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Traffic concept, measurements, statistics

Lecturer: Dmitri A. Moltchanov


Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005


• Traffic concept;

• Traffic measurements;

• Step-by-step traffic modeling procedure;

• Points of interest in traffic modeling;

• Observations from Internet traffic measurements;

• What statistics to capture;

• Estimation of the statistics;

• Choosing a candidate model;

• Fitting parameters of the model;

• Testing for accuracy of approximation;

• Example of the traffic modeling procedure.

Lecture: Traffic concept, measurements, models 2

Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

1. Importance of the trafficThe cost of any telecommunication system depends on the amount of traffic.

The main aims when planning a telecommunication system is to:

• adjust the amount of equipment so that the required quality if satisfied;

• use the equipment as efficient as possible;

• keep costs as small as possible.

Teletraffic theory deals with developing methods suitable for:

• optimization of the structure of the network to satisfy a given traffic;

• adjustment of the amount of equipment to satisfy a given traffic.

Since these both tasks depends upon the amount of traffic we have to define:

• what is the traffic?

• what is the unit of traffic?

We distinguish between circuit-switched and packet switched networks.

Lecture: Traffic concept, measurements, models 3

Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

2. Traffic in circuit-switched networksDefinition: traffic intensity in a pool of resources at t is the number of busy resources at t.

Mean traffic intensity is given by:

Y (T ) =1


∫ T


n(t)dt, (1)

• where n(t) denotes the number of occupied resources (servers) at the time t.

Note the following:

• a pool of resources may be any group of certain servers (i.e. number of trunks);

• statistical moments of the traffic intensity may be calculated for a given period of time T ;

• traffic intensity is usually referred to as average traffic intensity.

Definition: carried traffic AC is the traffic carried by the group of servers during interval T .

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n(t), number of busy trunks

t, time

instantaneous traffic intensity

average traffic intensity

Figure 1: Illustration of the average traffic intensity.

The following is important:

• the carried traffic cannot exceed the number of trunks;

• a single trunk can at most can carry one Erlang of the traffic!

The total traffic carried in a period of time T is called a traffic volume (Erlang-hours).

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

Note the following:

• carried traffic AC is often proportional to income of a network operator;

• losses are usually due to inability to carry all traffic!

Definition: offered traffic A:

• traffic which would be carried if no arrivals were rejected due to a lack of capacity;

• this concept is usually used in theoretical studies:

How to compute offered traffic:

A = λ × s. (2)

• λ: mean number of arrivals per a time unit;

• s: mean service time of arrival.

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So far we defined two different types of traffic. These are:

• offered traffic A;

• carried traffic AC .

• volume of these traffics (A, AC) may not be equal to each other.

Lost (rejected, blocked) traffic: difference between offered traffic and carried traffic:

AL = A − AC . (3)

• the value of lost traffic is reduced by increasing the capacity of the system;

• when the capacity of the system tends to infinity AC → A.

Example: arrival intensity is 10 arrs/m.; mean service time is 2 minutes:

A = 10 · 2 = 20(Erlangs). (4)

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2.1. Traffic variations

Traffic in circuit-switched networks varies according to activity of subscribers:

• traffic is generated by single sources – subscribers;

• subscribers are assumed to be independent.

Measurements have shown that traffic is characterized by two major components:

• stochastic component:

– random generation of calls by subscribers.

• deterministic component:

– nearly deterministic variability of number of calls over days, weeks, months and even years

– cause: subscribers’ needs to make more calls in a certain period of time.

Variations in traffic can be divided into:

• variations in service times;

• variations in number of calls.

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Figure 2: Average number of voice calls: 10 workdays averages, taken from V.B. Iversen.

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Figure 3: Average service times for voice calls: taken from V.B. Iversen.

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Peaks in average number of calls and service time usually depends on:

• whether the exchange is located in residential, rural, or business area;

• on what traffic we look at.

Deterministic nature: traffic patterns looks very similar for a different days:

• traffic patterns are similar during week-days;

• traffic patterns are similar during week-end days;

• traffic patterns are different during week-days and week-end days.

Natural question:

• when the peak number of calls occurs?

• is this peak the same for each day?

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Generally, deterministic variations in the traffic can be divided to:

• 24 hours variations:

– as those we considered previously.

• weekly variations:

– highest traffic: Monday, then on Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.

• year variations:

– for example: there is a very low traffic in vacation times (July in Finland).

• large scale variation:

– traffic increases depending on technology development and economic state of the society.

The following is important:

• we considered a traditional PSTN traffic;

• other traffic types or other circuit-switched networks have their own patterns and variations.

– dial-up Internet via modems;

– voice calls in GSM/IS-95/UMTS mobile networks.

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Figure 4: Average number of modem calls: single day, taken from V.B. Iversen, year 1999.

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Figure 5: Average service times for modem calls: taken from V.B. Iversen.

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2.2. The concept of busy hour

Time consistent busy hour (TCBH):

• time period of 60 minutes during which, measured on a long time, the highest traffic occurs.

Note the following:

• the highest traffic may not occur during the same time every day!

time0 4 8 12 16 20 24


time0 4 8 12 16 20 24


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2.3. Blocking concept

Circuit-switched telecommunications systems:

• are dimensioned so that subscribers are sharing the expensive equipment:

– never dimensioned so that all subscribers can connect at the same time;

– equipment which is separate for each subscriber should be made as cheap as possible.

• there is a concentration from the subscribers towards exchange....





to domestic concentrator international concentrator

Figure 6: Sketch of the telephone exchange.

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What are usual dimensioning rules applied:

• about 5 − 8% of subscribers should be able to make domestic calls at the same time;

– note that each phone is usually used 10 − 16% of the time.

