transcriptional responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal ......2020/12/14  · arbuscular mycorrhizal...

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Transcriptional responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis development

are conserved in the early divergent Marchantia paleacea

Mara Sgroi*, Uta Paszkowski*.

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EA, UK.

*Mara Sgroi and Uta Paszkowski.

Email: ,

Author Contributions: M.S. and U.P. designed research and wrote the paper. M.S. performed the

experiments and analysed the data.

Competing Interest Statement: The authors declare no competing interests.

Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhiza, symbiosis, plant evolution, bryophyte, comparative transcriptomics

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Table 1

Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS) arose in land plants more than 400 million years ago, perhaps acting as a major contributor to plant terrestrialization. The ability to engage in AMS is evolutionarily conserved across most clades of extant land plants, including early diverging bryophytes. Despite its broad taxonomic distribution, little is known about the molecular components that underpin AMS in early diverging land plants as the mechanisms regulating the symbiosis were primarily characterized in angiosperms. Several AMS associated genes were recently shown to be conserved in liverworts and hornworts, but evidence of them being associated with symbiosis in bryophytes is scarce. In this study, we characterised the dynamic response of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea to Rhizophagus irregularis colonization by time-resolved transcriptomics across progressive stages of symbiosis development. Gene orthology inference and comparative analysis of the M. paleacea transcriptional profile with a well characterised legume model -Medicago truncatula - revealed a deep conservation of transcriptional responses to AMS across distantly related species. We identified evolutionarily conserved patterns of expression of genes required for pre-symbiotic signalling, intracellular colonization and symbiotic nutrient exchange. Our study demonstrates that the genetic machinery regulating key aspects of symbiosis in plant hosts is largely conserved and coregulated across distantly related land plants. If bryophytes are confirmed to be monophyletic, our analysis provides novel insights on the first molecular pathways associated with symbiosis at the dawn of plant colonization of land.

Significance Statement

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS) between plants and soil fungi was proposed as one of the key

adaptations enabling land colonization by plants. The symbiosis is widespread across most extant plant clades,

including early-diverging bryophytes, suggesting that it evolved before the last common ancestor of land plants.

Recent phylogenetic analyses uncovered that genes regulating AMS in angiosperms are present in the

genomes of bryophytes. Our work shows that a set of these genes are transcriptionally induced during AMS

in liverworts. Based on the conservation of their transcriptional profiles across land plants, we propose that

these genes acquired an AMS-associated function before the last common ancestor of land plants.

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Main Text


When plants first colonized land between 515 and 470 mya, they overcame the challenge of surviving on a

nutrient-deficient terrestrial substrate, with little to no organic matter available (1). How the first land colonizers

managed to inhabit this new inhospitable environment is still unsure, but a growing body of evidence supports

the hypothesis that plant-fungus symbioses were a pivotal component of this evolutionary transition (2–9).

Identifying the molecular components that control extant plant-fungal symbioses might thus point towards the

molecular mechanisms that made the first plant pioneers successful land colonizers. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza is

the most widespread and well characterised form of plant-fungal symbiosis on Earth, engaging more than 80%

of land plants across all major embryophyte clades (10). Fossil and phylogenetic data point to Arbuscular

Mycorrhiza Symbiosis (AMS) being a monophyletic trait, which evolved between 450–407 million years ago in

the last common ancestor of land plants (3, 7, 8, 11–14). The outcome of AMS is mutualistic: plants provide

Glomeromycotina fungi with photosynthetically fixed carbon (carbohydrates and fatty acids) in exchange for

mineral nutrients extracted from the rhizosphere (15–20).

Our current understanding of the molecular components that regulate AMS is based on evidence from a few

angiosperm models, while molecular characterization of other tracheophytes and early-diverging bryophytes

is at its dawn (14, 21–23).

AMS development includes three consecutive modules: 1. pre-symbiotic recognition, 2. tissue invasion and 3.

nutrient exchange. During pre-symbiotic signalling both plant and fungal symbionts exude a broad range of

signalling compounds in the rhizosphere to prime their symbiotic partner for symbiosis (24). Strigolactones are

the most characterised component of plant exudates: their biosynthesis is upregulated under nitrogen or

phosphate starvation and their perception triggers activation of fungal metabolism and hyphal branching (25–

29). Upon perception of strigolactones, fungi boost the release of short-chain chitin oligosaccharides and small

secreted proteins that act as signalling molecules for plant perception of AMF (30, 31). The downstream

signalling cascade activated upon fungal perception is shared by both AMS and root nodule symbiosis and

takes thus the name of Common Symbiosis Signalling Pathway (CSSP). Through a complex nuclear signalling

cascade, the CSSP culminates in the interaction of MtIPD3/LjCYCLOPS with DELLA transcription factors to

activate transcriptional reprogramming of the host cell (reviewed in (32)). DELLA transcription factors were

first discovered for their role in repressing Gibberellic Acid (GA) signalling, and both exogenous addition of GA

to AMS roots and genetic mutation of DELLA genes lead to impaired arbuscule development, suggesting that

GA is involved in regulating AMS through its interaction with DELLA proteins (33–36).

CYCLOPS/DELLA work in concert to induce a plethora of GRAS transcription factors required to regulate

strigolactone biosynthesis, lipid biosynthesis, arbuscule formation, and symbiotic nutrient transport (37–39).

The gene list includes: Reduced Arbuscular Mycorrhiza 1 (RAM1), Reduced Arbuscule Development 1

(RAD1), Nodulation Signalling Pathway 1 (NSP1), and NSP2 (reviewed in 39).

CSSP activation shifts the plant into a permissive state, in which the fungus is able to intracellularly colonize

host tissues and form highly branches hyphal structures, “arbuscules”, that specialise in nutrient exchange.

