trinity church windsor, ct the methodist€¦ · 05/06/2017  · 1 trinity church— windsor, ct...

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Trinity Church— Windsor, CT

The Methodist June 2017 Gathered in 1790

Inside This Issue

From the Pastor 1

Summer Worship Hours 2

Adult Sunday School


Needed 2

Summer Church Office

Hours 2

New Members 2

Music Survey Coming 2

United Methodist Women

News 3

Reception to Honor Bob

Gilbert 3

Children’s & Youth

Ministries Newz 4

Memorial Committee

Update/Reminder 5

C.A.R.E. @ Trinity 5

Appalachian Craft Fair 5

Calendar 6

Feeding the Hungry 7

Food Bank Needs 7

South Park Inn 7

BDays, Anniv., etc. 8

Free Computer/Ink 8

Just for Trinity Kids 9


Why Did Jesus Wash Our Feet?

From Seedbed Daily Text

“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. ‘Do you understand what I have done for you?’ he asked them. ‘You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example

that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.’ ”

“ ‘I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill this passage of Scripture: ‘He who shared my bread has turned against me.’ ” “ ‘I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am. Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.’ ” John 13:12-20

Consider This:

What a question! Let’s read this text as addressed to us.

“Do you understand what I have done for you?”

The short answer: Yes, Jesus, you washed our feet.

On the surface, yes. Something much deeper happened beneath the surface. Jesus all at once acknowledges the power dynamics and differentials in human relationships while collapsing status distinctions within them.

Watch how it works. He acknowledges the power dynamics:

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am… Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master.”

Jesus is the Rabbi. Disciples are the followers. Jesus is the master. Disciples are the students. There is a clear differential here and Jesus has the power. Now, watch what he does with it.

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

Jesus does not divest himself of his power, nor does he try to pretend there is no power differential between he and his disciples. He collapses the power dynamics and the status based relationships by reversing them. The greatest actually makes himself the least and so reveals true greatness.

It’s not about people in power giving lip service to equality. This is not about equality. It’s far more radical than that. It’s about identity. Jesus shows us his identity is not shaped by his role. It’s just the opposite. His role is shaped by his identity. That’s why he washed our feet.

The Prayer

Abba Father, we thank you for your son, Jesus, who being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing; and taking on the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness and found in the appearance of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. Come Holy Spirit and form this very mind in us. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. (see also Philippians 2) Peace—Pastor John

Our Staff Senior Pastor …………………………………….. John R Gerlach

Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries……………………………………….. Daniel Lee

TCS Head of Schools……………………… ….. Kasinda Bristol

Trinity Christian Preschool Director……. Brianna Witkowski

Minister of Music ……………………………. Bob Gilbert

Custodians ………………………………………... Chris Hensley

Office Manager …………….….………..……... Sharon LaFrancis

Bookkeeper ………………………………………. Sonja Swedberg

Multi Media Ministries………………………. Charlie Gilman/Dick Mackey


The Methodist Published 12 times a year by

Trinity United Methodist Church

Trinity Church 180 Park Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095, 860 688-9245,,

Editor: Sharon LaFrancis, Pastor: John R. Gerlach. Deadline for copy: The fifteenth day of the

month prior to publication. The Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. ©2017

Trinity United Methodist Church.

New Members

O n May 28th, we

welcomed six new

members into our Trinity

Church Family. We praise

God for these wonderful

additions to our family!

Alicia Carpenter

Brian & Lisa Price

Laurel Sayles

Todd & Erin Schildknecht Adult Sunday School Leaders/ Facilitators


J oan Gerlach is taking over the recruitment of leaders and facilitators

for our Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School classes. If you have a desire to serve or team up with someone to lead and or facilitate a class, give Joan a call at 860-688-4145 or send her an email at She is also willing to assist in finding resources as well!

Summer Worship Begins

Sunday, June 11

W e will begin our Summer Worship Time on

Sunday, June 11 and meet @ 9:30 in our

air-conditioned Sanctuary. There will be no Sunday

School classes during the summer months.

We will resume Sunday

School classes on

September 17 following our

Rally Day and Ministry Fair

on September 10, 2017.

Search: Trinity Church, Windsor, CT

A Music Survey Is Coming

T he Staff Parish

Relations Committee

wants to hear from YOU!

