track maven - the huge list of 127 marketing tools

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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The huge list of 127 marketing tools


The Huge List of 127 Marketing Tools +11 Bonus Sales Tools!


Marketing Automation







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Data and Interactions



Bonus: Sales

What links all the tools in your marketing tool belt together? Marketing

Automation. Marketing efforts can be successful to a certain, short-

term extent without a cohesive marketing automation tool, but you will

ultimately reach a tipping point in scale and complexity

where marketing automation will become a necessity. Here are a few

marketing automation platforms to consider.

(Tip: Click the tool name to learn more!)



1. HUBSPOT- Hubspot essentially owns the term “inbound marketing” and it shines through their automation software.2. PARDOT- “B2B Marketing Automation.” Aims to help align sales and marketing.3. EXACTTARGET- Providing “powerful digital marketing software for the Fortune 500″ to small businesses

4. ELOQUA- “Marketing Automation and Revenue Performance Management” and wants you to become a “modern marketer.”5. MARKETO- “Marketing Software. Easy. Powerful. Complete.” 6. SILVERPOP- Provides Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, and Digital Marketing Products & Apps.

7. INFUSIONSOFT- “Sales and marketing software built for

small business.”8. ACT-ON- “Fresh approach to marketing automation that

gives you full functionality without complexity other systems

impose on you.”

SEOHere are some Search Engine Optimization tools that

are designed to help you optimize your keyword

usage, back-links, and WordPress site.

9. SEMRUSH- Advanced SEO Keyword search.

10. YOAST- WordPress plugins to ramp up your SEO game. I’m a

fan of the button that changes colors showing if your SEO has been

optimized in a blog post.

11. OPEN SITE EXPLORER- The Search Engine for Links.

12. NERDYDATA- An awesome search engine where you can

search HTML, find back-links, track competitors, and generate leads.

13. AUTHORITY LABS- Helps a user get a clearer picture of

how search engines are displaying their brands.

SocialThere are an endless amount of social tools out there, but here are the standouts to improve engagement and narrow your target audience. These tools range from scheduling to impression targeting to help all of your social outlets.

14. SOCEDO- “Helps you discover new social prospects that match your custom criteria and qualify them via automated engagement.” !15. TOPSY- Analyzes content on Twitter in real-time and sorted by relevance or date. 16. STORIFY- “Making the social web into stories.”

17. TAGBOARD- Track hashtags on Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram, Google+, Vine, or

18. FOLLOWERWONK- “Twitter analytics, follower segmentation, social graph tracking, and more.”

19. SOCIALBRO- A nice real-time dashboard telling you which followers are tweeting at the given time along with some other nifty tools. It syncs up with Buffer, too.

20. FOLLOWGEN- Targeting tweets for more impressions. Currently undergoing a pivot, but stay-tuned for its revamped product. 21. TWERIOD- Want to know the best time to tweet? Download a quick and free report. 22. TWEETDECK- Counting favorites, you can see how many favorites Twitter users have with this app. Tweetdeck also makes it easy to view all of your Twitter feeds.

23. BUFFER- Schedule your Tweets, Facebook posts, and more easily and efficiently. 24. SLIDESHARE- A visually-oriented social media outlet that is great for repurposing content in presentation-form. 25.  JUSTUNFOLLOW- Helps you grow your follower count quickly.

26. HOOTSUITE- Another tool to schedule social media posts, with customizable data too.

Curating content is just as important as creating it. All of

these tools help collect the content you’re looking for —

and some help you share it with your team as well.


27. INC- Share news, ideas, and knowledge in one place. 28. ICEBERGS- Collect ideas, articles, content, inspiration, research, etc. in one place to share with your team. Recently acquired by Pinterest. 29. LITTLE BIRD- Influencer discovery and engagement.

31. FEEDLY- RIP Google Reader and welcome the reader that has a beautiful interface and easily organizes everything for you to read for the day. 32. READABILITY- A web and mobile app that zaps online clutter and saves web articles in a comfortable reading view.

33. FLIPBOARD- Makes your own personalized magazine in a gorgeous, simple format.34. POCKET- Want to read it later? Pocket-it and you can read it on the go too. 35. EVERNOTE- A huge step-up from your average note-taking and gathering.

Need some inspiration? Suffering from writer’s block?