Most of the symbiosis-dependent nutrient exchange occurs across the peri-arbuscular membrane (PAM),

which is highly enriched with several transmembrane transporters for phosphate (MtPT4/OsPT11), ammonium

uptake (MtAMT2;3/ SbAMT3;1), and lipid (MtSTR, MtSTR2) and glucose (MtSWEET1b) efflux (40–46). All

known symbiosis-specific nutrient transporters are transcriptionally induced in AMS colonized tissue, but the

dynamics of nutrient exchange seem to be further regulated at the PAM interface. Indeed, mutations in the

PAM-specific Arbuscular Receptor-like Kinase 1 (OsARK1/MtKIN3) significantly reduce vesicle formation and

overall fungal colonization in rice and M. truncatula, suggesting that signalling at the PAM is necessary to

maintain fungal fitness (22, 47).

If AMS is a basal trait of land plants, the underpinning molecular pathways should be conserved across extant

AMS-competent clades as a result of positive selection, while they should be absent in plant lineages that no-

longer associate with AMS as a result of co-elimination (14, 48). Three independent phylogenomic studies

demonstrated this hypothesis by discovering that a core set of genes are consistently retained across AMS-

competent angiosperms but lost in AMS-incompetent lineages (22, 49, 50). The latest and most stringent of

these phylogenomic analyses identified 72 orthogroups conserved across AMS-competent angiosperms (22).

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Several gene families identified by the study have a characterized molecular function in AMS, whilst others

display a reduced colonization phenotype in M. truncatula mutants but their function has not yet been

characterized (22). The majority (86%) of M. truncatula genes belonging to these orthogroups are

transcriptionally upregulated in M. truncatula AMS, suggesting that evolutionary conservation in AMS lineages

coupled with transcriptional induction are reliable predictors to identify genes required for symbiosis (22).

Recent large-scale phylogenetic analyses went beyond the flowering plants clade to identify symbiosis genes

conserved across all land plants engaging in AMS (14, 21). A high degree of sequence conservation was

observed within land plants: orthologs of the major components of the CSSP (LysM-RLKs, SYMRK/DMI2,

DMI1, CcaMK and CYCLOPS/IPD3) and most GRAS transcription factors (RAD1, RAM1, NSP1, NSP2) are

conserved in AMS-competent bryophytes (12, 14, 21). Bryophyte orthologs of several PAM-associated

proteins and a lipid biosynthesis gene (VAPYRIN, LIN, SYNTAXIN, STR and STR2, RAM2) were also identified

in these studies, suggesting that the molecular components necessary for intracellular accommodation and

nourishment of fungal symbionts evolved before the last common ancestor (LCA) of land plants (14, 21). A

small subset of these evolutionarily conserved genes (SymRK, CCaMK, CYCLOPS, RAD1, STR and STR2)

also follow the same co-elimination trend that characterises their angiosperm orthologs, as they are

consistently lost in non-host embryophyte clades (14). The finding that some of these evolutionarily conserved

genes (LcNSP1, LcRAD1, LcRAM2, LcSTR, and LcSTR2) are also upregulated during AMS in the liverwort

Lunularia cruciata hints to a certain degree of conservation of AMS transcriptional responses in bryophytes


Taken together, sequence conservation in bryophytes suggests that the genes required for angiosperm AMS

evolved before the LCA of land plants. It is however still to be determined whether the majority of genes

conserved in early-diverging plants associate with bryophyte AMS, or if instead they fulfil distinct cellular

functions and were co-opted for symbiosis after the divergence of the bryophyte clade.

Based on the observation that most genes conserved for symbiosis across angiosperms are upregulated

during M. truncatula AMS (22), we investigated AMS transcriptional responses in bryophytes using M.

paleacea as a liverwort model. Through an RNAseq time-course we characterised symbiosis development in

M. paleacea and compared gene expression profiles to corresponding M. truncatula orthologs. Through this

comparative approach we identified a core set of AMS genes that are not only conserved in liverworts but also

transcriptionally induced in response to AMS. The conservation of this core symbiotic gene set in bryophytes

suggests that it evolved before the LCA of embryophytes, providing novel insights into the molecular toolkit

that was co-opted for symbiosis at the origin of land plants.


Transcriptional responses to AMS in M. paleacea intensify over time

To investigate the transcriptional response of M. paleacea during AMS, we performed RNAseq of colonized

thalli at 5-, 8- or 11-weeks post inoculation (WPI) with R. irregularis. For every time point, we compared

transcript levels of genes of mock-inoculated thalli to colonised M. paleacea thalli. The predominant fungal

structure observed in colonised thalli at 5WPI was intracellular hyphae, with arbuscule levels increasing in

abundance at 8WPI (Fig. 1a). By 11WPI the midrib area of M. paleacea thalli was intensely colonised, with

abundance of all quantified fungal structures: hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles (Fig. 1a). A distinctive red

pigmentation specific to colonized M. paleacea thalli (51), accumulated proportionally to intracellular

colonization levels (Fig. 1a).

Differential expression analysis revealed that the transcripts of a relatively small pool of genes are significantly

changing in abundance (adjusted p-value<0.05 & Log2 fold change >|1|) between control and colonised plants

at early (5WPI) and intermediate (8WPI) stages of symbiosis (Fig.1 b,c). At 5WPI, the proportion of genes

significantly upregulated in response to fungal colonisation (172 genes) was twice the volume of the

downregulated pool (67 genes), suggesting that an AM-specific transcriptional response is initiated at early

stages of symbiosis. The transcriptional response at 5WPI can be divided into two core clusters: one composed

of genes specific to early symbiosis (112 genes) and one smaller group of genes (45 genes) consistently

upregulated across all stages of AMS, independent from changes in intracellular fungal structures over time

(Fig.1b). A set of 121 genes are significantly upregulated at intermediate and late stages of symbiosis (Fig.1b).

As these later time-points are characterised by a greater abundance of arbuscules, genes associated with

arbuscule development and nutrient exchange are likely to be overrepresented in this cluster (Fig. 1a, b).The

strongest response to fungal colonisation was observed at 11WPI, which displays a distinctive bias towards

upregulated genes compared to downregulated genes (Fig. 1b, c). This pattern of gene expression is

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characteristic of AMS and tends to be associated with the expression of AMS-specific transcripts only induced

in mycorrhizal conditions (52–54).

