trinity lutheran seminary / bexley seabury seminary course packet [2016 spring]

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Trinity Lutheran Seminary / Bexley Seabury Seminary Course Packet [2016 Spring] (includes J-Term courses)


Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Mondays Morning Prayer Shalom 7:30–8am MN2637 Leading Change: CR 206 8:30–9:45am

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader Outstanding leaders in all fields demonstrate emotional intelligence (EI)—the ability to understand and manage oneself as well as to understand and work with others. The primary goal of this course is to help students develop their EI so as to be more effective in leading in a world of constant stress and change. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Lynn Nakamura. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30–9:45am.]

HTS3301 Augustine of Hippo CR 217 8:30–9:45am A study of the life and times of Augustine of Hippo with special attention to his major theological writing and his enduring significance for the Christian Church. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. John Karanja. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS1021 or HTS1024. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30–9:45am.]

Worship Varies 10–10:25am Meetings / Convocation Varies 10:45am–12pm HTS1025 Church History 2 CR 218 1:30–2:45pm An introduction to the history of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, the modern church, and Christianity in America. We will study significant historical individuals, events, movements, and institutions from 1500 to the present, with particular (though not exclusive) focus on western European and North American developments. A special concern is attention to how the church has engaged in mission throughout history. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Joy Schroeder. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

HTS3031 Being Lutheran in America CR 217 1:30–3:15pm [Session 2] Examination of the encounter of Lutheran traditions and concerns, the religious and cultural dynamism of the American republic, contemporary social forces, and the changing “mission field” in America today. [2 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Don Huber. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: HTS2031. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30–3:15pm during Session 2.]

Mondays (continued) HTS3145 The Holy Spirit (ST Option) CR 218 3:30–6:15pm An examination of classical and contemporary treatments of the person and work of the Holy Spirit and a critical exploration of contemporary pneumatological perspectives in relation to other theological concerns and topics, including the mission of the church in the world today. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS2044. Notes: Fulfills Systematic Theology option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Mondays only 3:30–6:15pm.]

HTS2841 Abrahamic Faiths (WR/IR Option) CR 217 3:30–5:30pm [Session 2] A broad examination of the commonalities, differences, and complex interrelationships of the three major world religions–Judaism, Christianity, and Islam–that trace their lineages in significant ways back to Abraham. Historical, doctrinal, scriptural, institutional, socio-political, and other issues will be discussed in global and American contexts. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Paul Numrich. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills World Religions / Interreligious Relations Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Hybrid course with online components. Course meets Mondays only 3:30–5:30pm during Session 2.]

MN1004 Leadership in Context 1 CR 218 6:30–9:30pm In this course, students will learn the case for reading the various contexts for leadership in their assigned field education site and beyond. Students will work with tools and methods for reading those contexts; learn to analyze and interpret what they read; and use those readings to think theologically and practically about missional leadership in context. MTS students will take MN1004, participating in the seminars but replacing the contextual experience with an academic reading/reflection project specific to their situation. [1 credit hour. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Hank Langknecht. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Includes meal. Course meets Mondays 6:30–9:30pm on 2/8, 2/29, 3/14, 4/4, 4/25, and 5/9.]

MN1006 Leadership in Context 3 CR 014 6:30–9:30pm In this course, students will learn the case for reading the various contexts for leadership in their assigned field education site and beyond. Students will work with tools and methods for reading those contexts; learn to analyze and interpret what they read; and use those readings to think theologically and practically about missional leadership in context. [1 credit hour. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Hank Langknecht. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: MN1004. Notes: Includes meal. Course meets Mondays 6:30–9:30pm on 2/8, 2/29, 3/14, 4/4, 4/25, and 5/9.]

MN2712 Seminary Choir Gloria Dei 7–8:15pm Experience of choral literature of the church in the context of rehearsal and worship. The object is to gain a deeper appreciation of the role of music and musician in worship and to explore the spiritual and educational aspects of music as it assists in spirituality and faith formation. Non-M.A.C.M. students may repeat course once for a maximum of two credit hours. [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Mondays only 7–8:15pm and requires participation in Choral Evensong.]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Tuesdays Morning Prayer Shalom 7:30–8am BL3146 Romans (NT Option) CR 210 8:30–9:45am An overview of Paul’s letter to Rome, with an emphasis on exegesis of selected texts and discussion of issues raised for theology and ministry, set within the broader framework of Pauline theology. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Walter Taylor, Jr. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisites: BL1041, BL2042, BL1021 or BL2022, LA1021 (Trinity M.Div., M.T.S. Biblical Studies); BL1041, BL2042, BL1021 or BL2022 (M.A., Bexley Seabury M.Div.); BL1041 or BL2042 and BL1021 or BL2022 (non-Biblical Studies M.T.S.). Notes: Fulfills New Testament option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