• about 1% of subscribers should be able to make international calls at the same time.

How it is made and what it gives:

• statistical multiplexing at the call level;

• subscriber feels that he has an unrestricted access to all resources.

There should be some problems:

• resources are shared with many others;

• it is possible that a subscriber cannot establish a call.

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When it is not possible to to establish a call it:

• has to wait;

• has to be blocked.

Depending on how system operates we distinguish between:

• loss systems: arrival is lost when there are insufficient resources in the system;

• waiting systems: arrival waits when there are insufficient resources in the system;

• mixed loss-waiting systems: depending on arrival it can wait of get lost.

Networks performance measures in loss systems can be expressed using:

• call congestion B: fraction of call attempts that observes all servers busy;

• time congestion E: fraction of time when all servers are busy;

• traffic congestion C: the fraction of the offered traffic that is not carried.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

3. Traffic in packet-switched networksIn data networks we talk about transmission needs:

• any packet can be of s units in length (bits or bytes);

• any link is characterized by a capacity φ (units per second).

Then the service time for a customer (so-called transmission time) is:


φ. (5)

Utilization ρ of the link is:

ρ =λs

φ, 0 < ρ < 1. (6)

• λ is arrival rate of packets per time unit.

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4. Traffic measurementsTo provide quantitative analysis of telecommunication system we have to:

• provide adequate traffic model:

– determine important statistical parameters of input traffic:

∗ measure traffic patterns;

∗ compute statistical parameters of the patterns.

– match these parameters using appropriate traffic model.

• provide model of the service process;

• carry out analysis of the system under different conditions.

Any traffic measurement is characterized by the following three parameters:

• period of measurement;

• type of measurement;

• parameters under consideration.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

4.1. Why do we need traffic measurements?

There are four main reasons why network traffic measurements are very useful:

• network troubleshooting:

– malfunctioning equipment may disrupt the operation of the network;

– examples: broadcast storm, illegal packet sizes, incorrect addresses, security attacks;

– measurements: may help to locate this equipment.

• protocol/application debugging:

– developers want to test a new, improved version of protocol/application;

– measurements: may reveal ’hidden problems’ of the protocol/applications.

• traffic characterization:

– what is the current workload, what are the future trends?;

– measurements: are required to answer these questions.

• performance evaluation:

– what is the performance of the router, application?

– measurements: are required to characterize the workload.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

4.2. Methods of measurements

Traffic measurements can be implemented using the following operations:

• observing number of events:

– collecting a number of events over a constant time intervals;

– it corresponds to number representation of arrival process;

• observing time intervals:

– collecting data about the lengths of time intervals between events;

– this corresponds to an interval representation of arrival process.

Using these operations we may obtain any characteristic of a traffic process to:

• apply these characteristics to develop a traffic model;

• directly to dimension a system under consideration.

Traffic measuring methods can be divided into two major categories:

• continuous measuring methods: measuring equipment is activated at the instant of the event;

• discrete measuring methods.

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4.3. Discrete measurements

Discrete measurement (so-called scanning method):

• time points are chosen;

• measuring equipment tests whether there have been changes at the measuring time points;

• time points are usually equally separated;

• events between two time points are considered as happened together.



points of measutements

1 1 2 1 2 1 1

Figure 7: Discrete measurements.

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4.4. Active and passive measurements

Whether we monitor real network traffic or some kind of ’artificial’ traffic:

• active traffic measurements;

• passive traffic measurements.

Active measurements:

• packets are generated by a tool to probe the network and measure characteristics:

– ping: tool to estimate network latency to a particular destination in the Internet;

– tracert: tool to determine routing paths;

– pathchar: tool to estimate link capacities and latencies along the Internet path.

Passive measurements:

• network monitor is used to observe and record traffic on an operational network;

• most free measurement tools fall into this category:

– tcpdump;

– Etherial.

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4.5. Software and hardware-based measurements tools

Depending on implementation we distinguish between:

• hardware-based traffic measurement tools;

• software-based traffic measurement tools.

Hardware-based measurement tools:

• equipment (device) with specific functionality;

• often referred to us as traffic analyzers;

• expensive: depends on the number of network interfaces, storage capacity, analysis capabilities;

• usually provide on-line statistical traffic analysis.

Software-based measurement tools:

• specific programs developed for collection and analysis of data;

• are not so expensive sometimes providing the same functionality;

• some examples: tcpdump, Etherial, ping;

• non-specific examples: web servers, proxies, firewalls, providing log files.

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Figure 8: An example of the main window of Etherial with captured trace.

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5. Step-by-step traffic modeling procedureStep-by-step procedure:

• determine the level of interest;

• measure traffic at the point of interest;

• decide what statistics should be captured;

• estimate statistics of traffic observations:

• choose a candidate model;

• fit parameters of the model;

• test accuracy of the model.

We will be dealing with:

• traffic in packet-switched networks;

• different levels of aggregation.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

6. Level of interest for traffic modelingTraffic can be represented:

• at the session level:

– request for downloading files from ftp server;

– request for downloading pages from www server.

• at the packet level.

Which level to choose:

• depends on particular task;

General notes:

• session level:

– usually claimed for follow Poisson process;

– reality might be quite different!

• packet level: any behavior should be expected.

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7. Points of interest in traffic modelingYou have to take into account:

• where you are asked to model the traffic (evaluate performance)?

customer side network side




Figure 9: Points at which traffic is usually measured and modeled.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

7.1. Point 1: particular application:

We distinguish between:

• voice application;

• video application;

• data transfers:

– ftp information;

– http information;

– ssh information.

What is important: properties of transport layer protocol and application:

• UDP: no specific pattern:

– does not affect much properties of application;

– you may model traffic of application only.

