understanding and healing your gut · healing the gut is a key component of healing the rest of the...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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Understandingand Healing

Your Gut

All disease beginsin the gut-Hippocrates

Disclaimer: Please Read

The statements made in this guide have not been evaluated by the Food andDrug Administration and represent the professional opinion(s) of the authors. The purpose of this guide is not to act as a personal physician to any reader and is not meant to directly or indirectly diagnose disease, dispense medical advice, or prescribe the use of any products or services as treatment for sickness or disease. This information is for educational purposes only. Youshould always cooperate with a licensed health professional of your choice

with the goal of creating optimal health. Please consult your physician prior to implementing any of the strategies mentioned in this guide or starting any diet or exercise program-especially if you are pregnant or nursing. Any application or use of the information, resources, or recommendations

contained in this guide is at your own risk.

COPYRIGHT © 2020 Modern Holistic Health

Modern Holistic HealthModern Holistic Health Understanding and Healing Your Gut

Why worry about the gut?

Responsible for breaking down and absorbing key nutrients

The gut makes the majority of brain's neurotransmitters

70-80% of the immune system is in the gut

The gut has more cells than the rest of the human body combined

Healing the gut is a key component of healingthe rest of the body

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Functional Medicine Model- How We Look at the Gut: DIGIN


Intestinal Permeability

Gut Microbiome

Immune Regulation

Nervous System


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oral cavity


stomachpancreaspancreatic ductcommon bile ductsmall intestinedescending colon

rectumanal canal








transverse colon

ascending colon




DigestionBody breaks down food and absorbs key nutrients

Do you get bloated after eating?

Is there undigested food in your stool?

Does eating fats or carbohydrates cause bloating or gas?

The Modern Holistic Health | Understanding and Healing Your Gut 5

Intestinal Permeability:“Leaky Gut”

normal tightjunction

leaky andinflamed

IntestinalMucosal Cells

Blood BrainBarrier Breach

Inflammation Autoimmunity Malabsorption& nutrient deficiency

Circulation Immune ComplexBloodStream

Stress Poor diet Infection Medications

Inflammation Impaired digestion Toxins Altered microbiome in gut

What causes “leaky gut”?

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Chronic Inflammation

Autoimmune Disorders

Thyroid disorders

Hormone imbalance


Food Intolerances

Adrenal disorders

Digestive problems- gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea

Food Intolerances Skin problems- acne, rosacea, eczema Difficulting concentrating/ Brain fog Depression/ Anxiety Autoimmune disease Hormone imbalance- PMS, irregular period

Symptoms of Leaky Gut

What can leaky gut cause?

“The cause of a number of diseases is directly associated witha dysfunctional intestinal barrier”

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Gut Microbiome 100 trillion organisms live in your gut Made up of both “good” and “bad” organisms Roles of gut microbiome

Nutrient Metabolism

Production of vitamins and nutrients

Maintenance of structure of mucosal barrier

Immune regulation

Protection against foreign invaders

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Newest Research on Microbiome

West et al found “Changes in microbial composition are implicated in the increasing propensity for a broad range of inflammatory diseases, such as allergic disease, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), obesity, and associated noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).”

As published in the Journal of Physiology “ Recent data have shown that neurogenesis is also regulated by the microbiome.

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Good vs Bad A healthy gut has far more good organisms than bad Good organisms keep the bad from growing out of control

and wreaking havoc on your gut and body If the bad organisms take over

Skin problems Cause inflammation Allergies Leaky gut

Bacteria, fungi, parasites

A healthy bacteria balance meansthat the good bacteria overpower the bad bacteria


good bacteria

bad bacteria

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Biofilm Biofilms are protective shields that microbes use to guard

themselves from our immune system A biofilm acts like a glue and create a physical barrier

around colonizing bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. Biofilms shield the pathogen from our own immune system, They also accelerate the growth of the pathogen throughout

the GI tract while providing an environment for new pathogens to attach and grow

Absorptionof Bacteria


IrreversibleAttachment of


Growth andDivision ofBacteria




Attachment ofOther Organisms

to BioFilm(week-months)

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Best Biofilm “Busters”

Proteolytic “ace” enzymesberberineartemisinincitrus seed extractblack walnut hulls

echinaceagoldensealgentiangalbanum oiloregano oil

SIBO- Small IntestinalBacterial Overgrowth

Too much bacteria lining the small intestine

Prevents the small intestine from being able to getting rid of organisms and properly absorb nutrients

Bacteria live off the sugar and starchy foods you eat

Bacteria fermentate in your small intestine

SIBO: What happenswhen bacteria endsup in the worng place?

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SIBO SymptomsGas and bloating (especially after eating carbs or sugar)Abdominal pain/ discomfortDiarrheaConstipationVitamin DeficienciesFood intolerancesFat malabsorption







Weight Gain

Joint Pain Malnutrition


Skin Issues



Processed Carbohydrates: Bread, pasta, pastries etc.Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, squash, yamsProcessed sugar: candy, soda, ice cream,

artificial sweetenersNatural sugar: Fruits, high glycemic vegetablesFermented foods: pickles, sauerkraut, kimchiKombuchaKefir

Foods to Avoid with SIBO

The Modern Holistic Health | Understanding and Healing Your Gut 14

80% of your body’s immune cells are located in the gutFind any foreign invaders, kills them and creates antibodiesWhen the gut stops working properly autoimmunity and food

sensitivities can occur

Immune Regulation

The Modern Holistic Health | Understanding and Healing Your Gut 15

Tight Junctions


Leakyand Inflamed


Autoimmunity FoodIntolerances

Gut-Brain AxisCompromised



Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous?

Your brain talks to the gut and your gut talks to the brainThe good bacteria in your gut produce chemicals that

control mood, appetite, memoryA troubled gut sends signals to the brain AND and a troubled

brain sends signals to the gutLeaky gut causes a leaky brain

Gut-Brain Connection

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Gut-brain axis

Microbiota-gut interplay


The ability of the brain toinfluence the intestinal


The ability of themicrobiota to influence

brain and behavior

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What can YOU do tofix your gut?

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Foods to Avoid

Processed FoodsSugarSoy productsTrigger foods- gluten, dairy, nightshades, alcohol, eggsGMO fruits and vegetablesConventionally raised meatsChlorinated water or water with fluoride

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Foods to Help Heal Gut

Leafy greens (3 cups per day)Low glycemic vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, squash,

zucchini, brussel sproutsBone BrothFermented Foods (Kimchi, Sauerkraut)Raw KombuchaHealthy fats (fish, nuts, avocado)Raw garlicHigh fiber foods (apples, raspberries, Jerusalem artichokes)

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4 R’s of Gut Repair

Remove - (3-4 months)Trigger foods“Critters”Biofilm



ReplenishProbioticsDiverse Diet

RepairBarrier Systems

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bad-bugs-in-your-gut-that-make-you-sick/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4303825/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4316216/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4528021/M. E. V. Johansson, M. Phillipson, J. Petersson, A. Velcich, L. Holm, andG. C. Hansson, “The inner of the two Muc2 mucin-dependent mucus layersin colon is devoid of bacteria,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 105, no. 39,pp. 15064–15069, Sep. 2008.H. Spits and J. P. Di Santo, “The expanding family of innate lymphoidcells: regulators and effectors of immunity and tissue remodeling,”Nat. Immunol., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 21–27, Jan. 2011.https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/research/advancements-in-research/funda mentals/in-depth/the-gut-where-bacteria-and-immune-system-meethttps://medium.com/@drbradysalcido/how-your-gut-influences-your-

brain-84 1173517673https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/the-best-and-worst-foods-for-

gut-h ealth

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