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Post on 07-Oct-2015






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'============================================================================================================'- READ .MP3 & .WMA FILE PROPERTIES TO A WORKSHEET'============================================================================================================'- MACRO TO :-'- *1. SELECT A FOLDER - *2. CLEAR THE ACTIVE WORKSHEET* - *3. READ .MP3 & .WMA EXTENDED FILE PROPERTIES*'- *3. MAKES PROPERTY CELLS BLUE'- ONLY EXTRACTS FILE DATA SO CAN BE USED ON ITS OWN. SHEETS CAN BE SAVED AS NORMAL'- CAN THEN RUN MACRO "WRITE_TO_EXPLORER" (in another module below) TO *CHANGE* PROPERTIES'- Uses Windows Shell32.dll (Requires Tools/References .. 'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation')'- Brian Baulsom July 2007 - using Excel 2000/Windows XP' =========================================================================================================='- Method (works on all files in a single folder)'- 1. Run macro "READ_FROM_EXPLORER" below TO GET FILE NAMES INTO CURRENTLY ACTIVE WORKSHEET'- 2. Manually amend file details in the worksheet.Delete or hide rows for files not changed saves time(can be left)'- 3. Run macro "WRITE_TO_EXPLORER" (other module)'===========================================================================================================Option Base 1 ' MyProperties(15) starts 1 instead of 0Dim MyFilePathName As String ' Local variable full path & file namePublic MyPathName As String ' **Public variable |enables 'Sub GetPathFileNameFromFullPath()'|Public MyFileName As String ' **Public variable |usage in 'WRITE_TO_EXPLORER' macro |'- Properties Array (list of integers)Dim Arr1 As Variant ' "Name"= shell property zero + First 5 properties in Windows ExplorerDim Arr2 As Variant ' some more shell GetDetailsOf() property numbers (0-34 available. 3 unused)Dim MyProperties(16) As Integer ' Shell property index numbers used here. Puts them in required orderDim MyPropertyNum As Integer ' Array item position 1-15Dim MyPropertyVal As Variant ' Lookup Array data shell property numbers 0,16, 17 ... etc.'-Dim ws As WorksheetDim ToRow As Long ' write to worksheet row number'- Shell variablesDim ShellObj As ShellDim MyFolder As FolderDim MyFolderItem As FolderItem'-'==========================================================================================================='- MAIN ROUTINE'===========================================================================================================Sub READ_FROM_EXPLORER() Application.EnableEvents = False ' WORKSHEET Worksheet_Change() makes changed cells yellow '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- GET FOLDER NAME FROM FIRST FOLDER\FILE IN THE WORKSHEET MyFilePathName = ActiveSheet.Range("O2").Value If InStr(1, MyFilePathName, "\", vbTextCompare) 0 Then 'there is "\" in the path GetPathFileNameFromFullPath (MyFilePathName) ' PUBLIC SUBROUTINE IN 'READ_FROM_EXPLORER' module ChDrive MyPathName ChDir MyPathName & "\" Else ChDrive ThisWorkbook.FullName ChDir ThisWorkbook.FullName End If '- GET FOLDER - Method 1 - using Windows Dialog (comment out if not required) 'MsgBox ("Selecting a single file in the following dialog gets the required *FOLDER*." & vbCr & vbCr _ & "NB. CLEARS THE CURRENTLY ACTIVE SHEET.") MyFilePathName = _ Application.GetOpenFilename("Audio Files (*.mp3;*.wma),*.mp3;*.wma", , " GET FOLDER REQUIRED") If MyFilePathName = "False" Then Exit Sub GetPathFileNameFromFullPath MyFilePathName ' subroutine to separate folder & file name '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' '- GET FOLDER - Method 2 - hard coded for testing (comment out if not required)' MyPathName = "C:\TEMP\MP3_TEST" ' SET AS REQUIRED '======================================================================================================= Set ShellObj = New Shell Set MyFolder = ShellObj.NameSpace(MyPathName) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ChDrive MyPathName ChDir MyPathName & "\" Set ws = ActiveSheet ToRow = 2 With ws.Columns("A:O").Cells .ClearContents ' clear worksheet .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End With ws.Rows.Hidden = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- INITIALISE PROPERTY ARRAY. CLEAR & SET UP WORKSHEET '- Set up array to sort properties into the required order '- do not change Arr1 (list of changeable fields in Windows Explorer - used in WRITE macro.) ' "Name", "Artist", "Album", "Year", "Track", "Genre", "Lyrics", "Title","Comments") Arr1 = Array(0, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 10, 14) For n = 1 To 9: MyProperties(n) = Arr1(n): Next '- "Duration", "Size", "Date Modified", "Category", "Author", "Bit Rate" Arr2 = Array(21, 9, 12, 3, 1, 22, 33) For n = 10 To 16: MyProperties(n) = Arr2(n - 9): Next '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- write worksheet header For n = 1 To 14 ws.Cells(1, n).Value = MyFolder.GetDetailsOf(MyFolder.Items, MyProperties(n)) Next With ws '- "Lyrics" is not included in the Shell properties. I have used a blank one item 27 .Cells(1, "G").Value = "Lyrics" '- This is useful for other purposes. eg. to play the track via macro. .Cells(1, "O").Value = "Full Name" .Range("A1:O1").Interior.ColorIndex = 37 ' Dark blue header End With '=========================================================================================== '- GET FILE NAMES & PROPERTIES FROM FOLDER '=========================================================================================== MyFileName = Dir(mypath & "*.*") 'first file name Do While MyFileName "" '- filter .MP3 & .WMA If UCase(Right(MyFileName, 3)) = "MP3" Or UCase(Right(MyFileName, 3)) = "WMA" Then Set MyFolderItem = MyFolder.ParseName(MyFileName) '-------------------------------------------------------------------- '- properties to worksheet For MyPropertyNum = 1 To 14 MyPropertyVal = MyFolder.GetDetailsOf(MyFolderItem, MyProperties(MyPropertyNum)) ws.Cells(ToRow, MyPropertyNum).Value = MyPropertyVal Next '--------------------------------------------------------------------- '- add full path\file name (used as lookup by "WRITE_TO_EXPLORER") ws.Cells(ToRow, 15).Value = MyPathName & "\" & MyFileName ToRow = ToRow + 1 End If MyFileName = Dir ' Get next file name Loop '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- finish With ws .Activate '.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit .Range("D1,G1,I1,K1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True .Range("A1").Select End With '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- colour editable range -> blue '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If ToRow > 2 Then ws.Range("B2:I" & ws.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 34 MsgBox ("Done.") Application.EnableEvents = TrueEnd Sub'=========== END OF MAIN ROUTINE ==============================================================='==============================================================================================='- SUB TO SEPARATE PATH & FILE NAME FROM FULL NAME'- puts to Public module level variables 'MyFileName' & 'MyPathName''===============================================================================================Public Sub GetPathFileNameFromFullPath(Nm As String) For c = Len(Nm) To 1 Step -1 If Mid(Nm, c, 1) = "\" Then MyFileName = Right(Nm, Len(Nm) - c) MyPathName = Left(Nm, Len(Nm) - Len(MyFileName) - 1) Exit Sub End If NextEnd Sub'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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