GO enrichment analysis reveals evolutionarily conserved pathways associated with AMS

To investigate the identity of transcripts differentially expressed (DE) at each stage of AMS, the transcriptome

of M. paleacea was functionally annotated with Trinotate (55). The list of significantly upregulated genes

specific to early symbiosis comprises a high proportion of candidate pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins,

including peroxidases, protease inhibitors and chitinases (Supplementary table 1). Several PR protein families

induced in Marchantia polymorpha by oomycete infection (56) were also significantly induced at early stages

of mycorrhizal symbiosis in M. paleacea: PR6a (MPA27867, FC = 338.50), PR9 (MPA22356, FC= 12.54), PR2

(MPA28496, FC = 7.53), PR5 (MPA25727, FC = 5.54) suggesting a degree of overlap between defence and

symbiosis signalling (Supplementary tables 1,7). These PR proteins were significantly downregulated at 8WPI,

indicating that initial defence responses were actively dampened over time (Supplementary table 1). Amongst

the genes significantly upregulated at 5WPI were also a number of genes encoding protein families involved

in regulation of plant defence genes: two serine peptidase inhibitors (SERPINs) (MPA17316, FC= 3.86;

MPA17337, FC= 2.70) and three E3 ubiquitin ligases (MPA12322, FC = 10.56; MPA5979, FC = 4.30;

MPA15840, FC = 4.01).

Several serine/threonine kinases were significantly upregulated at 5WPI (MPA17978, FC= 7.16; MPA19735,

FC= 3.696; MPA16100, FC= 2.690; MPA18092, FC= 2.60; MPA7445, FC = 2.507; MPA8794, FC = 2.059;

MPA6760, FC = 2.035) indicating an induction of signalling in response to intracellular colonization by R.

irregularis. Intracellular signalling might be coupled with transcriptional reprogramming as two DNA-binding

TFs (MPA13879, FC = 3.14; MPA25954, FC = 3.11) are also significantly upregulated at 5WPI (Supplementary

table 1). A number of genes induced at 5WPI are annotated as components of the phenylpropanoid pathway,

including a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (MPA10826, FC = 10.93), a naringenin-chalcone synthase

(MPA18004, FC = 45.19), and a trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase (MPA12664, FC = 2.19). The upregulation

of genes involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway coincided with accumulation of the cell wall pigmentation

characteristic of colonized M. paleacea thalli (Fig. 1a)(51), suggesting that the pigment might be of

phenylpropanoid origin.

We performed GO Enrichment analysis to identify molecular functions and biological processes upregulated

during M. paleacea AMS (Supplementary table 2). Analysis of the list of genes significantly upregulated across

all stages of AMS identified “gibberellin biosynthetic process” as the most overrepresented GO annotation in

the dataset (FDR = 2.72E-06), closely followed by “nutrient reservoir activity” (FDR = 4.90E-04)

(Supplementary table 2). These findings suggest that nutrient exchange and storage are transcriptionally

regulated throughout the symbiosis. Analysis of the time-point with the highest transcriptional response to

symbiosis (11WPI) highlighted two additional overrepresented membrane-specific terms: “proton export

across plasma membrane” (FDR = 0.023) and “proton-exporting ATPase activity” (FDR = 0.027), in agreement

with the high abundance of arbuscules observed at this late AMS stage (Fig. 1a)(Supplementary table 2). The

GO terms “peptidase activity” (FDR = 0.019) and “aspartic-type endopeptidase activity” (FDR =0.015 ) were

significantly enriched at this time point, in accordance with observations that several AM-induced proteases

accumulate in or adjacent to arbusculated cells in vascular plants (57–60). The term “nucleosomal DNA

binding” is also significantly enriched at this late stage of AMS (FDR = 0.03), indicating that fungal colonization

might be linked to chromatin remodelling (Supplementary table 2).

Taken together, analysis of GO annotation in M. paleacea AMS suggests that a transient induction of

pathogenesis-related proteins, serine/threonine kinase-mediated signalling, gibberellin-like phytohormone

metabolism and chromatin remodelling could be a shared response of liverworts and vascular plants to AMS.

Orthology inference and comparative analysis reveal deep homologies in transcriptional responses to


Since GO enrichment analysis suggested consistent similarities in the transcriptional profiles of M. paleacea

and vascular plants, we performed gene orthology inference to directly compare expression patterns of AMS

genes across species. We selected 16 genomes representative of major land plant clades, maintaining a

balanced representation of AMS host and AMS non-host clades, with two Charophyte algae as an outgroup

(Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 3). To increase phylogenetic support of bryophyte clades we

included four bryophyte transcriptomes from the 1,000 plants (1KP) project (61)(Supplementary Fig. 1,

Supplementary Table 3).

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Our Orthofinder pipeline identified a total of 10057 orthogroups containing M. paleacea genes (Supplementary

table 4). For the purpose of this report, we focused our analysis on the comparison between M. paleacea and

the dicot AMS model M. truncatula. M. paleacea shares overall 6340 orthogroups with M. truncatula,

comprising 1265 single-copy orthologs (SCOs)(Supplementary table 5). We compared expression patterns of

SCOs by plotting the log2 fold change (FC) of M. paleacea DE genes in late symbiosis (11WPI) against the

log2 FC of DE genes in M. truncatula roots at 27 days post inoculation (DPI) with R. irregularis (19)(Fig. 2a).

The 27 DPI time point from Luginbuehl et al. (2017) was selected for this meta-analysis as it displays the

highest abundance of all fungal structures (intracellular hyphae, arbuscule, vesicle) observed in this study at

11WPI (Fig. 1a).