These tools and sites will help you research engaging

topics to keep your audience hungry for more.


36. GOOGLE TRENDS- Explore trending topics

37. BOTTLE NOSE SONAR SOLO- Allows you to search for

any topic to find the hottest trends and what influencers are saying

about the subject in real-time.

38. TWITTER ADVANCED SEARCH- Often forgotten about, the advanced search in Twitter can yield searches in Twitter about topics you are looking for or influencers tweeting about that subject. !39. LINKEDIN GROUPS- Linkedin Groups can be a great source for curation of articles and also for content research. What questions are most frequently asked in the groups you belong to, and how can you answer those questions?

40. LINKEDIN PULSE- Displays news from your favorite sites and your Influencer posts to research topics based on what’s going on in your network’s world. There’s a separate mobile app as well.  41. QUIBB- A professional network to share industry news and analysis. Read, curate, and research what your peers are sharing.

42. MARKETING CHARTS- Fantastic source for marketers looking for charts and data.

43. MEDIUM- “A better place to read and write.” Recently opened to everyone, Medium has become a fast-growing publisher of content across all industries. Medium could be under curation as well, but this is a good place to research topics that people are already engaging with.

44.  SVBTLE- A “new kind of magazine” making it easier for people to discover and research for new ideas.

We’ve suggested many tools to collect, consume, and

share others’ content, but here are some tools to help

you manage and distribute your own.


45. NEWSCRED- Helps brands power content marketing to drive revenue and engagement.46. SKYWORD- Streamlines and automates the content creation and publishing process.47. KAPOST- Content Marketing Software and Content Marketing Platform. Helps marketers use their content to drive more web visitors, nurture leads, and new sales.

48. PARSE.LY- Content management tool providing insights into the content you are publishing. 49. CONTENTLY- A story-telling platform working with journalists, media companies, publishers etc. They have a PRETTY AWESOME BLOG too.

50. PORTENT’S CONTENT IDEA GENERATOR- Simple to use and a little silly, but it helps get your ideas churning when you’re drawing a blank.51. QUORA- Check out the questions people are asking and answer them in your content.52. BRANCH- All about conversations. Talk about your content here and get some discussion out of the conversationalists in this outlet.

53. GOOGLE DRIVE- You can create and keep all your your docs, forms, spreadsheets etc. in one place. 54. THESAURUS- Stop using the same words over and over again. Synonyms, anyone? 55. MW DICTIONARY- Didn’t know what that word meant? That’s what a dictionary is for.

Organizing everything you need to do, remember,

and keep track of is almost a full-time job on its

own. Here are some tools to keep you out of hairy,

disorganized situations.


56. MINDNODE- Easy mind mapping. 57. CARROT TO DO- This to-do list is hilarious. It gamifies task

completion, and calls you out when you don’t.58. GOOGLE CALENDAR- This is one everyone should be using.

Simple calendar that organizes all of your events for the day. My motto is

that if it’s not in my Google Calendar, then it doesn’t exist. 59. BOX- Online file sharing and cloud content management system.

60. WUNDERLIST- The mobile app is very easy to use and

syncs with all of your other devices, so you can keep all of your lists up to date.

61. DROPBOX- Everything in one place (photos, docs, videos),

making them easily shareable for yourself and/or others.62. REMEMBER THE MILK- Multiple lists and tags — and it

can connect with Trello!

63. TRELLO- I’ve often wondered if I can Trello everything in my life

because they make it so easy to maintain goals, create checklists, and outline different processes. Share and store all of your files easily. 64. IFTTT- Create different recipes that allow for all of your apps to

work the way you want them to. One great recipe is for Instagram photos to be instantly created into Twitter pics, so your FOLLOWERS CAN SEE THAT IMAGE IN A TWITTER CARD.

The bulk of your content is text, but visuals shouldn’t take a

backseat. Make sure your images are just as advanced as the

words you are writing. Here are some tools that can step up

your visual game.


65. VSCOCAM - A simple and visually stunning mobile app to use to boost your

pictures.66. AWESOME SCREENSHOT - Need to take a screenshot of the whole page

instead of what’s above the fold? Awesome Screenshot is… awesome for that.67. SNAPPY - An app that was recently shared with our team. Allows for you to take

screenshots of what you are working on and pin them to the top of your screen so you can

see what you wanted to keep tabs on in the first place.