• TCP: very specific pattern:

– affect data transmission;

– should be taken into account.

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TCP Tahoe

TCP Reno

Figure 10: TCP traffic pattern: TCP Reno and TCP Tahoe.

• how much traffic does the application have?

• ftp: large files; ssh, e-mail, http: large and small transfers.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

7.2. Point 2: aggregated traffic from a number of applications

We distinguish between:

• heterogenous applications;

• homogenous applications.

customer side





customer side





Figure 11: Homogenous and heterogenous traffic aggregates.

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7.3. Point 3: aggregated network traffic

What is that:

• aggregation of a large number of flows.

access router

access router

access router

backbone router

Figure 12: Aggregated backbone traffic.

• may have quite sophisticated properties;

• practically, cannot be obtained as superposition of individual flows.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8. Observations from the Internet traffic measurementsThe most important fact: Internet traffic changes in time.

Recent observations, trends and facts on the Internet traffic:

• TCP accounts for most of the packet traffic in the Internet;

• traffic flows are bidirectional, but often asymmetric;

• most TCP sessions are short-lived;

• the packet arrival process in the Internet is not Poisson;

• the session arrival process may be approximated by Poisson distribution;

• packet sizes are bimodally distributed;

• packet traffic is non-uniformly distributed;

• aggregate network traffic may have multi-fractal nature;

• Internet traffic continues to changes.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.1. Domination of TCP

TCP accounts for most of the packet traffic in the Internet:

• beginning of 90th:

– it was firstly observed that TCP dominates.

• middle of 90th:

– introduction of multimedia services;

– development of RTP, RTCP, RTSP...;

– UDP share was expected to grow.

• beginning on 2000:

– TCP still dominant protocol;

– multimedia content also extensively use TCP.

Reasons of TCP dominance:

• multimedia is usually place of web pages;

• availability of TCP.

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8.2. Bidirectional asymmetric traffic flows

Traffic flows are bidirectional, but often asymmetric:

• bidirectional exchange of data:

– ftp, http, ssh, e-mail, etc.

• asymmetric traffic pattern:

– ftp, http, ssh, e-mail are all request-response based protocols.

• what are the current trends:

– p2p applications may generate bidirectional asymmetric traffic;

– p2p applications: napster, kazaa, etc.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.3. Short-lived TCP sessions

Most TCP sessions are short-lived:

• almost 90% of TCP connections exchange fewer than 10Kbytes of data in few seconds:

– WWW service: request - response;

– http v1.0: separate connection for an object on a page;

– http v1.1: single connection for a page;

– most pages and objects are less than 10Kbytes in length.

• what the effect:

– heavy-tailed distribution of session sizes.

– heavy-tail: a lot of frequencies corresponding to large histogram bins;

– reasons for heavy-tail: most of the sessions are small, some a big (ftp).

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8.4. Packet arrivals are not homogenous Poisson

The packet arrival process in the Internet is not homogenous Poisson:

• common belief was:

– aggregated traffic is Poisson (or at least Markovian) in nature;

– a lot of studies have been made with Poisson assumption.

• reality:

– arrival process is not homogenous Poisson;

– interarrival times are at least correlated;

– packet arrival process may not be event covariance stationary;

– there can be so-called packet ’clumps’ or ’batches’

• result: packet arrival process is far from common assumptions.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.5. Session arrivals are Poisson

The session arrival process may be approximated by Poisson distribution:

• what are the reasons:

– there are a lot of users getting access to a certain site;

– users can be assume the be independent;

– situation is similar to telephone network where Poisson assumption holds.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.6. Special distribution of packet sizes

Packet sizes are bimodally distributed:

• around 50% of packets are as large as possible:

– these are TCP data packets;

– recall, it is determined by MTU of Ethernet: 1500 bytes;

– around 50% of packets are 1500 bytes in length.

• around 40% of packets are as small as possible:

– these are TCP ACKs;

– recall, it is determined by headers of TCP (20 bytes), IP (20 bytes): 40 bytes;

– around 40% of packets are 40 bytes in length.

• around 10% of packet lengths are uniformly distributed between 40 and 1500;

• additional peaks: fragmentation of IP packets.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.7. Non-uniform distribution of the traffic

Note: it is related to flows in the network!

Packet traffic is non-uniformly distributed:

• around 90% of traffic is between 10% of nodes:

– explanation: client-server configuration of most services.

• this property may change:

– p2p applications.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.8. Unknown patterns of the packet traffic

What was suggested over decades:

• 80th: Poisson nature of the aggregated packet traffic:

– common agreement: this assumption is no longer valid!

• 90th: self-similar nature of the aggregated traffic:

– the most respected hypotheses today;

– seems a little bit strange.

• 2000: is it simply non-stationary?

– probably the correct answer:

– small timescales: stationary;

– long timescales: non-stationary.

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8.9. Changing nature of Internet traffic

Internet traffic continuous to changes:

• what applications dominated over decades:

– 80 − 95: e-mail, remote access;

– 95−: WWW, large file transfers;

– predictions: 2010: p2p, WWW.

• how to deal with:

– you cannot rely upon ’old measurements’;

– new measurements are required.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

8.10. Find more about Internet traffic

Where you may find more about current Internet traffic:

• Internet traffic archive:;

• Internet traffic report:;

• National laboratory for applied network research (NLANR):;

• NLANR measurement and operations analysis team (MOAT):;

• National Internet measurement infrastructure (NIMI):;

• tcpdump measurements software:;

• etherial software:;

• research papers:

– free search engine:;

– free search engine:;

– ieee:

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9. What statistics to captureGeneral answer is not straightforward:

• what are the aims of traffic modeling:

– just propose a new, better traffic model?