On June 5th a Survey will

be distributed via email to all Trinity Church

members and families with questions

pertaining to the future music program at

Trinity Church. Please be on the lookout for

this survey and complete it promptly. If you do

not have email, let us know in the office. Your

opinion matters! SUMMER CHURCH


B eginning the week of June

12, the Church Office will be open 8:30 a.m.-

4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. We will

resume Monday through Friday office hours after

Labor Day.






R ecently I have been thinking about the all

-church studies we have done at Trinity

through the years. For example, 40 Days of

Purpose, 40 Days of Community, 40 Days of

Love, S.H.A.P.E., the R12 Christian, the Vertical

Church, Expecting to See Jesus. What has

changed as a result of these shared

experiences? Are we being transformed as

individuals in the image of Christ? Are we

glorifying God with our worship? Are we bold

in our faith and our prayer life? Are we using

our gifts and talents to serve God? As a

corporate body do we truly exhibit unity of

Spirit and the love of Christ with one another,

and with all who cross our path? Allowing God

to transform us is a daily exercise and

a lifestyle choice. The UMW board is in the

process of planning fall programs. If we were

to revisit some of these studies, would we find

that we are living out what we learned?

Mark your calendars for the fall Rummage

Sale, October 20 & 21.

Thank you,


Reception to Honor Bob Gilbert

O n Monday, May 8 our Music Director

Bob Gilbert notified the church that

effective July 1, he will be serving Center

Church in Hartford, CT as their full-time


On Sunday, June 18, we will host a

reception in the Great Room immediately

after our 9:30 AM church service to honor

Bob’s many years of

dedicated service!

Come join us to thank

Bob and wish him well.


T he outpouring

of love and

caring, in it’s

many forms, has

sustained Mike

and me through the last five weeks of

uncertainty and considerable pain during this

portion of the post-op recovery. God’s grace

has been amazing, and He used your prayers,

cards and meals to lift us up from the ground.

We very much appreciate your hearts and

overwhelming outreach.

“But he was wounded for our transgressions,

crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the

punishment that made us whole, and by his

bruises we are healed.” ~ Isaiah 53.5

With Love & Peace,

Sharon & Mike LaFrancis





Youth Newz

S ummer is almost here,

and while our regular programming is coming to

an end, we are looking forward to mission trips,

and summer events!

Thank you to everyone who supported our

summer mission trip! A big thank you to Roger

Nolte and Ted Arnold for all your help in the plant


This month our youth leave for their summer

mission trip on June 25th – 30th. This year we will

be going to Wayne County, NY. We will be

participating in a Week of Hope, organized by

Group Publishing. Our teens will be performing a

variety of community service projects including

working with children at a day camp, serving at a

food bank or homeless shelter, leading a Vacation

Bible School, improving the homes of people in

need, assisting the elderly, tutoring struggling kids,

working with disabled children, facilitating a sports

camp, and/or serving churches and other human

service organizations.

Our Awana Club has come to an end. On May 30th

we recognized all of our kid’s hard work during our

closing ceremony. Thank you to all our leaders and

volunteers for making this a great year!

Vacation Bible School is on July

31st – August 4th. This year we

will be traveling to Rome.

Explore a crowded Roman

marketplace, tip-toe past

watchful Roman guards, encourage first-century

Christians who meet in a dark cave, race chariots,

(Cont. next column)

and visit Paul for daily discoveries about God’s

love. Register online by following the link on our

church’s website.

Get Connected!



Pastor Daniel Lee,

Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries 860-688-9245 x 109


H appy Father’s Day

to dads, grandpas and

father-figures who rely on

our heavenly Father as

their model of love and



• Pentecost, June 4, 2017

• Trinity Sunday and Youth Sunday @ Trinity,

June 11, 2017

• Flag Day, June 14, 2017

• Father’s Day, June 18, 2017




July 29

from 9 AM -- 2 PM

Trinity’s Great Room

T his summer we have the rare opportunity to be

a part of a unique ministry. The Appalachian

Craft Fair is a branch of Red Bird Mission in Beverly,

KY. Trinity has supported Red Bird Mission

financially for many years; and a couple of years

ago, we sent a team of men to participate in their

Work Camp.