68. SKITCH- Working alongside of Evernote, you can doodle,

highlight, and type over all of those notes you collected. You also can

add arrows to things you want to point out in visuals for your content.69. RESIZE.IT- A site to easily resize all of your images quickly.70. VISUAL.LY- Beautiful infographics.

They even have a CORGI ONE!

71. PIKTOCHART-  A way for you to create your own infographics.

Time to put down that stock photo…72. EASEL.LY-  Not just a way for you to create infographics, but a

way to share them too. Sharing is caring, right?73. TABLEAU- Numbers look a tad boring all alone. Time to

visualize some of that data with Tableau!

74. WORDLE- Tool to generate sweet word clouds.75. ISSUU- Create online magazines.76. FOTOFLEXER- In a bind and can’t use Photoshop?

FotoFlexer has both basic and advanced editing features that can

be matched up to Photoshop.

!There isn’t an “I” in team, so make sure you are in fact working with

the rest of your marketing department (and design and sales too!) to

produce the best possible content. Some of these tools we use as a

team here at TrackMaven. The others are for collaboration outside of

your team to interact with other marketers.


77. JOIN.ME- Online meetings and screen sharing.

78. CLEARSLIDE- Helps to improve customer-facing interactions.

Also another great online meeting and screen sharing product. 79. DOODLE- Simplifies team scheduling.

80. SKYPE- Free internet calls and video calls. Also, did you see

their recent AD?81. HIPCHAT- We use HipChat at TrackMaven. An easy way to

communicate with everyone on the team. Also, here’s a little SECRET… 82. YAMMER- Another communication platform for the office.83. GOTOMEETING- Good for meetings or webinars. Allows

you to interact more with your customers.

84. GOOGLE+ HANGOUTS- Great way to host events or webinars in a more collaborative way, especially since you can organize them by community in Google+.

85. TWIDDHLA- Have a white board in your office taking up too much room, or is it a little crusty from all of the marks and erasures? Here’s a web-based one, so you can collaborate without the clean-up. 86. SCREENHERO- Sharing your screen, but want the person to interact with the project too? ScreenHero allows for collaborative screen sharing.

For marketers in the technology sphere, it’s essential to

understand at least the basics of coding. Take a look at some of

theses resources to expand your technological knowledge.


87. GENERAL ASSEMBLY- In-depth education courses on business foundations, data analysis, digital marketing, mobile development, product design, user experience design, and web development. There are local workshops, online classes, and full-time courses to learn a new set of skills that can help you forge your way into a new career path. 88. SKILLCRUSH- Awesome 10-day email bootcamp for foundational basics and a class you can sign up for to learn more skills.

89. SKILLSHARE- A variety of classes to take on anything from Ruby on Rails to Hand-Lettering. Take them on your own and at your own pace. 90. TREEHOUSE- Step-by-step courses on how to build websites, apps, coding, and other valuable tech lessons.

91. CODECADEMY- Easy to follow coding courses with a “gamified”


92. CODESCHOOL-  An easier way for you to begin coding with set

paths and video lessons.

!93. RICKSHAW-  Want to create your own interactive graphs? It’s a little

more technical, but it’s a free source for you to display your data.

A/B tests, heat maps, personalized messages, clicks, traffic, links etc. can all be seen and tracked with these tools. No more fluffy marketing, please. Get the data behind it, too.

Data and Interaction

94. OPTIMIZE.LY- Helps improve conversions through simple A/B

testing, split testing, and multivariate testing.95. UNBOUNCE- Easy-to-use landing page builder.96. GRAVITY FORMS- Complete contact solution-builder for

WordPress. 97. MIXPANEL- Analytics platform showing you how your

customers are interacting and engaging based on actions in your


98. HELLOBAR- Notification bar, acquired by CrazyEgg.99. BOUNCEEXCHANGE- Helps to convert your bounce traffic.100. DUCKSBOARD- Real-time web dashboard for your metrics.101. ZAPIER- Kind of like IFTTT, but powerful connector for apps.

Automates all of your tasks.

102. GHOSTERY- Find out who’s tracking you or what tools a

website is using.103. WOOPRA- Real-time customer analytics.104. KISSMETRICS- Customer Intelligence and web analytics.105. GECKOBOARD- Real-time business dashboard.