– carry out performance evaluation?

– what kind of performance evaluation simulation/analytic?

• how close you are going to describe the traffic:

– trade-off between accuracy and complexity!

– is it sufficient just to get basic ideas?

– is there interest in precise parameters?

• what statistics are important:

– mean, variance, distribution, ACF?

– you can never say before you get results;

– you can never say before you capture a certain parameter.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

9.1. Description of stochastic processes

Note the following for process {S(n), n = 0, 1, . . . }:• full information is given by N -dimensional distribution:

S(t1, s1, t2, s2, . . . ) = Pr{S(t1) ≤ s1, S(t2) ≤ s2, . . . }. (7)

– impossible to deal with;

– never considered in teletraffic theory.

• in most general case we operate with:

– empirical distribution (in terms of the histogram);

– autocorrelation function.

• note the following:

– distribution and ACF: does not fully describe arbitrary process;

– distribution and ACF: gives full description for processes with Normal distribution.

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






(a) Empirical distribution


0 2 4 6 8 100






i, lag

(b) NACF

Figure 13: Empirical distribution and NACF with approximations.

It is advisable to construct both:

• you get a picture how distribution behaves;

• you get a picture how ACF behaves.

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exponential, hyperexponential

gamma, beta, Erlang, Weibull


Figure 14: Forms of distribution.

Note: form may significantly affect results of performance analysis!

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If distribution is hard to capture, capture moments:

• 1st moment: mean;

• 2nd moment: variance;

• 3rd moment: skewness;

• 4th moment: kurtosis;

• higher moments.

If ACF is hard to capture, capture:

• lag-1 ACF only;

• short-range behavior of ACF;

• long-range behaviour of ACF.

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9.2. Importance of moments




Figure 15: Mean and variance of distribution.

• mean: measure of central tendency;

• variance: measure of dispersion.

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sk = 0sk < 0 sk > 0

Figure 16: Skewness of the distribution.

• skewness: normalized third central moment (for symmetric sk = 0);

• skewness: measure of the lopsidedness of the distribution.

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kurt 1

kurt 2

kurt 2 > kurt 2

Figure 17: Kurtosis of the distribution.

• kurtosis: normalized fourth central moment - 3;

• kurtosis: whether the distribution is tall and skinny or short and squat compared to normal.

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Notes on fitting moments:

• if 4 first moments are fitted you may expect fair approximation of histogram;

• sometimes it is easier to fit histogram than more than 2 moments.



Figure 18: Distribution to be approximated.

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Figure 19: Fitting mean and variance results in a number of forms of a distribution.

• different skewness;

• different length on fX(x) axis.

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Figure 20: Fitting mean, variance and skewness limits a number of forms of a distribution.

We still have differences:

• different length on fX(x) axis.

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Figure 21: Fitting mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis may result in a desired distribution.

• if we fit kurtosis we are sure that the length on fX(x) axis is the same;

• 4 moments are fairly enough to get good fitting.

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9.3. Importance of the ACF

Note the following:

• autocorrelation affects results of performance analysis:

The effect may not be straightforward

• autocorrelation in packet arrivals usually leads to more losses;

• autocorrelation in bit errors of the wireless channel may lead to less losses.

ACF manifests itself in two effects:

• short-range dependence:

– more losses and larger delays compared to no autocorrelation.

• long-range dependence:

– more losses and larger delays compared to short-range dependent models.

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short-range dependence

long-range dependence

i < 10-20 i > 50

Figure 22: Long and short-range dependence.

• short-range dependence: K(i) = 0 already for some i < 20 ∼ 30;

• long-range dependence: K(i) �= 0, i > 50.

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single exponential/geometric component

power decay (long-range dependence)

two exponential/geometric components


Figure 23: Common forms of the normalized ACF in traffic models.

• exponential/geometric decay: short-range dependence;

• power decay: long-range dependence.

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mixture of exponential terms


( )k


j j


K i � ��

� �


Figure 24: Power decay can be approximated by sum of exponentials (to the some extent).

• some models have such a kind of ACF;

• example: Markov modulated processes.

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Note on long-range dependence:

• may exists as a consequence of non-stationarity!

• you have to be pretty sure in stationarity:

– anomaly behavior of ACF may be the sign of non-stationarity;

– example: ACF is not strictly decreasing.

– example: ACF is slowly decreasing.

The following is important:

• observations of stationary traffic usually have strictly decreasing ACF;

• however, note the following:

– some anomalies can be due to outbursts that may not be important;

– some anomalies are important.

• you have to have intuition!

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0 25 50 75 1005





i, timeKY(i)

0 25 50 75 1001



i, lag


0 25 50 75 1000




i, timeKY(i)

0 25 50 75 1002




i, lag

Figure 25: Traces and NACFs of non-stationary observations.

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0 25 50 75 1002




i, timeKY(i)

0 25 50 75 1000.5




i, lag


0 25 50 75 10010




i, timeKY(i)

0 25 50 75 1000.5




i, lag

Figure 26: Traces and NACFs of stationary observations.

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9.4. What statistics are important?

Note the following:

• mean value:

– must be captured;

• variance:

– must be captured;

– one may use standard deviation or coefficient of variation instead.

• lag-1 ACF:

– was found to be important;

– may have unexpected effect.

• structure of the ACF:

– sometimes may affect significantly (e.g. long-range dependence).

• histogram of relative frequencies:

– captures all moments of one-dimensional distribution;

– required when you have to be pretty sure.

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9.5. Example of importance of parameters

We consider: SBP+SPP/D/1/K queuing system:

• SBP: switched Bernoulli process;

• SPP: switched Poisson process;

• arrivals of SBP have priority over SPP;

• constant service time of one slot;

• K waiting positions;

• parameters of interest: pdf of waiting time fL(l), pdf of losses fQ(q).