MN1031 Introduction to Worship CR 119 8:30–9:45am Study of the central patterns of Christian liturgical worship: historical, theological, and ritual / anthropological consideration of its meaning and renewal. Course includes attention to leadership and performance skills, as well as to symbolic and spiritual / experiential dimensions of liturgical worship. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Joy Schroeder. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

MN2051 The Care of Souls CR 217 8:30–9:45am A holistic introduction to caring ministries focusing on the ultimate meanings and concerns of human beings. The course focuses on the spiritual/theological needs of persons as well as psychodynamic concerns. The appropriate balance of listening and speaking when providing care are central to the course. Students will be introduced to a variety of contexts for care, e.g.: addiction, crisis, death and dying, mental/emotional illness, referral. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Emlyn Ott. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: MN1001, one core Bible course, one systematic theology course (M.Div.); MN1001, one core Bible course (M.A., M.T.S.). Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

Worship Varies 10–10:25am BL3121 Job (OT Option) CR 210 10:45am–12pm An exegetical study of the book of Job within the context of Israel’s wisdom tradition, with attention to the theological pathos of this book. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisites: BL1021, BL2022, BL1041 or BL2042 (M.Div., M.A.); BL1021, BL2022, BL1041 or BL2042, LA1032 (M.T.S. Biblical Studies); BL1021 or BL2022 and BL1041 or BL2042 (non-Biblical Studies M.T.S.). Notes: Fulfills Old Testament option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

LA1032 Hebrew 1 CR 218 10:45am–12pm A one-term course concentrating on the basic elements of the Hebrew language: the alphabet, the Hebrew root system, verb and noun formation, and simple sentence structure. Designed to enable the student to use Hebrew dictionaries and to engage in exegetical word studies. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Wray Bryant. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

Tuesdays (continued) MN2149 Teaching and Faith CR 217 10:45am–12pm An exploration of the relationship between the practice of teaching and growth in the life of faith, with emphasis on both theological and theoretical questions. Includes in-class teaching experience. [3 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Diane Hymans. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

MN2375 Musical Leadership for Liturgy Gloria Dei 12:20–1:05pm Designed to give Master of Divinity students and other parish leaders the opportunity to intone in rehearsal the presider and assisting minister portions of some of the 10 ELW Eucharistic liturgies, practice hymns, psalmody and anthems. Students gain practical experience in singing, leading, and knowledge of resources for music and worship planning. Practice three times per week and sing for weekly Wednesday Eucharistic Liturgy with Liturgical Choir. [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course may be taken for credit twice. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

MN2711 Liturgical Choir Gloria Dei 12:20–1:05pm Designed to give students the opportunity to direct the liturgical choir and integrate their classroom learning in the context of worship. Provides opportunities for collaboration with worship planners and musicians, exploration of diverse and multicultural choral repertoire, and further skill development in choral conducting, worship planning, rehearsal organization, leadership, communication and music ministry. Involves participation in Wednesday Eucharist. Available for credit only to M.A.C.M. students who have demonstrated basic conducting skills through audition with the director of the M.A.C.M. program. One semester hour per term; four terms required for graduation. [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Audition. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

BL1021 Old Testament 1 CR 218 1:30–2:45pm A study of ancient Israelite history, literature, and theology through the mid-monarchy, focusing upon the development of its earliest traditions, the Pentateuch, and the formation of the state. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

BL2042 New Testament 2 CR 014 1:30–2:45pm Introduction to the epistles, Hebrews, and Revelation, with major attention given to the structure, characteristics, and themes of each, and to interpretive principles. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Walter Taylor, Jr. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: BL1041 and LA1021. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Tuesdays (continued) HTS3142 Christ and Atonement (ST Option) CR 210 1:30–2:45pm A study of classic and contemporary Christian perspectives on the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, including the historical development of the doctrine of the two natures of Christ (fully human and fully divine), and the meaning of Christ’s life, ministry, suffering on the cross and death (the atonement). The course explores these issues in relation to other core doctrines and to the mission and ministry of the church. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jason Fout. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS2044. Notes: Fulfills Systematic Theology option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

MN2171 Music in the Contemporary Church CR 119 1:30–3:15pm [Session 1] Identifies issues facing the church in the 21st century. Through readings, discussion, demonstration and site visits, explore the opportunities and challenges of music in today’s church; examine resources and find faithful ways to address the issues in a variety of contexts. [2 credit hours. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills Music Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–3:15pm during Session 1.]

HTS2033 Pentecostal History and Theology CR 217 3:30–5:15pm A study of Pentecostal history and theology in North America and throughout the world. May be substituted by non-Lutheran students for HTS2031. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS1021 or HTS1024. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays only 3:30–5:15pm.]