106. MOZ- Mainly centered on SEO at first, but now has an analytics

component to “manage all your inbound efforts.” 107. INTERCOM- From tracking who is logging on to targeting

users with specific messaging, Intercom makes interaction analytics

simple.108. GOOGLE ANALYTICS-  Provides insights, analytics, and data

to your site.

109. SESSIONCAM-  What are your users doing? This takes a look at your users’ sessions inside your product.110. CRAZYEGG-  Heatmaps, scrollmaps, a confetti, and an overlay tool all show what content users are interacting with most on your site.111. BIT.LY-  Super useful link-shortener that can also be connected with your Buffer account. I set up two accounts to look at the clicks for Twitter and Facebook too.

It ’s not time to mourn the passing of email because it’s far

from being dead. Did you know that people who buy products

marketed through email SPEND 138% MORE THAN PEOPLE


email campaigns with some of these tools.


112. AWEBER- Simple and easy-to-use email marketing and auto-responder software. And hey, it’s only $1 to try! 113. TOUTAPP- Track which email templates are working for you. 114. SIGNALS- Real-time notfications that tells you when someone has the potential intent of wanting to talk to you, and shows you a notification when they open your email.

115. MOVABLE INK- Agile email marketing that allows for the content of the emails to adapt to the recipients and their reactions to the emails.

116. MAILCHIMP- Create email newsletters and campaigns easily. 117. CAMPAIGN MONITOR- Another great email campaign tool.

118. RAPPORTIVE- Who is this person emailing you? Or, trying to figure out an email of someone important? Rapportive makes it instantly easier, showing a contact’s picture, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other information. It’s a Gmail plug-in. 119. SENDGRID- Useful email deliverability tool while also monitoring open-rates and click-throughs. 120. CONTACTUALLY- Have so many contacts that you can’t keep up with them? Or, forget to follow-up with them? Contactually makes it so much easier (and fun too with their bucket game).

With marketing tasks piling up every day, productivity must always

be maintained at optimal levels. Here are some tools that help you

make the most of your marketing mix.


121. COFFITIVITY- Not in a coffee shop, but want the surprisingly productive background noise? Well, here you go. 122. CAFFEINE- I know you’ll probably want to take a nap, but you don’t want your computer to go to sleep. Download Caffeine to keep it awake. Really useful for presentations. 123. STAYFOCUSED- Limits the time that you can spend on certain sites so that you can maintain your focus.

124. SELFCONTROL- Avoid distracting sites…like CORGIADDICT.COM 126.WRITTENKITTEN- Helps set a writing goal by rewarding you with a picture of a kitten when you reach that goal. (Now if they only had one with corgi pictures…)127. TWORDS- Nudges you to keep writing and helps track your writing progress.

Bonus: Sales11 Bonus Sales Tools from Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing!

1. LINKEDIN SALES NAVIGATOR- Helps sales (and marketing) find the right people to target.

2. SALESLOFT- Finds contact information for people of a certain qualification.

3. COMPILE- Identifies buying signals and complies contacts. This app will let you know when certain projects of interest are approved.

4. TELLWISE- Tellwise is like marketing automation for the sales team. It creates a lead nurture path that helps sales stay in touch with leads.

5. FACTORLAB- Helps you figure our which questions and observations are most important while meeting with prospects. !6. VISUALIZEROI- A visual, custom ROI calculator for your prospects. !7. CHARLIE- Charlie will look at your Gmail calendar to see what meetings you have, and then send you an email right before summarizing who you are meeting with.

8. QVIDIAN – Allows you to develop custom proposals for your prospects based on a set of modules. 9. INSIDESALES.COM- Automates which prospects you should be talking to next. It even looks up local weather reports to see who would be most likely to answer their phone. 10. APPTUS- Allows you to build the right quotes and package of services for each opportunity. 11. HOOPLA- Keeps track of sales and gives credit to top sales performers.

Resources Check out our Marketing Maven Guides to learn how to optimize your social media and content marketing strategies!

– The Retweet Report !

– The Colossal Content Marketing Report !

– The Stagnant State of Email Data Report !

– The Fortune 500 Instagram Report !

– The Marketing Maven’s Guide to Facebook

Hope you enjoyed these 127 marketing (+11 sales) tools!


Why yes, these are

127 Corgis

The End!

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