Application: frame transmission process over wireless channels:

• SBP: frame error process;

• SPP: frame arrival process;

• limited buffer of the mobile terminal;

• single wireless channel.

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Figure 27: Effect of the lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient of SPP.

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Figure 28: Effect of the variance of SPP.

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Figure 29: Effect of the form of the distribution of SPP.

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Figure 30: Effect of the lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient of SBP.

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Figure 31: Effect of the variance of SBP.

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9.6. Common matching schemes

Common matching:

• mean and variance:

– usually easy to do;

– used to get mean performance parameters.

• mean, variance and lag-1 ACF:

– there are a number of models and algorithms;

– relatively easy to do.

• mean and ACF:

– there are a number of models and algorithms;

– sometimes not easy to do.

• histogram:

– one may look for analytical distribution;

– usually easy to do using discrete distribution.

• histogram and ACF.

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9.7. Classes of models and characteristics

Classes of models:

• renewal class of models:

– distribution can be arbitrary;

– ACF is zero for all lags: no autocorrelation.

• autoregressive class:

– distribution is normal;

– ACF is a sum of exponential/geometric terms.

• Markov-modulated models:

– distribution can be arbitrary;

– ACF is a sum of exponential/geometric terms.

• models with self similar properties:

– distribution can be either normal (FBM) or arbitrary (F-ARIMA);

– ACF non-zero for large lags: long-range dependence.

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9.8. Receipts

You may use the following when you are to capture:

• first two moments:

– Erlang, hyperexponential, exponential distributions;

– approximation by discrete distribution: p1, p2, . . . , pk such that∑

i pi = 1.

• first m moments:

– special case of phase-type distribution;

– approximation by discrete distribution.

• first two moments and lag-1 of ACF:

– Markov modulated processes;

– autoregressive processes.

• first two moments and ACF:

– Markov modulated processes;

– autoregressive processes.

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10. Estimating statistics of traffic observationsWhat is special in teletraffic:

• usually we have enough statistics to estimate;

• that is, we can capture for days...

• see, Internet Traffic Archive:

What does it mean:

• recall, unbiased and consistent estimate for variance:

σ2[X] =1

N − 1


(Xi − m)2. (8)

– we may not care about 1/(N − 1) and just use 1/N when N is sufficiently large.

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General questions you have to answer at this step:

• is the traffic process ergodic:

– practically, there are no means to test for ergodicity;

– look for reasons for ergodicity of the traffic process;

– ergodic: a single sufficiently long observation can be further used;

– not ergodic: a set of observations must be obtained.

• are there reasons for stationarity of the traffic process?

– practically, there are no means to test for stationarity;

• if stationary (first- or second-order):

– estimate important statistics;

• if not stationary:

– try to change representation of observations;

– another representation may be stationary.

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11. Choosing a candidate modelInput information

• parameters of the traffic that have to be captured;

• a set of traffic models.

What you have to know:

• traffic models and their properties;

• analytical tractability of models:

– simulation: any model is suitable;

– analytical: only tractable models are suitable.


• analytically tractable: renewal models, Markovian models;

• analytically intractable: most non-Markovian models.

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11.1. Example of the problem

Assume we have:

• observations of RV X that is defined on [0,∞);

• we have to capture first two moments of observations:

E[X], C2

< 1. (9)

What one may guess:

• Erlang distribution (E2):

– defined on [0,∞);

– has C2 < 1.

• shifted exponential distribution:

– defined on [d,∞).

– has C2 < 1.

• what to choose?

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Shifted exp: fX(x) = be-b (x-d)

E2: fX(x) = bxe-bx

Figure 32: pdfs of shifted exponential and E2 distributions.


• shifted exponential does not satisfy implicit requirement X ∈ [0,∞)

• we choose Erlang distribution;

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12. Self-similar trafficNote the following:

• it is a common belief nowadays:

– may not be true.

• a way to deal with aggregated network traffic:

– may not be the only approach.

Simple example of deterministic self-similar behavior: Cantor set:

• take a certain subspace of the space (assume rectangle [0, 1][0, 1] in R2);

• scale its size by 1/3 and place in corners on initial subspace;

• do the same for each obtained rectangle;

• continue...

Note: self-similar structures are sometimes called fractals.

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take 2 of length 1/3 and place in corners


Figure 33: Illustration of the 2D Cantor set and 1D Cantor set as ON/OFF traffic.

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Figure 34: Weighted Cantor set with weights 2/3 and 1/3 (we preserve the whole weight).

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Figure 35: Coast of England is an example of fractals: length scales with a timescale.

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Figure 36: Stochastic self-similarity in the network traffic.

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12.1. Definition of self-similarity

Assume we are working with:

• {Y (t), t = 0, 1, . . . }: cumulative arrival process:

– may not be stationary!

• {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }, X(t) = Y (t + 1) − Y (t): process of increments:

– first order difference process: X(t) = ∇Y (t) (recall ARIMA);

– this process is should be covariance stationary with zero mean.

Y(t) X(t)

0 2 4 6 8 1040






0 2 4 6 8 1050



t, time t, time

Figure 37: Example of processes {Y (t), t = 0, 1, . . . } and {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }.

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Define aggregated averaged process of {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } as:

X(m)(n) =1

m(Xnm−m+1 + · · · + Xnm) =




X(t). (10)




{X(n),n = 0,1,..}


(n),n = 5,10,..}


(n),n = 10,20,..}

Figure 38: Averaging the process {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }.

Note: X(m)(n) is the sample mean of the sequence (Xnm−m+1 + · · · + Xnm).

