uninterruptible power supply multiloop control employing digital predictive voltage and current...

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Uninterruptible Power Supply Multiloop ControlEmploying Digital Predictive Voltage and

Current RegulatorsSimone Buso, Member, IEEE, Sandro Fasolo, Member, IEEE, and Paolo Mattavelli, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A digital control technique for the inverter stage ofuninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) is described, which is basedon voltage and current predictive regulators. Its aim is to achievea deadbeat dynamic response for the controlled variables (outputvoltage and inverter current). The controller maintains the advan-tageous conventional multiloop structure and is capable of guaran-teeing a high-quality dynamic performance. Moreover, its design isextremely simple and requires only a reasonably accurate knowl-edge of the output filter parameters. Finally, the only sensed vari-ables are the output voltage and the converter output current. Thevalidity of the proposed strategy is demonstrated by means of sim-ulation and experimental results referring to a single-phase UPSlaboratory prototype (1 kVA).

Index Terms—Digital control, digital signal processor, uninter-ruptible power supply.


UNINTERRUPTIBLE power supplies (UPSs) are nowa-days widely adopted for the protection of sensitive

loads, like PCs or medical equipment, against line failures orother ac mains’ perturbations. A large number of products,with different topologies and power ratings, are available onthe market, making the UPS a quite mature product. As aconsequence, the competition among the manufacturers is veryhigh. The capability of guaranteeing a low level of voltagedistortion in the presence of nonlinear and distorting loads, e.g.,diode rectifiers with capacitive filters, represents a fundamentalfeature for this kind of product. The need for high dynamicperformance and excellent static regulation of the load voltagehas stimulated considerable research activity. Different controlstrategies have been identified to tackle the problem and cannow be found in the literature [1]–[9]. On the one hand, digitalcontrol techniques based on the repetitive control concept [8],[9] or on discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based harmonicelimination technique [7] have been shown to offer low distor-tion levels in the steady state, but also slow speed of responseto dynamic variations of the operating conditions. On the other

Paper IPCSD 01–025, presented at the 2001 IEEE Applied Power ElectronicsConference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, March 4–8, and approved for publi-cation in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONINDUSTRYAPPLICATIONSby the IndustrialPower Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Man-uscript submitted for review December 14, 2000 and released for publicationJuly 18, 2001.

S. Buso and S. Fasolo are with the Department of Electronics and Informatics,University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy (e-mail: simone.buso@dei.unipd.it).

P. Mattavelli is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University ofPadova, 35131 Padova, Italy (e-mail: mattavelli@light.dei.unipd.it).

Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)09711-0.

hand, digital techniques like deadbeat or predictive controlschemes [1], [2], optimal state feedback [3], or sliding-modecontrol [4] have also been investigated, and their capabilityof providing a reduced level of distortion and a fast dynamicresponse has been demonstrated.

This paper focuses on a digital control technique based onpredictive voltage and current controllers, suitable for appli-cation to single- and three-phase UPS systems. The approachmaintains the advantages of conventional multiloop solutions[5], [6], e.g., the possibility of implementing an overcurrent pro-tection for the power converter, but guarantees the high perfor-mance level typical of deadbeat controllers. This is the mainproperty of the proposed controller, which guarantees signifi-cant advantages in terms of complexity and ease of design.

The first consequence of the controller’s organization is thatthe voltage and current regulators have the same structure,which simplifies design and implementation. This result isachieved using, for the voltage regulator, a sampling frequencyequal to half of the one used for the current loop. Thanks to thisprovision, both controllers have to compensate a system whichconsists of an integrator and a delay and, consequently, theycan have the same structure. Moreover, the design of controllerparameters can be directly derived from a rough knowledge ofthe converter’s output filter parameters. The proposed solution,based on the output voltage and converter’s output currentsensing, i.e., without load current measurement, guarantees anexcellent large-signal behavior and low harmonic distortion inthe presence of a typical nonlinear load.

The validity of the approach is demonstrated by simulationsand experimental tests performed on a single-phase UPS labo-ratory prototype (1 kVA). It is worth noting, however, that thecontrol concept can also be applied to three-phase converters bymeans of the stationary frame (– ) transformation. The dig-ital control is implemented on a custom board employing anADSP21062 floating-point digital signal processor (DSP), asthe main processor, and an ADMC401 motion control DSP, asan interface with the power converter.


The continuous-time dynamic behavior of the second-orderfilter (Fig. 1) can be simply represented in the following matrixform:


0093–9994/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE


(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Single-phase scheme of the UPS system. (a) Instantaneous. (b) Averaged.