Our comparison identified 12 SCOs that were significantly DE (P-adj <0.05 & Log2 FC >|1|) in M. paleacea

and M. truncatula during AMS (Fig. 2a, Table 1). Eleven genes were upregulated in both species, and half of

them (6/11) encode for proteins involved in fatty acid biosynthesis or transport, including the two symbiosis-

specific half ABC transporters STR/STR2 (MPA16461, FC = 56.53; MPA6262, FC = 14.42) and the short-

chain dehydrogenase/reductase DHY1 (MPA21535, FC = 34.46)(Fig. 2a, Table 1). The LysM-domain receptor

kinase LYK10 is conserved and upregulated in M. paleacea (MPA26016, FC = 2.880), suggesting that LysM

receptor kinases might be involved in regulating symbiosis in bryophytes. Finally, both orthologs of the PAM-

associated protein VAPYRIN are co-upregulated in M. paleacea (MPA10861, FC = 17.38) and M. truncatula

AMS (Fig. 2a, Table 1). Taken together, this SCO analysis suggested that several aspects of AM symbiosis

are conserved across land plants. However, this approach is limited by the evolutionary distance between M.

paleacea and M. truncatula and by the occurrence of multiple duplication events in tracheophytes. Indeed,

only a small proportion of M. paleacea genes correspond to a single ortholog in M. truncatula (13.42%) whilst

the majority of shared orthogroups display more complex or one-to-many (20.26%) or many-to-many (66.33%)

relationships between orthologous sequences (Supplementary Table 5).

To better understand the conservation of AMS transcriptional profiles independently of clade-specific

duplications, we filtered our dataset to display only genes significantly DE in M. paleacea with at least one M.

truncatula ortholog DE in the RNAseq dataset of Luginbuehl et al. (19). This analysis identified 178 M. paleacea

genes with at least one ortholog upregulated in M. truncatula AMS (Supplementary fig. 2, supplementary table

6). The analysis revealed that the M. paleacea orthologs of the core strigolactone biosynthetic genes D27

(MPA12763, FC = 2.76), CCD8a (MPA9369, FC = 6.70), CCD8b (MPA19312, FC = 2.46), as well as the

GlcNAC transporter NOPE1 (MPA1286, FC = 476.06) are conserved and significantly upregulated in M.

paleacea during AMS (Fig. 2b, Supplementary table 6), suggesting that the requirement of these genes for

plant rhizosphere signalling is ancestral.

Orthologs of the two GRAS transcription factors RAD1 (MPA13872, FC = 34.30) and NSP2 (MPA5960, FC =

2.34) were co-upregulated in M. paleacea and M. truncatula datasets, suggesting they are required for

symbiosis in bryophytes as well as in angiosperms (Fig. 2b, Supplementary tables 5,6).

Our analysis identified one transcription factor from the AP2/ERF2a family (MPA7307) that, like RAD1a, is

exclusively induced in colonized tissue and significantly upregulated at late stages of symbiosis in both M.

paleacea (FC = 424.61) and M. truncatula (Fig. 2b, Supplementary table 6). Since the three M. truncatula

orthologs in this AP2/ERF2a clade (Medtr4g082345, Medtr6g012970, Medtr7g011630) are only conserved in

AMS-competent angiosperms (22), we investigated the evolutionary conservation of MPA7307 in the non-host

sister taxon of M. paleacea: M. polymorpha. We observed, with low phylogenetic support, that the M.

polymorpha ortholog of MPA7307 is missing from the M. polymorpha genome, whilst its closest paralog

(MPA21338) is conserved in M. polymorpha (Supplementary fig. 3).

We finally investigated the molecular pathways known to regulate bidirectional nutrient exchange in

angiosperms. We identified a conserved ortholog of M. truncatula’s AMT2;4/AMT2;5 ammonia transporters,

which is one of the most upregulated genes at 11WPI (MPA20739, FC = 1078.64). Furthermore,

the M. paleacea orthologs of the serine/threonine kinase MtKIN3/OsARK1 are significantly upregulated in

response to AMS in M. paleacea (MPA8240, FC = 10.05) and M. truncatula (Fig. 2b, Supplementary tables

5,6). In addition to the lipid transporters and biosynthesis genes identified in the SCO comparison (Fig. 2a,

Table 1), we further identified the M. paleacea ortholog of the fatty acid biosynthetic gene RAM2, which is

significantly upregulated at late stages of symbiosis (MPA22187, FC = 4.36)( Fig. 2b, Supplementary tables

5,6). The upregulation of several fatty acid biosynthetic genes (Fig. 2b, Supplementary table 6) co-occurring

with the accumulation of fungal vesicles (Fig.1a) suggests that host-derived lipids might be a conserved

currency of AMS across land plants.

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The M. paleacea orthologs of several M. truncatula genes predicted to have an active role in AMS due to their

transcriptional profile, mutant phenotype and evolutionary conservation, are significantly DE at 11WPI in our

dataset: Replication Factor C (MPA16031, FC = 12.85), ABCB20 (MPA17057, FC =12.60; MPA12716, FC

=3.17), two cytochrome P450 family proteins (MPA10956, FC =0.28; MPA23715, FC = 3.56), three Chitinases

(MPA19264, FC = 1131.48; MPA24275 , FC = 225.97; MPA16972, FC = 3.40), Hypothetical Protein 5A

(MPA13048, FC = 83.63) and DUF538 (MPA14344, FC = 58.89)( Fig. 2b, Supplementary tables 5,6)(22).

Despite the extensive evidence for conservation of transcriptional responses to AMS, we identified some

differences between M. paleacea and M. truncatula AMS profiles that might reflect separate evolutionary

trajectories in AMS gene families. No direct orthologs of the mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporter

MtPT4/OsPT11 were identified in M. paleacea. As AMS symbiosis was previously reported to increase the

phosphorus uptake in M. paleacea thalli (51), we probed our RNAseq dataset to identify a different group of

phosphate transporters induced during AMS. We detected two M. paleacea genes (MPA20295, MPA19863)

belonging to the same orthogroup as the angiosperm PHT transporters, which were strongly and exclusively

mycorrhiza induced (FC > 675)(Supplementary tables 1,4). We additionally identified two phosphate

transporters upregulated at 11WPI that also showed a baseline expression level in mock (MPA6710, FC =

6.44; MPA15906, FC = 12.88). MPA6710 and MPA15906 belong to an orthogroup (OG0001191) which does

not contain any angiosperm sequences aside from A. trichopoda, suggesting that no close ortholog of this

clade is retained in other angiosperms (Supplementary table 4).