MN3124 Hermeneutics for Preaching (Pr. Opt) CR 119 3:30–5:15pm A study of how preachers move from a passage of the Bible to the sermon. Explores how sermons are shaped both by the nature of the biblical passage and the hermeneutical lenses through which preachers read the text. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Hank Langknecht. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: MN2021. Notes: Fulfills Senior Preaching Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30–5:15pm.]

Eucharist Varies 5:30–6:15pm IEP490 Interprofessional Care Seminar OSU 7–9:30pm Engaging students from nine professions—allied health, education, counseling, law, medicine, nursing, social work, substance abuse and theology—treatment plans are designed for clients presented in cases. Students collaborate to understand complex problems of clients; to research multi-professional issues; to foster interprofessional student and faculty dialogue; and to develop a holistic approach to case presentation. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. David Ball. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: One course in Theology or Bible plus one course in pastoral care or counseling.. Notes: Limited to four students. Course meets on the OSU campus on Tuesdays only from 1/12–3/8.]

Tuesdays (continued) LA1021 Greek 1 CR 218 6:30–9:15pm An introduction to New Testament Greek. Required of all M.Div. students and M.T.S. students with a concentration in Biblical Studies who have not completed the equivalent by other routes. Course may be taken in the intensive summer program (recommended), or as an extended course spanning both Fall and Spring terms. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Wray Bryant. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: Enrollment in LA1021 in preceding Fall semester. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays only 6:30–9:15pm.]

MN2408 Family Ministry CR 119 6:30–9:15pm Explores the changing concepts of “family” today and implications for ministry. The course will help develop the vision and tools needed for creating a faith-based, rich family ministry within the congregation. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Yvette Jackson. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays only 6:30–9:15pm.]

MN2672 Spanish for Ministry 1 CR 210 6:30–8:30pm Linguistic instruction and cultural experiences to help students acquire Spanish language skills for use in ministry. Level 1 focuses on basic conversational skills, liturgical leadership, and use of a Spanish Bible or catechism. Opportunities for participation in cultural or congregational events with Hispanic people will also be provided. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Pass/Marginal/Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 3:30–4:30pm.]

MN2673 Spanish for Ministry 2 CR 206 6:30–8:30pm Linguistic instruction and cultural experiences designed to help students acquire or develop Spanish language skills for use in ministry. Level 2 focuses on intermediate conversational skills and specialized ministerial functions, such as participation in a wedding or funeral. Opportunities for participation in cultural or congregational events with Hispanic people will also be provided. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: MN2762. Notes: Pass/Marginal/Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 4:30–5:30pm.]

MN2675 Spanish for Ministry 3 CR 217 6:30–8:30pm Linguistic instruction and cultural experiences designed to help students acquire or develop Spanish language skills for use in ministry. Level 3 focuses on advanced grammar (including use of the subjunctive) and on developing the ability to preach or teach in Spanish and to do visitation among Latino people. Opportunities for participation in cultural or congregational events with Hispanic people will also be provided. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: MN2672 and MN2673. Notes: Pass/Marginal/Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 4:30–5:30pm.]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Wednesdays Morning Prayer Shalom 7:30–8am MN2637 Leading Change: CR 206 8:30–9:45am The Emotionally Intelligent Leader Outstanding leaders in all fields demonstrate emotional intelligence (EI)—the ability to understand and manage oneself as well as to understand and work with others. The primary goal of this course is to help students develop their EI so as to be more effective in leading in a world of constant stress and change. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Lynn Nakamura. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30–9:45am.]

HTS3301 Augustine of Hippo CR 217 8:30–9:45am A study of the life and times of Augustine of Hippo with special attention to his major theological writing and his enduring significance for the Christian Church. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. John Karanja. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS1021 or HTS1024. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30–9:45am.]

MN2375 Musical Leadership for Liturgy Gloria Dei 9:05–11:15am [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course may be taken for credit twice. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

MN2711 Liturgical Choir Gloria Dei 9:05–11:15am [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Audition. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

Eucharist Varies 10–11am Integrative Groups (I-Groups) Varies 11:15am–12:15pm HTS1025 Church History 2 CR 218 1:30–2:45pm An introduction to the history of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, the modern church, and Christianity in America. We will study significant historical individuals, events, movements, and institutions from 1500 to the present, with particular (though not exclusive) focus on western European and North American developments. A special concern is attention to how the church has engaged in mission throughout history. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Joy Schroeder. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

HTS3031 Being Lutheran in America CR 217 1:30–3:15pm [Session 2] Examination of the encounter of Lutheran traditions and concerns, the religious and cultural dynamism of the American republic, contemporary social forces, and the changing “mission field” in America today. [2 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Don Huber. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: HTS2031. Notes: Course meets Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30–3:15pm during Session 2.]