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A process {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } is exactly second-order self-similar if:

γ(k) =σ2

2[(k + 1)2H − 2k2H + (k − 1)2H ], k = 1, 2, . . . , (11)

• γ(k) is ACF of {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . };• such structure implies that γ(k) = γ(m)(k) for all m ≥ 1;

• H is called Hurst parameter;

• for self-similar processes 0.5 < H < 1.

A process {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } is asymptotically second-order self-similar if:

γ(m)(k) = limm→∞


2[(k + 1)2H − 2k2H + (k − 1)2H ], k = 1, 2, . . . . (12)

• γ(m)(k) is ACF of {X(m)(n), n = 0, 1, . . . }.Note the following:

• exactly self-similar: correlation structure is strictly preserved over timescales;

• asymptotically self-similar: correlation structure is preserved under time-aggregation.

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12.2. Self-similarity in terms of distribution

Consider the following:

• continuous time process {Y (t), t ∈ };

Process {Y (t), t ∈ } is self-similar with certain 0 < H < 1 if:

Y (t) = a−HY (at), a > 0, t ≥ 0. (13)

• it means: {Y (t), t ∈ } and {Y (at), t ∈ } normalized by a−H have the same distribution;

• we usually interpret {Y (t), t ∈ } as cumulative arrival function.

What is important:

• {Y (t), t ∈ } cannot be stationary du to normalization factor a−H !

• its increment process can be (does not mean it must) covariance stationary.

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12.3. Long range dependence

Determine variance of {X(m)(n), n = 0, 1, . . . } via variance of {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }:

σ2[X(m)] = E2


m(Xnm−m+1 + · · · + Xnm)



m[Xnm−m+1 + · · · + Xnm]








(m − k)r(k) =

= σ2[X]

[1 + 2


(1 − k



]m−1. (14)

• r(k), k = 1, 2, . . . is the NACF of {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }.Note: if process {X(n), n = 0, 1, . . . } is uncorrelated, {X(n)(m), n = 0, 1, . . . } is uncorrelated.

r(k) = 0, k = 1, 2, . . . , σ2[X(m)] = D[X]m−1. (15)

Note: if process {X(n), n = 0, 1, . . . } is correlated, then for large m we have:

σ2[X(m)] = σ2[X]




)m−1. (16)

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Consider the case when r(k) �= 0 and∑∞

k=−∞ r(k) < ∞:

σ2[X(m)] = σ2[X]Cm−1, (17)

• C is some constant;

• sample variances decay to zero as fact as m−1.

Models that MAY have such behavior:

• Markovian models;

• ARMA(p, q) and its special cases (MA(q), AR(p)).

Where sample variance may decay at slower rate than m−1:

• {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } is self-similar process;

• {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } is non-stationary process.

Where practically: aggregated traffic.

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How to model slower than m−1 decay?

• one should have decay of σ2[X(m)] proportional to m−a, a ∈ (0, 1), why?

– if a = 1 we have limited serial correlation or no correlation at all;

– if a = 0 the process degenerates to constant case.

• it requires the sum in expression for σ2[X(m)] must be proportional to m1−a:


r(k) = Cm1−a, a ∈ (0, 1). (18)

When α < 1, previous implies that the ACF decays so slowly that it is not summable:


r(k) → ∞. (19)

An example of such ACF is a power decaying ACF:

r(k) ∼ Ck−α, α ∈ (0, 1). (20)

• in this case we say that ACF decays as power function.

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0 20 40 60 80 1000.2






empirical ACF

error: +2/sqrt(n)

error: -2/sqrt(n)

i, time


0 20 40 60 80 1000.2






empirical ACF

error: +2/sqrt(n)

error: -2/sqrt(n)

i, time

Figure 39: NACFs of short-range dependent and long-range dependent processes.

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12.4. Values of H

We have the following possibilities:

• H = 0.5: process is completely uncorrelated,∑∞

k=−∞ r(k) is finite;

• 0 < H < 0.5:∑∞

k=−∞ r(k) = 0 that is rarely observed in applications;

• H = 1 leads to r(k) = 1, k = 1, 2, . . . there is linear dependence in the series;

• H > 1: prohibited due to stationarity exposed on {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }.

Self-similarity and long-range dependence:

• there are long-range dependent processes that are not self-similar;

• there are self-similar processes that are not long-range dependent;

• asymptotic self-similar:

– self-similarity leads to long-range dependence;

– long-range dependence leads to self-similarity.

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12.5. Heavy-tailed distributions

Observe the following:

• heavy-tailed distribution is when CPDF is:

Pr{Z > z} ≈ x−a. (21)

– 0 < a < 2 is some constant.

– tails of distribution decreases slowly.

• short-tailed distribution is when CPDF is:

Pr{Z > z} ≈ e−z. (22)

– tails of distribution decreases quickly.

Mote the following:

• 0 < a < 1: infinite mean, infinite variance;

• 1 < a < 2: infinite variance.

We are interested: 1 < a < 2 when only variance is infinite.

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Common heavy-tailed distribution is Pareto:

Pr{Z ≤ z} = 1 −(a



, b ≤ x, (23)

• 0 < a < 2 is the scale parameter;

• b is the location parameter;

• mean is given by:

E[Z] =ab

a − 1. (24)

• variance is infinite.

Note the following:

• gamma distribution has subexponential tail but has a finite variance;

• weibull distribution has subexponential tail but has a finite variance.

Note: main characteristic is high variability:

• may take very large values with non-negligible probabilities;

• sample: a lot of small values and some values are extremely big.

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50 8.33 33.33 75 116.67 158.33 2000





Weibull distributiony


50 8.33 33.33 75 116.67 158.33 2000





Normal distribution

Exponential distributiony

Figure 40: Examples of short-tailed and heavy-tailed distributions.