In a related observation, the M. paleacea single ortholog of MtHA1/OsHA1 identified by our analysis was not

significantly DE during AMS (MPA20871, P-adj > 0.05)(Supplementary tables 1, 5). As MtHA1 activity is

necessary to enable MtPT4’s function in M. truncatula (62), we investigated expression levels of other M.

paleacea proton pumps. We identified three different HA proton pumps (MPA25345, MPA28647 and

MPA9460) DE in our dataset, which belong to the same orthogroup as MpaHA1 but are more distantly related

to MtHA1/OsHA1 (Supplementary tables 1,4,5). MPA25345 and MPA28647 were significantly induced from

the earliest time-point (respectively FC = 106.45 , FC = 10.81) and their expression level consistently increased

with plant colonization levels (Supplementary table 1).

Taken together, this work uncovered a deep homology in the transcriptional response of liverworts and

angiosperms to AMS. Our findings suggest that several molecular modules necessary for symbiosis

establishment and maintenance in angiosperms - strigolactone biosynthesis, nuclear signalling, arbuscule

maintenance and symbiotic nutrient exchange - are not only conserved but significantly induced in liverworts

in response to AMS.

Gibberellin-like diterpenoids might be induced during M.paleacea AMS

GO term enrichment analysis of the gene set upregulated across all stages of symbiosis highlighted an

overrepresentation of terms associated with gibberellin biosynthesis (Supplementary table 2). Seven out of 13

genes annotated as gibberellin biosynthetic genes also presented the GO annotation “Gibberellin-20-oxidase”

(GA20ox). Bryophytes have been previously reported to possess genes involved in GA precursor biosynthesis

(ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS), ent-kaurene synthase (KS), ent-kaurene oxidase (KO), ent-

kaurenoic acid oxidase (KAO)), while there is contrasting evidence on the existence of GA20ox, GA2ox and

GA3ox orthologs and canonical GA bioactive molecules (63–71). We therefore investigated the identity of

genes annotated as “Gibberellin-20-oxidase” and the expression levels of GA-precursor biosynthetic genes in

M. paleacea. Orthology inference indicates that the M. paleacea transcripts that were mis-annotated by

Trinotate as GA20ox are not orthologous to any other embryophyte sequence in our dataset, suggesting that

they are not involved in an evolutionarily conserved biosynthetic pathway. Analysis of the M. truncatula

GA20ox orthogroup instead highlighted a different set of bryophyte sequences at the base of the tracheophyte

GA20ox clade, including three candidate MpaGA20ox-like orthologs (MPA17375, MPA8132, MPA28756)

(Supplementary tables 4,5). We additionally identified all M. paleacea orthologs of GA-precursor biosynthetic

genes based on the annotation of its sister taxon M. polymorpha: MpaCPS (MPA24439), MpaKS (MPA15116),

two MpaKOs (MPA13960, MPA29074), and MpaKAO (MPA18360) (Supplementary table 7). DE analysis of

these potential GA biosynthetic genes revealed that MpaKOa (MPA13960) was significantly upregulated

across all stages of symbiosis (5W-FC = 3.84, 8W-FC = 6.25, 11W-FC = 16.81) whilst MpaKOb (MPA29074)

was significantly DE at 11WPI (FC = 3.12). Two of the three candidate MpaGA20ox genes were also induced

at 11WPI (MPA17375, FC = 81.91; MPA28756, FC = 2.29), whilst genes involved in earlier stages of GA

biosynthesis – MpaCPS & MpaKS - were not induced (P-adj > 0.05) (Supplementary table 6). Taken together,

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evidence of the conservation and transcriptional induction of GA biosynthetic genes in M. paleacea suggests

that some gibberellin-like diterpenes might be synthesised during AMS in liverworts.


This study discovered that transcriptional responses to AMS are deeply conserved across early-diverging land

plants and angiosperms. By comparing the transcriptional profile of the liverwort M. paleacea to the profile of

the AMS model M. truncatula we found that the overlap in molecular responses of land plants to AMS starts

from pre-symbiotic signalling. Previous studies revealed that whilst strigolactone biosynthetic genes are

conserved across land plants, the signalling components involved in plant perception of the phytohormone

likely evolved independently in mosses and angiosperms (23, 72). Our finding that all strigolactone biosynthetic

genes are upregulated during M. paleacea AMS supports the hypothesis that strigolactones first evolved as a

rhizosphere signalling molecule in the LCA of land plants and were later co-opted as phytohormones (23, 72).

We were also able to observe that the N-acetylglucosamine transporter NOPE1 is evolutionarily conserved in

M. paleacea and considerably upregulated during both M. paleacea and M. truncatula AMS, suggesting that

the yet uncharacterised mechanism by which NOPE1 influences rhizosphere signalling is ancestral to land


Downstream of reciprocal sensing, fungal hyphae establish contact and successfully penetrate host plant

tissues. In our RNAseq dataset, intracellular colonization by R. irregularis significantly induces several M.

paleacea PR protein-encoding genes that are also induced in response to Phytophthora palmivora infection in

M. polymorpha (56). These findings suggest that the initial response of M. paleacea to fungal colonization

partially overlaps with defence responses. Similar patterns of PR-protein induction were observed in a variety

of angiosperm model species (73–79) and were linked to increased resistance of AMS hosts to pathogens (77,

79–82). In this study we demonstrate that the transcriptional activation of genes encoding PR protein is a

conserved signature of bryophyte AMS, but whether AMS contributes to improved pathogen resistance in

liverworts remains to be investigated.