Wednesdays (continued) MN2062 Field Education Seminar 2 CR 206 2:45–5:30pm Field Education Seminar provides an opportunity for those in field placements to reflect on the lessons learned on site. Topics include everything from the basics of running a vestry meeting, planning a funeral and reading a spreadsheet to the broader issues of leading and managing adaptive change and how the Church might function in a rapidly changing cultural landscape. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. KJ Oh. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: MN2061. Notes: Course meets Wednesdays only 2:45–5:30pm.]

LA2041 Aramaic CR 217 3:15–4:30pm An introduction to the language of Jesus. Course content includes Aramaic verbal forms, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, as well as readings in the Aramaic portions of Ezra and Daniel. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker. Frequency: Rare. Prerequisite: Approved Petition for Independent Study. Notes: Independent Study. Course meets Wednesdays only 3:15–4:30pm.]

HTS3061 Theology of Mission CR 210 3:30–5:15pm A theology of mission for the North American church in a global context. Attention to such questions as evangelization, mission amid poverty and affluence, increasing secularization, movements of liberation, unity and mission, church growth, and contextualization. [2 credit hours. Instructors: The Rev. Dr. James Childs, Jr. and The Rev. Dr. Rick Barger. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: HTS2044. Notes: Anticipated graduates for 2016 may choose to take this course for three semester hours’ credit by completing additional coursework. Course meets Wednesdays only 3:30–5:15pm.]

HTS3406 The Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr. (E/CS) CR 210 6–9:15pm [Session 1] A study of the life, work, and thought of Martin Luther King Jr., that seeks to examine critically those practical and theoretical facets of King’s religious experience that contributed to the making of the man. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Kevin Dudley. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS2044. Notes: Fulfills Ethics/Church in Society Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Wednesdays only 6–9:15pm during Session 1.]

HTS2505 Church and Society CR 210 6–9:15pm in African-American Perspective (E/CS Option) [Session 2] A study of the church as it involves itself in the social and political issues of the community as expressed from several perspectives, with particular emphasis on the African-American perspective. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Kevin Dudley. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills Ethics/Church in Society Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Wednesdays only 6–9:15pm during Session 2.]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Thursdays Morning Prayer Shalom 7:30–8am BL3146 Romans (NT Option) CR 210 8:30–9:45am [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Walter Taylor, Jr. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisites: BL1041, BL2042, BL1021 or BL2022, LA1021 (Trinity M.Div., M.T.S. Biblical Studies); BL1041, BL2042, BL1021 or BL2022 (M.A., Bexley Seabury M.Div.); BL1041 or BL2042 and BL1021 or BL2022 (non-Biblical Studies M.T.S.). Notes: Fulfills Old Testament option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

MN1031 Introduction to Worship CR 119 8:30–9:45am [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Joy Schroeder. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

MN2051 The Care of Souls Alumni Room 8:30–9:45am [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Emlyn Ott. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: MN1001, one core Bible course, one systematic theology course (M.Div.); MN1001, one core Bible course (M.A., M.T.S.). Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30–9:45am.]

Worship Varies 10–10:25am BL3121 Job (OT Option) CR 210 10:45am–12pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisites: BL1021, BL2022, BL1041 or BL2042 (M.Div., M.A.); BL1021, BL2022, BL1041 or BL2042, LA1032 (M.T.S. Biblical Studies); BL1021 or BL2022 and BL1041 or BL2042 (non-Biblical Studies M.T.S.). Notes: Fulfills Old Testament option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

LA1032 Hebrew 1 CR 218 10:45am–12pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Wray Bryant. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

MN2149 Teaching and Faith CR 217 10:45am–12pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Diane Hymans. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45am–12pm.]

MN2375 Musical Leadership for Liturgy Gloria Dei 12:20–1:05pm [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course may be taken for credit twice. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

MN2711 Liturgical Choir Gloria Dei 12:20–1:05pm [1 credit hour. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Audition. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:20–1:05pm and Wednesdays 9:50–11:15am.]

Thursdays (continued) BL1021 Old Testament 1 CR 218 1:30–2:45pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

BL2042 New Testament 2 CR 014 1:30–2:45pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Walter Taylor, Jr. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: BL1041 and LA1021. Notes: Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

HTS3142 Christ and Atonement (ST Option) CR 210 1:30–2:45pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jason Fout. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: HTS2044. Notes: Fulfills Systematic Theology option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45pm.]

MN2171 Music in the Contemporary Church CR 119 1:30–3:15pm [2 credit hours. Instructor: Professor May Schwarz. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills Music Option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–3:15pm during Session 1.]

HTS2163 Theologians of Africa (GC Option) CR 218 3:30–5:15pm A seminar based on reading selected writings of Christian theologians in Africa. The course responds to the question, What is Africa Christian theology? Answers are sensitive to the role of African Traditional Religion, issues of contextuality, the emergence of women’s voices, and Africa’s enduring problems. [2 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. John Karanja. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills Global Church option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets Thursdays only 3:30–5:15pm.]