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12.6. Heavy-tails and predictability

Assume the following:

• we have duration of a lifetime of a certain thing with RV Z;

• time is discrete t = 0, 1, . . . ;

• {A(t), t = 0, 1, . . . } is an indicator process:

– A(t) = 1 something is in;

– A(t) = 0 something already expired.

• we are interested in: something still persists in the future given that it persists now:

U(τ) = Pr{A(τ + 1) = 1|A(τ) = 1}, 1 ≤ t ≤ τ. (25)

We can express U(τ) as:

U(τ) = 1 − Pr{Z = τ}Pr{Z ≥ τ} . (26)

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Assume short-tailed distribution in the form Pr{Z > x} ≈ c1e−c2x:

U(τ) = 1 − Pr{Z = τ}Pr{Z ≥ τ} ≈

≈ 1 − c1e−c2τ − c1e


c1e−c2τ= 1 − (1 − e−c2) = e−c2 . (27)

• prediction is the same for all τ !

• recall exponential distribution.

Assume long-tailed distribution:

U(τ) = 1 − Pr{Z = τ}Pr{Z ≥ τ} ≈

≈ 1 − cτ−a − c(τ + 1)−a

cτ−a= 1 −

(1 −

τ + 1


τ + 1


. (28)

• prediction is different for all τ !

• when τ → ∞, U(τ) → 1!

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12.7. Heavy-tails as a cause of LRD

Let us introduce the following:

• FBM: fractional Brownian motion:

– non-stationary Gaussian process with 0 < H < 1.

• FGN: fractional Brownian noise.

– stationary increment process of FBM with 0 < H < 1;

– distribution is also Gaussian.

Note that when H = 0.5:

• FBM reduces to Brownian motion:

– also non-stationary process.

• FGN reduces to Gaussian noise:

– stationary process;

– completely uncorrelated.

Note: for Gaussian processes distributional and second-order self-similarity are equivalent!

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Consider the following:

• N independent on/off sources Xi(t), i = 1, 2, . . . , N ;

• aggregated process SN(t) =∑N

i=1 X(i)(t).

Figure 41: Examples of on/off sources and their aggregation.

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Consider cumulative process YN(Tt):

YN(Tt) =

∫ Tt





)ds. (29)

• T > 0 is a scale factor.

If the following holds:

Pr{τon > x} ≈ cx−a, x → ∞, 1 < a < 2, c > 0, (30)

For large T and N process YN(Tt) behaves as:


E[τoff ] + E[τon]NTt + CN1/2THBH(t) (31)

• H = (3 − a)/2 is Hurst parameter;

• BH(t) is FBM with Hurst parameter H;

• C > 0 is a constant depending on distributions of τon and τoff ;

• distribution of the off times can be arbitrary (short-tailed or heavy-tailed).

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What we can say about YN(Tt):

• long range dependent (0.5 < H < 1) if 1 < a < 2: on intervals are heavy-tailed:

– distribution of off intervals does not matter.

• long range dependent (0.5 < H < 1) if 1 < a < 2: off intervals are heavy-tailed:

– distribution of on intervals does not matter.

• if off and on intervals are short-tailed it is short-range dependent:

– heavy-tails are required to have self-similarity.


• file sizes distribution has heavy-tail;

• generator: web site with downloading capabilities.

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12.8. Estimating H: variance-time plot

What property we are going to use:

• self-similar process has a slowly decaying variances with increasing of m:

σ2[X](m) = σ2[X]m−β. (32)

• where H = 1 − β/2.

You have to do the following:

• determine several m (it is better to use m = 1, 10, 100, 1000, . . . );

• compute log10 σ2[X(m)/m] and log10 m for each m;

• ignore small values of m;

• fit a least squares fit line through a rest of resulting points in the plane;

• estimate the Hurst parameters as:

H = 1 − β


– where β is the value of estimated asymptotic slope.

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0 1 2 3 4 55









0 20 40 60 80 1000.2






empirical ACF

error: +2/sqrt(n)

error: -2/sqrt(n)

i, time

Figure 42: Example of variance-time plot and ACF of self-similar process (H ≈ 0.82).

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0 20 40 60 80 1000.2






empirical ACF

error: +2/sqrt(n)

error: -2/sqrt(n)

i, time0 1 2 3 4 5









Figure 43: Example of variance-time plot and ACF of a process without self-similarity (H ≈ 0.48).

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12.9. Estimating H: R/S statistics

What we use here:

• R/S (rescaled/adjusted range) statistics:

– practically, measure of decline of variance.

• R/S statistics for self-similar process:


E[R(n)/S(n)] ≈ cnH . (34)

• estimate of H: slope of log-log plot of R/S statistics.

How to compute R/S statistics: for each value d = 10, 20, 30, . . . do:

• compute K points of R/S statistics R(ti, d)/S(ti, d);

• starting points must satisfy (ti − 1) + d ≤ N ;

• estimate H as the slope of log-log graph of R/S statistics.

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Figure 44: Algorithm to compute R/S statistics.

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Figure 45: Estimating Hurst parameter using R/S statistics (H ≈ 0.9).

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12.10. Caution!

Note the following:

• self-similar processes:

– cumulative process {Y (t), t = 0, 1, . . . } may not be stationary;

– increment process {X(t), t = 0, 1, . . . }, Xt = Yt+1 − Y (y) must be stationary;

– note: increment process is just fist difference process.

• some traffic seems to be non-stationary at all:

– deterministic variations: hourly, daily (recall PSTN traffic)!

Stationarity of the process:

• in real traffic depends of the timescale at which traffic is measured;

• recent hypothesis:

– short timescales: stationary behavior;

– long timescales: non-stationary behavior.