Fig. 2. Simplified control scheme.ZC(z) is the discrete-time equivalent of the converter’s intrinsic output impedance, due to the output filter capacitor.

where is the state vector, average invertervoltage and output current are considered systeminputs, and


Assuming that the inverter voltage and output currentare constant between sampling instants (zeroth-order-hold

sampling of the system), the discrete-time dynamic equationscan be written as






In (4), is the 2 2 identity matrix, is the sampling pe-riod, and is the angular resonance frequency ofthe second-order – filter. Moreover, under the assumptionthat the sampling frequency is much greater than

the resonance frequency of the– filter (i.e., ), theapproximations shown in (4) hold and, thus, the following dis-crete-time dynamic equations can be derived:



Using (5), we developed a predictive control strategy witha typical multiloop structure where an internal current loop iscontrolled by an external voltage loop, as schematically repre-sented in Fig. 2. It aims at achieving a deadbeat type of dynamicresponse from both the loops, as described in the following.

A. Current Loop

Firstly, we note that the assumption is veri-fied when the output capacitive filter presents a negligibleimpedance with respect to the inductive one, at the controlfrequency. A possible physical interpretation of (5b) is that,in the system of Fig. 1, it is possible to consider the outputvoltage independent from the injected converter current. Thus,we neglect the second-order dynamics of the output– filter(Fig. 1) and consider only its inductive component. Doingthis, the control algorithm ensuring a deadbeat response, asdemonstrated in [10], can be written as

(6)where a sampling period equal to the modulation periodisassumed.

At the beginning of any switching period, e.g., at instant ,the control system samples the inductor current and theoutput voltage and calculates, based on (6), the average


Fig. 3. Proposed digital control. From top to bottom: timing of voltage controller, current controller, and converter instantaneous and average output voltage.

output voltage the inverter needs to generate in thefollowing modulation period to make the current errorgo to zero at instant . A schematic of the control timingis given by Fig. 3. Clearly, the quantity is not knownto the control system at instant , but can be approximatedin different ways (e.g., with a linear interpolation of previoussamples). In this way, the control equation can be made causaland computable. The average voltage will then begenerated by a suitable modulation routine. Although Fig. 1 rep-resents a single-phase system, the control strategy can be easilyextended to a three-phase system by means of the usual ()to ( ) coordinate transformation. Because of the approxima-tion of the output capacitor with an independent voltage source,the closed loop response of the system is not exactly deadbeat;in addition to the expected two-cycle delay directly implied by(6), the output current shows a residual error which depends onthe output filter design and, in general, gets bigger when the res-onance frequency of the output filter gets closer to the samplingfrequency (e.g., when the output capacitor is decreased).

B. Voltage Loop

The same approach we described so far can also be appliedto control the output voltage. Firstly, as shown in the scheme ofFig. 2, we operate the feedforward compensation of the com-ponent of the inductor current reference related to theload current, . This is computed by means of an estimator,which we will discuss in the following. Then, according to (5a),

the discrete-time dynamic equation of the output voltage can bewritten as


where the closed-loop control of capacitor current is as-sumed to be equivalent to a pure two-control-cycle delay [i.e.,

]. Updating the voltage control at half thesampling frequency and imposing the reference current to beconstant between sampling instants and , we obtain


where with we denote the sampling instant at a half of theoriginal sampling frequency. Then, we also operate (Fig. 2) thefeedforward compensation of the capacitor current term ,which is straightforwardly derived from the output voltage ref-erence. As a consequence, the control algorithm, which ensuresa deadbeat response, is simply given by


where we substituted with , which represents thecorrection of the current reference, with respect to the feedfor-warded one. Note that (9) has the same structure as (6), wherethe disturbance components and have been set


Fig. 4. Effect of interpolation on the current reference. Average converteroutput voltage (normalized to the dc-link voltage value), before and after (boldtrace) the insertion of the interpolation routine.

to zero. It is fundamental to underline that the control periodassumed for the predictive voltage controller is equal totwicethe modulation period , that is, double the current control pe-riod, whose reference is therefore updated only every two mod-ulation periods. This avoids instabilities arising from the inter-action between the internal current loop and the external voltageloop and, at the same time, gives us the highest possible speedof response. Again, since the current loop is not exactly a puredelay and the output current estimator dynamics are not totallynegligible, the response of the voltage loop is not expected tobe exactly deadbeat. Anyway, as we will show in the following,a very good approximation of the desired dynamic response isachieved, where the output voltage tracks the reference practi-cally with only a four-cycle delay ( ).