MN2672 Spanish for Ministry 1 CR 210 3:30–4:30pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Pass / Marginal / Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 3:30–4:30pm.]

MN2673 Spanish for Ministry 2 CR 210 4:30–5:30pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: MN2762. Notes: Pass / Marginal / Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 4:30–5:30pm.]

MN2675 Spanish for Ministry 3 CR 210 4:30–5:30pm [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: MN2672 and MN2673. Notes: Pass / Marginal / Fail grading only. Course meets Tuesdays 6:30–8:30pm and Thursdays 4:30–5:30pm.]

Common Meal Bexley House 5:30–6:30pm Compline Bexley House 6:30–7pm

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

Fridays and Saturdays Morning Prayer Shalom Fridays 9–9:30am HTS2041 Anglican Formation Bexley House Columbus Monthly gathering of students and faculty in the Bexley Seabury M.Div. program for retreat-like setting for prayer, mutual support, and holy conversation on topics related to the Anglican Christian tradition, inculcating spiritual practices that integrate heart, soul, and mind. One semester hour. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. KJ Oh. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Hybrid course with online components. Course meets Fridays 9am–12pm on 2/5, 3/4, 4/1, and 5/6.]

HTS2054 Anglican Theology and Ethics Bexley Seabury Chicago Focus on the breadth and variety of theologies and ethics in the worldwide Anglican Communion as well as “classic” Anglican theologians and moral theologians. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jason Fout. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Hybrid course with online components. Course meets 1:30–8pm Fridays and 8:30am–4:30pm Saturdays on 2/19–20, 3/11–12, and 4/22–23.]

MN2637 Anglican Liturgy and Music: Bexley Seabury Chicago

Theology and Practice Further exploration of the principles and practices of Anglican worship with particular focus on the Episcopal church. The course will cover contemporary liturgical and sacramental theology and practice. It includes a practicum through which students learn how to conduct worship in the Episcopal Church. [3 credit hours. Instructors: The Rev. Victor Conrado and Professor Milner Seifert. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Hybrid course with online components. Course meets 1:30–8pm Fridays and 8:30am–4:30pm Saturdays on 2/12–13, 3/18–19, and 4/29–30.]

Applied Music Courses MN3703 Applied Organ Instruction Private lessons include study of organ literature from various periods and styles, liturgy, registration, placement in the context of worship and the liturgical year. Private organ lessons to be arranged between instructor and student. [2 or 4 credit hours. Instructor: Kevin Jones. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite applies to non-M.A.C.M. students only: MN2173, MN2174 or MN2175. Notes: May be repeated for credit with instructor’s permission.]

MN3704 Applied Voice Instruction Private voice lessons to be arranged between instructor and student. [2 or 4 credit hours. Instructor: Scott Ewing or Sharon Stohrer. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite applies to non-M.A.C.M. students only: MN2173, MN2174 or MN2175. Notes: May be repeated for credit with instructor’s permission.]

MN3708 Composition on Liturgical Texts Composition and arrangement of traditional and new texts and melodies. [1 or 2 credit hours. Instructor: John Carter. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: May be repeated for credit with instructor’s permission.]

MN3709 Applied Piano Instruction Private piano lessons to be arranged between instructor and student. [2 or 4 credit hours. Instructor: Chad Baker. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite applies to non-M.A.C.M. students only: MN2173, MN2174 or MN2175. Notes: May be repeated for credit with instructor’s permission.]

MN3712 Applied Guitar Instruction Private guitar lessons to be arranged between instructor and student. [2 or 4 credit hours. Instructor: Brett Burleson. Frequency: Every Fall and Spring. Prerequisite applies to non-M.A.C.M. students only: MN2173, MN2174 or MN2175. Notes: May be repeated for credit with instructor’s permission.]

How do I know which courses to take? Not sure what to take this semester? Help is available! Your first step should be to consult the degree audits and advising notes for your program and academic year on For further assistance, contact your I-Group Advisor, Program Advisor, or Lee Richards (Registrar) at

Theological Consortium of Greater Columbus Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Bexley Seabury Seminary, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and the Pontifical College Josephinum comprise the Theological Consortium of Greater Columbus. Courses offered at each of the member seminaries are open to degree students of the other seminaries through cross-registration, subject to stated prerequisites. For additional course offerings, see and

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

January Term: Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus) MN1091 Anglican Spirituality and Ethos (Spirituality Option) CR 119 An introduction to Anglican thought, liturgy, music, poetry and the visual arts. Orientation to a variety of spiritual practices, with attention to principles that guide their use for personal formation and cultivation of communities. Participation involves experiential learning. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Roger Ferlo. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills spirituality option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets 8:30am–5pm 1/19/2016–1/23/2016 at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.]