In angiosperms, a regulatory network of transcription factors translates CSSP signalling into cellular

reprogramming to accommodate fungal colonization (reviewed in (39)). Our study confirms that two GRAS

TFs (NSP2 and RAD1) are conserved in bryophytes and significantly induced during M. paleacea AMS,

suggesting that GRAS family proteins play an active role in the regulation of symbiosis in bryophytes as well

as in angiosperms. Two independent phylogenetic studies had previously identified single orthologs of GRAS

TFs in liverworts (NSP1, NSP2, and RAD1) with Delaux et al. (2015) additionally claiming to have identified

an ortholog of RAM1 in the liverwort L. cruciata (21, 83). Our study identified orthologs of RAD1, NSP1 and

NSP2 but no ortholog of RAM1, in agreement with the findings from Grosche et al. (83). In contrast to

NSP1/NSP2 expression levels in L. cruciata (21), MpaNSP1 was not differentially expressed in our dataset,

whilst MpaNSP2 was significantly induced in AMS tissue, suggesting clade-specific differences in regulation

of AMS genes. As NSP2 transcription is regulated by the nutritional status of the plant in angiosperms (84,

85), differences in nutrient conditions between independent experimental setups might explain the observed

discrepancies between M. paleacea and L. cruciata. Our analysis identified a novel transcription factor from

the AP2/ERF2a family that, like RAD1a, is exclusively induced in colonized tissue and significantly upregulated

at late stages of symbiosis (MPA7307). We observed that the M. polymorpha ortholog of MPA7307 is missing

from the M. polymorpha genome, whilst its closest paralog (MPA21338) is conserved in M. polymorpha. As

the three Medicago orthologs of this AP2/ERF2a clade are amongst those genes specific to AMS-competent

angiosperms (22) we suggest that the pattern of trait loss and co-elimination observed for this gene family

might be conserved in liverworts.

Our analysis suggests that not only the transcriptional regulators of symbiosis are conserved and induced in

M. paleacea, but also their downstream pathways. We confirmed the findings that the lipid biosynthesis and

transport genes RAM2, STR and STR2 and are conserved and upregulated during liverwort AMS (21). Our

study additionally identifies a novel ammonium transporter orthologous to MtrAMT2;4/MtrAMT2;5, which is

strongly induced in colonized tissues of M. paleacea, supporting the hypothesis that symbiotic nitrogen uptake

is an evolutionarily conserved aspect of AMS (44, 86–90).

Whilst lipid and nitrogen transfer show evolutionarily conserved patterns of gene expression, a lower degree

of homology was observed for phosphate transport. The AMS-inducible phosphate transporter and the three

transmembrane proton pumps upregulated in M. paleacea are not orthologous to the mycorrhiza-specific

transporters required for symbiosis development in angiosperms (MtPT4/OsPT11, HA1). Instead, the genes

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identified in this study are orthologs of the LcPT and LcHA transporters upregulated in the transcriptome of L.

cruciata during AMS (21). These findings support the hypothesis that whilst most genetic and transcriptional

responses to AMS evolved early in the history of land plants, clade specific recruitment of AMS genes is

possible, and likely required to fine-tune symbiotic interactions to the physiological requirements of the host


Gibberellin biosynthesis and signalling might be an example of such clade specific adaptations. We observed

that a considerable proportion of annotated DE genes in M. paleacea mentioned GA biosynthesis, in conflict

with the notion that GA active compounds are not known to be produced in bryophytes (64, 68–70). Amongst

the significantly upregulated genes in our dataset we identified two orthologs of KO (required for synthesis of

the GA-precursor ent-kaurene) and two orthologs of GA-20-oxydases (required to convert inactive GA12

precursors into bioactive GAs (70)). Similarly, the M. truncatula orthologs of KO, KAO and multiple GA-20-

oxydases are upregulated during AMS (19). Whilst KOs were widely identified in bryophytes, there is

contrasting literature on the existence of sensu stricto GA-20-oxidases (23, 64, 68, 69, 71). Furthermore, a

number of GAox-related 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-OGDs) were identified in Physcomitrella

patens and Selaginella moellendorffii prompting the theory that non-canonical GA-oxidation reactions might

catalyse the production of diverse GA-like compounds in bryophytes and tracheophytes (70, 91). The similarity

in transcriptional responses between M. paleacea and M. truncatula and the induction of several GAox-related

2-OGDs oxidases in our dataset encourages us to support the hypothesis that non-canonical GA-like

diterpenoids are produced in bryophytes, and that the synthesis of these compounds is enhanced during

symbiosis. As suggested by Cannel et al. (71), the lack of evidence for GA-like diterpenoids in bryophytes (69,

91) is limited to mosses and might be due to low levels of expression in the observed taxa, which are AMS

non-hosts. As GA biosynthetic genes are significantly induced in AMS M. paleacea, an analysis of the

diterpenoid content of colonized thalli might improve our understanding of the GA profile of early diverging land


Whilst confirming the importance of several characterised molecular pathways, this study provides novel

evidence to support several gene families with a predicted but yet uncharacterised mechanism of action in


MtAP2/ERF2a, MtAmpB, and several genes encoding cytochrome P450 family proteins and chitinases (22,

47, 92). These genes are strictly conserved across AMS-host angiosperms and transcriptionally induced during

AMS in M. truncatula, some of them displaying abnormal mutant AMS phenotypes (22, 47, 92). Our study’s

finding that these candidate AMS genes are both conserved and transcriptionally induced in M. paleacea

supports the notion that they might be required for symbiosis and that they were recruited for AMS before the

LCA of liverworts and angiosperms. Functional characterization of these candidates in M. paleacea might aid

the discovery of their role in AMS, as the lower number of paralogs per orthogroup identified in M. paleacea

might overcome issues of genetic redundancy previously observed in M. truncatula and other angiosperm


In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the genetic machinery regulating pre-symbiotic signalling,

transcriptional reprogramming and nutrient exchange in arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis is largely conserved

and coregulated across liverworts and angiosperms, despite more than 400 million years of divergence since

the LCA of these species (93).

