unit 1 coming of age novel survival loss of innocence

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Unit 1Coming of Age NovelSurvivalLoss of Innocence

Coming of Age? Definition:


In this unit we will focus on two coming of age novels that deal with: Survival Loss of Innocence

Lord of the Flies By William Golding Set in year 1954 Dystopia vs. Utopia British boys stranded on deserted island Attempt to govern themselves

Sigmund Freud Austrian Neurologist Developed idea of Id, Ego, and Superego These are the our 3 levels of psyche All theoretical

Id Present at birth Part of brain that is entirely unconscious Driven by instant/immediate satisfaction

of desires, wants, and needs IF not met/gratified immediately=state of

anxiety/tension Example: Hunger/thirst produce

immediate attempt to eat/drink

Ego Deals with reality-what is actually going

to happen Occurs in conscious and unconscious Strives to satisfy Id, but in

societal/realistic accepted ways Weighs pros and cons

Superego Responsible for morals and ideals Strives to perfect and civilize our

behavior Also present in conscious and

unconscious This is the ideal-tries to keep Id happy,

while having the Ego aim for ideal/perfect solution

Interaction and Relevance Key to healthy psyche is balance

between all 3 parts Characters in LOF will present these 3

parts Your job is to detect which parts of the

psyche they are ruled by How does knowing about 3 parts of

psyche play into loss of innocence? What do I mean by loss of innocence?

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