MN2656 In the City for Good CR 218* This course will combine readings, on-campus meetings, and daily community immersion in the city of Columbus, Ohio, as participants explore the fruitful and faithful intersection of mission, ministry, and context. The class will begin on Wednesday, January 6 at 9am. The course will meet on the Trinity Lutheran Seminary campus for the first two days, but the remainder of the time will be spent immersed in ministry locations throughout Columbus. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Hank Langknecht. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/6/2016–1/22/2016 at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio and various other ministry sites.]

MN4121 The Sermon as Art Form CR 119 What if the sermon was less like an essay or lecture, more like a short story, a lyric poem, or a country-western ballad? What if preachers thought of themselves as creative artists? Designed for MDiv students who have completed basic preaching preparation and for practicing clergy and lay preachers, but open to all. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. John Dally. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 8:30am–4:30pm 1/11/2016–1/15/2016 at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.]

January Term: Bexley Seabury Seminary (Chicago) IC4002 Diversity and Context Bexley Seabury Chicago In this course, we will increase participants’ intercultural competency for congregational development in a diverse changing world. Through experiential activities and lectures, participants will gain a deeper understanding of two major cultural differences – communication styles and perception of power – and their consequences for congregational vitality and stewardship. Participants will also access and identify their level of intercultural sensitivity and how this knowledge impacts their ministries. Participants will gain skills, tools and processes for small group ministry and constructive conflict resolution. Participants will also gain an in-depth understanding of how to create a “Grace Margin” in which community members can explore new ideas and fresh expression of ministries in a gracious environment. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Eric Law. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/18/2016–1/22/2016 at Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.]

MN4161 Making Mission Possible in Tough Times Bexley Seabury Chicago This course will explore how mission-focused fundraising and greater neighborhood involvement can breathe new life into congregational mission and outreach at a time when many are struggling with shoe-string budgets and exploding social needs in their communities. [3 credit hours. Instructors: The Rev. Suzann Holding and Dr. John Kretzmann. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/11/2016–1/15/2016 at Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.]

MN4117 Congregational Systems Bexley Seabury Chicago This course will provide an introduction to systems and organizational theory in relation to congregations and other church groups. It will explore issues in organizational and ministry development as well as strategies for systemic change. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Emlyn Ott. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/4/2016–1/8/2016 at Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.]

How do I know which textbooks to buy? The Semester Booklist is posted at If you have questions concerning the booklist please contact the Steeple People

Bookstore at 614.236.4237 or How do I register for courses? You should consult with your academic advisor in order to make the wisest course selections possible and should review your degree completion plan at least once per year. Once you have determined your courses, submit your registration online through the Student Account Management website ( Detailed instructions for the new online registration system are available here. Registration will be open for the 2016 J-Term / Spring Semester from November 10th-19th.

How can I afford to attend seminary? Contact Melissa Curtis Powell, our Director of Financial Aid, at or 614.235.4136 ext. 4613. Melissa’s goal is to provide the best financial assistance to current and prospective students so that they may pursue their calling to studies at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and to fruitful lifetimes of ministry in the years beyond graduation.

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

January Term: Domestic Immersion MN2654 Flourishing in the Parish (Spirituality Option) Immersion experience at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa, as students work with a nationally recognized pastor and staff in a vibrant, growing central city congregation. Students will observe and reflect upon practices that contribute to healthy and dynamic church life. Daily onsite seminars address strategic thinking, decision-making, effective church leadership, and the importance of pastoral imagination. Students will gain practical insight on what makes the pastoral life so good, so meaningful, so significant, and so challenging. This parish ministry immersion course at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport, Iowa, provides a firsthand opportunity for students to work with a lead pastor and staff in a vibrant and growing central city congregation. The objective of the experience is to witness and reflect upon the many facets of the pastoral life, and to observe the texture of congregational practices and behaviors that foster a healthy and dynamic model for church life. Students will learn key habits and practices for entering ministry with greater confidence and grace. The greatest value of the course will emerge from the opportunity to gain insight on what makes the pastoral life so good, so meaningful, so significant, and—yes, on any number of days—so challenging. All class discussion, reading assignments and short reflection papers will be organized around imagining oneself in the vocation of parish ministry within different congregational settings. [3 credit hours. Instructors: The Rev. Dr. Emlyn Ott and The Rev. Peter Marty. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Fulfills spirituality option for Trinity M.Div. students. Course meets 1/4/2016–1/14/2016 in Davenport, Iowa. Estimated Cost (in addition to tuition): TBA. For more information, contact Dr. Emlyn Ott.]

