trinity kings world leadership: jesus(king coach) representative(ambassador) in leading men

Post on 25-Jan-2017



Leadership & Management



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he Law of Buy-ln reminds us that people buy

in to the leader before they buy in to the,yjp,l

that they had fished hard all night, without catch',:r

ing anything Yet he gave lesus'word higher au'

r:.t,..l,r t:," .i , ,,.:l

I egus gpve away His power to a team of 7O.lead- I

I eii inO sent them out. Although they felt appre. ,

hensive about this first ministry tou; fesus gave

them everything they needed to succeed. Note

how He equipped these leaders: i i

1. l-le appointed them and sent them out (v.1).

2. He gave them a meaningful task to prepare

cities for His ariival (v.1).

3. He told them why their mission was so impor-

tant (v. 2).

4. He calmed their fears with a long preparafion

speech (vv.2-16).

5. l-le'cautioned drem about possible hardship (v.3).

6. He issued explicit instructions about potential

scenarios (w.4-11).

Z He imparted His convictions about their work(vv.12-15).

8. He rejoiced with them as they returned(w.1218).

9. He evaluated and debriefed thenn on their ex:

perience (w.19,20).

10. He prayed with them and affirmed their gifts

and their future (w.ZL-N).

hen the 70 workers returned frorn their min-

istry trip, they reported to lesus what had

happened to them. They felt elated at the power

that flowed through them and with the'fruit they

bore (Luke 10:17).

lesus helped them to reflect on the results. He

reioiced with them and affirmed their ay{rorityover the enemy. He didnt stop there, however. He

reminded them of the big picture and about whatis really worth celebrating (10:20).

Practice doesnt make perfect; practice with evalu-

ation makes perfect. ln this passage, we see a mas-

ter Mentor who evaluated what happened, guided

the learning of His learnert and helped them as-

sess the take-away value of their experience.

sion of that leader. fesus directed three seasoned

fishepen to let down their nets in a certain part.

oJthe lake in order to get a catch. Peter responded,',i

This is crucial. fesus' leadership drew a buy-iii"

frorn professionals who felt certain they knew the

fishing business better than He did.When fesus'

directions proved fruitful, they became willing to

follow l-lim anywhere. Even before they r.rnder-

stood all the places they would be going, they left

everything to follow Him.

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