Their unique ministry is the traveling craft

fair. Crafts are packed up from their local store,

loaded into trailers and hauled all over the United

States. The craft fair then sets up in various host

churches. The Craft Marketing program provides

economic opportunity for artisans within a 60-mile

radius of the Red Bird Mission. The program

purchases the craft directly from the artisan and

markets them locally and throughout the United

States. Many artisans have had their craft handed

down through the generations. The Red Bird

Artisan Crafts exist only to help

stimulate the area economy in

their impoverished region.

This craft fair will be open to the

public on Saturday, July 29 from 9

AM to 2 PM. There will be a special

opportunity just for the Trinity

Family on Sunday July 30 after church. Plan to

purchase your unique Christmas, birthday,

anniversary and “just because” gifts at this very

special fair...right in our building. Tell your friends

and family!


T hrough the years our church, because of the

generosity of people giving to our Trinity Church

Memorial Fund, have been able to purchase various

items to enhance our church to the Glory of

God. This is a caring way to

remember or honor those we

love. This fund is only used for

this purpose. Our committee

of the church encourages this

giving and would like to remind

our congregation of this

opportunity. Rest assured, if you give a gift in

memory or honor of a loved one, it will be used

wisely. God bless the gift and the giver.

Thank you.

The Trinity Church Memorial Committee

Nancy Yost, Chairman

Jan Masterman

Claudette Johnson




I f you see someone who is visiting Trinity

or is new to you, please welcome them

with a treat that you will find in the chest

freezer in the kitchen off Fellowship Hall,

labeled CARE.

Any questions, call Judy 860 688 0693.


Trinity UMC: June2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6:00 PM Youth Basket-


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

Patrol Leaders Council

2 9:00 AM Bulletin


6:30 PM Den Scout



4 8:15 AM Worship

9:10 AM Coffee Fel-


9:25 AM Cherub

Choir Rehearsal

9:40 AM Sunday


11:00 AM Worship

6:00 PM MYF

5 3:00 PM Scholarship

Committee Meeting

6 6:00 PM TCS PRE-


6:30 PM Boy Scout

Troop Meeting

7 10:00 AM AWARDS


6:00 PM Youth Basket-



6:00 PM Youth Basket-


9 9:00 AM Bulletin





9:30 AM Summer

Worship Service

12 6:30 PM TEDC (Trinity

Educational Develop-ment Committee)

6:45 PM TCS Board


7:00 PM Mission's

Committee Meeting

13 6:30 PM Boy Scout

Troop Meeting

14 6:00 PM Youth Basket-


7:00 PM Trustees


15 9:00 AM Bulletin Col-


6:00 PM Youth Basket-


7:00 PM Finance Com-

mittee Meeting

7:00 PM Troop Com-

mittee Meeting

16 17



9:30 AM Summer

Worship Service

10:45 AM Reception for Bob Gilbert

19 20 21 6:00 PM Youth Basket-


7:00 PM Church Coun-

cil Meeting

22 9:00 AM Bulletin Col-


6:00 PM Youth Basket-


23 24

25 9:30 AM Summer

Worship Service

11:00 AM Nolte Wed-

ding Shower

2:30 PM South Park

Soup Kitchen Ministry


6:30 PM Gideons


9:00 AM Methodist


6:30 PM All-Church



6:00 PM Youth Basket-



9:00 AM Bulletin Col-


6:00 PM Youth Basket-



MYF Summer Mission Trip “Week of Hope” to Wayne County, New York

6.25 t0 6.30.17




R ecently we have learned there is an

even greater need for children's diapers and wipes than for food. All sizes are needed-under size 1 through size 6.

Food items are still welcome, especially “Groceries To Go” for the folks at the Senior Center, including low-salt items, e.g., saltines, soups, ravioli, pudding cups, etc. Mayonnaise, ketchup, hot dog relish, mustard, cereal, Ramen noodles, snacks and potato chips always go quickly. The greatest need is for diapers and wipes.

The Food Bank is so grateful for the items that Trinity has always contributed. We have been very faithful over the years. Hopefully we will be able to provide diapers for several months because people using the Food Bank are not allowed to buy diapers with the funds provided them.

Please place donated items in the bin beneath the Windsor Food Bank sign in Fellowship Hall. Thank you and God Bless you for your generosity and loving care you supply through your donations.