MN3600 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Immersion experience at the Lutheran Lakota Shared Ministry at Pine Ridge Retreat Center on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Students explore Native American concerns and build bridges of understanding through transformational ministry. Students will work on community projects, be present and engaged with the children who come for afternoon activities, assist with the sandwich program for the hungry, and visit key cultural/historical sites (such as Red Cloud Indian School, Wounded Knee, Lakota College, Lakota Fund, SuAnne Big Crow’s Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and Pow Wows). Speakers share their art work and discuss their life experience on the Rez, their hopes and views about economic and housing issues, and the impact of the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890 and occupation of 1973. Students attend Sunday worship services, midweek young peoples’ worship at the Sanctuary program, and other significant family celebrations of life, which might include wakes and /or funeral services. Days usually conclude with devotions, reflection and talking circle. The Center has four sleeping rooms, four bathrooms with showers, a large well-equipped kitchen, wireless access, recreation area and lounge. Bedding and towels are provided. Groups pool money to purchase groceries to prepare meals at the center. Students may also wish to purchase some of the artwork and crafts created by local artisans. [3 credit hours. Instructor: Ray Olson. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/4/2016–1/15/2016 (not including travel days) in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Estimated Cost (in addition to tuition): Airfare + $675 (lodging, meals, local transportation). For more information, contact Ray Olson.]

January Term: International Immersion MN2671 Mission Immersion: Haiti This course will concentrate on God’s mission in the world as the very identity and calling of the church. The course will provide an immersion in mission both at Abiding Hope Lutheran Church, Littleton, Colorado, and through the work of the Haitian Timoun Foundation (HTF), a US 501(c) (3) public charity whose mission is to foster hope and sustainability with dignity in Haiti. The experience will challenge participants particularly to explore the impact and importance of personal conversion (broadly understood) in the role of leading congregations and communities authentically in this age of post-Christendom. Students will engage theological and ecclesiological materials so as to develop a clear vision for what it means to be converted leaders raising converted disciples of the Risen Christ for the sake of the world. The course will be led by Trinity President Rick Barger in partnership with the lead team of Abiding Hope Lutheran Church, Littleton, Colorado, and the Haitian staff and partners of the Haitian Timoun Foundation. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Rick Barger. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/2–1/16/2016. Estimated Cost (in addition to tuition): Transportation to Colorado + $2,000 (airfare to/from Haiti, including return to Columbus, local travel, lodging at host homes in Littleton and in Miami and Haiti, most meals). Not included: immunizations, some meals, miscellaneous expenses. Generous scholarship funds are available. For more information, contact Missy Brown.]

MN2674 Intensive Spanish for Ministry This course provides students with intensive language training while simultaneously immersing them in contemporary Latin American culture. Students will be hosted by local families in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and will have all meals provided by that household. The course includes four hours of daily intensive language training, with afternoons and evenings free to explore Cuernavaca and to participate in optional activities sponsored by the language institute (such as lectures on current events and workshops to help children with their English homework). Students will participate in Sunday worship with local Mexican congregations to learn about their ministries and participate in and three day-long field trips. At the end of the course, students will reflect on how to further develop their language skills for use in ministry contexts in the United States. No previous exposure to Spanish is required. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Mark Powell. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Course meets 1/2/2016–1/24/2016 (including travel days) in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Estimated Cost (in addition to tuition): Airfare + $1950 (lodging, meals with a local family, three day-long scheduled group excursions). Additional excursions and any meals outside are extra. Trinity Lutheran Seminary students are eligible to receive free round-trip airfare from Columbus if they register by November 19. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Powell.]

MN4681 Learning from London: Mission & Evangelism in the 21st Century Since 1990, the Diocese of London in the Church of England has grown by 50% in terms of average weekly attendance. Since 2000, giving has increased by 50%. This has come about through a combination of dynamic local parish programs, strategic planning for planting and renewing churches, and an inspiring vision set forth by the diocese. All of this has taken place in the midst of one of the most diverse, vibrant, cosmopolitan, multi-faith, and secularized urban centers in the world. How has this come about? And what may be learned from London’s methods for our own context? This course will provide an in-depth introduction to the many facets of the mission and evangelism taking place in the Diocese of London through learning best practices from seasoned practitioners. [3 credit hours. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jason Fout. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: HTS3061 or instructor’s consent. Notes: Course meets 1/16/2016–1/22/2016 in London, England and requires online work prior to and following the immersion. Estimated Costs (in addition to tuition): Airfare + $1850 (lodging, breakfast, dinner, and ground transportation). For more information and to pre-register, contact Dr. Jason Fout.]

Additional J-Term Course Offerings Trinity Lutheran Seminary degree students are also permitted to register for J-Term courses offered by the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and for select J-Term courses offered at other ELCA seminaries.

Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation 2016 Spring Semester / J-Term Course Schedule (Detailed)

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, please be aware that all information within it is subject to change at any time before the first week of the semester. 02/02/2016 LPR

January Term: Doctor of Ministry DM901 Continuity and Change Methodist Theological School in Ohio Examines the constructive tension between the church’s desire to maintain authentic traditions and the need to adapt and respond to current sociocultural forces. Issues studied with particular attention to biblical, historical and theological matters. [3 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Jeff Jaynes. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Cohort 10. Course meets 8:30am–5:00pm Monday to Friday 1/11/2016–1/15/2016 at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.]

DM904A Research Methods 1 Methodist Theological School in Ohio Addresses both the quantitative and qualitative methodologies for research, equipping students with the ability to identify project topics and methodologies appropriate for their project. In addition, the course addresses the interface of theological and social science disciplines. The course should be taken early in the third year of courses. Quantitative content of the class includes basics of sampling, question construction, answer scales, rudimentary statistical analysis, and analyzing data. Qualitative content includes participant/observer methods and ethical issues, and observation / conversation reporting. [1 credit hour. Instructor: Dr. Jeff Woods. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Cohort 10. The letter grades for both DM904A and DM904B are given at completion of DM904B.Course meets 6–9pm Friday 1/15/2016 and 9am–5pm Saturday 1/16/2016 at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.]

DM906 Peer Group Methodist Theological School in Ohio Peer group learning communities are designed to provide focused attention to overall learning objectives, issues of praxis and integration, and spiritual maturity. In addition, support and critique of the project phase will occur here. Normally, the peer group forms at the beginning of the program and remains together throughout. Peer group sessions involve 10 classroom contact hours with an additional 5 hours of virtual group contact per unit of credit. [1 credit hour. Instructor: Dr. Diane Lobody. Frequency: Every Spring. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Cohort 10. Course meets 5:30–7:30pm Monday 1/11/2016 at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.]

DM917 Preaching for a Change Methodist Theological School in Ohio Effective preaching is a means of transformation and change in a community. This course will explore how, through its interpretation of God’s Word into the human condition, preaching effects change in the minds and hearts of individuals. Further, students will consider how preaching, as a rhetorical act for the community, has the capacity to shape a community’s story; clarify contexts and issues; provide language and imagery for community self-expression; and reframe the future for mission and ministry. [3 credit hours. Instructor: Dr. Mark Tyler. Frequency: Even Springs. Prerequisite: None. Notes: Cohorts 8 and 9. Course meets 8:30am–5:00pm Monday to Friday 1/11/2016–1/15/2016 at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.]

2016 J-Term / Spring Important Dates Registration Window .................................................................................................... November 10–19, 2015

New Year’s Day (No Classes; Office/Library Closed) ........................................... Friday, January 1, 2016

Spring Semester Begins .............................................................................................. Monday, January 4, 2016

January Term (J-Term) Courses Meet ............................................................................... January 4–24, 2016

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes; Office/Library Closed) ................. Monday, January 18, 2016

Session 1 / Full-Term Courses Begin................................................................... Monday, February 1, 2016

Drop/Add Deadline (Session 1 / Full-Term) .................................................... Monday, February 8, 2016

January Term Grades Posted ......................................................................... Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Session 1 Courses End .................................................................................................. Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring Break (No Classes; Office/Library Open) .......................................................... March 21–23, 2016

Easter Holiday (No Classes; Office/Library Closed) ..................................................... March 24–28, 2016

Session 2 Courses Begin ............................................................................................ Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Drop/Add Deadline (Session 2)................................................................................... Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Spring Semester Ends ........................................................................................................ Friday, May 13, 2016

Commencement Ceremony .......................................................................................... Saturday, May 21, 2016

Spring Semester Grades Posted .......................................................................................Friday, June 10, 2016

2016 Summer Important Dates Registration Window .............................................................................................................. March 1–15, 2016

Memorial Day (No Classes; Office/Library Closed) ................................................Monday, May 30, 2016

Summer Semester Begins ................................................................................................ Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer A Courses Begin ............................................................................................... Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer Break (No Classes; Office/Library Open except 7/4) ................................ June 25–July 5, 2016

Summer A Courses End....................................................................................................Friday, June 24, 2016

Summer B Courses Begin ........................................................................................... Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Summer A Grades Posted ............................................................................................. Monday, July 11, 2016

Summer B Courses End ............................................................................................... Friday, August 12, 2016

Summer Semester Ends ............................................................................................... Friday, August 12, 2016

Summer B Grades Posted ...................................................................................... Thursday, August 25, 2016

Deadlines which fall on weekends or holidays are considered as the next day of business. January Term is considered

part of Spring Semester for registration, billing, and financial aid purposes.

Can my spouse take classes with me? Spouses of full-time degree students may enroll in courses as auditors with no charge for tuition, on a space available basis, provided that they are not themselves pursuing a seminary degree. If your spouse has not yet been admitted, please contact the Office of Admissions at 614.235.4136 or

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