An important consequence of using half the sampling fre-quency on the external loop with respect to the internal one isthat, from the internal loop standpoint, the variation of the cur-rent reference , required by the voltage control is seen as asequence of step reference variations. Therefore, a transient isstarted every time the current reference is updated. In order tosmooth this transient, a very effective solution is to implement alinear interpolation of the current reference samples, to providethe internal loop with a reference closer to the ideal sinusoidalone. This is the aim of the interpolation block of Fig. 2, whoseeffect is described by Fig. 4. As can be seen, the control output

is much smoother when the interpolator is activated. Thepresence of the interpolator changes (8) as follows:


Accordingly, the deadbeat control algorithm is


Fig. 5. Effect of integration method on load current estimation. Actual loadcurrent (dashed line), trapezoidal integration (solid line ), and Euler integration(dotted line).

C. Load Current Estimator

An output current estimator () can be implemented consid-ering the classical Luenberger structure. With only a slight de-terioration of the control performance, this allows to avoid theload current sensing, while giving the well known advantagesderiving from a full load current feed-forward compensation.By allocating the estimator eigenvalues in the origin (so as toget a deadbeat estimator) this simple derivative estimator equa-tion can be obtained:


Actually, the structure of the estimator also includes a second-order low-pass filter. As a consequence, in the practical imple-mentation, the estimation algorithm is followed by a moving av-erage filter of order 4, whose finite-impulse response (FIR) be-havior is highly preferable to that of classical infinite-impulseresponse (IIR) solutions. This finally generates the termappearing in Fig. 2.

Another important point concerning the implementation ofthe derivative estimator is the type of discretization algorithmto be used in the derivation of load current. This is given as thedifference between the inductor current and the output capac-itor current. Since the sampled inductor current exhibits linearvariations during transients (being the integral of a stepwisevarying voltage), a first-order-hold discretization seemed to usmore suited to the physical behavior of the system. In order tohighlight this point, we simulated the estimator basing the calcu-lation of the inductor current both on a Euler integration methodand on a trapezoidal (first-order hold) one. The results are shownin Fig. 5, in the case of a step load variation. It is possible to ap-preciate the better performance of the second solution.


A. Output – Filter Design

It is worth noting that the assumption we made to derive(6)–(11) is practically well verified, as long as the output filter


resonance frequency is sufficiently low ( ) with re-spect to the sampling frequency, as shown in (2)–(5). Practically,we found that a ratio between the sampling frequency and theresonance frequency above 20 gives good results. In the case ofa typical UPS design, where the output capacitor also serves asa partial reactive load compensator, this is typically verified.

B. Sensitivity to Noise and Accuracy of Regulation

The practical implementation of the controller requires somecare in the conditioning of feedback control signals. Being aninherently wide-band controller, with a very quick speed of re-sponse, the controller is very sensitive to feedback noise anddisturbances. For this reason, particular care must be taken inthe controller layout definition. In case the noise level cannotbe reduced enough or the control bandwidth has to be loweredfor any other reason, we also considered the possibility of a dif-ferent implementation of the voltage control loop. Equation (9)(or (11) if we consider the interpolation process) can be seen asa particular case of a more general controller structure, based onthe estimation of the output voltage again by means of a dead-beat Luenberger estimator. In fact, considering the discrete-timeequation (8) for the incremental terms


where , the control equation whichensures a deadbeat response is simply given by


where can be estimated using the following Luen-berger estimator:


When the estimator eigenvalue is allocated in the origin (), (9) is obtained. Instead, if the eigenvalue is allocated away

from the origin ( ), a low-pass action is included inthe controller, which practically “detunes” it with respect to theideal deadbeat solution. This clearly reduces the speed of re-sponse, but also determines a lower sensitivity to control noise.Equations (13)–(15), reported here without the capacitor currentinterpolation, can be easily extended including the interpolationprocess.

As far as the accuracy of the regulation is concerned, wefound that both inverter deadtime and dc-link voltage feedfor-ward compensation play an important role. We used an offlinedeadtime compensation strategy based on the current referencezero crossings. This gave us an appreciable reduction of the totalharmonic distortion (THD) (about 1%). Clearly, this result istotally dependent on our particular hardware, which required arelatively high deadtime (2s) for safe operation at 15 kHz. Adifferent hardware, with shorter deadtimes, could take less ben-efit from this refinement.

The dc-link voltage compensation, instead, allowed us to re-duce the tracking error on the output voltage fundamental com-ponent (especially its variation from light load to full load). Dif-ferently from the previous one, this provision is necessary be-

cause of the inherently limited low-frequency gain of our con-troller and is not related to any particular implementation aspect.