An increasing body of evidence suggests that bryophytes are a monophyletic clade, sister to all other land

plants (23, 93–96). The implication of this evidence is that any genetic sequence evolutionarily conserved

between an internal clade of bryophytes (e.g. liverworts) and an internal clade of tracheophytes (e.g.

angiosperms), is ancestral to land plants. In the context of AMS, the evolutionarily conserved genes and

pathways presented in this study are thus likely to be representative of the ancestral molecular toolkit that

regulated AMS in the LCA of land plants. Going forward, comparative analyses of bryophyte and tracheophyte

AMS models will allow us to pinpoint what aspects of AMS are ancestral to embryophytes, improving our

understanding of the selective pressures and evolutionary landscapes that made AMS a selective advantage

at the earliest stages of land plant evolution.

Materials and Methods

Plant materials and growth conditions

Marchantia paleacea wild-type thalli were provided by P. Carella and S. Schornack (Sainsbury Laboratory,

University of Cambridge). Thalli and gemmae were grown axenically on half-strength Gamborg B5 medium

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(Duchefa Biocheme) in sterile 0.8% agar plates. Plants were grown in a controlled growth chamber at 22 °C,

with a continuous light intensity of 100 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR (photosynthetically active radiation).

AMS colonization assay

For AMS colonisation, 4-week old axenically grown M. paleacea thalli were transferred to (5x5x6 cm) pots

containing sand and 5ml R. irregularis crude inoculum or 5ml of 2x autoclaved crude inoculum for mock-

inoculated conditions. Inoculum was produced by prolonged co-culture of Tagetes multiflora and R. irregularis

spores in sand (97). Inoculated and mock-inoculated plants were grown in a controlled growth chamber at

22 °C,16:8 h day-night cycles with a light intensity of 200 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR. Plants were watered three times

per week with mistified “artificial rainwater solution” (pH 5.8) (98).

Microscopy and fungal structure quantification

Thalli were collected at 5, 8 and 11 WPI for mock and R. irregularis-inoculated samples to monitor AMS

colonization and stored in 50% ethanol. For Trypan blue staining, thalli were incubated overnight in 10%

potassium hydroxide, washed 10x with distilled water, then incubated overnight in staining solution (50% lactic

acid, 25% glycerol, 25% ddH20, 0.1% trypan blue). For sectioning, stained samples were incubated in

destaining solution (50% lactic acid, 25% glycerol, 25% ddH20) for 1 hour then embedded in 3.5% agarose

gel. Transversal sections (150-200μm) were taken at 10 equally distanced positions spanning the length of

each thallus, using a Hyrax V50 vibratome (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). Sections were imaged under a

brightfield microscope. Fungal structures and cell-wall pigment accumulation in each biological replicate were

quantified by assessing their presence or absence in each of the 10 transversal sections.

RNA extraction and RNA-seq library preparation

Samples were collected at 5, 8 and 11 WPI, washed in distilled water and fixed in ice-cold 100% methanol.

For each independent biological replicate four thalli were collected and pooled together for subsequent

analysis. To maximise the ratio of colonized to non-colonized tissue in each sample, the midribs of collected

thalli were excised to remove apical notches, lateral margins and gemma cups as these structures are not

colonised by AMS fungi (51). Total RNA was extracted from the excised midribs using PureLink Plant RNA

Reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) following manufacturer’s instructions. Addition of 2%

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP40) to the Plant RNA Reagent mixture before extraction improved RNA purity. RNA

samples were treated with Turbo DNA-free DNase (Invitrogen-Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) to

remove contaminating genomic DNA. cDNA library preparation was performed using 1μg of total RNA with a

TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Preparation Kit High Throughput (Illumina, San Diego, California, USA)

according to manufacturer’s instructions (Catalog # RS-122-9004DOC, Part # 15031047 Rev.E). Library

quality was assessed using a DNA1000 chip on Bioanalyzer 1200 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara,

California, USA) and library quantities were measured with a Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher

Scientific, Waltham, USA). A total of 24 samples (R. irregularis and mock-inoculated conditions, three time

points, 4 biological replicates) were pooled with 16 samples from a parallel experiment, multiplexed and

sequenced on a NextSeq500 (Illumina, San Diego, California, USA) as a 2 × 75nt paired-end run (10 million

reads per sample).

Transcriptome assembly and annotation

Raw RNAseq reads were quality-filtered using FastQC v0.11.5 ( and adaptor sequences trimmed with Cutadapt v1.3 (99). For transcriptome assembly, all trimmed reads (400 million total) were mapped against the M. paleacea genome v1 (14) and the R. irregularis genome DAOM_181602_v1.0 (100) with HiSat2 v2.1.0 (101). The resulting SAM file was sorted and indexed using SAMtools v1.9 (102). Using this alignment, a reference transcriptome was assembled using Cufflinks v2.2.1 with multi-mapped read correction (103). The assembled transcriptome was annotated using Transdecoder v5.5.0 for protein-coding region prediction (104) and Trinotate v3.1.1 (55).

Differential gene expression analysis

All sample libraries were mapped to the newly assembled M. paleacea and R. irregularis reference transcriptome with HiSat2 v2.1.0 (101). Reads were initially mapped to the reference transcriptome including both M. paleacea and R. irregularis transcripts, then reads mapping to R. irregularis scaffolds were filtered out of downstream analyses. Htseq-count (105) was used to quantify transcript levels using the newly assembled M.paleacea transcriptome as input annotation file. Differential expression analysis was performed with DESeq2 v1.22.2 (106), considering only genes with at least ten reads across all timepoints/conditions (26433

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genes). Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the DESeq2 model to observe clustering of biological replicates, and one of five replicates for the ‘5W-MYC’ timepoint was identified as an outlier and removed from the analysis. Differentially expressed genes were identified by pairwise comparison of mock-inoculated vs. mycorrhizal samples at the same time-point, with a significance threshold of log2 fold-change > |1| and adjusted p-value < 0.05. Differentially expressed genes were used to perform hierarchical clustering of samples and plotted with the R pheatmap package (107) using variance-stabilised counts median-centered by gene.

