tp-castt notes

Post on 14-May-2015






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TP-CASTTPoetry Analysis Made Easy

Before you read the poem…

T = Title

•Make a prediction about the poem BEFORE you read it

•What do you think the poem will be about based on the title?

Now, read the poem

P = Paraphrase

•Put the poem into your own words.

•Only look at the literal level; don’t try to find deeper meaning yet.

•Look up unfamiliar words.

Then Dig Deeper…

C = Connotation

•Examine the poem for meaning BEYOND the literal.

•Look for figurative language, imagery, and other literary elements.

A = Attitude

•What is the TONE of the poem?

•Notes the author’s attitude towards the subject.

•What tone/attitude does the speaker (narrator of the poem) have?

S = Shift

•Note any shifts in speakers and attitudes.

•Look for key words, time changes, and punctuation. These things can be signals of a shift.

T = Title (yes, again)

•Examine the title again, this time on an interpretive level.

•What does the title mean in relation to the contents of the poem?

T = Theme

•In your own words, what is the poem about?

•What is the poet saying about the subject?•What idea is the poet trying to convey?

BAM! Poem Analysis Complete

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