trent youth rally - youth gathering

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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These are the slides that I used during the Youth Gathering at the Trent Youth Rally day, October 5, 2104 at Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA. During my time I talked about ways address issues or race and difference, gender and sexuality, and expectations and commitment.



Challenges you may be facing

● Competing demands on loyalties, time, energy, focus, etc.

● Societal and cultural issues confronting every day life.

● Overwhelming, choices, possibilities and expectations from yourself and others.

We are not always helpful

Some guidance

Jesus was like . . .

Prophet, Activist, Doers

Speaks truth to power often taking it to the streets. Not worried about what other people think. Calls the community to a radical faith.

Can be perceived as angry, abrasive, uncivil, impatient, judgemental, etc.

Priest, Academic, Thinkers

Through research, study and worship, lifts up the histories, traditions and foundational underpinnings of the faith.

Can be perceived as too heady, disconnected, etc.

Pastor, Relator, Be’ers

Relationships, conversation and graciousness are key to community. Yearns for faith that embraces difference, diversity and unity.

Can be perceived as nice, too accommodating, etc.

Poet, Artist, Creatives

Through creative expressions, expands our understandings of the world and how to respond -- spoken word, film, song, design, etc.

Can be perceived as abstract and too indirect.

● which are you?

● your church?

● your friends?

● your family?

● your mentors?

race and culture


When you see injustice, discern effective action in word and/or deed.

Be willing to sit down and have conversations around difference.

Broaden the ways in which you engage in culture and difference.

Be discerning, reflective and teachable when it comes to issues of race, past, present and future.

gender and sexuality

sexuality and gender

Be active when you see others impacted by issues of gender.

Talk with same and other gender about issues and solutions.

Support creative ways in which gender stereotypes challenged.

Reflect on how gender expectations have impacted your life.

time and expectations

time and expectations

Find courage to step away from or speak up in order to let go.

Take time to nurture relationships without agenda or utility.

Play and create.

Take time to find out what you need to be find calm and peace of spirit.



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