Another problem: distinguishing between self-similarity and non-stationarity.

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Illustrative example:

• we generate process segments of which have different mean and variance;

• is this process self-similar?

– NO: both {Y (t), t = 0, 1, . . . } and X(t) = Y (t + 1) − Y (t) are non-stationary!

– can you say that observing only left figure?

Figure 46: First 5E5 and 1E4 observations of non-stationary trace.

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What people usually do:

• estimate Hurst parameter or NACF;

• incorrect conclusion about self-similarity and non-stationarity!


0 20 40 60 80 1000.2






empirical ACF

error: +2/sqrt(n)

error: -2/sqrt(n)

i, time0 1 2 3 4 5









Figure 47: NACF and variance-time plot for non-stationary trace (H ≈ 0.76!!!).

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13. Fit parameters of modelsNote the following:

• no general algorithms;

• algorithms are specific for a class of models;

• there could be more than a single algorithm for a chosen model;

• there could be no algorithm for a chosen model.

General procedure:

• determine parameters of the model:

– these parameters must completely characterize a model;

– not only parameters you are going to capture.

• derive equation relating measuring statistics and parameters:

– note that some parameters can be free.

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14. Tests accuracy of the modelNote the following:

• sometimes is not needed:

– when you exactly match parameters.

• sometimes is needed:

– when approximation is used at a certain step.


• compare distribution and empirical data:

– χ2 test;

– Smirnov’s test.

• compare autocorrelations:

– just visually comparing;

– Q-Q graph.

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15. ExampleWhat we have to do:

• propose a model of the aggregated traffic;

• capture histogram and ACF as close as possible;

• model should be further used in simulation study.

network side



Figure 48: The point at which traffic is to be modeled.

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15.1. Measuring the traffic at the point of interest

We carried out two sufficiently long measurements:

• reality: 2000 observations may not sufficiently long!

• disclaimer: these observations do not represent real traffic of any kind!


0 500 1000 1500 20000







(a) Experiment 1


0 500 1000 1500 20000







(b) Experiment 2

Figure 49: Traffic observations obtained in two experiments.

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15.2. Estimating statistics

What you may guess?

• are they stationary ergodic?

• what kind of distribution these traces come from?

• is the same approximating distribution the same for both traces?

• which model to use to capture statistics?

What to do to get basic knowledge:

• compute statistics;

• analyze statistics to identify properties.

What statistics we usually start in MODELING:

• histogram of relative frequencies;

• normalized autocorrelations function.

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Histograms looks like as follows:

• are they really normal?

• testing using χ2: yes with level of significance α = 0.1!


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






(a) Experiment 1


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






(b) Experiment 2

Figure 50: Histograms of presented traces with normal approximations.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

NACFs look like as follows:

• we have no anomalies;

• such NACFs are inherent for stationary processes.


0 2 4 6 8 100






i, lag

(a) Experiment 1


0 2 4 6 8 100






i, lag

(b) Experiment 2

Figure 51: Normalized ACFs of presented traces with geometric approximations.

Lecture: Traffic concept, measurements, models 117

Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

15.3. Choosing a candidate model

What are our observations:

• observations are stationary ergodic: assumption;

• empirical distribution is normal;

• ACF is distributed according to a single exponential/geometric term.

Which model to guess:

• autoregressive model or order 1: AR(1):

Y (n) = φ0 + φ1Y (n − 1) + ε(n), n = 1, 2, . . . , (35)

– φ0 and φ1 are some parameters, ε ∼ N(0, σ2);

– marginal distribution is normal, NACF K(i) = φi1, i = 0, 1, . . . .

• Markov modulated model:

– may approximate Normal distribution;

– NACF is a sum of exponential/geometric terms.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

15.4. Fitting AR(1) model

What we have to do: estimate the following:

φ0, φ1, σ2[ε]. (36)

Properties of AR(1) model:

• if AR(1) process is covariance stationary we have:

E[Y ] = µY , σ2[Y ] = γY (0), Cov(Y0, Yi) = γY (i). (37)

• µY , σ2[Y ] and γY (i) of AR(1) are related to φ0, φ1 and σ2[ε] as

µY =φ0

1 − φ1

, σ2[Y ] =σ2[ε]

1 − φ21

, γY (i) = φi1γY (0). (38)

• φ0, φ1 and σ2[ε] are related to statistics of observations as:

φ1 = KX(1), φ0 = µX(1 − φ1), σ2[ε] = σ2[X](1 − φ21), (39)

– KX(1), µX and σ2[X] are the lag-1 value of ACF, mean and variance of observations.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

15.5. Testing for accuracy of fitting

Why we need it:

• we were asked to capture histogram and NACF;

• we fit only first two moments and lag-1 value of ACF!

Is there a case when we need not to do testing:

• assume we were to capture only µX , σ2[X] and KX(1);

• since we explicitly fit them, AR(1) model exactly represents them.

What allows us to assume we get fair approximation:

• AR(1) model is characterized by only three parameters that all were matched;

• distribution of AR(1) model is normal;

• NACF of AF(1) models is geometrically distributed.

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Traffic modeling D.Moltchanov, TUT, 2005

The first step:

• generate trace from the model:

– for simplicity you may generate exactly the same amount of observation.

Test histograms using χ2 or Smirnov’s test for two samples:

• first sample: empirical observations;

• second sample: generated from model;

• hypotheses to be tested:

– H0: distributions of two samples are the same;

– H1: distributions of both samples are different.

Test NACFs:

• you may carry out visual test by plotting NACFs of both samples;

• you may test for significant correlation using Box-Ljiung statistics.

Lecture: Traffic concept, measurements, models 121

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