C. Robustness

Another important issue concerning the practical implemen-tation of the proposed control algorithm is the estimation of itsrobustness against parameter mismatches. Due to the presenceof two different sampling frequencies in the controller, the an-alytical evaluation of the robustness is quite complicated. As-suming that the inductive and capacitive part of the filter canbe treated separately, which is fairly verified in the case we areconsidering, a separate robustness analysis can be performed forthe voltage and current loop. As reported in [12], where only thecurrent controller is considered, the robustness is quite high, andthe controller tolerates parameter estimation errors up to 100%before going unstable. In our case, the situation is complicatedby two factors: the two loops of the controller are not indepen-dent and the discretization we are using only approximates theexact system’s behavior. We therefore expect a reduced robust-ness. In practice, we found that errors in the range of 20% forboth the parameters do not cause severe stability problems inany load condition. Moreover, the system is more robust to un-derestimations than to overestimations of the filter parameters.This is extremely important in case capacitive loads are con-nected to the output. Being seen as underestimations of the ca-pacitor value, they do not cause severe stability problems; how-ever, the dynamic behavior of the controller is affected and alower speed of response is achieved. It is worth noting that, asstated above, these results are achievable only if the inductiveand capacitive part of the filter can be treated separately, i.e., ifthe current loop and voltage loop dynamics are sufficiently de-coupled. This calls for a quite high ratio between the switchingfrequency and the filter resonance frequency. We practically ver-ified that the stability robustness is adequate to the industrialstandard only when this ratio is at least above 20. This maylead to oversizing the output capacitor, especially in the caseof low-output-power applications.

D. Complexity

Finally, it is worth underlining that the controller we derivedis practically very simple. Once the control and current esti-mation routines are implemented in a microcontroller (C) orDSP, the design effort is reduced to zero, since only the outputfilter parameters have to be specified with the aforementionedaccuracy. Moreover, the control complexity is fairly small too.As a comparison, we evaluated the execution time of this con-trol algorithm and of a double proportional plus integral (PI)regulator (with antiwindup) on the same platform measuringa total time of 12 s for the proposed control and of 8s forthe conventional one. Note that the control code was written inC language with no particular optimization. The increment inthe complexity is anyway limited to 50%. The control timingcan be seen in Fig. 6. The implementation of the digital con-troller has been performed by means of the connection of twoDSPs. An ADSP21062 floating-point DSP by Analog Deviceshas been connected through a dual-port RAM to an ADMC401,a fixed-point processor, by the same manufacturer. This gave usthe possibility of minimizing the development time. Clearly, the


Fig. 6. Timing diagram of the proposed control algorithm.


control complexity is perfectly compatible with the implemen-tation on a less expensiveC unit. Further details concerningthe implementation can be found in [11].


The controller we propose has been extensively tested on alaboratory prototype of a single-phase UPS, whose basic param-eters are given in Table I. Some of the results are now discussed.Figs. 7 and 8 describe the converter behavior when the nominalload is connected and then disconnected. As can be seen, theoutput voltage waveform exhibits only small deviations fromthe ideal sinusoidal waveform. This is due to the considerabletracking capability of the current reference; as can be seen inFig. 7, the output current follows the reference at the maximumspeed allowed by the power converter, reaching saturation. Thiscan be seen in Fig. 8, where the average converter output voltage

Fig. 7. Load step variations. Output voltage (channel 3) 100 V/div, currentreference (channel 2) 10 A/div, and actual current (channel 1) 10 A/div;horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

Fig. 8. Load step variations. Output voltage (channel 3) 100 V/div, inverteroutput voltage reference (channel 4) 200 V/div, actual load current (channel 2)10 A/div, and estimated load current (channel 1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

is shown. Fig. 8 also shows the dynamic behavior of the currentestimator; as can be seen, the estimator guarantees a fairly goodtracking of the actual load current waveform (which is sensedonly to allow a comparison with the estimated one), with onlya little delay and a very small transient in response to the stepvariations. This confirms the validity of the discussion of Sec-tion II-C.

A different situation is shown in Figs. 9 and 10, where theUPS behavior in the presence of a distorting load (diode bridgewith capacitive filter: 470 F filter and 25 resistive load) isconsidered. Again, the results show good agreement with the


Fig. 9. Distorting load. Output voltage (channel 3) 100 V/div, current reference(channel 2) 10 A/div, and actual current (channel 1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5ms/div.

