ul interference

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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UL Interference


Attenuation setting trialPage 2BackgroundRTWP measurement is important part which related to HSUPA scheduler, because RTWP is UL resource which will be used to control system stabilityHigher RTWP will gie less space !or HSUPA scheduler to increase power to carry more data "higher throughput#$n this moment, attenuation setting implemented to ad%ust RTWP measurement to reduce impact RTWP especially impact to UL throughputWhen the T&A is not used, attenuation needs to be set to '( When the )2 d* T&A is not used, attenuation needs to be set to + d* to )) d*( When the 2+ d* T&A is not used, attenuation needs to be set to )) d* to 22 d*(Attenuation setting greater than ' not shown negatie impact to site with high or low RTWP$t gie positie impact on site with high RTWPPer!ormance shown improement on site high RTWP and maintained on site low RTWP,o coerage degradation a!ter attenuation setting "!rom TP and -T result#Page .Uplink Interference CompositionReceiver noise floor PN Normally, RTWP value around -105 dBmAttenuation setting should consider RTWP during no traffic, target value -105!am"le# RTWP during no traffic $ -100 dBmAttenuation needed# -100 % &-105' $ 5 dBAttenuation setting# 5() $ 10 &*+, -alue'Page +RTWP measured seems decrease around 6 dB after attenuation setting to 12 (6 dB)UL BLER AMR seems getting better user !ercei"ed during test ca## a#so s$o%n better &ua#it' com!ared %it$ defau#t settingRTWP and AMR BLER ImpactPage /Before : attenuation setting 0 (0 dB)After : attenuation setting 16 (8 dB)RTWP measured seems reduced 8 dB after attenuation setting to 16 (8 dB)RTWPPage 0AccessibilitAccessibilit Performance seems impro!ed after attenuation setting to " dBPage 1RetainnabilitRetainnabi#it' () * P) ser"ices seems im!ro"ed after attenuation settingPage 2Mobilit+),- * ),- )ucc rate seems maintained +.,- s$o%n im!ro"ement after attenuation settingPage 3Uplink T#roug#put Comparation$T% Banu&angiMW' Before $etting$T% Banu&angiMW' After $ettingPage )'Than. /ou

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