Gene ontology enrichment analysis

Gene set enrichment analysis was performed with OmixBox (108), using a two-tailed Fisher’s exact test with

p-value correction by False Discovery Rate (FDR) control according to Benjamini-Hochberg (109). The

significant threshold for GO enrichment was set as FDR < 0.05.

Orthology inference and comparative analysis

Gene orthology inference was performed with OrthoFinder-v2.3.3 (110), using the M. paleacea transcriptome

assembled in this study and 21 publicly available plant protein datasets (Supplementary table 3). The

orthogroups and the orthologs identified through OrthoFinder were then used to assess evolutionary

conservation of M. truncatula orthologs in M. paleacea. For this analysis we selected the time point with the

strongest response to AMS in our RNAseq dataset (11WPI) and compared it to the timepoint with the strongest

response to AMS in Luginbuehl et al.’s RNAseq dataset (27DPI)(19). We considered the colonization stages

in the different species to be comparable as they displayed all fungal structures associated with late symbiosis.

After differential expression analysis, we first compared the Log2 FC of SCOs DE (P-adj < 0.05) in both

datasets (Fig. 2a). We subsequently expanded our analysis to include orthologs with one copy in M. paleacea

and multiple copies in M. truncatula, subsetting the dataset to include only DE genes in M. paleacea with at

least one DE ortholog in M. truncatula (Supplementary table 6). The phylogenetic tree of MPA7307 was

constructed using all protein sequences within the MPA7307 orthogroup (OG0000006). Amino acid sequences

were aligned with MAFFT v7 (111) and maximum-likelihood tree inference was performed with IQ-TREE 2

(112) using the JTT + I + G4 amino acid substitution model. The best-fitted evolutionary model was identified

using ModelTest-NG (113). Bootstrapping was performed with 1000 replicates of Ultrafast Bootstraps (114)

and 1000 replicates of SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test (115).


We thank plant material and for support with M. paleaceafor the Carella ipand PhilSebastian Schornack

for kindly sharing Guru Radhakrishnanand Giles Oldroydcultures and techniques, M. paleaceaestablishing

Georg Drost for guidance with comparative analysis. -Hajkgenomic resources, and M. paleacea M.S. was

supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/M011194/1).

U.P. is supported by the research project Engineering the Nitrogen Symbiosis for Africa (ENSA), which is

funded by a grant to the University of Cambridge by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Foreign,

Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).


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Figure 1. Transcriptional responses of M. paleacea to R. irregularis colonization

a. Arbuscular mycorrhiza colonisation levels of WT M. paleacea thalli inoculated with R. irregularis at 5, 8 and

11 weeks post-inoculation (WPI). Each datapoint represents the number of sections per thallus in which the

fungal structure was observed. Each independent replicate was screened for all fungal structures over a total

of 10 sections. Bars represent the average number of observations of each fungal structure across all

replicates; b. Venn diagrams of differentially expressed genes (adjusted p-value < 0.05, Log2 fold change >

|1|) in pairwise comparisons of mock and R. irregularis-colonised thalli at 5WPI, 8WPI and 11WPI; c. Volcano

plots of differentially expressed genes in pairwise comparisons of mock and R. irregularis-colonised thalli at

5WPI, 8WPI and 11WPI. Significantly differentially expressed genes are displayed in magenta. NS = non-

significant; Log2 FC = past the Log2 fold change threshold; P = past the P-value threshold; P & Log2 FC =

past Log2 fold change and adjusted P-value threshold.

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Figure 2. Comparison of AMS transcriptional responses in M. paleacea and M. truncatula colonized by

R. irregularis.

a. Scatterplot displaying the direction of Log2 fold change (L2FC) in gene expression of M. paleacea and M.

truncatula single-copy orthologs differentially expressed during AMS colonization. M. truncatula L2FC values

obtained from Luginbuehl et al. (2017). Only orthologs significantly differentially expressed in both species

(L2FC>|1|, adjusted P-value < 0.05) are shown; b. Heatmap of differentially expressed M. paleacea genes

with a M. truncatula ortholog upregulated during AMS colonization. Only sequences with known gene names

in M. truncatula are displayed for ease of representation, full figure available in Supplementary Fig. 2.

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Table 1. List of Single copy orthologs differentially expressed in M. paleacea and M. truncatula during

AMS. Only genes significantly DE (adjusted p-value<0.05 & Log2 fold change>|1|) in both M. paleacea and

M. truncatula (19) are shown; L2FC = Log2 fold change; 11WPI = 11 weeks post inoculation; 27DPI= 27 days

post inoculation.

M. paleacea gene ID

M. paleacea (11WPI) L2FC

M. truncatula gene ID

M. truncatula (27DPI) L2FC⁺

M. truncatula gene annotation

M. truncatula Gene name

MPA6262 3.850 Medtr5g030910 364.363 white-brown-complex ABC transporter family*


MPA27420 6.722 Medtr4g035250 306.007 hypothetical protein HYP

MPA16461 5.821 Medtr8g107450 70.274 white-brown-complex ABC transporter family*


MPA21535 5.107 Medtr4g097510 28.68 enoyl-(acyl carrier) reductase*


MPA18294 0.998 Medtr8g074920 7.263 MtSPK2 serine/threonine receptor like kinase


MPA10861 4.119 Medtr6g027840 5.570 ankyrin repeat RF-like protein, putative


MPA24714 1.069 Medtr3g076630 3.157 pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 beta subunit*


MPA26016 1.526 Medtr5g033490 3.097 LysM type receptor kinase LYK10

MPA26315 2.936 Medtr1g105965 2.991 pyruvate kinase family protein*

MPA24462 -3.459 Medtr2g014300 2.310 AP2/ERF TF ethylene response factor


MPA16240 1.173 Medtr8g024310 2.229 pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit*


MPA19145 1.066 Medtr7g078070 1.772 cysteine synthase/L-3-cyanoalanine synthase

* genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis/transport; ⁺ M. truncatula L2FC data from Luginbuehl et al. (2017).

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