Fig. 10. Distorting load. Output voltage (channel 3) 100 V/div, inverteroutput voltage reference (channel 4) 200 V/div, actual load current (channel2) 10 A/div, and estimated load current (channel 1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5ms/div.

theoretical analysis. The measured THD of the output voltage is3.4%. Finally, it is worth adding that the implemented controllercomprises all of the refinements discussed in Section II, such asthe interpolation of the current reference, the compensation ofdeadtimes, and of the dc-link voltage variations.

Figs. 11 and 12 describe the effect of the detuning of thevoltage controller, according to what has been discussed in Sec-tion III-B, in the case of the same distorting load considered inFig. 9. The second real pole of the voltage controller, besidesthe one in the origin due to the deadbeat action, has been setto 4500 rad/s. As can be seen, the speed of response of the con-

Fig. 11. Distorting load and “detuned” voltage controller. Output voltage(channel 3) 100 V/div, current reference (channel 2) 10 A/div, and actualcurrent (channel 1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

Fig. 12. Distorting load and “detuned” voltage controller. Output voltage(channel 3) 100 V/div, inverter output voltage reference (channel 4) 200 V/div,actual load current (channel 2) 10 A/div, and estimated load current (channel1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

troller is reduced. It is clearly visible that the current and voltagewaveforms are smoother (Fig. 11). The output impedance of theconverter being somewhat higher with respect to the previouscase, the voltage distortion induced by the distorting current ishigher. This reduces the slope of the distorting current itself,whose peak is now lower and wider. As a result, the THD ofthe output voltage is now 3.8%. It is worth underlining that theadvantage of the detuning is a better tolerance of noise and dis-turbances on the feedback signals, which may be required if thecontroller is used in a noisy environment.


Fig. 13. Distorting load with PI control. Output voltage (channel 3) 100 V/div,current reference (channel 2) 10 A/div, and actual current (channel 1) 10 A/div;horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

Fig. 14. Load step variations with PI control. Output voltage (channel 3)100 V/div, current reference (channel 2) 10 A/div, and actual current (channel1) 10 A/div; horizontal 2.5 ms/div.

Finally, in order to compare the performance of the proposedsolution, we have implemented a conventional multiloopscheme where both the current and the voltage controllers arebased on PI regulators. The bandwidth of the current loopwas set to 7700 rad/s, with a 45phase margin, while thebandwidth of the voltage loop was set to 3500 rad/s, with a62 phase margin. Fig. 13 shows the results obtained with thesame distorting load used for Fig. 9. As a result, the THD ofthe output voltage is now 6.0%. The superiority of our solutionis also evident in Fig. 14, which reports the results obtainedwith load step variations and conventional multiloop PI control.

Note that the transient response is now much slower, comparedto that obtained in Figs. 7 and 8.


A digital control technique for voltage-source inverters withan – output filter has been presented, which is based onpredictive current and voltage controllers. Based on approxi-mated and, as a consequence, particularly simple control laws,the technique guarantees satisfactory small- and large-signaldynamic performance. In addition, it seems to be particularlyeasy to implement and tune, requiring only the knowledge ofthe output filter parameters. Various details concerning the con-troller structure have been considered and analyzed. Finally, thesystem’s performance has been verified by simulation and ex-perimental tests on a laboratory UPS prototype, basically con-firming the theoretical analysis.


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Simone Buso(M’98) was born in Padova, Italy, in1968. He received the M.S. degree in electronic engi-neering and the Ph.D. degree in industrial electronicsfrom the University of Padova, Padova, Italy, in 1992and 1997, respectively.

Since 1993, he has been with the Power Elec-tronics Laboratory, University of Padova, where heis currently a Researcher in the Department of Elec-tronics and Informatics. His main research interestsinclude dc/dc converters, smart power ICs, digitalcontrol, and robust control of power converters.


Sandro Fasolo(S’99–M’00) was born in Padova,Italy, in 1968. He received the M.S. degree in elec-tronic engineering in 1996 from the University ofPadova, Padova, Italy, where he is currently workingtoward the Ph.D. degree in industrial electronics inthe Power Electronics Laboratory.

His main research interests include control tech-niques applied to dc/ac converters, DSPs, and digitalcontrol.

Paolo Mattavelli (S’95–A’96–M’00) received theDr. degree (with honors) and the Ph.D. degree, bothin electrical engineering, from the University ofPadova, Padova, Italy, in 1992 and 1995, respec-tively.

Since 1995, he has been a Researcher in theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, University ofPadova. His major fields of interest include analysis,modeling, and control of power converters, digitalcontrol techniques for power electronic circuits, andhigh-power converters.

Dr. Mattavelli is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics, IEEE IndustryApplications, and IEEE Industrial Electronics Societies and the Italian Associ-ation of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (AEI).

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