his is usually known in history by his title. His colony was establish in 1632 to provide religious freedom for Catholics


The younger brother of King Charles II, in 1664 his forces forced the Dutch out of North America

New York

Set-up a new Puritan colony where he wrote and adapted what would become the first constitution in American history. The document extended democracy by granting voting rights to non-church members and limited the power of the governor.Connecticut

Believed that God could be worshipped without ministers or the church. This challenged the power of the church, so she was forced to leave Massachusetts for Rhode Island in 1638

Founded his colony in 1732 as a refuge for debtors. It was also an outpost against the Spanish and the French.Georgia

Helped keep peace between the Native Americans and Jamestown. Married John Rolfe and in 1616 they traveled to England to raise funds for the colony. Died in England in 1617


Received a large land grant in America in 1681 so he created a colony for the Quakers to enjoy religious freedom Pennsylvan


Though in 1612 he developed a way to make tobacco a profitable crop; he is usually remembered for whom he married


He took over leadership in his colony in 1608 when conditions were very bad. Told the colonists, “He that will not work shall not eat” Virginia

As the Puritan’s 1st American governor, he helped his people establish a commonwealth in 1630.


Founded the 1st Baptist Church in America. He didn’t think the English should just take Native American land or that church attendance should be mandatory. Was forced to flee Massachusetts in 1636. He founded a new colony based on separation of church and state and religious freedom

Rhode Island

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