Jeannine Gilman and Marie Kinkead



S outh Park Inn's mission is to assist homeless people to improve their life situation by providing

temporary and long-term housing and supportive services. Trinity is a part of the South Park Soup Kitchen Ministry, providing meals the last Sunday of every month, January through October. If you would like to help prepare and serve meals, a sign-up sheet for 2017 is located on the Mission's Bulletin Board in

Fellowship Hall. Also this year, we will have a South Park Inn Collection Box located in Fellowship Hall. You can donate personal hygiene supplies, laundry detergent, and twin sheets. For more details or questions please

call Chris Boyer at 860-688-7670 or 860-212-8818.

2017 Bushnell Park Lunches - Feeding the

Hungry in Bushnell Park/Church Street Eats/

Church By the Pond

T hese are some of the names for this program that

provide lunches to the homeless on Saturday afternoon in Bushnell Park. This program is affiliated with Hands-on Hartford serving needy and homeless people throughout the city. If you would like to take part, there are many ways to help. 1) Come to Trinity at 1 PM on one of the days below to help make sandwiches and assemble 100 lunches. 2) Make desserts for the lunches - usually cookies, brownies or bars. 3) Travel into Hartford with the group to help serve the lunches; we're back at church by 3:45 or 4.

Our remaining dates for 2017 are:

July 1, November 4.

If you're interested in serving, but have questions, please let Kelly Caruso or Donna Myers know. If you would like to join us on a particular day, please call Donna at 860-688-7230. Thank you!

April 22, 2017


It was a cool April

Saturday but we

had a lovely

service at Church

By The Pond. As is often the case street

ministries present unique challenges. Besides

our typical walkers in the park we had a

construction truck working alongside us! Rev.

Rebekah Hatch provided an inspiring sermon

and a sense of humor through the noise and

celebrated the Eucharist with 40. Trinity

Church of Windsor (see photos) brought great




was a nice

treat!) to 52






06/03 Karin Arnold

06/05 Jon Sasportas

06/06 Beverly Pietraroia

06/07 Hector Webb

06/09 Karin Hawkinson

06/10 Daniel Harris

06/11 Clarence Butler

06/12 Jeannine Gilman, Jack Gregory

06/13 Desna Foster

06/17 Dave Scammon

06/19 Chelsea Lee

06/20 Lori Hopkins, Phyllis Liegl

06/21 Jesse Peters

06/22 Jane Evans, Jennifer Nolte,

Sarah Szepanski

06/23 Larry Myers, Evan Petkis

06/24 Elaine Attanasio, Althea Balkus-Bouthet,

Debbie Tetreault

06/25 Abigail Abrham, Ann Gallagher,

Ron Stavens

06/26 Richard Crockett

06/28 Jean Shultz

06/29 Sara Hemp, Howard Jubrey, Jr.




06/02 Mr. and Mrs. Win Senter

06/05 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DiGiore,

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Samuelson

06/08 Rev. and Mrs. Roy Jacobsen

06/12 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clift

06/14 Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Foster

06/17 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gunning

06/19 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stechschulte

06/20 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grant,

Mr. and Mrs. C. Bright Otaluka

06/23 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dell’Aera

06/25 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gordon

06/30 Mr. and Mrs. John D'Agata,

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gustafson


T he Arnolds have a couple of computer/printer items to offer free for the asking. They are an

Ellipsis 16 GB tablet (Android) which is cleaned of data and a boxed set of new #271 ink cartridges used in Canon printers. Just let us know if you'd like them.

Ted Arnold

Phone: (860) 683-8425 and

Mobile: (860) 306-3341


Just 4 Trinity Kids (ages 2-102)

Puzzle Answers may be found on Page 4


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The Methodist is published monthly by Trinity United Methodist Church, 180 Park Avenue, Windsor Connecticut 06095. Postmaster—Send address changes to: The Methodist, 180 Park Avenue, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 June 2017

Trinity Church

The Methodist

Senior Pastor: Rev. John R. Gerlach

Gathered 1790

We believe the Holy Spirit calls us to gather to worship God, be equipped and be sent out to make followers of Jesus Christ.

Worship Service Times

Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Worship Begins

8:15 AM & 11:00 AM

Summer Worship Beginning June 11, 2017 9:30 AM

Infant & Toddler Care Available

During Worship Services

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